The Yaniv Lab, focuses on understanding the mechanisms controlling blood and lymphatic vessel formation during embryonic development and pathological conditions. Above 20 million people die every year from CVDs, representing 30 percent of all global deaths. Today it is widely accepted that many of the genes activated during pathological angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are the same ones that play major roles in developmental vessel formation. Therefore, studies as those carried out in our laboratory have tremendous potential clinical relevance, and may unearth novel medically useful molecules.
Karina Yaniv
How do lymphatic vessels form?
Early lymphatic development
In our lab we take advantage of the transparency and genetic amenability of the zebrafish embryo to uncover the mechanisms controlling specification of lymphatic endothelial cells and assembly of lymphatic vessels (Yaniv, 2006). Recently, we have revealed the existence of a novel niche of specialized progenitors, which gives rise to the lymphatic system, and have identified the first “lymphatic-inducing” signal. Moreover, using this factor we have been able to induce lymphatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells, allowing for the first time the generation of human lymphatic endothelial cells in culture (Nicenboim, 2015).
Current projects in the lab involve further understanding of lymphatic formation in the zebrafish embryo, as well as characterization of organ-specific lymphatic vessels. In particular, we are interested in understanding how do lymphatic vessels in the heart form, what are their origins, and what is their putative role during cardiac pathologies. Finally, since the lymphatic system represents the main route for dissemination of metastatic cells, we aim to understand the mechanisms underlying tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis (the formation of new lymphatic vessels), and whether or not they relate to the circuits controlling lymphatic formation during embryonic development. |
Specialized angioblasts in the floor of the Cardinal Vein give rise to the lymphatic system |
Mechanisms of blood vessel formation
The formation of organ-specific vessels: At present it is well accepted that vessels of a particular organ display specific features that enable them to fulfill distinct functions. For instance ECs in the brain, which generate the blood-brain barrier, are structurally different from ECs in the fenestrated capillaries of the kidney or liver. We use transgenic zebrafish expressing fluorescent reporters in different organs, in combination with long-term live imaging to study the mechanisms underlying the formation of organ-specific vessels. In addition, we have developed protocols for UV-mediated photoconversion of restricted populations of ECs, followed by FACS isolation and RNA-Seq analyses. Altogether these studies are expected to shed light on novel players specifically expressed in ECs of certain organs, and responsible for their distinct function.
Angiogenesis related diseases⠀⠀
Lymphatic transdifferentiation and specialized vasculatureThe anal fin (AF), a bony locomotory organ that is established during metamorphosis. As it develops, it attracts rapid vascularization by secondary vessels—a specialized blood vessel type. Although extensive research has been devoted to understanding the physiology of this blood vessel type, its origins, molecular features and specialization mechanisms remained unclear. |
Neurovascular developmentNeurovascular development is the parallel emergence and patterning of the central nervous system (CNS) and the vascular system during embryogenesis. During this process the association and interaction of the different cells from the brain microenvironment (endothelial cells, pericytes, glia, neurons and microglia) results in an organized and functional structure known as neurovascular unit (NVU). Several studies conducted have demonstrated that these same cells are evolutionarily conserved in zebrafish. |
Suppression of transcytosis activity across the blood brain barrier in zebrafishIn the project we are trying to find out what are the mechanisms for the suppressed transcytosis in the BBB using transgenic zebrafish lines which label specific cell types of the neurovascularunit such blood vessels, astrocytes, pericytes, neurons, glia and microglia |
Early lymphatic development
In our lab we take advantage of the transparency and genetic amenability of the zebrafish embryo to uncover the mechanisms controlling specification of lymphatic endothelial cells and assembly of lymphatic vessels (Yaniv, 2006). Recently, we have revealed the existence of a novel niche of specialized progenitors, which gives rise to the lymphatic system, and have identified the first “lymphatic-inducing” signal. Moreover, using this factor we have been able to induce lymphatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells, allowing for the first time the generation of human lymphatic endothelial cells in culture (Nicenboim, 2015).
Current projects in the lab involve further understanding of lymphatic formation in the zebrafish embryo, as well as characterization of organ-specific lymphatic vessels. In particular, we are interested in understanding how do lymphatic vessels in the heart form, what are their origins, and what is their putative role during cardiac pathologies. Finally, since the lymphatic system represents the main route for dissemination of metastatic cells, we aim to understand the mechanisms underlying tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis (the formation of new lymphatic vessels), and whether or not they relate to the circuits controlling lymphatic formation during embryonic development. |
Specialized angioblasts in the floor of the Cardinal Vein give rise to the lymphatic system |
The formation of organ-specific vessels: At present it is well accepted that vessels of a particular organ display specific features that enable them to fulfill distinct functions. For instance ECs in the brain, which generate the blood-brain barrier, are structurally different from ECs in the fenestrated capillaries of the kidney or liver. We use transgenic zebrafish expressing fluorescent reporters in different organs, in combination with long-term live imaging to study the mechanisms underlying the formation of organ-specific vessels. In addition, we have developed protocols for UV-mediated photoconversion of restricted populations of ECs, followed by FACS isolation and RNA-Seq analyses. Altogether these studies are expected to shed light on novel players specifically expressed in ECs of certain organs, and responsible for their distinct function.
Lymphatic transdifferentiation and specialized vasculatureThe anal fin (AF), a bony locomotory organ that is established during metamorphosis. As it develops, it attracts rapid vascularization by secondary vessels—a specialized blood vessel type. Although extensive research has been devoted to understanding the physiology of this blood vessel type, its origins, molecular features and specialization mechanisms remained unclear. |
Neurovascular developmentNeurovascular development is the parallel emergence and patterning of the central nervous system (CNS) and the vascular system during embryogenesis. During this process the association and interaction of the different cells from the brain microenvironment (endothelial cells, pericytes, glia, neurons and microglia) results in an organized and functional structure known as neurovascular unit (NVU). Several studies conducted have demonstrated that these same cells are evolutionarily conserved in zebrafish. |
Suppression of transcytosis activity across the blood brain barrier in zebrafishIn the project we are trying to find out what are the mechanisms for the suppressed transcytosis in the BBB using transgenic zebrafish lines which label specific cell types of the neurovascularunit such blood vessels, astrocytes, pericytes, neurons, glia and microglia |
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Endolysosomal dysfunction in radial glia progenitor cells leads to defective cerebral angiogenesis and compromised blood-brain barrier integrity | Nature Communications | Bassi I., Grunspan M., Hen G., Ravichandran K. A., Moshe N., Gutierrez-Miranda L., Safriel S. R., Kostina D., Shen A., Ruiz de Almodovar C. & Yaniv K. | |
A high-throughput zebrafish screen identifies novel candidate treatments for Kaposiform Lymphangiomatosis (KLA) | BioRxiv | Bassi I., Jabali A., Farag N., Egozi S., Moshe N., Leichner G. S., Geva P., Levin L., Barzilai A., Avivi C., Long J., Otterstrom J. J., Paran Y., Barr H., Yaniv K. & Greenberger S. |
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Generation of specialized blood vessels via lymphatic transdifferentiation | Nature | Das R. N., Tevet Y., Safriel S., Han Y., Moshe N., Lambiase G., Bassi I., Nicenboim J., Brückner M., Hirsch D., Eilam-Altstadter R., Herzog W., Avraham R., Poss K. D. & Yaniv K. | |
How many fish make a mouse? | Nature Cardiovascular Research | Tzahor E. & Yaniv K. |
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Zebrafish mutants provide insights into Apolipoprotein B functions during embryonic development and pathological conditions | JCI Insight | Templehof H., Moshe N., Avraham-Davidi I. & Yaniv K. | |
VEGFC/FLT4-induced cell-cycle arrest mediates sprouting and differentiation of venous and lymphatic endothelial cells | Cell Reports | Jerafi-Vider A., Bassi I., Moshe N., Tevet Y., Hen G., Splittstoesser D., Shin M., Lawson N. D. & Yaniv K. | |
Beyond cells: The extracellular circulating 20S proteasomes | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease | Dwivedi V., Yaniv K. & Sharon M. |
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Discovering New Progenitor Cell Populations through Lineage Tracing and In Vivo Imaging | A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection | Das R. N. & Yaniv K. | |
Cellular Origins of the Lymphatic Endothelium: Implications for Cancer Lymphangiogenesis: Implications for Cancer Lymphangiogenesis | Frontiers in Physiology | Gutierrez-Miranda L. & Yaniv K. | |
Formation and Growth of Cardiac Lymphatics during Embryonic Development, Heart Regeneration, and Disease | A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection | Gancz D., Perlmoter G. & Yaniv K. | |
BACH family members regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by modulating VEGFC expression | Life Science Alliance | Cohen B., Tempelhof H., Raz T., Oren R., Nicenboim J., Bochner F., Even R., Jelinski A., Eilam R., Ben-Dor S., Adaddi Y., Golani O., Lazar S., Yaniv K. & Neeman M. |
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Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms contribute to lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and regeneration | eLife | Gancz D., Raftrey B. C., Perlmoter G., Marin-Juez R., Semo J., Matsuoka R. L., Karra R., Raviv H., Moshe N., Addadi Y., Golani O., Poss K. D., Red-Horse K., Stainier D. Y. R. & Yaniv K. | |
Intercellular pathways from the vasculature to the forming bone in the zebrafish larval caudal fin: Possible role in bone formation | Journal of Structural Biology | Akiva A., Nelkenbaum O., Schertel A., Yaniv K., Weiner S. & Addadi L. | |
Transient p53-Mediated Regenerative Senescence in the Injured Heart | Circulation | Sarig R., Rimmer R., Bassat E., Zhang L., Umansky K. B., Lendengolts D., Perlmoter G., Yaniv K. & Tzahor E. |
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Somatic NRAS mutation in patient with generalized lymphatic anomaly | Angiogenesis | Manevitz-Mendelson E., Leichner G. S., Barel O., Davidi-Avrahami I., Ziv-Strasser L., Eyal E., Pessach I., Rimon U., Barzilai A., Hirshberg A., Chechekes K., Amariglio N., Rechavi G., Yaniv K. & Greenberger S. |
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Zebrafish skeleton development: High resolution micro-CT and FIB-SEM block surface serial imaging for phenotype identification | PLoS ONE | Silvent J., Akiva A., Brumfeld V., Reznikov N., Rechav K., Yaniv K., Addadi L. & Weiner S. |
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Mineral Formation in the Larval Zebrafish Tail Bone Occurs via an Acidic Disordered Calcium Phosphate Phase | Journal of the American Chemical Society | Akiva A., Kerschnitzki M., Pinkas I., Wagermaier W., Yaniv K., Fratzl P., Addadi L. & Weiner S. | |
The mid-developmental transition and the evolution of animal body plans | Nature | Levin M., Anavy L., Cole A., Winter E., Mostov N., Khair S., Senderovich N., Kovalev E., Silver D., Feder M., Fernandez-Valverde S., Nakanishi N., Simmons D., Simakov O., Larsson T., Liu S., Jerafi-Vider A., Yaniv K., Ryan J., Martindale M., Rink J., Arendt D., Degnan S., Degnan B., Hashimshony T. & Yanai I. | |
Development of the lymphatic system: new questions and paradigms | Development | Semo J., Nicenboim J. & Yaniv K. | |
A new role of hindbrain boundaries as pools of neural stem/progenitor cells regulated by Sox2 | BMC Biology | Peretz Y., Eren N., Kohl A., Hen G., Yaniv K., Weisinger K., Cinnamon Y. & Sela-Donenfeld D. | |
A new role of hindbrain boundaries as pools of neural stem/progenitor cells regulated by Sox2 | BMC Biol | Peretz Y, Eren N, Kohl A, Hen G, Yaniv K, Weisinger K, Cinnamon Y, Sela-Donenfeld D. |
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Venous-derived angioblasts generate organ-specific vessels during zebrafish embryonic development | Development | Hen G., Nicenboim J., Mayseless O., Asaf L., Shin M., Busolin G., Hofi R., Almog G., Tiso N., Lawson N. D. & Yaniv K. | |
Lymphatic vessels arise from specialized angioblasts within a venous niche | Nature | Nicenboim J., Malkinson G., Lupo T., Asaf L., Sela Y., Mayseless O., Gibbs-Bar L., Senderovich N., Hashimshony T., Shin M. S., Jerafi-Vider A., Avraham-Davidi I., Krupalnik V., Hofi R., Almog G., Astin J. W., Golani O., Ben-Dor S., Crosier P. S., Herzog W., Lawson N. D., Hanna J. H., Yanai I. & Yaniv K. | |
On the pathway of mineral deposition in larval zebrafish caudal fin bone | Bone | Akiva A., Malkinson G., Masic A., Kerschnitzki M., Bennet M., Fratzl P., Addadi L., Weiner S. & Yaniv K. | |
Zebrafish as a model for apolipoprotein biology: Comprehensive expression analysis and a role for ApoA-IV in regulating food intake | Disease Models & Mechanisms | Otis J. P., Zeituni E. M., Thierer J. H., Anderson J. L., Brown A. C., Boehm E. D., Cerchione D. M., Ceasrine A. M., Avraham-Davidi I., Tempelhof H., Yaniv K. & Farber S. A. | |
Development and origins of Zebrafish ocular vasculature | BMC Developmental Biology | Kaufman R., Weiss O., Sebbagh M., Ravid R., Gibbs-Bar L., Yaniv K. & Inbal A. |
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Simultaneous raman microspectroscopy and fluorescence imaging of bone mineralization in living zebrafish larvae | Biophysical Journal | Bennet M., Akiva A., Faivre D., Malkinson G., Yaniv K., Abdelilah-Seyfried S., Fratzl P. & Masic A. |
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Lipid signaling in the endothelium | Experimental Cell Research | Avraham-Davidi I., Grunspan M. & Yaniv K. | |
Zebrafish as a model for monocarboxyl transporter 8-deficiency | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Vatine G. D., Zada D., Lerer-Goldshtein T., Tovin A., Malkinson G., Yaniv K. & Appelbaum L. |
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S1P<sub>1</sub> inhibits sprouting angiogenesis during vascular development | Development (Cambridge) | Ben Shoham S. A., Malkinson G., Krief S., Shwartz Y., Ely Y., Ferrara N., Yaniv K. & Zelzer E. | |
ApoB-containing lipoproteins regulate angiogenesis by modulating expression of VEGF receptor 1 | Nature Medicine | Yaniv K., Avraham-Davidi I., Ely Y., Pham V. N., Castranova D., Grunspan M., Malkinson G., Gibbs-Bar L., Mayseless O., Allmog G., Lo B., Warren C. M., Chen T. T., Ungos J., Kidd K., Shaw K., Rogachev I., Wan W., Murphy P. M. & Farber S. A. |
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CORRIGENDUM : Motoneurons are essential for vascular pathfinding (vol 138, pg 3847) | Development | Lim A. H., Suli A., Yaniv K., Weinstein B. M., Li D. Y. & Chien C. | |
Motoneurons are essential for vascular pathfinding | Development | Lim A. H., Suli A., Yaniv K., Weinstein B., Li D. Y. & Chien C. |
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Endothelial cells promote migration and proliferation of enteric neural crest cells via β1 integrin signaling | Developmental Biology | Nagy N., Mwizerwa O., Yaniv K., Carmel L., Pieretti-Vanmarcke R., Weinstein B. M. & Goldstein A. M. | |
Zebrafish as a new animal model to study lymphangiogenesis | Anatomical Science International | Isogai S., Hitomi J., Yaniv K. & Weinstein B. M. |
Title | Journal | Authors | Download PDF |
Live imaging of lymphatic development in the zebralish embryo | FASEB Journal | Yaniv K., Isogai S., Castranova D. & Weinstein B. M. | |
Imaging the developing lymphatic system using the zebrafish. | Yaniv K., Isogai S., Castranova D., Dye L., Hitomi J. & Weinstein B. M. |
Title | Journal | Authors | Download PDF |
Live imaging of lymphatic development in the zebrafish | Nature Medicine | Yaniv K., Isogai S., Castranova D., Dye L., Hitomi J. & Weinstein B. |
Ayelet Vider Years: 2011-2018 |
Yona Eli Years: 2010-2018 |
Hanoch Tempelhof Years: 2011-2018 |
Julian Nicenboim Years: 2010-2017 |
Dr. Gideon Hen Years: 2011-2014 |
Moshe Grunspan Years: 2011-2016 |
Dr. Yogev Sela Years: 2011-2016 |
Liron Gibbs Bar Years: 2010-2015 |
Dr. Inbal Avraham-Davidi Years: 2010-2015 |
Tal Lupo Years: 2012-2015 |
Oded Mayseless Years: 2010-2014 |
Dr. Guy Malkinson Years: 2010-2014 |
Neta Strasser Years: 2010-2013 |
Press releases
TEDxWhiteCity - Shaping Life from the Shapeless: The Awesome Power of the Embryo
Dr. Karina Yaniv
Ministry of Science- נשים פורצות דרך במדע
aurora-israel - Resolviendo un acertijo linfático
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Contact Us
Dr. Karina Yaniv, Principal Investigator
Faculty Of Biology
Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology
Max and Lillian Candiotty Building, Room 210
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL
Phone: +972-(0)8-9342224