Lampl Ilan
Department of Neurobiology

Cellular and network mechanisms of cortical processing of tactile inputs

Lancet Doron
Department of Molecular Genetics

Molecular recognition and evolution in biological repertoires: from olfaction to the origin of life

Lancet Doron
Department of Molecular Genetics

Harvesting the human genome - from sequence to function
Lapidot Tsvee
Department of Immunology

Mechanism of Stem Cell Migration and Immune Development
Lev Sima
Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Regulatory mechanisms of membrane trafficking and their implications in human diseases
Levkowitz Gil
Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Patterning and Specification of Dopamine- and Oxytocin- Producing Neurons in the Vertebrate Brain
Levy Avraham
Department of Plant Sciences

The Dynamic Plant Genome
Liscovitch Moti
Department of Biological Regulation

Caveolin-1: A multifunctional regulator of cancer cell proliferation and survival
Livneh Zvi
Department of Biological Chemistry

DNA Repair & Mutagenesis: From Molecular Mechanisms to Cancer Risk
Lotem Joseph
Department of Molecular Genetics

Human Cancers Overexpress Genes that are Specific to a Variety of Normal Human Tissues