S |
Sachs Leo
Department of Molecular Genetics
Human Cancers Overexpress Genes that are Specific to a Variety of Normal Human Tissues |
Safran Sam
Department of Materials and Interfaces
Dynamics of active cellular response under stress |
Safro Mark
Department of Structural Biology
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are the link between the worlds of protein and nucleic acid |
Sagi Dov
Department of Neurobiology
Visual Perception & Psychophysics |
Salomon Yoram
Department of Biological Regulation
Vascular targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) stops blood supply and chokes the tumor |
Scherz Avigdor
Department of Plant Sciences
From photosynthesis to cancer therapy-the green pathway |
Schreiber Gideon
Department of Biological Chemistry
Protein-protein interactions: biophysics, design and biological applications |
Schwartz Michal
Department of Neurobiology
Immunity to self and self-maintenance: a unified theory of brain function and dysfunction |
Segal Menahem
Department of Neurobiology
Molecular mechanisms of morphological and functional plasticity in central neurons |
Seger Rony
Department of Biological Regulation
Intracellular signaling cascades |
Shachar Idit
Department of Immunology
The molecular mechanisms controlling homing, differentiation and survival of peripheral lymphocytes
Shai Yechiel
Department of Biological Chemistry
Membrane Proteins and Their Involvement In Infectious Diseases |
Shakhar Guy
Department of Immunology
Imaging cellular communication and motility in the live immune system |
Shaul Yosef
Department of Genetics Molecular
Inter-Molecular Dynamics in Gene Expression |
Sharon Michal
Department of Biological Chemistry
Structure and Function Analysis of the Protein Degradation Machinery |
Shechter Yoram
Department of Biological Chemistry
New technologies to prolong life-time of peptide and protein drugs in vivo |
Shilo Benny
Department of Molecular Genetics
Mechanisms underlying cell-cell communication and cell function during Drosophila development |
Sobolev Vladimir
Department of Plant Sciences
Structural bioinformatics and molecular recognition |
Sperling Joseph
Department of Organic Chemistry
Regulation of alternative splicing in cell nuclei |
Sussman Joel
Departments of Structural Biology & Neurobiology
3D Structural Studies on Nervous System Proteins & Their Complexes with Inhibitors |
Stavans Joel
Depratment of Physics of Complex Systems
Biological Physics of Molecules and Systems |
Sussman Joel
Department of Structural Biology
The Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC): From Gene to Structural Analysis |
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