Sachs Leo
Department of Molecular Genetics

Human Cancers Overexpress Genes that are Specific to a Variety of Normal Human Tissues


Safran Sam
Department of Materials and Interfaces

Dynamics of active cellular response under stress


Safro Mark
Department of Structural Biology

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are the link between the worlds of protein and nucleic acid


Sagi Dov
Department of Neurobiology

Visual Perception & Psychophysics


Salomon Yoram
Department of Biological Regulation

Vascular targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) stops blood supply and chokes the tumor


Scherz Avigdor
Department of Plant Sciences

From photosynthesis to cancer therapy-the green pathway


Schreiber Gideon
Department of Biological Chemistry

Protein-protein interactions: biophysics, design and biological applications


Schwartz Michal
Department of Neurobiology

Immunity to self and self-maintenance: a unified theory of brain function and dysfunction


Segal Menahem
Department of Neurobiology

Molecular mechanisms of morphological and functional plasticity in central neurons


Seger Rony
Department of Biological Regulation

Intracellular signaling cascades


Shachar Idit
Department of Immunology

The molecular mechanisms controlling homing, differentiation and survival of peripheral lymphocytes


Shai Yechiel
Department of Biological Chemistry

Membrane Proteins and Their Involvement In Infectious Diseases


Shakhar Guy
Department of Immunology

Imaging cellular communication and motility in the live immune system


Shaul Yosef
Department of Genetics Molecular

Inter-Molecular Dynamics in Gene Expression


Sharon Michal
Department of Biological Chemistry

Structure and Function Analysis of the Protein Degradation Machinery


Shechter Yoram
Department of Biological Chemistry

New technologies to prolong life-time of peptide and protein drugs in vivo


Shilo Benny
Department of Molecular Genetics

Mechanisms underlying cell-cell communication and cell function during Drosophila development


Sobolev Vladimir
Department of Plant Sciences

Structural bioinformatics and molecular recognition

Sperling Joseph
Department of Organic Chemistry

Regulation of alternative splicing in cell nuclei
Sussman Joel
Departments of Structural Biology & Neurobiology

3D Structural Studies on Nervous System Proteins & Their Complexes with Inhibitors

Stavans Joel
Depratment of Physics of Complex Systems

Biological Physics of Molecules and Systems


Sussman Joel
Department of Structural Biology

The Israel Structural Proteomics Center (ISPC): From Gene to Structural Analysis

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