EU - Horizon 2020 - Smart, green and integrated transport challenge

CSA / Coordination and Support Actions
IA / Innovation Actions
RIA / Research and Innovation Actions


Smart, green and integrated transport



Call Identifier: H2020-DT-ART-2018-2019-2020 

Deadline - 04/04/2018

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
DT-ART-01-2018 Testing, validation and certification procedures for highly automated driving functions under various traffic scenarios based on pilot test data RIA
DT-ART-02-2018 Support for networking activities and impact assessment for road automation CSA

Deadline - 24/04/2019

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
DT-ART-03-2019 Human centred design for the new driver role in highly automated vehicles RIA
DT-ART-04-2019 Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all IA

Deadline - 21/04/2020 - Deadline has been extended from the original 21 April to 28 April 2020

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
DT-ART-05-2020 Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations IA
DT-ART-06-2020 Large-scale, cross-border demonstration of connected and highly automated driving functions for passenger cars IA

Call - 2018-2020 MOBILITY FOR GROWTH

Call Identifier: H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020  

Deadline - 30/01/2018 (First Stage) and 19/09/2018 (Second Stage)

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-1-2018 InCo flagship on reduction of transport impact on air quality Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-2-2018 Sustainable multi-modal inter-urban transport, regional mobility and spatial planning. Buildong a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-3-2018 Harnessing and understanding the impacts of changes in urban mobility on policy making by city-led innovation for sustainable urban mobility Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-4-2018 Hardening vehicle environmental protection systems against tampering Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
MG-2-1-2018 Human Factors in Transport Safety Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA
MG-2-2-2018/a> Marine Accident Response Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems IA
MG-3-1-2018 Multidisciplinary and collaborative aircraft design tools and processes Global leadership and competitiveness RIA
MG-3-2-2018 The Autonomous Ship Global leadership and competitiveness IA
MG-3-3-2018 Driver behaviour and acceptance of connected, cooperative and automated transport Global leadership and competitiveness RIA

Deadline - 04/04/2018

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-3-2018 Harnessing and understanding the impacts of changes in urban mobility on policy making by city-led innovation for sustainable urban mobility Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport CSA
MG-2-3-2018 Airworthiness of mass-market drones Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems CSA
MG-2-4-2018 Coordinating national efforts in modernizing transport infrastructure and provide innovative mobility services Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems CSA
MG-2-5-2018 Innovative technologies for improving aviation safety and certification in icing conditions (InCo flagship) Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA
MG-4-1-2018 New regulatory frameworks to enable effective deployment of emerging technologies and business/operating models for all transport modes Accounting for the people CSA
MG-4-2-2018 Building Open Science platforms in transport research Accounting for the people CSA
MG-4-3-2018 Demographic change and participation of women in transport Accounting for the people RIA
MG-4-4-2018-2019 Support for dissemination events in the field of Transport Research Accounting for the people CSA
MG-BG-01-2018 Unmanned and autonomous survey activities at sea Blue growth RIA

Deadline - 16/01/2019 (First Stage) and 12/09/2019 (Second Stage)

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-10-2019 Logistics solutions that deal with requirements of the 'on demand economy' and for shared-connected and low-emission logistics operations Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-5-2019 Advancements in aerodynamics and innovative propulsion systems for quieter and greener aircrafts Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-8-2019 Retrofit Solutions and Next Generation Propulsion for Waterborne Transport Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport IA
LC-MG-1-9-2019 Upgrading transport infrastructure in order to monitor noise and emissions Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
MG-2-6-2019 Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA
MG-2-7-2019 Safety in an evolving road mobility environment Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA
MG-2-8-2019 Innovative applications of drones for ensuring safety in transport Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA
MG-2-9-2019 InCo Flagship on Integrated multimodal, low-emission freight transport systems and logistics Safe, integrated and resilient transport systems RIA

Deadline - 24/04/2019

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-6-2019 Aviation operations impact on climate change (InCo flagship) Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
LC-MG-1-7-2019 Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid/electric aircraft (InCo flagship) Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport RIA
MG-4-4-2018-2019 Support for dissemination events in the field of Transport Research Accounting for the people CSA
MG-4-5-2019 An inclusive digitally interconnected transport system meeting citizens' needs Accounting for the people RIA
MG-BG-02-2019 Ship emission control scenarios, marine environmental impact and mitigation Blue growth RIA

Deadline - 25/04/2019

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-11-2019 Structuring R&I towards zero emission waterborne transport Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Low-carbon and sustainable transport CSA

Deadline - 09/01/2020 (1st stage) 08/09/20 (2nd stage)

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-12-2020 Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Low-Carbon and Sustainable Transport IA
LC-MG-1-13-2020 Decarbonising long distance shipping Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Low-Carbon and Sustainable Transport RIA
LC-MG-1-14-2020 Understanding and mitigating the effects on public health of emerging non-regulated nanoparticle emissions issues and noise Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Low-Carbon and Sustainable Transport IA
MG-2-11-2020 Network and traffic management for future mobility Safe, Integrated, and Resilient Transport Systems RIA
MG-2-12-2020 Improving road safety by effectively monitoring working patterns and overall fitness of drivers Safe, Integrated, and Resilient Transport Systems RIA

Deadline - 21/04/2020 - Deadline has been extended from the original 21 April to 28 April 2020

Topic identifier Topic title Call sub-area Type of action
LC-MG-1-15-2020 Towards global environmental regulation of supersonic aviation Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Low-Carbon and Sustainable Transport RIA
MG-2-13-2020 Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system Safe, Integrated and Resilient Transport Systems CSA
MG-2-14-2020 The effects of automation on the transport labour force, future working conditions and skills requirements Safe, Integrated and Resilient Transport Systems CSA
MG-3-4-2020 Innovative electric network architectures and systems, optimising global energy, electrical power, data and communication for aviation Global Leadership and Competitiveness RIA
MG-3-5-2020 Next generation multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts, with emphasis on manufacturing, maintenance and recycling Global Leadership and Competitiveness RIA
MG-3-6-2020 Towards sustainable urban air mobility Global Leadership and Competitiveness RIA
MG-3-7-2020 Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards Global Leadership and Competitiveness IA
MG-3-8-2020 'First of a Kind' solutions for sustainable transport and mobility: EU initiative for accelerating EU-wide market access, scale up and derisking Global Leadership and Competitiveness CSA
MG-4-7-2020 Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing Accounting for the People RIA
MG-4-8-2020 Advanced research methods and tools in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers Accounting for the People RIA
MG-4-9-2020 The European mobility culture of tomorrow: Reinventing the wheel? Accounting for the People RIA-LS
MG-4-10-2020 Improving impact and broadening stakeholder engagement in support of transport research and innovation Accounting for the People CSA
MG-BG-03-2020 Under water noise mitigation and environmental impact Blue Growth RIA


Identifier: H2020-LC-GV-2018-2019-2020 

Deadline - 04/04/2018

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
LC-GV-01-2018 Integrated, brand-independent architectures, components and systems for next generation electrified vehicles optimised for the infrastructure IA
LC-GV-02-2018 Virtual product development and production of all types of electrified vehicles and components RIA

Deadline - 24/04/2019

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
LC-GV-03-2019 User centric charging infrastructure IA
LC-GV-04-2019 Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and coaches IA
LC-GV-05-2019 UInCo flagship on “Urban mobility and sustainable electrification in large urban areas in developing and emerging economies” IA

Deadline - 21/04/2020 - Deadline has been extended from the original 21 April to 28 April 2020

Topic identifier Topic title Type of action
LC-GV-06-2020 Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications IA
LC-GV-07-2020 Reducing the environmental impact of hybrid light duty vehicles IA
LC-GV-08-2020 Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use IA
LC-GV-09-2020 Setting up a common European research and innovation strategy for the future of road transport CSA


***Please make sure to provide the RGP with a copy of your application for review prior to submission and of the final submitted application for follow-up purposes!***


See the RGP's H2020 General Information page for submission instructions.


See the RGP's EU-H2020 General Information page for information on: funding schemes, overhead, salaries and wages, tosefet mehkar allowance and effort reporting to be employed in H2020.


See the RGP's H2020 General Information page for a list of the current European Member and Associated States.


See the RGP's EU-H2020 General Information page for advice on Weizmann Institute's policy regarding IP and Consortium Agreements.