Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop for writing a successful ERC Advanced Grant proposal, taking place on Monday, May 5th, 2025, at 09:00-12:30.
The workshop, led by European consultants Malte Beringer from SciencePoint and Stewe Bekk from Bekk Research Support, will include two main tracks:
- Call Analysis- characteristics of the call, its specific aims and scope, submission and evaluation process, and panel structure. A key issue will be the interpretation of the formal evaluation criteria, in light of changes made to the 2024 and 2025 calls, deciphering what the ERC targets in terms of project content and investigator profile. Participants will gain insights on aligning their project ideas with ERC call objectives and choosing appropriate evaluation panels and keywords.
- Proposal best practices – advice for effectively organising the proposal content and strategies, structuring parts B1 and B2 of the application whilst considering the distinct evaluation criteria and audience at each stage. Essential aspects like scientific challenge, project vision, feasibility, and impact will be discussed in addition to how to present the CV and track record, the role of preliminary results, risk assessment and avoiding common pitfalls.
To register for the workshop please email the EU-Desk.
The agency’s submission deadline for the ERC-2025-AdG call is 28 August 2025.
Deadline to VATAT Infrastructures Program - Track for Dedicated Support for Joining International Infrastructures has been extended from the original 12 March (GRP) and 20 March (Agency) to 30 March (RGP) and 6 April 2025 (Agency).
Due to Shushan Purim and a two-day departmental retreat, the RGP Office will be closed between Sunday 16 March and Tuesday 18 March 2025. It will resume operation on Wednesday 19 March 2025.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on these days, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
Due to Shushan Purim and a two-day departmental retreat, the RGP Office will be closed between Sunday, 16 March and Tuesday, 18 March 2025. We will resume operation on Wednesday 19 March 2025.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on these days, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
Deadline to the IOCDF Innovator Award call has been extended from the original 19 February (RGP) and 28 February (Agency) to 12 March (RGP) and 21 March 2025 (Agency).
The European Innovation Council (EIC) will hold an info day about the EIC Pathfinder Challenges on Friday, 4 April 2025. It consists of a plenary session explaining the specific characteristics of EIC Pathfinder Challenge calls, and parallel sessions by the EIC Programme Managers. All parts of the info day will be livestreamed and recorded. To view the agenda, participate in the event or access the recordings afterwords, see the event page.
The EIC Pathfinder Challenges support early-stage development of future technologies within predefined thematic areas, with the aim of achieving specific objectives for each Challenge. It provides up to 4 million euros for 2-5 years, to single applicants or consortia of two or more applicants (subject to the specific conditions of each Challenge).
The Challenges for 2025 are listed below along with references to the relevant pages of the EIC 2025 Work Programme, detailing their scope and objectives:
- Biotech for Climate Resilient Crops and Plant-Based Biomanufacturing (pp. 34-37)
- Generative-AI based Agents to Revolutionize Medical Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer (pp. 37-41)
- Towards autonomous robot collectives delivering collaborative tasks in dynamic unstructured construction environments (pp. 41-46)
- Waste-to-value devices: Circular production of renewable fuels, chemicals and materials (pp. 46-50)
The agency deadline for the EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2025 call is 29 October 2025.
PIs planning to submit proposals to calls under the various Horizon Europe 2025 work programs, please be aware of the EU's new restriction concerning cybersecurity of European 5G communication networks which applies to grants starting in 2025 and after:
If you're planning to apply for EU grants under the Horizon Europe program, you should know about the EU's new restriction concerning cybersecurity of European 5G communication networks.
What this means in simple terms:
- Some companies are considered "high-risk suppliers" for 5G equipment.
- These companies cannot participate in Horizon Europe projects, not as Beneficiaries, or Affiliated Entities, or Associated Partners.
- Currently, Huawei and ZTE are labeled as high-risk suppliers.
- This includes any companies owned or controlled by them.
Important point: Do not include these companies in any EU project you're part of. The list of high-risk suppliers may change over time.
What these terms mean:
- ”Beneficiaries” = partners.
- ”Affiliated Entities” = entities with a (usually legal or capital) link to a beneficiary and which implement parts of the action and are allowed to charge costs directly to the grant.
- ”Associated Partners” = entities that implement action tasks, but without receiving EU funding.
For questions, please contact Aviva Goldstein at the RGP Office.
GIF advised that deadline for submitting the pre-proposals under its Nexus Solo track and Collaborative track has been extended from the original 22 January (RGP) and 1 February (Agency) to 24 March (RGP) and 31 March 2025 (Agency).
Full proposal deadline to the Pazy Foundation calls (Research Grants; Research Grants for Young Researchers and Equipment Grants) for those invited to submit has been extended from the original 9 February (RGP) and 16 February (Agency) and is now 23 February (RGP) and 2 March 2025 (Agency).
Please note that the Weizmann - Tom and Mary Beck Center for Advanced and Intelligent Materials (C-AIM) call has changed: There is NO NEED for collaboration in this program.
IMOS updated the National Track Research Grants call so that in the pre-proposals evaluation stage the extra 10 points will be given not only to PIs who served in the reserves during the "Iron Swords" war for 100 days or more, but also in case their partners served in reserves. Please note that eligibility under these criteria will be subject to the submission of relevant documents with the pre-proposal, as detailed in the submission guidelines.
Researcher are invited to participated in a webinar organized by ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programs and will be held on Wednesday 29 January 2025 between 10:00-11:00 via Zoom. The webinar will present the Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder funding scheme and the 2025 calls. To participate in the webinar, register on the event page.
The EIC Pathfinder supports early-stage development of future technologies (TRLs 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research. The EIC Pathfinder has two type yearly calls an ‘Open’ call and a ‘Challenges’ call.
The EIC Pathfinder Open is open to collaborative projects in any field of science, technology or application without predefined thematic priorities (‘bottom-up’) and will provide 3 million euros per project with a duration of 2-5 years.
Proposals may be submitted by consortia of three or more independent legal entities with a minimum requirement for at least one legal entity established in a Member State, and at least two other independent legal entities, each established in a different Member State or Associated Country.
The agency deadline for the EIC Pathfinder Open 2025 call is 21 May 2025.
The EIC Pathfinder Challenges supports coherent portfolios of projects within predefined thematic areas with the aim of achieving specific objectives for each Challenge and will provide 4 million euros per project with a duration of 2-5 years.
The Challenges for 2025 are:
- Solar-to-X devices for the decentralized prosumption of renewable fuels, chemicals and materials as climate change mitigation pathway
- Towards cement and concrete as a carbon sink
- Nature inspired alternatives for food packaging and films for agriculture
- Strengthening the sustainability and resilience of EU space infrastructure
Proposals may be submitted by any of the following:
- Single legal entities established in a Member State or an Associated Country (excluding mid-caps and larger companies);
- Consortia of two independent legal entities from two different Member States or Associated Countries;
- Consortia of three or more independent legal entities. There is a minimum requirement for at least one legal entity established in a Member State, and at least two other independent legal entities, each established in a different Member State or Associated Country.
The agency deadline for the EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2025 call is 29 October 2025.
WIS Staff Scientists are welcome to attend an overview of the Research Grants & Projects (RGP) Office activities and introduction to grant opportunities, planned to take place on Tuesday, 14 January 2025 between 11:00 and 12:30 at the Zacks Hall (Stone Building).
In the meeting will be presented, among other issues, RGP structure and activities, overview of grant opportunities, the RGP website and its various parts and functions, means of searching for funding opportunities, as well as filtering options for Tosafot Mechkar and potential collaborations.
- 10:40: Coffee and refreshments
- 11:00-11:15: Prof. Ziv Reich (Vice President) – opening remarks
Dr. Doron Amit (Head of RGP) – overview of RGP activities - 11:15-12:00: Dr. Danna Piroyansky (Research Information Officer, RGP) – RGP website and bulletin presentation
- 12:00-12:30: Q&A
In order to prepare, staff scientists wishing to participate in the meeting are asked to register (via email to by 7 January 2025.
Deadline to VATAT's Moonshot Research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centers ("Mokdey Mechkar") call has been extended from the original 22 January (RGP) and 30 January (Agency) to 23 February (RGP) and 2 March 2025 (Agency).
WIS Staff Scientists are welcome to attend an overview of the Research Grants & Projects (RGP) Office activities and introduction to grant opportunities, planned to take place on Tuesday, 14 January 2025 between 11:00 and 12:30 at the Zacks Hall (Stone Building).
In the meeting will be presented, among other issues, RGP structure and activities, overview of grant opportunities, the RGP website and its various parts and functions, means of searching for funding opportunities, as well as filtering options for Tosafot Mechkar and potential collaborations.
- 10:40: Coffee and refreshments
- 11:00-11:15: Prof. Ziv Reich (Vice President) – opening remarks
Dr. Doron Amit (Head of RGP) – overview of RGP activities - 11:15-12:00: Dr. Danna Piroyansky (Research Information Officer, RGP) – RGP website and bulletin presentation
- 12:00-12:30: Q&A
In order to prepare, staff scientists wishing to participate in the meeting are asked to register (via email to by 7 January 2025.
LOI deadline to the Hecht Foundation Medical Research and Practices Research Grants call has been extended FOR A SECOND TIME to 25 December 2024 (to the RGP). In addition, the amount offered by the agency has changed and applicants may request lower funding levels of those indicated before: $2M to $2.5M per project.
ISERD, the Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate, invites researchers to participate in an informative webinar on December 29, 2024, at 11:00-12:00 about the upcoming Israeli Delegation to Cyprus.
The delegation, scheduled for February 25–26, 2025, aims to foster collaborations between Israeli and Cypriot researchers, industries, and academics for joint submissions to Horizon Europe calls in the fields of Energy-Cluster 5 (Destination: sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply) and Civil Security-Cluster 3 (Destinations: resilient infrastructure, disaster-resilient society for Europe, increased cybersecurity).
See here for additional information and registration.
AgroServ enables researchers from academia and industry and all practitioners who are interested in doing research in agroecology to access installations and services across Europe, with a Catalogue of services provided by the 11 Research Infrastructures within AgroServ. Deadline has been extended from the original 15 January 2025 to 26 March 2025 at 16:00 (CET). Additional information is available here.
Deadline to the WIS-Faivovich call has been extended from the original 15 December 2024 to 9 January 2025 (RGP).
LOI deadline to three FARA programs (Bronya J. Keats Award; Keith Michael Andrus Cardiac Research Award; and Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award) has been extended from the original 27 October (RGP) and 1 November 2024 (Agency) to 9 February (RGP) and 15 February 2025 (Agency). In addition, budgets amount have changed.
IMOH advised that the call "Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Neuroscience of Pain" under the NEURON ERA-Net has published a preliminary announcement. Interested applicants are encouraged to initiate scientific contacts with potential project consortium partners for applications.
The final call information is expected to be published on 7 January 2025. As soon as full and final information on the call will be available and the call is reviewed, it will be published on the RGP website and included in the bulletin.
The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) and the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) invite Israeli researchers from industry and academia to learn about The Trillion Parameters Consortium (TPC) model and explore its research collaboration opportunities. A webinar will take place on 10 December 2024 at 16:00 (Israel Time). See here for additional information and registration.
Please note: The Israel Innovation Authority is not a partner of TPC and is only bringing up this collaboration opportunity as part of its strategy to introduce development opportunities to the Israeli ecosystem.
Pre-proposal deadline to the Pazy Foundation calls (Research Grants; Research Grants for Young Researchers and Equipment Grants) has been extended for a second time and is now 19 December (RGP) and 26 December 2024 (Agency). Full proposal submission remain as before and is only for those invited to submit.
LOI deadline to the Medical Research and Practices Research Grants of the Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation has been extended from the original 28 November to 10 December 2024 (to the RGP).
Bina is launching a new program for drug discovery that aims to identify scientific breakthroughs in biological processes, disease mechanisms and potential drug targets that can serve as the basis for the development of new drugs and therapies. All projects will be mentored and supervised by Bina’s teams and professional advisors. Pre-proposal deadline is 12 December 2024. See here for the call and submission to it.
Pre-proposal deadline to the Pazy Foundation calls (Research Grants; Research Grants for Young Researchers and Equipment Grants) has been extended from the original 14 November (RGP) and 21 November (Agency) to 12 December (RGP) and 19 December 2024 (Agency). Full proposal submission remain as before and is only for those invited to submit.
ISERD, in collaboration with IUCC and research authorities, invites researchers to a dedicated webinar on 27 November 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30 to explore the EuroHPC program’s supercomputing resources. Discover how to leverage this powerful infrastructure to accelerate your research in Europe. Additional information and registration are available here.
Deadline to the FRA-WIS-CNIO Joint Call has been extended from the original 14 November to 4 December 2024 (to the RGP).
AgroServ enables researchers from academia and industry and all practitioners who are interested in doing research in agroecology to access installations and services across Europe, with a Catalogue of services provided by the 11 Research Infrastructures within AgroServ. Deadline is 15 January 2025 at 16:00 (CET). Additional information is available here.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2025 in the PRARP and BCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the IMOS-Hungary call for proposal has been extended from the original 15 October (RGP) and 30 October (Agency) to 13 November (RGP) and 20 November 2024 (Agency).
Deadline to the British Council Wohl Clean Growth Alliance Grants call for proposals has been extended (for a second time) from the original 8 September (RGP and 16 September (Agency) to 6 November (RGP) and 15 November 2024 (Agency).
Pre-proposal deadline to the Taejae - Weizmann Collaborative Joint Research Project (TWCJRP) call for proposals has been extended from the original 9 October 2024 to 31 December 2024 (RGP).
All BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines are published by the RGP approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
PIs who had registered to the ISF submission portal are advised that the Agency is considering allowing proposal submission postponement for PIs who are unable to adhere to the deadline due to current circumstances (for example: PIs who are on active duty/reserves service, unusual family or medical circumstances, etc.).
Those whose circumstances are within the above categories are asked to reach out to Tami Koren (; Tel: 2086) and advise re the following:
- Reason why you can’t adhere to the current deadline
- Expected date that you will be able to submit the application
- Any further notes/remarks you would like the agency to be aware of
For any additional information or assistance on this matter please contact Tami Koren directly.
The MIT-Kalaniyot program, created in the aftermath of October 7th by Jewish faculty at MIT, is accepting applications from faculty in Israel to spend their sabbatical at MIT. MIT-Kalaniyot welcomes applications from all faculty and researchers who hold sabbatical-eligible academic or research appointments at Israeli research institutions. Additional information is available here, with application deadline on 15 December 2024.
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund is part of MIT Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT GSF program supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 10 December 2024.
- MIT-Israel Zuckerman STEM Fund: Primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in universities in Israel. This fund is open to MIT faculty from all disciplines to collaborate with Israeli faculty.
- MIT-Israel Broshy Medical and Healthcare Fund: Supports MIT faculty from all disciplines to collaborate with researchers at all Israeli universities on medical and health related research. Priority will be given for research collaborations related to Brain and Cognitive Science research.
During the Tishrei holidays (Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be closed on the following dates:
- Thursday-Thursday, 16-24 October 2024 (collective WIS vacation)
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
The ERC 2025 Consolidator Grant (CoG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 14.01.2025. The Consolidator Grant provides funding of up to €2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD was 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2025 (1.1.2013 to 31.12.2017).
Change in PhD reference date: as of 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be closed on the following dates:
- Wednesday-Thursday, 2-3 October 2024
- Thursday-Thursday, 16-24 October 2024 (collective WIS vacation)
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be closed on the following dates:
- Wednesday-Thursday, 2-3 October 2024
- Thursday-Thursday, 16-24 October 2024 (collective WIS vacation)
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Thursday, 19 September 2024.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
Deadline to the British Council Wohl Clean Growth Alliance Grants call for proposals has been extended from the original 8 September (RGP and 16 September (Agency) to 23 September (RGP) and 30 September 2024 (Agency).
Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline. Funded access to structural biology is available for researchers worldwide, for projects with a cancer-related topic.
The Call is planned to remain open until 28 November 2024, 2pm CET; application is available here.
The Foundational Research in Robotics Program has been added to the list of BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines). These are available in a single RGP webpage. This particular program supports research on robotic systems that exhibit significant levels of both computational capability and physical complexity.
BSF information on this and other BSF-NSF programs is available here.
The ISF invites researchers to meetings on the agency's evaluation process. The meetings will be led by a scientific director from the ISF, and in them will be explained the evaluation process in the individual research grant track. Note that the meetings will not deal with submission guidelines and rules.
Interested researchers are requested to register at the relevant link below. Links to the meetings will be sent near their time.
- Life Sciences and Medicine: 16.9.24 at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom. Register here.
- Exact sciences and technology: 17.9.24 at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Register here.
- Social Sciences: 19.9.24 at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom. Register here.
- Humanities: 8.10.24 at 10:00 a.m. in the Albert Einstein Square Auditorium, Jerusalem. Register here.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the GBMRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The ISF advised that the inclusion of its Breakthrough Research Grants ("MAPATZ") Program in the upcoming submission cycle (November 2024) is not guaranteed, as it currently awaits VATAT'S confirmation and budget allocation.
Upon receiving further information from the agency, details will be circulated via the relevant RGP webpages and included in the RGP bulletin. For further information please contact Tami Koren (
The BSF advised that, in order to refrain from colliding with this year's ISF deadline, the BSF's next application cycle will close on 4 December 2024 (instead of 20 November 2024 as initially advised).
The relevant RGP webpages will be updated accordingly as soon as the full guidelines are available and calls included in the RGP bulletin. For further information please contact Tami Koren (
The ISF advised that in light of the ongoing situation and uncertainty, it wishes to update potential applicants of the upcoming cycle's expected submission deadlines ahead of time. As a reminder, starting from this cycle, a researcher will be able to submit only one application for only one of ISF's research tracks available in that cycle.
For this year's cycle proposals will be invited in the following programs:
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - ISF Joint Program: Registration 14/10/24; Submission 12/11/24
- Individual Research Grants: Registration: 5/11/24; Submission: 19/11/24
- Breakthrough Research Grants ("MAPATZ"): Registration: 5/11/24; Submission: 19/11/24
- Biomedical Research Grants ("MAVRI"): Registration: 5/11/24; Submission: 19/11/24
- Quantum Science and Technology: Registration: 5/11/24; Submission: 19/11/24
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - ISF Joint Research Program: Registration: 5/11/24; Submission: 19/11/24
- China National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) - ISF Joint Research Program: Registration and Submission deadlines TBD (for joint research in the following areas: Plant sciences and Agriculture, Animal science, Ecology, Marine biology)
- Research Workshops: Registration: 26/11/24; Submission: 10/12/24
- Equipment for New Faculty Grants: Registration: 26/11/24; Submission: 10/12/24
- Mid-Career Researcher Equipment Grants: Registration: 26/11/24; Submission: 10/12/24
In addition, there is a possibility of opening an ISF-Canada program; when ISF has further details these will be circulated.
The relevant RGP webpages will be updated accordingly as soon as the full guidelines are available and calls included in the RGP bulletin. For further information please contact Tami Koren (
The BSF advised that the next cycle for the Regular and Startup Grants applications will open for submissions on 1 September 2024 and close on 20 November 2024. For this year's cycle proposals are invited in the following research areas:
- Chemistry
- Computer Sciences
- Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
- Economics
- Energy Research
- Environmental Research (Air, Water and/or Soil)
- Materials Research
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physics
- Sociology
- Psychology (excluding Psychobiology)
The relevant RGP webpages will be updated accordingly as soon as the full guidelines are available and calls included in the RGP bulletin. For further information please contact Tami Koren (
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the ATRP and DMRDP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
General Information:
The ISF is launching a new scientific cooperation research grants funding program between Israel and Germany for basic research in all fields of knowledge.
The funding program is activated according to the "Lead Agency” model, according to which submission of joint research proposals and the evaluation process are carried out alternately by one of the foundations. The DFG will serve as the Lead Agency in this first submission round, therefore the full joint proposal will need to be submitted by the German PI and will be evaluated at the DFG. In addition, the Israeli researchers will have to submit an administrative application via the ISF online system.
The amount of funding is yet to be specified, however please note that the average ISF Personal Research Grant is approx. 235,000 NIS per year.
Registration and Submission Deadlines:
German PIs must register to the "elan" submission system by 23 October 2024
Israeli PIs must register to the ISF submission portal by 14 October 2024 at 13:00 (Israel time).
German PIs must submit the joint application to DFG via the "elan" submission system by 30 October 2024.
Israeli PIs must finalize the administrative submission using the ISF portal by 12 November 2024 at 13:00 (Israel time).
DFG guidelines are available here.
ISF preliminary guidelines for administrative submission are available here. Full and formal guidelines (with mode of application and eligibility criteria, which might collide with active ISF programs/grants) for the ISF administrative submission will be available via the RGP bulletin and website once the ISF online system opens for submissions by mid-September. Kindly note that this year ISF will limit each PI to only one submission per cycle.
For additional information please contact Tami Koren at
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Ethical Code in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein. See here for WIS Regulations and Compliance at a Glance webpage.
Deadline for Phase 1 submission to the Bezos Earth Fund AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge has been extended from the original 23 July (RGP) and 30 July (Agency) to 6 August (RGP) and 13 August 2024 (Agency).
The ERC 2025 Synergy (SyG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 06/11/2024.
The ERC-SyG is designed to support a group of 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) to jointly address highly novel and ambitious research question/s that can only be answered by the synergised work of top scientists by bringing together their complementary skills, knowledge, methods and resources in unconventional ways. The PIs of any age and career stage The call is open to multiple country, single country and even single institution groups from EU Member States or Associated Countries. One of the Institutions may be established outside the EU or Associated Countries. The grant provides funding of up to €10M for a period of 6 years.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
The ERC 2025 Starting Grant (StG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 15.10.2024. The Starting Grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD was 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2025 (1.1.2018 to 31.12.2022).
Change in PhD reference date: as of 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the IMOS Data-Based Collaboration Between Academia and Ministries or Local Authorities Call has been extended from the original 10 July (RGP) and 17 July (Agency) to 24 July (RGP) and 31 July 2024 (Agency).
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop for writing a successful ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant proposal taking place on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 09:00-12:30. The workshop, led by European consultants Malte Beringer from SciencePoint and Stewe Bekk from Bekk Research Support, will include two main tracks:
- Call Analysis- characteristics of the call, its specific aims and scope, submission and evaluation process, and panel structure. A key issue will be the interpretation of the formal evaluation criteria, in light of changes made to the 2024 calls, deciphering what the ERC targets in terms of project content and investigator profile. Participants will gain insights on aligning their project ideas with ERC call objectives and choosing appropriate evaluation panels and keywords.
- Proposal best practices – advice for effectively organising the proposal content and strategies, structuring parts B1 and B2 of the application whilst considering the distinct evaluation criteria and audience at each stage. Essential aspects like scientific challenge, project vision, feasibility, and impact will be discussed in addition to how to present the CV and track record, the role of preliminary results, risk assessment and avoiding common pitfalls.
To register for the workshop please email the EU-Desk.
The ERC 2025 Work Programme, including the final deadline, will be published later this month.
The tentative submission deadlines are:
ERC-2025-StG call - 15 October 2024
ERC-2025-CoG call - 14 January 2025
AgroServ enables researchers from academia and industry and all practitioners who are interested in doing research in agroecology to access installations and services across Europe, with a Catalogue of services provided by the 11 Research Infrastructures within AgroServ. Deadline is 30 September 2024 at 16:00 (CET). Additional information is available here.
Deadline to IMOS Smart Transport Call has been extended from the original 3 July (RGP) and 10 July (Agency) to 10 July (RGP) and 17 July 2024 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the RTRP, KCRP and NFRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop for writing a successful ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant proposal taking place on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 09:00-12:30. The workshop, led by European consultants Malte Beringer from SciencePoint and Stewe Bekk from Bekk Research Support, will include two main tracks:
- Call Analysis- characteristics of the call, its specific aims and scope, submission and evaluation process, and panel structure. A key issue will be the interpretation of the formal evaluation criteria, in light of changes made to the 2024 calls, deciphering what the ERC targets in terms of project content and investigator profile. Participants will gain insights on aligning their project ideas with ERC call objectives and choosing appropriate evaluation panels and keywords.
- Proposal best practices – advice for effectively organising the proposal content and strategies, structuring parts B1 and B2 of the application whilst considering the distinct evaluation criteria and audience at each stage. Essential aspects like scientific challenge, project vision, feasibility, and impact will be discussed in addition to how to present the CV and track record, the role of preliminary results, risk assessment and avoiding common pitfalls.
To register for the workshop please email the EU-Desk.
The ERC 2025 Work Programme, including the final deadline, will be published later this month.
The tentative submission deadlines are:
ERC-2025-StG call - 15 October 2024
ERC-2025-CoG call - 14 January 2025
ISERD, the Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate will hold an ERC Proof of Concept info session on July 9th between 11:00-12:00. The session will host the ERC- Proof of Concept call coordinator Dr. Line Fredslund Volkers.
The second and final submission deadline of the ERC-2024-PoC call is 17.09.2024.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the TERP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the IMOS Studies Based on Medical Databases (According to the International Standard for Medical Research OMOP on the Kinneret Platform) call has been extended from the original 26 June (RGP) and 3 July (Agency) to 10 July (RGP) and 17 July 2024 (Agency).
Deadline to VATAT Sustainability calls for proposals (except for the Omics Lab call) has been extended from the original 8 July (RGP) and 15 July (Agency) to 24 July (RGP) and 31 July 2024 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the BMFRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the BCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the Minerva Workshop or Group Visit call for proposals has been extended from the original 16 June to 14 July 2024 (to the RGP).
The MICC would like to remind researchers of two prizes offered by the center: The MICC Prizes for Outstanding Staff Scientists and the Call for nomination of PhD students for excellence in cancer research. Information on these calls is available below. Note that application to both calls is NOT administered by the RGP. Please contact Sigal from the MICC ( for any inquiries regarding these calls.
MICC Prizes for Outstanding Staff Scientists 2024:
You are invited to nominate excellent Staff Scientists for the MICC Prizes for Outstanding Staff Scientists. The prizes recognize excellent performance in the research groups working in cancer research.
The nominee must have already served as a Staff Scientist at the Institute for at least three years but no more than 10 years.
3 prizes will be allocated. The sum of each prize is $3000.
The nomination material should be submitted in English as a single PDF file named LastName_FirstName_MICCPrize.pdf, including (in the order detailed hereunder):
1. Nominator’s letter of recommendation: Include one or two lines in English stating which research/work the staff scientist is being nominated for. If the research/work was carried out in collaboration with other scientists, specify the nominee’s contribution with respect to both the initiation of the idea and execution of the work.
2. Nominee’s CV + List of Publications.
3. Two additional letters of recommendation from scientists supporting the nomination (letters of recommendation from scientists outside the Institute are preferred).
4. A brief personal statement of the Staff Scientist (up to one page): All material detailed above must be submitted directly to Sigal by July 25, 2024.
Call for nomination of PhD students for the Vivian Levmore Tannor and Steven David Esses memorial prize for excellence in cancer research:
This is a call for nomination for prizes for excellence in cancer research in memory of Vivian Levmore Tannor and Steven David Esses.
The Moross Integrated Cancer Center will award 4 prizes to PhD students actively involved in cancer research as their main area of research. Each prize will be at the amount of 1, 000$.
You are invited to nominate one student from your research group (no more than one per group, please) as a candidate for this prize. To nominate your student, please send a recommendation letter to Sigal Laor-Shoham Please include also the CV and a list of publications of the student.
Deadline for submission is June 20th, 2024
Interested to go to a Max Planck Institute for one to 12 weeks? Doctoral and post-doctoral candidates as well as PIs of all caliber are warmly invited! No bureaucracy involved: quick approval for immediate travel. Travel and lodging costs fully covered by MPG.
Please contact Dr. Lou Bohlen at This program is valid for two years.
The BSF announced an increase in the budget for the Israeli PIs in NSF-BSF joint applications. BSF will raise the budget for experimental work from 275,000 NIS per year to 330,000 NIS per year and for theoretical/computer-based work from 205,000 NIS per year to 270,000 NIS per year. More than one lab will be able to request up to 150% of the budget. Note that the BSF website works in US currency only and therefore the maximum award money for experimental work increased to 95K/year and for theoretical/computer-based work to 75K/year.
Further to RGP inquiry, BSF advised that the increased funding will be relevant to new applications and also, most likely, to pending applications awaiting formal notification. Any pending applications for which the agency will issue a new award letter will have the updated sum indicated. For assistance with BSF-NSF applications please contact Tami Koren at the RGP (
The ERC 2024 Advanced (AdG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 29.08.2024.
The ERC Advanced Grant is designed to support independent researchers with a track-record of significant research achievements. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the Weizmann-Shimon and Golde Picker Annual Grant call for proposals has been extended from the original 6 June to 30 June 2024 (to the RGP).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the LRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the TBIPHRP and the VRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the MRP, DMDRP, PRORP and the PCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Monday, 20 May 2024.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
Deadline to the pre-proposal application of the BARD, USDA-NIFA and IMOS - Nutritional Security Program has been extended (for a second time) to the 15 May (RGP) and 22 May 2024.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop for writing a successful ERC Advanced Grant proposal taking place on Monday, 27 May 2024 at 09:00-12:30.
The workshop, led by European consultants Malte Beringer from SciencePoint and Stewe Bekk from Bekk Research Support, will include two main tracks:
- Call Analysis- characteristics of the call, its specific aims and scope, submission and evaluation process, and panel structure. A key issue will be the interpretation of the formal evaluation criteria, in light of changes made to the 2024 calls, deciphering what the ERC targets in terms of project content and investigator profile. Participants will gain insights on aligning their project ideas with ERC call objectives and choosing appropriate evaluation panels and keywords.
- Proposal best practices – advice for effectively organising the proposal content and strategies, structuring parts B1 and B2 of the application whilst considering the distinct evaluation criteria and audience at each stage. Essential aspects like scientific challenge, project vision, feasibility, and impact will be discussed in addition to how to present the CV and track record, the role of preliminary results, risk assessment and avoiding common pitfalls.
To register for the workshop please email the EU desk.
The agency submission deadline for the ERC-2024-AdG call is 29 August 2024.
LOI deadline to the TSC Alliance call for proposals has been extended from the original 5 May (RGP) and 13 May (Agency) to 20 May (RGP) and 28 May 2024 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the PRCRP, TSCRP and the BCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the Yosemite - American Cancer Society Award has been extended from the original 1 May (RGP) and 10 May (Agency) to 15 May (RGP) and 24 May 2024 (Agency).
Deadline to the pre-proposal application of the BARD, USDA-NIFA and IMOS - Nutritional Security Program has been extended from the original 14 April (RGP) and 1 May 2024 (Agency) to the 5 May (RGP) and 12 May 2024.
Dear researchers and innovators,
If you have a groundbreaking technology or game-changing innovation in any research field, the Horizon Europe European Innovation Council (EIC) can support you on your path to success!
The EIC offers funding opportunities to identify and support breakthrough technologies with the potential to scale up internationally.
We are excited to invite Weizmann researchers to an exclusive EIC Workshop: Unlocking Innovation Excellence, presenting the potential of the EIC funding options:
- The EIC Pathfinder provides crucial support to small consortia by funding scientific research for breakthrough technologies and facilitating early-stage scientific and technological R&D. Its mission is to explore cutting-edge directions in science and technology, disrupt existing fields and markets, and foster innovative solutions that scale up breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations across Europe.
- The EIC Transition is dedicated to taking innovation beyond the lab. It is available for single applicants or small consortia based on eligibility (will be discussed in the workshop). It's your opportunity to mature and validate novel technologies, transforming them from promising concepts to real-world applications.
The workshop will take place on 9 May 2024 between 09:45-12:00 at Zacks Hall, Stone Building.
Workshop agenda:
09:45 Gathering and light refreshments
10:00 Overview of the EIC Pathfinder and Transition programs and calls by Yotam Beit-Yannai, Head of sector and National Contact Point EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition, ISERD
11:00 Success story by Weizmann researcher Prof. Victor Malka, coordinator of the EIC Transition project ‘ebeam4therapy’
11:30 Through the eyes of the evaluator - a presentation by EIC evaluator, Dr. Johny Ghattas
For registration or questions, please contact Dr. Alice Mett or Galit Arazi.
Innovation awaits. See you at the workshop!
Warm regards,
Research Grants and Projects Office
Deadline to the Weizmann – Joint Centers Call on the Human Phenotype Project Research Grant has been extended from the original 15 April to 26 May 2024 (to the RGP).
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop for writing a successful ERC Advanced Grant proposal taking place on Monday, 27 May 2024 at 09:00-12:30.
The workshop, led by European consultants Malte Beringer from SciencePoint and Stewe Bekk from Bekk Research Support, will include two main tracks:
- Call Analysis- characteristics of the call, its specific aims and scope, submission and evaluation process, and panel structure. A key issue will be the interpretation of the formal evaluation criteria, in light of changes made to the 2024 calls, deciphering what the ERC targets in terms of project content and investigator profile. Participants will gain insights on aligning their project ideas with ERC call objectives and choosing appropriate evaluation panels and keywords.
- Proposal best practices – advice for effectively organising the proposal content and strategies, structuring parts B1 and B2 of the application whilst considering the distinct evaluation criteria and audience at each stage. Essential aspects like scientific challenge, project vision, feasibility, and impact will be discussed in addition to how to present the CV and track record, the role of preliminary results, risk assessment and avoiding common pitfalls.
To register for the workshop please email the EU desk.
The agency submission deadline for the ERC-2024-AdG call is 29 August 2024.
During the Passover Holiday (including Hol HaMo'ed) and due to WIS organized vacation, the RGP will be closed. If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance. Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be also closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Passover Holiday (including Hol HaMo'ed) and due to WIS organized vacation, the RGP will be closed. If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance. Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be also closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities call has been extended from the original 3 April to 5 May 2024 (to the RGP).
Deadline to the Weizmann - Staff Scientists Internal Grant Program call has been extended from the original 1 April to 1 May 2024 (to the RGP).
All BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines are published by the RGP approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the PRCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Swiss Society Institute for Cancer Prevention Research call has been extended from the original 31 March to 21 April 2024 (to the RGP).
The Ministry of Health (IMOH) Chief Scientist is interested in hosting researchers looking for partners from different disciplines, to contribute to the advancement of research and its enrichment. See here for additional information. Interested researchers should reach out directly to IMOH by 11 April 2024.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the MBRP, MSRP and the PCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
To register for the webinar and/or the Crowdhelix platform, please contact: Dr. Alice Mett, ext. 4007.
Weizmann researchers are invited to participate in an online webinar on ‘Using the Crowdhelix platform to locate potential partners for EU collaborative funding and building successful consortia’ on Monday 4th March 2024, at 11:00-12:00 Israel time.
The Weizmann Institute is a member of the Crowdhelix global collaboration platform, which connects organizations and researchers with potential partners within its network for participating in Horizon Europe collaborative funding opportunities of mutual interest.
The webinar is intended for Weizmann researchers and will cover the following issues:
- Main features of the platform
- How Weizmann researchers can participate and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities
- Building Consortia- how to design a Consortium for a successful application
IMOS online submission system ("Kidmat HaMada") will not be available between Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 20:00 and Thursday 29 February 2024 in the morning, due to the addition of two features for submission of scientific reports and for submission of institutional documents.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the TBIPHRP and the TBDRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Weizmann researchers are invited to participate in an online webinar on ‘Using the Crowdhelix platform to locate potential partners for EU collaborative funding and building successful consortia’ on Monday 4th March 2024, at 11:00-12:00 Israel time.
The Weizmann Institute is a member of the Crowdhelix global collaboration platform, which connects organizations and researchers with potential partners within its network for participating in Horizon Europe collaborative funding opportunities of mutual interest.
The webinar is intended for Weizmann researchers and will cover the following issues:
- Main features of the platform
- How Weizmann researchers can participate and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities
- Building Consortia- how to design a Consortium for a successful application
To register for the webinar and/or the Crowdhelix platform, please contact: Dr. Alice Mett, ext. 4007.
GIF advised that due to the current special circumstances the deadline for submitting the pre-proposals under its Nexus Solo track and Collaborative track has been extended from the original 14 February (RGP) and 22 February (Agency) to 22 February (RGP) and 29 February 2024 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2024 in the SCIRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the ARP, HRRP, LCRP and TSCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Interested to go to a Max Planck Institute for one to 12 weeks? Doctoral and post-doctoral candidates as well as PIs of all caliber are warmly invited! No bureaucracy involved: quick approval for immediate travel. Travel and lodging costs fully covered by MPG.
Please contact Dr. Lou Bohlen at This program is valid for two years.
Sweat Foundation Ltd. (which operates and develops Sweat Economy, a startup company) issued a call asking for a short literature review and three different approaches/formulas for estimation of the aggregate economic value of physical activity. Amounts offered are between $10K-20K per award and submission deadline is 14 February 2024. More information is available here.
Any potential applicants are asked to contact the RGP ( immediately so that the call's terms can be further reviewed by legal/VP-TT prior to any proposal preparation.
The Universities UK International UK – Israel innovation researcher mobility scheme enables UK higher education institutions (HEIs) to support their UK based researchers and research related staff to develop innovation and / or entrepreneurial skills and enhance existing or build new partnerships with mutually recognised institutions in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs). This scheme welcomes applications from all research disciplines for projects that can demonstrate their innovation and entrepreneurial skills enhancement.
Note that proposals should be submitted by the UK applicant and that funding will be administered by the UK Lead Institute (in case of an award). Submission deadline is 30 January 2024 at 5pm (GMT) and detailed information and guidelines are available here.
IMOS advised that the EU PRIMA 2024 will be having an online Info Day on 16 January 2024, designed to provide an overview of the upcoming call, and to answer questions. See here for more details and for registration. The final call information will be published at a later date. As soon as full and final information on the call is available and the call reviewed, it will be published on the RGP website and included in the weekly bulletin.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Angel Faivovich Foundation for Ecological Research has been extended from the original 10 January to 11 February 2024 (to the RGP).
In light of opening GIF portal for submission of pre-proposals to Nexus Calls, potential applicants are invited to GIF online webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, 23 January 2024 at 5 p.m. Israel time. During this webinar, GIF team will address questions from potential applicants and provide tips related to the pre-proposals.
Participants who wish to attend are kindly asked to register using the following Excel sheet; a Zoom link will be sent directly to them (
The David Lopatie Center for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience is also accepting research grant proposals as part of the Azrieli Institute for Brain and Neural Science Research Center Grants Call. Note that the Center was not listed in the original RFA (circulated on 21 December 2023) yet it is available now for submission by 11 February 2024.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2024 in the ALSRP and PRARP. Note that although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
IMOS advised that throughout 2024 it intends to publish various bi-national calls for proposals under its International Track. The actual publication of these calls, however, is subject to budgetary availability as Israel’s state budget for 2024 is still not finalized. Therefore, at this stage, there is no certainty of budget allocation for these calls. See here the full announcement and the list of expected bi-national calls for 2024.
As a reminder, under IMOS 2024 International Track a researcher can submit only once as a PI and only once as a co-PI, as long as he/she does not have concurrent IMOS funding under a bi-national call (as a PI or as a co-PI) that will overlap with the period of a new project in case of an award. That is, a researcher can submit as a PI and/or as a co-PI once to a National Track call and once to an International Track call, as long as he/she does not already have a funded project during the corresponding period.
For further information and assistance please contact Regina Krizhanovsky at the RGP (
Your post-docs and doctoral students have left because of the war? A new Max Planck Israel Programme has been established to continue their research temporarily in partner groups at the MPG.
For further information, please contact Chaya at the RGP
The EIC Pathfinder Open 2024 call is expected to open on 3.1.2024 and the submission deadline is 7.3.2024.
The Pathfinder Open is a yearly call with a single submission deadline. The deadline date may change from one year to the next.
Call overview:
EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of future technologies at Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 1-4 (further information below), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research. The call is open to projects in any field of science, technology or application without predefined thematic priorities (‘bottom-up’).
- Who is eligible? Consortia of three or more independent legal entities. There is a minimum requirement for at least one legal entity established in a Member State, and at least two other independent legal entities, each established in a different Member State or Associated Country.
- Project coordination: One consortium member should serve as coordinator, who will manage and coordinate the project and will represent the consortium towards the granting authority. Weizmann researchers serving as proposal coordinators are required use the services of a consultancy company that will perform the administrative and financial management of the project on their behalf. If you intend to serve as a proposal coordinator, please inform the RGP of this as soon as possible.
- Grant budget: Requested budget of 3 million Euros is considered appropriate. Nevertheless, larger amounts may be requested if properly justified.
- Project duration: No formal instructions. Previously funded projects ranged from 2 to 5 years, with a duration of 3-4 years being the most common.
Call information, documents and additional support:
- Work Programme (WP): The EIC WP 2024 provides detailed information on the call (see here, pp. 22-27). Please read it carefully to verify that your idea is suitable for Pathfinder.
- Call page: The call page provides further information and documents, and will host the submission system once the call opens.
- EIC info-day: The EIC WP 2024 will be presented in a full-day online event on 15.1.2024 dedicated to potential applicants, together with an overview of the achievements under the previous work programmes. See the event page.
Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs):
TRLs provide a guide to the stage of development required in EIC calls. The following definitions of TRLs apply, recognizing that there are important differences between technological fields:
TRL1 - basic principles observed
TRL2 - technology concept formulated
TRL3 - experimental proof of concept
TRL4 - technology validated in lab
TRL5 - technology validated in relevant environment
TRL6 - technology demonstrated in relevant environment
TRL7 - system prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL8 - system complete and qualified
TRL9 - actual system proven in operational environment
Note: The EIC also offers funding through the Transition call (deadline in September), open to researchers with certain types of EU grants that are either active or recently ended and subject to meeting the call’s TRL requirements. An email providing relevant information about this call will be sent to eligible applicants soon. In the meantime, the call information can be viewed in the EIC WP (see here, pp. 49-59).
If you plan to submit a proposal to the Pathfinder Open call or have any questions, please contact Galit Arazi (; ext. 2178).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2024 in the OCRP; this is available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2024 in the BCRP; more information is available in the CDMRP website. Note that although FY24 funds have not been appropriated, CDMRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated FY24 funding opportunities.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
PIs who had registered to the ISF submission portal are advised that the Agency is considering an additional postponement to the current deadline (Wednesday, 20 December 2023, by 13:00) for PIs who are unable to adhere to the deadline due to current circumstances (for example: PIs who are on active duty/reserves service, unusual family or medical circumstances, etc.).
Those whose circumstances are within the above categories are asked to reach out to Tami Koren (; Tel: 2086) and advise re the following:
- Reason why you can’t adhere to the current deadline
- Expected date that you will be able to submit the application
- Any further notes/remarks you would like the agency to be aware of
For any additional information or assistance on this matter please contact Tami Koren directly.
IMOH advised that the call "Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets)" under the EP PerMed ERA-Net has published a preliminary announcement. Interested applicants are encouraged to initiate scientific contacts with potential project consortium partners for applications.
The final call information is expected to be published in January 2024. As soon as full and final information on the call will be available and the call is reviewed, it will be published on the RGP website and included in the bulletin.
IMOH advised that the call "Bidirectional Brain-Body Interactions" under the NEURON ERA-Net has published a preliminary announcement. Interested applicants are encouraged to initiate scientific contacts with potential project consortium partners for applications.
The final call information is expected to be published on 8 January 2024. As soon as full and final information on the call will be available and the call is reviewed, it will be published on the RGP website and included in the bulletin.
IMOH advised that the call “Interventions Moving Forward to Promote ACTion to Counteract the Emergence and Spread of Bacterial and Fungal Resistance and to Improve Treatments" under the ERA-NET JPIAMR has published a preliminary announcement. Interested applicants are encouraged to initiate scientific contacts with potential project consortium partners for applications.
The final call information is expected to be published on 10 January 2024. As soon as full and final information on the call will be available and the call is reviewed, it will be published on the RGP website and included in the bulletin.
Minerva applicants: For reasons out of our control, the results of the 2023 Minerva proposals will only come out in early 2024. For this reason, the 2024 call for proposals will be delayed. Further information will be provided as it is made available to us by Minerva.
As each institution may apply for 10 requests under the ISF Mid-Career Researcher Equipment Grants in the current cycle, a WIS internal pre-selection procedure may be required to determine who will apply. Interested eligible applicants must advise Tami Koren ( by 29 November 2023 (instead of the original 21 September pre-selection deadline), as only those asked by the institute to submit should register online.
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund and the MIT-Middle East Seed Fund are part of MIT Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT GSF program supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel and/or the Middle East (Bahrain; Jordan; Egypt: Palestine; and the UAE), in various research areas. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 12 December 2023. See here for more information.
Dear DFG grant holder, the RGP has been made aware of the possibility of supplementary funding from the DFG in solidarity of Israeli researchers during this period.
Project leaders (usually in Germany) can submit an informal proposal for supplemental funding of up to 20,000 euros, as per attached, to the DFG. If the leader is willing to do that, then the WIS PI will need to provide the justification.
Should you go this route, please make sure to involve your budget officer, as with any budget, this supplementary funding request will have to be approved by Projectim prior to submission to the DFG.
Kindly note that the RGP has no further information on this opportunity. Should you have questions, kindly contact your project leader.
Following the October 17th notice, ISF has agreed to further extend the registration and submission dates for this current submission cycle : Registration deadline is now 5 December 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency); Application deadline is now 13 December (RGP) and 20 December 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency).
For the ISF Equipment Programs (New Faculty and Mid-Career) : Registration deadline is now 5 December 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency); Application deadline is now 20 December (RGP) and 27 December 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency).
For any further information or assistance, kindly contact Tami Koren ( ; 08-9342086)
In light of the situation, this year’s Minerva application process is being delayed. Further info will be provided by RGP as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience.
Deadline to IMOS Czech - Israel Cooperation - Joint Project Proposals call has been extended from the original 1 November (RGP) and 8 November 2023 (Agency) to 1 January (RGP) and 8 January 2024 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
The Technion's t:hub invites the public to participate in this open challenge and propose solutions to civic emergencies. See here for further details and online submission by 31 October 2023. Note that there is no WIS or RGP involvement in this initiative and that no funding is offered.
Due to the current situation in Israel, ICRF has extended the full proposal deadline of most of its calls (except for the Acceleration Grant which has different deadlines) to 29 January 2024 (RGP) and 5 February 2024 (Agency) AND ADDED A MANDATORY ABSTRACT SUBMISSION with deadline on 25 December 2023 (RGP) and 1 January 2024 (Agency) at 8:00 AM US Eastern Time. For submission instructions see Mode of Application.
Deadline to the Rising Tide Translational Cancer Research Fund Call for Applications in Cancer Research has been extended from the original 22 October to 30 November 2023 (RGP).
Deadline for submission of applications to the BSF Regular and Start-Up Research Grants calls has been extended from the original 22 November (RGP) and 29 November (Agency) to 11 December (RGP) and 18 December 2023 (Agency). The deadline for submission of applications to the Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grants for Young Scientists (PhD students) program has been extended to 8 January 2024.
Following the request of Israeli universities and relevant national authorities, deadlines to the following Horizon Europe calls have been extended:
- The ERC Starting Grant Call will be extended from the original 24 October to 7 November 2023 (Agency)
- The ERC Synergy Grant Call will be extended from the original 8 November to 15 November 2023 (Agency)
- The EIC Pathfinder Challenges will be extended from the original 18 October to 25 October 2023 (Agency)
The official announcement by the European Commission can be viewed here.
Deadline to both calls of the WIS-Data Science Research Center (Collaborative Research Grants in Data Science and Open Source Code and Accessible Databases) has been extended from the original 22 October to 5 November 2023 (RGP).
Due to the current situation registration and application deadlines to ISF 2023 cycle programs have been extended and are now as following: Registration deadline is now 15 November 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency); Application deadline is now 29 November (RGP) and 6 December 2023 at 13:00 Israel Time (Agency). Programs that have an original later registration deadline will not be extended.
Deadline to the Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation call for proposals has been extended from the original 29 October (RGP) and 3 November (Agency) to 22 November (RGP) and 30 November 2023 (Agency).
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund and the MIT-Middle East Seed Fund are part of MIT Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT GSF program supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel and/or the Middle East (Bahrain; Jordan; Egypt: Palestine; and the UAE), in various research areas. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 12 December 2023. See here for more information.
The ISF postpones its planned meetings on the agency's proposals evaluation process, originally planned for mid-October. The new dates will be announced soon.
The ISF advised that due to the current situation, it will postpone planned registration and application deadlines to its calls. Updated registration and application deadlines will be announced within the next days.
Deadline to the IMOD Biological Materials call has been extended for a second time due to the current situation, from 10 October to 15 October 2023 (Agency).
All BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines are published by the RGP approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
The ISF invites researchers to meetings on the agency's proposals evaluation process. Meetings will be held according to ISF's areas of interest and will be conducted by a scientific director from the agency. Note that the meetings will not deal with submission regulations, but rather with explanation of submitted proposals evaluation process.
Researchers interested in participating are asked to register at the link below for their relevant meeting (links to the actual zoom meetings will be sent to registrants at a later stage):
- Social Sciences: 12.10.23 at 11:00 a.m. Zoom
- Humanities: 16.10.23 at 10:00 a.m. at the Albert Einstein Square Auditorium, Jerusalem
- Exact sciences and Technology: 16.10.23 at 10:00 a.m. Zoom
- Biological Sciences and Medicine: 19.10.23 at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom
Please contact Tami Koren at the RGP ( and/or Tamar Tomer-Fishman at the ISF ( for any inquiries.
The ISF published its new cycle (November 2023) as well as important new information regarding its next anticipated cycle (November 2024). Potential applicants for both this year's and next year’s cycles should be well informed of updates in the currently available programs, and of potential implications for submission in the next cycle.
- Regarding this year’s cycle (November 2023):
RGP webpages for all current programs are available here. Below are several important updates concerning specific programs:- Joint SNSF-ISF (Switzerland-Israel) Program: ISF has introduced a new collaborative research program between Israeli and Swiss scientists, in all research areas. The Agency is expected to fund up to 5 grants per cycle and there is no upper limit specified concerning amount of funding. This collaborative program requires dual submission: the PIs should submit a full application to the SNSF submission portal by 2 October 2023; the Israeli PI is required to submit a complimentary application to the ISF by 7 November 2023 (after registration to the program by 24 October 2023 at 13:00). Important: The agency prohibits a parallel submission to this program and the following programs: Individual, "MAVRI" and "MAPATZ". See here for the SNSF-ISF call for proposals.
- ISF has terminated the Personalized Medicine Program and issued a new Biomedical Research Grants Program ("MAVRI"): This program and its research track is focused on supporting basic or translational research directly linked to the fields of human biology and health, with potentially medical implications. This is a continuation and expansion of the Personalized Medicine program from recent years and 5 application cycles are planned, with approximately 20 research grants awarded in each. Important: The agency prohibits a parallel submission to this program and the following programs: Individual, NSFC-ISF (China-Israel), CIHR-ISF (Canada-Israel), Quantum, "MAPATZ" and SNSF-ISF (Switzerland-Israel). PIs with active Personalized Medicine grants may not apply to the "MAVRI" program (unless the grant is on its last year and will end by the starting date of the new grant – 1 October 2024). Registration to the program is by 24 October 2023 at 13:00. See here for the "MAVRI" call for proposals.
- Breakthrough Research Grants ("MAPATZ") Program: The ISF cancelled the number of applications allowed per institute (practiced in the previous cycle) and therefore no pre-selection process is required. This program is designed to support high-quality research, defined as "groundbreaking", in all areas of research. The main eligibility criterion for the award is the researcher's achievements in the last 10 years. The agency is expected to fund up to 13 grants in this submission cycle, with an expected funding of up to 800,000 NIS for experimental/empirical research and up to 400,000 NIS for theoretical research. Important: PIs with active ISF Individual grants may apply to this program, yet if a "MAPATZ" grant is awarded, the ISF will terminate the active Individual grant. The agency prohibits parallel application to this program and the following programs: Individual, "MAVRI" and SNSF-ISF (Switzerland-Israel). Registration to the program by 24 October 2023 at 13:00. See here for the MAPATZ call for proposals. Important note re Budget / Equipment: Applicants in the "MAPATZ" program may include possible purchase of required equipment at the cost of up to half the total funding (up to 800,000 NIS per year for experimental/empirical research and for theoretical research possible purchase of required equipment at the cost of up to 350,000 NIS). Eligible applicants to the Mid-Career program (see further details here) may also apply to the Individual program in parallel to the Mid-Career track and request funding of up to 1,820,000 NIS for dedicated equipment (910,000 NIS from the agency with additional - equal matching funds from WIS).
- Regarding next year`s cycle (November 2024):
Starting next year's submission cycle (November 2024) each PI will only be eligible to apply to one program per cycle. Therefore, and as some of the ISF's main programs (e.g., Individual, "MAPATZ", "MAVRI") allow parallel (i.e., concurrent) application with only very few programs, RGP urges potential applicants to both current and the next submission cycle to consider all relevant programs currently available.
In light of the above, PIs are encouraged to make sure that they apply to the optimal program considering their specific needs and eligibility in the current and next year. Note that in the current cycle (November 2023) a PI may apply concurrently to the following programs: 1. Apply to Individual Grant AND to the Quantum Program; 2. Apply to the Quantum Program AND to Individual Grant, "MAPATZ" Program, Joint SNSF-ISF Program (Switzerland-Israel); 3. Apply to Joint SNSF-ISF Program (Switzerland-Israel) AND to Quantum Program; * Guidelines for the Israel-Canada (CIHR) and Israel – China (NSFC) programs are not available at this point and will be updated on the RGP website once the ISF will publish the information. In next year’s cycle (November 2024), however, a PI will not be able to do so.
You may review the full eligibility chart for the current cycle on the ISF portal here: For additional information and assistance please contact Tami Koren (
The ERC 2024 Consolidator Grant (CoG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 12.12.2023. The Consolidator Grant provides funding of up to €2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD (or equivalent) is 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2024 (1.1.2012 - 31.12.2016).
Change in PhD reference date: as of 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
To honor the Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 71 years of research innovation and to educate people around the world about the importance of basic research, AFOSR invites submission of basic research inspired art. All are invited to submit entries, but it may be of special interest to artists, AFRL/AFOSR and AFRL grantees, educators, students, and members of the art and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) communities. See here for additional information and submission form.
BSF is has recently announced that the Council for Higher Education has increased its budget for the NSF-BSF program. As a result, the following updates to the regulations have been made:
- Each Israeli scientist is now permitted to submit up to two NSF-BSF applications each academic year (1 Oct – 30 Sept.).
- An Israeli scientist with an active NSF-BSF grant is allowed to submit one more NSF-BSF application. In any case, at any given time an Israeli scientist can only be involved in two proposals/grants simultaneously.
- Programs with two deadlines each year (such as all of the Psychology programs, Economics, Decision Sciences, and some of the Ocean Sciences programs) are now open for Israeli submissions at both the winter and spring deadlines.
- Travel funds may now be used for meetings at conferences and workshops in the U.S. or Israel.
Information on the various BSF-NSF programs is available in the RGP website, including these with a year-round deadline. Please contact Tami Koren at the RGP ( for any BSF-related inquiries.
Deadline to the IMOD Biological Materials Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 21 September (RGP) and 1 October (Agency) to 26 September (RGP) and 10 October 2023 (Agency).
Deadline to IMOS Studies Based on Medical Databases call has been extended from the original 13 September (RGP) and 20 September (Agency) to 26 September (RGP) and 8 October 2023 (Agency). Note that during Sukkot IMOS office will be on holiday. It is therefore strongly recommended that researchers complete the submission process before Sukkot's Erev Chag.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Sunday, 17 September 2023
- Sunday-Monday, 24-25 September 2023
- Sunday-Thursday, 1-5 October 2023 (collective vacation)
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Sunday, 17 September 2023
- Sunday-Monday, 24-25 September 2023
- Sunday-Thursday, 1-5 October 2023 (collective vacation)
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Wednesday, 6 September 2023.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
We are happy to announce that due to the growing number of competitive internal programs published at the WIS, the RGP together with Applications Development Section developed a new online form and we will start using a unified online submission procedure that will gradually replace previous submission guidelines and process.
The form will be used only for internal competitive calls with no collaborations outside of WIS.
Only PIs will be able to enter and submit this form and will be able to access it using their institutional user name and password – a relevant link will be included in new calls for which this online submission will be used.
The submitted file will reach Naama Elad at the RGP and all WIS PIs listed in the form will receive an email containing the submission file.
See here a PDF example of a new form.
Note that for time being, once the form is being finalized and submitted, there will be no option to correct or add new information. If you submitted the form and wish to make changes, please contact Naama Elad for assistance.
The ERC 2024 Synergy (SyG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 08/11/2023.
The ERC-SyG is designed to support a group of 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) to jointly address highly novel and ambitious research question/s that can only be answered by the synergised work of top scientists by bringing together their complementary skills, knowledge, methods and resources in unconventional ways. The PIs of any age and career stage The call is open to multiple country, single country and even single institution groups from EU Member States or Associated Countries. One of the Institutions may be established outside the EU or Associated Countries. The grant provides funding of up to €10M for a period of 6 years.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the LCRF - ALK Positive Research Grant call for proposals has been extended from the original 19 July (RGP) and 27 July (Agency) to 23 August (RGP) and 1 September 2023 (Agency).
The ERC 2024 Starting Grant (StG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 24.10.2023.
The Starting Grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD was 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2024 (1.1.2017 to 31.12.2021).
Change in PhD reference date: as of 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Code of Ethical Conduct in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein.
A meeting with Jonathan Bridgman Fritz, NSF Program Director, and with BSF representative (Ms. Yael Dressler, Information Specialist), regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Monday, 17 July 2023, at Stone building, Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance, between 10:00 and 12:00. Please note that number of seats is limited!
A follow-up meeting with BSF representative BSF Assistant Executive Director, Dr. Rachel Heni Haring, will most likely be taking place by Sep. 2023 , an updated notice will be published within the next few weeks.
As a reminder, the BSF-NSF programs enable collaboration between an Israeli researcher and an American scientist from a U.S. academic institution in various subjects, some of them on a year-round application basis. Size of the BSF grant to the Israeli researcher ranges between $55,000-$80,000 per year on average.
Meeting schedule:
- 09:45: Gathering and light refreshments
- 10:00: Lecture by NSF Program Director, Jonathan Bridgman Fritz
- 11:00: Summary and Q&A
Researchers interested in participating, should contact Tami Koren ( ) at their earliest convenience.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2023 in the TERP; this is available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2023 in the CPMRP; this is available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
A meeting with Jonathan Bridgman Fritz, NSF Program Director, and with BSF representative (Ms. Yael Dressler, Information Specialist), regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Monday, 17 July 2023, at Stone building, Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance, between 10:00 and 12:00. Please note that number of seats is limited!
A follow-up meeting with BSF representative BSF Assistant Executive Director, Dr. Rachel Heni Haring, will most likely be taking place by Sep. 2023 , an updated notice will be published within the next few weeks.
As a reminder, the BSF-NSF programs enable collaboration between an Israeli researcher and an American scientist from a U.S. academic institution in various subjects, some of them on a year-round application basis. Size of the BSF grant to the Israeli researcher ranges between $55,000-$80,000 per year on average.
Meeting schedule:
- 09:45: Gathering and light refreshments
- 10:00: Lecture by NSF Program Director, Jonathan Bridgman Fritz
- 11:00: Summary and Q&A
Researchers interested in participating, should contact Tami Koren ( ) by 11 July 2023.
Deadline to the Weizmann-Krenter-Katz call for proposals has been extended from the original 28 June to 2 July 2023 (to the RGP).
LOI deadline to the ALSA Assistive Technology Grants Call has been extended from the original 28 June (RGP) and 6 July (Agency) to 9 July (RGP) and 13 July 2023 (Agency).
Deadline to the Minerva Workshop or Group Visit call has been extended from the original 18 June to 16 July 2023 (to the RGP).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued a pre-application announcement for 2023 in the PCARP; this is available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the LCRF-Daiichi Sankyo- AstraZeneca Research Grant on Antibody Drug Conjugates call for proposals has been extended from the original 24 May (RGP) and 31 May (Agency) to 5 July (RGP) and 15 July 2023 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the KCRP, RTRP and DMDRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the WIS-EKARD Institute call for proposals has been extended from the original 4 June to 2 August 2023.
BSF-NSF announced a new funding opportunity in chemistry: Starting September 2023, the Division of Chemistry at the NSF will accept US-Israel collaborative research proposals. The launch of this new opportunity will take place on a virtual NSF "Office Hour" on 13 June 2023, 11:00-12:00 US ET / 18:00-19:00 Israel Time, in which both NSF and BSF program directors will participate. See here for registration:
For more details on the program please see the call for proposals. Calls are available via the RGP specific webpages (and will be published via the RGP bulletin) and in the relevant Programs with No Set Deadline webpage.
Due to low response the planned BARD visit and presentation HAD BEEN CANCELLED.
The final cut-off deadline for the ERC-2023-PoC call had to be postponed from 14 to 21 September 2023. Due to Rosh Hashana, the RGP deadline will be 13 September 2023.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the MRP and NFRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the HRRP and VRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
IMOS invites applications for Israeli JPG members to jointly decide on topics for the Japanese-Israeli symposium, planned to be held in Kyoto on 18-21 February 2024. Applications should be submitted to IMOS by e-mail to the following address: by 31 May 2023 at 15:00 (Israel Time). See here for detailed information.
Participants will be required to cover the expense of air travel to Japan, including ground transportation to and from the FoSS venue, e.g. from their personal travel funds. By submitting an application, applicants commit to cover these travel costs. Note that Weizmann management is not committed for such funding and it will have to be provided by other funds available to the applicants.
The Binational Agriculture Research & Development Foundation (BARD) supports collaborative agricultural research in areas of mutual interest to the U.S. and Israel, and is mainly focused on increasing agricultural productivity, particularly in hot and arid climates, and emphasizes plant and animal health, food quality and safety, and environmental issues. For further information concerning the programs available :
BARD's Executive Director, Prof. Kapulnik, will host an informative meeting at the WIS in which BARD's research priorities, programs, review process and main funding criteria will be presented, followed by a short Q & A session. The meeting will take place on Sunday, 4 June 2023 at 10:00 at Zachs Hall, Stone Administrative Building. Researchers interested in participating should contact Tami Koren ( ) by Wednesday, 24 May 2023.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The workshop will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Monday, 5 June 2023, 10:30-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 10:30-13:00
Participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The indicative submission dates for the upcoming calls are:
- ERC-2024-StG: 24/10/2023
- ERC-2024-CoG: 12/12/2023
LOI deadline to the ICRF, SWCRF and ABSF Call for Pediatric Sarcomas has been extended from 24 April (RGP) and 1 May (Agency) to 24 May (RGP) and 1 June 2023 (Agency). Full proposal submission only for those invited to submit.
All BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines are published by the RGP as before, approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
HFSP - The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization offers research grants in the field of life sciences. The State of Israel has been a member of the HFSP organization since 2019 and Israel is among the most successful countries in receiving research grants, including many WIS researchers.
Prof. Pavel Kabat (Secretary-General), Dr. Almut Kelber (Director of Research Grants) and Dr. Barbara Pauly (Director of Fellowships) at HFSPO will be visiting WIS to promote and expose HFSPO opportunities, as well as the organization's new strategy for the next 5 years. This meeting will take place on 10 May 2023 at 09:45 at Zacks Hall (Stone Building). Interested participants are asked to inform Vered Tadmor (, Tel. #3995) of their intention to participate at their earliest convenience (and not later than 7 May 2023).
In order to prevent harmful entries into the Science Forefront ("Kidmat Ha'mada") system, IMOS initiated a new TwoFactor Authentification (2FA) mechanism. Beginning 28 March 2023, all system entries will require two stages:
- Using Username and Password (as before)
- Using a One Time Password (OTP) sent automatically to the user's email address
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the ARP, BMFRP, LCRP, MSRP, PCARP, PRORP and RCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The submission deadlines are still tentative and subject to change.
Important note: The timing of the Consolidator and Advanced calls is different than in previous years. In addition, the Proof of Concept call will only have two submission deadlines.
- Starting: 24/10/2023
- Synergy: 08/11/2023
- Consolidator: 12/12/2023
- Advanced: 29/08/2024
- Proof of Concept: 14/03/2024 and 12/09/2024
The final call schedule will be available in July, when the ERC 2024 Work Programme is published.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The workshop will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Monday, 5 June 2023, 10:30-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 10:30-13:00
Participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The indicative submission dates for the upcoming calls are:
- ERC-2024-StG: 24/10/2023
- ERC-2024-CoG: 12/12/2023
Since the call for the WIS-Center for Research on Positive Neuroscience is now included in the newly formed WIS–Azrieli IBANS joint call, its deadline has been extended from the original 19 April to 4 June 2023.
HFSP - The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization offers research grants in the field of life sciences. The State of Israel has been a member of the HFSP organization since 2019 and Israel is among the most successful countries in receiving research grants, including many WIS researchers.
Prof. Pavel Kabat (Secretary-General), Dr. Almut Kelber (Director of Research Grants) and Dr. Barbara Pauly (Director of Fellowships) at the HFSP Organization will be visiting WIS to promote and expose HFSP opportunities, as well as the organization's new strategy for the next 5 years. This meeting will take place on 10 May 2023 at 10:00 at Zacks Hall (Stone Building). Interested participants are asked to inform Vered Tadmor (, Tel. #3995) of their intention to participate at their earliest convenience (and not later than 3 May 2023).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the SCIRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
LOI deadline to the University of Michigan - UM/Israel Research Partnership call for proposals has been extended for the second time from the original 22 February (RGP) and 1 March (Agency) to 13 April (RGP) and 18 April 2023 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the PRARP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
IMOS requests the research community for information on the need for specific Knowledge Centers in different research areas. Responses should be sent to by 1 May 2023. Additional information on this RFI is available here. Note that this is a request for information (only) and no funding will be provided under this RFI.
A new filtering option has been added to the RGP website! In addition to existing filters (Faculty, Tosefet Meckar, internal/external grants) calls for proposals can be now filtered also according to whether they allow for or require collaboration.
These filtering options are accessible via different listings available in the RGP website: Alphabetical listing, Chronological listing, and Year-round listing. For assistance or further inquiries, contact RGP Information Specialist Dr. Danna Piroyansky ( or tel.: 4005).
The newly established AI-Hub, a WIS community of programmers, researchers and data scientists devoted to promoting applications of AI and data in science, published recently a call for associated fellows with a 30 April 2023 deadline. See here for the call and the relevant form; for more information please contact from the Hub working group.
Deadline to the IMOS-France call has been extended from the original 22 February (RGP) and 1 March (Agency) to 20 March (RGP) and 27 March 2023 (Agency) at 15:00 Israel Time.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the TSCRP; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the BBRF Young Investigator program has been extended from the original 15 March (RGP) and 23 March (Agency) to 23 March (RGP) and 31 March 2023 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the BMFRP, the MSRP, the PCRP, and the Autism Program; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Please take note of the following guidelines pertaining to the involvement of consultancy companies in the preparation EU collaborative and European Innovation Council (EIC) grant proposals.
Consultancy companies (hereafter ‘consultants’) are increasingly participating in and managing submissions of EU collaborative and European Innovation Council (EIC) grant proposals, providing services such as consortium building, collecting materials from partners, constructing the consortium budget and/or writing non-scientific and business-orientated sections of the proposal.
The services at the proposal stage are provided by the consultant following the signature of a contract and may be subject to the payment of certain fees. The consultants’ fee model usually includes an upfront submission fee for the submission of the proposal and a success fee if the proposal is selected for funding.
Internal requirements and terms for working with a consultant at the proposal stage:
- PIs intending to participate in a collaborative or EIC proposal are required to notify the RGP’s EU desk.
- WIS PIs submitting as coordinators are obligated to include a consultant in the future project (usually as a partner) for the provision of project management support services, due to the substantial administrative and financial burden associated with the role of the coordinator. Support is usually required at the proposal stage as well for the services described above.
- According to the instructions of the Vice President, contracts with consultants must be reviewed and approved by the Weizmann Legal Office and signed by the Institute’s authorized signatories. For this purpose, the consultant’s contract should be sent to the RGP as soon as it is received.
- The Institute’s central administration will provide partial support of the consultant’s fee. The remainder of the consultant’s fee is to be covered by the PI (i.e. Kamar).
Importantly note that the Institute will not provide any support of the consultant’s fee if the contract with the consultant has not been reviewed and approved by the Legal Office and/or if the PI signs the contract directly with the consultant.
The NIH has a Matchmaker tool in RePORTER that can assist in finding NIH institutes and Centers that have funded similar work, and information on where that work was reviewed. This tool can help determine which institute or center may be interested in an idea, which program official should be contacted, and which study section is relevant for reviewing a proposal. For assistance with applications please contact Jennifer Wenick (ext. #6955), RGP contact person for the NIH.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Thursday, 16 March 2023.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
LOI deadline to the ICRF and SWCRF call on Aging and Cancer has been extended from the original 22 February (RGP) and 1 March (Agency) to 12 March (RGP) and 15 March 2023 (Agency).
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the LCRP Program, the CRRP Program, the TBDRP Program, the SCIRP Program, and the TBIPHRP Program; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
LOI deadline to the University of Michigan - UM/Israel Research Partnership call for proposals has been extended from the original 22 February (RGP) and 1 March (Agency) to 26 March (RGP) and 1 April 2023 (Agency).
Weizmann researchers are invited to participate in an online training webinar on ‘Using the Crowdhelix platform to locate potential partners for EU collaborative funding’ on Monday, 13 March at 11:00-12:00.
The Weizmann Institute of Science is a member of the Crowdhelix global network of over 600 innovative companies and universities. The platform profiles and connects organisations and researchers with potential partners within its network for participating in Horizon Europe collaborative funding opportunities of mutual interest. Weizmann researchers are invited to freely register and use the Crowdhelix platform.
This webinar, intended for Weizmann researchers, will present the platform’s capabilities and how to profile yourself, engage with other users and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities for participating in EU funded research projects.
For registration please contact: Dr. Alice Mett, ext. 4007.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the OCRP Program; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Deadline to the Weizmann - MBZUAI program call for proposals (Regular and Flagship Pre-Proposal) has been extended from the original 13 February 2023 to 17 February 2023.
BSF has published the list of joint BSF-NSF programs for 2023. Information on programs with set deadline are available in the RGP website and will also be published in the RGP bulletin approximately two months ahead of each deadline. In addition, Information on BSF-NSF programs with year-round submission is available here. Tami Koren ( is the RGP contact person for any related inquiries.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the ALSRP Program, the BCRP Program and the ERP Program; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Potential applicants to the Food and Nutrition program under BARD, The Israel Innovation authority (IIA) and USDA-NIFA are invited to participate in a webinar, scheduled to 23 February 2023 at 11:00 AM. Interested participants are required to register here.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-application announcements for 2023 in the PRMRP Program; these are available via the GRANTS.GOV website.
CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
Submission Deadline to the WIS-Swiss Society Institute for Cancer Prevention Research Grant Program has been extended from the original 22 January to 12 February 2023 (to the RGP).
Deadline to the IMOS-China call for proposals has been extended from the original 15 December (RGP) and 22 December (Agency) to 16 January (RGP) and 23 January 2023 (Agency) at 15:00 Israel Time.
Deadline to the ALS Finding a Cure (ALSFAC) call for proposals has been extended from the original 9 January (RGP) and 16 January (Agency) to 22 February (RGP) and 1 March 2023 (Agency).
Recipients/subrecipients of an active USA federal grant, please be aware that WIS as a whole, and each PI individually, is obliged to abide by the Federal Regulations FAR 52.204-23 , FAR 52.204-25, and 2 CFR 200.216 which prohibit the provision and use of hardware, software, telecommunications equipment, or any components thereof, and services that are developed or provided by the following entities:
- Kapersky Lab;
- Huawei Technologies Company;
- ZTE Corporation;
- Hytera Communications Corporation;
- Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company;
- Dahua Technology Company;
- Any controlling entity, subsidiary or affiliate of any of the above entities;
- An entity that the US Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the US Director of National Intelligence or the US Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of The People’s Republic of China.
For further information please read the details of regulations FAR 52.204-23 and FAR 52.204-25 at:
In order for WIS to be in compliance with these regulations it is imperative that each PI will avoid purchasing and/or using the abovementioned types of equipment and services.
Therefore, we ask for your awareness and attention to these prohibitions. Furthermore, please note that RGP has begun a practice by which, prior to signing new grant agreements, we send an internal Compliance Letter to the relevant PI for his/her signature and commitment to the terms of the grant agreement, including the abovementioned prohibitions.
For any questions or clarifications regarding these regulations, please contact Aviva Goldstein, RGP’s Research Ethics and Regulations Coordinator, by email at:, or by phone at: ext. # 3004.
SFERA III is a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructure Programme. The current SFERA-III access campaign provides free access to 18 installations of 8 state-of-art research infrastructures in Concentrated Solar Thermal power. Additional information is available here.
Application deadline is 31 January 2023. Note that contacting the requested access providers to discuss the project idea prior to application submission is a requirement.
During 2023, IMOS plans to publish three types of calls for proposals:
- National Track calls
- Joint calls with governmental ministries and public entities
- International Track calls
For detailed information please read the following IMOS letter to researchers in academia.
Please note that calls for the above tracks are planned to be published throughout the year.
Regina Krizhanovsky (, Ext. #4027) is the RGP contact person for IMOS, available for any related inquiries.
The final Work Programmes covering Horizon Europe collaborative calls for 2023-2024 have been published. The Work Programmes and links to the submission system for the first open calls for proposals (Research Infrastructures; Health; Civil Security for Society; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment; European Innovation Council (EIC); Innovative Health Initiative (IHI); and Missions) are available on the RGP website. Collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’ cover various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Researchers are invited to contact RGP’s scientific collaboration coordinator for EU collaborative calls, Dr. Alice Mett (, ext. 4007) for assistance in locating and matching Horizon Europe collaborative calls relevant to their research.
Towards the establishment of a new partnership (to be called One Health AMR), aimed at funding research and activities in the field of antibiotic resistance, the main issues are now being formulated. IMOH urges Israeli researchers to respond to the survey aimed at formulating the research topics and objectives in the various related fields (humans, the environment and the relationship between them) by 16 January 2023.
Link to the survey:
The final Work Programmes covering Horizon Europe collaborative calls for 2023-2024 have been published. The Work Programmes and links to the submission system for the first open calls for proposals under several programs (Health; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; European Innovation Council (EIC); and Missions) are available on the RGP website. Collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’ cover various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Researchers are invited to contact RGP’s scientific collaboration coordinator for EU collaborative calls, Dr. Alice Mett (, etx. 4007) for assistance in locating and matching Horizon Europe collaborative calls relevant to their research.
The US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) has issued pre-announcements in the ALSRP and BCRP programs.
The new CDMRP webpages within the RGP website convey important information relevant to all CDMRP programs. Jennifer Wenick ( is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will assist with any inquiries regarding application.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense encourages international involvement in its programs!
DARPA is a research and development agency responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. Its Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) and specific programs have been circulated by the RGP and are available here:
DARPA aims to create breakthrough, paradigm-shifting solutions, accept and manage significant technology risk, and disrupt or massively accelerate technology roadmaps. It consists of 6 Technological Offices: Biological Technologies Office (BTO), Defense Sciences Office (DSO), Information Innovation Office (IIO), Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), Strategic Technology Office (STO), Tactical Technology Office (TTO).
In addition to being responsive to DARPA’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) and specific programs, DARPA encourages international researchers to engage directly with its Program Managers (PMs) by contacting them by email, phone, face-to face or at virtual events throughout the year. See list of DARPA PMs here:
Additional information is available in the following presentation.
The ERC 2023 Advanced (AdG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 23.5.2023.
The ERC Advanced Grant is designed to support independent researchers with a track-record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) proposal.
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
It will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Monday, 9 January 2023, 10:30-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 10 January 2023, 10:30-13:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance. If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
The ERC-2023-AdG call is expected to open in early December and the submission deadline is 23 May 2023.
Due to changes in the Ministry of Defense's application procedures and further to resulting potential legal issues, proposals submitted to IMOD without going through the RGP will NOT be activated, even if/when awards are made. As a reminder, prior to preparation of an application to IMOD, PIs must consult with the Vice President for Technology Transfer. In addition, and as per WIS management instruction, all grant proposals must be submitted for evaluation by the RGP, with a budget approved by Finance before submission.
The Israeli Coalition of Rare Diseases Organizations issued a call for nomination for a recognition award acknowledging excellence in providing medical care and/ or professional achievement and/or special assistance in the treatment of patients of rare diseases and their families. Note that nomination is submitted directly to the Coalition with no involvement of the RGP. Submission deadline is 16 January 2023 at 12:00 (Israel Time). Additional information is available here.
Deadline to the WIS-Pasteur program has been extended from the original 31 October 2022 to 31 January 2023 (to the RGP).
The ISIDORe project assembles the largest and most diverse research and service-providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, with expertise from structural biology to clinical trials.
ISIDORe has launched its preparedness programme calls for free of charge access to the consortium facilities and services. To prevent future pandemics, and advance the development of the appropriate medical countermeasures, the ISIDORe preparedness programme includes a list of priority preparedness pathogens clustered in four calls for proposals to support research on the epidemic-prone pathogens: Risk-Group 4 pathogens (Pre-application deadline: 7 February 2023); Respiratory Pathogens (Open as long as funding remains available); Vector-borne Pathogens (Open as long as funding remains available); and other pathogens with epidemic potential (Open as long as funding remains available).
More information about the calls and how to apply can be found here.
Scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) proposal.
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
It will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Monday, 9 January 2023, 10:30-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 10 January 2023, 10:30-13:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance. If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
The ERC-2023-AdG call is expected to open in early December and the submission deadline is 23 May 2023.
Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, deadline to the IMOS-Ukraine call for proposals has been extended for the final time and is now 2 January (RGP) and 9 January 2023 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund and the MIT-Middle East Seed Fund are part of MIT Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT GSF program supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel and/or the Middle East (Bahrain; Jordan; Egypt: Palestine; and the UAE), in various research areas. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 13 December 2022. See here for more information.
Deadline to IMOA call for Monitoring and Assessing Stray Cat Populations has been extended from the original 6 November (RGP) and 13 November (Agency) to 20 November (RGP) and 23 November 2022 (Agency).
Concept Note deadline to the PAD Initiative Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza call has been extended from the original 15 November (RGP) and 22 November (Agency) to 7 December (RGP) and 14 December 2022 (Agency).
The U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation announced that the NSF/CISE Program Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) has agreed to accept collaborative NSF-BSF proposals for its Medium Grant project class (
This project class envisages 3-4 year projects with total funding of $600,000 - $1,200,000 for the US PI. Israeli applicants to this project class in the SaTC program are invited to propose projects with a budget request of $55,000 - $ $80,000 per single PI or $80,000 - $100,00 for two PIs, keeping in mind the definitions that the SaTC program applies to the Medium Grants project class.
Israeli PIs must consult with Ms. Yael Dressler from the BSF office ( regarding their project description and budget request before advancing the preparation and submission of their proposal. For further information on this program contact Tami Koren at the RGP. Additional information on BSF-NSF programs with year-round submission is available here.
FYI, the Simons Foundation started using their own new online submission platform instead of proposalCENTRAL:
For instructions on how to submit an application, the Simons Foundation will hold an informational session on Tuesday, 6 December 2022. To register: .
Deadline to the IMOS call for Promotion of Applied Research in Women's Sports has been extended from the original 24 October (RGP) and 31 October (Agency) to 30 October (RGP) and 6 November 2022 (Agency).
The Israel Young Academy recently hosted a webinar with the Chair of the ISF, Prof. Daniel Zaijfman and the heads of fields in the ISF, in which tips and guidelines for successful submission of ISF grants were discussed.
A short written summary of the webinar and a recording of the full webinar are available in the following link:
The ISIDORe project assembles the largest and most diverse research and service-providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, with expertise from structural biology to clinical trials.
It has launched two calls for transnational access for projects focusing on SARS-CoV-2 research (open as long as funding remains available) and for projects focusing on Monkeypox research (29 November 2022 pre-application deadline). See here for more information on these calls.
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund and the MIT-Middle East Seed Fund are part of MIT Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT GSF program supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel and/or the Middle East (Bahrain; Jordan; Egypt: Palestine; and the UAE), in various research areas. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 13 December 2022. See here for more information.
Deadline to the WIS-Data Science Research Center - Collaborative Research Grants in Data Science call for proposals has been extended from the original 19 October to the 2 November 2022 (to the RGP).
The ERC 2023 Consolidator (CoG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 2.2.2023. The Consolidator grant is designed to support researchers who are at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD (or equivalent) is 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2023 (1.1.2011 to 31.12.2015).
This grant will provide up to €2M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
Change in PhD reference date - from 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the IMOA Special Calls for Research and Field Studies in the Vegetables Branch has been extended from the original 13 September (RGP) and 20 September (Agency) to 2 October (RGP) and 20 October 2022 (Agency).
All deadlines to the ISF Breakthrough Research Grants ("MAPATZ") program have been extended: WIS Internal pre-selection deadline is now 29 September 2022; registration and full proposal submission (only for those invited further to WIS internal pre-selection) are 10 November for registration and 21 November (RGP) and 28 November 2022 (Agency) for full proposals.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 26-27 September 2022
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 4-5 October 2022
- Monday, 10 October 2022
- Sunday-Monday, 16-17 October 2022
The RGP office will be open for 3.5 hours on the following date:
- Sunday, 25 September 2022
- Sunday, 9 October 2022
The RGP office will be open for 4.5 hours on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 11-13 October 2022
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Thursday, 15 September 2022.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
Deadlines to the BSF Regular and BSF Startup programs have been extended from the original 9 November (RGP) and 16 November (Agency) to 22 November (RGP) and 29 November 2022 (Agency).
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 26-27 September 2022
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 4-5 October 2022
- Monday, 10 October 2022
- Sunday-Monday, 16-17 October 2022
The RGP office will be open for 3.5 hours on the following date:
- Sunday, 25 September 2022
- Sunday, 9 October 2022
The RGP office will be open for 4.5 hours on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 11-13 October 2022
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Thursday, 15 September 2022.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
The RGP is looking forward to the meeting with representatives from the US Army and US Navy, at 09:00am on 5 September 2022 at Stone Building (in Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance).
The meeting will start with an hour-long presentation of these agencies’ opportunities for new funding (such as ARO and ARL BAAs), followed by one-on-one meetings between the representatives and WIS researchers to discuss potential research projects.
Please see below the agenda for the day:
- 08:30-09:00: Zacks Small Meeting room - Coffee and refreshments
- 09:00-09:45: Zacks Hall - Presentations of Army/Navy opportunities for new funding
- 09:45-10:00: Zacks Hall - Informal Q&A session
For those who have scheduled one-on-one meetings:
10:00-16:30: Location and times as per individually scheduled one-on-one meetings (at Zacks Hall OR Zacks small meeting room OR 5th floor meeting room)
- For scheduling one-on-one meetings please contact Vered Tadmor at
- For any questions, please contact Jennifer Wenick at
Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, deadline to the IMOS-Ukraine call for proposals has been extended again and is now 1 December (RGP) and 8 December 2022 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
Certain US Federal funding agencies (such as CDMRP and others) require access to .mil websites for applying and/or reporting.
In order to be able to access these websites from within WIS you will need an installation of a certificate on your computer. For this installation there is now a self-service that anyone at the institute can now use to install the required certificate:
- On OSX, under “Weizmann Self Service” you can find the “Symantec Cloud Services Root CA” on the “Weizmann Stuff Category”, click install and you are ready.
- On Windows, under “Software Center” you can find the “Symantec Cloud Services” click on it, and it will install the certificate. Please allow the installation by choosing “yes” if you are asked to.
If any assistance with this process is needed, please contact Assaf Glick at or the IT Help Desk (#4444).
The RGP is happy to announce that application to US DOD - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) programs is now available to WIS PIs.
We have now created a CDMRP webpage within the RGP website that conveys important information relevant to all CDMRP programs (since CDMRP offers dozens of funding opportunities under various programs, issued at different times throughout the year with different deadlines).
Jennifer Wenick is the RGP contact person for CDMRP and will be available for any inquiries or assistance in application.
At the moment the following CDMRP programs are open for application:
- Breast Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Lupus
- Melanoma
- Parkinson's
- Peer Reviewed Cancer
- Reconstructive Transplant Research
- Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health
Deadline to IMOA Chief Scientist Central Fund in Agriculture and Rural Development call for proposals has been extended from the original 31 August (RGP) and 7 September (Agency) to 7 September (RGP) and 14 September 2022 (Agency).
As part of the RGP constant endeavor to provide WIS researchers’ with access to additional funding opportunities, a meeting has been arranged with representatives from the US ARMY and US Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG).
This meeting will take place on Monday, 5 September 2022 during morning hours at Stone building, Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance. Interested researchers should contact Vered Tadmor ( by 15 August 2022 to express their interest.
The meeting will start with an hour-long presentation of these agencies’ opportunities for funding (such as ARO and ARL BAAs), followed by one-on-one meetings between the representatives and WIS researchers to discuss potential research projects. These personal meetings (approximately 10 mins each), to be organized by the RGP, will enable PIs to assess the relevance of their research vis-à-vis specific US Army and ONRG needs.
US Army and ONRG are looking for original and innovative ideas that would push the boundaries of science. A list of general areas of interest includes the following:
- Physical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Mechanical Sciences
- Materials Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Information Sciences
- Computing Sciences
- Network Sciences
- Quantum Research
- Mobility Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Within these general themes, several topics have been highlighted further by the agencies:
- Theoretical and computational chemistry (including the use of ML/AI) developing/designing novel methods for chemical catalysis
- Chemical sensing with high selectivity/sensitivity with targeting/triggering that enables a macro response
- Use of biochemistry to solve common chemistry issues or create bonds or functionality that standard chemistry cannot (theory and experimentation both of interest)
- Design of polymers with enhanced thermal conductivity focused on molecular design vs processing (theoretical/computational/experimental of interest)
- Polymer/protein complexes to produce functionality not found naturally
- Design of responsive polymers
- Multi-scale modeling of mechanical damage and failure (crack propagation)
- Novel methods for modeling of sand
- Functionalization of liquid crystal elastomer materials
- Condensed matter physics
- Quantum
The Ministry of Regional Cooperation (MORC) invites proposals for assistance in formulating the professional content of the UN Climate Conference panels and active participation in them.
Those interested in taking part in the organization and/or participation are requested to send a proposal to by August 18, 2022. Additional information is available here.
Note that participation in the conference will be at one's own expense. MORC will not bear the cost of travel, lodging, or any other payment involved in participating in the conference.
Microsoft Israel, in collaboration with the IUCC, offers awards to outstanding researchers from Israeli universities, for usage of cloud resources in data-based research.
Grants will be awarded to data science research proposals, based on the excellence of researcher, proposal and research team. The first place winner will receive a grant of $30,000, the second place $20,000 and the third $10,000. Note that winners will receive credit to use Microsoft cloud (not money).
Submission deadline is 25 September 2022. For more information see here.
As part of the RGP constant endeavor to provide WIS researchers’ with access to additional funding opportunities, a meeting has been arranged with representatives from the US ARMY and US Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG).
This meeting will take place on Monday, 5 September 2022 during morning hours at Stone building, Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance.
It will start with an hour-long presentation of these agencies’ opportunities for funding (such as ARO and ARL BAAs), followed by one-on-one meetings between the representatives and WIS researchers to discuss potential research projects. These personal meetings (approximately 10 mins each), to be organized by the RGP, will enable PIs to assess the relevance of their research vis-à-vis specific US Army and ONRG needs. As the number of such meetings is restricted, interested researchers should contact Vered Tadmor ( by 11 August 2022 to express their interest.
US Army and ONRG are looking for original and innovative ideas that would push the boundaries of science. A list of general areas of interest includes the following:
- Physical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Mechanical Sciences
- Materials Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Information Sciences
- Computing Sciences
- Network Sciences
- Quantum Research
- Mobility Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Within these general themes, several topics have been highlighted further by the agencies:
- Theoretical and computational chemistry (including the use of ML/AI) developing/designing novel methods for chemical catalysis
- Chemical sensing with high selectivity/sensitivity with targeting/triggering that enables a macro response
- Use of biochemistry to solve common chemistry issues or create bonds or functionality that standard chemistry cannot (theory and experimentation both of interest)
- Design of polymers with enhanced thermal conductivity focused on molecular design vs processing (theoretical/computational/experimental of interest)
- Polymer/protein complexes to produce functionality not found naturally
- Design of responsive polymers
- Multi-scale modeling of mechanical damage and failure (crack propagation)
- Novel methods for modeling of sand
- Functionalization of liquid crystal elastomer materials
- Condensed matter physics
- Quantum
Deadline to the WIS Center for Perception and Action Call for High-Risk High-Gain Grants has been extended from the original 1 August to 1 September 2022 (to the RGP).
PIs that are recipients\applicants of an NIH award\subaward, please be aware that NIH requires electronic signatures on certain forms during the life of the award. In most cases, “wet” and typed names will not be accepted as signatures. Therefore, if you haven’t done so yet, it is now imperative that you establish the possibility to use an electronic signature. This can be achieved through Adobe, or any other signature software of your choice (the NIH does not require a specific signature software), as long as such software maintains supporting documentation to reasonably authenticate that the appropriate individual signed the form, which can be made available upon NIH’s request.
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Code of Ethical Conduct in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein.
Further to issuing of the Smart Transport call for proposals, IMOS advertised a list of databases and beta-sites that might be relevant for potential applicant:
- The Round Tables website - 215 relevant databases, most of which (148) also have a link that is open to the public:
- "Mar Kav" - public transportation line data:
- The databases of the Ministry of Transport in Data Gov (137 databases): For more information contact Ms. Himat Younis:
- Netivei Israel offers access to the infrastructure of the road network for research, and access to knowledge accumulated in the company, with the support of professionals and knowledge centers in the company. For more information contact Ms. May Yaakovzon:
- The Trans-Israel company also offers data access and knowledge centers for research regarding the areas under its responsibility. For more information contact Mr. Eldad Shachem:
The ISIDORe project assembles the largest and most diverse research and service-providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, with expertise from structural biology to clinical trials.
It has launched two calls for transnational access for projects focusing on SARS-CoV-2 research (no deadline) and for projects focusing on Monkeypox research (5 August 2022 deadline). For more information see here.
The ERC 2023 Synergy (SyG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 08/11/2022.
The ERC-SyG is designed to enable 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams to jointly address highly novel and ambitious research question/s that can only be answered by the synergised work of top scientists, bringing together their complementary skills, knowledge and resources in unconventional ways.
Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilisation of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.
Groups of 2-4 PIs, with competitive track-records as appropriate to their career stage (Starting/Consolidator/Advanced), can apply. The call is open to multiple country, single country and even single institution groups from EU Member States or Associated Countries. One of the PIs may be hosted at an institution established outside the EU or Associated Countries.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
The ERC 2023 Starting (StG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 25.10.2022. The Starting grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and whose successful defence date of the first PhD was 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2023 (1.1.2016 to 31.12.2020).
Change in PhD reference date- from 2023, the reference date for calculating the eligibility period is the certified date of the successful defence of the first PhD degree (and not the award date). If you plan to participate in this call, please contact us as early as possible to establish your PhD reference date and verify your eligibility for this call.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, deadline to the IMOS-Ukraine call for proposals has been extended for again and is now 1 September (RGP) and 8 September 2022 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
Deadline to the two WIS-UChicago calls (in Quantum Information Sciences and in Artificial Intelligence + Science) has been extended from the original 27 June to 11 July 2022.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and ERC-CoG and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The workshop will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I – Monday, 11 July 2022, 12:30-15:00
- Webinar II – Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 12:30-15:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance.
To register for the workshop, please contact the EU-desk by Sunday, 3 July.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Krenter - Katz call for proposals has been extended from the original 13 June until 15 July 2022.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Wednesday, 15 June 2022.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
The National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) does not currently have any open applications for funding. However, NBTS welcomes researchers to share ideas that could eventually become proposals for grant funding. Potential applicants who wish to discuss a potential proposal, are invited to send a letter (one page) with their idea to Clair Meehan, Research Programs Administrator at Upon receipt of the letter, NBTS scientific team will review and respond.
Deadline to the Weizmann – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Materials Call has been extended from the original deadline of 8 May to 26 May 2022 (to the RGP).
The BSF asks to draw attention to several opportunities with the NSF that are not yet a formal part of the BSF-NSF collaboration, below. Before starting to work on an application to any of these programs, the US PI must contact the NSF to make sure they are willing to receive joint NSF-BSF applications. For any additional information and assistance, please contact Tami Koren at the RGP.
- Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) | Beta site for NSF - National Science Foundation
All BSF-NSF programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines are published by the RGP as before, approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, deadline to the IMOS-Ukraine call for proposals has been extended for a second time and is now 29 June (RGP) and 6 July 2022 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
The Interstellar Initiative is now accepting applications for 2022-23. It offers an opportunity for early career researchers (who have obtained their last doctoral degree within the past ten years and hold an independent, tenure-track position at a university) to grow professionally by working on a proposal for a challenging health or human disease issue.
Note that there is NO funding for a research project, but only for 2 short workshops (one in NY and one virtual) in which awardees will fine-tune their proposals so that at a later stage they can be submitted to other funding agencies. Travel expenses for the NY meeting, including a 3-night stay in a New York City hotel, will be reimbursed. Submission deadline is 24 May 2022 (directly to the Agency) and additional information is available here.
Deadline to the WIS-Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities call has been extended from the original 5 April to 24 April 2022 (to the RGP).
During the Passover Holiday (including Hol HaMo'ed) and due to WIS organized vacation, the RGP will be closed and provide essential and urgent services only. If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance. Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be also closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Staff Scientists call for proposal has been extended from the original 5 April to 1 May 2022 (to the RGP).
Deadline to the IMOS-France Maimonide call for proposals has been extended from the original 30 March (RGP) and 6 April (Agency) to 11 April (RGP) and 25 April 2022 (Agency).
Deadline to the WIS-Caltech call for proposals has been extended from the original 7 March to 31 March 2022 (to the RGP).
Full proposal deadline to both GIF Nexus calls (under the Solo Track and the Collaborative Track) has been extended, from 24 March (RGP) and 1 April (Agency) to 21 April (RGP) and 30 April 2022 (Agency).
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, deadline to the IMOS-Ukraine call for proposals has been extended by two months, from the original 1 March (RGP) and 8 March (Agency) to 2 May (RGP) and 9 May 2022 at 15:00 Israel Time (Agency).
Registration deadline to the ISF-Canada call for proposals has been extended from the original 2 March to 9 March 2022. Full proposal deadlines remain as before.
Deadline to the EU - Horizon Impact Award has been extended from the original 1 March (RGP) and 8 March (Agency) to 30 March (RGP) and 6 April 2022 (Agency).
IMOS advised that since the submission form on the Argentinian side of the IMOS-Argentine call for proposals is different than submission requirements in Israel, guidelines have been updated. Please note the following highlights:
- Research Plan must be identical between the collaborating PIs
- The proposal in Israel must be written in English
The ERC has published the tentative call schedule for 2023. The dates are subject to change until the official publication of the ERC Work Programme 2023.
Prospective applicants to the 2023 Starting and Consolidator Grant Calls should note that the ERC is aiming to change the PhD reference date for the calculation of the eligibility period from the date of the actual award according to the national rules of the country where the degree was awarded to the date of the successful PhD defence. Whenever the PhD certificate does not show the PhD defence date, applicants should provide a written confirmation from the awarding institution stating the said date.
Deadline to the Dedicated Equipment Requests for Individual Research Group call for proposals is upcoming (16 February 2022 - to the RGP); please note that the request conditions have been revised.
Deadline to the Weizmann - Swiss Society Institute for Cancer Prevention Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 31 January to 28 February 2022 (to the RGP).
Agency deadline to the Minna James Heineman Stiftung Project Grants call for proposals has been extended; applications to be received in RGP with an approved budget no later than Sunday 6 February 2022 at 7:00 AM.
A ZOOM meeting organized by IMOS to discuss and explain its National Track Research Grants (Pre-Proposals) call took place on Wednesday 26 January 2022. The PowerPoint presented in it is available here, and its recording is available here.
Sheba-Weizmann joint program seminar day, on which proposals are required to be presented on as part of the review process, has changed from 27 March to 30 March 2022. Application deadline remain as before (1 March 2022).
The ERC 2022 Advanced (AdG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 28 April 2022.
The ERC Advanced Grant is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
The EIC-Pathfinder Open funding scheme (formerly named FET Open) is a bottom-up call for early stage collaborative projects conducting basic research to develop the scientific basis of a radically new technology, with potential to create new markets and/or to address global challenges. The next Pathfinder Open call deadline is tentatively scheduled to 4 May 2022.
The webinar is organized by ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programs, and will be held on Monday, 31 January 2022 between 15:00-17:00 via Zoom. Its aim is to present the funding scheme and the important emphases for writing a good proposal, as well as to address specific issues learned from the last deadline, answer questions and give tips for submission. To participate in the webinar, register on the event page.
The Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, responsible for the representation and participation of Israel in international organizations of science and technology, is inviting Israeli researchers using such organizations to complete the following (anonymous) survey by 9 March 2022.
IMOS updated significantly its eligibility conditions and restrictions for its new 2022 calls, under the national (call for pre-proposals) AND international tracks (IMOS-Sweden; IMOS-Ukraine; IMOS-Argentine):
- A PI who has an active research grant funded by IMOS in the framework of the national track in 2023 will not be eligible to apply under the call for proposals published for 2022. Note that IMOS national track is considered to be any research project funded under the national IMOS call that has been published annually.
- A PI (i.e., head of research group) may submit only one proposal as a coordinating PI under the national IMOS call for 2022. In addition, a PI may participate as a co-PI in only one additional proposal under the national track OR under the international track.
- A PI who has an active research grant funded by IMOS under the international track in 2023, will not be eligible to apply under the International calls (in cooperation with any country) published in 2022. Note that the research period will also include any extension periods, as an extended research is considered to be an active research.
- A researcher who has an active research grant in either the national or international track which in 2022 will be his/her last year of research, is eligible to submit a proposal. Note that "last year" will also include an extension period, as an extended research is considered to be an active research.
- To clarify: during any given time, a researcher will be able to receive IMOS funding for two research projects (one under the national track and one under the international track), as well as participate as a co-PI in only one proposal.
See also these updates in Hebrew.
RGP deadline to the Minna James Heineman Stiftung Project Grants call for proposals has been extended from the original 12 January to 30 January 2022. Agency deadline has remained the same as before (2 February 2022).
NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program endeavors to advance education and research by enabling groundbreaking, innovative, and unique academic research projects with world-class computing resources, and by providing educators with a hands-on platform to teach AI, deep learning, and data science to students in any discipline. Additional information is available here:
Application deadline is 24 January 2022, and applicants to the program can request compute support from a large portfolio of NVIDIA products, including the latest server and workstation GPUs, Jetson developer kits, BlueField DPUs and the Clara AGX Developer Kit. Cloud compute credits may also be requested. There is no cash funding through this program. Note that based on the hardware granted, WIS IT may offer hosting service only (in the Data Center).
We are happy to announce that the Weizmann Institute has joined the Crowdhelix pan-European platform to encourage the participation of researchers in EU Horizon Europe collaborative proposals.
The Crowdhelix platform profiles and connects organisations and researchers with potential partners within its network for participating in Horizon Europe collaborative funding opportunities of mutual interest. The network currently has over 650 member organizations from 51 countries including universities, research organizations, SMEs, large multinational corporations, investors, end-users and other industry stakeholders. Crowdhelix also serves as a hub for 38 virtual thematic areas/clusters, called “Helixes”, which are international communities of researchers and innovators collaborating on a particular (wide) topic.
Weizmann researchers are invited to register on the Crowdhelix platform and to create their profile and post Horizon Europe call related opportunities to collaborate. The platform will match registered researchers with the most suitable prospective collaborators from its user community and researchers will receive recommendations for collaborations based on their expertise. For registration on the Crowdhelix platform and guidance please contact: Dr. Alice Mett, ext. 4007.
‘Using the Crowdhelix Open Innovation Platform’ webinar
The webinar will be held on Tuesday, 18 January at 11am CET (12 pm Israel time) and will present the platform’s capabilities and how to profile yourself, engage with other users and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities. Register here for the webinar.
Instructions to the IMOS-Sweden call for proposals have been recently updated, and are available here.
Deadline to FIRST call for proposals has been extended from the original 25 January (RGP) and 1 February (Agency) to 22 February (RGP) and 1 March 2022 (Agency); the invited full proposal deadlines have been also extended accordingly. In addition, application form are expected to be updated so please stay tuned.
ICPerMed “Best Practice in Personalised Medicine” is a recognition award which aims to “to honour, encourage, promote and disseminate outstanding evidence-based applications in the field of personalised medicine (PM), focusing on the implementation of PM research.“
The Recognition is open to candidates worldwide, who have published scientific papers (paper accepted by the respective editor) and/or developed best practice strategies (training programmes or interdisciplinary/intersectoral groups of collaboration) for implementation of PM approaches between 1 November 2019 and 31 December 2020. The award will NOT include funding for future research, but will provide a €500 non-cash value support for dissemination.
Application deadline is 28 January 2022. Additional information is available here (including the call for proposals and application form), and questions can be forwarded to Regina Krizahnovsky ( from the RGP will be able to assist with submission, if required.
Scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. It will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Sunday, 23 January 2022, 10:00-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 25 January 2022, 10:00-13:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance. If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
The ERC-2022-AdG call deadline is 28 April 2022.
As part of its efforts to improve the quality of scientific research conducted by interns, the Scientific Council of the Israeli Medical Association has decided to establish a national network for basic translational research, consisting of senior researchers from academia and hospitals, which will be open to interns regardless of the institution from which they come, for the purpose of performing basic sciences. See here for information on IMA-BioHub.
The program will enable quality and productive research to be conducted for interns who are interested in it, while providing full conditions and mentoring. Interested researchers who would like to serve as mentors under this program are welcome to join the network. Additional information is available here, and inquiries may be forwarded to
Deadline to the Weizmann - Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) call has been extended from the original 23 December 2021 to 27 January 2022.
Daiichi Sankyo, a global pharmaceutical company and the second-largest pharmaceutical company in Japan, advised that its annual TaNeDS global program will not be held in 2022. However, the company welcomes researchers to share ideas that could eventually become proposals for grant funding. Potential applicants who wish to discuss a potential proposal, are invited to send an email to . Upon receipt of the email, the Agency will review and respond. Please be aware that a WIS scientist was recently awarded by the global program of this company.
Scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. It will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Sunday, 23 January 2022, 10:00-13:00
- Webinar II – Tuesday, 25 January 2022, 10:00-13:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance. If you would like to register for the workshop, please let us know by emailing the EU-desk.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
The ERC-2022-AdG call deadline is 28 April 2022.
A new program under the NSF's Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) is now open to collaboration of US-Israeli researchers, under the BSF-NSF scheme. DBI invests in the innovation and capacity-building of cutting-edge research infrastructure for fundamental biological science that includes human capital, technologies, institutes and centers, and mid-to-large scale facilities. Currently, proposals are welcomed only to the bioinformatics tracks of these DBI clusters:
- Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (Innovation)
- Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research (Capacity)
For more information on this and other BSF-NSF programs with no set deadline, see the relevant RGP webpage.
The European Commission has introduced five ‘EU Missions’ as a novelty of the ‘Horizon Europe’ research and innovation programme for the years 2021-2027 aiming at addressing big challenges facing society. One of the five Missions focuses on Cancer with the goal of improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.
Scientists are invited to participate in an information session that will present the upcoming Mission Cancer related calls and the principles of consortium submission. The session will take place on Tuesday, 28 December 2021 between 11:00-12:30 via Zoom and will be conducted by Mr. Nir Shaked and Dr. Hagit Schwimmer of the Life Science Department at ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programs. For registration, please contact Dr. Alice Mett. A link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants closer to the date.
The tentative deadline of the upcoming calls is 26 April 2022 and they are open to collaborative participation, mostly by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries:
- HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-01: Develop new methods and technologies for cancer screening and early detection
- HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-02: Develop and validate a set of quality of life and patient preference measures for cancer patients and survivors
- HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-03: Better understand healthy versus cancer cells at the individual or population level through large-scale integration of research, health and non-health data
TRANSVAC is a collaborative infrastructure project funded by the European Commission (EC), initially under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and currently under Horizon 2020.
In its current open call for services it seeks to support and accelerate vaccine-related projects by providing access to the services and expertise contained within the TRANSVAC Infrastructure. TRANSVAC will not provide Users with cash funding or any kind of financial support in the context of this call; it exclusively offers Users free access to its partners’ installations and Services.
Call deadline is 15 January 2022. More information on proposal submission is available here.
Euro-BioImaging published a call for biological or biomedical imaging projects wishing to gain access the imaging services at a Euro-BioImaging Node. Funding covers the user’s travel and accommodation costs as well as access and consumable costs at the imaging facilities that are part of Euro-BioImaging Nodes. For remote access projects shipment costs are also covered. Each successful applicant is eligible for up to 5.000 Euros of support, and application deadline is 15 December 2021. See here for more information and to apply.
The Israeli Coalition of Rare Diseases Organizations issued a call for nomination for a recognition award acknowledging excellence in providing medical care and/ or professional achievement and/or special assistance in the treatment of patients of rare diseases and their families. Note that nomination is submitted directly to the Coalition with no involvement of the RGP. Submission deadline is 16 January 2022. Additional information is available here.
As there are many questions concerning the GIF Nexus program, a ZOOM meeting with the agency has been scheduled in order to allow interested applicants to consult the agency directly regarding any administrative / scientific queries.
The ZOOM meeting will take place on Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 11:00.
The participants on behalf of GIF would be Mrs. Mina Horesh , Deputy Director and Senior Program Manager, and Dr. Cellina Cohen-Saidon, Senior Scientific Manager.
Anyone interested in participating must advise Tami Koren ( by email no later then Sunday 5 December at 15:00, and they will be added to the participation list and provided access details to the ZOOM meeting by Tuesday.
The European Commission offers not only individual grants (e.g. ERC), but also many funding opportunities for collaborative grants to be awarded to groups of scientists tackling specific, pre-defined challenges in a wide range of scientific areas. Scientists interested in the Commission’s Health Work Programme are invited to an information session that will present the principles of consortium submission and the upcoming Health 2022 calls for proposals.
The session will be conducted by Mr. Nir Shaked and Dr. Hagit Schwimmer of the Life Science Department at ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programmes. It will take place on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 between 11:00-12:00 via Zoom. A link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants closer to the date.
For registration please contact Dr. Alice Mett.
GIF has recently updated the mode of submission concerning the pre-proposal stage in the GIF NEXUS program. Contrary to previous instructions, the agency has updated the guidelines and the pre-proposal should be submitted online and not by email.
Further details are available here: (first item in the “Application guidelines - Stage 1: Pre-proposals” section) . Here you can register / login to this program:
For the collaborative track, only one PI needs to initiate an application online, adding the collaborator to the proposal after registration. For questions and assistance with application, the RGP contact person for GIF is Tami Koren (
The European Commission offers not only individual grants (e.g. ERC), but also many funding opportunities for collaborative grants to be awarded to groups of scientists tackling specific, pre-defined challenges in a wide range of scientific areas. Scientists interested in the Commission’s Health Work Programme are invited to an information session that will present the principles of consortium submission and the upcoming Health 2022 calls for proposals.
The session will be conducted by Mr. Nir Shaked and Dr. Hagit Schwimmer of the Life Science Department at ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programmes. It will take place on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 between 11:00-12:00 via Zoom. A link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants closer to the date.
For registration please contact Dr. Alice Mett.
Deadline to the Merck Research Cooperation Research Grants call for proposals has been extended from the original 30 November to 3 December 2021. Applications should be submitted to Yeda.
Deadline to the IMOA Summer Field Crops Branch Research call has been extended from the original 3 November (RGP) and 10 November (Agency) to 7 November (RGP) and 13 November 2021 (Agency).
Deadline to IMOS Space Research - Astrophysics / Astronomy - Asteroids Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 1 November (RGP) and 8 November (Agency) to 3 November (RGP) and 10 November 2021 (Agency).
BSF published information on all of its programs in collaboration with the NSF. As all of BSF-NSF programs have the same instructions, and in order to lessen the bulk of information in the RGP website, all the programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines will be published by the RGP as before, approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
Horizon Europe info days and brokerage events for Cluster 1 (Health) and Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment) –25-29 October:
Researchers are invited to participate in Horizon Europe info days and brokerage events focusing on upcoming collaborative calls in the areas of Health and Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment with deadlines in 2022. The brokerage events will be dedicated to consortium building and will include on-line bilateral meetings with partners interested in the same call topics.
Cluster 1 - Health
Info day 25-26 October ; Brokerage event 27 October
Information and registration
Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Info day 28 October ; Brokerage event 29 October
Information and registration
If you would like assistance in understanding and locating relevant calls for your research, please contact Dr. Alice Mett, Scientific Collaborations Coordinator at the RGP.
The MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Global Seed Funds in Israel supports new collaborations between faculty and research scientists at MIT and their counterparts. Through an annual call for proposals, the program primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 13 December 2021. See here for more information.
IMOH notified that its call for Updating the Formula for Distribution of Funding Sources according to the State Health Insurance Law IS CANCELLED.
BSF advised that starting 1 October 2021 the following changes will be made to the BSF-NSF program:
- PIs are allowed to submit one NSF-BSF proposal each year. The year is defined as the BSF and NSF fiscal year, which runs from 1 October– 30 September of the next year. The fiscal year coincides roughly with the academic year at most institutions of higher education and research.
- For those NSF programs that still maintain two annual submission deadlines (e.g. in Psychology and Ocean Science), PIs are invited to submit NSF-BSF proposals by the second deadline which is typically in August of each year.
- PIs that have a current NSF-BSF grant cannot submit a new NSF-BSF proposal to any NSF program until the current grant has entered its last year.
Deadline to the ADI Association for Duchenne Disease call has been extended from the original 1 September (RGP) and 19 September (Agency) to 29 September (RGP) and 7 October 2021 (Agency).
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Wednesday, 6-8 September 2021
- Wednesday-Thursday, 15-16 September 2021
- Tuesday, Monday-Tuesday, 21, 27, 28 September 2021
The RGP office will be open for 3.5 hours on the following date:
- Monday, 20 September 2021
The RGP office will be open for 4.5 hours on the following dates:
- Wednesday-Sunday, 22-26 September 2021
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Deadline to the Weizmann – NextPandemic (Center for Infectious Disease and Host Interaction Research) call has been extended from the original 1 September to 3 October 2021 (RGP).
LOI deadline to the CRI CLIP Research Grant has been extended from the original 25 October (RGP) and 1 November to (Agency) to 24 November (RGP) and 1 December 2021 (Agency).
Deadline to IMOH call Updating the Formula for Distribution of Funding Sources according to the State Health Insurance Law has been extended from the original 22 August (RGP) and 27 August (Agency) to 21 October (RGP) and 28 October 2021 (Agency).
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Wednesday, 6-8 September 2021
- Wednesday-Thursday, 15-16 September 2021
- Tuesday, Monday-Tuesday, 21, 27, 28 September 2021
The RGP office will be open for 3.5 hours on the following date:
- Monday, 20 September 2021
The RGP office will be open for 4.5 hours on the following dates:
- Wednesday-Sunday, 22-26 September 2021
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
The ERC 2022 Synergy (SyG) call has been officially published with a submission deadline of 10 November 2021. The call will open for submission of proposals in the second half of August. This call is first ERC SyG call under Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for 2021-2027.
The ERC-SyG is designed to enable 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams to address highly novel and ambitious research question/s that can only be answered by the synergised work of top scientists, bringing together their complementary skills, knowledge and resources in unconventional ways. Groups of 2-4 PIs, with competitive track-records as appropriate to their career stage (Starting/Consolidator/Advanced), can apply.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Note: The participation of Israel in Horizon Europe is subject to its association to the programme, which is currently under negotiation and is yet to be secured. Having said that, applicants in countries that were associated to the previous funding programme, Horizon 2020, are considered eligible to participate in Horizon Europe calls subject to an association agreement being in place by the time of signature of the grant agreement.
In light of the upcoming NIH Oct. 5th deadline which comes right after the Tishrei holidays, please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time. If any signatures or assistance is required for your NIH application, please make sure to submit your paperwork to RGP well in advance.
The ERC Work Programme 2022 has been published and the call schedule can be viewed here.
Please note the following points:
- The timing of some of the calls is different than usual, in particular the Advanced grant which has a submission deadline at the end of April.
- An applicant may submit a proposal to only one call under the 2022 Work Programme, with the exception of Proof of Concept for which different eligibility criteria apply.
- The participation of Israel in Horizon Europe is subject to its association to the programme, which is currently under negotiation and is yet to be secured. Having said that, applicants in countries that were associated to the previous funding programme, Horizon 2020, are considered eligible to participate in Horizon Europe calls subject to an association agreement being in place by the time of signature of the grant agreement.
Detailed information on each call will be published once the call opens.
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Code of Ethical Conduct in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein.
Further to a request from the Israel National Cyber Directorate, the BSF was forced to change the mechanism for entering its online system, and using USERID and the password will be no longer possible. See here for more information on how to access BSF online system.
All eRA Commons account holders and those with current or pending NIH awards and/or dbgap data base use will need to switch to using credentials instead of using an eRA username and password to login to eRA modules. You should have already received an email from eRA Commons and RGP regarding this issue. In addition to yourself, please make sure that any students, PhD’s or post-docs that are participating in your NIH project or proposed project follow these steps, as well.
This cheat sheet provides detailed steps and screenshots for how to complete the switch.
It is imperative that this be done before September 15, 2021. Failure to complete this step could risk future funding!
Israeli Ministry of Agriculture (IMOA) update June 2021: No call for proposals for 2021 has been issued yet, and IMOA is engaging with the relevant ministry regarding available budget and approval of the call's publication. Assuming approval will be indeed provided and the call issued, submission deadline will be short, and not much time available for proposal preparation. Therefore, IMOA advised of the topics for the expected call (see below) and encouraged potential applicants to prepare accordingly.
Topics for the expected call:
- Solutions for dealing with climate change
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture
- Environmentally-friendly pest-control
- Agriculture for medicinal and cosmetic purposes based on animals and plants
- Treatment of agricultural waste
The final Work Programmes covering Horizon Europe collaborative calls for 2021-2022 have been published. The Work Programmes and links to the submission system for the first open calls for proposals are available on the RGP website. Collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’ cover various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Researchers are invited to contact RGP’s scientific collaboration coordinator for EU collaborative calls, Dr. Alice Mett for assistance in locating and matching Horizon Europe collaborative calls relevant to their research.
Horizon Europe Information Days – June 28- July 9
The European Commission’s Horizon Europe Info Days will take place online from 28 June to 9 July 2021. The 10-day event will provide an opportunity for prospective applicants and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation to receive information and ask questions about the novelties, main funding instruments and processes of Horizon Europe. The days will address nine themes, each dedicated to a different 'Cluster' or part of the new programme. The entire event is open for participation without prior registration. More information and practical details are available on the event website.
Horizon Europe Brokerage Events – June 24-July 9
Researchers are invited to participate in Horizon Europe virtual brokerage events organized in coordination with the European Commission and the National Contact Points for Horizon Europe. These events will give you the opportunity to find new partners for starting joint R&I projects and submitting proposals to forthcoming Horizon Europe calls and are open and free of charge. Registration includes completing a profile and participants can pre-arrange bilateral meetings through a dedicated matchmaking tool. See here for further details.
The BSF advised that the next cycle for the Regular and Startup Grants applications will open for submissions on 1 September 2021 and close on 17 November 2021. For this year's cycle proposals are invited in the following research areas: Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Bio-engineering, and Psychobiology. The relevant RGP webpages will be updated accordingly as soon as additional information is available.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP Office will be closed on Tuesday, 22 June 2021.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned time.
We are happy to announce that the RGP has expanded its services in assisting Weizmann scientists in finding Horizon Europe collaborative funding options. Dr. Alice Mett, a Weizmann graduate at the Department of Biomolecular Sciences, has joined our team as a scientific collaboration coordinator and will help scientists to locate and match Horizon Europe collaborative calls relevant to their research.
Collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’, the EU’s new framework programme for 2021-2027, cover various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Interested scientists are invited to contact Dr. Mett at to discuss their research activities and funding needs.
Note on the association of Israel to the funding programme: The participation of Israel in Horizon Europe is subject to its association to the programme, which is currently under negotiation and is yet to be secured. Having said that, applicants in countries that were associated to the previous funding programme, Horizon 2020, are considered eligible to participate in the first calls of Horizon Europe subject to an association agreement being in place by the time the first Grant Agreements for winning proposals would need to be signed.
Researchers are invited to participate in a Consortia Building Event Series for collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’, the EU’s new framework programme for 2021-2027. The events, taking place on 14, 17 and 21 June 2021, are not information dissemination events, but focus on pitching of project ideas and brokering partnerships for European Research and Innovation collaborations and networking. They are suitable for researchers who have identified specific call topics or areas of interest and are ready to take the next steps in discussing concrete project ideas with potential partners and going forward to a proposal submission.
For further information and to register, visit the KTN website.
The calls to be discussed cover the various research areas of ‘Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness’ of Horizon Europe and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries. Latest draft Work Programmes in each area:
- Cluster 1: Health
- Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society
- Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
- Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
If you would like assistance in understanding and locating relevant calls for your research, please contact Dr. Alice Mett, Scientific Collaborations Coordinator at the RGP, at
The National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) does not currently have any open applications for funding. However, NBTS welcomes researchers to share ideas that could eventually become proposals for grant funding. Potential applicants who wish to discuss a potential proposal, are invited to send a letter (one page) with their idea to Clair Meehan, Research Programs Administrator at Upon receipt of the letter, NBTS scientific team will review and respond.
We are happy to announce that the RGP has expanded its services in assisting Weizmann scientists in finding Horizon Europe collaborative funding options. Dr. Alice Mett, a Weizmann graduate at the Department of Biomolecular Sciences, has joined our team as a scientific collaboration coordinator and will help scientists to locate and match Horizon Europe collaborative calls relevant to their research.
Collaborative calls under ‘Horizon Europe’, the EU’s new framework programme for 2021-2027, cover various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Interested scientists are invited to contact Dr. Mett at to discuss their research activities and funding needs.
Note on the association of Israel to the funding programme: The participation of Israel in Horizon Europe is subject to its association to the programme, which is currently under negotiation and is yet to be secured. Having said that, applicants in countries that were associated to the previous funding programme, Horizon 2020, are considered eligible to participate in the first calls of Horizon Europe subject to an association agreement being in place by the time the first Grant Agreements for winning proposals would need to be signed.
An ERC-Synergy (SyG) information session will take place on Tuesday, 6 July 2021 at 10:30-13:00, in anticipation of the upcoming 2022 Synergy call, which is tentatively scheduled to open in July 2021 and close on November 2021.
The session, which is being organized by ISERD, the Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate, will include presentations by ERC Synergy grant call coordinator, Dr. Agnes Kulcsar and by ERC Synergy grantees.
For further information and registration, please click here.
The ERC 2021 Advanced (AdG) call has officially opened with a submission deadline of 31.8.2021. This is the first ERC-AdG call under Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for 2021-2027.
The ERC Advanced Grant is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. This grant will provide up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an option to request additional €1M for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or to cover the costs of major experimental and field work.
For additional information on the call, please contact the EU Desk.
Note: the participation of Israel in Horizon Europe is subject to its association to the programme, which is currently under negotiation. The ERC considers applicants from countries that were associated to the former programme, H2020, such as Israel, to be eligible for submitting proposals to this call, subject to an association agreement being in place by the time the first Grant Agreements for winning proposals would need to be signed.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) proposal (call deadline 31.8.2021). The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of the call and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The workshop will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Sunday, 6 June 2021, 10:00-12:30
- Webinar II - Sunday, 13 June 2021, 10:00-12:30
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please inform the EU-desk by Sunday, 30 May 2021.
Additional information for the call:
- The evaluation process will include an interview at stage 2.
- The call has just opened and we will send you the relevant information for the call, including specific guidance for applicants and the proposal templates, in the coming days.
- This call is part of Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for 2021-2027, in which Israel’s participation is yet to be secured. The ERC considers applicants from countries that were associated to the former programme, H2020, such as Israel, to be eligible for submitting proposals to this call, subject to an association agreement being in place by the time the first Grant Agreements for winning proposals would need to be signed.
Deadline to the EU - Horizon Europe - European Innovation Council (EIC) Pathfinder call has been extended from the original 19 May (Agency) to 25 May 2021 at 17:00 Brussels Time (Agency).
Deadline to the Weizmann - University of Chicago Call has been extended from the original 25 May to 3 June 2021.
LOI deadline to the University of Michigan - UM/Israel Research Partnership call for proposals has been extended from the original 9 May (RGP) and 15 May (Agency) to 24 June (RGP) and 1 July 2021 (Agency).
Deadline to the EU - Horizon Europe Emergency Coronavirus (COVID-19) Calls has been extended for a second time, from the original 11 May (Agency) to 20 May 2021 (Agency).
Deadline to the EU - Horizon Europe Emergency Coronavirus (COVID-19) Calls has been extended from the original 6 May (Agency) to 11 May 2021 (Agency).
A call for the appointment of new members of the Scientific Committee for the EU PRIMA program was recently published. Additional information is available here.
The Ministry of Education seeks to receive information about solutions for frontal learning at school in time of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Note that this RFI is only an initial stage of gathering information and does not constitute a request for proposals. More information is available here. For those interested - this online form should be submitted by 4 May 2021.
BSF published information on all of its programs in collaboration with the NSF. As all of BSF-NSF programs have the same instructions, and in order to lessen the bulk of information in the RGP website, all the programs that allow submission throughout the year (i.e., programs with no set deadlines) are available in a single RGP webpage.
BSF-NSF programs with set deadlines will be published by the RGP as before, approximately two months in advance of specific deadlines.
For both categories of programs (with/without deadline) BSF information is available here, according to program.
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 23nd call submission deadline on 27 April 2021. Further information is available here.
During the Passover Holiday (including Hol HaMo'ed) and due to WIS organized vacation, the RGP will be closed and provide essential and urgent services only. If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance. Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be also closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Passover Holiday (including Hol HaMo'ed) and due to WIS organized vacation, the RGP will be closed and provide essential and urgent services only. If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance. Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be also closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During March-April 2021, the Life Science team at ISERD (Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate) will hold a series of webinar presentations on Horizon Europe calls in the Life Sciences domain based on the call topics for the years 2021-2022 currently available in the draft Work Programmes of these areas:
- Health
- Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Please treat these draft documents as confidential and do not distribute them to external parties.
See here for a list of the webinars and registration links. The recordings and presentations will be made available on the same page.
For your convenience, see here for an overview of “Horizon Europe”.
The ERC 2021 work programme has been published. This work programme is the first approved under the 2021-2027 European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. Due to the transition from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe, the Synergy and Proof of Concept calls will not open under this year’s work programme. Both programs are likely to resume under the next work programme.
The ERC 2021 Starting and Consolidator calls have officially opend with submission deadlines of 8.4.2021 and 20.4.2021, respectively.
The Starting grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2021. The Consolidator grant provides funding of up to €2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2021.
Note that the eligibility time-windows may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the calls and their eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
The RGP website will be updated with the calls information soon.
The M. Judith Ruth Institute for Preclinical Brain Research will support the purchase of computer programs / licenses required for brain related research. Requests detailing the cost and the usage of such programs should be directed to Prof. Orly Reiner ( by 13 April 2021.
The Ministry of Health (IMOH) has issued a Request for information in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (IMOA), asking researchers involved in genome editing technology (CRISPR) to provide their details for the purpose of holding a seminar and promoting collaborations between those involved in the field. Researchers interested in forwarding their contact details (name, phone number, email) and research area for the above purpose are asked to contact Regina Krizhanovsky by 5 April 2021.
Deadline to the IMOA Groundnuts Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 14 February (RGP) and 20 February (Agency) to 22 February (RGP) and 1 March 2021 (Agency).
EU PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme) will be having a virtual info day in which the new 2021 call will be presented. The webinar, to take place on 16 February 2021 at 11:00 (Israel Time) requires advanced registration. Please note that the call is still to be formally launched and that relevant documents have not been circulated yet. Once the new call is published and reviewed it will be published via the RGP website and bulletin, as before.
Application deadline to the ISF Personalized Medicine call has been extended from the original 14 February (RGP) and 21 February (Agency) to 4 March (RGP) and 11 March 2021 at 13:00 (Agency).
See the Horizon Europe overview and draft Work Programmes here.
Importantly note that these are draft documents and are subject to change until their final approval. Please treat them as confidential and do not distribute them to external parties.
As part of MIDGAM's operation biological samples are collected from patients and kept in collection centers in order to allow researchers access to human samples accompanied by clinical and pathological medical information. Researchers are invited to contact MIDGAM directors with any questions regarding the use of biological samples for research.
The ISF launched a new section on its website, offering information on Accessing Scientific Infrastructures in Israel. See here for more information:
For any questions regarding specific infrastructures, please contact the research institute providing the service, as detailed in the website. As this is a pilot, the ISF will appreciate any feedback emailed to
Full proposals deadline to the Pazy calls (Research Grants; Research Grants for Young Researchers; and Equipment Grants) has been extended from the original 24 January (RGP) and 31 January (Agency) to 31 January (RGP) and 7 February (Agency). Full proposal submission only for those invited to submit.
IMOS will hold a technical training session on how to submit proposals using its new online system ("Kidmat HaMada"). Training is aimed at potential applicants and will focus on the technical side of the online application.
The training session is scheduled for Sunday, 24 January 2021, at 12:00, in the following zoom link:
There has been an update to the schedule of the upcoming seminar: the Physical Sciences Division, originally planned for 20 JAN, will now be on 22 JAN at the same time. An updated flier is attached. See below the original information published by the RGP:
A series of three virtual events is being hosted by the US Army DEVCOM-Atlantic Basic and Applied Research Team, highlighting speakers from the US Army Research Office. Presentations will include how to partner with the US Army through its research funding opportunities and descriptions of the research focus areas of the Army Research Office.
Each session will have different scientific topics. Please review the flyer and join the one that is most relevant to your research. There is a maximum of 250 attendees allowed in each meeting. Please log in early to the MS Teams meeting.
Please note that the Army Research Office BAA for Fundamental Research - W911NF-17-S-0002 Call has been published by the RGP and is open for application until March 2022.
IMOS will have a training zoom session on its 2021 calls for proposals, in which research areas of national and bi-national calls will be presented, Q&A session take place, and administrative highlights given. The session is scheduled to 17 January 2021 between 14:00-15:30, using the following link:
Deadline to the full proposal submission of the ISF-China call has been extended from the original 20 January (RGP) and 27 January 2021 (Agency) to 1 February (RGP) and 8 February 2021 (Agency). Note that the Registration deadline has NOT changed, and remain as before (19 January 2021 at 13:00).
The Israeli Coalition of Rare Diseases Organizations issued a call for nomination for a recognition award acknowledging excellence in providing medical care and/ or professional achievement and/or special assistance in the treatment of patients of rare diseases and their families. Note that nomination is submitted directly to the Coalition with no involvement of the RGP. Submission deadline is 31 January 2021. Additional information is available here.
Following requests from interested scientists, the deadline for submission of the internal grant to the Cancer Prevention Research Grant Program is extended. The new deadline is Monday, 4 January 2021.
The Office of the Chief Scientist at IMOH is currently joining a new European research network that will gather real-time information on Phase 2/3 clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines from clinical centers and laboratories in different countries.
Researchers and clinicians who would be interested in joining as monitoring sites are invited to contact Dr. Irit Alon from IMOH at their earliest convenience. Email: IRIT.ALLON@MOH.GOV.IL; Office: 02-5082167 or Mobile: 052-3609727.
A series of three virtual events is being hosted by the US Army DEVCOM-Atlantic Basic and Applied Research Team, highlighting speakers from the US Army Research Office. Presentations will include how to partner with the US Army through its research funding opportunities and descriptions of the research focus areas of the Army Research Office.
Each session will have different scientific topics. Please review the flyer and join the one that is most relevant to your research. There is a maximum of 250 attendees allowed in each meeting. Please log in early to the MS Teams meeting.
Please note that the Army Research Office BAA for Fundamental Research - W911NF-17-S-0002 Call has been published by the RGP and is open for application until March 2022.
Please note that the 2021 ERC Starting (StG) and Consolidator (CoG) calls will be part of Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for 2021-2027, in which Israel’s participation is yet to be secured.
Weizmann scientists are invited to attend an online workshop on writing a successful ERC-StG and ERC-CoG proposal. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers and will provide an overview of these calls and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The workshop will take place in two parts (further details will be published closer to the date):
- Webinar I - Sunday, 3 January 2021, 10:30-13:00
- Webinar II - Sunday, 10 January 2021, 10:30-13:00
Workshop participants will also be provided with access to video tutorials and additional online material containing further information and guidance.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please inform the EU-desk by Sunday, 27 December 2020.
The indicative submission dates for the upcoming calls are:
- ERC-2021-StG: 09/03/2021
- ERC-2021-CoG: 20/04/2021
Deadline to the BFF calls Alzheimer's Disease - Standard Awards and National Glaucoma Research - Standard Awards has been extended from the original 3 November (RGP) and 10 November (Agency) to 12 November (RGP) and 17 November 2020 (Agency).
Pre-proposals deadline to the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) - The Council for Higher Education (VATAT) Pazy calls (Research Grants; Research Grants for Young Researchers; and Equipment Grants) has been extended from the original 24 November (RGP) and 1 December (Agency) to 7 December (RGP) and 14 December (Agency).
Deadline to the Weizmann - Helen and Martin Kimmel Stem Cell Research Institute call has been extended from the original 1 December to 8 December 2020.
Further to the VP instructions, starting this year, eligibility to the DIP program will have alternating 2-year submission cycle: One year for submissions in the Life Sciences and Science Teaching, and the next year for submissions in the Exact Sciences. Accordingly, this year, the call for pre-proposals will be opened for LS and Science Teaching only. Next year the call for pre-proposals will be opened only for Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Deadline to the 2020 EU-COST Open Call (OC-2020-1) has been extended (for a second time) from the original 21 October (RGP) and 29 October (Agency) to 5 November (RGP) and 13 November 2020 (Agency).
Due to the current circumstances and in light of instructions, the RGP offices will be physically closed during Sukkot Hol Ha'moed.
Between Monday (5/10) and Thursday (8/10) RGP duty officers will be available via email for crucial matters and provide essential and urgent services only. On Sunday (4/10) no services will be provided.
Once the Tishrey holidays are over, RGP activity will resume as per relevant instructions at the time.
The Green Deal initiative is the European Commission’s roadmap, aiming to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 by facing climate change and environmental degradation challenges. In support of this, a significant amount of funding has been allocated to 20 dedicated calls for proposals under Horizon 2020, with a deadline of 26 January 2021.
The list of call topics, including links to their corresponding call texts and submission service, can be seen here.
For additional information on the call please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the Weizmann-Coronavirus Fund call for proposals has been extended from the original 1 October to 14 October 2020 (to the RGP).
In light of inquiries and following the current situation in Israel, the ISF is extending registration and submission deadlines of the Individual Research Grants and ISF-JDRF Centers of Excellence call to the following dates:
- Registration: 3 November 2020 at 13:00 (Agency)
- Full proposal: 22 November (RGP) and 29 November 2020 at 13:00 (Agency)
Deadline to the BSF Regular Research Grant program (including the Start-Up program) has been extended from the original 11 November (RGP) and 18 November (Agency) to 2 December (RGP) and 9 December 2020 (Agency) at 17:00 Israel time (10:00 am EDT).
Deadline to the IMOH Call for Proposals in Cardio-Oncology Research has been extended from the original 22 September (RGP) and 30 September (Agency) to 11 October (RGP) and 15 October 2020 (Agency).
ISERD provided information on two available partners search mechanisms, in advance of the H2020 Green Deal Call:
- In September and October, the KTN (UK) network will host three online events for partners search and consortia building, in various research areas covered by the H2020 Green Deal program. See here for information and registration.
- Ireland will hold an online event to find partners for Green Deal projects, scheduled to take place on 13 October 2020. See here for information and registration.
The MIT-Israel Seed Fund is a part of MISTI Global Seed Funds. Through an annual call for proposals, the MIT-Israel Zuckerman STEM Fund primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Israel, in all research areas. Interested scientists should look for MIT collaborator directly. Application deadline is 14 December 2020. See here for more information.
The Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology (IMOS) invites researchers in the field of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) to join the national website for Coronavirus research (Govid-19).
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 22nd call submission deadline on 27 October 2020. Further information is available here.
LOI deadline to the ATS Unrestricted Research Grants (and its other grant programs) has been extended from the original 18 August (RGP) and 25 August (Agency) to 1 September (RGP) and 8 September 2020 (Agency).
Interested researchers are invited to register on a partner search database for H2020 Green Deal calls (call topic deadlines in January 2021).
The database, established by ISERD, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework Programmes, will be used to facilitate matchmaking with other European entities, to develop project ideas and build consortia. It is useful for researchers who are interested in a contributing to a potential project within the scope and to take an active role in building a consortium and project proposal, either as a coordinator or partner.
To register > ISERD Partner Search database.
See here for further information on the Green Deal call including webinar recordings and presentations for each Green Deal topic.
Due to temporary financial constraints, the GIF postpones the opening of its submission website for the upcoming cycle (originally expected to open in August 2020 with deadline in October 2020). New information will be updated as it is received.
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Code of Ethical Conduct in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein.
Presentations by Dr. Keith R. Dienes (NSF Program Director at the Division of Physics), and Dr. Rachel (Heni) Haring (BSF Assistant Executive Director) regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place this year in Zoom, instead of the in-person lectures from previous years. Registration is required; the links below provide additional information and registration opportunity.
NSF Program Director, Dr. Keith R. Dienes:
- 3 September 2020 at 14:00 (Israel Time):
- 10 September 2020 at 14:00 (Israel Time):
BSF Assistant Executive Director, Dr. Rachel (Heni) Haring:
- 2 September 2020 at 11:00 (Israel Time):
- 9 September 2020 at 11:00 (Israel Time):
As a reminder, the BSF-NSF programs enable collaboration between an Israeli researcher and an American scientist from a U.S. academic institution in various subjects, some of them on a year-round application basis. Size of the BSF grant to the Israeli researcher ranges between $55,000-$80,000 per year on average.
Applications are paused: Due to receipt of a very large number of qualified submissions for the Mercatus Center COVID-19 call, Fast Grant applications are currently paused. If Fast Grants secures additional funding, it will resume issuing new grants.
The Green Deal initiative is the European Commission’s roadmap, aiming to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 by facing climate change and environmental degradation challenges. In support of this, the Commission is reinforcing Green Deal-related Research and Innovation with a significant amount of funding of up to €1 billion allocated to 20 dedicated calls for proposals under Horizon 2020, with a deadline scheduled for the end of January 2021.
Details on the call topics, that will be clustered under eight principal thematic areas that mirror the policy areas of the Green Deal, can be seen in the draft Green Deal Work Programme for 2020. Please keep it confidential and note that the information included in the draft is subject to change during the drafting process.
Webinars: ISERD, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework Programmes, will be holding a series of webinars (in Hebrew) during 26/7/2020- 6/8/2020. Interested researchers are invited to register for the session/s relevant for them. See here for further information and registration.
Deadline to the VATAT Call for Pre-Proposals in Data Science has been extended from the original 29 July (RGP) to 5 August 2020 (RGP). In addition, a few other changes have been entered (in call text and funding amount).
The timeline of the LRA Global Team Science Award program has been updated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. LOI deadline has been extended from the original 23 April (RGP) and 1 May (Agency) to 8 September (RGP) and 15 September 2020 (Agency).
The ISF recently updated that despite its attempts and due to the Coronavirus crisis, award notifications to the last cycle's applicants will be delayed until late July.
Deadline to the Minerva Program for Workshop or Group Visit has been extended from the original 15 June to 26 July 2020 (to the RGP).
The European Green Deal is a flagship initiative of the European Commission, establishing a new approach to address the effects of climate change and achieve the target of making the EU ‘climate-neutral’ by 2050.
A draft version of the Green Deal Work Programme for 2020 is now available. Please keep it confidential and note that the information included in the draft is subject to change during the drafting process. The release of the official Work Programme and the call opening are expected in mid-September. The call deadline is scheduled for January 2021.
Deadline to the FNIH Biomarkers Consortium (BC) call has been extended from the original 23 June (RGP) and 30 June (Agency) to 23 July (RGP) and 31 July 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the Minerva Program for Workshop or Group Visit has been extended from the original 15 June to 12 July 2020 (to the RGP).
Currently National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) does not have any open applications for funding. However, NBTS welcomes researchers to share ideas that could eventually become proposals for grant funding. Potential applicants who wish to discuss a potential proposal, are invited to send a letter (one page) with their idea to Clair Meehan, Research Programs Administrator at Upon receipt of the letter, NBTS scientific team will review and respond.
Deadline to the Weizmann MICC - IRE (Regina Elena National Cancer Institute) Collaboration Program has been extended for a second time from 22 June to 15 July 2020 (RGP).
Deadline to the Minerva Program for Workshop or Group Visit has been extended from the original 15 June to 28 June 2020 (to the RGP).
Short proposals are being accepted for collaborative projects across the whole range of neuroscience between UCLA Faculty and Faculty at the Weizmann Institute, with a submission deadline of 14 June 2020. For additional information please contact Prof. Rony Paz ( and/or Prof. Oren Schuldiner (
As a partner in the international JPI-AMR network, the Ministry of Health (IMOH) wishes to familiarize itself with researchers whose field of research is related to antifungal drug resistance, and who would like to take part in future activities. Interested researchers are asked to write to Regina Krizhanovsky at the RGP ( by 10 June 2020 at the latest.
ISERD published information regarding partner search for the H2020 Health Coronavirus Call (SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2C: Behavioural, social and economic impacts of the outbreak response). See here for full details.
RIKEN Center for Computational Sciences is making a part of its new supercomputer Fugaku available ahead of its original schedule for research projects aimed to combat COVID-19. Note that only computational resources will be provided (no research funds). See here for additional information.
EU H2020 published a new call for Coronavirus (Covid-19) research with deadline on 11 June 2020. Additional information is available in the RGP H2020 Health webpage and by approaching the RGP EU Desk.
ISERD will be having an online webinar for this call on Sunday 24 May 2020 at 14:00. See here for registration and further information. In addition, an EU power point presentation is available here.
The submission service for the ERC Advanced 2020 call (deadline 26.8.2020) is now available on the Horizon2020 Participant Portal.
Please use the guidance document for the preparation and submission of proposals to this call.
Considerations for submission:
The 2020 call is the last Advanced call under the current framework programme, Horizon 2020. The 2021 call will be part of the next framework programme, Horizon Europe, for which most details on the budget, conditions, schedule, etc. are yet unknown.
What do we currently know about the next programme?
- The Advanced Grant evaluation process is expected to be aligned with the processes used for the Starting and Consolidator Grant calls by introducing
- A Synergy Grant call will most likely not be included in the 2021 ERC Work Programme and will probably be included again in the 2022 Work
- There are delays in the legislative procedure for the establishment of Horizon Europe which are expected to result in a postponement in the launching of the new programme. Consequently, the launch of 2021 calls for proposals will be delayed as well.
New in the Advanced call:
- The additional budget that may be requested now covers major experimental and fieldwork costs (excluding personnel costs), in addition to major equipment and access to large facilities.
- The budget table and description of resources are no longer part of Part B2 and are now included in the online administrative form part of the proposal. The budget description, however, still counts towards the 15 page limit of B2.
For additional information on the call please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the Technion Mauerberger Foundation Fund - MFF Research Award has been extended from the original 29 March (RGP) and 5 April (Agency) to 14 June (RGP) and 21 June 2020 (Agency).
The Ministry of Health (IMOH) intends to open a Coronavirus (COVID-19) repository, to which researchers will be able to apply for information relevant to their research. IMOH is currently working on the Researchers Portal that will enable applications to be submitted. At this time, researchers are invited to complete an online form for their inclusion in a researchers database interested in using the repository. See IMOH letter for further information.
As a partner in the international AquaticPollutants Research Network (see here for the latest call), the Ministry of Health (IMOH) wishes to familiarize itself with researchers whose field of research is of relevance, and who would like to take part in the networking activities. Interested researchers are asked to write to Regina Krizhanovsky at the RGP ( by 11 May 2020 at the latest.
The NIH published two calls for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Awards (PAR-20-177 and PAR-20-178), with applications accepted on a rolling basis beginning on 30/04/2020. For more information see NIH-Specific RFAs and Program Announcements of the current RGP bulletin.
KLIPHA-COVID19 call for proposals offers partial funding for Coronavirus research R&D projects and clinical trials of Austrian companies, allowing for involvement of scientific institutes in the call. Application deadline is 11 May 2020. Potential applicants must contact Neta Pessah at Yeda ( and, after receiving approval to apply, should contact Yael Karhash at the RGP (
Deadline to the IMOS-France Maimonide-Israel Research Program has been extended from 28 April (RGP) and 5 May 2020 (Agency) deadlines, to 11 May (RGP) and 19 May 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the EU SESAR Joint Undertaking call has been extended from the original 21 April (RGP) and 29 April (Agency) to 9 June (RGP) and 16 June 2020 (Agency).
Calls to various H2020 calls have been extended, as showing in the table below. Please note that the dates indicated in the table are the Agency's deadlines and be kindly reminded that proposals must be submitted to the RGP at least a week in advance of the Agency's deadline.
WP |
Call |
Topic(s) |
Original deadline |
New deadline |
Transport |
H2020-DT-ART-2018-2019-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 21/04/2020 (2 topics) |
21/04/2020 |
28/04/2020 |
Transport |
H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 21/04/2020 (13 topics) |
21/04/2020 |
28/04/2020 |
Transport |
H2020-LC-GV-2018-2019-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 21/04/2020 (4 topics) |
21/04/2020 |
28/04/2020 |
Energy |
H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 21/04/2020 (6 topics) |
21/04/2020 |
28/04/2020 |
Cross-cutting activities |
H2020-LC-BAT-2019-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 21/04/2020 (4 topics) |
21/04/2020 |
28/04/2020 |
H2020-DT-2018-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 22/04/2020 (3 topics) |
22/04/2020 |
17/06/2020 |
H2020-ICT-2018-2020 |
all topics with an original deadline of 22/04/2020 (10 topics) |
22/04/2020 |
17/06/2020 |
H2020-FETPROACT-2018-2020 |
FETPROACT-09-2020 |
22/04/2020 |
17/06/2020 |
H2020-FETHPC-2018-2020 |
FETHPC-04-2020 |
22/04/2020 |
17/06/2020 |
H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020 |
CE-BIOTEC-08-2020 |
20/04/2020 |
19/06/2020 |
CORRECTION: Pre-proposal deadline to the EU - PRIMA Section 1 call for proposals has been extended for a second time from 25 March (RGP) and 1 April (Agency) to 28 April (RGP) and 6 May 2020 (Agency).
The EUvsVirus Hackathon, a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges, will take place on 24-26 April 2020. See here for more information.
Registration and proposal submission deadlines to the ISF - Singapore call for proposals have been extended: Registration has been extended from the original 23 April to 5 May 2020; Proposal submission has been extended from the original 28 April (RGP) and 5 May (Agency) to 12 May (RGP) and 19 May 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the Zavalkoff Family Foundation Call for proposals has been extended from 5 April (RGP) and 20 April (Agency) to 25 May (RGP) and 1 June 2020 (Agency).
The National Research Council of Canada's Pandemic Response Challenge Program will build teams to address challenges requiring further research and development for solutions to meet COVID-19 related needs. Canadian and international researchers are welcome to register here; over the coming weeks the agency will post the specific R&D challenges, send information to registered researchers, and invite them to indicate the expertise and capabilities they can bring to a team. Please make sure to inform RGP if/when invited to submit proposals or be involved in such proposals.
Crowdhelix Network offers free access to Crowdhelix – an online Open Innovation platform for experts seeking to collaborate across continents and disciplines in developing R&D funding proposals to help tackle COVID-19.
UKCDR Covid-19 Project Tracker is a live database of funded research projects on COVID-19 that will help funders and researchers identify gaps and opportunities and inform future research investments or coordination needs.
Science/Business Database of Coronavirus Funding Opportunities offers many potential funding opportunities related to Coronavirus research, mainly collaborations. Note that some of the funding opportunities on the list have already expired, and that new ones are constantly updated. Interested applicants MUST FIRST approach Danna Piroyansky at the RGP ( prior to preparing a proposal to any of the funding opportunities in the database. This is crucial, and required in order to verify applicant and WIS eligibility, as well as WIS endorsement of the application.
Deadline to the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 call has been extended from the original 21 April (RGP) and 28 April (Agency) to 4 May (RGP) and 12 May 2020 (Agency).
Stage 1 submission deadline to the H2020 IMI2 Call 20 has been extended from the original 5 April (RGP) and 21 April (Agency) to 4 May (RGP) and 12 May 2020 (Agency).
LOI deadline to the Simons Foundation SFARI Collaborations on Sex Differences in Autism program has been extended from the original 6 April (RGP) and 21 April (Agency) to 27 May (RGP) and 5 June 2020 (Agency).
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe. Currently PRACE is welcoming project proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a a fast track review process. This call is open until further notice. Further information is available here.
During the Passover Holiday, and in particular due to circumstances created by the Coronavirus, the RGP will provide essential and urgent services only on Sunday and Monday mornings (12-13 April 2020).
The RGP office will be closed on the following days: Wednesday - Thursday (8-9 April 2020) and Tuesday - Wednesday (14-15 April 2020). In addition, the RGP will be closed on Thursday (16 April 2020), further to WIS management decision on an institutional “gesher” day.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline to the H2020 ERC Proof of Concept Second Cut Off has been extended from the original 16 April (RGP) and 23 April (Agency) to 30 April (RGP) and 7 May 2020 at 17:00 Brussels Time (Agency).
Pre-proposal deadline to the EU - PRIMA Section 1 call for proposals has been extended for a second time from 25 March (RGP) and 1 April (Agency) to 30 April (RGP) and 8 May 2020 (Agency).
Deadline has been extended to the H2020 FET-Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies 4th cut-off date from the original 6 May (RGP) and 13 May (Agency) to 27 May (RGP) and 3 June 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the WIS-Caltech call for proposals has been extended from the original 20 April to 27 April 2020 (to the RGP).
The ISF F1000Research gateway invites authors funded by the ISF to publish the results and outcomes of their scientific and scholarly research. Hosted on F1000Research, it provides a venue for rapid, author-led publication and open peer review for all disciplines: exact sciences, life sciences and medicine, social sciences and humanities. For further information and details see here.
The group EXSCALATE4CoV (E4C), funded by the European Commission to carry out a project dealing with the Corona epidemic, invites researchers and companies to to share compound databases, perform a scan and determine an efficiency profile on the new platform. See here for more details.
The European Commission (EC) has published answers to several FAQs related to the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on current and future Horizon 2020 projects. The current list of Q&As can be downloaded here in a table format.
A few highlights:
- Flexibility in project implementation: Given this unprecedented pandemic situation, maximum flexibility will be given in relation to the action implementation. Whenever possible beneficiaries are encouraged to telework or to use other forms of remote working, as well as to shift their tasks whenever possible (e.g. to postpone tasks where physical presence is needed on the ground and meanwhile perform remote work instead). Costs will still be eligible for the work carried out under the action even if such shifting entails deviations from the initial timing set out in Annex 1.
- Delay of project start date: Postponement of the starting date of the action is possible for grant agreements about to be signed and, via an amendment, for grant agreements already signed but with a future starting date.
- Project suspension: If it is not possible to carry out any work under the action, beneficiaries may request to suspend the implementation of the project. Costs incurred during project suspension cannot be charged.
- Project extension: Beneficiaries may request an amendment for a no-cost extension of up to 6 months of the initial project duration due to the Covid-19 situation. Any request beyond the 6 month period will be granted based on case-by-case assessment.
Researchers are encouraged to check the FAQs page on the EC’s Funding & tender opportunities Portal for future updates.
For additional information or questions, contact the RGP EU Desk.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, several research infrastructures (RIs) have set up specific services, such as rapid or fast track access, to allow researchers to obtain results as soon as possible. See here for additional information and contact for the RGP EU Desk for further assistance.
The ISF has published its Coronavirus call for proposals, which is available in the current special edition of this RGP bulletin. Please note that due to the urgency of the subject, registration and submission deadlines to this call are shorter than usual. Note that registration will open on 31 March and terminate on 7 April at 13:00 Israel Time. The ISF will not allow application of researchers who have not registered by the indicated deadline.
Submission deadline to the Technion Mauerberger Foundation Fund - MFF Research Award has been postponed; a new deadline is yet to be announced.
Information on entities wishing to join an existing or emerging consortium in the framework of the IMI Call 21 on Coronavirus (not to lead one) are available. Please contact the RGP EU Desk for further details.
IMOS advised that in light of inquiries from researchers and institutions, the following link provides updated guidelines regarding research and scholarship activities (funded by the IMOS) at this period of dealing with the Coronavirus.
The RGP is doing its best to circulate new Coronavirus-related calls as they are announced and as fast as possible. Please be advised that, in addition to the BSF-NSF Coronavirus call published in this bulletin, the ISF is also planning to issue such a call to which deadline will be very tight. At the moment the RGP has no further details regarding this call, yet once it is announced it will be published in the RGP website and circulated via our bulletin. In addition, note that many agencies have extended their submission deadlines due to the pandemic; please check the current and future RGP's list of notices for further information.
Deadline to the EU Horizon Impact Award H2020 has been extended from the original 26 March (RGP) and 2 April (Agency) to 1 April (RGP) and 15 April 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the EU H2020 ERA-CVD call for proposals has been extended from the original 25 March (RGP) and 2 April (Agency) to 22 April (RGP) and 4 May 2020 (Agency).
Pre-proposal deadline to the EU H2020 AquaticPollutants ERA-Net call for proposals has been extended from the original 31 March (RGP) and 16 April (Agency) to 11 May (RGP) and 18 May 2020 (Agency).
Due to the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, Instruct-ERIC has a period of restricted access beginning 16 March. Priority Access for Coronavirus research will continue where possible, and remote access may also continue. All other research visits currently scheduled will be postponed. Users may continue to submit research proposals for future work. For more information click here.
Deadline to the IMOS Germany - Israel Cooperation - Water Technology Cooperation Program has been extended from the original 23 March (RGP) and 30 March (Agency) to 20 April (RGP) and 27 April (Agency).
Preliminary proposal deadline to the HEI Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award (RFA 19-2) has been extended from the original 17 March (RGP) and 24 March (Agency) to 31 March (RGP) and 7 April 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the two NATO Special Calls (Advanced Technologies and Explosives Detection) has been extended from the original 5 February (RGP) and 15 February (Agency) to 25 May (RGP) and 1 June 2020 (Agency).
LOI deadline to the TS Alliance call for proposals has been extended from the original 30 March (RGP) and 6 April 2020 (Agency) to 20 April (RGP) and 27 April 2020 (Agency).
FARA is waiving all LOI and grant application deadlines for 2020. LOIs for general research grants will be accepted on a rolling basis until 1 September 2020. At this point (22 March 2020), the LOI deadline for the Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award and the Bronya J Keats International Research Collaboration Award will remain 15 May 2020. FARA will do their best to make a decision on LOIs within 3 weeks of receiving them and, if invited to submit a full application, FARA will advise applicants of the deadline based on the COVID-19 situation at the time.
The NIH advises that when delays occur because the applicant or recipient organization is officially closed or unable to submit grant applications due to the effects of COVID-19, the NIH will consider accepting applications late, on a case-by-case basis and has other flexibilities available.
For more information, and NIH Late Application Policy, Administrative Flexibilities, and FAQs see here.
Several agencies have recently published urgent calls for proposals for research into the new Coronavirus (Covid -19 virus). The RGP is doing its best to circulate these calls and any relevant information as fast as possible. Please note that deadlines are very tight. As new calls related to the area will be announced, they will be published in the RGP website and circulated via our bulletin. In addition, note that many agencies have extended their submission deadlines due to the pandemic; please check the current and future RGP's list of notices for further information.
Deadline to the EU HDHL ERA-Net (Development of Targeted Nutrition for Prevention of Undernutrition for Older Adults - PREVNUT) has been extended from the original 31 March (RGP) and 7 April (Agency) to 4 May (RGP) and 12 May 2020 (Agency).
Given current challenges and the fluidity of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Alzheimer’s Association is pausing the International Research Grant Program (IRGP) LOI submission process (with an original deadline of March 19). New deadlines for the application submission process for the IRGP are yet to be determined. Applicants who have already submitted their LOI will have an opportunity to update the LOI and submit in the next cycle.
Pre-proposal deadlines to the MJFF following calls have been extended from the original 16 April (RGP) and 23 April 2020 (Agency) to 6 May (RGP) and 14 May 2020 (Agency): Investigating Environmental Factors that Increase the Risk for Parkinson's Disease; Target Advancement Program; Parkinson's Pathway Biomarkers; Therapeutic Pipeline Program.
Agency deadline to the BBRF NARSAD Young Investigator Grant has been extended from the original 18 March to 31 March 2020.
Pre-proposal deadline to the EU - PRIMA Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 25 March (RGP) and 1 April (Agency) to 1 April (RGP) and 13 April 2020 (Agency).
Deadline to the Weizmann MICC - IRE (Regina Elena National Cancer Institute) Collaboration Program call for proposals has been extended from the original 20 April to 22 June 2020.
Deadlines to the PCF following calls have been extended: Young Investigator Award: from the original 16 March (RGP) and 23 March 2020 (Agency) to 10 May (RGP) and 18 May 2020 (Agency); Challenge Award: from the original 31 March (RGP) and 17 April 2020 (Agency) to 3 June (RGP) and 12 June 2020 (Agency).
LOI deadline to the Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) Distinguished Innovator Award has been extended from the original 9 March (RGP) and 16 March 2020 (Agency) to 30 March (RGP) and 6 April 2020 (Agency).
In the face of the Coronavirus crisis, an opportunity has arisen to collaborate with the the Argonne National Laboratory (Illinois), to develop drug / vaccine / diagnostics for the Corona Virus.
Rick Stevens, Associate Laboratory Director for Computing, Environment and Life Sciences at Argonne, invites Israeli researchers to whom the lab's dedicated means of calculation (in the context of artificial intelligence and computation) will help accelerate processes and achieve results, to engage with him on this topic (
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 21st call submission deadline on 28 April 2020. Further information is available here.
Deadline to the IMOS France - Israel Cooperation - Maimonide-Israel Research Program call for proposals has been ADVANCED from the original 4 May (RGP) and 11 May 2020 (Agency), to 28 April (RGP) and 5 May 2020 (Agency).
IMI will hold a webinar on IMI2 – Call 21 on the novel coronavirus on Wednesday 4 March at 14:30 CET. Registration is free but obligatory via
IMI2 – Call 21 will be a fast-track, single stage Call for proposals covering therapeutics and diagnostics to tackle the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The Call will be launched in early March. Meanwhile the draft Call text and Q&A are available on the IMI website at
IMI is planning a fast-track Call for proposals on the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to be launched in early March, with a possible late March deadline. Final information will be communicated after approval by the IMI Governing Board. Once the call is formally published it will be available on the RGP website and bulletin. Please be reminded that potential WIS applicants to any IMI call must consult with the Vice President for Technology Transfer prior to proposal preparation related to IMI.
We are happy to announce that the RGP has expanded its services in assisting Weizmann researchers in finding H2020 funding options. During the next few months, Dr. Shiri Yaniv (PhD in Biology) will help researchers in locating and matching H2020 collaborative calls relevant to their research, mainly in the area of Life Sciences.
H2020 collaborative calls are available in various research areas and are mostly open to submission by groups of at least three institutions from EU Member States and Associated Countries. The currently open calls are the last calls under H2020 and we recommend applying to relevant topics, as either a partner or a coordinator, in an effort to secure funding from H2020’s remaining budget.
Interested researchers are invited to contact Dr. Yaniv at to discuss their research activities and funding needs. Due to the limited time until the end of H2020, it is advised to contact Dr. Yaniv as soon as possible.
The new Israeli Center for Smart Transportation Research of the Technion in collaboration with Bar-Ilan University invites researchers to participate in a survey aiming to help identify "hot" topics in smart transport, and enable participation in activities planned for the center.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Tuesday, 18 February 2020.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
IMOS wishes to bring to researchers' attention the existence of the Israeli Biorepository Network for Research (MIDGAM), a biobank that collects biological samples for research. See here for more information.
The BSF will consider partial funding for participation of Israeli researchers at the NSF Conference in Montpellier, France, on Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID). The conference will be held in mid-June 2020.
BSF funding is intended for researchers who are not from the "classic" areas of infectious diseases (i.e., cultural, social, economic, etc.). Interested researchers are welcome to contact the BSF for further details.
The innovative “Rare Diseases Research (RDR) Challenges” call is planned to be issued in March 2020 in order to facilitate and fund collaboration between industry, academia, SMEs, and patient organizations to solve specific research challenges in rare diseases. A Networking Event is expected to take place in Paris on 3 March 2020.
It is mandatory for future participants to express their interest of participation in the networking event and B2B meetings via the survey by 31 January 2020. Since the number of places is limited, the organizers may apply a selection process. Note that the Networking Event is free of charge. Participants are expected to arrange their own travel, accommodation and other expenses to attend.
Registration is now open for the Horizon 2020 Energy & Environment Information Day, which will take place on 19 January 2020 at the offices of the Innovation Authority, Einstein Hall, the entrance floor of the "Hamigdal" building, Malha Technology Park, Jerusalem. For registration, please click here.
Deadlines to the Minerva Research Grants call have been extended from the original 5 January 2020 to 16 January 2020 (pre-proposals) and from the original 8 March 2020 to 15 March 2020 (invited full proposals).
The European Commission offers not only individual grants (e.g. ERC), but also many funding opportunities for collaborative grants. Submission topics in various research areas are open for submission of proposals by groups of at least three scientists from EU Member States and Associated Countries. 2020 will be the last year of EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and we highly recommend applying to relevant topics, as either a partner or a coordinator, to secure funding from its remaining budget.
In anticipation of the last calls Horizon 2020, we would like to invite you to an information session on Horizon 2020 collaborative proposals. Scientists of all faculties who wish to learn more about funding opportunities for collaborative proposals, or to participate in or establish a consortium around a specific submission topic are encouraged to attend the session.
The session will be conducted by Dr. Hagit Schwimmer, Director of the Life Science Department at ISERD - the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate, Israel's National contact point for participation in the European Framework programmes. It will take place on Wednesday, 25 December 2019 between 13:00-14:30, at the Weizmann Institute, Zacks Meeting room, Stone Building.
For participating in the session, register here.
Personal meetings will also be available for scientists specifically interested in the Health, Energy or Environment Work Programmes and wish to find relevant submission topics and/or discuss their proposal. These ~30 minute meetings will take place on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, depending on demand.
If you are interested in a personal meeting, register here.
LOI deadline to the IAS CIPHER call for proposals has been extended from the original 27 October (RGP) and 31 October (Agency) to 3 November (RGP) and 5 November 2019 (Agency).
MRA added a new Special Opportunity for a Team Science Award focused on In-Transit Melanoma Research. An abstract to this Special Opportunity must follow these guidelines and be sent via email to with a CC to the RGP office by 6 November (RGP) and 13 November 2019 at 17:00 US Eastern Time (Agency). Invited full applications should be submitted by the general Team Science Award general deadlines.
During the Tishrei holidays (Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 8-9 October 2019
- Monday, 14 October 2019
- Sunday-Monday, 20-21 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 15-17 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 13 October 2019
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 30 September and 1 October 2019
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 8-9 October 2019
- Monday, 14 October 2019
- Sunday-Monday, 20-21 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 15-17 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 29 September 2019
- Sunday, 13 October 2019
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 30 September and 1 October 2019
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 8-9 October 2019
- Monday, 14 October 2019
- Sunday-Monday, 20-21 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 15-17 October 2019
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 29 September 2019
- Sunday, 13 October 2019
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 20th call submission deadline on 29 October 2019, provided that the PRACE 2 Programme is extended through a future PRACE Council decision (call expected to open on 19 September 2019). Further information is available here.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Sunday, 8 September 2019.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
No application could be submitted to Amazon under the Amazon Research Awards (ARA) call. Anyone considering submitting an application to this funding opportunity MUST FIRST contact Dr. Danna Piroyansky at the RGP.
Deadline to the IMOA - Nitzan Noah's Ark - Algae Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 26 August (RGP) and 2 September (Agency) to 15 September (RGP) and 23 September 2019 (Agency).
The next RGP bulletin is expected to be published in early September.
We would like to remind all Institute personnel that the Weizmann Institute of Science places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
The Institute has an established Code of Ethical Conduct in view of maintaining and promoting the Institute's reputation for ethics and integrity. The activities and behavior of all Institute employees, trainees and guests (including administrative and scientific divisions and faculties), should be guided by the statement of principles put forward therein.
The Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2020 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2020. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call and its eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
A presentation and Q&A session on the IMOD MAFAT Autonomous Capabilities and Deep Learning Technologies call for proposals will take place on Monday 12 August 2019 at 13:30, "Himush" building of the "Kirya", Tel Aviv.
Those interested in participating must email their full name, I.D. number, and phone number to Oren Gal ( by 7 August 2019.
As per WIS management instruction, grant proposals must be submitted for evaluation by the RGP, with a budget approved by Finance, at least one week to 10 days prior to the funding agency’s deadline. Failure to do so may result in delayed or aborted activation of the award, as well as in an increased rate of Shiryun from the KAMAR.
A meeting with Prof. Keith R. Dienes, NSF Program Director at the Division of Physics and with BSF representative (BSF Assistant Executive Director, Dr. Rachel Heni Haring), regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Tuesday, 24 September 2019, between 14:00 and 17:00, at Stone building, Zacks Hall, located at the Lobby level entrance. Please Note that number of seats is limited!
As a reminder, the BSF-NSF programs enable collaboration between an Israeli researcher and an American scientist from a U.S. academic institution in various subjects, some of them on a year-round application basis. Size of the BSF grant to the Israeli researcher ranges between $55,000-$80,000 per year on average.
Meeting schedule:
- 13:45: Gathering and light refreshments
- 14:00: Lecture by NSF Program Director, Dr. Keith R. Dienes
- 15:00: Lecture by BSF Assistant Executive Director, Dr. Rachel (Heni) Haring
- 16:00: Summary and Q&A
Researchers interested in participating, should contact Tami Koren ( ) by 15 August 2019.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Synergy 2020 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal.
This grant provides funding of up to €10M for a period of 6 years and is designed to enable two to four Principal Investigators to address highly ambitious research question/s that can only be answered by the synergized work of the PIs and their teams, bringing together their complementary skills, knowledge and resources, in unconventional ways. The call is open to multiple country, single country and even single institution groups. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
At the last GIF Board meeting in July 2019 it was decided, due to temporary financial constraints, to postpone the opening of the GIF submission website for the upcoming cycle (originally planned for August 2019). New information will be updated as it is received.
Proposals submitted to the Merck - Breakthrough Innovation Research Projects to Identify new Treatment Paradigms in Cancer and Autoimmune Disease call should be on non-confidential basis. For further information please contact at Yeda.
Abstract deadline to US DARPA Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office-wide call (HR001118S0057) has been extended from the original 14 July (RGP) and 18 July 2019 (Agency) to 9 July (RGP) and 17 July 2020 (Agency); its full proposal deadline has also been extended, from the original 18 August (RGP) and 30 August 2019 (Agency) to 13 August (RGP) and 28 August 2020 (Agency).
We are happy to announce a new pilot initiative, aimed at encouraging the submission of EU-Horizon 2020 collaborative proposals by providing support to Weizmann scientists who wish to establish a consortium, of which they will be either a partner or the coordinator.
Support will be given for hosting a short visit of potential partners in order to establish a collaboration around a specific Horizon 2020 submission topic and consolidate the concept of the proposal. The Weizmann scientist organizing the visit will not necessarily have to serve as the proposal coordinator in order to receive the support.
Support is offered for organizing a short visit by a small group of partners, covering costs such as flights, local travel and accommodation. Weizmann will cover 90% of the total cost of the visit up to a maximum cost of $ 5,000 (i.e. the maximum support available for a visit is $ 4,500). The organizing scientist will cover the remaining 10% as well as any additional cost beyond $ 5,000.
Interested scientists should contact Galit Arazi, indicating the specific call and submission topic for which they intend to apply, and providing a short preliminary abstract of their proposed project. The requests will be approved by the VP.
How to find suitable calls?
The European Commission’s Participant Portal enables searching for relevant submission topics using keywords.
You could also access the Horizon 2020 page on the RGP website and click the relevant sub-program in the table to view a list of the submission topics and deadlines.
Dr. Rachel (Heni) Haring, Assistant Executive Director at the BSF, will give a short presentation and be available for pre-scheduled short personal meetings. The session will take place on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 from 09:30, at the Stone Building, 1st Floor (exact room number will be disclosed at a later stage). Note that number of seats is limited
Researchers interested in participating, as well as researchers wishing to meet with Dr. Rachel (Heni) Haring at the end of the session, should contact Tami Koren ( ) by 1 August 2019. Please note that meetings will be scheduled only further to prior appointment, in order to allow for Dr. Haring required preparation.
LOI deadline to the Epilepsy Foundation My Brain Map Initiative call has been extended from the original 13 June (RGP) and 11 June (Agency) to 18 July (RGP) and 26 July 2019 (Agency).
Deadline to the Histiocytosis Association of America Research Grants call has been extended from the original 24 June (RGP) and 1 July (Agency) to 8 July (RGP) and 15 July 2019 (Agency).
Deadline to the IMOA China-Israel Noah's Ark call has been extended from the original 11 July (RGP) and 18 July (Agency) to 15 August (RGP) and 22 August 2019 (Agency).
The European Commission has pre-published the draft Work Programme for 'Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing', which now includes updated 2020 call topics. Some of the deadlines are as early as September 2019.
Until its formal adoption, expected in early July, the draft has no legal value. Nevertheless, those who wish to apply for topics with a close deadline are advised to consult the document for the preparation of their proposal, , taking into account that it is subject to change.
The list of topics for 2020 can be viewed here, and the draft Work Programme, presenting the corresponding call texts, is available here.
The ERC has released revised versions of the Information for Applicants document and the Part B2 template for the ERC-2019-AdG call. The revised documents are accessible on the RGP website.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on writing a successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 1 July 2019 at 09:00-14:30. The workshop will be conducted by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and ERC-CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
The indicative submission dates for the upcoming calls are:
- ERC-2020-Starting call - 16/10/2019
- ERC-2020-Consolidator call - 04/02/2020
Full details of the day’s agenda and a registration link (required by Monday, 24 June) can be viewed here.
The Israel Science Agency (ISA) within IMOS announced a Request for Information (RFI) inviting information on potential proposals in the area of nano satellites. Please note the following points:
- This is NOT a call for proposals and there is no guarantee for any funding.
- If any funding will be awarded, it will require 20% matching; the Weizmann management is NOT COMMITTED for such matching and it will have to be provided by other funds available to the researchers.
- Information must be emailed to by 4 July 2019 at 12:00 Israel Time.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Advanced 2019 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
An ERC-Synergy (SyG) information session will take place at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday, 12 June 2019. The session will take place at the Zacks Hall, Stone Building, between 09:30-13:30.
The session is being organized by ISERD, the Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate, and will include presentations by ERC Synergy project officer, Dr. Agnes Kulcsar, ERC Synergy grantees and panelist.
The ERC Synergy Grant provides funding of up to €10M for a period of 6 years and is designed to enable two to four Principal Investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address ambitious research problems.
Please access the link for full details of the day’s agenda and a link for registration.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on writing a successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 1 July 2019. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. The full details of the day’s agenda will be published closer to the date.
Interested scientists are requested to inform the EU-desk by Monday, 17 June 2019.
The indicative submission dates for the upcoming calls are:
- ERC-2020-Starting call - 16/10/2019
- ERC-2020-Consolidator call - 04/02/2020
Submission of a request for a year's no-cost extension of an existing ISF project is now available in the ISF website with a 30 July 2019 deadline.
Researchers in the last year of their ISF project may apply by logging into their user account on the ISF website, and accessing the project they would like to extend. Under the "grant information" tab there is a button for an extension request. The remaining project's amount must be filled in.
The UK national science agency is holding a workshop in Edinburgh (17-19 June 2019) in order to encourage participation of British researchers in the NSF Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) program. It invites Israeli researchers interested in exploring the possibility of including British researchers in their BSF-NSF EEID proposals to participate.
Israeli researchers will need to pay for travel, however the UK foundation will fund his/her stay during the workshop. Interested researchers are requested to contact directly Yael Dressler at the BSF (
As part of an ongoing redesign process, WIS users of the RGP website are invited to provide feedback regarding its current operation and design, as well as comments on its optimal expected functioning.
Please forward your feedback to the RGP website’s administrator, Danna Piroyansky: using the subject line “RGP Website Feedback”.
Deadline to the LOI submission of the UM/Israel Research Partnership in Biomedical Sciences has been extended from the original 28 April (RGP) and 1 May (Agency) to 13 May (RGP) and 20 May 2019 (Agency).
During Passover Holiday the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
- The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates: Sunday – Wednesday, 21-24 April 2019
- The RGP office will be closed on the following date: Thursday, 25 April 2019
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Funding Terms to IMOA Extended Nitzan Foundation call Subject #5 ("Adopting technologies from medical or security disciplines for agricultural purposes") have changed: For proposals submitted to Subject #5 (ONLY) IMOA's Chief Scientist will be the only funding source in the first three years, for a total of NIS 300,000 per year. Funding by the business partner will NOT be required. All the other call's terms referring to business partners remain the same as in the original call for proposals.
As part of an ongoing redesign process, WIS users of the RGP website are invited to provide feedback regarding its current operation and design, as well as comments on its optimal expected functioning.
Please forward your feedback to the RGP website’s administrator, Danna Piroyansky: using the subject line “RGP Website Feedback”.
Deadline to the MICC – Beilinson Collaboration in Cancer Research call has been extended from the original 25 March (RGP) to 5 May 2019 (RGP).
As part of an ongoing redesign process, WIS users of the RGP website are invited to provide feedback regarding its current operation and design, as well as comments on its optimal expected functioning.
Please forward your feedback to the RGP website’s administrator, Danna Piroyansky: using the subject line “RGP Website Feedback”.
Deadline to the IMOA NITZAN call Subject #5 ONLY ("Adopting technologies from medical or security disciplines for agricultural purposes") has been extended from 21 March (RGP) and 28 March 2019 (Agency) to 23 May (RGP) and 30 May 2019 (Agency).
As per WIS management instruction, grant proposals must be submitted for evaluation by the RGP, with a budget approved by Finance, at least one week to 10 days prior to the funding agency’s deadline. Failure to do so may result in delayed or aborted activation of the award, as well as in an increased rate of Shiryun from the KAMAR.
LOI deadline to the Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) Distinguished Innovator Awards has been extended from the original 10 March (RGP) and 15 March (Agency) to 24 March (RGP) and 28 March 2019 (Agency).
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under the EU H2020 Framework) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 19th call submission deadline on 30 April 2019. Further information is available here.
The BSF-NSF recently advised that in light of the significant reduction in the number of submissions to the programs that allow application submission throughout the year (i.e., with no set deadline), a second application may be submitted simultaneously. Applications will be also accepted from researchers with active projects, or from researchers whose proposal is currently under review in any program. In addition, researchers who submitted a proposal in a program with no deadline, will be now able to submit a proposal in a program that has a set deadline. Please note that this change is TEMPORARY. See below for a list of the program that this update refers to:
- Cyber Security and Privacy (SaTC)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)
- Integrative Biological Systems (IOS)
- Environmental Biology (DEB)
- Earth Sciences (GEO)
- Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS)
- Chemical Engineering and Energy (CBET)
- Marine Geology and Geophysics (MG&G)
- Ceramics (CER)
- Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (CMMT)
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Wednesday, 20 February 2019.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
Have you ever submitted to a U.S. federal agency (what you thought was an excellent proposal) but never got funded?
We are delighted to inform you that the Research Grants and Projects Office now offers a new in-house scientific and grant consultation service to scientists submitting external grants to U.S. federal agencies.
Prof. (Emeritus) Nira Ben-Jonathan from the University of Cincinnati is a researcher of Cell and Cancer biology who is now serving as a Visiting Professor at the Weizmann Institute. She has vast experience with funding from U.S. federal agencies, both in terms of her own uninterrupted funding, and as a reviewer of hundreds of grants. Most importantly, she has served as a chairman of five NIH and Department of Defense study sections and as a member of advisory committees for several National Institutes of Health. Prof. Nira Ben-Jonathan offers to demystify the process of applying for a U.S. federal grant by offering practical tips and expert advice to help you toward your goal of getting that grant!
If you believe you could benefit from this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Wenick at
- You could ask for either a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ben-Jonathan, providing in your email to Jennifer information on the agencies you are interested in applying to (NIH, U.S. Air Force, ONR, DOE, etc.)
- In addition, you can express interest in attending a 1-2 hour lecture titled, “Grant applications to U.S. funding agencies”, and state on which agencies you would like to hear more application information; pending on the number of potential attendees Prof. Ben-Jonathan will be scheduled to deliver her lecture.
See the link for further details.
Have you ever submitted to a U.S. federal agency (what you thought was an excellent proposal) but never got funded?
We are delighted to inform you that the Research Grants and Projects Office now offers a new in-house scientific and grant consultation service to scientists submitting external grants to U.S. federal agencies.
Prof. (Emeritus) Nira Ben-Jonathan from the University of Cincinnati is a researcher of Cell and Cancer biology who is now serving as a Visiting Professor at the Weizmann Institute. She has vast experience with funding from U.S. federal agencies, both in terms of her own uninterrupted funding, and as a reviewer of hundreds of grants. Most importantly, she has served as a chairman of five NIH and Department of Defense study sections and as a member of advisory committees for several National Institutes of Health. Prof. Nira Ben-Jonathan offers to demystify the process of applying for a U.S. federal grant by offering practical tips and expert advice to help you toward your goal of getting that grant!
If you believe you could benefit from this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Wenick at
- You could ask for either a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ben-Jonathan, providing in your email to Jennifer information on the agencies you are interested in applying to (NIH, U.S. Air Force, ONR, DOE, etc.)
- In addition, you can express interest in attending a 1-2 hour lecture titled, “Grant applications to U.S. funding agencies”, and state on which agencies you would like to hear more application information; pending on the number of potential attendees Prof. Ben-Jonathan will be scheduled to deliver her lecture.
See the link for further details.
Have you ever submitted to a U.S. federal agency (what you thought was an excellent proposal) but never got funded?
We are delighted to inform you that the Research Grants and Projects Office now offers a new in-house scientific and grant consultation service to scientists submitting external grants to U.S. federal agencies.
Prof. (Emeritus) Nira Ben-Jonathan from the University of Cincinnati is a researcher of Cell and Cancer biology who is now serving as a Visiting Professor at the Weizmann Institute. She has vast experience with funding from U.S. federal agencies, both in terms of her own uninterrupted funding, and as a reviewer of hundreds of grants. Most importantly, she has served as a chairman of five NIH and Department of Defense study sections and as a member of advisory committees for several National Institutes of Health. Prof. Nira Ben-Jonathan offers to demystify the process of applying for a U.S. federal grant by offering practical tips and expert advice to help you toward your goal of getting that grant!
If you believe you could benefit from this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Wenick at
- You could ask for either a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ben-Jonathan, providing in your email to Jennifer information on the agencies you are interested in applying to (NIH, U.S. Air Force, ONR, DOE, etc.)
- In addition, you can express interest in attending a 1-2 hour lecture titled, “Grant applications to U.S. funding agencies”, and state on which agencies you would like to hear more application information; pending on the number of potential attendees Prof. Ben-Jonathan will be scheduled to deliver her lecture.
See the link for further details.
Deadline to the IMOA Extended Nitzan Foundation - Noah's Ark call has been extended from the original 21 February (RGP) and 28 February (Agency) to 21 March (RGP) and 28 March 2019 (Agency).
An Information Session on the French Embassy's Chateaubriand Fellowship (for students and researchers) will be taking place on Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 13:00, at the Weizmann Institute, Seminar Room 4 at the David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies (at Feinberg Graduate School).
Deadline to the Emerson Collective (EC) Weizmann - EC Cancer Research Fund Request for Proposals has been extended from the original 28 February (RGP) to 4 March (RGP) and 11 March 2019 (Agency). In addition, submission process has been changed into an online submission.
Proposal submission deadline to the ISF - Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) - Research Grants call has been extended from the original 27 December (RGP) and 3 January (Agency) to 8 January (RGP) and 15 January 2019 (Agency).
BSF encourages biologists to apply for BSF-NSF programs in biology (IOS, MCB and DEB) having year-round deadlines. For additional information see BSF's original message here.
Deadline to the Sanofi Innovation Awards Europe (iAwards Europe) Call for Pre-Proposals has been extended from the original 18 November to 17 December 2018. In addition, the call and template have been updated. SUBMISSION IS TO YEDA (
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2019 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2019. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call and its eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Please be reminded of ISF Registration and Full Proposal submission deadlines for the Individual Research Grants, Bikura, and Quantum Science and Technology programs:
- Registration: 23 October 2018, 13:00 Israel Time - to the agency
- Full proposal: 30 October 2018 - to the RGP (to reach the agency by 06 November 2018, 13:00 Israel Time)
Due to the expected upgrading of the Tafnit and GMS systems and consequential disabling, the RGP office's activity will be limited on this day.
The Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2019 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2019. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call and its eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 10-11 September 2018
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 18-19 September 2018
- Monday, 24 September 2018
- Sunday, 30 September 2018
- Monday, 1 October 2018
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 25-27 September 2018
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 9 September 2018
- Sunday, 23 September 2018
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 10-11 September 2018
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 18-19 September 2018
- Monday, 24 September 2018
- Sunday, 30 September 2018
- Monday, 1 October 2018
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 25-27 September 2018
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 9 September 2018
- Sunday, 23 September 2018
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
The Abisch-Frenkel Foundation invites WIS researchers to a 25-year Celebration Symposium for the Promotion of Life Sciences in honour of Eva Abisch. The symposium will take place at the WIS on 19 December 2018. Registration is required by 2 November 2018 - please contact Sabrina Harris for registration and additional information.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 10-11 September 2018
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 18-19 September 2018
- Monday, 24 September 2018
- Sunday, 30 September 2018
- Monday, 1 October 2018
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday-Thursday, 25-27 September 2018
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 9 September 2018
- Sunday, 23 September 2018
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Due to division activity the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Wednesday, 5 September 2018.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under H2020) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 18th call submission deadline on 30 October 2018. Further information is available here.
Deadline to the Rambam - Ernest and Bonnie Beutler Research Program of Excellence in Genomic Medicine has been extended from the original 16 July (RGP) and 23 July (Agency) to 30 September (RGP) and 7 October 2018 (Agency).
UPDATE (1 July 2018): Pre-proposal deadline to the Tashtiot Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences call for proposals has been extended for a second time: the revised pre-proposal dates are 5 August (RGP) and 12 August 2018 (Agency). Note that full proposal deadlines have remained as before.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend an H2020 ERC-Synergy info-session with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers. The session will take place at the David Lopatie Conference Centre, Presidential Reception Room on Tuesday, 3 July 2018 at 14:30-16:00.
If you have not yet registered and wish to participate in the workshop, please let us know by Sunday morning.
Deadline to the MICC-TICC Collaboration call has been extended from the original 1 July (to the RGP) to 7 October 2018 (to the RGP). In addition, the listing of preferred areas of research has been removed and application form updated.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on writing a successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Tuesday, 3 July 2018 at 09:00-14:00. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
Full details of the day’s agenda and a registration link (required by Sunday, 1 July) can be viewed here.
Pre-proposal deadline to the IMOS Tashtiot Nano Safety call has been extended from the original 22 August (RGP) and 29 August (Agency) to 27 August (RGP) and 3 September 2018 (Agency). Full proposal submission (only for those invited to submit) has remained as before.
Deadline to the IMOS France - Israel Cooperation - Maimonide-Israel Research Program has been extended from the original 23 August (RGP) and 30 August (Agency) to 27 August (RGP) and 3 September 2018 (Agency).
Deadline to the Minerva Workshop or Group Visit has been extended from the original 17 June to 1 July 2018 (to the RGP).
An information session for potential ERC applicants, conducted by Dr. Ino Agrafioti, LS1 Panel Coordinator, ERC Executive Agency, will take place at the Weizmann Institute on the morning of Wednesday, 20 June 2018.
The session will take place at the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences, Room 591-C, between 09:30-12:30.
Please note that although the speaker is the coordinator of a specific panel, the session will be relevant for all potential applicants and will provide information on how to write a proposal, what is liked by the panels and what is not, myths vs. truth, etc.
If you have not yet registered and are interested in participating, please contact the EU-Desk as soon as possible.
Pre-proposal deadline to the IMOS Tashtiot Environment, Agriculture and Water Sciences call for proposals has been extended from 25 July (RGP) and 1 August (Agency) to 1 August (RGP) and 8 August 2018 (Agency). Invited full proposal deadline has been extended from the original 8 October (RGP) and 15 October (Agency) to 25 November (RGP) and 2 December 2018 (Agency).
Pre-proposal deadline to IMOS Engineering call for proposals has been extended from 25 July (RGP) and 1 August (Agency) to 1 August (RGP) and 8 August 2018 (Agency). Invited full proposal deadline has been extended from the original 8 October (RGP) and 15 October (Agency) to 3 December (RGP) and 10 December 2018 (Agency).
Pre-proposal deadline to IMOS Tashtiot Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences call for proposals has been extended from 25 July (RGP) and 1 August (Agency) to 1 August (RGP) and 8 August 2018 (Agency).
An H2020 ERC-Starting and Consolidator ‘Writing a Successful Proposal’ Workshop, with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers, will take place at the Weizmann Institute on Tuesday, 3 July 2018.
The full details of the day’s agenda will be published closer to the date. Interested scientists are requested to inform the EU-desk by Wednesday, 14 June 2018.
The RGP office is checking the possibility of holding an H2020 ERC-Synergy info-session with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers at the Weizmann Institute, in the afternoon of Tuesday, 3 July 2018. Interested scientists are requested to inform the EU-desk by Wednesday, 14 June 2018. Please note that the session will be held subject to sufficient number of participants.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Advanced 2018 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Tuesday, 22 May 2018.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
Dr. Lara A. Campbell, a Program Director in the Office of International Science and Engineering at the NSF, will give a short presentation and be available for pre-scheduled short personal meetings.
The session will take place on Wednesday 30 May 2018 from 14:30, at the de Picciotto Building, 1st Floor, Room 134. Note that number of sits is limited!
Researchers interested in participating, as well as researchers wishing to meet with Dr. Campbell at the end of the session, should contact Tami Koren ( ) by 17 May 2018. Please note that meetings will be scheduled only further to prior appointment, in order to allow for Dr. Campbell required preparation.
See here for additional meetings in other institutes.
We are pleased to inform you that an information session for potential ERC applicants will take place at the Weizmann Institute in the morning of Wednesday, 20 June 2018. The session will be conducted by Dr. Ino Agrafioti, LS1 Panel Coordinator, ERC Executive Agency.
Further details on the session, including the venue and schedule, will be published closer to the date.
Please note that although the speaker is the coordinator of a specific panel, the session will be relevant to all potential applicants and will provide information on how to write a proposal, what is liked by the panels and what is not, myths vs. truth, etc.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the EU-Desk as soon as possible.
Please contact RGP ( as soon as a student and/or postdoc student starts working on an NIH-funded project for her to establish an eRA Commons account. This will save you a lot of time and energy trying to track down people who may no longer be at WIS at the time of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submission.
During Passover Holiday the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following date:
Thursday, 5 April 2018
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
Sunday – Wednesday, 1-4 April 2018
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline for full proposal submission to the ISF Broad Institute Research Grants program has been extended from the original 9 April (RGP) and 16 April (Agency) to 30 April (RGP) and 6 May 2018 (Agency).
Deadline to the US DARPA - Strategic Technologies (HR001117S0015) call for proposals has been extended from the original 7 March (RGP) and 21 March 2018 (Agency) to 29 August (RGP) and 21 September 2018 (Agency).
The RGP moved to the 5th floor of the Stone Building and resumed its services. All other contact information remains as before.
Deadline to the IMOD Photonics Research Proposals for Security Applicability - OR RISHON has been extended from the original 25 March (RGP) and 8 April (Agency) to 23 April (RGP) and 30 April 2018 (Agency).
Please contact RGP ( as soon as a student and/or postdoc student starts working on an NIH-funded project for her to establish an eRA Commons account. This will save you a lot of time and energy trying to track down people who may no longer be at WIS at the time of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submission.
During Passover Holiday the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following date:
Thursday, 5 April 2018
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
Sunday – Wednesday, 1-4 April 2018
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
The RGP is relocating to the 5th floor of the Stone Building.
Due to the expected move, the RGP will be closed on the afternoon of Wednesday, 14 March, and all day Thursday, 15 March 2018. In addition, RGP services will be only partially available on the morning of Wednesday, 14 March, and all day Sunday, 18 March 2018.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on these days, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
The RGP is relocating to the 5th floor of the Stone Building.
Due to the expected move, the RGP will be closed on the afternoon of Wednesday, 14 March, and all day Thursday, 15 March 2018. In addition, RGP services will be only partially available on the morning of Wednesday, 14 March, and all day Sunday, 18 March 2018.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP are required on these days, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
Deadline to the IMOA Groundnuts Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 8 February (RGP) and 15 February (Agency) to 25 February 2018 (RGP and Agency).
Please contact RGP ( as soon as a student and/or postdoc student starts working on an NIH-funded project for her to establish an eRA Commons account. This will save you a lot of time and energy trying to track down people who may no longer be at WIS at the time of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submission.
Deadline to the IMOH Big Data Call for Proposals TIMNA Project has been extended from the original 29 January (RGP) and 5 February (Agency) to 18 February (RGP) and 25 February 2018 (Agency). In addition, a 10% overhead may now be included in the project's budget.
The ISF updated its ISF-Broad call guidelines. The updated information has been incorporated in the ISF-Broad RGP webpage, and is also available here with the changes highlighted in yellow.
In addition, deadline has been extended for both Registration and Declaration of Intent submission:
- Registration: from the original 29 January to 12 February 2018 at 13:00 (Agency)
- Declaration of Intent submission: from the original 30 January to 13 February at 13:00 (Agency)
Pazi Foundation's new website is available at Guidelines for submission of a new research proposal are available here and updated in the relevant RGP webpage (Research Grants and Equipment). Researchers are asked to upload the abstracts to the system as soon as possible in order to enable the Agency to deal with any malfunction.
The University of Illinois System Office of the Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation announces week-long travel support for its faculty, aiming at encouraging the development of new or the strengthening of existing collaborations with Israel. Applications are solicited from U of I System Faculty, and are to be submitted by 31 January 2018 or until all awards are made. For more information see call text.
Two major changes impact applications submitted for NIH due dates on or after 25 January 2018.
- Applicants are required to use FORMS-E. Wondering what this means for late applications or reviewers submitting under the continuous submission policies? See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-17-062 to learn more.
- Applications that include one or more clinical trials must be submitted in response to funding opportunity announcements that allow for clinical trials. See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-18-106 to learn more.
The Pazi Foundation is currently in the process of upgrading its website, and will soon be launching it. Until then, researchers interested in submitting a proposal are requested TO REFRAIN from submitting new proposals to the old website, as it is inactive and the files WILL NOT BE SAVED. Once the new website will be officially launched a notice will be circulated, and research proposals will be allowed to be submitted.
Deadline to the IMOS Israel-Italy Establishment of Virtual Joint Italian-Israeli Laboratories call for proposals has been extended from the original 28 December 2017 (RGP) and 4 January 2018 (Agency) to 18 January 2018 (RGP) and 25 January 2018 (Agency).
As of 1 January 2018, the US federal government is retiring the legacy PDF forms used to apply to the NIH. The NIH’s system of choice is now ASSIST, the Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking, a web portal for researchers who wish to prepare, submit and track grant applications ( The following link provides info on how to apply:
As of 1 January 2018, the US federal government is retiring the legacy PDF forms used to apply to the NIH. The NIH’s system of choice is now ASSIST, the Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking, a web portal for researchers who wish to prepare, submit and track grant applications ( The following link provides info on how to apply:
WIS researchers, please be advised that the NSF International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports international research and research-related activities outside the US for US science and engineering students (i.e., student participants supported by IRES funds must be citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States). Note that Israeli investigators and/or students ARE NOT eligible to apply in the framework of this program. For further information, see here.
As of 1 January 2018, Workspace will replace the legacy PDF packages to submit applications to the US federal government through Workspace is a cloud-based online environment optimized for applicants who are collaborating on an application.
To apply or be part of an application, you will first need to register into Please note that WIS PIs are required to create an ORGANIZATION applicant profile as opposed to an individual applicant profile. To help set up such profile, please contact Chaya Moykopf ( or Yael Karhash ( at the RGP, who will provide the DUNS number needed.
Since Workspace is an entirely new submission method, we kindly ask that you approach the RGP as soon as you consider applying. Early information of your intention to apply or be part of an application will help facilitate a smooth process for all.
For additional and updated NIH information, see here the RGP NIH webpages.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2018 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2018. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call and its eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
As IMOS aims to expand and deepen the public's knowledge of all aspects of science and technology, it seeks to make researchers' outcomes accessible to the public.
- It is required that the research proposal include a detailed outreach implementation plan, at a cost of up to NIS 3,000 per research. This amount should be reserved as part of the budget appendix. See call text for further details.
- Reaching out and accessibility activities can include various means depending on the nature of the research and the preferences of researchers and the institution. For the extensive list see the call text. Note that any other activity that is NOT included in the said list will require the approval of IMOS scientific director.
In order to plan and implement the outreach requirement, WIS researchers are invited to contact Dr. Yossi Elran from the Davidson Institute of Science Education (
Of the four application submission options currently available to NIH applicants, the option to use legacy PDF application packages will retire at the end of this year. Those who normally use these offline PDF packages will need to choose another submission method.
IMOS advised that the Computational Modelling with Functional Genomics of Clonal Evolution of Infectious Diseases research field in the IMOS France - Israel Cooperation - Maimonide-Israel Research Program has been changed to Computational modeling with functional and evolutionary genomics of infectious diseases.
During the Tishrei holidays (Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Thursday, 5 October 2017
- Wednesday-Thursday, 11-12 October 2017
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Sunday - Tuesday, 8-10 October 2017
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Wednesday, 4 October 2017
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Synergy 2018 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €10M for a period of 6 years and is designed to enable minimum two to maximum four Principal Investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address ambitious research problems. A general overview of the call can be viewed here; for additional information please contact the EU Desk.
IMOS recently clarified that the call for China-Israel Cooperation has not yet been published in China. However, at a meeting held in August 2017 with representatives of the Chinese Ministry of Science and representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Israel, it was agreed that the research proposals will be submitted until the end of the aforementioned date (28 September) to the Israeli side only. After examining the proposals in terms of threshold conditions, the list of proposals will be communicated to the Chinese side. These proposals will then undergo a rapid process of evaluation and scientific judgment and the final recommendations regarding the proposals will be sent to the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. IMOS will endeavor, in coordination with its Chinese partners, to enable the funding of research grants to be awarded by the end of 2017.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Thursday, 21 September 2017
- Thursday, 5 October 2017
- Wednesday-Thursday, 11-12 October 2017
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Sunday - Tuesday, 8-10 October 2017
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Wednesday, 20 September 2017
- Wednesday, 4 October 2017
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline to the IMOS Japan - Israel Cooperation - ICT for a Resilient Society call has been extended from the original 1 October (RGP) and 15 October (Agency) to 16 October (RGP) and 23 October 2017 (Agency).
Deadline to the IMOA Extended Nitzan Foundation - Noah's Ark - Health Food call has been extended from the original 13 September (RGP) and 25 September (Agency) to 1 October (RGP) and 17 October 2017 (Agency).
Agency deadline to the Pazi Foundation (Keren Pazi) - Young Researcher Absorption Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 30 September to 1 October 2017; RGP deadline has remained as before - 24 September 2017.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Tuesday, 12 September 2017.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2018 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2018. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline for the IMOS China - Israel Cooperation - Call for Project Proposals 2017-2019 has been extended from the original 24 July (RGP) and 31 July (Agency) to 24 September (RGP) and 28 September 2017 (Agency).
A meeting with Matthew D. Kane, NSF Program Director at the Division of Environmental Biology (BIO/DEB), Theresa Good, NSF Program Director at the Division of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience, and with BSF representatives, regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Thursday, 7 September 2017, between 10:00 and 12:00, at the 7th Floor of the Acceleration Building (Koffler Tower).
Please note that although the speakers are from two Biology divisions, they will nevertheless provide information relevant to ALL NSF-BSF programs. In addition, BSF representatives will give a general presentation with tips for a successful BSF application process.
Researchers interested in participating should contact Revital Goldshtein ( by Sunday, 3 September 2017.
ISERD invites newcomers to Horizon 2020 to an Introduction Session on 25 September 2017. For more information and registration see here.
Deadline to the IMOS Biometrics call has been extended from the original 28 August (RGP) and 4 September (Agency) to 17 September (RGP) and 26 September 2017 (Agency).
A meeting with Dr. Matthew D. Kane, NSF Program Director at the Division of Environmental Biology (BIO/DEB) and with BSF representatives, regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Thursday, 7 September 2017, between 10:00 and 12:00, at the 7th Floor of the Acceleration Building (Koffler Tower).
Researchers interested in participating should contact Revital Goldshtein ( by 31 August 2017.
The Israel-EU R&D Directorate (ISERD) is organizing an info session on the Horizon 2020 Space calls, to be held on 9 August 2017. For further details and registration please see here.
Legacy PDF Application Package will be phased out in 31 December 2017.
- Applicants will no longer be able to download the older, single PDF application package of forms.
- Applicants can apply for grants using Workspace, which separates the application package into individual forms. Applicants can create a workspace, complete the individual PDF forms, and submit their application workspace package.
- The new online forms interface is now available in (as of February 2017) and is only accessible through Workspace.
- For any funding opportunities where applicants have downloaded the legacy PDF application package, they will be able to continue to submit that package until 31 March 2018.
For more information about Workspace, you may visit various Workspace resources:
- Workspace Overview
- Workspace Training Video Series
- Community Blog articles on Workspace
As this is a completely new way of submitting applications to the US federal government, we ask that you inform RGP early of your intention to submit (at least one month) to allow a smooth transition and work flow.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The deadline to the IMOS Space Research - VENUS Project Images call for proposals has been extended from the original 10 August (RGP) and 17 August (Agency) to 27 August (RGP) and 3 September 2017 (Agency).
The deadline to the ADI Association for Duchenne Disease Applicable Research call for proposals has been extended from the original 24 July (RGP) and 31 July (Agency) to 10 September (RGP) and 17 September 2017 (Agency).
A meeting with Dr. Matthew D. Kane, NSF Program Director at the Division of Environmental Biology (BIO/DEB) and with BSF representatives, regarding application to the BSF-NSF and BSF programs, will be taking place on Thursday, 7 September 2017, between 10:00 and 12:00, at the 7th Floor of the Acceleration Building (Koffler Tower).
Researchers interested in participating should contact Revital Goldshtein ( by 31 August 2017.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend an H2020 ERC-Synergy info-session with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers, taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 31 July 2017 at 14:30-16:00.
Further details about this call and a registration link (required by Sunday, 23 July) can be viewed here.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on writing a successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 31 July 2017 at 09:00-14:00. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
Full details of the day’s agenda and a registration link (required by Sunday, 23 July) can be viewed here.
- "Ktav Kabala" On-line Submission: The ISF recently sent notification letters. Awardees should upload the confirmation form ("Ktav Kabala vehitchayvut") through their personal account on ISF online. Please make sure to upload only "Ktav Kabala vehitchayvut (3 Pages)" and NOT the entire award letter. The option to upload the document will be available in the next few days. Note that NO Hard copies OR emails will be accepted!
- Next Cycle Deadlines:
- Registration deadline: 23 October 2017 (Agency)
- Submission deadline: 30 October (RGP) and 6 November 2017 (Agency)
Calls for Proposals are expected to be issued in early September.
SAVE THE DATE - an H2020 ERC-Synergy info-session with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers, will take place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 31 July 2017, between 14:30-16:00. Please see here for further details.
The ERC Synergy Grant scheme, which ran under two pilot calls in 2012 and 2013, will be re-launched in the ERC Work Programme 2018. It is expected that the call will be published on 19 July 2017 (subject to the adoption of the Work Programme 2018 by the European Commission), with a deadline of 14 November 2017. Please see here for further details.
IMOS recently (19/6/17) updated that the Israeli and French PIs may submit an application to the France-Israel PRC call for proposals without already having a joint publication; however, joint publications (as other joint products demonstrating a fruitful collaboration) are nevertheless an important criteria in the evaluation process. In addition, IMOS clarified that funding from other sources will be viewed favorably in the evaluation process.
SAVE THE DATE - an H2020 ERC-Starting and Consolidator ‘Writing a Successful Proposal’ Workshop, with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers, will take place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday, 31 July 2017, between 09:00-14:00. Please see here for further details.
Deadline to the Minerva Program for Scientific Cooperation with Germany - Workshop or Group Visit has been extended from the original 18 June to 25 June 2017 (to the RGP).
The BSF provided NSF Computer Sciences directors presentation recently delivered; the presentation is available here.
Deadline to the VI-SEEM Project Access to Computing Resources call has been extended from the original 2 June (RGP and Agency) to 19 June (RGP) and 26 June 2017 (Agency).
ISERD conducts a survey among researchers at the academic and research institutes in order to understand their needs and motivations regarding involvement in the European Framework program and the services offered to them by ISRAD and the research authorities.
The questionnaire is intended for all researchers and not only for researchers who applied for grants from a European Framework program. For further information please see here.
The BSF advised that NSF Computer Sciences directors will give short presentations on the practical aspects of submission to BSF-NSF programs, to take place on the first week of June. Note that none of these will take place at the Weizmann Institute. Locations and dates are detailed here.
The submission service for the ERC Advanced 2017 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Information about the call including application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible here.
PIs that are currently in the last year of their ISF project may apply for a no-cost extension starting 15 May and until mid-July (a specific deadline was not provided). Application is submitted using the PI's personal ISF account.
The deadline to the DARPA Innovative Systems for Military Missions - DARPA-BAA-16-31 call has been extended from the original 2 April (RGP) and 28 April (Agency) to 29 May (RGP) and 12 June 2017 at 16:00 (US Eastern Time).
Deadline to IMOA Extended Nitzan Foundation - Noah's Ark - Microbiome in Animals and Plants has been extended from the original 30 April (RGP) and 7 May 2017 (Agency) to 14 May 2017 (RGP and Agency) at 15:00 (Israel Time).
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Tuesday, 9 May 2017 between 07:30 - 17:00.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
During Passover Holiday the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday - Tuesday, 10-11 April 2017
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Wednesday - Thursday, 12-13 April 2017
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Sunday - Monday, 16-17 April 2017
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During Passover Holiday the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday - Tuesday, 10-11 April 2017
- Monday, 17 April 2017
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Wednesday - Thursday, 12-13 April 2017
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 16 April 2017
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
The BSF advised that the budget set for this year and for the next two years is insufficient to fund all of the existing BSF-NSF programs. Therefore, the BSF must limit the annual budget of all BSF-NSF projects involved in data collection and processing to $ 70,000, and of theoretical work to $ 40,000. Accordingly, the BSF will make the necessary changes in the budgets of all the active projects, both those that began this year as well as ongoing projects (including those that have already been renewed in the current budget year).
For further information, please see an email from Yair Rotstein, the BSF Executive Director.
Please note that researchers with relevant projects have been individually informed by the BSF.
The Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office is pleased to announce that the new Grants Management System announced previously has launched and is now operational.
Aside from the advanced tools for grant management that the system will provide to RGP staff, it complements the services provided by the RGP to Weizmann researchers via the Researcher’s Grant Portal, which is accessible via direct link from the RGP home page (under "Grants & Forms").
The Researcher’s Grant Portal will provide each PI with access, on the one hand, to an overview of basic information on the researcher’s grants and grant applications (pending and approved), and on the other hand, to the researcher’s Internal Forms, under two tabs named accordingly.
In the framework of the new system, the Internal Form process has been significantly streamlined and simplified for the PI. By contrast to the current system whereby the PI must log into the system, initiate a new internal form, and fill in all the grant-related information before completing the relevant ethical declarations, the new system provides the PI with a direct link via e-mail to a pre-filled Internal Form for each grant, in which all the basic grant-related information has already been completed (based on information provided by the PI to the RGP about the submitted proposal), leaving the PI only to review the information, complete the declarations, and submit the form to the RGP.
The deadline for pre-proposals to the BSF Transformative Science Program has been advanced from the original 20 April (RGP) and 27 April (Agency) to 18 April (RGP) and 25 April 2017 (Agency).
The deadline to the JOY Ventures grants call for proposals has been extended from the original 13 March (RGP) and 20 March (Agency) to 26 March (RGP) and 30 March 2017 (Agency). In addition, the 2 minutes video statement is no longer mandatory.
The Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office is pleased to announce that a new Grants Management System will be launched next week. In addition to providing the RGP staff with advanced tools for grant management and improved connectivity with related Weizmann systems, we will also be able to provide basic information to researchers on their research grants (pending and approved) via the Researcher's Grant Portal, which will be found at the URL from which the Internal Form system was previously accessed (accessible via direct link from the RGP home page, under "Grants & Forms").
The Researcher's Grant Portal will provide each PI with access, on the one hand, to an overview of basic information on the researcher's grants and grant applications, and on the other hand, to the researcher's Internal Forms, under two tabs named accordingly.
In the framework of the new system, the Internal Form process has been significantly streamlined and simplified for the PI. By contrast to the current system whereby the PI must log into the system, initiate a new internal form, and fill in all the grant-related information before completing the relevant ethical declarations, the new system provides the PI with a direct link to a pre-filled Internal Form in which all the basic grant-related information has already been completed (based on information provided by the PI to the RGP about submitted proposals), leaving the PI only to review the information, complete the declarations, and submit the form to the RGP.
Please note that the transition to the new system will require a period of three days (March 19-21, 2017), during which time no new projects will be able to be created in Tafnit. In case of urgent matters which require attention in Tafnit, please coordinate with the RGP in advance of the transition period (no later than Wednesday, 15 March 2017).
We would like to take this opportunity to remind all Weizmann faculty and staff that the Weizmann Institute places prime importance on the ability to create and maintain an environment that encourages the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity, and compliance with the requirements of research sponsors and national and international legislation.
Detailed information about the policies in place at the Weizmann Institute to ensure such compliance and ethical standards, as well as the Weizmann Institute’s Code of Ethical Conduct, can be found at the following URL (also accessible via a direct link on the RGP home page, under RGP Additional Services > Ethics and Compliance):
Deadline to the Garvan - Weizmann Collaborative Program Call for LOIs has been extended from the original 20 March to 3 April 2017 (to the RGP).
Deadlines to the US DARPA Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) (HR00117S0019) call for proposals have been extended from the original 13 March to 20 March 2017 (Agency Abstract), and from the original 1 May to 8 May 2017 (Agency Full Proposal). Note also the consequent changes in the submission deadlines to the RGP.
ISERD recently advised that KAMIN will also be available as a funding mechanism for the QuantERA ERA-Net call for proposals. Please be reminded that YEDA will be handling this call.
H2020 ERC 2017 Advanced Workshop- response required by Tuesday 28 February 2017
We are checking the possibility of holding an H2020 ERC-Advanced Workshop, with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers. The planned date is Tuesday 4 April 2017 (~09:00-13:30). The workshop will take place subject to a minimum number of participants and we would, therefore, like to check your interest and availability.
Please notify the EU Desk by Tuesday 28 February 2017 if you are interested in participating in the workshop and are available on 4 April 2017.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. The maximum grant amount is 2.5 million Euros with an option to request an additional amount of 1 million Euros for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
The ERC-2017-AdG call deadline is 31 August 2017 and the call is scheduled to open in mid-May.
IMOA has extended the deadline of its invitation to gather ideas for a future call for proposals for innovative and focused products to be developed in the area of agriculture using genome editing technologies. Note that no funding is being offered. IMOA guidelines are available here and ideas should be submitted via email to by 1 March 2017 (instead of the original 1 February 2017).
Deadline to the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (MALO) Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 21 February (RGP) and 28 February (Agency) to 26 March (RGP) and 31 March 2017 (Agency).
H2020 ERC 2017 Advanced Workshop- response required by Tuesday 23 February 2017
We are checking the possibility of holding an H2020 ERC-Advanced Workshop, with European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers. The planned date is Tuesday 4 April 2017 (~09:00-13:30). The workshop will take place subject to a minimum number of participants and we would, therefore, like to check your interest and availability.
Please notify the EU Desk by Tuesday 23 February 2017 if you are interested in participating in the workshop and are available on 4 April 2017.
The ERC-Advanced Grant (AdG) is designed to support independent researchers with a track record of significant research achievements in the last ten years. The maximum grant amount is 2.5 million Euros with an option to request an additional amount of 1 million Euros for the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
The ERC-2017-AdG call deadline is 31 August 2017 and the call is scheduled to open in mid-May.
Effective January 25, 2017: NIH eliminated most types of appendix materials for grant applications intended for due dates on or after January 25. Applications will be withdrawn if they are submitted with appendix materials that are not specifically listed in NOT-OD-17-035, or specified in the specific funding opportunity announcement to which you are applying.
IMOA has advised that a new call for collaboration with researchers from Japan is expected to be published during February. See here for additional information received from Dr. Avi Perl, Chief Scientist at IMOA.
An updated list of regulated infectious agents and toxins (from 17/1/17) is now available, further to new regulations of the pathogens law approved by the Knesset. This list now includes pathogens that were considered to be of Biological Safety Level 2 (BL2). Researchers who are in possession of BL2 agents are requested to contact Dalia Seger at their earliest convenience.
The deadline to the University of Michigan - UM/Israel Research Partnership call has been extended for the second time from the 8 January (RGP) 15 January 2017 (Agency) to 22 January (RGP) and 25 January 2017 (Agency).
Note that REGISTRATION deadline to the ISF-Canada call has been extended from 11 January to 16 January 2017.
IMOS has clarified that in the Israeli form of the IMOS-Italy call for proposals items 1 through 3 should be limited to a total of 8 pages (instead of 10 pages, as indicated in the form), similarly to the Italian version.
The full proposal deadline to the ISF-NSFC (China) call for proposals has been extended from the original 5 January (RGP) and 12 January (Agency) to 11 January (RGP) and 18 January 2017 (Agency).
The Israel Academy Contact Center is launching its new computer program and interactive bulletin board, aimed at enabling researchers to advertise positions and edit them, including positions for EU Marie Curie fellowships. For further information and instructions see here.
The objective of the H2020 consultation is to collect information from a wide audience on different aspects of Horizon 2020 implementation. Individual researchers and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation by 15 January 2017. See here for more information and for access to the online questionnaire.
Deadline to the US DARPA-BAA-16-18 call for proposals has been extended from the original 7 December 2016 (RGP) and 21 December 2016 (Agency) to 7 March 2017 (RGP) and 21 March 2017 (Agency).
Deadline to the Weizmann - EPFL call for proposals has been extended from the original 1 December to 4 December 2016 (to the RGP).
The RGP puts great effort in searching for and publishing calls relevant to WIS researchers, and in circulating these via the RGP website and weekly bulletin. Occasionally, researchers come across agencies or specific calls that are unbeknown to the RGP. In such cases, kindly contact the RGP’s Research Information Services officer, Danna Piroyansky, in order to enable further processing and circulation of these new agencies/calls. As always, the RGP is at your disposal, and available to all queries related to research grants and projects.
The deadline to the Weizmann - Texas A and M University Collaborative Program call has been extended from the original 1 December to 15 December 2016 (to the RGP).
eRA is strengthening the security of its modules on November 30 by moving to the "https only" secure connection for websites, as mandated for all federal agencies. With the implementation of this security protocol, older internet browsers may not work, and you may need to update your browser to access any eRA module, including eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR and iEdison.
An October 26 eRA email bulletin lists the web browsers and versions that will continue to work after the security upgrade. While these versions will continue to work past November 30, for an optimal experience when using eRA modules, we encourage you to use the browsers and software versions listed in the eRA browser compatibility statement. (Note that eRA uses Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer to develop and test its modules for browser compatibility.)
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2017 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to EURO 2M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2017. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
During Sukkot the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday, 17 October 2016
- Sunday-Monday, 23-24 October 2016
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday - Thursday, 18-20 October 2016
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 16 October 2016
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
During the Tishrei holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah) the RGP will be staffed by duty officers and provide essential and urgent services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday-Tuesday, 3-4 October 2016
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 11-12 October 2016
- Monday, 17 October 2016
- Sunday-Monday, 23-24 October 2016
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday - Thursday, 18-20 October 2016
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 2 October 2016
- Sunday, 16 October 2016
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us well in advance.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Full proposals for the Ceramics program and the Condensed Matter and Materials Theory program within the BSF-NSF Materials call can be submitted to the BSF by the Israeli scientist only, and by the research authorities of all Israelis requesting funding at any time during the year, following the NSF restrictions, which include a limit of a single proposal per year. Israeli PIs applying to these programs should inform the BSF office of the planned submission in these two programs, to enable tracking of the processing by the NSF.
Scientists/Staff Scientists/Heads of core facilities whom have been approached by EU Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) and/or are participating in such a network, including Preparatory Phase projects funded under FP7, are requested to contact the EU Desk immediately.
A NEW internal program is being launched this year for funding of dedicated scientific equipment for individual research groups, with a 9 October 2016 deadline. For more information please see the relevant RGP webpage.
Dr. Linda Hyman, Director of the NSF Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) Division will give a short presentation and be available for pre-scheduled short personal meetings.
The session will take place on Thursday 22 September 2016, 09:00 - 12:00, at the de Picciotto Conference Room (New Administration Building, Floor 0).
Researchers interested in participating, as well as researchers wishing to meet with Dr. Hyman at the end of the session, should contact Cocava Cohen ( by 20 September 2016. Please note that meetings will be scheduled only further to prior appointment, in order to allow for Dr. Hyman required preparation.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Monday, 12 September 2016 between 09:30 - 15:00.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
The GIF Information Session has been rescheduled and will take place on Sunday 18 September 2016, 10:00 - 11:30, at the Presidential Reception Room, The David Lopatie Conference Centre.
Mrs. Mina Horesh (Head of GIF Science Administration) and Dr. Cellina Cohen (Head of GIF Science) will present the GIF programs, discuss recent changes to the application process, refer to specific questions that were submitted before the session, and be available for pre-scheduled short personal discussions.
Researchers interested in participating, as well as researchers wishing to submit questions to and/or meet with GIF representatives at the end of the session, should contact Cocava Cohen ( by 15 September 2016. Please note that questions will be referred to and meetings will be scheduled only further to prior appointment, in order to allow for GIF representatives required preparations.
IMOS/MOST wishes to stress that researchers who have received funding from the agency must acknowledge IMOS’ support in publications, conferences and/or the media. See here for IMOS letter with the required phrasing according to type of funding.
The GIF Information Session at the WIS, originally scheduled for 5 September 2016, HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The RGP will communicate any new information on a future meeting via the RGP bulletin and website.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2017 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to Euro 1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2017. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
The RGP bulletin will not be issued in the coming two weeks. The next bulletin will come out during the week which begins on 14 August 2016.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator Proposal.
The workshop (originally planned for 3 August 2016) will take place on Thursday 4 August 2016, 09:00-14:00 at the Koshland Seminar Room ("The Aquarium"), Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research.
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
Full details of the day’s agenda can be viewed here.
A meeting with BSF representatives regarding opportunities and tips for application to the BSF and BSF-NSF programs (with score submission errors and how to avoid them) will be taking place on Thursday 28 July 2016 at 09:00 in the Wix Auditorium (the small hall).
Researchers interested in participating, as well as researchers wishing to meet with BSF representatives at the end of the day, should contact Cocava Cohen ( by 24 July 2016. Please note that meetings could be scheduled only further to prior appointment, in order to allow for BSF representatives required preparations.
- 09:00 - Gathering and light refreshments
- 09:15 - 10:45 - Lecture by Dr. Yair Rotstein (BSF Executive Director) - 'NSF-BSF: Opportunities and Pitfalls'
- 10:45 - 11:00 - Break
- 11:00 - 12:00 - Lecture by Dr. Heni Haring (BSF Executive Director Assistant) - 'The BSF program: General overview’
- 12:00 - 13:00 - Meetings with researchers (further to prior appointment)
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Starting/Consolidator Proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday 3 August 2016 at 09:00-14:00. The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. Full details of the day’s agenda and registration (required by Sunday, 24 July) can be viewed here.
LOI deadline for the CURE Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Award has been extended from the original 29 June (RGP) and 6 July (Agency) to 13 July (RGP) and 20 July 2016 (Agency). Full proposal submission deadline has also been extended and is only for those invited to submit.
Deadline to the IMOS Tashtiot (Infrastructures) Space Research call for proposals has been extended for a second time from the original 3 May (RGP) and 10 May (Agency) to 21 July (RGP) and 28 July 2016 (Agency).
The July deadline of the BSF-NSF Joint Program Earth Sciences in Tectonics call for proposals has been extended from 26 June (RGP) and 3 July (Agency) to 7 July (RGP) and 14 July (Agency) 2016.
The deadline to the IMOS France-Israel Cooperation - Maimonide-Israel Research Program has been extended from the original 8 June (RGP) and 16 June 2016 (Agency) to 23 June (RGP) and 30 June 2016 (Agency).
Deadline to the Minerva Foundation - German Research Group Visit or Workshop at the Weizmann Institute call has been extended from the original 13 June (to the RGP) to 3 July 2016 (to the RGP).
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Advanced 2016 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
The deadline to Rambam's Ernest and Bonnie Beutler Research Program of Excellence in Genomic Medicine has been extended from the original 10 May (RGP) and 18 May (Agency) to 24 July (RGP) and 31 July 2016 (Agency).
The ISF has clarified that PIs interested in requesting a no-cost extension for their ISF grants must submit such requests using the ISF Online system between 15 May and 30 July of the latest grant's year. Any such request received after 30 July will not be considered.
During the Passover holiday the RGP will be providing essential services only.
- The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates: Sunday - Wednesday, 24-27 April 2016
- The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following date: Thursday, 28 April 2016
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please be aware that signatures could not be provided and make sure to contact us by the middle of next week (19 April 2016).
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Deadline to the Rising Tide Translational Cancer Research Fund call for proposals has been extended from the original 1 May deadline to 15 May 2016 deadline (to the RGP).
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Advanced Proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Thursday 5 May 2016 at 09:00-13:30 (the week after Pesach).
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide guidance for preparing an ERC-AdG proposal and will discuss issues of specific concern for advanced applicants, as well as advise on proposal resubmission and applying for a second ERC grant. Full details of the day’s agenda and registration (required by Sunday, 10 April) can be viewed here.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Monday, 11 April 2016.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
The BSF Board has resolved to make the following changes in the split submission program, effective immediately:
- Ecology (and Systematic Biology) will move to the Life Sciences year (odd years).
- Marine/Aquatic Biology will move to the Life Sciences year (odd years) and will be incorporated into Ecology.
- All of Psychology, except Psychobiology, will move to the Physical and Social sciences year (even years).
In order to smooth the change, the following steps are being taken in the transition years:
- Psychology (except Psychobiology) applications will be accepted in 2016 (even though Psychology was also submitted in 2015).
- Ecology (and Systematic Biology) and Marine/Aquatic Biology applications (which were last submitted in 2014) will be accepted in 2016, and then again in 2017.
Submission in all other disciplines (including Psychobiology) have not changed. Any scientist who feels that he has a special problem resulting from this change is invited to contact the BSF.
IMOS advised that the deadline for the Italian Partner within the IMOS-Italy call for proposal has been confirmed as 14 April 2016 (instead of 7 March 2016 as published originally).
Deadline to the IMOA Chief Scientist Central Fund in Agriculture and Rural Development Research Grants has been extended from the original 15 March (RGP) and 22 March (Agency) to 22 March (RGP) and 29 March (Agency).
Note that the Atomic Clock with Enhanced Stability (ACES) - DARPA-BAA-16-19 full proposal deadline has been ADVANCED from the original 17 April (RGP) and 1 May (Agency) to 13 April (RGP) and 29 April 2016 (Agency).
Deadline to IMOA Groundnuts Research Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 22 February (RGP) and 29 February (Agency) to 8 March (RGP) and 15 March (Agency) 2016.
MAFAT representatives will arrive at the Weizmann Institute to meet researchers in relation with IMOD 2016 call for proposals. The meeting is intended to provide further information and expand on the new MAFAT call recently issued, to meet current awardees and potential applicants, and to initiate a fruitful and personal dialogue between MAFAT personnel and WIS researchers.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, 3 March 2016 at 09:00, at the David Lopatie Conference Center and will include:
- MAFAT presentations (1 hours)
- Q and A session (0.5 hour)
- One on one meetings with researchers (1 hour)
Researchers interested in attending the presentation and/or scheduling a one on one meeting are requested to contact Regina Krizhanovsky (, Tel.: 4027) by Sunday, 28 February 2016.
A new H2020 funding option has been published in the area of Research Infrastructures which provides the prospect for researchers to join currently established research infrastructure networks in given areas and receive funding for operational costs for their existing research infrastructures and for networking activities. Click here for more information.
For further information please contact Galit and Gabi at the EU-Desk.
Deadline to the EU COST Actions has been extended from the original 16 February (RGP) and 23 February (Agency) to 18 April (RGP) and 25 April 2016 (Agency).
For further information on Scientific Premise in NIH Grant Applications see here.
IMOA has published the following notice, inviting researchers to a symposium towards the launching of a call for joint research with the food industry. The symposium will take place on 18 February 2016.
At the request of the NSF-BSF Israeli advisory panel, the BSF has changed the regulation that allowed the submission of more than a single NSF- BSF application. The new regulation states: Each Israeli scientist is allowed to submit only a single pre-proposal/full proposal [to BSF-NSF programs]. Moreover, an Israeli scientist who has any pending NSF-BSF application, or has any active NSF-BSF grant that is not in its last year, is not allowed to submit an application to any of the NSF-BSF programs.
The NIH recently introduced new SCIENTIFIC requirements in order to enhance the reproducibility of research findings in NIH applications. For a summary and further information please see here.
Deadline to IMOA Non-Surgical Sterilization of Stray Cats and Dogs call for proposals has been extended from the original 12 November (RGP) and 19 November (Agency) to 22 December (RGP) and 29 December 2015 (Agency).
ISF has advised that the current Broad Institute - Postdoctoral Fellowships application cycle is CANCELED due to budget difficulties.
Deadline to the WIS - University of Michigan - Technion Collaboration Program has been extended from the original 1 December to 20 December 2015 (to the RGP).
Further to ISF decision, reports MUST be submitted online only; NO HARD COPIES REPORTS ARE REQUIRED. If researchers indicate that certain papers have been published as a result of research funded by the ISF, they should upload the relevant files to the website, or, alternatively, enclose a list with links to the said papers.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2016 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to 2M Euro for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who received their PhDs within 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2016 and are at the career stage in which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Please note the following in regards to ISF new guidelines for registration and submission deadlines, and for reports submission:
- Registration: Further to ISF decision, and unlike in previous years, REGISTRATION TO THE ISF ONLINE SYSTEM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE INDICATED DEADLINE (25 October 2015 at 12:00).
- Full Proposal: Further to ISF decision, and unlike in previous years, Research Authorities' review and administrative changes WILL NOT be able to be entered into the proposal after the Agency deadline (8 November at 12:00). Therefore, submission deadline to the RGP, as to all other Research Authorities, will be a week in advance (1 November) of the Agency deadline. APPLICANTS SUBMITTING TO THE RGP AFTER 1 NOVEMBER WILL NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE RGP MIGHT NOT BE IN A POSITION TO REVIEW THE PROPOSAL AND CORRECT IT ADMINISTRATIVELY.
- Reports Submission: Further to ISF decision, reports must be submitted online only; NO HARD COPY REPORTS ARE REQUIRED.
NIH has issued Notices of Correction for Foreign Institutions Eligibility for the following funding opportunities (note that although in the original RFAs below Foreign Institutes still appear as ineligible, they are in fact eligible to submit):
- Health Disparities and Alzheimer's Disease (R01) - PAR-15-349
- Emerging Directions for Addressing Health Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease (R03) - PAR-15-350
- Major Opportunities for Research in Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Resilience (R01) - PAR-15-356
- Understanding Alzheimer's Disease in the Context of the Aging Brain (R01) - PAR-15-357
- Capturing Complexity in the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Etiology of Alzheimer's Disease (R01) - PAR-15-358
- Novel Approaches to Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease & Predicting Progression (R01) - PAR-15-359
The BSF has published new regulations that will be relevant to all BSF-NSF programmes from now on:
- Scientists will be allowed to submit both to an NSF-BSF program and the regular BSF program, including similar applications.
- In the event that they are awarded a grant in both programs, they will be funded in both, unless the research application is mostly similar, in which case only their NSF-BSF program will be funded.
- In the case of similar NSF-BSF and regular BSF applications, in which the NSF evaluation was not completed by the time the regular BSF awards are made, the BSF will defer its decision regarding a possible grant to this application, until the NSF-BSF awards are announced.
All others eligibility regulations that appear in the Calls for Proposals are still applicable.
The ISF has published a letter referring to submission of applications to the 2016 cycle, stressing the differences between the current application cycle and previous cycles, and clarifying the new submission process.
- Registration: Be advised that further to ISF decision, and unlike in previous years, REGISTRATION TO THE ISF ONLINE SYSTEM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE INDICATED DEADLINE (25 October 2015 at 12:00).
- Full Proposal: Be advised that further to ISF decision, and unlike in previous years, Research Authorities' review and administrative changes WILL NOT be able to be entered into the proposal after the Agency deadline (8 November at 12:00). Therefore, submission deadline to the RGP, as to all other Research Authorities, will be a week in advance (1 November) of the Agency deadline. APPLICANTS SUBMITTING TO THE RGP AFTER 1 NOVEMBER WILL NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE RGP MIGHT NOT BE IN A POSITION TO REVIEW THE PROPOSAL AND CORRECT IT ADMINISTRATIVELY.
The RGP will publish additional information and updates referring to the various ISF programs in early October, further to information received from the ISF (as in the case of the Bikura Program).
During the Sukkot holiday the RGP will be providing essential services only.
The RGP office will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday, 28 September 2015
- Sunday, 4 October 2015
- Monday, 5 October 2015
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
- Tuesday - Thursday, 29 September - 1 October 2015
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following dates:
- Sunday, 27 September 2015.
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please make sure to contact us by 21 September 2015.
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Sukkot, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
Please be informed that the next RGP bulletin will be issued after the holidays.
IMOS has published a clarification regarding the Israel-Czech Cooperation Program call for proposals.
Deadline to the IMOS - France-Israel - Maimonide-Israel Research Program call has been extended from the original 1 September (RGP) and 8 September (Agency) to 6 October (RGP) and 13 October (Agency).
Please be informed that the next RGP bulletin will be issued after the holidays.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Thursday, 17 September 2015.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
Anyone wishing to apply to the NIH with a due date of 5 October 2015 should be mindful that, due to the holidays, administrative personnel will either be entirely off or work on a skeleton staff capacity.
Applications for which WIS is the applicant PI should be submitted to RGP by 8 September 2015, after having received Finance approval.
Applications where WIS is a subaward, should be submitted to RGP by 20 September 2015 after having received Finance approval.
Finance will be unavailable to approve budgets from 27 September until 7 October 2015.
A presentation on the Life sciences application process in the NSF will be provided by Dr. Michelle Elekonich (from the NSF) at the WIS, on Thursday, 3 September 2015, between 14:00 - 16:00, at the Presidential Reception Room of the Lopatie Building. Researchers intending to participate are kindly asked to inform Cocava Cohen at the RGP.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2016 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to Euro 1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2016. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Starting /Consolidator Proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Monday 7 September 2015 at 09:00-14:00.
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-StG and CoG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. Full details of the day’s agenda and registration (required by Sunday, 30 August) can be viewed here.
Israel Chemicals (ICL) and the Agricultural Research Organization, the Volcani center (ARO) advised that the Center for Fertilization and Plant Nutrition (CFPN) call for proposals is withheld until further notice; applications will not be accepted until announced otherwise.
The deadline to the WIS-UK call for proposals has been extended from the original 30 July 2015 to 2 August 2015 - to the RGP.
Within the Weizmann Institute there is a Video Conferencing Bridge (SCOPIA). It is ideal for work group sessions from all over the world, allowing video sessions (and presentations) for up to 20 participants.
- Detailed explanation for Windows and Mac OSX users is available at:
- To Install SCOPIA desktop application from the following site:
- To verify the installation visit:
- To open a virtual room, please send an email to :
The presentation of Prof. Zeev Rosenzweig (formerly director of the international program of the chemistry division of the NSF), that took place at the WIS on 21 June 2015, is available here.
Deadline to the IMOH Feasibility Studies in Alternative Methods to Animal Testing call for proposals has been extended from the original 25 August (RGP) and 1 September (Agency) to 31 August (RGP) and 7 September (Agency) 2015.
The Full Proposal deadline for the DARPA DSO Office-Wide BAA (DARPA-BAA-15-39) call for proposals has been extended from the original 16 June (RGP) and 2 July 2016 (Agency) to 16 June (RGP) and 30 June 2016 (Agency).
Deadline to the Weizmann - WIN-Systems Biology International Collaborative Pilot Projects has been extended from the original 1 July to 16 July 2015 (to the RGP).
EURAXES has clarified that the call for expressions of interest from PIs holding an ERC grant to host Japanese postdoctoral researchers will be launched by the ERC later this year and the first Japanese visits will take place in 2016.
Further to a request received from the Euraxess Israel administration, researchers wishing to express their interest in hosting MSCA fellows, please complete this request form and forward it to the attention of Dana Dvash ( at your earliest convenience. (Further information on MSCA in general is available via the RGP MSCA webpages).
The BSF-NSF are expecting to start a new program with the Materials division of the NSF. At the planned meeting Prof. Zeev Rosenzweig (formerly director of the international program of the chemistry division of the NSF) will describe the new program, explain the differences between submission to the NSF and to the ISF or BSF, and point out possible pitfalls in the NSF applications. Prof. Rosenzweig will also answer questions regarding BSF-NSF opportunities more generally. The talk is expected to be relevant to scientists from materials, condense matter physics (which is part of material sciences at the NSF), chemistry, biotechnology and nanotechnology, and will take place on Sunday, 21 June 2015, 14:30 - 16:30 at the Michael and Anna Wix Auditorium (#16 in the Campus Map). Researchers intending to participate, please contact Cocava Cohen ( by 18 June.
Deadline to the Minerva German Research Group Visit or Workshop at the Weizmann Institute has been extended from the original 15 June to 29 June 2015 (to the RGP).
We are happy to announce a new pilot initiative for providing guidance to Weizmann scientists in locating and matching H2020 calls relevant to their research. For this purpose, the RGP has concluded an agreement with Bgator, an experienced European consultancy company.
Generally, the service provided by the company will include two skype meetings with the researcher: the first, to familiarize the consultant with the scientist’s research activities and funding needs; the second, to present and discuss the findings of the survey conducted by the company. Scientists will also receive a report detailing the relevant calls and their compatibility with their specific research activities and funding needs.
The cost of this service is Euro 1,000 out of which Weizmann will cover 2/3 and the remaining 1/3 will be covered by the scientist.
Kindly note that the number of participants in the pilot is limited. Therefore, please contact the EU Desk as soon as possible, should you wish to take part in the pilot and/or receive any further information.
Following the pilot’s conclusion and based on the feedback from participating scientists, the option to offer the service to a broader number of scientists, in the future, will be assessed.
Further to clarifications received from the agency regarding the Weizmann - Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Brazil call for proposals, the CV section of the WIS PI should correspond to the FAPESP instructions on CVs. Namely, the proposal should include a summary of the PIs’ CV and CVs of collaborating researchers from both sides (in English, following the guidelines at
Deadline to the Weizmann - Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Brazil call for proposals has been extended from the original 29 May to 12 June 2015 (to the RGP).
The new Research Grants and Projects (RGP) website has been operating now for over one year. During this time, we have received a number of comments, many positive and others providing constructive feedback for improvements.
The RGP has been working with the Information Services Division to correct any problems identified on the website, and to provide added functionality. We hope to be able to complete this upgrade by Autumn 2015.
In view of this, and as requested previously, we welcome any additional comments/suggestions users of the site may have which would help us focus our efforts as best possible.
Please send feedback regarding the new website to Dr. Danna Piroyansky (
Deadline to the Adelis Foundation call for proposals has been extended from the original 14 May to 7 June 2015.
Deadline to the US DOD DARPA call Technologies for Host Resilience (THoR) (DARPA-BAA-15-21) has been extended from the original 5 May (RGP) and 19 May (Agency) to 26 May (RGP) and 9 June (Agency).
Deadline to the WIS - Clore-Krenter-Katz call for proposals has been extended from the original 30 April to 17 May 2015 (to the RGP).
Prior to publication of a call for proposals in Synthetic Biology, IMOH has announced a RFI for relevant themes. These should be emailed to by 20 May 2015.
Amended instructions for reporting publications in the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) are available here.
In order to find reviewers as part of IMOA Chief Scientist Call, researchers intending to submit an application for a Meyzam (project) are invited to email at IMOA with the following information: 1) Names of PI and other researchers, 2) Name of the Meyzam, 3) Preferred evaluation committee, 4) Abstract (if available). This information should reach IMOA preferably by 22 April 2015.
Pre-proposals deadline to the BSF Transformative Program has been extended from the original 9 April (RGP) and 16 April (Agency) to 15 April (RGP) and 20 April 2015 (Agency).
Deadline to the Rising Tide call for applications in cancer research has been extended from the original 1 April to 1 May 2015 (to the RGP).
The Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement (released 31 March 2015) includes changes in statutes, regulations, and policies that have been implemented since the previous version, including the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards.
Deadline to the John Templeton Foundation Research Grants has been extended from the original 25 March (RGP) and 1 April 2015 (Agency) to 8 April (RGP) and 15 April 2015 (Agency).
During the Passover holiday the RGP will be providing essential services only.
The RGP office will be open until 12:30 PM on the following dates:
* Sunday - Wednesday, 5-8 April 2015
The RGP office will be open until 11:30 AM on the following date:
* Thursday, 9 April 2015
If any signatures or assistance from the RGP office are required during this period, please be aware that signatures could not be provided and make sure to contact us by the middle of next week (31 March 2015).
Please note that the Projects Branch in the Finance Division will be closed throughout Passover, and that researchers will not be able to have their budgets approved during that time.
The NIH expects Investigators preparing grant applications involving the generation or use of large-scale genomic data to:
- State in the cover letter that the studies proposed will generate large-scale human and/or non-human genomic data, and include a genomic data sharing plan in the application;
- Briefly address their plans for requesting access to the data, and state their intention to abide by the NIH Genomic Data User Code of Conduct in the Research Plan of the application, in the event applicants plan to use controlled-access human genomic data from NIH-designated data repositories as a secondary user to achieve the specific aims in the application;
- Make every effort to include a genomic data sharing plan in the application that outlines plans to comply with the expectations outlined in the Policy, and
- Plan to transition to a consent for future research uses and broad sharing, if possible, if the studies involve human participants and were initiated before the Policy's effective date and used consents that do not meet the expectations of the GDS Policy, in the event that the applications involve research funded prior to the Policy's effective date.
Deadline for the US DOD - DARPA call for Innovative Systems for Military Missions (DARPA-BAA-14-25) has been extended to 16 April (RGP) and 24 April 2015 (Agency) for Executive Summaries and for White Papers (which are strongly encouraged but not mandatory). Full proposal deadline has remained 24 April 2015 (Agency)
Deadline to the ISF - India call for proposals has been extended from the original 16 March (RGP) and 24 March (Agency) to 2 April (RGP) and 14 April 2015 (Agency).
The UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), in which Israel is a member, enables Israeli researches to apply for appointment as committees members via a call for participation. Submission is via an online form with a 31 March 2015 deadline, and candidates are asked to cc Rina Stitcher from the Ministry of the Environment to the application. Note that for time being neither the IPBES nor the Ministry of the Environment are offering funding for this activity. For further queries please contact Ayelet Rozen at the Ministry of the Environment.
After 17 years of dedicated service at the RGP, Drora Kaplan has chosen to assume new responsibilities within the department of Organic Chemistry. Over the course of her duties at RGP, Drora has handled a way array of functions, ending as the officer in charge of Israeli agencies, among other things. We would like to thank Drora for her contribution throughout the years, and wish her success in her new position.
Please note that Drora’s files will be redistributed among the existing team and hence please consult our website for more info
We thank you for your patience during this period of transition.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) Proposal taking place at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday 18 March, 2015 at 09:00-13:00.
The workshop will be given by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers who will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
Full details of the day’s agenda and registration (required by tomorrow, Friday 13 March) can be viewed here.
Further to ISF clarification, researchers with active grants are eligible to apply to the ISF-INCPM call for proposals even if they currently are in the project's last year (excluding an extension year)
The Submission Service for the ERC Advanced 2015 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Accordingly, application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
Deadline to the BSF-NSF Marine Oceanography call for proposals has been extended from the original 18 February (Agency) to 22 February 2015 (Agency).
PRACE Research Infrastructure (under FP7) provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe, with its 11th call submission deadline on 18 March 2015. Further information is available here.
Anyone considering submitting a pre-proposal for particular studies (Mechkarim Partaniym) to the IMOA - Chief Scientist Central Fund call for proposals is requested to first contact Dr. Doron Amit, Head of the RGP, for further information and clarifications.
The Israel-EU Research and Development Directorate (ISERD), in collaboration with the UK Embassy and the UK-Israel Tech Hub, is organizing an brokerage event in the field of Neuroscience. The event will be held on 10 March 2015. For further details and registration please see here.
NIH Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration will be taking place in Baltimore, Maryland, on 6-8 May 2015. Sessions are offered in three tracks: administrators, investigators, and all interests. Further information is available here.
NIH has published an Insider’s Guide to Peer Review for Applicants.
Deadline for the IMOA Cotton Research Call has been extended from the original 29 January (RGP) and 5 February (Agency) to 3 February (RGP) and 8 February 2015 at 10:00 (Agency).
Pre-proposal submission deadline for the BSF-NSF Program in Environmental Biology has been extended from the original 20 January 2015 to 27 January 2015 (to Agency).
Application and award summary data for fiscal year 2014 are now available in the NIH Data Book.
Submission deadline for the Weizmann - Pasteur Joint Research Program is on 20 January 2015.
In an attempt to assist researchers in locating partners for collaborative H2020 projects, the RGP is interested in establishing a database of scientific European societies (non-profit) that specialize in the detection of calls for proposals, partners searches, and consortia building.
An example of such a society is the EIBIR (European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research, which is linked to the ERS, the European Radiology Society), that offers its members professional guidance and support with collaborative projects ( More detailed information on the EIBIR project related services can been found here:
In order to identify similar scientific societies and create a database that will be relevant to your scientific areas of interest, we would highly appreciate it if researchers who are familiar with such societies share this information with the RGP ( The end result will be the establishment of a shared WIS database that enables and encourages researchers to participate in H2020 collaborative projects.
Deadline for new application to NIPI has been extended from the original 24 December (RGP) and 31 December 2014 (Agency) to 7 January (RGP) and 11 January 2015 (Agency).
NOTE: This program will potentially support PhD students in your laboratory. The project is not intended for all PhD students. An a priori consent is required for such an appointment and a condition for such consent is that the students be identified as being exceptional by the FGS Dean. Please contact Prof. Irit Sagi for queries regarding the academic qualifications and standing of prospective students.
H2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN) 2015 call update: the submission service for this call is available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. This grant provides support for doctoral training programmes for early-stage researchers (ESRs) under the supervision of scientists from academic and non- academic host institutions participating in a consortium. The participation of Weizmann scientists in ITN will be endorsed by Weizmann for the European Training Networks (ETN) mode only (the EID and EJD modes will not be endorsed).
Please note that for the ITN 2015 call, ESRs to be recruited under an ITN-ETN project are to be enrolled in the PhD track at the Feinberg Graduate School (as opposed to the ITN 2014 call in which the recruitment of Postdocs/Visiting Scientists was possible). Therefore, the recruitment of proposed excellent young researchers in the framework of this programme must receive a priori consent of the FGS Dean. It is important to emphasize that the project is not intended for all PhD students and that only outstanding candidates will be approved.
Further information about this call can be found on the RGP website. For additional information, please contact the EU Desk.
A new NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy becomes effective with NIH grant applications submitted for the 25 January 2015 due date and thereafter.
Applicants preparing such grant applications are expected to:
- State in the cover letter that the studies proposed will generate large-scale human and/or non-human genomic data, and
- Include a genomic data sharing plan in the application. If sharing of human data is not possible, applicants should provide a justification explaining why they cannot share these data and provide an alternative data sharing plan.
For further information please contact Chaya Moykopf at the RGP.
NIH will require use of a new biosketch format in applications for research grants submitted for due dates on or after 25 January 2015. Between now and that time, applicants will have the choice of using the old or new biosketch format.
The revised forms and instructions are now available on the SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications page. The new format extends the page limit from four to five pages, and allows researchers to describe up to five of their most significant contributions to science, along with the historical background that framed their research. Investigators can outline the central findings of prior work and the influence of those findings on the investigator's field.
For further information please see the relevant NIH Notice.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2015 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to 2M Euro for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who received their PhDs 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2015 and may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Deadline to the Weizmann-University of Michigan Collaboration Program has been extended from the original 1 November to 10 November 2014.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Starting 2015 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
This grant provides funding of up to Euro 1.5M for a period of 5 years and is designed to support researchers who are at the stage of starting their own independent research team or programme and received their PhDs 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2015. Note that the eligibility time-window may be extended in several cases. For additional information on the call’s eligibility criteria please contact the EU Desk.
Webinar on What You Need to Know About NIH Application Submission and Review for Research Project Grants (R01) is offered on 10 November 2014 by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Potential applicants will be able to Meet the Experts in the NIH Webinar and receive useful insights into the submission and peer review processes. See here for more information.
The Chief Scientist at the Israel Ministry of Agriculture (IMOA) has requested that suggestions for potential calls for research centers will be submitted to IMOA Steering Committees chairs by 1 December 2014.
The ISF has updated that due to financial cuts throughout the higher education system, the Petroleum Alternatives for Transportation Program has now been CANCELLED. No applications to this program will be considered in 2014-2015.
IMOS (Ministry of Science) has requested to convey Online Submission Clarifications to all potential applicants.
Deadline for the Weizmann-EPFL Collaboration Program has been extended from the original 1 October to 7 October 2014.
The ISF has updated that due to financial cuts throughout the higher education system, the Translational Bio-Med Research Program has now been CANCELLED. No applications to this program will be considered in 2014-2015.
Starting on 15 September, Switzerland will enjoy the status of an AC in the following parts of Horizon 2020: Pillar 1 (containing ERC, FET, Research Infrastructures and MSCA), and in 'Spreading excellence and widening participation'. Note that this will apply to all calls with a deadline on or after 15 September 2014, and will be valid until end of December 2016. For all other parts of Horizon 2020, Switzerland will have the status of a developed third country.
Deadlines for the BSF-NSF Joint Program in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) has been extended from the original 23 October (RGP), 30 October (Agency), and 28 October (NSF). The new submission deadlines are 12 November (RGP) and 19 November (Agency) 2014. The updated NSF deadline is 14 November 2014.
Deadline to the Modern Agriculture Foundation - In-Vitro Meat Feasibility Study call for proposals has been extended from the original 28 August (RGP) and 31 August (Agency) 2014 to 8 September (RGP) and 15 September (Agency) 2014.
New and updated forms (for 2014) are now available for the IMTI-KAMIN-Yeda call for proposals, under the Mode of Application section of the call.
The deadline for IMOH and D-Cure Diabetes Research Grants has been extended from the original 7 August (RGP) and 14 August (Agency) to 14 August (RGP) and 21 August (Agency) 2014 at 15:00.
Deadline to the IMOD (MAFAT) Cyber Technologies Division Calls for Proposals has been extended from the original 24 July (RGP) and 31 July (Agency) 2014 to 4 September (RGP) and 11 September (Agency) 2014.
Deadline for the IMOA - Depletion of Soil and Drainage - Excellence Center (Merkaz Metsuyanut) has been extended from the original 6 August (RGP) and 13 August (Agency) to 20 August (RGP) and 27 August (Agency) 2014.
BSF representatives will arrive at the Weizmann Institute to meet researchers in relation with BSF and BSF-NSF programmes.
The meeting will take place on Sunday,20 July 2014, between 09:00 and 11:00, at the David Lopatie Conference Centre, Presidential Reception Room, and will include presentations to all researchers (about 1.5 hours) and to neurobiology researchers (about 0.5 hours).
Researchers interested in attending the meeting are requested to contact Cochi Cohen ( at their earliest convenience.
Due to the current situation in Israel, the ERC-Advanced workshop which was scheduled for Wednesday, 16 July, 2014 between 09:00-13:00 has been cancelled. All optional individual advisory sessions scheduled for the 16-17 July have also been cancelled. Further notification will be circulated should the lecturer reschedule her visit to Israel.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a workshop on Writing a Successful ERC-Advanced (AdG) Proposal that will be held at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday, 16 July, 2014 at 09:00-13:00.
The workshop, by European consultant Ms. Lotte Jaspers, will provide an overview of the ERC-AdG under H2020 and of the proposal structure with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal. Full details of the agenda and registration (required by Sunday, 13 July) can be viewed here.
Due to a departmental outing, the RGP and AAO Offices will be closed on Monday, 7 July 2014.
If any signatures or other assistance from the RGP or AAO are required on this day, please make sure to take this into consideration and contact us before or after the aforementioned times.
Short one-on-one advisory sessions (~45 min.) with Ms. Jaspers are offered to ERC-AdG applicants and will be held at the Weizmann Institute on the afternoon of Wednesday, 16 July.
During these sessions, prior to which researchers will be asked to provide a short outline of the challenge they aim to address and chosen panel, the consultant will provide feedback and further information on the chosen panel, ideas for structuring the project and how elements as groundbreaking nature, ambition and feasibility could be best addressed within the proposal.
Additional details and registration (required by Sunday, 6 July) can be viewed here. Please kindly take note that as the number of sessions is limited, they will be confirmed to researchers in order of registration. Should there be high demand, additional slots may also be made available on Thursday, 17 July.
Scientists are not required to pay for these sessions and are under no obligation to later engage the consultancy services of Yellow Research.
The deadline for the Minerva German Research Group Visit or Workshop at the Weizmann Institute has been extended from the original 1 July to 15 July 2014.
Further to information received from the BSF please note that the next submission deadline for the BSF Regular Grants will be 13 November 2014 (the website will be open for submissions from 1 September). The next submission deadline for the joint BSF-NSF Computational Neuroscience Grants will be 28 October 2014 (submission to the NSF). Further information will be announced as soon as it becomes available.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Advanced 2014 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Accordingly, application guidelines and proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
Deadline to the VATAT Infrastructure in Academia Roadmap has been extended from the original 8 July (RGP) and 15 July (Agency) 2014 to 18 September (RGP) and 1 October (Agency) 2014.
Further to IMOS clarification, please note that Israeli PIs applying to the Britain - Israel Cooperation - Cyber Security call for proposals must provide their UK collaborators submitting the proposal with a completed form which clearly identifies the total costs sought from INCB/MOST for the components of the project which will be carried out in Israel.
Deadline for the Pazi Foundation Young Researcher Absorption Call for Proposals has been extended from the original 24 June (RGP) and 1 July (Agency) to 24 July (RGP) and 1 August 2014 (Agency).
Horizon 2020 ERC-AdG training workshop
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a Horizon 2020 ERC-AdG training workshop with European consultant, Ms. Lotte Jaspers The workshop will comprise an overview of the ERC-AdG under H2020 and of the proposal structure, with a focus on how to address the evaluation criteria and maximize the impact of the proposal.
About the consultant: Lotte Jaspers, a partner at Yellow Research, a European consultancy company, has extensive experience in running EU workshops, in the pre-submission proposal review of EU projects and has served as an invited expert evaluator for the European Commission.
When and where: The workshop will be held at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday 16 July, 2014 between 09:00 13:00.
Registration: Researchers who wish to attend the ERC-AdG Workshop, are requested to register at their earliest convenience to allow us to prepare accordingly.
Optional individual training sessions
We are checking the option of offering potential ERC-AdG applicants short one-on-one advisory sessions with Ms. Jaspers. During these sessions, in which researchers will be asked to provide a short outline of the challenge they aim to address and chosen panel, the consultant will provide feedback and further information on the chosen panel, ideas for structuring the project and how elements as groundbreaking nature, ambition and feasibility could be best addressed within the proposal.
When and where: The sessions will be held at the Weizmann Institute on Wednesday 16 July afternoon and/or Thursday 17 July, 2014.
Registration: If you are interested in a short one-on-one advisory session, please kindly register at your earliest convenience by Sunday 22 June 2014.
Please note that due to a limited number of sessions that will be available, in case of high demand, the sessions will be confirmed to researchers in the order of registration. Further details of both the workshop and the one-on-one sessions will be published soon.
The deadline for the IMOS France-Israel Cooperation (Maimonide) call for proposals has been extended from the original 29 May (RGP) and 10 June (Agency) to 16 June (RGP) and 19 June (Agency) 2014.
Deadline for the IMOS France - Israel Cooperation - PICS (Projets Internationaux de Cooperation Scientifique) program has been extended from the original 22 May (RGP) and 29 May (Agency) to 16 June (RGP) and 19 June (Agency) 2014.
The BSF in collaboration with the NSF has provided an update regarding the various BSF-NSF programs in 2014. For further information please see the following message from the BSF.
The deadline for the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL) and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority joint call has been extended to 26 May (RGP) and 3 June (Agency) 2014.
Please note that the deadline to IMOD 2014 call for proposals was extended from the original 8 May (RGP) and 16 May (Agency) to 23 June (RGP) and 30 June 2014 (Agency).
The new Research Grants and Projects (RGP) website has been operating now for over 3 months. While we believe the new website to represent a significant improvement in user-friendliness and responsiveness to researchers needs, we ask you to help us improve the new site further by reporting any problems you may have encountered. Please send such reports, as well as any feedback you feel is relevant regarding the new website, to Dr. Igal Nevo ( by 1 June 2014 at the latest.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend a short presentation and learn about a new funding initiative: Healthy Living and Active Ageing - a 500 million Euro consortium in areas of vaccine and personalized medicine.
The presentation Concept for a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in Healthy Living and Active Ageing, by Mr. Holm Keller, Executive Vice President for University Development and Incubator, Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany, will take place on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 10:15-11:15 A.M. at the Zacks Hall (Mezzanine level, Stone Administration Building).
The KIC, led by the Leuphana Healthy Ageing Net, has been formed in anticipation of the call by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), published in February 2014, to address a fundamental aspect of demographic change: Healthy Living and Active Ageing, and has been joined by the Weizmann Institute, thus enabling Weizmann researchers to participate.
Five industries have been identified as having the potential to address the challenges identified by the EIT and will serve as the focus areas of this consortium:
- Immunization for Adults
- Value-Based Healthcare
- Personalized Medicine
- Predictive Medicine
- Independence and Scalable Care Solutions
For an overview and further details about the project and the topics concerned please visit the website:
In order to make the appropriate arrangements, researchers interested in attending are kindly requested to RSVP via email to the EU Desk by Sunday, 25 May 2014.
The AFM-Telethon call for proposals deadline for both Research Projects and Trampoline Grants has been extended from the original 22 May (RGP) and 30 May (Agency) to 26 May (RGP) and 2 June 2014 (Agency).
The deadline for the IMOs-Italy call for proposals has been extended from the original 8 May (RGP) and 15 May (Agency) to 25 May (RGP) and 5 June (Agency) 2014. Please note that IMOS has clarified that Israeli PIs may submit more extended proposals than their Italian collaborators (up to 8 pages). In addition, the form has been revised to include also an abstract.
The Israel-EU Research and Development Directorate (ISERD), in collaboration with the UK Embassy and the UK-Israel Tech Hub, is organizing an brokerage event in the field of Nano-Bio and Neuroscience, with the aim of identifying potential UK-Israel collaborations towards H2020 calls (in 2015) in the Health and NMPB challenges. The event will be held on 30 June 2014. For further details and registration please see here.
The form for the IMOS-France call for proposals has been revised. The revised form is available under the Mode of Application section of the call.
Ehud Galun, Head of Materials Department at MAFAT as well as additional MAFAT representatives will arrive at the Weizmann Institute to meet researchers in relation with IMOD 2014 call for proposals. The meeting is intended to provide further information and expand on the new MAFAT call recently issued, to meet current awardees and potential applicants, and to initiate a fruitful and personal dialogue between MAFAT personnel and WIS researchers.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 09:00, at the Zacks Hall and will include:
- MAFAT presentations (1.5 hours)
- Q and A session (0.5 hour)
- One on one meetings with researchers (1 hour)
Researchers interested in attending the presentation and/or scheduling a one on one meeting are requested to contact Drora Kaplan (, Tel.: 4027) by Sunday, 18 May 2014.
The deadline for the TELEM-VATAT Neuroscience Research - Support for Equipment Purchase call has been extended from 6 March (RGP) and 13 March (TELEM-VATAT) to 21 May (RGP) and 1 June 2014 (Agency).
Researchers wishing to submit applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 5 June 2014 deadline are requested to note that due to Shavuot holiday (during which the RGP offices will be closed), applications will need to be submitted by 1 June 2014. For this reason, potential applicants should provide the RGP with the complete application no later than 18 May 2014, in order to make it in time for the 5 June deadline.
Deadline for the IMOA Collaboration with China call has been extended from 23 April (RGP) and 30 April (Agency) to 15 May (RGP) and 22 May (Agency) 2014. In addition, IMOA has clarified that there is now no obligation for the Israeli PI to sign any Chinese letter of commitment.
Deadline for the Weizmann Staff-Scientists internal grant has been extended from the original 15 April to 16 April 2014.
The information on the estimated evaluation timeframes for the 2014 ERC Starting (StG), Consolidator (CoG) and Proof of Concept (PoC) calls are available on the RGP ERC calls and Deadlines tab, at the table under the Evaluation Timeframe column.
The European Commission has recently published a Self-evaluation form for FET Open Research Projects (FETOPEN 1) and FET Proactive calls. The form reflects the FET-specific evaluation criteria and aims to help applicants identify ways to improve their proposals. The form is available on the RGP FET webpage , under the CALLS FOR THIS ACTIVITY section, below the calls table.
The ERC has announced an extension to the deadline for the 2014 Starting Grant call due to technical problems on the Participant Portal on Tuesday 25 March. The new deadline is now Thursday 27 March 2014, at 17:00 Brussels time.
The BSF in collaboration with the NSF is expected to publish a call for proposals in the field of neuroscience, presumably in the coming week. US pre-proposals deadline is 1 May 2014. For further information at this stage please see the following message from the BSF.
Deadline for the EU H2020-FETFLAG-2014 call (included in the H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme) was extended from the original 10 April to 2 June 2014 (RGP) and 10 June 2014 (Agency).
EU - Horizon 2020 update: the Submission Service for the ERC Consolidator 2014 Call is now available on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. Accordingly, proposal form templates are accessible on the RGP website.
Dear ERC grant holder,
Further to the notification sent to you as an ERC grantee who is eligible to submit a Proof of Concept (PoC) proposal, we would like to remind you of the visit at Weizmann of Ms. Veronica Beneitez Pinero (PoC Call Coordinator) and Mr. Janne Salo (Scientific Officer) from the ERC Executive Agency located in Brussels who will be giving a short presentation (~1hr) on the ERC PoC funding scheme under the H2020 program (Euro 150,000 for up to 18 months).
The presentation Writing an ERC-PoC Proposal for ERC Grant Holders will take place on Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 09:00 - 10:00 AM at the Presidential Reception Room at the David Lopatie Conference Centre.
If you intend on submitting an ERC-PoC proposal, we highly encourage you to attend. Please notify the EU Desk at your earliest and by Friday, 28 February, if you wish to attend and have not yet registered.
Further information on the ERC PoC scheme and deadlines can be found at the RGP ERC page below and in the attached ERC work program (pages 34-40):
Deadline extended for the TELEM - VATAT Neuroscience Research - Support for Equipment Purchase call for proposals - to 6 March (RGP) and 13 March (TELEM-VATAT) 2014.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: additional information for the ERC Proof of Concept call is now available on the RGP website including application guidelines and proposal form templates
The Israel-EU R&D Directorate (ISERD) is organizing an info session on the Horizon 2020 Space and Security calls, to be held on 24 February 2014. For further details and registration please see here.
The deadline for the Ministry of Science (IMOS) - Tashtiot Space Research call for proposals HAS BEEN EXTENDED from the original 10 February (RGP) and 17 February (IMOS) to 24 February (RGP) and 3 March (IMOS) 2014.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: additional information for the ERC Starting and Consolidator 2014 calls is now available on the RGP website including application guidelines and proposal form templates (for the ERC Starting Call only).
The Pasteur - Weizmann Joint Research Program deadline has been extended from 31 January to 23 February 2014 - to the RGP.
The Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office is pleased to announce the launch of our new website.
Emphasis has been placed on providing a comprehensive and effective search utility for potential funding opportunities to support your research.
While we believe the new website to represent a significant improvement in user-friendliness and responsiveness to researchers’ needs, we ask you to help us improve the new site further by reporting any problems you may encounter. Please send such reports, as well as any feedback you feel is relevant regarding the new website, to Dr. Igal Nevo (
Please be reminded that the deadline for the Pasteur - Weizmann Joint Research Program is approaching, on 31 January 2014.
The Israel-EU R&D Directorate (ISERD) is organizing a launch event for the EU Horizon 2020 programme, to be held on 3 February 2014. For further details and registration please see here.
Scientists are invited and encouraged to sign up for UKRO's Targeted Information Service (select the link "Create Profile" to register) |
UKRO, a leading UK-based information and advice service on EU research and higher education (to which the Weizmann Institute is subscribed), offers a Targeted Information Service to its subscribers. All researchers from the Weizmann Institute are eligible to register for this service, which allows users to:
- receive e-mail information packages tailored to their specific research and policy interests at a frequency of their choice;
- view their chosen information on a tailored personal news page on the UKRO web site;
- bookmark articles of specific interest for easy access at all times via the personal news page; and
- search for specific funding and policy information.
The registration process is completely straightforward and is achieved by completing a simple online form available on the UKRO website (select the link "Create Profile" from the main page). The registration process takes only a couple of minutes to complete.
More information on the Targeted Information Service is available in the User Guide available on the UKRO site.
Weizmann researchers are invited to attend Horizon 2020 workshops by European consultant, Ms. Lotte Jasper. The workshops on Writing Successful Proposals for ERC and Collaborative Projects will be held at Weizmann on Tuesday, 21 January 2014. Full details of the workshops’ agenda and registration can be viewed here.
Presentations are available for the H2020 infoday @ Weizmann by ISERD (which took place on 12 January 2014):
Deadline for the Yeda-Sela Center for basic research grants was extended to 20 January 2014 - to the RGP.
EU Horizon 2020 Info-day at the Weizmann Institute - 12 January at the Schmidt Lecture Hall
EU - Horizon 2020 update: ICT (Information Communication and Technologies) calls full information is now available on the RGP website.
EU - Horizon 2020 update: Health, demographic changes and wellbeing calls full information is now available on the RGP website.
In collaboration with ISERD the Weizmann Institute is organising an EU HORIZON 2020 PROGRAMME INFO-DAY FOR RESEARCHERS AND DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATORS to take place on 12 January 2014 between 9:00 AM and 15:30 PM at the Schmidt Lecture Hall. For further details and the day's agenda see here. For registration please contact the RGP office EU desk by Wednesday, 8 January 2014
The RGP Strongly Recommends: Register to serve as a reviewer for the NIH! Contact the RGP Office ( with the details requested below to volunteer to serve as a potential reviewer in NIH Study Sections. |
Further to a visit to the Weizmann Institute in November 2007 by Dr. Antonio Scarpa, Director of the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR), we learned a number of relevant and very interesting points:
- The Israeli success rate in NIH grant applications is 30%, as compared to under 10% for US applicants!
- Israel is in 7th place worldwide among non-US recipients of NIH grants, and Dr. Scarpa clearly stated that there is room for improvement (i.e. he is encouraging more submissions from Israel)
- In terms of review, contrary to common misconceptions, there is no bias against foreign applications! (as can be witnessed from the high success rate of Israeli applicants)
- 25% of grants allocated by the NIH are reserved for "new/young investigators" (Note: a "New investigator" is defined as a researcher, including senior/advanced researchers, who has never had an NIH grant). Thus, anyone who has not yet had an NIH grant is strongly encouraged to apply!
- It is NOT necessary, or even helpful, to include a US investigator as a co-PI on an application, unless of course it is warranted on a scientific basis
The NIH is willing to accept Israeli reviewers to serve in CSR Study Sections (this can on occasion be done remotely, so you will not necessarily be required to travel to the US), and Dr. Scarpa has generously agreed to receive a list of such potential reviewers from the Weizmann Institute. This is a unique opportunity of which the RGP strongly recommends that Weizmann Institute researchers take advantage! The RGP will periodically forward the details of those Weizmann Institute researchers who express such an interest to the CSR. The information we need to receive is as follows:
- Name
- Degree(s)
- E-mail address
- Web address
- Area of Expertise: key words (please limit to 10)
- Study Section or IRG, if known (see the Center for Scientific Review's Study Section Roster and/or Review Group Description)
- Recent funding sources