Bat-Sheva Eylon is a Professor (emerita) in the Science Teaching Department at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) in Israel, and headed the department in 2008-2015. She holds an MSc in physics from WIS and a PhD in Science and Mathematics Education from University of California at Berkeley.
Her main areas of research are the learning and teaching of physics in high-school and integrated science in middle-school, and the long-term professional development of teachers and teacher-educators in these areas, all of which reflect her strong belief in research-practice-partnerships (RPP) and in research on designs that advance RPP collaborations. With peers, many of whom were her graduate students, she designed and conducted a variety of large-scale research-based educational frameworks such as the national networks of Professional Learning Communities for science and physics teachers.
During the last decade, she co-chaired the Vidactics program, the Personalized Teaching and Learning (PeTeL) initiative, and the Rothschild-Weizmann MSc Program for Excellence in Science Teaching. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a recipient of the 2015 Israel EMET prize in Social Science and Education. She was a Fulbright scholar in the UC Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon universities.
The Knowledge Integration Perspective on Teaching and Learning, developed with Linn and collaborators, has played an important role in all these endeavors (Linn & Eylon, 2011, Chinese Translation, 2015).