Chapter 16: Design of Femtosecond Pulse Sequences to Control Reactions

Consider a nonlinear quantum control problem of the form:
The Actual Formula
where The Actual Formula is a functional of the control, The Actual Formula This is a called nonlinear control since the control, The Actual Formula is multiplied by the state vector, The Actual Formula Complete controllability is defined as the ability to synthesize any unitary transformation in the The Actual Formula space of operators that operate in the N dimensional Hilbert space; this is a sufficient (but not necessary) condition to get from any initial state to any final state in the system. A test for complete controllability is whether the Lie algebra spanned by the commutators, The Actual Formula, The Actual Formula etc. has dimension The Actual Formula (for traceless The Actual Formula). In many situations there are multiple The Actual Formula's and then the space spanned is evaluated using the commutators of all of {The Actual Formula} with The Actual Formula and with each other. The program below computes the dimension of the Lie algebra, given a matrix The Actual Formula and a set of matrices {The Actual Formula}.