Treasurer, French Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
In his extensive career as an auditor, Alain Grosmann has been responsible for
the auditing of several multinational companies listed on both the Paris and
New York stock exchanges. The companies have been mainly within the steel
manufacturing (Arcelor), electronic and technology/media/telecommunications
(Scheider Electronique, Alcatel, Vivendi), and service (Veolia, F.C.B.) industries.
Over the course of his work with Arthur Andersen, from 1967 through 2002, Alain
served as a worldwide audit partner, a partner in charge of the Andersen audit
business unit in France, an international board member, a partner in charge of
audit practice quality (i.e., control, procedures, personnel, client service program)
and risk management for France, Benelux, Switzerland, and Morocco, and finally,
as Vice Chairman of the European Executive Committee for Risk Management. In
2002, Alain became a Senior Partner with Ernst & Young and served as a member of
the Arthur Andersen merger task force and the Ernst & Young transition executive
committee, through 2003.
In addition to his work with Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young, Alain has worked
with the French Insitute of Commissariat aux Comptes, participating on its
committee of auditing standards. He also served on the Institute’s ad hoc working
group to monitor the registration process of French audit firms with the U.S. Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board. Alain has served as the Chairman of the
Ethical Committee of the French Institute of Directors. Alain graduated from the
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris with a degree in finance and accounting. He is a certified public account, and a certified legal auditor.
Alain has long been a friend of the Weizmann Institute of Science, including
membership in the Weizmann France-Europe.