The Weizmann Institute Student entrepreneurship club

WISe program is the home of a community of students and alumni who are interested and involved in entrepreneurship



WISe offers Weizmann's students an exclusive program consisting of lectures and seminars which will provide them with the relevant knowledge, skills & network necessary in order to launch and grow a startup venture. The program's participants develop startup projects during the program, accompanied by mentorship and support from experienced Weizmann alumni and other key players in the startup ecosystem.

Our Collaborators:



WISe Program's Alumni Say:


"When I joined the program I thought that it will be interesting and informative yet I never imagined it can change the way I view my future. This program, for the first time, opened me to a new and amazing world of entrepreneurship which is now my first choice for a career."


"I truly feel that this experience was one of the most important and educational during my time at the Weizmann Institute. In just 6 months, I have learned so much about subjects I was completely not familiar with before, made important contacts in the industry, and got to know and collaborate with fellow students from other faculties in the Institute. This program provided me with crucially important tools for my future once I leave the Weizmann Institute and for that I am very grateful."


"During this period, I studied a lot on the business world, my options and the world outside the academy, pushing myself, and of course what it means being a start-up company and many useful tips. I think that a program such this is required in the Weizmann institute, an institute which advocates of innovation and hard work."


"It was an amazing experience, an intensive period during which I enjoyed every moment and learned so much more than I could describe here. I enjoyed very session and waited for Sudays to come. I felt how I grow and evolve in the program and getting a good taste of the 'real' world...The program was super well designer with much tought given to each step, always anticipating the next steps and adjusting itself on the fly to the participants' needs...I am greatful to the Indtitute for this incredible experience."


"I would highly recommend this program for many people in the Weizmann institute and I'm proud to be one of the first graduates of this successful program."


"The program re-defines what the institute has to offer to its students and takes it to another level."


"The WISe entrepreneurship program was an exciting, carefully constructed and meaningful experience, that I personally feel very lucky to have been able to participate in and be part of...The WISe program gave me a window to see how such change and impact can be done in the 'real' world, how science, ideas and dreams are turned into reality. Moreover, it teaches and gives practical tools on how to accomplish it.  "


"The program contributed to me personally, by introducing me to a world that seemed so distant, and helping me feel and become much more capable to succeed in that world."


"This learning process made the notion of "building a startup" from just some obscure hope, to a real path with specific benchmarks that I now know I need to go through...This program was great for me to understand this world and to build my future plans."


"I arrived a complete layman, thinking you only need a good idea to succeed in the entrepreneurship world. I am now much more knowledgeable and aware of the many aspects of making a successfully growing company. I think the lessons I learned a valuable either if I found a company, or whether I will join on an existing venture. I value what I have learnt in the past few months as well as the ties and community that has started to merge. I am very much grateful for this opportunity."


"I believe that this program is especially important considering the gap between our day to day life as researchers and the world which awaits outside, a gap which might be very dramatic for someone who just finishes his studies. The WISE club reduces this gap considerably."


"I feel this program has taught me a lot about the world of startups and venture-capitals, and I definitely consider entrepreneurship as a future for me - something that could not have happened without this program."


"The most important feature of the WISe program to my opinion tackled the biggest barrier for talented graduating students from institute. the program successfully bridged the gap between our academic skills and the entrepreneurship necessary skills and allowed us in a protected environment to build/strengthen those skills during the program."


"I think this program is amazing!!!"


"I really enjoyed the program of WISe, it is one of the best courses I had, especially with respect to the amount of material one can internalize from the program."


"I feel that understanding ideas and concepts like validation, MVP, etc.' already made a difference in my research work as a PhD student. For this reason, I feel that this program is most beneficial, even for people who do not end up taking a business career path."


"The WISe entrepreneurship club was a great experience for me, as a Weizmann graduate which is about to take his first steps in the biotech world. The program was extremely well planned and executed (far better than any course I have taken during my time in the institute)."