WIM no. 17 Spring 2020
מכון ויצמן למדע 38–39 S P R I N G 2 0 2 0 Laying the cornerstone of the David Lopatie Institute of Comparative Medicine A cornerstone-laying ceremony took place on the site of the future David Lopatie Institute of Comparative Medicine during the Annual General Meeting of the International Board, in the presence of Mr. David Lopatie. The event took place on November 13. Mr. Lopatie, of Johannesburg, South Africa, has given generously to establish several buildings on campus, namely the David Lopatie International Conference Centre and the David Lopatie Hall for Graduate Studies, housing the Feinberg Graduate School. The new Lopatie Institute of Comparative Medicine will advance the study of disease through the use of animal models and advanced technologies. Comparative animal studies allow scientists to control temperature, humidity, light, diet, and other factors that might affect the outcome of the experiments. These rigorous controls provide greater certainty about experimental results. Moreover, the natural course of a disease in humans may take dozens of years. In contrast, a model organism can quickly develop a disease or some of its symptoms. Researchers can thereby learn about the disease much faster. As such the David Lopatie Institute for Comparative Medicine will serve life scientists throughout the Weizmann Institute. “You are truly my extended family,” Mr. Lopatie said to the guests at the ceremony. He thanked the Weizmann construction team and his own colleagues and friends from South Africa. He deeply thanked Prof. Daniel and Joëlle Zafjman. g Mr. David Lopatie at the ceremony g L to R: Prof. Daniel Zajfman, Mr. David Lopatie and Prof. Alon Chen Weizmann MAGAZINE