Football: A Love Story... Exxon in the USA

In 1992-1993, while spending a sabbatical in New Jersey at Exxon’s Central research facility, I was thrilled to find that they had a soccer team! Of course I joined, and enjoyed it greatly. Here's the team, with my buds Harun and Moba.

An incredible fifteen years later, in 2007 and 2008, I again spent some time at Exxon and met some of my old buddies! I was again drafted by Bethlehem (NJ), and played in the local Tri-County over-40 league (some of us being closer to 60 than to 40!). That team had evolved from the earlier Exxon team and a few "old-timers" were still there (Dominic Tomaro, Sebastian Reyes, Moba, Nick Graham…) !!



And again, back at the Weizmann Institute, the newspapers took notice!

Soccer rules! To be continued....