Dr. Nir Kampf
Dr. Nir Kampf Senior Staff Scientist Department of Materials & Interfaces Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100 - ISRAEL Tel: +972 8 9343215 Fax: +972 8 9344138 nir.kampf@weizmann.ac.il |
2001 - 2005 - Post-Doc., Department of Material & Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
2001 - Post-Doc., Department of Food Science University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
2000 - D.Sc., Hydrocolloid coating of cells.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Faculty of agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel.
1994 - M.Sc., Physical and textural properties of soy milk gels.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Faculty of agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel.
1991 - B.Sc., Biochemistry.
Ben-gurion University, Faculty of Life Science, Beer-Shiva, Israel.
Academic positions
1. 1998-2001 - Laboratory research assistant, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Faculty of agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel.
2. 2005-current - Senior Staff Scientist, Department of Materials & Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Other positions
2013-2014 Weizmann institute Staff Scientist's Council, member
2014-2019 Chair of the Weizmann institute Staff Scientist's Council
1. Nussinovitch, A. and Kampf, N. (1993). Shelf-Life Extension and Conserved Texture of Alginate-Coated Mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus). LWT-Food Science and Technology. 26: 469-475. 1.589;30/103;38.
2. Kampf, N. and Nussinovitch, A. (1997). Rheological Characterization of -Carrageenan Soy Milk Gels. Food Hydrocolloids. 11(3): 261-269. 2.492;8/103;17.
3. Kampf, N. and Nussinovitch, A. (1999). Influence of Creep Phenomenon and Roughness on the Adhesion of Xenopus Laevis Eggs to Different Substrates. J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 13(4): 453-475. 0.852;55/112;4
4. Kampf, N. and Nussinovitch, A. (2000). Hydrocolloid Coating of Cheeses. Food Hydrocolloids. 14(6): 531-537. 2.492;8/103;38
5. Kampf, N. , Zohar, C. and Nussinovitch, A. (2000). Hydrocolloids Coating of X. Laevis Embryos. Biotechnol. Prog. 16(3): 480-487. 2.224;11/103;2
6. Kampf, N. , Zohar, C. and Nussinovitch, A. (2000). Alginate Coating of X. Laevis Embryos. Biotechnol. Prog. 16(3): 497-505. 2.224;11/103;5
7. Kampf, N. (2002). The Use of Polymers for Cells Coating. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 13: 896-905. 1.504; 28/74;10
8. Kampf, N. and Peleg, M. (2002). Characterization of Chickpea (Cicer Arietum L.) Pastes Using Squeezing Flow Viscometry. Rheologica Acta. 41: 549-556. 1.432;32/112;8
9. Raviv, U. , Giasson, S. , Kampf, N. , Gohy, J.S. , Jerome, R. and Klein, J. (2003). Lubrication by Charged Polymers, Nature. 425(6954):163-165. 28.751;1/50;520.
10. Kampf, N. , Martinez, C.G. , Corradini, M. and Peleg, M. (2003). Rheological Properties of Albumin Foams Determined by Squeezing Flow Viscometry. Rheologica Acta. 42: 259-268. 1.432;32/112;10.
11. Klein, J., Raviv, U., Perkin, S., Kampf, N. and Giasson, S. (2003). Dynamics of Water, Hydrated-Ions and Charged Polymers in Highly-Confined Films, and Their Role in Friction Modification. MRS Proceedings, 790 , P6.1 Doi:10.1557/PROC-790-P6.1
12. Raviv, U. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2004). The Implication of 'Jump-in' For The Shear Viscosity of Ultra Thin Liquid Films, in Dynamics and Friction At Sub-Micron Confining Systems, Eds. Y. Braiman, M. Drake, F. Family, J. Klafter; ACS Symposium Series 882:131-138. 0.8;1
13. Kampf, N. , Raviv, U. , and Klein, J. (2004). Normal and Shear Forces between Adsorbed and Gelled Chitosan Layers. Macromolecules, 37(3):1134-1142. 4.411;4/74;61.
14. Klein, J. , Raviv, U. , Perkin, S. , Kampf, N. and Giasson, S. (2004). Dynamics of Water, Hydrated-Ions and Charged Polymers in Highly-Confined Films, and Their Role in Friction Modification, Dynamics in Small Confining Systems VI.
15. Klein, J. , Raviv, U. , Perkin, S. , Kampf, N. , Liraz, C. and Giasson, S. (2004). Fluidity of Water and of Hydrated Ions Confined between Solid Surfaces To Molecularly-Thin Films. Special Issue on 'Water in Confined Geometry' J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 16(45): S5437-S5448. 1.886;16/61;64.
16. Kampf, N., Gohy, J. F.C, Jerome, R. and Klein, J. (2005) Normal and Shear Forces between a Polyelectrolyte Brush and a Solid Surface. J. Polym. Sci.
Pol. Phys. 43, 193-204. 1.524;27/74;42.
17. Perkin, S. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2005). Stability of Self-assembled Hydrophobic Surfactant Layers in Water. J. Phys. Chem. B. 109(9); 3832-3837. 4.086;19/110;56.
18. Perkin, S. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2006). Long-Range Attraction between Charge-Mosaic Surfaces Across Water. Physical Review Letters 96, 038301. 6.944;5/69;65.
19. Perkin, S. , Chai, L. , Kampf, N., Raviv, U. , Briscoe, W., Dunlop, I. , Titmuss, S., Seo, M. , Kumacheva, E. and Klein, J. (2006). Forces between Mica Surfaces, Prepared in Different Ways, Across Aqueous and Nonaqueous Liquids Confined to Molecularly Thin Films. Langmuir 22(14) 6142-6152. 4.009; 21/110;64.
20. Chai, L. , Goldberg, R. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2008) Selective Adsorption of Poly(Ethylene Oxide) onto a Charged Surface Mediated by Alkali Metal Ions. Langmuir 24(4) 1570-1576. Invited. 4.009; 21/110;23.
21. Goldberg, R. , Chai, L. , Perkin, S. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2008) Breakdown of Hydration Repulsion between Charged Surfaces in Aqueous Cs+ Solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 4939 - 4945. 3.343; 3/32;19.
22. Raviv, U. , Giasson, S., Kampf, N., Gohy, J.S. , Jerome, R. , and Klein, J. (2008). Normal and Frictional Forces between Surfaces Bearing Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Langmuir, 24; 8678-8687. 4.009; 21/110;65.
23. Perkin, S. , Goldberg, R. , Chai, L. , Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2009). 'Dynamic Properties of Confined Hydration Layers', Faraday Discussions 141 ("Water - From Interfaces to the Bulk"), 399-413, 5.000; 12/110;51.
24. Kampf, N., Ben-Yaakov, D., Andelman, D., Safran, S.A. and Klein, J. (2009) Direct Measurement of Sub-Debye-Length Attraction between Oppositely Charged Surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 11;103(11):118304. 7.18;5/69;35.
25. Seror, J., Kampf, N., Maroudas A., Klein J. (2009) Nanotribological investigation of the Role of Proteoglycans in Biolubrication. Proceedings of The 9th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis - 2008, Vol 3 Pages: 513-519. Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 USA.
26. Seror, J., Merkher, Y., Kampf, N., Collinson, L., Day, A., Maroudas, A. and Klein, J. Articular Cartilage Proteoglycans as Boundary Lubricants: Structure and Frictional interaction of Surface-Attached Hyaluronan and Hyaluronan-Aggrecan Complexes. (2011) Biomacromolecules, 12 (10), 3432-3443; 5.788;56.
27. *Gaisinskaya, A., *Ma, L., *Silbert, G., *Sorkin, R., *Tairy, O., Goldberg, R., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2012) Hydration Lubrication: Exploring a New Paradigm. Faraday Discussions, Advance Article. 156, 217-233. 5.0; 12/110;36. (*Contributed Equally).
28. Silbert, G., Ben-Yaakov, D., Dror, Y., Perkin, S., Kampf, N. and Klein J. (2012) Long-Ranged Attraction between Disordered Heterogeneous Surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 109 (16), 168305 - 168309. 7.728; 6/78;27.
29. Seror, J., Merkher, Y., Kampf, N., Collinson, L., Day, A., Maroudas, A. and Klein, J. (2012) Normal and Shear interactions between Hyaluronan-Aggrecan Complexes Mimicking Possible Boundary Lubricants in Articular Cartilage in Synovial Joints. Biomacromolecules 13 (11), 3823-3832. 5.788; 44/291 ;32.
30. Silbert, G., Kampf, N., Perkin, S. and Klein, J. (2012) Time-Dependence of interactions between A Surfactant-Coated Substrate and a Uniformly-Charged Surface. Langmuir, 28(46):16029-37. 4.187; 28/148 ;6.
31. Sorkin, R., Kampf, N., Dror, Y., Shimoni, E. and Klein, J. (2013) Origins of Extreme Boundary Lubrication by Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes. Biomaterials, 34, (26), 5465-5475. 7.604; 2/76;32.
32. Goldian, I., Jahn, S., Laaksonen, P., Linder, M., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2013) Modification of interfacial Forces by Hydrophobin HFBI. Soft Matter 9, 10627-10639. 4.151; 33/25; 8.
33. Sorkin, R., Dror, Y., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2014) Mechanical Stability and Lubrication by Phosphatidylcholine Boundary Layers in The Vesicular and in the Extended Lamellar Phases. Langmuir, 30: 5005-14. 4.187; 28/148 ;18.
34. Silbert, G., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2014) Normal and Shear Forces between Charged Solid Surfaces Immersed in Cationic Surfactant Solution: The Role of the Alkyl Chain Length, Langmuir, 30(18):5097-104. 4.187; 28/148 ;14.
35. Sedova, A., Ron, R. , Goldbart, O. , Elianov, O. , Yadgarov, L. , Kampf, N., Rosentsveig, R., Shumalinsky, D., Lobik, L., Shay, B., Wagner, H. D., Tenne, R (2015) Re-Doped Fullerene-Like MoS2 Nanoparticles in Relationship with Soft Lubrication. Nanomaterials and Energy. 4(1), 30-38. 7.
36. Tairy, O., Kampf, N., Driver, M.J., Armes, S.P. and Klein, J. (2015) Dense, Highly Hydrated Polymer Brushes via Modified Atom-Transfer-Radical-Polymerization: Structure, Surface Interactions, and Frictional Dissipation. Macromolecules. 48 (1), 140-151. 5.927; 3/82; 27.
37. Ma, L., Gaisinskaya-Kipnis, A., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2015) Origins of Hydration Lubrication. Nature Communications, 6, 1-6. 11.329; 3/55 ;52.
38. Goldian, I., Kampf, N., Yeredor, A. and Klein, J. (2015) On the Question of Whether Lubricants Fluidize in Stick-Slip Friction. PNAS, 112(23):7117-22. 9.674;19.
39. Goldian, I., Kampf, N., Yeredor, A. and Klein, J. (2015). Reply To Jee Et Al. and Israelachvili and Drummond: Lubricant Films Do Not Fluidize in intermittent Stick-Slip Friction. PNAS, 112(36): E4974.
40. Lin W., Ma G., Kampf, N., Yuan Z., Chen S. (2016) Development of Long-Circulating Zwitterionic Cross-Linked Micelles for Active-Targeted Drug Delivery. Biomacromolecules, 17(6): 2010-2018. 5.583;9.
41. Gaisinskaya-Kipnis, A., Ma, L., Kampf, N. and Klein, J. (2016) Frictional Dissipation Pathways Mediated by Hydrated Alkali Metal Ions. Langmuir, 32(19):4755-4764. 3.993;7.
42. Sorkin, R., Kampf, N., Zhu, L.; Klein, J. (2016) Hydration Lubrication and Shear-induced Self-Healing of Lipid Bilayer Boundary Lubricants in Phosphatidylcholine Dispersions. Soft Matter, 12:2773-2784. 3.798;8.
43. Kampf, N., Wu, C. X., Wang, Y. L., Klein, J. (2016) A Trimeric Surfactant: Surface Micelles, Hydration-Lubrication, and Formation of A Stable, Charged Hydrophobic Monolayer. Langmuir 32 (45):11754-11762. 3.993;7.
44. Solomonov, I., Zehorai, E. , Talmi-Frank, D. , Wolf, S. G., Shainskaya, A., Zhuravlev, A., Kartvelishvily, E., Visse, R., Levin, Y., Kampf, N., Jaitin, A. D., David, E. , Amit, I. , Nagase, H. and Sagi, I. (2016) Distinct Biological Events Generated by ECM Proteolysis by Two Homologous Collagenases. PNAS 113 (39) 10884-10889. 9.674;9.
45. Zhu, L., Seror, J., Day, A.J., Kampf, N. and Klein J. (2017) Ultra-Low Friction between Boundary Layers of Hyaluronan-Phosphatidylcholine Complexes, Acta Biomaterialia, 59:283-292. 6.319;5.
46. Sorkin, R., Kampf, N. and Klein J. (2017) Effect of Cholesterol on the Stability and Lubrication Efficiency of Phosphatidylcholine Surface Layers, Langmuir, 33(30):7459-7467. 3.833;0.
47. Kampf, N., Wachtel, E., Zilman, A. Ben-Shalom, N., Klein, J. (2018) Anomalous Viscosity-Time Behaviour of Polysaccharide Dispersions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 163320-1-163320-11. 2.843;3.
48. Rosenhek-Goldian, I.*, Kampf, N.*, Klein, J. (2018) Trapped aqueous films lubricate highly-hydrophobic surfaces. AcsNano, 12:(10)10075-10083. 13.709;1. (*) equal contribution.
49. Shalom, H., Sui, X., Elianov, O., Brumfeld, V. , Rosentsveig, R., Pinkas, I., Feldman, Y., Kampf, N., Wagner, H.D., Lachman, N. , Tenne, R. (2019) Nanocomposite of Poly(l-Lactic Acid) with Inorganic Nanotubes of WS2. Lubricants, 7(3), 28; 1.83;0.
50. Lin, W., Kampf, N., Goldberg, R., Driver, M. J., Klein, J. (2019) Poly-phosphocholinated Liposomes Form Stable Superlubrication Vectors. Langmuir. 35(18): 6048-6054. 3.683;0.
51. Cao, Y., Kampf, N., Klein, J. (2019) Boundary Lubrication, Hemifusion, and Self-Healing of Binary Saturated and Monounsaturated Phosphatidylcholine Mixtures. Langmuir. 35(48): 15459-15468. 3.683;0.
52. Angayarkanni, S. A., Kampf, N., Klein, J. (2019) Surface Interactions between Boundary Layers of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Liposome Complexes: Lubrication, Bridging, and Selective Ligation. Langmuir. 35(48): 15469-15480. 3.683;0.
53. Cao, Y., Kampf, N., Lin, W., Klein, J. (2020) Normal and Shear Forces between Boundary Sphingomyelin Layers under Aqueous Conditions. Soft Matter. 16(16): 3973-3980. 3.33;0.
54. 54. Lin, W., Kampf, N., Klein, J. (2020) Designer Nanoparticles as Robust Superlubrication Vectors. ACS Nano. 14(6): 7008-7017. 13.9;0.
55. Lin, W.; Liu, Z.; Kampf, N.; Klein, J. (2020) The Role of Hyaluronic Acid in Cartilage Boundary Lubrication. Cells (9), 1606. 5.276;0.
Publications in Hebrew
Kampf, N. (2004) Molecular lubrication: the function of charged polyelectrolytes between surfaces. Chemia (in Hebrew, Invited, Perspective), 74;31-34.
Kampf, N. (2008) Understanding the unrevealed. Chemistry Nobel Prize 2007: chemical process on surfaces. Chemia (in Hebrew, Invited, Perspective), 87;56-57.