

I am a faculty member in the computer science department at the Weizmann Institute. Prior to joining Weizmann, I was a postdoctoral fellow at CSAIL, MIT. For my PhD studies, I was extremely fortunate to have Prof. David Peleg as my advisor also here in Weizmann. 

My research revolves around several aspects of theoretical computer science, and in particular: fault tolerant graph structures, spanners, distributed graph algorithms and their synergy with information theoretic cryptography.  


Weizmann-Warwick 2023 Workshop


Program Committees: STOC 2025, HALG 2024 (program chair) SOSA 2024 (program co-chair) ESA 2023, SOSA 2023, SIROCCO 2022 (program chair), PODC 2022, FOCS 2021,  WOLA 2021 PODC 2021ICALP 2021PODC 2020HALG 2020, STOC 2020, ITCS 2020DISC 2019, BDA 2019ESA 2018PODC 2018SIROCCO 2018IPDPS 2018, BDA 2018ICALP 2017PODC 2017BDA 2017IPDPS 2017ICDCN 2016SSS 2016SIROCCO 2016, PODC 2016, SPAA 2016, ALGOSENSOR 2015.

Other Activities:  Weizmann-Warwick Meeting 2018 (Co-Organizer), ADGA 2018 (Chair), DISC (Steering Committee 2019-2022), SIROCCO (Steering Committee 2022--)

I am very much grateful for the support of the European Research Council (starting grant DISTRES, 2020-2025), the Israeli Science Foundation (2084/18) and the NSF-BSF (713043) grants.