- A guide to mentoring undergraduates in the lab - Philip S. Lukeman
- Resources for scientists and postdocs
- EMBO Advanced Leadership Skills Training
- Survey of Postdocs [PDF]
- Training students to be good reviewers [PDF]
- Guidance to New Post Docs [DOC]
- Be a Better P.I.: Recommended Reading for Lab Leaders (NYAS)
- Relation between laboratory research and publications in science [PDF]
- How to ask questions (in 10 easy steps) [PDF]
- The power of time off [Lecture]
- The Importance of Stupidity in Scientific Research [PDF] - Martin A. Schwartz
- Kartoshkes - Modern Bonfire Theater
- 7 Simple Ways To Say No
- Dance your PhD (TED)
- Approaching Novel Thoughts: Understanding Why Elation and Boredom Promote Associative Thought More Than Distress and Relaxation, Gasper et al.
- Spontaneous scientists, Rachel Bernstein, Nature feature
- Medawar - is the scientific paper a fraud?
- OITE Videocasts - Office of Intramural Training & Education at the National Institutes of Health
- How to Pick a Graduate Advisor
- Business Insider
- Improvisation for Scientists - Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
- Why men
work so many hours - Susan McConnell (Stanford): Designing effective scientific presentations
- Life in a story: Playback theater and the art of improvisation" book review (in Hebrew) - Uri Alon
- "What is life" - The Networks of Life - Uri Alon, May 21st 2013
- How Successful People Stay Calm - Travis Bradberry
- MySciCarrer
- Dealing with rejection
- Not Going It Alone - Prof. Judith Klinman
- Establishing an academic laboratory: mentoring as a business model
- Leadership training for early-career researchers
- Mentoring in research workshop at Stanford
- Scooped again at Stanfard (Feb 2015)
- Humans in Medicine - the Arnold P. Gold Foundation
- The Shockley model of academic performance
- Yearly Planning Meetings: Individualized Development Plans Aren’t Just More Paperwork - Vincent et al.
- The future of scholarly scientific communication - The Royal Society
- We must teach more effectively: here are four ways to get started
- Career advice
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HMMI):
- a full engagement book is the enemy of science, by Lawrence Bragg.
- The NIPS Experiment
- I Feel Witty, Oh So Witty - Donald A. Misch, MD
- radiolab story on a meaning of science
- Athene Donald’s Blog
- VOX courses
- Scientific rigor and the art of motorcycle maintenance
- Thriving in science - Berkley
- Matzav Meurar - Facebook group (Hebrew)