Ulanovsky Lab

Neural Codes for Natural Behaviors

Research Philosophy

The research in our lab focuses on the neural basis of natural behaviors. We aim to uncover general principles of mammalian brain function, by capitalizing on the unique behaviors of bats – a novel animal model that we pioneered. Our general approach is to utilize the advantages that bats afford – their outstanding navigation, 3D flight, fast movement, their temporally-discrete sensory system (sonar) and excellent vision, and their high sociality – in order to ask general questions in systems neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, social neuroscience, and neuroethology; particularly questions that are difficult to address in rodents. 

We study the hippocampal formation and prefrontal cortex, and we ask: What are the neural codes that underlie complex natural behaviors such as navigation and sociality? To pursue these questions, we develop world-unique neural loggers – tiny wireless devices, which enable recording > 100 neurons simultaneously from the bat's brain during flight and social interactions. Our study species, Egyptian fruit bats, are easy to work with, and are excellent navigators and highly-social mammals – making them a great model organism for behavioral neuroscience, learning & memory, and social neuroscience of animal groups. We have several world-unique experimental facilities: 700-meter long tunnel, 60x35-meter flight maze, 3D flight-rooms, and social rooms. We also perform neural recordings outdoors in bats flying on a remote oceanic island.  

Our long-term vision is to develop a "Natural Neuroscience" approach for studying the neural basis of behavior – tapping into the animal's natural behaviors in complex, large-scale, naturalistic settings – while not compromising on rigorous experimental control. We firmly believe that pursuing such an approach will lead to novel and surprising insights about the brain.

Research page

Selected Publications

Hippocampal coding of identity, sex, hierarchy, and affiliation in a social group of wild fruit bats

Ray S., Yona I., Elami N., Palgi S., Latimer K. W., Jacobsen B., Witter M. P., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2025)  Science  387, eadk9385

Natural switches in behaviour rapidly modulate hippocampal coding

Sarel A., Palgi S., Blum D., Aljadeff J., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2022)  Nature  609, 119-127

Locally ordered representation of 3D space in the entorhinal cortex

Ginosar G., Aljadeff J., Burak Y., Sompolinsky H., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2021)  Nature  596, 404-409

Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats

Eliav T., Maimon S. R., Aljadeff J., Tsodyks M., Ginosar G., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2021)  Science  372, eabg4020

Nonoscillatory Phase Coding and Synchronization in the Bat Hippocampal Formation

Eliav T., Geva-Sagiv M., Yartsev M. M., Finkelstein A., Rubin A., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2018)  Cell  175, 1119-1130

Social place-cells in the bat hippocampus

Omer D. B., Maimon S. R., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2018)  Science  359, 218-224

Vectorial representation of spatial goals in the hippocampus of bats

Sarel A., Finkelstein A., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2017)  Science  355, 176-180

Three-dimensional head-direction coding in the bat brain

Finkelstein A., Derdikman D., Rubin A., Foerster J. N., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2015)  Nature  517, 159-164

Representation of three-dimensional space in the hippocampus of flying bats

Yartsev M. M. & Ulanovsky N. (2013)  Science  340, 367-372

Grid cells without theta oscillations in the entorhinal cortex of bats

Yartsev M. M., Witter M. P. & Ulanovsky N. (2011)  Nature  479, 103-107

Optimal localization by pointing off axis

Yovel Y., Falk B., Moss C. F. & Ulanovsky N. (2010)  Science  327, 701-704

All Publications

Positions Available

We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated students who are interested in behavioral neuroscience and systems neuroscience. Students in the lab come from a variety of academic backgrounds, including Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering. We love these diverse perspectives! We often combine experimental and theoretical / computational approaches to investigate key questions in systems and behavioral neuroscience.