The LHC discovery of the Higgs boson, with a light mass and couplings consistent with the Standard Model (SM) prediction, reinforces the fine tuning problem. Within the SM the Higgs mass is radiatively unstable and implies that it has arbitrary sensitivity to microscopic dynamics. A simple possibility to stabilize the Higgs mass and the electroweak scale in a controlled manner is to add new fields to SM, with the same gauge quantum numbers as the SM fields, such that the contributions of the new fields/dynamics (or simply new physics) to the Higgs mass eliminate the UV sensitivity. I am involved in study of signatures through which new physics may reveal itself and help to solve the above.
Cosmological-observation raised additional puzzles: What can induce the matter-anti-matter asymmetry of our Universe? What is the source of dark matter?We explore experimental and theoretical methods to improve our knowledge regarding these issues. More recently I have been also involved in using the precision frontier of atomic physics in order to search for new type of fundamental interactions and ultralight dark matter.