For the most part aaRSs are negatively charged at physiological conditions, as also are tRNA substrates. It is apparent that should be found a driving force that ensures an attraction between like-charged aaRS and tRNA, and formation of the close encounters. Our results suggest that non-specific electrostatic interactions are the driving forces for primary stickiness of aaRSs and tRNA, and these are precisely the interactions that control encounter complex formation. Attraction between aaRS and tRNA at long distances (~0.01 kT/e) is due to capture of the negatively charged tRNA molecule by the positive potential of aaRS concentrated in the �blue space� areas (see Figure 1). As it turned out the 3D-isopotential surfaces generated by monomeric, dimeric and heterotetrameric synthetases from both classes reveal the presence of large positive patches (�blue space�), one for each tRNA substrate molecule. However, numerous questions remain to be addressed. We are currently interested in finding correlation between electrostatic fields created by individual structural domains and exerting some action on complex formation and evolutionary pathway of a given protein. It is of interest to model the trajectory of tRNA motion towards the binding site of the aaRSs (Figure 2).