(2025) Astronomical Journal. 169, 2, 90. Abstract
We use PyDynamicaLC, a model using the least number ofand the least correlateddegrees of freedom needed to derive a photodynamical model, to describe some of the smallestand lowest-transit-timing-variation-amplitudeof the Kepler planets. We successfully analyze 64 systems containing 218 planets, for 88 of which we were able to determine significant masses (to better than 3σ). We demonstrate consistency with literature results over 2 orders of magnitude in mass, and for the planets that already had literature mass estimations, we were able to reduce the relative mass error by ∼22% (median value). Of the planets with determined masses, 23 are new mass determinations, with no previous significant literature values, including a planet smaller and lighter than Earth (KOI-1977.02/Kepler-345 b). These results demonstrate the power of photodynamical modeling with the appropriately chosen degrees of freedom. This will become increasingly more important as smaller planets are detected, especially as the TESS mission gathers ever longer baseline light curves and for the analysis of the future PLATO mission data.
(2025) Geophysical Research Letters. 52, 3, e2024GL113. Abstract
The Martian South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) are composed mostly of ice and dust with a thin perennial CO2 cover and some internal CO2 ice layers. In the North, the seasonal CO2 cap is lost during summer, allowing H2O ice to sublimate into the atmosphere. In the South, the perennial CO2 cover prevents H2O ice sublimation. This work uses the Mars Planetary Climate Model to investigate how the H2O and CO2 cycles are affected if the thin perennial CO2 SPLD cover is lost. We find that during southern summer, the atmospheric water content will more than double in the south polar region. However, on a global scale, the NPLD is still the dominant source of humidity because of its larger surface area. When exposing some of the South Polar Cap buried water ice, the south polar cap becomes the dominant source of atmospheric humidity due to Mars's spin-orbital alignment.
(2025) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 130, 1, e2024JE008. Abstract
(Formula presented.) is the primary component of the martian atmosphere and its seasonal surface-atmosphere exchange is responsible for many of the climate phenomena on the planet. Near-surface ground water ice (GI) has been found to inhibit seasonal (Formula presented.) ice accumulations. Previous studies concerning the response of the (Formula presented.) cycle to orbital variations did not take into account the redistribution of GI arising from the same orbital variations. This work aims to analyze the effect of GI redistribution on the (Formula presented.) cycle in past climates. We use the LMD Planetary Climate Model to simulate the full (Formula presented.) cycle at different orbital configurations and compare simulations with reference modern GI as observed by the Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer (\u201cMONS GI\u201d scenario) to simulations with equilibrium GI produced by the Mars Subsurface Ice Model (\u201cEq. GI\u201d scenario). In the Eq. GI scenario, equilibrium GI underlies 0.80.9 of the seasonal caps area at high obliquity periods, whereas in the reference MONS GI scenario, the overlap between GI and the seasonal cap is reduced, reaching less than 0.3 by obliquity (Formula presented.). The mass and duration of seasonal (Formula presented.) ice are significantly reduced relative to the reference scenario, especially in the mid-latitudes, and the expected increase of seasonal pressure amplitude with obliquity is attenuated (by a factor of (Formula presented.) 2 at obliquity (Formula presented.)). Interpolating the seasonal variations and mean annual pressure over the past 20,000 kyr, we highlight the influence of GI migration in attenuating both seasonal pressure variations and long-term oscillations of the martian atmospheric pressure.
(2024) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 129, 10, e2024JE008. Abstract[All authors]
Planetary geologic maps are crucial tools for understanding the geological features and processes of solid bodies in the Solar System. Over the past six decades, best practices in planetary geologic mapping have emphasized clear and objective observation, geological interpretation, multi-sensor fusion, and iterative revision of maps based on new data. We summarize here four ways in which maps serve as indispensable instruments for scientific investigation, from enhancing observations to interrogating surface processes. With respect to space exploration, we underscore the role of planetary geologic maps as tools to link testable, hypothesis-driven science to exploration goals and provide actionable information for hazard identification, resource evaluation, sample collection, and potential infrastructure development. To further advance the field of planetary geologic mapping, international collaboration is essential. This includes sharing data and maps through FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) platforms, establishing standardized mapping practices, promoting diverse nomenclature, and fostering continued cooperation in space exploration.
(2024) The Astronomical journal. 167, 3, 103. Abstract
We fit a dynamical model to Kepler systems that contain four or more transiting planets using the analytic method AnalyticLC and obtain physical and orbital parameters for 101 planets in 23 systems, of which 95 are of mass significance better than 3σ, and 46 are without previously reported mass constraints or upper limits. In addition, we compile a list of 71 Kepler objects of interest that display significant transit impact parameter variations (TbVs), complementing our previously published work on two- and three-transiting-planet systems. Together, these works include the detection of significant TbV signals of 130 planets, which is, to our knowledge, the largest catalog of this type to date. The results indicate that the typical detectable TbV rate in the Kepler population is of order 10−2 yr−1 and that rapid TbV rates (≳0.05 yr−1) are observed only in systems that contain a transiting planet with an orbital period less than ∼20 days. The observed TbV rates are only weakly correlated with orbital period within Keplers ≲100-day-period planets. If this extends to longer periods, it implies a limit on the utility of the transit technique for long-period planets. The TbVs we find may not be detectable in direct impact parameter measurements, but rather are inferred from the full dynamics of the system, encoded in all types of transit variations. Finally, we find evidence that the mutual inclination distribution is qualitatively consistent with the previously suggested angular momentum deficit model using an independent approach.
(2024) Astrophysical Journal. 964, 1, 74. Abstract[All authors]
The Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT) is scheduled to be launched to geostationary orbit in 2026. It will carry a telescope with an unprecedentedly large field of view (204 deg2) and NUV (230-290nm) sensitivity (22.5 mag, 5σ, at 900s). ULTRASAT will conduct the first wide-field survey of transient and variable NUV sources and will revolutionize our ability to study the hot transient universe: It will explore a new parameter space in energy and time-scale (months long light-curves with minutes cadence), with an extra-Galactic volume accessible for the discovery of transient sources that is >300 times larger than that of GALEX and comparable to that of LSST. ULTRASAT data will be transmitted to the ground in real-time, and transient alerts will be distributed to the community in 23.5 AB mag, over 10 times deeper than the GALEX map. Two key science goals of ULTRASAT are the study of mergers of binaries involving neutron stars, and supernovae: With a large fraction (>50%) of the sky instantaneously accessible, fast (minutes) slewing capability and a field-of-view that covers the error ellipses expected from GW detectors beyond 2025, ULTRASAT will rapidly detect the electromagnetic emission following BNS/NS-BH mergers identified by GW detectors, and will provide continuous NUV light-curves of the events; ULTRASAT will provide early (hour) detection and continuous high (minutes) cadence NUV light curves for hundreds of core-collapse supernovae, including for rarer supernova progenitor types.
(2023) Astronomical Journal. 166, 6, 256. Abstract
Estimation of planetary orbital and physical parameters from light-curve data relies heavily on the accurate interpretation of Transit Timing Variation (TTV) measurements. In this letter, we review the process of TTV measurement and compare two fitting paradigms-one that relies on making transit-by-transit timing estimates and then fitting a TTV model to the observed timings, and one that relies on fitting a global flux model to the entire light-curve data set simultaneously. The latter method is achieved either by solving for the underlying planetary motion (often referred to as "photodynamics"), or by using an approximate or empirical shape of the TTV signal. We show that, across a large range of the transit S/N regime, the probability distribution function of the mid-transit time significantly deviates from a Gaussian, even if the flux errors do distribute normally. Treating the timing uncertainties as if they are distributed normally leads, in such a case, to a wrong interpretation of the TTV measurements. We illustrate these points using numerical experiments and conclude that a fitting process that relies on a global flux fitting, rather than the derived TTVs, should be preferred.
(2023) Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 21, e2023GL105. Abstract
Massive reservoirs of subsurface water ice in equilibrium with atmospheric water vapor are found poleward of 45° latitude on Mars. The absence of CO2 frost on steep pole-facing slopes and simulations of atmospheric-soil water exchanges suggested that water ice could be stable underneath these slopes down to 25° latitude. We revisit these arguments with a new slope microclimate model. Our model shows that below 30° latitude, slopes are warmer than previously estimated as the air above is heated by warm surrounding plains. This additional heat prevents the formation of surface CO2 frost and subsurface water ice for most slopes. Our model suggests the presence of subsurface water ice beneath pole-facing slopes down to 30° latitude, and possibly 25° latitude on sparse steep dusty slopes. While unstable ice deposits might be present, our results suggest that water ice is rarer than previously thought in the ±30° latitude range considered for human exploration.
(2023) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 128, 10, e2023JE007. Abstract
Mars harbors ice deposits in several forms, on the surface and in the subsurface, which exchange with each other on various timescales. We seek to study the pore ice evolution over millennial time scales and how it contributes to and affects the Polar cap's evolution. We calculate the evolution of SubSurface Ice (SSI) pore filling by coupling two models, the Mars LMD Global Climate Model, which calculates the atmospheric and surface evolution on an annual timescale, and the dynamical version of the Mars Subsurface Ice Model, which calculates the evolution of the SSI on a millennial timescale. The SSI latitudinal boundary fluctuates over more than 25° in one obliquity cycle, overall extending equatorward of latitude ±35° at high obliquity, and receding to about ±60° at low obliquity. In locations where the SSI is stable continuously over orbital cycles, the simulations predict layering caused by a sublimation front at the SSI top boundary. Between 5 and 2.5 Myr ago, the subsurface lost at least ∼95 m of polar equivalent layer ice. The SSI flux routinely reaches ∼1 mm/Mars year. In addition to the direct contribution to the growth of the North Polar Layered Deposits (NPLD), the SSI causes variations in the NPLD accumulation rate due to the changes in the SSI distribution that affect the seasonal energy budget. These variations are comparable to the change in rate due to variations in orbital elements. When running paleo-climate simulations, particularly to reconstruct the NPLD profile, changes in the SSI distribution should be considered.
(2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1050, 085002. Abstract[All authors]
The Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST) is designed to survey the variable and transient sky at high temporal cadence. The array is comprised of 48 F/2.2 telescopes of 27.9 cm aperture, coupled to full-frame backside-illuminated cooled CMOS detectors with 3.76 μm pixels, resulting in a pixel scale of 1.25. A single telescope with a field of view of 7.4 deg2 reaches a 5σ limiting magnitude of 19.6 in 20 s. LAST 48 telescopes are mounted on 12 independent mountsa modular design which allows us to conduct optimized parallel surveys. Here we provide a detailed overview of the LAST survey strategy and its key scientific goals. These include the search for gravitational-wave (GW) electromagnetic counterparts with a system that can cover the uncertainty regions of the next-generation GW detectors in a single exposure, the study of planetary systems around white dwarfs, and the search for near-Earth objects. LAST is currently being commissioned, with full scientific operations expected in mid 2023. This paper is accompanied by two complementary publications in this issue, giving an overview of the system and of the dedicated data reduction pipeline.
(2022) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 127, 3, e2021JE007. Abstract
Exposed scarps images and ice-penetrating radar measurements in the North Polar Layered Deposits (NPLD) of Mars show alternating layers that provide an archive of past climate oscillations, that are thought to be linked to orbital variations, akin to Milankovitch cycles on Earth. We use the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique Martian Global Climate Model to study paleoclimate states to enable a better interpretation of the NPLD physical and chemical stratigraphy. When a tropical ice reservoir is present, water vapor transport from the tropics to the poles at low obliquity is modulated by the intensity of summer. At times of low and relatively constant obliquity, the flux still varies due to other orbital elements, promoting polar layer formation. Ice migrates from the tropics toward the poles in two stages. First, when surface ice is present in the tropics, and second, when the equatorial deposit is exhausted, from ice that was previously deposited in mid-high latitudes. The polar accumulation rate is significantly higher when tropical ice is available, forming thicker layers per orbital cycle. However, the majority of the NPLD is sourced from ice that temporary resided in the mid-high latitudes and the layers become thinner as the source location moves poleward. The migration stages imprint different D/H ratios in different sections in the PLDs. The NPLD is isotopically depleted compared to the South Polar Layered Deposits in all simulations. Thus we predict the D/H ratio of the atmosphere in contact with NPLD upper layers is biased relative to the average global ice reservoirs.
(2022) The Astronomical journal. 163, 2, 90. Abstract
We developed and provide AnalyticLC, a novel analytic method and code implementation for dynamical modeling of planetary systems, including non-coplanar interactions, based on a disturbing function expansion to fourth order in eccentricities and inclinations. AnalyticLC calculates the system dynamics in 3D and the resulting model light-curve, radial-velocity, and astrometry signatures, enabling simultaneous fitting of these data. We show that for a near-resonant chain of three planets, where the two super-periods are close to each other, the TTVs of the pair-wise interactions cannot be directly summed to give the full system TTVs because the super-periods themselves resonate. We derive the simultaneous three planets correction and include it in AnalyticLC. We compare the model computed by AnalyticLC to synthetic data generated by an N-body integrator, and evaluate its accuracy. Depending on the maximal order of expansion terms kept, AnalyticLC computation time can be up to an order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art published N-body integrator TTVFast, with a smaller enhancement seen at higher order. The advantage increases for long-term observations as our approach's computation time does not depend on the time span of the data. Depending on the system parameters, the photometric accuracy is typically a few ppm, significantly smaller than Kepler's and other observatories' typical data uncertainty. Our highly efficient and accurate implementation allows full inversion of a large number of observed systems for planetary physical and orbital parameters, presented in a companion paper.
(2022) The Astronomical journal. 163, 2, 91. Abstract
We apply AnalyticLC, an analytic model described in an accompanying paper, to interpret Kepler data of systems that contain two or three transiting planets. We perform tests to verify that the obtained solutions agree with full N-body integrations, and that the number of model parameters is statistically justified. We probe non-co-planar interactions via impact parameter variations (TbVs), enabled by our analytic model. The subset of systems with a valid solution includes 54 systems composed of 140 planets, more than half of which are without previously reported mass constraints. Overall we provide: (i) estimates of physical and orbital properties for all systems analyzed; (ii) 102 planets with mass detections significant to better than 3σ, 43 of which have masses below 5 m ⊕; and (iii) 35 TbVs significant to better than 3σ. We focus on select systems showing strong TbVs, which can result from either interaction among the known transiting planets, or with a nontransiting object, and provide: (iv) a method to constrain the parameters of such unseen companions. These results are enabled by an accurate 3D photodynamical model, of a kind expected to become increasingly important for modeling multidecade photometric and composite (radial velocity, astrometry) data sets.
(2022) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 371, 114677. Abstract
Impacts between planetary-sized bodies can explain the origin of satellites orbiting large (R>500 km) trans-Neptunian objects. Their water rich composition, along with the complex phase diagram of water, make it important to accurately model the wide range of thermodynamic conditions material experiences during an impact event and in the debris disk. Since differences in the thermodynamics may influence the system dynamics, we seek to evaluate how the choice of an equation of state (EOS) alters the systems evolution. Specifically, we compare two EOSs that are constructed by different approaches: either by a simplified analytic description (Tillotson), or by interpolation of tabulated data (Sesame). Approximately 50 pairs of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics impact simulations were performed, with similar initial conditions but different EOSs, in the parameter space in which the PlutoCharon binary is thought to form (slow impacts between Pluto-size, water rich bodies). Generally, we show that impact outcomes (e.g., circumplanetary debris disk) are consistent between EOSs. Some differences arise, importantly in the production of satellitesimals (large intact clumps) that form in the post-impact debris disk. When utilizing an analytic EOS, the emergence of satellitesimals is highly certain, while when using the tabulated EOS it is less common. This is because for the typical densities and energies experienced in these impacts, the analytic EOS predicts very low pressure values, leading to particles artificially aggregating by a tensile instability.
(2021) Bulletin of the AAS. 53, 4, Abstract[All authors]
Water and other volatiles are fundamental tracers of habitable environments on terrestrial planets and satellites. Ice deposits in the polar regions of the Moon present an opportunity to understand the delivery and retention of water and other volatiles in the inner solar system.
(2021) European Bulletin of adapted physical activity = Europäisches Bulletin für Bewegung, Spiel und Sport in Rehabilitation und bei Behinderung = Bulletin européen en Activité Physique Adaptée. 53, 4, Abstract[All authors]
Mars Polar Science is an integrated, compelling system that serves as a nearby analogue to numerous other planets, supports human exploration, and habitability. Mars possesses the closest and most easily accessible layered ice deposits outside of Earth, and accessing those layers to read the climate record would be a triumph for planetary science.
(2021) Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 8, 589147. Abstract
As human exploration missions to Mars are on the horizon, microbial cross-contamination remains a key issue to address. These issues can be approached today using advances in molecular metagenomics methods, which include rapid and sensitive sequencing platforms for characterizing microbial populations. Combined with analog missions, these methods provide powerful tools for assessing the challenges associated with planetary exploration. Here, we designed a protocol to monitor forward and backward contamination events and progression in an 11-days Mars analog mission in the Ramon crater in Israel. Forward contamination soil samples were collected daily from three sitestwo sites in close proximity to the habitat and one isolated site. Backward contamination was determined in samples from nitrile gloves of six analog astronauts before and after extravehicular activities Temperature, relative humidity and soil composition data were also collected for all sites. Environmental DNA samples were extracted in the main habitat and 16S (bacterial) and 18S (eukaryotic, fungal) rRNA gene amplicons were sequenced and analyzed to study microbial population diversity and composition. Shannon Diversity index analysis and Principal Coordinates analysis (PCoA) of rRNA genes indicated that differences in the diversity and population composition were significant in sites closer to the habitat when compared to a reference site. These samples also demonstrated the introduction of human-associated taxa to the environment. Backward contamination consisted of bacterial taxa found on gloves upon return from EVA and also detected in soil, altogether 44 genera, indicating backward contamination events. To our knowledge, this is the first protocol to utilize advanced molecular technologies to investigate forward and backward contamination in a Mars analog mission.
(2021) Astrophysical Journal. 908, 1, 114. Abstract
Inferring planetary parameters from transit timing variations (TTVs) is challenging for small exoplanets because their transits may be so weak that determination of individual transit timing is difficult or impossible. We implement a useful combination of tools that together provide a numerically fast global photodynamical model. This is used to fit the TTV-bearing light curve, in order to constrain the masses of transiting exoplanets in low-eccentricity, multiplanet systems-and small planets in particular. We present inferred dynamical masses and orbital eccentricities in four multi-planet systems from Kepler's complete long-cadence data set. We test our model against Kepler-36/KOI-277, a system with some of the most precisely determined planetary masses through TTV inversion methods, and find masses of 5.56(-0.45)(+0.41) and 9.76(-0.89)(+0.79) m(circle plus) for Kepler-36 b and c, respectively-consistent with literature in both value and error. We then improve the mass determination of the four planets in Kepler-79/KOI-152, where literature values were physically problematic to 12.5(-3.6)(+4.5), 9.5(-2.1)(+2.3), 11.3(-2.2)(+2.2) and 6.3(-1.0)(+1.0) m(circle plus) for Kepler-79 b, c, d, and e, respectively. We provide new mass constraints where none existed before for two systems. These are 12.5(-2.6)(+3.2) m(circle plus) for Kepler-450 c, and 3.3(-1.0)(+1.7) and 17.4(-3.8)(+7.1) m(circle plus) for Kepler-595 c (previously KOI-547.03) and b, respectively. The photodynamical code used here, called PyDynamicaLC, is made publicly available.
(2021) Nature Astronomy. 5, 2, p. 169-175 Abstract
Water ice is thought to be trapped in large permanently shadowed regions in the Moons polar regions, due to their extremely low temperatures. Here, we show that many unmapped cold traps exist on small spatial scales, substantially augmenting the areas where ice may accumulate. Using theoretical models and data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, we estimate the contribution of shadows on scales from 1 km to 1 cm, the smallest distance over which we find cold-trapping to be effective for water ice. Approximately 1020% of the permanent cold-trap area for water is found to be contained in these micro cold traps, which are the most numerous cold traps on the Moon. Consideration of all spatial scales therefore substantially increases the number of cold traps over previous estimates, for a total area of ~40,000 km2, about 60% of which is in the south. A majority of cold traps for water ice is found at latitudes > 80° because permanent shadows equatorward of 80° are typically too warm to support ice accumulation. Our results suggest that water trapped at the lunar poles may be more widely distributed and accessible as a resource for future missions than previously thought.
(2020) Planetary and Space Science. 194, 105115. Abstract[All authors]
SpaceIL's lunar lander mission Beresheet was launched on February 22, 2019 and impacted its targeted landing site in Mare Serenitatis on the Moon on April 11, 2019. The spacecraft carried a package of scientific instruments including a fluxgate magnetometer and a retroreflector array for laser ranging, as well as a suite of cameras. Orbital measurements of the magnetic field from Kaguya and Lunar Prospector guided the selection of the landing site to a location west of Posidonius crater in the Serenitatis plains, where the magnitude of the modeled magnetic field reaches 810 \u200bnT \u200bat the surface. Data was collected by the SILMAG magnetometer from Earth orbit, lunar orbit, and during the descent maneuver, although its interpretation is hindered by the presence of a spacecraft field.
(2020) The Astronomical journal. 160, 4, 195. Abstract
Non-Keplerian dynamics of planetary orbits manifest in the transit light curve as variations of different types. In addition to transit timing variations, the shape of the transits contains additional information on variations in the geometry of the orbit. This study presents an analytic approach to light-curve fitting: dynamical variations in the orbital elements are transformed to a light curve using an analytic function with a restricted set of fitting parameters. Our method requires no N-body integration, resulting in a smaller number of degrees of freedom and a faster calculation. The approach described here is for the case of secular perturbations. By assuming that the orbital motion is dominated by nodal and apsidal precessions, analytic expressions for the light-curve transit parameters are derived as a function of the orbital variations. Detecting and characterizing such dynamical scenarios provides information regarding the possible existence of nontransiting companions, or the nonspherical mass distribution of the host star. The variations may imply forces out of the orbital plane, and thus probe mutual inclinations among components of the system. The derived models successfully reproduce the vanishing transit signals of KOI 120.01, and suggest a possible interesting scenario of a planet orbiting one member of a close-in binary system undergoing unusually rapid nodal regression. The model parameters are degenerate, so we provide relevant information for follow-up observations, which are suggested in order to place further constraints on this unique Kepler object.
(2020) Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 545, 116408. Abstract
Accumulations of ice and dust mixtures may acquire magnetization during deposition in a manner analogous to sedimentary rocks. Here, we consider the process of particles descending through an atmosphere and depositing in a preferential orientation that serves to record the ambient magnetic field during emplacement. We use a simple model for the settling and reorientation of ice particles with magnetic inclusions that includes magnetic torque, aerodynamic forces and gravity, to investigate the parameter space governing the process. For fields in the range of 10's 100's μT we find that ice particles of sizes up to ∼100 μm which contain smaller magnetic grains as nuclei will produce a deposit indeed magnetized in the direction aligned with the applied field, but with a moment that is independent of the field strength. For particles in the 100's μm range, the magnetic moment increases with the field strength. To demonstrate the effect experimentally, we performed a suite of laboratory deposition simulations followed by measurements of the magnetic moment of the samples. We show that in the idealized laboratory conditions dusty ice magnetizes in the direction of the applied field, with the alignment increasing with its intensity. For the chosen conditions, the magnetization increases rapidly with field intensity in the range 10 200 μT, and approaches a maximal value above that. For a mixture with dust/ice ratio of 5×10
−3 we obtained maximal magnetization values in the range 1.6×10
−5 3×10
−3 A m
2/kg, depending on the distribution of particle sizes. We show that magnetic particle concentration in the ice determines the level of magnetic remanence, and conclude that the remanent magnetization of natural ice deposit in various settings may be measurable (if unobscured by post-depositional, wind, or other effects) and thus could provide a new paleomagnetic record on Earth and other planetary objects. -
(2020) Icarus. 336, 113415. Abstract
Asteroid pairs are those found to share similar heliocentric orbits but not positions. The leading theory suggests that each had a single progenitor that split due to rotational-fission of a weak, rubble-pile structured body. By constructing shape models of asteroid pairs from multiple-apparition observations and using a lightcurve inversion technique, we mapped the gravitational and rotational accelerations on the surfaces of these asteroids. This allows us to construct a map of local slopes on the asteroids' surfaces. In order to test for frictional failure, we determine the maximum rotation rate at which an area larger than half the surface area of the secondary member (assumed to be the ejected component) has a slope value >40 degrees, the angle of friction of lunar regolith, where loose material will begin sliding. We use this criterion to constrain the failure stress operating on the body, just before disruption at the commonly observed spin barrier of 2.2 h. Our current sample includes shape models of eleven primary members of asteroid pairs, observed from the Wise Observatory in the last decade. In the studied parameter space we find that the shape models only reach the spin barrier when their bulk density is larger than the ~2 g cm
3 measured for the rubble pile structured 25143 Itokawa, and better matches 433 Eros' value of 2.7 g cm
3, suggesting that km-sized asteroid pairs are dense compared to sub-km bodies. Assuming ejection of secondary components that are larger than those observed (up to the maximal size allowing separation), can also increase the spin barrier of the asteroids, thus supporting the previously suggested scenario of continuous disruption of the secondary. In addition, cohesion levels of hundreds of Pascals are also required to prevent these shape models from disrupting at spin rates slower than the usual spin barrier. -
(2019) Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2019-October, IAC-19_A5_. Abstract[All authors]
With NASA's announcement in 2019 of going back to the moon with the Artemis program, and the plan of building a Moon base in 2028 as a milestone for Mars colonization, there is an urgent need in providing methods to sustain a human crew on the Moon and Mars for substantially long periods. The Beresheet spacecraft hard landing on the Moon, April 2019, has inspired the Israeli public, children and adults alike, and the Desert Mars Analog Ramon Station (D-MARS) non profit organization was established during Beresheet developmental stages. It is dedicated for establishing an international planetary analog research center in the Negev desert, Israel. D-MARS aims to promote space-related education, science and technological innovation via space simulation or analog mission infrastructure. The Ramon Crater in the Negev desert was chosen for its Mars-like geomorphology and geology, isolation and hyper arid climate conditions allowing for a Mars simulated environment. The D-MARS habitat is a scalable deployed portable structure. It can support six analog astronauts (\u201cRamonauts\u201d) living in isolation during few weeks of an analog mission. The habitat has a science lab that includes a biological safety cabinet and additional equipment to perform geo-biological experiments internally, a single hydroponic tray, a common room, six wood encased sleeping pods, kitchenette, a small restroom. D-MARS members have performed Mars analog missions during 2018-2019. During the 2019 field campaign (February - March 2019), several analog Mars missions were performed: An 11-day main analog mission; a three-day\u201dLanding on Mars\u201d simulation mission to prepare and put into operation the infrastructure and technological equipment, simulating a crew in a landing phase on Mars; a two-day medical analog mission that included several medical emergency simulated events; a dedicated high school student group performed a three-day analog missions as part of the Young Astronaut Academy (YAA). The YAA program promotes STEM and the love of space and science. During all missions, all simulated extravehicular activities (EVAs) were done in a dedicated sim spacesuit, when operating outside of the habitat. The Ramonauts were in fairly complete isolation and communicated only with Mission Support Center (MSC), via text/image, in a dedicated webserver, with a 10-minute delay, each way. During the main 11-day mission various scientific experiments included soil analysis, environmental microorganisms metagenomics, isolation and characterization, rover utilization for external mapping and situational exploration, various psychological analyses of crew's wellness and more. This paper describes the 2019 Analog mission season, detailing the various missions and their objectives, impacts, lessons learned and future forecasts and plans.
(2019) Icarus. 324, p. 1-7 Abstract
The layered polar caps of Mars have long been thought to be related to variations in orbit and axial tilt. We dynamically link Mars's past climate variations with the stratigraphy and isotopic composition of its ice by modeling the exchange of H2O and HDO among three reservoirs. The model shows that the interplay among equatorial, mid-latitude, and north-polar layered deposits (NPLD) induces significant isotopic changes in the cap. The diffusive properties of the sublimation lags and dust content in our model result in a cap size consistent with current Mars. The layer thicknesses are mostly controlled by obliquity variations, but the precession period of 50 kyr dominates the variations in the isotopic composition during epochs of relatively low and nearly constant obliquity such as at present. Isotopic sampling of the top 100 m may reveal climate oscillations unseen in the layer thicknesses and would thus probe recent precession-driven climate cycles.
(2019) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 124, 4, p. 1008-1019 Abstract
Current lunar origin scenarios suggest that Earth's Moon may have resulted from the merger of two (or more) smaller moonlets. Dynamical studies of multiple moons find that these satellite systems are not stable, resulting in moonlet collision or loss of one or more of the moonlets. We perform Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) impact simulations of two orbiting moonlets inside the planetary gravitational potential and find that the classical outcome of two bodies impacting in free space is altered as erosive mass loss is more significant with decreasing distance to the planet. Depending on the conditions of accretion, each moonlet could have a distinct isotopic signature; therefore, we assess the initial mixing during their merger, in order to estimate whether future measurements of surface variations could distinguish between lunar origin scenarios (single vs. multiple moonlets). We find that for comparable-size impacting bodies in the accretionary regime, surface mixing is efficient, but in the hit-and-run regime, only small amount of material is transferred between the bodies. However, sequences of hit-and-run impacts are expected, which will enhance the surface mixing. Overall, our results show that large-scale heterogeneities can arise only from the merger of drastically different component masses. Surfaces of moons resulting from merger of comparable-sized components have little material heterogeneities, and such impacts are preferred, as the relatively massive impactor generates more melt, extending the lunar magma ocean phase.
(2018) Astrophysical Journal. 862, 1, 5. Abstract
The Earth-Moon system is suggested to have formed through a single giant collision, in which the Moon accreted from the impact-generated debris disk. However, such giant impacts are rare, and during its evolution, the Earth experienced many more smaller impacts, producing smaller satellites that potentially coevolved. In the multiple-impact hypothesis of lunar formation, the current Moon was produced from the mergers of several smaller satellites (moonlets), each formed from debris disks produced by successive large impacts. In the Myr between impacts, a pre-existing moonlet tidally evolves outward until a subsequent impact forms a new moonlet, at which point both moonlets will tidally evolve until a merger or system disruption. In this work, we examine the likelihood that preexisting moonlets survive subsequent impact events, and explore the dynamics of Earth-moonlet systems that contain two moonlets generated Myr apart. We demonstrate that pre-existing moonlets can tidally migrate outward, remain stable during subsequent impacts, and later merge with newly created moonlets (or re-collide with the Earth). Formation of the Moon from the mergers of several moonlets could therefore be a natural byproduct of the Earth's growth through multiple impacts. More generally, we examine the likelihood and consequences of Earth having prior moons, and find that the stability of moonlets against disruption by subsequent impacts implies that several large impacts could post-date Moon formation.
(2018) Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 234, 1, 9. Abstract
The high planetary multiplicity revealed by Kepler implies that transit timing variations (TTVs) are intrinsically common. The usual procedure for detecting these TTVs is biased to long-period, deep transit planets, whereas most transiting planets have short periods and shallow transits. Here we introduce the Spectral Approach technique to TTVs that allows expanding the TTV catalog toward lower TTV amplitude, shorter orbital period, and shallower transit depth. In the spectral approach, we assume that a sinusoidal TTV exists in the data and then calculate the improvement to χ
2 that this model allows over that of the linear-ephemeris model. This enables detection of TTVs even in cases where the transits are too shallow, so that individual transits cannot be timed. The spectral approach is more sensitive because it has fewer free parameters in its model. Using the spectral approach, we (a) detect 129 new periodic TTVs in Kepler data (an increase of ∼2/3 over a previous TTV catalog); (b) constrain the TTV periods of 34 long-period TTVs and reduce amplitude errors of known TTVs; and (c) identify cases of multi-periodic TTVs, for which absolute planetary mass determination may be possible. We further extend our analysis by using perturbation theory assuming a small TTV amplitude at the detection stage, which greatly speeds up our detection (to a level of few seconds per star). Our extended TTV sample shows no deficit of short-period or low-amplitude transits, in contrast to previous surveys, in which the detection schemes were significantly biased against such systems. -
(2017) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 122, 12, p. 2371-2400 Abstract[All authors]
We used infrared data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment to globally map thermophysical properties of the Moon's regolith fines layer. Thermal conductivity varies from 7.4x10(-4)Wm(-1)K(-1) at the surface to 3.4x10(-3)Wm(-1)K(-1) at depths of similar to 1m, given density values of 1,100kgm(-3) at the surface to 1,800kgm(-3) at 1m depth. On average, the scale height of these profiles is similar to 7cm, corresponding to a thermal inertia of 552Jm(-2)K(-1)s(-1/2) at 273K, relevant to the diurnally active near-surface layer, similar to 4-7cm. The temperature dependence of thermal conductivity and heat capacity leads to an similar to 2 times diurnal variation in thermal inertia at the equator. On global scales, the regolith fines are remarkably uniform, implying rapid homogenization by impact gardening of this layer on timescales 100Jm(-2)K(-1)s(-1/2)) in the interiors and ejecta of Copernican-aged impact craters and lower thermal inertia (
(2017) Icarus. 296, p. 99-109 Abstract
The heat flux incident upon the surface of an airless planetary body is dominated by solar radiation during the day, and by thermal emission from topography at night. Motivated by the close relationship between this heat flux, the surface temperatures, and the stability of volatiles, we consider the effect of the slope distribution on the temperature distribution and hence prevalence of cold-traps, where volatiles may accumulate over geologic time. We develop a thermophysical model accounting for insolation, reflected and emitted radiation, and subsurface conduction, and use it to examine several idealized representations of rough topography. We show how subsurface conduction alters the temperature distribution of bowl-shaped craters compared to predictions given by past analytic models. We model the dependence of cold-traps on crater geometry and quantify the effect that while deeper depressions cast more persistent shadows, they are often too warm to trap water ice due to the smaller sky fraction and increased reflected and reemitted radiation from the walls. In order to calculate the temperature distribution outside craters, we consider rough random surfaces with a Gaussian slope distribution. Using their derived temperatures and additional volatile stability models, we estimate the potential area fraction of stable water ice on Earth's Moon. For example, surfaces with slope RMS ∼15° (corresponding to length-scales ∼10 m on the lunar surface) located near the poles are found to have a ∼10% exposed cold-trap area fraction. In the subsurface, the diffusion barrier created by the overlaying regolith increases this area fraction to ∼40%. Additionally, some buried water ice is shown to remain stable even beneath temporarily illuminated slopes, making it more readily accessible to future lunar excavation missions. Finally, due to the exponential dependence of stability of ice on temperature, we are able to constrain the maximum thickness of the unstable layer to a few decimeters.
(2017) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 122, 11, p. 2366-2367 Abstract
Turbet and Tran (2017) have identified that we mistakenly used air-broadened CO2 absorption spectra to generate coefficients for a rapid radiative transfer code, instead of self-broadened spectra. The resulting underestimation of absorption by CO2 led us to suggest that when the effects of CO2 line mixing are taken into account, surface temperatures on early Mars are up to 15K colder than those calculated in previous studies, in which empirical corrections of the CO2 spectrum were used ( factors). Using the correct CO2 absorption spectra, including the effects of line mixing, Turbet and Tran (2017) found that the surface temperature is colder by only 2K than temperatures calculated with the factor approach. While we acknowledge the mistake, and thank Turbet and Tran (2017) for finding and correcting it, we note that our main conclusions hold that surface temperatures are overestimated when empirical factors are used instead of a full account of CO2 line mixing in radiative transfer calculations in CO2-rich planetary atmospheres. Additionally, we emphasize that the rapid radiative transfer model we developed and tested is useful for studies of planetary climate, provided the correct absorption spectra are used to generate new k coefficients.
(2017) Icarus. 297, p. 126-133 Abstract
At a mean diameter of ∼650 m, the near-Earth asteroid (455213) 2001 OE84 (OE84 for short) has a rapid rotation period of 0.486542 ± 0.000002 h, which is uncommon for asteroids larger than ∼200 m. We revisited OE84 14 years after it was first, and last, observed by Pravec et al. (2002) in order to measure again its spin rate and to search for changes. We have confirmed the rapid rotation and, by fitting the photometric data from 2001 and 2016 using the lightcurve inversion technique, we determined a retrograde sense of rotation, with the spin axis close to the ecliptic south pole; an oblate shape model of a/b=1.32±0.04 and b/c=1.8±0.2; and no change in spin rate between 2001 and 2016. Using these parameters we constrained the body's internal strength, and found that current estimations of asteroid cohesion (up to ∼80 Pa) are insufficient to maintain an intact rubble pile at the measured spin rate of OE84. Therefore, we argue that a monolithic asteroid, that can rotate at the rate of OE84 without shedding mass and without slowing down its spin rate, is the most plausible for OE84, and we give constraints on its age, since the time it was liberated from its parent body, between 2−10 million years.
(2017) Nature Astronomy. 1, 8, 0179. Abstract
Seven of the nine known Mars Trojan asteroids belong to an orbital cluster 2 named after its largest member, (5261) Eureka. Eureka is probably the progenitor of the whole cluster, which formed at least 1Gyr ago(3). It has been suggested 3 that the thermal YORP (Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect spun up Eureka, resulting in fragments being ejected by the rotational-fission mechanism. Eureka's spectrum exhibits a broad and deep absorption band around 1 mu m, indicating an olivine-rich composition(4). Here we show evidence that the Trojan Eureka cluster progenitor could have originated as impact debris excavated from the Martian mantle. We present new near-infrared observations of two Trojans ((311999) 2007 NS2 and (385250) 2001 DH47) and find that both exhibit an olivine-rich reflectance spectrum similar to Eureka's. These measurements confirm that the progenitor of the cluster has an achondritic composition(4). Olivine-rich reflectance spectra are rare amongst asteroids' but are seen around the largest basins on Mars(6). They are also consistent with some Martian meteorites (for example, Chassigny(7)) and with the material comprising much of the Martian mantle(8,9). Using numerical simulations, we show that the Mars Trojans are more likely to be impact ejecta from Mars than captured olivine-rich asteroids transported from the main belt. This result directly links specific asteroids to debris from the forming planets.
(2017) Icarus. 292, p. 74-85 Abstract[All authors]
We find that the reflectance of the lunar surface within 5 degrees of latitude of the South Pole increases rapidly with decreasing temperature, near similar to 110 K, behavior consistent with the presence of surface water ice. The North polar region does not show this behavior, nor do South polar surfaces at latitudes more than 5 degrees from the pole. This South pole reflectance anomaly persists when analysis is limited to surfaces with slopes less than 10 degrees to eliminate false detection due to the brightening effect of mass wasting, and also when the very bright south polar crater Shackleton is excluded from the analysis. We also find that south polar regions of permanent shadow that have been reported to be generally brighter at 1064 nm do not show anomalous reflectance when their annual maximum surface temperatures are too high to preserve water ice. This distinction is not observed at the North Pole. The reflectance excursion on surfaces with maximum temperatures below 110 K is superimposed on a general trend of increasing reflectance with decreasing maximum temperature that is present throughout the polar regions in the north and south; we attribute this trend to a temperature or illumination-dependent space weathering effect (e.g. Hemingway et al., 2015). We also find a sudden increase in reflectance with decreasing temperature superimposed on the general trend at 200 K and possibly at 300 K. This may indicate the presence of other volatiles such as sulfur or organics. We identified and mapped surfaces with reflectances so high as to be unlikely to be part of an ice-free population. In this south we find a similar distribution found by Hayne et al. (2015) based on UV properties. In the north a cluster of pixels near that pole may represent a limited frost exposure. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2017) Icarus. 283, p. 70-91 Abstract[All authors]
In June 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft was launched to the Moon. The payload consists of 7 science instruments selected to characterize sites for future robotic and human missions. Among them, the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) was designed to obtain altimetry, surface roughness, and reflectance measurements. The primary phase of lunar exploration lasted one year, following a 3-month commissioning phase. On completion of its exploration objectives, the LRO mission transitioned to a science mission. After 7 years in lunar orbit, the LOLA instrument continues to map the lunar surface. The LOLA dataset is one of the foundational datasets acquired by the various LRO instruments. LOLA provided a high-accuracy global geodetic reference frame to which past, present and future lunar observations can be referenced. It also obtained high-resolution and accurate global topography that were used to determine regions in permanent shadow at the lunar poles. LOLA further contributed to the study of polar volatiles through its unique measurement of surface brightness at zero phase, which revealed anomalies in several polar craters that may indicate the presence of water ice. In this paper, we describe the many LOLA accomplishments to date and its contribution to lunar and planetary science.
(2017) Nature Geoscience. 10, 2, p. 89-94 Abstract
The hypothesis of lunar origin by a single giant impact can explain some aspects of the Earth-Moon system. However, it is difficult to reconcile giant-impact models with the compositional similarity of the Earth and Moon without violating angular momentum constraints. Furthermore, successful giant-impact scenarios require very specific conditions such that they have a low probability of occurring. Here we present numerical simulations suggesting that the Moon could instead be the product of a succession of a variety of smaller collisions. In this scenario, each collision forms a debris disk around the proto-Earth that then accretes to form a moonlet. The moonlets tidally advance outward, and may coalesce to form the Moon. We find that sub-lunar moonlets are a common result of impacts expected onto the proto-Earth in the early Solar System and find that the planetary rotation is limited by impact angular momentum drain. We conclude that, assuming efficient merger of moonlets, a multiple-impact scenario can account for the formation of the Earth-Moon system with its present properties.
(2016) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 121, 6, p. 965-985 Abstract
Fast and accurate radiative transfer methods are essential for modeling CO2-rich atmospheres, relevant to the climate of early Earth and Mars, present-day Venus, and some exoplanets. Although such models already exist, their accuracy may be improved as better theoretical and experimental constraints become available. Here we develop a unidimensional radiative transfer code for CO2-rich atmospheres, using the correlated k approach and with a focus on modeling early Mars. Our model differs from existing models in that it includes the effects of CO2 collisional line mixing in the calculation of the line-by-line absorption coefficients. Inclusion of these effects results in model atmospheres that are more transparent to infrared radiation and, therefore, in colder surface temperatures at radiative-convective equilibrium, compared with results of previous studies. Inclusion of water vapor in the model atmosphere results in negligible warming due to the low atmospheric temperatures under a weaker early Sun, which translate into climatically unimportant concentrations of water vapor. Overall, the results imply that sustained warmth on early Mars would not have been possible with an atmosphere containing only CO2 and water vapor, suggesting that other components of the early Martian climate system are missing from current models or that warm conditions were not long lived.
(2016) Icarus. 267, p. 243-254 Abstract[All authors]
The rubble pile spin barrier is an upper limit on the rotation rate of asteroids larger than ~200-300. m. Among thousands of asteroids with diameters larger than ~300. m, only a handful of asteroids are known to rotate faster than 2.0. h, all are in the sub-km range (≤0.6. km). Here we present photometric measurements suggesting that (60716) 2000 GD65, an S-complex, inner-main belt asteroid with a relatively large diameter of 2.3-0.7+0.6km, completes one rotation in 1.9529. ±. 0.0002. h. Its unique diameter and rotation period allow us to examine scenarios about asteroid internal structure and evolution: a rubble pile bound only by gravity; a rubble-pile with strong cohesion; a monolithic structure; an asteroid experiencing mass shedding; an asteroid experiencing YORP spin-up/down; and an asteroid with a unique octahedron shape results with a four-peak lightcurve and a 3.9. h period. We find that the most likely scenario includes a lunar-like cohesion that can prevent (60716) 2000 GD65 from disrupting without requiring a monolithic structure or a unique shape. Due to the uniqueness of (60716) 2000 GD65, we suggest that most asteroids typically have smaller cohesion than that of lunar regolith.
(2015) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 120, 9, p. 1567-1584 Abstract
The dwarf planet Ceres may have an icerich crust, and subsurface ice exposed by impacts or endogenic activity would be subject to sublimation. We model surface and subsurface temperatures on Ceres to assess lifetimes of water ice and other volatiles. Topographic shadowing allows a small but nonnegligible fraction (∼0.4%) of Ceres' surface to be perennially below the ∼110 K criterion for 1 Gyr of stability. These areas are found above 60° latitude. Other molecules (CH3OH, NH3, SO2, and CO2) may be cold trapped in smaller abundances. A model for the transport, gravitational escape, and photoionization of H2O molecules suggests net accumulation in the cold traps. Buried ice is stable within a meter for > 1 Gyr at latitudes higher than ∼50°. An illuminated polar cap of water ice would be stable within a few degrees of the poles only if it maintained a high albedo (>0.5) at present obliquity. If the obliquity exceeded 5° in the geologically recent past, then a putative polar cap would have been erased. At latitudes 0°30°, ice is stable under solar illumination only briefly (∼10100 years), unless it has high albedo and thermal inertia, in which case lifetimes of > 104 years are possible. Finally, a small hemispheric asymmetry exists due to the timing of Ceres' perihelion passage, which would lead to a detectable enhancement of ice in the northern hemisphere if the orbital elements vary slowly relative to the ice accumulation rate. Our model results are potentially testable during the Dawn science mission.
(2015) Icarus. 253, p. 223-242 Abstract
Unraveling the stratigraphic record is the key to understanding ancient climate and past climate changes on Mars (Grotzinger, J. et al. [2011]. Astrobiology 11, 77-87). Stratigraphic records of river deposits hold particular promise because rain or snowmelt must exceed infiltration plus evaporation to allow sediment transport by rivers. Therefore, river deposits when placed in stratigraphic order could constrain the number, magnitudes, and durations of the wettest (and presumably most habitable) climates in Mars history. We use crosscutting relationships to establish the stratigraphic context of river and alluvial-fan deposits in the Aeolis Dorsa sedimentary basin, 10°E of Gale crater. At Aeolis Dorsa, wind erosion has exhumed a stratigraphic section of sedimentary rocks consisting of at least four unconformity-bounded rock packages, recording three or more distinct episodes of surface runoff. Early deposits (>700. m thick) are embayed by river deposits (>400. m thick), which are in turn unconformably draped by fan-shaped deposits (900. m thick) unconformably drape all previous deposits.River deposits embay a dissected landscape formed of sedimentary rock. The river deposits are eroding out of at least two distinguishable units. There is evidence for pulses of erosion during the interval of river deposition. The total interval spanned by river deposits is >(1×106-2×107) yr, and this is extended if we include alluvial-fan deposits. Alluvial-fan deposits unconformably postdate thrust faults which crosscut the river deposits. This relationship suggests a relatively dry interval of >4×107yr after the river deposits formed and before the fan-shaped deposits formed, based on probability arguments. Yardang-forming layered deposits unconformably postdate all of the earlier deposits. They contain rhythmite and their induration suggests a damp or wet (near-) surface environment. The time gap between the end of river deposition and the onset of yardang-forming layered deposits is constrained to >1×108yr by the high density of impact craters embedded at the unconformity. The time gap between the end of alluvial-fan deposition and the onset of yardang-forming layered deposits was at least long enough for wind-induced saltation abrasion to erode 20-30m into the alluvial-fan deposits. We correlate the yardang-forming layered deposits to the upper layers of Gale crater's mound (Mt. Sharp/Aeolis Mons), and the fan-shaped deposits to Peace Vallis fan in Gale crater. Alternations between periods of low mean obliquity and periods of high mean obliquity may have modulated erosion-deposition cycling in Aeolis. This is consistent with the results from an ensemble of simulations of Solar System orbital evolution and the resulting history of the obliquity of Mars. 57 of our 61 simulations produce one or more intervals of continuously low mean Mars obliquity that are long enough to match our Aeolis Dorsa unconformity data.
(2015) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 120, 2, p. 177-194 Abstract
Impact cratering produces characteristic variations in the topographic power spectral density (PSD) of cratered terrains, which are controlled by the size-frequency distribution of craters and the spectral content (shape) of individual features. These variations are investigated here in two parallel approaches. First, a cratered terrain model, based on Monte Carlo emplacement of craters and benchmarked by an analytical formulation of the one-dimensional PSD, is employed to generate topographic surfaces at a range of size-frequency power law exponents and shape dependencies. For self-similar craters, the slope of the PSD, , varies inversely with that of the production function, , leveling off to 0 at high (surface topography dominated by the smallest craters) and maintaining a roughly constant value ( approximate to 2) at low (surface topography dominated by the largest craters). The effects of size-dependent shape parameters and various crater emplacement rules are also considered. Second, we compare the model-derived predictions for the behavior of the PSD with values of calculated along transects from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA). At small scales (approximate to 115 m to 1 km) model predictions agree well with the PSD slope over the observed range of lunar size-frequency distributions. Differences between global PSD slopes at subkilometer and kilometer scales reflect a scale separation in roughness consistent with prior observations using a variety of surface roughness parameters. Understanding the statistical markers left by the impact cratering process on the lunar surface is useful for distinguishing between competing geological processes on planetary surfaces throughout the solar system.
Finding unique exoplanets with ultrasat(2015) 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, IAC 2015. p. 4319-4322 Abstract
ULTRASAT is a proposed wide field UV orbital observatory designed to survey the sky for astrophysical transients. The telescope will stare at each field of view of -210 deg2 for up to 6 months, measuring the flux of all point sources continuously to high precision (relative precision no worse than 1%, with a goal of 0.1%). Such long, high-cadence, high-precision and continuous light curves lend themselves naturally to transiting exoplanets searches. While not part of ULTRASAT's primary mission goals, significant opportunities are presented. In particular, ULTRASAT's Near UV (220-280nm) passband and unusual pointing (for transit searches) will allow it to be sensitive to exoplanets in different populations than other longer-wavelength surveys: White dwarfs, start with extended atmosphere, and more.
The effect of slope distribution on the surface temperature of the moon and other airless bodies(2015) 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, IAC 2015. p. 825-827 Abstract
The heat flux experienced by the surface of an airless planetary body is dominated by solar insolation during the day, and by topography at night. Motivated by the close relationship between this heat flux, surface temperature and volatile stability, we consider the effect of the slope distribution on the temperature distribution and hence, prevalence of cold-traps where volatiles may accumulate over geologic time. We present a thermophysical model, accounting for four effects: insolation, reflected and emitted radiation from neighbouring slopes, and subsurface conduction. We investigate specific representative geometries, as well as generic topographies defined by their slope distributions. We find that depressions, such as craters, cast shadows that are more persistent, but warmer than those transiently cast by positive relief features convex in map view, such as hills. We find that while scarce, some briefly illuminated areas may still serve as cold-traps, potentially allowing them to be imaged from orbit. Finally, we estimate the amount of surface and subsurface ice beneath topographies with different roughness and discuss its dependency on latitude.
ULTRASAT the ultraviolet transient astronomy satellite(2015) 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, IAC 2015. p. 4314-4318 Abstract[All authors]
ULTRASAT is a scientific mini-satellite carrying a telescope with an unprecedentedly large field of view (210 squared degrees) observing in the ultraviolet (220-280 nm.UVJ, that is proposed by an Israeli/US collaboration to be constructed and launched to near geostationary orbit by 2020/21. The wide field of view and the advanced UV detectors will enable the discovery and monitoring of transient sources within a cosmic volume 300 times larger than that of the most powerful UV satellite to date. GAL-EX. thus revolutionizing our understanding of the transient UV universe.
Insights into Titan's geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data(2014) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 119, 10, p. 2149-2166 Abstract
The Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar has been acquiring images of Titan's surface since October 2004. To date, 59% of Titan's surface has been imaged by radar, with significant regions imaged more than once. Radar data suffer from speckle noise hindering interpretation of small-scale features and comparison of reimaged regions for change detection. We present here a new image analysis technique that combines a denoising algorithm with mapping and quantitative measurements that greatly enhance the utility of the data and offers previously unattainable insights. After validating the technique, we demonstrate the potential improvement in understanding of surface processes on Titan and defining global mapping units, focusing on specific landforms including lakes, dunes, mountains, and fluvial features. Lake shorelines are delineated with greater accuracy. Previously unrecognized dissection by fluvial channels emerges beneath shallow methane cover. Dune wavelengths and interdune extents are more precisely measured. A significant refinement in producing digital elevation models is shown. Interactions of fluvial and aeolian processes with topographic relief is more precisely observed and understood than previously. Benches in bathymetry are observed in northern sea Ligeia Mare. Submerged valleys show similar depth suggesting that they are equilibrated with marine benches. These new observations suggest a liquid level increase in the northern sea, which may be due to changes on seasonal or longer timescales.
(2014) Geophysical Research Letters. 41, 17, p. 6093-6100 Abstract[All authors]
Dune fields on Titan cover more than 17% of the moon's surface, constituting the largest known surface reservoir of organics. Their confinement to the equatorial belt, shape, and eastward direction of propagation offer crucial information regarding both the wind regime and sediment supply. Herein, we present a comprehensive analysis of Titan's dune orientations using automated detection techniques on nonlocal denoised radar images. By coupling a new dune growth mechanism with wind fields generated by climate modeling, we find that Titan's dunes grow by sediment transport on a nonmobile substratum. To be fully consistent with both the local crestline orientations and the eastward propagation of Titan's dunes, the sediment should be predominantly transported by strong eastward winds, most likely generated by equinoctial storms or occasional fast westerly gusts. Additionally, convergence of the meridional transport predicted in models can explain why Titan's dunes are confined within ±30° latitudes, where sediment fluxes converge.
(2014) Astrophysical Journal. 788, 2, 169. Abstract
It has long been suggested that water ice can exist in extremely cold regions near the lunar poles, where sublimation loss is negligible. The geographic distribution of H-bearing regolith shows only a partial or ambiguous correlation with permanently shadowed areas, thus suggesting that another mechanism may contribute to locally enhancing water concentrations. We show that under suitable conditions, water molecules can be pumped down into the regolith by day-night temperature cycles, leading to an enrichment of H2O in excess of the surface concentration. Ideal conditions for pumping are estimated and found to occur where the mean surface temperature is below 105 K and the peak surface temperature is above 120 K. These conditions complement those of the classical cold traps that are roughly defined by peak temperatures lower than 120 K. On the present-day Moon, an estimated 0.8% of the global surface area experiences such temperature variations. Typically, pumping occurs on pole-facing slopes in small areas, but within a few degrees of each pole the equator-facing slopes are preferred. Although pumping of water molecules is expected over cumulatively large areas, the absolute yield of this pump is low; at best, a few percent of the H2O delivered to the surface could have accumulated in the near-surface layer in this way. The amount of ice increases with vapor diffusivity and is thus higher in the regolith with large pore spaces.
(2014) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 119, 6, p. 1432-1457 Abstract
Sedimentary rocks preserved on the surface of Mars represent a natural archive of past climate conditions. Although the details of their formation often remain poorly constrained, the recent detection of rhythmic bedding patterns in the Arabia Terra region suggests the influence of orbital variations on sedimentary deposition. Here we detail a number of new sites which exhibit quasiperiodic stratigraphic variations, demonstrating their occurrence throughout the equatorial region of the planet. We characterize these recorded signals as well as the local geomorphic context and structural attributes. Two cyclic units are identified within Gale crater, the landing site of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, enabling estimation of possible formation timescales for the geologic units that may be studied in situ by the rover. We find a general lack of fluvial features in connection with rhythmic geologic units, contrasting these sites with the aperiodic deltaic stratigraphy found at Eberswalde crater. Possible formation scenarios and their climatic implications are discussed for the diverse set of quasiperiodic sedimentary units. We propose multiple depositional pathways for recording cyclic climate changes, including repeated evaporitic precipitation from groundwater discharge in topographic lows as well as largely anhydrous accumulation of atmospheric dust for deposits outside of confined basins. The preservation of orbital signals in sediments distributed across a wide range of geographic settings suggests a pervasive influence on Martian climate conditions through time. Key Points Cyclic sedimentary rocks occur in many locations on the Martian surface Cyclic sedimentary deposits record climate change due to orbital variations Proposed origins include of air fall dust and evaporitic playa settings
(2014) Icarus. 235, p. 23-36 Abstract
We model the primary crater production of small (D20. km higher than Zunil), a factor ~2 younger than estimated using the Hartmann production function which assumes 6. mbar surface pressure. We estimate ages of 52.3. Ma and 23.9. Ma for North Ray and Cone crater respectively, consistent with cosmic ray exposure ages from Apollo samples. Our results indicate that the average cratering rate has been constant on these bodies over these time periods. Since our Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the existing crater chronology systems can be applied to date young surfaces using small craters on the Moon and Mars, we conclude that the signal from secondary craters in the isochrons must be relatively small at these locations, as our Monte Carlo model only generates primary craters.
(2014) Icarus. 235, p. 136-146 Abstract
Layered deposits of dusty ice in the martian polar caps have been hypothesized to record climate changes driven by orbitally induced variations in the distribution of incoming solar radiation. Attempts to identify such an orbital signal by tuning a stratigraphic sequence of polar layered deposits (PLDs) to match an assumed forcing introduce a risk of identifying spurious matches between unrelated records. We present an approach for evaluating the significance of matches obtained by orbital tuning, and investigate the utility of this approach for identifying orbital signals in the Mars PLDs. Using a set of simple models for ice and dust accumulation driven by insolation, we generate synthetic PLD stratigraphic sequences with nonlinear time-depth relationships. We then use a dynamic time warping algorithm to attempt to identify an orbital signal in the modeled sequences, and apply a Monte Carlo procedure to determine whether this match is significantly better than a match to a random sequence that contains no orbital signal. For simple deposition mechanisms in which dust deposition rate is constant and ice deposition rate varies linearly with insolation, we find that an orbital signal can be confidently identified if at least 10% of the accumulation time interval is preserved as strata. Addition of noise to our models raises this minimum preservation requirement, and we expect that more complex deposition functions would generally also make identification more difficult. In light of these results, we consider the prospects for identifying an orbital signal in the actual PLD stratigraphy, and conclude that this is feasible even with a strongly nonlinear relationship between stratigraphic depth and time, provided that a sufficient fraction of time is preserved in the record and that ice and dust deposition rates vary predictably with insolation. Independent age constraints from other techniques may be necessary, for example, if an insufficient amount of time is preserved in the stratigraphy.
Low palaeopressure of the martian atmosphere estimated from the size distribution of ancient craters(2014) Nature Geoscience. 7, 5, p. 335-339 Abstract
The decay of the martian atmosphere - which is dominated by carbon dioxide - is a component of the long-term environmental change on Mars from a climate that once allowed rivers to flow to the cold and dry conditions of today. The minimum size of craters serves as a proxy for palaeopressure of planetary atmospheres, because thinner atmospheres permit smaller objects to reach the surface at high velocities and form craters. The Aeolis Dorsa region near Gale crater on Mars contains a high density of preserved ancient craters interbedded with river deposits and thus can provide constraints on atmospheric density at the time of fluvial activity. Here we use high-resolution images and digital terrain models from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to identify ancient craters in deposits in Aeolis Dorsa that date to about 3.6 Gyr ago and compare their size distribution with models of atmospheric filtering of impactors. We obtain an upper limit of 0.9 ± 0.1 bar for the martian atmospheric palaeopressure, rising to 1.9 ± 0.2 bar if rimmed circular mesas - interpreted to be erosionally-resistant fills or floors of impact craters - are excluded. We assume target properties appropriate for desert alluvium: if sediment had rock-mass strength similar to bedrock at the time of impact, the paleopressure upper limit increases by a factor of up to two. If Mars did not have a stable multibar atmosphere at the time that the rivers were flowing - as suggested by our results - then a warm and wet CO2/H2O greenhouse is ruled out, and long-term average temperatures were most likely below freezing.
(2014) Astronomical Journal. 147, 4, 79. Abstract[All authors]
The time-variable electromagnetic sky has been well-explored at a wide range of wavelengths. In contrast, the ultra-violet (UV) variable sky is relatively poorly explored, even though it offers exciting scientific prospects. Here, we review the potential scientific impact of a wide-field survey on the study of explosive and other transient events, as well as known classes of variable objects, such as active galactic nuclei and variable stars. We quantify our predictions using a fiducial set of observational parameters which are similar to those envisaged for the proposed ULTRASAT mission. We show that such a mission would be able to revolutionize our knowledge about massive star explosions by measuring the early UV emission from hundreds of events, revealing key physical parameters of the exploding progenitor stars. Such a mission would also detect the UV emission from many tens of tidal-disruption events of stars by supermassive black holes at galactic nuclei and enable a measurement of the rate of such events. The overlap of such a wide-field UV mission with existing and planned gravitational-wave and high-energy neutrino telescopes makes it especially timely.
(2014) Titan: Interior, Surface, Atmosphere, and Space Environment. p. 63-101 Abstract
The presence of an atmosphere, initially suggested based on limb darkening by Sola (1904) and later by the presence of methane spectral lines by Kuiper (1944), has long given Titan a special place in the minds of planetary geologists. The first close-up images were obtained by Pioneer 11 in 1979 (Gehrels et al., 1980), confirming a substantial atmosphere. These early observations led to the diversion of the trajectory of the Voyager I spacecraft to a closer encounter with Titan in 1980. Although the visible cameras on Voyager also had difficulty seeing Titan's surface (Richardson et al., 2004), radio occultation experiments suggested a surface pressure of 1.5 bars and temperature near 95 K (Lindal et al., 1983). These results were exciting because, for a methane mixing ratio of a few percent at the surface (Hunten, 1978), they placed methane's partial pressure near its triple point. Thus, like water on Earth, solid, liquid, and gaseous methane could potentially exist in Titan's environment. Ethane, which is the main product of methane photolysis, can also be liquid under these conditions. The presence of condensable volatiles in Titan's thick atmosphere opens the door for active fluvial, lacustrine, and pluvial processes that can shape its landscape with similar morphologies to those we find on Earth.
(2013) Icarus. 226, 1, p. 52-66 Abstract
We present maps of the topographic roughness of the Moon at hectometer and kilometer scales. The maps are derived from range profiles obtained by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) instrument onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft. As roughness measures, we used the interquartile range of profile curvature at several baselines, from 115. m to 1.8. km, and plotted these in a global map format. The maps provide a synoptic overview of variations of typical topographic textures and utilize the exceptional ranging precision of the LOLA instrument. We found that hectometer-scale roughness poorly correlates with kilometer-scale roughness, because they reflect different sets of processes and time scales. Hectometer-scale roughness is controlled by regolith accumulation and modification processes and affected by the most recent events, primarily, geologically recent (1-2. Ga) meteoritic impacts. Kilometer-scale roughness reflects major geological (impact, volcanic and tectonic) events in earlier geological history. Young large impact craters are rough, and their roughness decreases with age. The global roughness maps revealed a few unusually dense clusters of hectometer- and decameter-size impact craters that differ in their morphology and settings from typical secondary crater clusters and chains; the origin of these features is enigmatic. The maps can assist in the geological mapping of the lunar maria by revealing contacts between volcanic plain units. The global roughness maps also clearly reveal cryptomaria, old volcanic plains superposed by younger materials, primarily crater and basin ejecta.
(2013) Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 433, 4, p. 3115-3132 Abstract[All authors]
Cometary activity in main-belt asteroids probes the ice content of these objects and provides clues to the history of volatiles in the inner Solar system. We search the Palomar Transient Factory survey to derive upper limits on the population size of activemain-belt comets (MBCs). From data collected from 2009 March through 2012 July, we extracted~2million observations of ~220 thousand known main-belt objects (40 per cent of the known population, down to ~1-km diameter) and discovered 626 new objects in multinight linked detections. We formally quantify the 'extendedness' of a small-body observation, account for systematic variation in this metric (e.g. due to on-sky motion) and evaluate this method's robustness in identifying cometary activity using observations of 115 comets, including two known candidate MBCs and six newly discovered non-MBCs (two of which were originally designated as asteroids by other surveys). We demonstrate a 66 per cent detection efficiency with respect to the extendedness distribution of the 115 sampled comets, and a 100 per cent detection efficiency with respect to extendedness levels greater than or equal to those we observed in the known candidateMBCs P/2010 R2 (La Sagra) and P/2006VW139.Using a log-constant prior, we infer 95 per cent confidence upper limits of 33 and 22 activeMBCs (per million main-belt asteroids down to ~1-km diameter), for detection efficiencies of 66 and 100 per cent, respectively. In a follow-up to this morphological search, we will perform a photometric (disc-integrated brightening) search for MBCs.
(2013) Icarus. 225, 1, p. 403-412 Abstract[All authors]
Saturn's moon Titan has lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbon and a dense atmosphere, an environment conducive to generating wind waves. Cassini observations thus far, however, show no indication of waves. We apply models for wind wave generation and detection to the Titan environment. Results suggest wind speed thresholds at a reference altitude of 10. m of 0.4-0.7. m/s for liquid compositions varying between pure methane and equilibrium mixtures with the atmosphere (ethane has a threshold of 0.6. m/s), varying primarily with liquid viscosity. This reduced threshold, as compared to Earth, results from Titan's increased atmosphere-to-liquid density ratio, reduced gravity and lower surface tension. General Circulation Models (GCMs) predict wind speeds below derived thresholds near equinox, when available observations of lake surfaces have been acquired. Predicted increases in winds as Titan approaches summer solstice, however, will exceed expected thresholds and may provide constraints on lake composition and/or GCM accuracy through the presence or absence of waves during the Cassini Solstice Mission. A two-scale microwave backscatter model suggests that returns from wave-modified liquid hydrocarbon surfaces may be below the pixel-scale noise floor of Cassini radar images, but can be detectable using real-aperture scatterometry, pixel binning and/or observations obtained in a specular geometry.
(2013) Icarus. 225, 1, p. 367-377 Abstract[All authors]
Cassini RADAR SARtopo and altimetry data are used to construct a global gridded 1. ×. 1° elevation map, for use in Global Circulation Models, hydrological models and correlative studies. The data are sparse, and so most of the map domain (~90%) is populated with interpolated values using a spline algorithm. The highest (~+520. m) gridded point observed is at 48°S, 12°W. The lowest point observed (~1700. m below a 2575. km sphere) is at 59°S, 317°W: this may be a basin where liquids presently in the north could have resided in the past. If the deepest point were once a sea with the areal extent of present-day Ligeia Mare, it would be ~1000. m deep. We find four prominent topographic rises, each ~200. km wide, radar-bright and heavily dissected, distributed over a ~3000. km. arc in the southeastern quadrant of Titan (~40-60°S, 15-150°W).
(2013) Nature. 497, 7449, p. 344-347 Abstract
The observed cloud-level atmospheric circulation on the outer planets of the Solar System is dominated by strong east-west jet streams. The depth of these winds is a crucial unknown in constraining their overall dynamics, energetics and internal structures. There are two approaches to explaining the existence of these strong winds. The first suggests that the jets are driven by shallow atmospheric processes near the surface, whereas the second suggests that the atmospheric dynamics extend deeply into the planetary interiors. Here we report that on Uranus and Neptune the depth of the atmospheric dynamics can be revealed by the planets' respective gravity fields. We show that the measured fourth-order gravity harmonic, J 4, constrains the dynamics to the outermost 0.15 per cent of the total mass of Uranus and the outermost 0.2 per cent of the total mass of Neptune. This provides a stronger limit to the depth of the dynamical atmosphere than previously suggested, and shows that the dynamics are confined to a thin weather layer no more than about 1, 000 kilometres deep on both planets.
(2012) Nature (London). 486, 7403, p. 378-381 Abstract[All authors]
Shackleton crater is nearly coincident with the Moons south pole. Its interior receives almost no direct sunlight and is a perennial cold trap, making Shackleton a promising candidate location in which to seek sequestered volatiles. However, previous orbital and Earth-based radar mapping and orbital optical imaging have yielded conflicting interpretations about the existence of volatiles. Here we present observations from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, revealing Shackleton to be an ancient, unusually well-preserved simple crater whose interior walls are fresher than its floor and rim. Shackleton floor deposits are nearly the same age as the rim, suggesting that little floor deposition has occurred since the crater formed more than three billion years ago. At a wavelength of 1,064 nanometres, the floor of Shackleton is brighter than the surrounding terrain and the interiors of nearby craters, but not as bright as the interior walls. The combined observations are explicable primarily by downslope movement of regolith on the walls exposing fresher underlying material. The relatively brighter crater floor is most simply explained by decreased space weathering due to shadowing, but a one-micrometre-thick layer containing about 20 per cent surficial ice is an alternative possibility.
(2012) Icarus. 219, 1, p. 241-243 Abstract
Numerical simulations and analysis show that the Moon locks into resonance with a statistical preference of facing either the current near-side or far-side toward Earth. The near-side is largely covered by dense, topographically low, dark mare basalts, the pattern of which to some, resembles the image of a man's face. Although the Moon is locked in this configuration at present, the opposite one, with the current far-side facing Earth, is of lower potential energy and hence might be naively expected. Instead, we find that the probability of selecting each configuration depends upon the ratio of the asymmetry of the potential energy maxima, dominated by the octupole moment of the Moon, to the energy dissipated per tidal cycle within the Moon. If this ratio is small, the two configurations are equally likely. Otherwise, interesting dynamical behavior ensues. In the Moon's present orbit, with the best-estimated geophysical parameters and dissipation parameter . Q=. 35, trapping into the current higher-energy configuration is preferred. With . Q=. 100 in analogy with the solid Earth, the current configuration is nearly certain. The ratio of energies and corresponding probabilities were different in the past. Relative crater counts on the leading and trailing faces indicate an impact may have unlocked the Moon before it settled into the present configuration. Our analysis constrains the geophysical parameters at the time of the last such event.
(2012) Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 421, 3, p. 2094-2108 Abstract[All authors]
The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is a synoptic survey designed to explore the transient and variable sky in a wide variety of cadences. We use PTF observations of fields that were observed multiple times (≳10) per night, for several nights, to find asteroids, construct their light curves and measure their rotation periods. Here we describe the pipeline we use to achieve these goals and present the results from the first four (overlapping) PTF fields analysed as part of this programme. These fields, which cover an area of 21deg 2, were observed on four nights with a cadence of ∼20min. Our pipeline was able to detect 624 asteroids, of which 145 (≈20 per cent) were previously unknown. We present high-quality rotation periods for 88 main-belt asteroids and possible period or lower limit on the period for an additional 85 asteroids. For the remaining 451 asteroids, we present lower limits on their photometric amplitudes. Three of the asteroids have light curves that are characteristic of binary asteroids. We estimate that implementing our search for all existing high-cadence PTF data will provide rotation periods for about 10000 asteroids mainly in the magnitude range ≈14 to ≈20.
(2012) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 117, 3, E03001. Abstract
In a series of laboratory experiments, we measure thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity of icy regolith created by vapor deposition of water below its triple point and in a low pressure atmosphere. We find that an ice-regolith mixture prepared in this manner, which may be common on Mars, and potentially also present on the Moon, Mercury, comets and other bodies, has a thermal conductivity that increases approximately linearly with ice content. This trend differs substantially from thermal property models based of preferential formation of ice at grain contacts previously applied to both terrestrial and non-terrestrial subsurface ice. We describe the observed microphysical structure of ice responsible for these thermal properties, which displaces interstitial gases, traps bubbles, exhibits anisotropic growth, and bridges non-neighboring grains. We also consider the applicability of these measurements to subsurface ice on Mars and other solar system bodies.
(2012) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 117, 6, E06009. Abstract
The Mars polar layered deposits (PLD) likely hold an extensive record of recent climate during a period of high-amplitude orbit and obliquity cycles. Previous work has detected limited evidence for orbital signatures within PLD stratigraphy, but data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) permit renewed analysis of PLD stratigraphy at sub-meter scale. Topography derived from HiRISE images using stereogrammetry resolves beds previously detectable only as alternating light and dark bands in visible images. We utilize these data to measure the thickness of individual beds within the PLD, corrected for non-horizontal bed orientation. Stratigraphic columns and bed thickness profiles are presented for two sites within the NPLD, and show several sets of finely bedded units 1-2 m thick; isolated marker beds 3-4 m thick; and undifferentiated sections. Bed thickness measurements for three sites within the SPLD exhibit only one bed type based on albedo and morphology, and bed thicknesses have a larger mean and variance compared to measurements for the NPLD. Power spectra of brightness and slope derived along the measured stratigraphic sections confirm the regularity of NPLD fine bed thickness, and the lack of a dominant SPLD bed thickness. The regularity of fine bed thickness of the NPLD is consistent with quasiperiodic bed formation, albeit with unknown temporal period; the SPLD thickness measurements show no such regularity.
(2011) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 211, 2, p. 960-985 Abstract
All planetary bodies with old surfaces exhibit planetary-scale impact craters: vast scars caused by the large impacts at the end of Solar System accretion or the late heavy bombardment. Here we investigate the geophysical consequences of planetary-scale impacts into a Mars-like planet, by simulating the events using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model. Our simulations probe impact energies over two orders of magnitude (2×1027-6×1029J), impact velocities from the planet's escape velocity to twice Mars' orbital velocity (6-50km/s), and impact angles from head-on to highly oblique (0-75°). The simulation results confirm that for planetary-scale impacts, surface curvature, radial gravity, the large relative size of the impactor to the planet, and the greater penetration of the impactor, contribute to significant differences in the geophysical expression compared to small craters, which can effectively be treated as acting in a half-space. The results show that the excavated crustal cavity size and the total melt production scale similarly for both small and planetary-scale impacts as a function of impact energy. However, in planetary-scale impacts a significant fraction of the melt is sequestered at depth and thus does not contribute to resetting the planetary surface; complete surface resetting is likely only in the most energetic (6×1029J), slow, and head-on impacts simulated. A crater rim is not present for planetary-scale impacts with energies >1029J and angles ≤45°, but rather the ejecta is more uniformly distributed over the planetary surface. Antipodal crustal removal and melting is present for energetic (>1029J), fast (>6km/s), and low angle (≤45°) impacts. The most massive impactors (with both high impact energy and low velocity) contribute sufficient angular momentum to increase the rotation period of the Mars-sized target to about a day. Impact velocities of >20km/s result in net mass erosion from the target, for all simulated energies and angles. The hypothesized impact origin of planetary structures may be tested by the presence and distribution of the geochemically-distinct impactor material.
(2011) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 116, 2, E02001. Abstract
The acquisition of new global elevation data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, carried on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, permits quantification of the surface roughness properties of the Moon at unprecedented scales and resolution. We map lunar surface roughness using a range of parameters: median absolute slope, both directional (along-track) and bidirectional (in two dimensions); median differential slope; and Hurst exponent, over baselines ranging from ∼17 m to ∼2.7 km. We find that the lunar highlands and the mare plains show vastly different roughness properties, with subtler variations within mare and highlands. Most of the surface exhibits fractal-like behavior, with a single or two different Hurst exponents over the given baseline range; when a transition exists, it typically occurs near the 1 km baseline, indicating a significant characteristic spatial scale for competing surface processes. The Hurst exponent is high within the lunar highlands, with a median value of 0.95, and lower in the maria (with a median value of 0.76). The median differential slope is a powerful tool for discriminating between roughness units and is useful in characterizing, among other things, the ejecta surrounding large basins, particularly Orientale, as well as the ray systems surrounding young, Copernican-age craters. In addition, it allows a quantitative exploration on mare surfaces of the evolution of surface roughness with age.
(2011) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 211, 1, p. 699-706 Abstract
Cassini RADAR topography data are used to evaluate Titan's hypsometric profile, and to make comparisons with other planetary bodies. Titan's hypsogram is unimodal and strikingly narrow compared with the terrestrial planets. To investigate topographic extremes, a novel variant on the classic hypsogram is introduced, with a logarithmic abscissa to highlight mountainous terrain. In such a plot, the top of the terrestrial hypsogram is quite distinct from those of Mars and Venus due to the 'glacial buzz-saw' that clips terrestrial topography above the snowline. In contrast to the positive skew seen in other hypsograms, with a long tail of positive relief due to mountains, there is an indication (weak, given the limited data for Titan so far) that the Titan hypsogram appears slightly negatively skewed, suggesting a significant population of unfilled depressions. Limited data permit only a simplistic comparison of Titan topography with other icy satellites but we find that the standard deviation of terrain height (albeit at different scales) is similar to those of Ganymede and Europa.
(2011) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 211, 1, p. 655-671 Abstract[All authors]
Cassini RADAR images of Titan's south polar region acquired during southern summer contain lake features which disappear between observations. These features show a tenfold increases in backscatter cross-section between images acquired one year apart, which is inconsistent with common scattering models without invoking temporal variability. The morphologic boundaries are transient, further supporting changes in lake level. These observations are consistent with the exposure of diffusely scattering lakebeds that were previously hidden by an attenuating liquid medium. We use a two-layer model to explain backscatter variations and estimate a drop in liquid depth of approximately 1-m-per-year. On larger scales, we observe shoreline recession between ISS and RADAR images of Ontario Lacus, the largest lake in Titan's south polar region. The recession, occurring between June 2005 and July 2009, is inversely proportional to slopes estimated from altimetric profiles and the exponential decay of near-shore backscatter, consistent with a uniform reduction of 4 ± 1.3. m in lake depth.Of the potential explanations for observed surface changes, we favor evaporation and infiltration. The disappearance of dark features and the recession of Ontario's shoreline represents volatile transport in an active methane-based hydrologic cycle. Observed loss rates are compared and shown to be consistent with available global circulation models. To date, no unambiguous changes in lake level have been observed between repeat images in the north polar region, although further investigation is warranted. These observations constrain volatile flux rates in Titan's hydrologic system and demonstrate that the surface plays an active role in its evolution. Constraining these seasonal changes represents the first step toward our understanding of longer climate cycles that may determine liquid distribution on Titan over orbital time periods.
(2011) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 116, 1, E01008. Abstract
Mercury's coupled 3:2 spin-orbit resonance in conjunction with its relatively high eccentricity of ∼0.2 and near-zero obliquity results in both a latitudinal and longitudinal variation in annual average solar insolation and thus equatorial hot and cold regions. This results in an asymmetric temperature distribution in the lithosphere and a long wavelength lateral variation in lithosphere structure and strength that mirrors the insolation pattern. We employ a thermal evolution model for Mercury generating strength envelopes of the lithosphere to demonstrate and quantify the possible effects the insolation pattern has on Mercury's lithosphere. We find the heterogeneity in lithosphere strength is substantial and increases with time. We also find that a crust thicker than that of the Moon or Mars and dry rheologies for the crust and mantle are favorable when compared with estimates of brittle-ductile transition depths derived from lobate scarps. Regions of stronger and weaker compressive strength imply that the accommodation of radial contraction of Mercury as its interior cooled, manifest as lobate scarps, may not be isotropic, imparting a preferential orientation and distribution to the lobate scarps.
(2010) Paleoceanography. 25, 4, PA4228. Abstract
The accuracy of geologic chronologies can, in principle, be improved through orbital tuning, the systematic adjustment of a chronology to bring the associated record into greater alignment with an orbitally derived signal. It would be useful to have a general test for the success of orbital tuning, and one proposal has been that eccentricity ought to covary with the amplitude envelope associated with precession variability recorded in tuned geologic records. A common procedure is to filter a tuned geologic record so as to pass precession period variability and compare the amplitude modulation of the resulting signal against eccentricity. There is a reasonable expectation for such a relationship to be found in paleoclimate records because the amplitude of precession forcing depends upon eccentricity. However, there also exists a relationship between eccentricity and the frequency of precession such that orbital tuning generates eccentricity-like amplitude modulation in filtered signals, regardless of the accuracy of the chronology or the actual presence of precession. This relationship results from the celestial mechanics governing eccentricity and precession and from the interaction between frequency modulation and amplitude modulation caused by filtering. When the eccentricity of Earth's orbit is small, the frequency of climatic precession undergoes large variations and less precession energy is passed through a narrow-band filter. Furthermore, eccentricity-like amplitude modulation is routinely obtained from pure noise records that are orbitally tuned to precession and then filtered. We conclude that the presence of eccentricity-like amplitude modulation in precession-filtered records does not support the accuracy of orbitally tuned time scales.
(2010) Geophysical Research Letters. 37, 18, L18204. Abstract[All authors]
As of June 19, 2010, the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, an instrument on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, has collected over 2.0 × 109 measurements of elevation that collectively represent the highest resolution global model of lunar topography yet produced. These altimetric observations have been used to improve the lunar geodetic grid to ∼10 m radial and ∼100 m spatial accuracy with respect to the Moon's center of mass. LOLA has also provided the highest resolution global maps yet produced of slopes, roughness and the 1064-nm reflectance of the lunar surface. Regional topography of the lunar polar regions allows precise characterization of present and past illumination conditions. LOLA's initial global data sets as well as the first high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) of polar topography are described herein.
(2010) Geophysical Research Letters. 37, 5, L05202. Abstract[All authors]
Of more than 400 filled lakes now identified on Titan, the first and largest reported in the southern latitudes is Ontario Lacus, which is dark in both infrared and microwave. Here we describe recent observations including synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images by Cassini's radar instrument (λ= 2 cm) and show morphological evidence for active material transport and erosion. Ontario Lacus lies in a shallow depression, with greater relief on the southwestern shore and a gently sloping, possibly wave-generated beach to the northeast. The lake has a closed internal drainage system fed by Earth-like rivers, deltas and alluvial fans. Evidence for active shoreline processes, including the wave-modified lakefront and deltaic deposition, indicates that Ontario is a dynamic feature undergoing typical terrestrial forms of littoral modification.
(2010) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 115, 9, E09009. Abstract[All authors]
Ontario Lacus is the largest and best characterized lake in Titan's south polar region. In June and July 2009, the Cassini RADAR acquired its first Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of the area. Together with closest approach altimetry acquired in December 2008, these observations provide a unique opportunity to study the lake's nearshore bathymetry and complex refractive properties. Average radar backscatter is observed to decrease exponentially with distance from the local shoreline. This behavior is consistent with attenuation through a deepening layer of liquid and, if local topography is known, can be used to derive absorptive dielectric properties. Accordingly, we estimate nearshore topography from a radar altimetry profile that intersects the shoreline on the East and West sides of the lake. We then analyze SAR backscatter in these regions to determine the imaginary component of the liquid's complex index of refraction (κ). The derived value, κ = (6.1-1.3+1.7) × 10-4, corresponds to a loss tangent of tan Δ = (9.2-2.0+2.5) × 10-4 and is consistent with a composition dominated by liquid hydrocarbons. This value can be used to test compositional models once the microwave optical properties of candidate materials have been measured. In areas that do not intersect altimetry profiles, relative slopes can be calculated assuming the index of refraction is constant throughout the liquid. Accordingly, we construct a coarse bathymetry map for the nearshore region by measuring bathymetric slopes for eleven additional areas around the lake. These slopes vary by a factor of ∼5 and correlate well with observed shoreline morphologies.
(2010) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 115, 9, E09003. Abstract
An investigation of the internal structure of the ice-rich Planum Boreum (PB) deposit at the north pole of Mars is presented, using 178 orbits of Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding data. For each radargram, bright, laterally extensive surface and subsurface reflectors are identified and the time delay between them is converted to unit thicknesses, using a real dielectric constant of 3. Results include maps of unit thickness, for PB and its two constituent units, the stratigraphically older basal unit (BU) and the stratigraphically younger north polar layered deposits (NPLD). Maps of the individual units' surface elevation are also provided. Estimates of water ice volume in each unit are (1.3±0.2) × 106 km3 in PB, (7.8±1.2) × 105 km3 in the NPLD, and (4.5±1.0) × 105 km3 in the BU. No lithospheric deflection is apparent under PB, in agreement with previous findings for only the Gemina Lingula lobe, which suggests that a thick elastic lithosphere has existed at the north pole of Mars since before the emplacement of the BU. The extent of BU material in the Olympia Planum lobe of PB is directly detected, providing a more accurate map of BU extent than previously available from imagery and topography. A problematic area for mapping the BU extent and thickness is in the distal portion of the 290°E-300°E region, where MARSIS data show no subsurface reflectors, even though the BU is inferred to be present from other lines of evidence.
(2009) Nature Geoscience. 2, 12, p. 851-854 Abstract
A set of lakes filled or partially filled with liquid hydrocarbon and empty lake basins have been discovered in the high latitudes of Saturns moon Titan. These features were mapped by the radar instrument on the Cassini orbiter. Here we quantify the distribution of the lakes and basins, and show a pronounced hemispheric asymmetry in their occurrence. Whereas significant fractions of the northern high latitudes are covered by filled and empty lakes, the same latitudes in the southern hemisphere are largely devoid of such features. We propose that in addition to known seasonal changes, the observed difference in lake distribution may be caused by an asymmetry in the seasons on Titan that results from the eccentricity of Saturns orbit around the Sun. We suggest that the consequent hemispheric difference in the balance between evaporation and precipitation could lead to an accumulation of lakes in one of Titans hemispheres. This effect would be modulated by, and reverse with, dynamical variations in the orbit. We propose that much like in the Earths glacial cycles, the resulting vigorous hydrologic cycle has a period of tens of thousands of years and leads to active geologic surface modification in the polar latitudes.
(2009) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 114, 4, E00D02. Abstract
The East Candor Interior Layered Deposit (ILD) has signatures of mono- and polyhydrated sulfate in alternating layers that give insight into the processes which formed these layered deposits and on the environmental conditions acting on them since then. We use orbital data to explore multiple hypotheses for how these deposits formed: (1) sulfate-bearing ILDs experience hydration changes on seasonal to a few years timescales under current Mars environmental conditions; (2) the deposits experience hydration under recent Mars conditions but require the wetter climate of high obliquity; and (3) the kieserite could be an original or diagenetic part of a complex evaporite mineral assemblage. Modeled climatology shows recent Mars environmental conditions might pass between multiple sulfate fields. However, comparison of Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité (OMEGA) and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM) observations of the same ILD do not show changes in hydration over 2 Mars years. Low temperatures might slow the kinetics of that transition; it is likely that more clement conditions during periods of high obliquity are needed to overcome mineral metastability and hydrate kieserite-bearing deposits. We find the alternate model, that the deposit is a cyclic evaporite sequence of mono- and polyhydrated sulfates, also plausible but with an unexplained dearth of Fe sulfates.
(2009) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 200, 2, p. 446-462 Abstract
Global acquisition of infrared spectra and high-resolution visible and infrared imagery has enabled the placement of compositional information within stratigraphic and geologic context. Mare Serpentis, a low albedo region located northwest of Hellas Basin, is rich in spectral and thermophysical diversity and host to numerous isolated exposures of in situ rocky material. Most martian surfaces are dominated by fine-grained particulate materials that bear an uncertain compositional and spatial relationship to their source. Thus location and characterization of in situ rock exposures is important for understanding the origin of highland materials and the processes which have modified those materials. Using spectral, thermophysical and morphologic information, we assess the local and regional stratigraphy of the Mare Serpentis surface in an effort to reconstruct the geologic history of the region. The martian highlands in Mare Serpentis are dominated by two interspersed surface units, which have distinct compositional and thermophysical properties: (1) rock-dominated surfaces relatively enriched in olivine and pyroxene, and depleted in high-silica phases, and (2) sediment or indurated material depleted in olivine and pyroxene, with relatively higher abundance of high-silica phases. This is a major, previously unrecognized trend which appears to be pervasive in the Mare Serpentis region and possibly in other highland areas. The detailed observations have led us to form two hypotheses for the relationship between these two units: either (1) they are related through a widespread mechanical and/or chemical alteration process, where less-mafic plains materials are derived from the mafic bedrock, but have been compositionally altered in the process of regolith formation, or (2) they are stratigraphically distinct units representing separate episodes of upper crust formation. Existing observations suggest that the second scenario is more likely. In this scenario, plains materials represent older, degraded, and possibly altered, "basement" rock, whereas the rocky exposures represent later additions to the crust and are probably volcanic in origin. These hypotheses should be further testable with decimeter-resolution imagery and meter-resolution short wavelength infrared spectra.
(2009) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 114, 1, E01002. Abstract
Experiments demonstrate for the first time the deposition of subsurface ice directly from atmospheric water vapor under Mars surface conditions. Deposition occurs at pressures below the triple point of water and therefore in the absence of a bulk liquid phase. Significant quantities of ice are observed to deposit in porous medium interstices; the maximum filling fraction observed in our experiments is ∼90%, but the evidence is consistent with ice density in pore spaces asymptotically approaching 100% filling. The micromorphology of the deposited ice reveals several noteworthy characteristics including preferential early deposition at grain contact points, complete pore filling between some grains, and captured atmospheric gas bubbles. The boundary between ice-bearing and ice-free soil, the "ice table," is a sharp interface, consistent with theoretical investigations of subsurface ice dynamics. Changes of surface radiative properties are shown to affect ice table morphology through their modulation of the local temperature profile. Accumulation of ice is shown to reduce the diffusive flux and thus reduce the rate of further ice deposition. Numerical models of the experiments based on diffusion physics are able to reproduce experimental ice contents if the parameterization of growth rate reduction has expected contributions in addition to reduced porosity. Several phenomena related to the evolution of subsurface ice are discussed in light of these results, and interpretations are given for a range of potential observations being made by the Phoenix Scout Lander.
(2008) Science. 322, 5907, p. 1532-1535 Abstract
Widespread sedimentary rocks on Mars preserve evidence of surface conditions different from the modern cold and dry environment, although it is unknown how long conditions favorable to deposition persisted. We used 1-meter stereo topographic maps to demonstrate the presence of rhythmic bedding at several outcrops in the Arabia Terra region. Repeating beds are ∼10 meters thick, and one site contains hundreds of meters of strata bundled into larger units at a ∼10:1 thickness ratio. This repetition likely points to cyclicity in environmental conditions, possibly as a result of astronomical forcing. If deposition were forced by orbital variation, the rocks may have been deposited over tens of millions of years.
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 113, 12, E12S36. Abstract
Home Plate is a layered plateau observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater. The structure is roughly 80 m in diameter, and the raised margin exposes a stratigraphic section roughly 1.5 m in thickness. Previous work has proposed a pyroclastic surge, possibly followed by aeolian reworking of the ash, for the depositional origin for these beds. We have performed a quantitative analysis of the structure, stratigraphy, and sedimentology at this location. Our results are consistent with an explosive volcaniclastic origin for the layered sediments. Analysis of bedding orientations over half of the circumference of Home Plate reveals a radially inward dipping structure, consistent with deposition in the volcanic vent, or topographic draping of a preexisting depression. Detailed observations of the sedimentology show that grain sorting varies significantly between outcrops on the east and west sides. Observations on the western side show a well-sorted population of sand sized grains which comprise the bedrock, while the eastern margin shows a wider range of grain sizes, including some coarse granules. These observations are consistent with primary deposition by a pyroclastic surge. However, aeolian reworking of the upper stratigraphic unit is not ruled out. Identification of explosive volcanic products on Mars may implicate magma interaction with subsurface hydrologic reservoirs in the past.
(2008) Nature Geoscience. 1, 11, p. 745-749 Abstract[All authors]
Current understanding of weather, climate and global atmospheric circulation on Mars is incomplete, in particular at altitudes above about 30 km. General circulation models for Mars are similar to those developed for weather and climate forecasting on Earth and require more martian observations to allow testing and model improvements. However, the available measurements of martian atmospheric temperatures, winds, water vapour and airborne dust are generally restricted to the region close to the surface and lack the vertical resolution and global coverage that is necessary to shed light on the dynamics of Mars middle atmosphere at altitudes between 30 and 80 km (ref.7). Here we report high-resolution observations from the Mars Climate Sounder instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. These observations show an intense warming of the middle atmosphere over the south polar region in winter that is at least 10-20 K warmer than predicted by current model simulations. To explain this finding, we suggest that the atmospheric downwelling circulation over the pole, which is part of the equator-to-pole Hadley circulation, may be as much as 50 more vigorous than expected, with consequences for the cycles of water, dust and CO"2 that regulate the present-day climate on Mars.
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research. 113, E9, E09008. Abstract
The diffusion coefficient of water vapor through porous media at Mars-like surface conditions is measured for a variety of complex particle size distributions and soil compositions. Micron-sized dust simulants, mixtures of sand- and dust-sized particles, and salt-encrusted sand are examined. We find that while the value of the diffusion coefficient, D, can be reduced by up to a factor of 10 for heavily salt-encrusted soils (minimum observed D = 0.4 ± 0.04 cm2 s1), moderate amounts of salt only produce minor reductions in D. Mechanical packing of pure dust can lower D by a similar amount, while mixtures of dust with sand-sized particles produce at most a factor of ~4 reduction. We conclude that present-day processes of aeolian redistribution, moderate levels of salt encrustation, and volatile loss from dirty ice would be inefficient at producing soil deposits and lags on Mars that pose significant barriers to diffusion. Therefore, subsurface ice deposits that are thermally unstable would not be protected against sublimative loss by such materials.
(2008) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 196, 2, p. 409-421 Abstract
We explore the capability of a method of mapping the depth distribution of a hydrogen-rich layer in the top meter of Mars from the neutron currents measured by the Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer. Assuming the soil can be modeled by two layers of known composition having different hydrogen contents, simulations allow an inversion of the neutron data into knowledge of depth and hydrogen content of the lower layer. The determination of these variables is sensitive to the hypothesis of chemical composition of the soil. We quantify this contribution to the uncertainty in the method first in terms of individual chemical elements and then in terms of macroscopic absorption cross sections. To minimize this source of error, an average composition was inferred from Mars Exploration Rover data. Possible compositions having a wide range of macroscopic absorption cross sections were used to evaluate the uncertainty associated with our calculations. We finally compare our results to ice table depth estimates predicted by two published theoretical models at locations where the composition is relatively well known. The fit is excellent in the southern high latitudes but questionable in the northern high latitudes. Possible explanations of these differences include the high geographical variations of the neutron currents relative to the spatial width of the response function of the instrument and the overly simple model we, of necessity, used for surface layering.
(2008) Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment. 592, 3, p. 393-399 Abstract
The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument, a neutron scattering instrument currently being constructed by IKI, is a component of the science payload of the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Based on simulations using the Monte-Carlo N-Particle Extended (MCNPX) particle physics code, DAN is able to measure bulk water content and to detect variations in water concentration up to ∼50 cm beneath the ground surface, assuming perfect detector performance. Data from DAN, combined with measurements from other instruments on MSL, allow derivation of profiles of water content to a depth of ∼15 cm.
(2008) Astrobiology. 8, 3, p. 489-535 Abstract[All authors]
THE RETURN OF MARTIAN SAMPLES TO EARTH has long been recognized as an essential component of a cycle of exploration that begins with orbital reconnaissance and in situ surface investigations. Major questions about life, climate, and geology require answers from state-of-the-art laboratories on Earth. Spacecraft instrumentation cannot perform critical measurements such as precise radiometric age dating, sophisticated stable isotopic analyses, and definitive life-detection assays. Returned sample studies could respond radically to unexpected findings, and returned materials could be archived for study by future investigators with even more capable laboratories. Unlike martian meteorites, returned samples could be acquired with known context from selected sites on Mars according to the prioritized exploration goals and objectives. The ND-MSR-SAG formulated the following 11 high-level scientific objectives that indicate how a balanced program of ongoing MSR missions could help to achieve the objectives and investigations described by MEPAG (2006). (1) Determine the chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic composition of the crustal reservoirs of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and other elements with which they have interacted and characterize carbon-, nitrogen-, and sulfur-bearing phases down to submicron spatial scales in order to document processes that could sustain habitable environments on Mars both today and in the past. (2) Assess the evidence for prebiotic processes, past life, and extant life on Mars by characterizing the signatures of these phenomena in the form of structure/morphology, biominerals, organic molecular and isotopic compositions, and other evidence within their geologic contexts. (3) Interpret the conditions of martian water-rock interactions through the study of their mineral products. (4) Constrain the absolute ages of major martian crustal geologic processes, including sedimentation, diagenesis, volcanism/plutonism, regolith formation, hydrothermal alteration, weathering, and cratering. (5) Understand paleoenvironments and the history of nearsurface water on Mars by characterizing the clastic and chemical components, depositional processes, and postdepositional histories of sedimentary sequences. (6) Constrain the mechanism and timing of planetary accretion, differentiation, and the subsequent evolution of the martian crust, mantle, and core. (7) Determine how the martian regolith was formed and modified and how and why it differs from place to place. (8) Characterize the risks to future human explorers in the areas of biohazards, material toxicity, and dust/granular materials and contribute to the assessment of potential in situ resources to aid in establishing a human presence on Mars. (9) For the present-day martian surface and accessible shallow subsurface environments, determine the preservation potential for the chemical signatures of extant life and prebiotic chemistry by evaluating the state of oxidation as a function of depth, permeability, and other factors. (10) Interpret the initial composition of the martian atmosphere, the rates and processes of atmospheric loss/gain over geologic time, and the rates and processes of atmospheric exchange with surface condensed species. (11) For martian climate-modulated polar deposits, determine their age, geochemistry, conditions of formation, and evolution through the detailed examination of the composition of water, CO2, and dust constituents, as well as isotopic ratios and detailed stratigraphy of the upper layers of the surface. MSR would attain its greatest value if samples are collected as sample suites that represent the diversity of the products of various planetary processes. Sedimentary materials likely contain complex mixtures of chemical precipitates, volcaniclastics, impact glass, igneous rock fragments, and phyllosilicates. Aqueous sedimentary deposits are important for performing measurements of life detection, observations of critical mineralogy and geochemical patterns, and trapped gases. On Earth, hydrothermally altered rocks can preserve a record of hydrothermal systems that provided water, nutrients, and chemical energy necessary to sustain microorganisms. They also might have preserved fossils in their mineral deposits. Hydrothermal processes alter the mineralogy of crustal rocks and inject CO2 and reduced gases into the atmosphere. Chemical alteration that occurs at nearsurface ambient conditions (typically 2O and CO2 between near-surface solid materials and the atmosphere, and processes that involve fluids and sublimation. Regolith studies would help facilitate future human exploration by assessing toxicity and potential resources. Polar ices would constrain present and past climatic conditions and help elucidate water cycling. Surface ice samples from the Polar Layered Deposits (PLD) or seasonal frost deposits would help to quantify surface/atmosphere interactions. Short cores could help to resolve recent climate variability. Atmospheric gas samples would constrain the composition of the atmosphere and processes that influenced its origin and evolution. Trace organic gases (e.g., methane and ethane) could be analyzed for abundances, distribution, and relationships to a potential martian biosphere. Returned atmospheric samples that contain Ne, Kr, CO2, CH4, and C2H6 would confer major scientific benefits. Chemical and mineralogical analyses of martian dust would help to elucidate the weathering and alteration history of Mars. Given the global homogeneity of martian dust, a single sample is likely to be representative of the planet. A depth-resolved suite of samples should be obtained from depths that range from cm to several m within regolith or from rock outcrop to investigate trends in the abundance of oxidants (e.g., OH, HO2, H2O2, and peroxy radicals), the effects of radiation, and the preservation of organic matter. Other sample suites include impact breccias that might sample rock types that are otherwise not available locally, tephra consisting of fine-grained regolith material or layers and beds possibly delivered from beyond the landing site, and meteorites whose alteration history could provide insights into martian climatic history. The following factors would affect our ability to achieve MSR's scientific objectives: (1) Sample size. A full program of scientific investigations would likely require samples of ≥8 g for bedrock, loose rocks, and finer-grained regolith. To support required biohazard testing, each sample requires an additional 2 g, leading to an optimal size of 10 g. Textural studies of some rock types might require one or more larger samples of ∼20 g. Material should remain to be archived for future investigations. (2) Number of samples. Studies of differences between samples could provide more information than detailed studies of a single sample. The number of samples needed to address MSR scientific objectives effectively is 35 (28 rock, 4 regolith, 1 dust, 2 gas). If the MSR mission recovers the MSL cache, it should also collect 26 additional samples (20 rock, 3 regolith, 1 dust and 2 atmospheric gas). The total mass of these samples is expected to be about 345 g (or 380 g with the MSL cache). The total returned mass with sample packaging would be about 700 g. (3) Sample encapsulation. To retain scientific value, returned samples must not commingle, each sample must be linked uniquely to its documented field context, and rocks should be protected against fragmentation during transport. A smaller number or mass of carefully managed samples is far more valuable than a larger number or mass of poorly managed samples. The encapsulation of at least some samples must retain any released volatile components. (4) Diversity of the returned collection. The diversity of returned samples must be commensurate with the diversity of rocks and regolith encountered. This guideline substantially influences landing site selection and rover operation protocols. It is scientifically acceptable for MSR to visit only a single site, but visiting 2 independent landing sites would be much more valuable. (5) In situ measurements for sample selection and documentation of field context. Relatively few samples could be returned from the vast array of materials the MSR rover would encounter; thus we must be able to choose wisely. At least 3 kinds of in situ observations are needed (color imaging, microscopic imaging, and mineralogy measurement) and possibly as many as 5 (also elemental analysis and reduced-carbon analysis). No significant difference exists in the observations needed for sample selection vs. sample documentation. Revisiting a previously occupied site might result in a reduction in the number of instruments.
(2008) Nature (London). 453, 7199, p. 1216-1219 Abstract
The Mars hemispheric dichotomy is expressed as a dramatic difference in elevation, crustal thickness and crater density between the southern highlands and northern lowlands (which cover ∼42% of the surface). Despite the prominence of the dichotomy, its origin has remained enigmatic and models for its formation largely untested. Endogenic degree-1 convection models with north-south asymmetry are incomplete in that they are restricted to simulating only mantle dynamics and they neglect crustal evolution, whereas exogenic multiple impact events are statistically unlikely to concentrate in one hemisphere. A single mega-impact of the requisite size has not previously been modelled. However, it has been hypothesized that such an event could obliterate the evidence of its occurrence by completely covering the surface with melt or catastrophically disrupting the planet. Here we present a set of single-impact initial conditions by which a large impactor can produce features consistent with the observed dichotomy's crustal structure and persistence. Using three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, large variations are predicted in post-impact states depending on impact energy, velocity and, importantly, impact angle, with trends more pronounced or unseen in commonly studied smaller impacts. For impact energies of ∼(3-6) × 1029 J, at low impact velocities (6-10 km s-1) and oblique impact angles (30-60°), the resulting crustal removal boundary is similar in size and ellipticity to the observed characteristics of the lowlands basin. Under these conditions, the melt distribution is largely contained within the area of impact and thus does not erase the evidence of the impact's occurrence. The antiquity of the dichotomy is consistent with the contemporaneous presence of impactors of diameter 1,600-2,700 km in Mars-crossing orbits, and the impact angle is consistent with the expected distribution.
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 113, 6, E06S14. Abstract
Constraints on the mineralogical composition of low-albedo, low-sulfur sands at Meridiani Planum are determined from Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES), Mössbauer, and Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer measurements. Results of this work show that the sand is olivine basaltic in composition, with minor amounts of sulfate and a high-silica phase (glass or secondary amorphous silica). Measurements from all three instruments indicate that pyroxene is twice as abundant as olivine, and that the pyroxene composition is dominated by the low-calcium variety. The volume abundance of olivine is constrained to be 10-15%. Results from detailed analyses of MER data are used to ground truth the spectral emissivity and mineral abundances derived from orbit with Mars Global Surveyor TES data. TES-derived mineral abundances are within 5% of those derived from MER data, which is generally within the statistical errors associated with TES-derived phase abundances. The agreement lends support to global- and regional-scale variations in mineralogical composition determined from TES data in previous studies. An alternative method of least squares minimization is used for modeling the TES and Mini-TES data; the benefits of this method are demonstrated by comparison with conventional least squares techniques previously used by TES data users.
(2008) Geophysical Research Letters. 35, 9, L09204. Abstract[All authors]
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of Titan's north polar region reveal quasi-circular to complex features which are interpreted to be liquid hydrocarbon lakes. We investigate methane transport in Titan's hydrologic cycle using the global distribution of lake features. As of May 2007, the SAR data set covers ∼22% of the surface and indicates multiple lake morphologies which are correlated across the polar region. Lakes are limited to latitudes above 55°N and vary from
(2008) Geophysical Research Letters. 35, 2, L02206. Abstract[All authors]
Cassini RADAR observations now permit an initial assessment of the inventory of two classes, presumed to be organic, of Titan surface materials: polar lake liquids and equatorial dune sands. Several hundred lakes or seas have been observed, of which dozens are each estimated to contain more hydrocarbon liquid than the entire known oil and gas reserves on Earth. Dark dunes cover some 20% of Titan's surface, and comprise a volume of material several hundred times larger than Earth's coal reserves. Overall, however, the identified surface inventories (>3 × 104 km3 of liquid, and >2 × 105 km3 of dune sands) are small compared with estimated photochemical production on Titan over the age of the solar system. The sand volume is too large to be accounted for simply by erosion in observed river channels or ejecta from observed impact craters. The lakes are adequate in extent to buffer atmospheric methane against photolysis in the short term, but do not contain enough methane to sustain the atmosphere over geologic time. Unless frequent resupply from the interior buffers this greenhouse gas at exactly the right rate, dramatic climate change on Titan is likely in its past, present and future.
(2007) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 192, 2, p. 605-622 Abstract
We have derived the real and imaginary indices of refraction for 10 phyllosilicate minerals-montmorillonite, beidellite, nontronite, hectorite, saponite, illite, illite-smectite (60/40 interlayered) kaolinite, halloysite, and serpentine-from 100-2000 cm-1 (5-100 μm) at 2 cm-1 spectral sampling using classical Lorentz-Lorenz dispersion theory. We present the real and imaginary indices and the oscillator parameters with which they were modeled. Use of these optical constants will aid in the modeling of thermal infrared spectra of planets, asteroids, interplanetary and interstellar dust, and protoplanetary disks around nearby stars.
(2007) Geophysical Research Letters. 34, 21, L21201. Abstract
The presence of the global magnetic field of Mercury has implications for the interior structure of the planet and its thermal evolution. We use a thermal evolution model to explore the conditions under which excess entropy is available to drive a convective dynamo. The current state of the core is strongly affected by its sulfur concentration and the viscosity of the overlying mantle. A present-day dynamo is difficult to achieve. The minimum rate of entropy production required to drive a dynamo is attained in only the most optimistic models, and requires present-day mantle convection. An additional entropy source such as the addition of a radiogenic heat source in the core increases the probability of a present-day dynamo. Given the uncertainty, more specific characterization of the planet's interior and magnetic field is required allviate ambiguities in the original Mariner 10 observations.
(2007) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 191, 1, p. 132-140 Abstract
Slope streaks are surficial mass movements that are abundant in the dust-covered regions of Mars. Targeting of slope streaks seen in Viking images with the Mars Orbiter Camera provides observations of slope streak dust activity over two to three decades. In all study areas, new and persisting dark slope streaks are observed. Slope streaks disappeared in one area, with persisting streaks nearby. New slope streaks are found to be systematically darker than persisting streaks, which indicates gradual fading. Far more slope streaks formed at the study sites than have faded from visibility. The rate of formation at the study sites was 0.03 new slope streaks per existing streak per Mars year. Bright slope streaks do not presently form in sudden events as dark slope streaks do. Instead, bright streaks might form from old dark slope streaks, perhaps transitioning through a partially faded stage.
(2007) Space Science Reviews. 131, 1, p. 105-132 Abstract[All authors]
Current geophysical knowledge of the planet Mercury is based upon observations from ground-based astronomy and flybys of the Mariner 10 spacecraft, along with theoretical and computational studies. Mercury has the highest uncompressed density of the terrestrial planets and by implication has a metallic core with a radius approximately 75% of the planetary radius. Mercurys spin rate is stably locked at 1.5 times the orbital mean motion. Capture into this state is the natural result of tidal evolution if this is the only dissipative process affecting the spin, but the capture probability is enhanced if Mercurys core were molten at the time of capture. The discovery of Mercurys magnetic field by Mariner 10 suggests the possibility that the core is partially molten to the present, a result that is surprising given the planets size and a surface crater density indicative of early cessation of significant volcanic activity. A present-day liquid outer core within Mercury would require either a core sulfur content of at least several weight percent or an unusual history of heat loss from the planets core and silicate fraction. A crustal remanent contribution to Mercurys observed magnetic field cannot be ruled out on the basis of current knowledge. Measurements from the MESSENGER orbiter, in combination with continued ground-based observations, hold the promise of setting on a firmer basis our understanding of the structure and evolution of Mercurys interior and the relationship of that evolution to the planets geological history. [Reprinted also in The MESSENGER Mission to Mercury; 978-0-387-77214-1;]
(2007) Science. 316, 5825, p. 738-742 Abstract[All authors]
Home Plate is a layered plateau in Gusev crater on Mars. It is composed of clastic rocks of moderately altered alkali basalt composition, enriched in some highly volatile elements. A coarse-grained lower unit lies under a finer-grained upper unit. Textural observations indicate that the lower strata were emplaced in an explosive event, and geochemical considerations favor an explosive volcanic origin over an impact origin. The lower unit likely represents accumulation of pyroclastic materials, whereas the upper unit may represent eolian reworking of the same pyroclastic materials.
(2007) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 112, 5, E05016. Abstract
The diffusion coefficient of water vapor in unconsolidated porous media is measured for various soil simulants at Mars-like pressures and subzero temperatures. An experimental chamber which simultaneously reproduces a low-pressure, low-temperature, and low-humidity environment is used to monitor water flux from an ice source through a porous diffusion barrier. Experiments are performed on four types of simulants: 40-70 μm glass beads, sintered glass filter disks, 1-3 μm dust (both loose and packed), and JSC Mars-1. A theoretical framework is presented that applies to environments that are not necessarily isothermal or isobaric. For most of our samples, we find diffusion coefficients in the range of 2.8 to 5.4 cm2 s-1 at 600 Pascal and 260 K. This range becomes 1.9-4.7 cm2 s-1 when extrapolated to a Mars-like temperature of 200 K. Our preferred value for JSC Mars-1 at 600 Pa and 200 K is 3.7 ± 0.5 cm2 s-1. The tortuosities of the glass beads is about 1.8. Packed dust displays a lower mean diffusion coefficient of 0.38 ± 0.26 cm2 s-1, which can be attributed to transition to the Knudsen regime where molecular collisions with the pore walls dominate. Values for the diffusion coefficient and the variation of the diffusion coefficient with pressure are well matched by existing models. The survival of shallow subsurface ice on Mars and the providence of diffusion barriers are considered in light of these measurements.
(2006) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 111, 11, E11007. Abstract
High-latitude ground ice on Mars discovered by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer suite is thought to be thermally stable owing to the presence of vapor in the Martian atmosphere. However, local slopes can alter surface and subsurface temperatures substantially, and hence allow ground ice to persist at locations where it would otherwise be unstable. Global statistics of the topography of Mars are computed, processed, and extrapolated to derive a description of surface roughness on spatial scales to which ground ice should be sensitive. This slope distribution is convolved with a new thermal model for the dependence of subsurface ice on slope, to produce a prediction of the global ice distribution that includes the effect of topographic roughness. In the highest latitudes, slopes reduce the amount of buried ice, while in lower latitudes the ice fraction increases, widening the geographic boundary of the ice table. At the high latitudes, where ice is stable beneath horizontal ground, the estimated reduction of ice is small compared to the existing ice volume. Areas in the midlatitudes with high surface roughness that have previously been predicted to be ice free are predicted to contain quantities of ice that may be detectable at present and accessible in the future. Slopes cause ground ice to be stable to latitudes of about 25 degrees in both hemispheres, including, for example, areas within the northern Olympus Mons aureole deposits, Hecates Tholus, and Hellas basin. Ice is unstable at equatorial latitudes, even when accounting for surface slopes.
(2006) Nature (London). 443, 7107, p. E1-E2 Abstract[All authors]
Arising from: T. M. McCollom & B. M. Hynek Nature 438, 1129-1131 (2005); McCollom & Hynek replyThe Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity discovered sulphate-rich sedimentary rocks at Meridiani Planum on Mars, which are interpreted by McCollom and Hynek as altered volcanic rocks. However, their conclusions are derived from an incorrect representation of our depositional model, which is upheld by more recent Rover data. We contend that all the available data still support an aeolian and aqueous sedimentary origin for Meridiani bedrock.
(2006) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 111, 6, E06001. Abstract
The eroded remains of a fluvial distributary network in Eberswalde crater are uniquely well preserved among similar structures on Mars. A quantitative analysis of the exposed stratigraphy has been performed to investigate the internal structure of the deposit. Using topographic information derived from stereo pairs of high-resolution Mars Orbiter Camera images, we have for the first time quantified the orientation of individual layers exposed along the distal end of the distributary network. In combination with topographic data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, we have examined plausible scenarios for the formation of this structure. We find that the evidence is inconsistent with formation both as an alluvial fan and as a progradational delta. Instead, we find that an aggradational delta best fits the observed characteristics of the channel network and the Eberswalde basin as a whole. We conclude that the delta likely formed not in a stable long-lived lake but over the course of a small number of shorter lacustrine episodes, which were not sustained at equilibrium conditions.
(2005) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 110, 5, p. 1-16 E05003. Abstract
We seek a better understanding of the distribution of subsurface ice on Mars, based on the physical processes governing the exchange of vapor between the atmosphere and the subsurface. Ground ice is expected down to ∼49° latitude and lower latitudes at poleward facing slopes. The diffusivity of the regolith also leads to seasonal accumulation of atmospherically derived frost at latitudes poleward of ∼30°. The burial depths and zonally averaged boundaries of subsurface ice observed from neutron emission arc consistent with model predictions for ground ice in equilibrium with the observed abundance of atmospheric water vapor. Longitudinal variations in ice distribution are due mainly to thermal inertia and are more pronounced in the observations than in the model. These relations support the notion that the ground ice has at least partially adjusted to the atmospheric water vapor content or is atmospherically derived. Changes in albedo can rapidly alter the equilibrium depth to the ice, creating sources or sinks of atmospheric H2O while the ground ice is continuously evolving toward a changing equilibrium. At steady state humidity and temperature oscillations, the net flux of vapor is uninhibited by adsorption. The occurrence of temporary frost is characterized by the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption.
(2005) Science. 307, 5713, p. 1214-1220 Abstract[All authors]
Mars was most active during its first billion years. The core, mantle, and crust formed within ∼50 million years of solar system formation. A magnetic dynamo in a convecting fluid core magnetized the crust, and the global field shielded a more massive early atmosphere against solar wind stripping. The Tharsis province became a focus for volcanism, deformation, and outgassing of water and carbon dioxide in quantities possibly sufficient to induce episodes of climate warming. Surficial and near-surface water contributed to regionally extensive erosion, sediment transport, and chemical alteration. Deep hydrothermal circulation accelerated crustal cooling, preserved variations in crustal thickness, and modified patterns of crustal magnetization.
(2004) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 109, E7, E07007. Abstract[All authors]
In the paper \u201cLocalized gravity/topography admittance and correlation spectra on Mars: Implications for regional and global evolution\u201d by Patrick J. McGovern, Sean C. Solomon, David E. Smith, Maria T. Zuber, Mark Simons, Mark A. Wieczorek, Roger J. Phillips, Gregory A. Neumann, Oded Aharonson, and James W. Head (Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(E12), 5136, doi:10.1029/2002JE001854, 2002), the thickness of the lithosphere and lithospheric heat flow for a number of regions of Mars and as functions of time were inferred on the basis of gravity/topography admittance spectra. Observed admittances, derived from spherical harmonic expansions localized with the scheme of Simons et al. [1997], were compared with those predicted from models for the flexural response to lithospheric loading [e.g., Turcotte et al., 1981]. Gravity was calculated according to the finiteamplitude scheme of Wieczorek and Phillips [1998]. Estimates for the thickness of the elastic lithosphere Te at the time of loading for each region were converted to equivalent thermal gradient dT/dz and heat flux q by means of an elasticplastic stressenvelope formalism [McNutt, 1984]. Here we describe a correction required in the calculation of the modeled gravity anomalies; we report new estimates of Te, load density ρl, dT/dz, and q from corrected model admittances; and we discuss the implications of the new results.
(2004) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 109, 5, p. E05004 1-10 Abstract
Observations by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter have been used to detect subtle changes of the polar surface height during the course of seasonal cycles that correlate with the expected pattern of CO2 deposition and sublimation. Using altimetric crossover residuals from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, we show that while zonally averaged data capture the global behavior of CO2 exchange, there is a dependence of the pattern on longitude. At the highest latitudes the surface height change is as high as 1.5-2 m peak to peak, and it decreases equatorward. Decomposition of the signal into harmonics in time allows inspection of the spatial pattern and shows that the annual component is strongly correlated with the residual south polar cap deposits and, to a lesser extent, with the north polar cap. In the north, the second harmonic (semiannual) component correlates with the location of the ice deposits. The phases of the annual cycles are in agreement with observations by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer of the timing of the annual disappearance of CO2 frost from the surface at the high latitudes. At lower latitudes, frost sublimation ("Crocus date") predates the mean depositional minima, as expected. These global-scale, volumetric measurements of the distribution of condensed CO2 can be combined with measurements of the deposited column mass density derived from the Neutron Spectrometer on board Mars Odyssey to yield an estimate of the density of the seasonally exchanging material of 0.5 ± 0.1 g/cm3 . These constraints should be considered in models of the Martian climate system and volatile cycles.
(2004) Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 168, 1, p. 122-130 Abstract
We report observations of a set of surface features on Mars that form a distinct class of avalanche scars. These features have a horizontal scale of hundreds of meters, but a depth scale of meters distinguishes them from the shallower features known as slope streaks. The meters-thick avalanche scars have escaped previous attention because of weak contrast between the interiors of the scarred regions and their surroundings. Often the most visible feature is a shadow cast by the trough wall, a band 1-3 pixels wide in Mars Orbiter Camera narrow angle images, indicating maximum depths of 4-10 m. We investigate the morphology of more than 500 such features. Slopes upon which the avalanches occur average about 27°. Impact craters are seen at the heads of some avalanche scars; this subset exhibits statistically wider opening angles. The scars span an estimated several Ma in age. Those found so far occurred mainly in the Olympus Mons lower aureole. We compare shapes of slope streaks to shapes of meters-thick avalanches, and the results support the notion that the two classes are distinct. The newly-discovered avalanches resemble some terrestrial flows of loose, dry material such as dry snow and glass beads. On the basis of these analogs, we suggest a physical model.
(2003) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 108, 12, p. 12-1 - 12-9 Abstract
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) has imaged, sometimes repeatedly, mass movements known as slope streaks, which are abundant in the dust-covered regions on Mars. They are among the few known examples of contemporary surface changes. A survey of 173 collocated image pairs indicates that these features are currently forming at a high rate of ∼7% per existing streak, per Martian year. Either there is a complete turnover within a few decades or the streak population is currently increasing rapidly. Large spatial, as well as possible temporal, variations in the formation rate are obtained from these data. Streaks do not appear to fade over time periods comparable to their inverse formation rate of ∼28 years, as seen by analysis of Viking Orbiter images containing streaks that are still visible in MOC images. Gradual or stochastic variations in dust deposition may be needed to explain observations of changes in the formation rate, and its current imbalance with the fading rate.
(2003) Geophysical Research Letters. 30, 11, 1561. Abstract
The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) measured the pulse width and energy of altimetric laser returns during the course of two Mars years of operations. As secondary science objectives, MOLA obtains the footprintscale roughness and the bidirectional reflectivity of Mars. MOLA underwent extensive preflight calibration and pulse measurements were monitored continuously in flight, but anomalous values of roughness have been inferred. A calibration of pulse widths using inflight data yields a slopecorrected roughness over ∼75mdiameter footprints that may be used for quantitative geomorphic surface characterization, required, for example, for landing site selection. The recalibration uses a total leastsquares estimation of pulse characteristics that generalizes the method of Abshire et al. [2000]. This method, utilizing the timing at voltage threshold crossings and the area between crossings, accounts for observation errors and shows that surface roughness as small as 1 m can be resolved.
(2002) Geophysical Research Letters. 29, 23, 2126. Abstract
The Mars Orbiter Camera on board the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has returned images of numerous dark streaks that are the result of down-slope mass movement occurring under present-day martian climatic conditions. We systematically analyze over 23,000 high-resolution images and demonstrate that slope streaks form exclusively in regions of low thermal inertia (confirming earlier results), steep slopes, and, remarkably, only where peak temperatures exceed 275 K. The northernmost streaks, which form in the coldest environment, form preferentially on warmer south-facing slopes. Repeat images of sites with slope streaks show changes only if the time interval between the two images includes the warm season. Surprisingly (in light of the theoretically short residence time of H2O close to the surface), the data support the possibility that small amounts of water are transiently present in low-latitude near-surface regions of Mars and undergo phase transitions at times of high insolation, triggering the observed mass movements.
(2002) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 107, 12, p. 19-1 - 19-25 Abstract[All authors]
From gravity and topography data collected by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft we calculate gravity/topography admittances and correlations in the spectral domain and compare them to those predicted from models of lithospheric flexure. On the basis of these comparisons we estimate the thickness of the Martian elastic lithosphere (Te) required to support the observed topographic load since the time of loading. We convert Te to estimates of heat flux and thermal gradient in the lithosphere through a consideration of the response of an elastic/plastic shell. In regions of high topography on Mars (e.g., the Tharsis rise and associated shield volcanoes), the mass-sheet (small-amplitude) approximation for the calculation of gravity from topography is inadequate. A correction that accounts for finite-amplitude topography tends to increase the amplitude of the predicted gravity signal at spacecraft altitudes. Proper implementation of this correction requires the use of radii from the center of mass (collectively known as the planetary "shape") in lieu of "topography" referenced to a gravitational equipotential. Anomalously dense surface layers or buried excess masses are not required to explain the observed admittances for the Tharsis Montes or Olympus Mons volcanoes when this correction is applied. Derived Te values generally decrease with increasing age of the lithospheric load, in a manner consistent with a rapid decline of mantle heat flux during the Noachian and more modest rates of decline during subsequent epochs.
(2002) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 99, 4, p. 1780-1783 Abstract
Measurements acquired by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter on board the Mars Global Surveyor indicate that large drainage systems on Mars have geomorphic characteristics inconsistent with prolonged erosion by surface runoff. We find the topography has not evolved to an expected equilibrium terrain form, even in areas where runoff incision has been previously interpreted. By analogy with terrestrial examples, groundwater sapping may have played an important role in the incision. Longitudinally flat floor segments may provide a direct indication of lithologic layers in the bedrock, altering subsurface hydrology. However, it is unlikely that floor levels are entirely due to inherited structures due to their planar cross-cutting relations. These conclusions are based on previously unavailable observations, including extensive piece-wise linear longitudinal profiles, frequent knickpoints, hanging valleys, and small basin concavity exponents.
(2001) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 106, E10, p. 23723-23735 2000JE0014. Abstract
Data obtained recently by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) were used to study the statistical properties of the topography and slopes on Mars. We find that the hemispheric dichotomy, manifested as an elevation difference, can be described by long baseline tilts but in places is expressed as steeper slopes. The bimodal hypsometry of elevations on Mars becomes unimodal when referenced to the center of figure, contrary to the Earth, for which the bimodality is retained. However, ruling out a model in which the elevation difference is expressed in a narrow equatorial topographic step cannot be done by the hypsometry alone. Mars' slope distribution is longer tailed than those of Earth and Venus, indicating a lower efficiency of planation processes relative to relief-building tectonics and volcanics. We define and compute global maps of statistical estimators, including the interquartile scale, RMS and median slope, and characteristic decorrelation length of the surface. A correspondence between these parameters and geologic units on Mars is inferred. Surface smoothness is distinctive in the vast northern hemisphere plains, where slopes are typically
(2001) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 106, E10, p. 23689-23722 2000JE0013. Abstract[All authors]
The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), an instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, has measured the topography, surface roughness, and 1.064-μm reflectivity of Mars and the heights of volatile and dust clouds. This paper discusses the function of the MOLA instrument and the acquisition, processing, and correction of observations to produce global data sets. The altimeter measurements have been converted to both gridded and spherical harmonic models for the topography and shape of Mars that have vertical and radial accuracies of ∼1 m with respect to the planet's center of mass. The current global topographic grid has a resolution of 1/64° in latitude x 1/32° in longitude (1 x 2 km2 at the equator). Reconstruction of the locations of incident laser pulses on the Martian surface appears to be at the 100-m spatial accuracy level and results in 2 orders of magnitude improvement in the global geodetic grid of Mars. Global maps of optical pulse width indicative of 100-m-scale surface roughness and 1.064-μm reflectivity with an accuracy of 5% have also been obtained.
(2001) Science. 291, 5513, p. 2587-2591 Abstract[All authors]
Loading of the lithosphere of Mars by the Tharsis rise explains much of the global shape and long-wavelength gravity field of the planet, including a ring of negative gravity anomalies and a topographic trough around Tharsis, as well as gravity anomaly and topographic highs centered in Arabia Terra and extending northward toward Utopia. The Tharsis-induced trough and antipodal high were largely in place by the end of the Noachian Epoch and exerted control on the location and orientation of valley networks. The release of carbon dioxide and water accompanying the emplacement of ∼3 × 108 cubic kilometers of Tharsis magmas may have sustained a warmer climate than at present, enabling the formation of ancient valley networks and fluvial landscape denudation in and adjacent to the large-scale trough.
(2000) Science. 289, 5487, p. 2097-2101 Abstract[All authors]
Measurements from the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)-Shoemaker Laser Rangefinder (NLR) indicate that asteroid 433 Eros is a consolidated body with a complex shape dominated by collisions. The offset between the asteroid's center of mass and center of figure indicates a small deviation from a homogeneous internal structure that is most simply explained by variations in mechanical structure. Regional-scale relief and slope distributions show evidence for control of topography by a competent substrate. Impact crater morphology is influenced by both gravity and structural control. Small-scale topography reveals ridges and grooves that may be generated by impact-related fracturing.
(2000) Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 287, 5459, p. 1788-1793 Abstract[All authors]
Topography and gravity measured by the Mars Global Surveyor have enabled determination of the global crust and upper mantle structure of Mars. The planet displays two distinct crustal zones that do not correlate globally with the geologic dichotomy: a region of crust that thins progressively from south to north and encompasses much of the southern highlands and Tharsis province and a region of approximately uniform crustal thickness that includes the northern lowlands and Arabia Terra. The strength of the lithosphere beneath the ancient southern highlands suggests that the northern hemisphere was a locus of high heat flow early in martian history. The thickness of the elastic lithosphere increases with time of loading in the northern plains and Tharsis. The northern lowlands contain structures interpreted as large buried channels that are consistent with northward transport of water and sediment to the lowlands before the end of northern hemisphere resurfacing.
(1999) Science. 284, 5419, p. 1495-1503 Abstract[All authors]
Elevations measured by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter have yielded a high-accuracy global map of the topography of Mars. Dominant features include the low northern hemisphere, the Tharsis province, and the Hellas impact basin. The northern hemisphere depression is primarily a long-wavelength effect that has been shaped by an internal mechanism. The topography of Tharsis consists of two broad rises. Material excavated from Hellas contributes to the high elevation of the southern hemisphere and to the scarp along the hemispheric boundary. The present topography has three major drainage centers, with the northern lowlands being the largest. The two polar cap volumes yield an upper limit of the present surface water inventory of 3.2 to 4.7 million cubic kilometers.
(1998) Geophysical Research Letters. 25, 24, p. 4413-4416 Abstract
We investigate slope distributions in the northern hemisphere of Mars from topographic profiles collected by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter. Analysis of the region from about 12°S to 82°N, over diverse geologic units, indicates that the range of regional-scale slopes is small, generally
(1998) Geophysical Research Letters. 25, 24, p. 4393-4396 Abstract
Eighteen profiles of approximately N-S-trending topography from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) are used to analyze the shape of Mars' northern hemisphere. MOLA observations show smaller northern hemisphere flattening than previously thought. The hypsometric distribution is narrowly peaked with >20% of the surface lying within 200 m of the mean elevation. Low elevation correlates with low surface roughness, but the elevation and roughness may reflect different mechanisms. Bouguer gravity indicates less variability in crustal thickness and/or lateral density structure than previously expected. The 3.1-km offset between centers of mass and figure along the polar axis results in a pole-to-equator slope at all longitudes. The N-S slope distribution also shows a subtle longitude-dependent variation that may represent the antipodal effect of the formation of Tharsis.
(1998) Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 282, 5396, p. 2053-2060 Abstract[All authors]
Elevations from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) have been used to construct a precise topographic map of the martian north polar region. The northern ice cap has a maximum elevation of 3 kilometers above its surroundings but lies within a 5-kilometer-deep hemispheric depression that is contiguous with the area into which most outflow channels emptied. Polar cap topography displays evidence of modification by ablation, flow, and wind and is consistent with a primarily H2O composition. Correlation of topography with images suggests that the cap was more spatially extensive in the past. The cap volume of 1.2 × 106 to 1.7 × 106cubic kilometers is about half that of the Greenland ice cap. Clouds observed over the polar cap are likely composed of CO2 that condensed out of the atmosphere during northern hemisphere winter. Many clouds exhibit dynamical structure likely caused by the interaction of propagating wave fronts with surface topography.