

  1. Kushnir Y., Stein M., Biasutti M., Kiro Y., Goldsmith Y. & Goldstein S. L. (2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 121, 47, e240716612.  Abstract
  2. Sproson A. D., Yokoyama Y., Miyairi Y. et_al. (2024) Nature Geoscience. 17, p. 450-457  Abstract
  3. Yanuka-Golub K., Belkin N., Weber N., Mayyani M., Levy Y., Reznik I. J., Rubin-Blum M., Rahav E. & Kiro Y. (2024) Journal of geophysical research: Biogeosciences. 129, 2, e2023JG007.  Abstract


  1. Landes F. C., Calcio M., Sobolewski J. M. et_al. (2023) Science of the Total Environment. 899, 165407.  Abstract
  2. Goldsmith Y., Cohen O., Stein M. et_al. (2023) Quaternary Science Reviews. 318, 108312.  Abstract


  1. Clementi V. J., Rosenthal Y., Bova S. C., Thomas E. K. & Kiro Y. (2022) Communications Earth and Environment. 3, 1, 218.  Abstract
  2. Torre G., Gaiero D., Coppo R. et_al. (2022) Earth-Science Reviews. 232, 104143.  Abstract


  1. Weiss Y., Kiro Y., Class C., Winckler G., Harris J. W. & Goldstein S. L. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 2667.  Abstract
  2. Kiro Y., Avrahamov N., Weber N. & Gavrieli I. (2021) The Many Facets of Israel's Hydrogeology. Kafri U. & Yechieli Y.(eds.). Cham: . p. 81-97  Abstract


  1. Rahav E., Raveh O., Yanuka-Golub K. et_al. (2020) Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 611497.  Abstract
  2. Kiro Y., Goldstein S. L., Kushnir Y., Olson J. M., Bolge L., Lazar B. & Stein M. (2020) Quaternary Science Reviews. 248, 106546.  Abstract
  3. Goldstein S. L., Kiro Y., Torfstein A., Kitagawa H., Tierney J. & Stein M. (2020) Quaternary Science Reviews. 244, 106460.  Abstract


  1. Weinstein Y., Rotem D., Kooi H., Yechieli Y., Sueltenfuss J., Kiro Y., Harlavan Y., Feldman M. & Christiansen H. H. (2019) Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 30, 2, p. 104-112  Abstract


  1. Levy E. J., Yechieli Y., Gavrieli I., Lazar B., Kiro Y., Stein M. & Sivan O. (2018) Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 487, p. 127-137  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Goldstein S. L., Garcia-Veigas J., Levy E., Kushnir Y., Stein M. & Lazar B. (2017) Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 464, p. 211-226  Abstract
  2. Yehudai M., Lazar B., Bar N., Kiro Y., Agnon A., Shaked Y. & Stein M. (2017) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 198, p. 285-298  Abstract


  1. Thomas C., Ebert Y., Kiro Y., Stein M. & Ariztegui D. (2016) Depositional Record. 2, 1, p. 118-138  Abstract
  2. Kiro Y., Goldstein S. L., Lazar B. & Stein M. (2016) Geological Society of America Bulletin. 128, 5-6, p. 824-841  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Weinstein Y., Starinsky A. & Yechieli Y. (2015) Chemical Geology. 411, p. 155-171  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Weinstein Y., Starinsky A. & Yechieli Y. (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 394, p. 146-158  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Weinstein Y., Starinsky A. & Yechieli Y. (2013) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 122, p. 17-35  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Yechieli Y., Voss C. I., Starinsky A. & Weinstein Y. (2012) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 88, p. 237-254  Abstract


  1. Yechieli Y., Shalev E., Wollman S., Kiro Y. & Kafri U. (2010) Water Resources Research. 46, 12, W12550.  Abstract
  2. The application of radium isotopes in the evaluation of saline water circulation in the Dead Sea aquifer
    Kiro Y., Starinsky A., Yechieli Y., Voss C. I. & Weinstein Y. (2010) Water-Rock Interaction. p. 75-77  Abstract


  1. Kiro Y., Yechieli Y., Lyakhovsky V., Shalev E. & Starinsky A. (2008) Water Resources Research. 44, 12, 12442.  Abstract