EU - Horizon 2020 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Last updated: 
10 September 2020
RGP Contact Person: 
IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks


The objective of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) is to support the career development and training of researchers in all scientific disciplines. The MSCA implements a bottom-up approach grants to researchers at all stages of their career, from PhD candidates to highly experienced researchers, and encourages worldwide, cross-sector and interdisciplinary mobility.

Download the MSCA work programme (for 2018-2020).


Individual Fellowships (IF) - European Fellowship (EF) mode:

See an overview of the programme below.

The IF funds individual fellows who already have a doctorate or equivalent research experience. They help Experienced Researchers (ERs)1 to advance their careers and gain new skills through advanced training, international mobility, and optional intersectoral secondments. The IF are held in Member States and are open to researchers either coming to Europe or moving within Europe. The proposal is to be built around a concrete plan of training-through-research with the supervision and support of a supervisor at a host organization. The fellows are required to dedicate 100% of their working time to their project and cannot work on another project at the same time.

There are three types of EF that are suitable for academic organisations:

  • Standard EF (ST) - for researchers moving into or within Europe
  • Reintegration (RI) - for researchers who wish to return and reintegrate into a longer term research position in Europe
  • Career Restart (CAR) - for researchers who wish to resume research in Europe after a career break

The Global Fellowships (GF) mode of the IF is based on a secondment to a third country and a mandatory 12 month return period to a European host. Further to explicit instructions received from the Weizmann top management the RGP will not endorse submissions to the Global Fellowship (GF) mode under the IF action in which the Weizmann Institute would serve as the host institution for the return phase.

Innovative Training Networks (ITN) - European Training Network (ETN) mode:

See an overview of the programme below.

NOTE: This program will potentially support PhD students in your laboratory. The project is not intended for all PhD students. An a priori consent is required for such an appointment and a condition for such consent is that the students be identified as being exceptional by the FGS Dean. Please contact Prof. Gilad Perez for queries regarding the academic qualifications and standing of prospective students.

The ITN offers support for competitively selected doctoral training programmes for Early-Stage Researchers (ESR's 2). These programmes will be implemented by European partnerships of universities, research institutions, and non-academic organisations located in Europe and worldwide. As defined by the programme, the recruited ESRs will be involved in individual and personalized research projects.

Further to explicit instructions received from the Weizmann top management the RGP will endorse submissions to the European Training Network (ETN) mode only of the ITN action, in which the ESRs will be enrolled in the PhD track at the Feinberg Graduate School (The EID and EJD modes will not be endorsed).

If the ITN proposal is successful, you will be required to recruit a fellow who will be enrolled in the PhD study track at the FGS. Please take note to verify that the proposal does not contain any foreseen requirements, concerning the selection and recruitment and the PhD track registration and studies of the fellow, which Weizmann/FGS may not be in the position to fulfil. If approved for funding, the proposal will serve as the technical annex of the grant agreement to which the project’s partners will be legally committed. Please send the proposal to the EU Desk, for review, at least two weeks prior to the call deadline and if required, contact the FGS Academic Secretary, Dr. Ami Shalit, for guidance on how to best accommodate the relevant specific aspects of the proposal to the FGS regulations.

The recruitment of proposed excellent young researchers in the framework of this programme must receive a priori consent of the FGS Dean. It is important to emphasize that the project is not intended for all PhD students and that only outstanding candidates will be approved.

Guidance for fellow eligibility and recruitment strategy requirements (for PIs of successful proposals)

Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE):

RISE supports the short-term mobility of research and innovation staff at all career levels including administrative and technical staff. This action promotes international and inter-sector staff exchanges within partnerships of universities, research institutions and non-academic organisations both within and beyond Europe. Academia-to-academia exchanges are permitted within worldwide partnerships.

IF-EF and ITN-ETN Overview:
Information on the EU contribution is available via the 'Financial Info' tab

  Individual Fellowships (IF) Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Mode Standard EF (ST) Reintegration (RI) Career
Restart (CAR)
European Training Networks (ETN)
Eligible researchers Experienced Researchers (ERs)1 Experienced Researchers (ERs)1 Experienced Researchers (ERs)1
with a continuous career break in research of at least 1 year within the 18 months immediately prior to call deadline
Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)2
Nationality of the researcher ANY MS3, AC4 or long-term residents5 ANY ANY
origin & destination
From ANY country to
Israel (AC)4
From Third Country6 to
Israel (AC)4
From ANY country to
Israel (AC)4
From ANY country to
Israel (AC)4
time spent in Israel (residence or main activity)
Less than 1 year
in the last 3 years prior to the call deadline
Less than 3 years
in the last 5 years prior to the call deadline
Less than 3 years
in the last 5 years prior to the call deadline
Less than 1 year
in the last 3 years prior to the date of recruitment
Duration of recruitment (months) 12-24 12-24 12-36 3-36
Scientific Panels/Areas 8 panels 1 panel
(8 scientific areas)
1 panel
(8 scientific areas)
8 panels

1. Experienced Researchers (ERs) - shall, at the deadline for the submission of proposals, be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience
2. Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) - shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree
3. Member State (MS) - one of the 28 European countries
4. Associated Countries (AC) - non-EU countries that are associated to Horizon 2020 (e.g. Israel)
5. Long-term residents - researchers who spent a period of full-time research activity of at least 5 consecutive (without breaks in research) years in one or more Member States or Associated Countries
6. Third Countries - countries which are neither EU Member States nor associated to Horizon 2020 (e.g. US)

IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks


The EU Member States have earmarked a total of Euro 6,162 million euro for the MSCA over the period 2014-2020. The indicative budgets for the calls announced here are listed in the table below.

CALLS FOR THIS ACTIVITY (with indicative budgets and deadlines)

Action Link to call Budget (€M) Opening Date (Publication Date) Agency Deadline Call
IF - Support for experienced researchers undertaking mobility between countries (to IF-EF action only) H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 328 08/04/2020 09/09/2020 Closed
H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 295 11/04/2019 11/09/2019 Closed
ITN - Support for Innovative Training Networks (to ETN mode only) H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 530 12/09/2019 14/01/2020 Closed
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 470 13/09/2018 15/01/2019 Closed
RISE - International and inter-sectoral cooperation through the Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 80 05/12/2019 12/05/2020 Closed
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 80 04/12/2018 02/04/2019 Closed
***Please make sure to provide the RGP with a copy of your application for review a week prior to submission and of the final submitted application for follow-up purposes!***


IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks


The information in this section highlights the main features of the application process. The application should be prepared according to the detailed guidelines of the following Guide for Applicants:

  1. Innovative Training Networks (ITN) 2020
  2. Individual Fellowships (IF) 2020
  3. Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE) 2020

Online Submission
Proposals shall be submitted electronically via the web-based Participant Portal Submission Service (PPSS), for which a User Manual is available. Applicants are strongly advised to submit proposals at least 48 hours in advance of the submission deadlines. Submitted proposals may additionally be modified up until the deadline - each time the proposal is submitted, the updated version is replaced with the previous one.

Initiating online submission:

  • Choose 'Calls and Deadlines' from the menu on the left of this page and click on your chosen call. You will then be directed to the call page on the Participant Portal.
  • Choose the desired topic from the topic list at the bottom of the call page.
  • Click the ‘Submission Service’ tab and if required, select the type of action that is most relevant to your proposal from the drop-down menu. Then click ‘START SUBMISSION’.
  • You will now be requested to login to the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) or to register if you do not yet possess a user ID.

User ID
Obtaining a user ID from ECAS is mandatory in order to login to the Participant Portal and to use its various functions, including the submission of proposals and at a later stage, receiving notifications of the evaluation results. The same user ID is used for all later interactions with the agency. Upon registration, when presented with the question "Where Are You From?", please select the option - "External – Partners, Researchers, Citizens”.

PIC Number
Partners in collaborative projects will be required to provide the coordinator with Weizmann’s PIC number. Once the coordinator has entered the PIC number in the submission system, the data concerning Weizmann’s legal status will automatically be completed in the A forms (the proposal’s administrative forms). In order to obtain Weizmann Institute's PIC number, please contact the EU Desk.


  • Internal Form: A direct link to a pre-filled online Internal Form will be emailed to you for completion.
  • Internal review: Please provide the RGP with a copy of your application for review a week prior to submission and of the final submitted application for follow up purposes.


For all activities funded by the European Union, ethics is an integral part of research and is addressed by the EU through the ‘Ethics Appraisal Procedure’ from the proposal stage onwards to ensure that all research activities under H2020 are conducted in compliance with fundamental ethical principles.

How to complete your ethics Self-Assessment in the proposal preparation stage.


It is advised to use the templates, their preset formatting and keep within the page limits where defined as compulsory.

  European Fellowships (IF) 
Part B - document 1 IF Part B- document 1
Part B - document 2 IF Part B - document 2


  1. MSCA IF - further to explicit instructions received from the Weizmann top management the RGP will not endorse submissions to the Global Fellowship (GF) mode under the IF action in which the Weizmann Institute would serve as the host institution for the return phase.
  2. MSCA ITN - further to explicit instructions received from the Weizmann top management the RGP will endorse submissions to the European Training Network (ETN) mode only of the ITN action, in which the ESRs will be enrolled in the PhD track at the Feinberg Graduate School (The EID and EJD modes will not be endorsed).


IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks


The EU Member States have earmarked a total of Euro 6,162 million euro for the MSCA over the period 2014-2020. The indicative budgets for the calls announced here are listed under the calls and deadlines MSCA tab.

The amounts required to calculate the Maximum EU Contribution can be reviewed in the relevant file displayed in the table below.

          Year Correction Coefficient Israel (IL) Financial Aspects
2016-2017 108.7% 2016-2017 MSCA Contribution and Rates
2018-2020 106.1% 2018-2020 MSCA Contribution and Rates


IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks

See the RGP's EU-H2020 General Information page for advice on Weizmann Institute's policy regarding IP and Consortium Agreements.

IF / Individual Fellowships
EF / European Fellowships
ER / Experienced Researcher
ESR / Early Stage Researcher
GF / Global Fellowships
RISE / Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges
ITN / Innovative Training Networks