EU - Horizon Europe - ERC (European Research Council)
General Info
The European Research Council’s mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. To this end, the ERC provides attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators and their research teams to pursue groundbreaking, high-gain/high-risk research. Scientific excellence is the sole criterion on the basis of which ERC frontier research grants are awarded. Applications can be made in any field of research by independent researchers of any age and career stage.
The official ERC website provides information on the various funding schemes, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, a database of granted projects, statistics on granted projects and evaluated proposals, and lists of panel members.
Download the ERC work programme 2025.
Starting Grants (StG)
Designed to support a single PI at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme.
Who is eligible? Researchers whose first PhD was successfully defended* (or equivalent) 2-7 years prior to 1.1.2025. Cut-off dates- Successful defence of PhD from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2022 (inclusive). For extension options of the eligibility window, medical doctors and restrictions on submission, see notes below.
Grant size and duration: Up to €1.5M for a period of 5 years; an addition of up to €1M may be requested to cover specific costs, see notes below.
Consolidator Grants (CoG)
Designed to support a single PI at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme.
Who is eligible? Researchers whose first PhD was successfully defended* (or equivalent) 7-12 years prior to 1.1.2025. Cut-off dates- Successful defence of PhD from 1.1.2013 to 31.12.2017 (inclusive). For extension options of the eligibility window, medical doctors and restrictions on submission, see notes below.
Grant size and duration: Up to €2M for a period of 5 years; an addition of up to €1M may be requested to cover specific costs, see notes below.
Advanced Grants (AdG)
Designed to support a single PI at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track-record of research achievements.
Who is eligible? Researchers with a track-record of significant research achievements. For restrictions on submission, see notes below.
Grant size and duration: Up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years; an addition of up to €1M may be requested to cover specific costs, see notes below. As of 2024, Advanced Grants will be implemented as a pilot call using a lump sum contribution. In lump sum grants, the fixed lump sum amount is paid to the beneficiary if the action is correctly implemented in line with the description of work in the proposal and regardless of the actual costs incurred during the project. It is therefore important to design the project carefully at the proposal stage, and to perform the activities during the project in accordance with the work plan outlined in the proposal.
Synergy Grants (SyG)
This funding scheme is designed to enable 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) and their teams to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilisation of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.
The call is open to multiple country, single country and even single institution groups from EU Member States or Associated Countries. One of the Institutions may be established outside the EU or Associated Countries.
Who is eligible? Groups of 2-4 PIs with competitive track-records as appropriate to their career stage (Starting/Consolidator/Advanced).
Grant size and duration: Up to €10M for a period of 6 years; an addition of up to €4M may be requested to cover specific costs, see notes below.
Restrictions on proposal submission: For restrictions on proposal submission to the 2025 calls, see here.
Medical doctors: For medical doctors, the Starting and Consolidator eligibility window may change to 4-9 and 9-14 years from the date of the MD award, respectively. For further details, see the ERC 2025 policy on PhD and equivalent doctoral degrees.
Extension of the eligibility window: The eligibility time-window for Starting and Consolidator may be extended in the following cases: maternity, paternity, long-term illness, disability, national service (including reserve military service), clinical training, major disaster and seeking asylum. See here for further details.
Additional funding: In each of the funding schemes listed above, an additional amount may be requested to cover: (a) eligible "start-up" costs for PIs moving from another country to the EU or an Associated Country as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant, (b) the purchase of major equipment, (c) access to large facilities and (d) other major experimental and field work costs, excluding personnel costs.
Composition of the research team: Support is given to PIs and their research teams. If required for the successful implementation of the project, additional team members hosted by other institutions which may be established anywhere, including outside the EU or Associated Countries, may be included to perform limited parts of the scientific work.
This funding scheme is available for PIs of ERC frontier research grants. It aims to maximise the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. The objective is to provide funds to enable ERC-funded ideas to be brought to a pre-demonstration stage where potential commercialisation or societal opportunities have been identified.
Who is eligible? A proposal may be submitted by a single PI of an ERC frontier research grant (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy) that either is active or ended under 12 months before 1 January of the respective call's year. The proposal must draw substantially on the research of the related ERC-funded project.
Grant size and duration: A lump sum of €150,000 (covering 100% of the eligible direct costs and a flat-rate of 25% indirect costs) for a period of 18 months. In lump sum grants, the fixed lump sum amount is paid to the beneficiary if the action is correctly implemented in line with the description of work in the proposal and regardless of the actual costs incurred during the project. It is therefore important to design the project carefully at the proposal stage, and to perform the activities during the project in accordance with the work plan outlined in the proposal.
Calls and Deadlines
Grant Schemes | Call & link to call | Budget (€M) | Expected Awards (No.) |
Planned Opening Date | RGP Deadline | Agency Deadline | Call | Evaluation Timeframe |
Starting (StG) | ERC-2025-StG | 751 | 483 | 10/07/2024 | 08/10/2024 | 15/10/2024 | Closed | View |
ERC-2024-StG | 601 | 387 | 11/07/2023 | 31/10/2023 | 07/11/2023 | Closed | View | |
Consolidator (CoG) | ERC-2025-CoG | 719 | 354 | 26/09/2024 | 07/01/2025 | 14/01/2025 | Closed | View |
ERC-2024-CoG | 584 | 291 | 12/09/2023 | 05/12/2023 | 12/12/2023 | Closed | View | |
Advanced (AdG) | ERC-2025-AdG | 683 | 276 | 22/05/2025 | 21/08/2025 | 28/08/2025 | Forthcoming | View |
ERC-2024-AdG | 578 | 237 | 29/05/2024 | 22/08/2024 | 29/08/2024 | Closed | View | |
Synergy (SyG) | ERC-2025-SyG | 500 | 48 | 11/07/2024 | 30/10/2024 | 06/11/2024 | Closed | View |
ERC-2024-SyG | 400 | 39 | 12/07/2023 | 08/11/2023 | 15/11/2023 | Closed | View | |
Proof of Concept (PoC) |
ERC-2025-PoC | 30 | 200 | 13/11/2024 | 06/03/2025 11/09/2025 |
13/03/2025 18/09/2025 |
Open | View |
ERC-2024-PoC | 30 | 200 | 16/11/2023 | 07/03/2024 10/09/2024 |
14/03/2024 17/09/2024 |
Closed | View |
See the indicative dates of evaluation results and grant agreements signature for 2025 calls.
See the indicative dates of evaluation results and grant agreements signature for 2024 calls.
Mode of Application
The proposal should be prepared according to the detailed guidelines of the applicable ‘Information for Applicants’ document:
- Information for applicants to the 2025 Starting amd Consolidator Grant calls
- Information for applicants to the 2024 Advanced Grant call
- Information for Applicants to the 2025 Synergy Grant call
- Information for Applicants to the 2025 Proof of Concept Grant calls
Note: Applicants are required to declare having “…the explicit consent of all applicants on their participation and on the content of this proposal”. This refers to all researchers participating in the proposal such as team members, collaborators, other PIs or members of an advisory board. The ERC may request the applicant PI to provide the written consent of all participants at any time during the evaluation process, which was obtained prior to the call deadline. Therefore, please make sure to obtain written consent from any researcher who will participate in your proposed project.
For further guidance and support for the proposal registration, preparation and submission please contact the EU Desk.
Proposal templates
StG 2025 |
CoG 2025 |
AdG 2024 |
SyG 2025 |
PoC 2025 |
Part B1 | Part B1 | Part B1 | Part B1 | Part B |
Part B2 | Part B2 | Part B2 | Part B2 |
These templates are based on the official templates provided by the ERC in which we have incorporated some relevant detailed instructions from the ‘Information for Applicants’ document.
Ethics issues
The administrative forms include an ethics issues table, the completion of which is mandatory. If you have identified any ethics issues related to your proposal, i.e. have replied ‘YES’ to any of the questions in the table, you are required to provide a detailed ethics self-assessment describing how these issues will be addressed and what actions will be taken to ensure compliance with EU- and national laws and regulations. A detailed list of the required information and documents for each ethics issue can be found in the How to complete your Ethics Self Assessment document.
Note: In light of Europe's recent General Data Protection Regulation, should your proposal involve Human Subjects and/or Human cells/tissues that are not available commercially, the advice and assistance of Weizmann’s appointed DPO (Data Protection Officer) may be required for providing relevant information in the ethics self-assessment document. If this is relevant for you, please send Aviva Goldstein, the Research Ethics and Regulation Coordinator at the Research Grants and Projects Office, details concerning the human data aspect of the project in order to initiate this assistance. For example, what kind of data will you be obtaining, will it be anonymous or not, details about the methods that will be used to store and protect it, etc.
As per WIS management instruction, grant proposals must be submitted for evaluation by the RGP, with a budget approved by Finance, at least one week to 10 days prior to the funding agency’s deadline.
Budget approval: Please make sure to obtain written approval from the Projects Section of the Finance Division for the budget before submitting the online application.
Internal Form: A direct link to a pre-filled online Internal Form will be emailed to you for completion.
Financial Info
Under the Horizon Europe framework program the EU contribution for non-profit legal entities is 100% of the eligible costs. As a consequence, all costs related to a specific project including salaries of permanent personnel can be reported. For more information or questions about the eligibility of costs please contact your Departmental Administrator and/or EU Projects Team (Headed by Sima Cohen) at the Finance Division.
Indirect eligible costs will be determined by applying a 25% flat rate to the total direct eligible costs excluding subcontracting and internally invoiced goods and services.
Salaries and wages: Salary costs of permanent workers including the PI can be declared.
Tosefet Mehkar Aleph allowance: The cost model under which ERC grants are awarded allows for the partial reimbursement of all salaries based on actual monthly effort reports (see EFFORT REPORTING below). Please note that further to VATAT regulations, if Tosefet Mehkar Aleph is not requested on a grant from an agency whose guidelines allow for the partial reimbursement of the PI salary, you will NOT be eligible to receive Tosefet Mehkar Bet on grants from this agency.
Effort reporting: Eligible personnel costs shall cover only the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the action. Time records of the number of hours declared must be kept and approved by the persons working on the action and their supervisors. In the absence of reliable time records of the hours worked on the action, alternative evidence supporting the number of hours declared may be accepted, if it is considered to offer an adequate level of assurance.
For advice on the inclusion of subcontracting costs in the project budget, please contact the EU Projects Team (Headed by Sima Cohen) at the Finance Division.
Intellectual Property
Please read an important message from the VP-TT to Scientists from December 2011 (applicable for multi-beneficiary ERC projects):
"You are hereby advised that it is Weizmann's policy to set out an agreement between all beneficiaries involved in a multi-beneficiary ERC Project. Such agreement will govern (among others): the Project's decision making procedures; rules on dissemination; consideration required by the Beneficiaries for use of their Background or Results, specific exclusion of irrelevant Background, settlement of disputes procedures; liability, indemnification and confidentiality arrangements. Most importantly, such agreement will enable us to safeguard Weizmann's existing intellectual property, which is not relevant to the project. It is therefore essential that you contact Yeda's Legal Department (, Tel: 4094) as soon as you are notified that the application is selected for funding and/or if you have any questions, whether you are the coordinator of the project or participate as a beneficiary."
According to the ERC Regulations, a Supplementary Agreement should be signed between the Weizmann Institute (the beneficiary of the grant) and the principal investigator. The Supplementary Agreement covers the minimum contractual relation between the PI and the beneficiary. The grant under the ERC program is personal: it is given to the PI and continues even if he/she leaves the Institute. Among other things, the Supplementary Agreement defines "Background" (intellectual property, existing prior to the project and relevant to the project) and stipulates that if such Background is needed in order to carry out the project, then, access rights will be granted to the PI by the Institute, even if he/she leaves the Institute, on a royalty free basis. The Supplementary Agreement is prepared by the Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office, and you will be requested to provide the RGP with the relevant list of Background. Should you have any questions regarding the list of Background, or the intellectual property provisions of the Supplementary Agreement, please contact Yeda's Legal Department (, Tel: 4094).
Consultancy Services
Information will be made available soon.