US DOD - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)

Last updated: 
29 July 2024
Life Sci
RGP Contact Person: 
This call requires access to .mil websites for applying and/or reporting. In order to be able to access these websites from within WIS you will need an installation of a certificate on your computer.

For this installation there is a self-service that anyone at the institute can now use to install the required certificate:

  • On OSX, under “Weizmann Self Service” you can find the “Symantec Cloud Services Root CA” on the “Weizmann Stuff Category”, click install and you are ready.
  • On Windows, under “Software Center” you can find the “Symantec Cloud Services” click on it, and it will install the certificate. Please allow the installation by choosing “yes” if you are asked to.
If any assistance with this process is needed, please contact Assaf Glick at or the Help Desk.
Due to the nature of the online submission system via and the subsequent automated application checks, which in certain cases require SEVERAL SUBMISSION ITERATIONS before the application is finally accepted for review (based on RGP past experience with submissions via, it is imperative that you submit all relevant documents (completed agency forms, Finance Division approval, Internal Form, etc.) to the RGP Office for review TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE! Failure to comply with this request may result in our inability to process the application in time for submission, delayed or aborted activation of the award, as well as in an increased rate of Shiryun from the KAMAR.
Fundamental Research Risk-based Security Review Process:
Please note the section titled ‘Fundamental Research Risk-based Security Review Process’, according to which, upon recommendation of the proposal for funding, DARPA will conduct a risk-based security check of all PIs and Senior/Key personnel participating in the proposal, to protect against foreign influence and exploitation. For this purpose the PI and Senior/Key personnel will all have to make sure to include in their Standard Form 424 ‘Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded)’, its accompanying or referenced documents, and the Research Performance Progress Reports (when applicable):
  1. Information on Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs if they or any members of their staff have joined or will join such a program (“Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program” means any foreign-state-sponsored attempt to acquire U.S. scientific-funded research or technology, through foreign government-run or funded recruitment programs that target scientists, engineers, academics, researchers, and entrepreneurs of all nationalities working and educated in the U.S).
  2. Any associations or affiliations they may have with Foreign Countries of Concern (FCOC) (i.e., China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea) or FCOC connected entities. The PI and Senior/Key personnel will also have to make sure to notify the agency of any change in senior/key personnel so that the security check will be performed on such new personnel as well.
Please note that the security check may result in a denial of funding, or in the enforcement of certain mitigation measures to resolve the risk (if found).
Please also make sure to read and abide by Weizmann's Policy on "Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program."


The CDMRP originated in 1992 via a Congressional appropriation to foster novel approaches to biomedical research in response to the expressed needs of its stakeholders-the American public, the military, and Congress.

CDMRP’s research programs include the following:
Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Autism; Bone Marrow Failure; Breast Cancer; Chronic Pain Management; Combat Readiness-Medical; Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy; Epilepsy; Gulf War Illness; Hearing Restoration; Joint Warfighter Medical; Kidney Cancer; Lung Cancer; Lupus; Melanoma; Military Burn; Multiple Sclerosis; Neurofibromatosis; Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson's; Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes; Ovarian Cancer; Pancreatic Cancer; Parkinson's; Peer Reviewed Alzheimer's; Peer Reviewed Cancer; Peer Reviewed Medical; Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic; Prostate Cancer; Rare Cancers; Reconstructive Transplant Research; Scleroderma; Spinal Cord Injury; Tick-Borne Disease; Toxic Exposures; Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex; Vision.


CDMRP application process requires submission of a Pre-Application and an Application. Each CDMRP call for proposals has a different deadline; note that not always different announcements under a specific program (i.e., various announcements under the Breast Cancer program) have similar deadlines!

Whereas Pre-Applications and End of Application Verification deadlines must be submitted by 17:00 US Eastern Time, Application deadline is at midnight.

To know the most up to date submission deadlines for calls under a specific program please consult the following link:

Pre-announcements provide a general overview of anticipated funding mechanisms and can be downloaded from CDMRP (, (, or eBRAP ( upon its release. For email notification when pre-announcements and Program Announcements are released, potential applications may subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “Email Subscriptions” on the eBRAP homepage ( ).

Grant proposals must be submitted for evaluation by the RGP, with a budget approved by Finance, two weeks prior to the funding agency’s deadline. Failure to do so may result in delayed or aborted activation of the award, as well as in an increased rate of Shiryun from the KAMAR.


CDMRP offers various award mechanisms. In some of these mechanisms focus is on the stage or type of research (i.e., Idea Development Award, Translational Research Award, Clinical Trial Award, etc.). In others, the focus is on the PI’s status (i.e., Early Investigator Research Award, Mid-Career Accelerator Award, etc.). Some mechanisms require collaboration (i.e., Team Science Award, Synergistic Idea Award, etc.). There are also calls in which some of these mechanisms are combined in a single announcement.

Therefore, potential applicants must carefully review the eligibility requirements of each specific announcement and make sure that they are eligible to submit an application.

IMPORTANT: If you are considering submitting a Pre-application and are uncertain regarding your eligibility – please contact the RGP as soon as possible for further assistance.


CDMRP General Application Instructions (Version 702) are available here and must be consulted:

In addition, each specific announcement must be carefully read to understand its key elements.

Submission to CDMRP requires 3 steps: Pre-application to the Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) and can be done only after registration; Application to; and Application Verification in eBRAP.

IMPORTANT: Whereas submission of Pre-application is MANDATORY, there are two types of pre-applications depending on award mechanism: LOI or pre-proposal. If the pre-application was a pre-proposal, an invitation is required before submission of an Application to

CDMRP How to Apply webpage:

Signatures: All documents that require signatures must be signed. Both electronic and hand signatures will be accepted. Any document that is signed by hand should be scanned at a resolution of 100-150 dots per inch.


As it is a Weizmann Institute requirement that the Finance Division approve the budget before the RGP can endorse an application, it is strongly recommended that the budget be submitted for approval as early as possible. Since on occasion the budget must be modified by the researcher further to input received by the Finance Division, the RGP recommends that with the assistance of the Departmental Administrator (Minhalan), the budget be prepared and submitted for approval to the Finance Division before the scientific parts of the application are complete.


Indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.


Allowable. More information TBA.


This funding agency allows in its guidelines for the budget submitted for approval to include an explicit sum to be used to pay partially for the salary of PIs. Consequently, in the budget application to this foundation, you may request Tosefet Mehkar Aleph (i.e. a salary supplement which will be paid to you at the expense of the budget approved by the foundation in accordance to the explicit sums which appear in the approved budget for salary to the PI[s]). Please note that further to VATAT regulations, if Tosefet Mehkar Aleph is not requested on a grant from an agency whose guidelines allow for the partial reimbursement of the PI salary, you will NOT be eligible to receive Tosefet Mehkar Aleph or Bet on grants from this agency.

Note: This is to remind you that according to national agreements, all Academic Staff may supplement their salary by Tosafot Mehkar. The sum total of Tosefet Mehkar Aleph allowances may reach a 50% addition to the basic salary of an academic staff member!

A complete listing of CDMRP policy requirements is included in the General Application Instructions (Version 702). The most relevant policy requirements are as follows:


The U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) Office of Surety and Environment will identify any need for Safety and Environmental compliance review, and documents must be submitted upon request. This will usually be in instances such as use of Army-provided infectious agents or toxins, Biological Select Agents or Toxins, specific chemical agent(s), or pesticides outside of an established laboratory. Additional information is available at:


The Animal Care and Use Review Office (ACURO) reviews and approves all animal use funded by the award prior to the start of working with animals, including amendments to ongoing projects. Specific documents relating to the use of animals in the proposed research will be requested if the application is selected for funding. Although IACUC approval is not required at the time of submission PIs must submit the institutional animal use protocol and IACUC approval of that protocol after the application is selected for funding, in addition to a version of an animal use appendix titled “Research Involving Animals”. For further guidance, visit the ACURO website at:

IMPORTANT: Make sure to allow at least 3 to 4 months for regulatory review and approval processes for animal studies.

For additional information, send questions via email to ACURO at:


The Office of Human Research Office (OHRO) reviews and approves all DOD-funded research involving new and ongoing research with human anatomical substances, human subjects, human data, or human cadavers, prior to research implementation. This administrative review requirement is in addition to the local IRB or Ethics Committee (EC) review.

IMPORTANT: OHRO’s regulatory review and approval process takes up to 3 months following submission of all required and complete documents. Studies taking place in international settings may require additional time. Therefore, you should allow ample time for this review.

Additional requirements can be found in the OHRO guidance document “Information for Investigators – Human Subjects Research”, which includes the following key requirements:

  • A current Institutional Assurance of Compliance- either a DHHS Office for Human Research Protection Federalwide Assurance (FWA) or DOD Assurance.
  • Documentation confirming completion of appropriate training of personnel involved in human subject research.
  • Informed Consent Forms must include the following:
    • A statement that the DOD is providing funding for the study.
    • A statement that representatives of the DOD are authorized to review research records.
    • In the event that Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) authorization is required, the DOD must be listed as one of the parties to whom private health information may be disclosed.

For in-depth information and to access HRPO protocol submission forms, refer to the OHRO website at:

Questions regarding applicable human subjects protection regulations, policies, and guidance should be directed to HRPO at:


OHRO will review for compliance and approve all research involving the secondary use of human data, human biospecimens (hereafter referred to as data/specimens). All research involving the use of data/or specimens, not otherwise subject to institutional review, requires a determination letter stating that the project does not constitute “human subjects research” or can be considered “exempt human subjects research” from WIS’ Institutional Review Board (IRB), as well as a concurrence from the OHRO.

For additional guidance and instructions on OHRO review of DOD-funded research activities involving access, use, and analysis of data/specimens, see the guidance document “Information for Investigators – Research with Data/Specimens,” found at:


If the project involves the use of recombinant DNA, please make sure that it will be in compliance with guidance provided at Biosafety and Recombinant DNA Policy – Office of Science Policy (


There are policies regarding research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E), education, or training activities involving human cadavers or human anatomical substances obtained from cadavers (postmortem samples). These can be found at:

Such activities shall not begin before obtaining the USAMRDC Office of Research Protections (ORP) approval.

Additional requirements apply to activities involving exposure of cadavers to impacts, blasts, ballistics testing, crash testing, and other destructive forces. Award recipients must coordinate with the supporting/funding Army organization to ensure that proper approvals are obtained.

Questions regarding submission of human cadaver research for USAMRDC ORP review and approval should be directed to the ORP at:


Research Involving the Use of U.S. Food and Drug Administration-Regulated Products (i.e., drugs, devices, in vitro diagnostics), in which the focus of the study is on the safety or effectiveness of the product, requires IRB review in accordance with 21 CFR 50 and 21 CFR 56.


Clinical trials that meet the definition on the NIH database (see click on “Support Materials (including data element definitions)”) must be registered prior to enrollment of the first patient. Failure to do so may result in a civil monetary penalty and/or the withholding or recovery of grant funds as per U.S. Public Law 110-85.

PIs are required to register applicable clinical trials individually on using a Secondary Protocol ID number designation of “CDMRPeBRAP Log Number” (e.g., CDMRP-PC22####). If several protocols exist under the same application, the Secondary Protocol ID number must be designated “CDMRP-eBRAP Log Number-A, B, C, etc.” (e.g., CDMRP-PC22####-A).

PIs conducting phase 3 clinical trials shall submit results of analyses of group differences on the basis of sex/gender, race, and/or ethnicity to at the time of final report submission. If final analyses of sex/gender and race/ethnicity are not available at the time of the final technical report, a justification and plan ensuring completion and reporting of the analyses must be submitted to USAMRAA (U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity).





Dates and Synopsis of Open Program Funding Opportunities:



CDMRP Webinar Series: