List of Publications

Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. Hofstein, A., & R. Ben-Zvi, Filmed experiments as an alternate sequence for high school chemistry instruction (Letter to the Editor). School Science Review, 56, 830-831, 1975.
  2. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, D. Samuel, & R.F. Kempa. The educational effectiveness of filmed experiments in high school chemical education. Journal of Chemical Education, 53, 581-520, 1976.
  3. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, D. Samuel, & R.F. Kempa. The attitude of high school students to the use of filmed experiments. Journal of Chemical Education, 53, 575-577, 1976.
  4. Hofstein, A., R. Ben-Zvi, & D. Samuel. The measurement of interest in and attitude to laboratory work amongst Israeli high school students. Science Education, 60, 401-411, 1976.
  5. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, & D. Samuel. What do high school students think the purpose of practical work is? Studies in Education Evaluation, 2, 185-192, 1976.
  6. Hofstein, A., R. Ben-Zvi, D. Samuel, & R.F. Kempa. Factor analytic investigation of Meyer's test of interests. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 14, 63-68, 1977.
  7. Hofstein, A., R. Ben-Zvi, D. Samuel, & R.F. Kempa. Some correlates of the choice of educational streams in Israeli high school. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 14, 241-247, 1977.
  8. Hofstein A., R. Ben-Zvi, D. Samuel, & P. Tamir. Attitudes of high school students towards chemistry and physics - a comparative study. Science Education, 61, 259-268, 1977.
  9. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, A., & D. Samuel. The use of an objectives questionnaire as a method for curriculum development. Science Education, 61, 415-422, 1977.
  10. 10. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, A., D. Samuel, R.F. Kempa. Modes of instruction in high school chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 14, 433-439, 1977.
  11. Hofstein,A., R. Ben Zvi, & D. Samuel. A comparative study of cognitive preferences in chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 55, 905-907, 1978.
  12. Hofstein, A., R. Gluzman, R., R. Ben-Zvi, & D. Samuel. Classroom learning environment and students' attitude towards chemistry. Studies in Education Evaluation, 5, 231-236, 1979.
  13. Hofstein, A. Future trends in integrated science in relation to technological studies. New Trends in Integrated Science Teaching. UNESCO, Vol. V, 119-124, 1979.
  14. R. Ben-Zvi, A. Hofstein, Y. Salomon, & D. Samuel. Cognitive preference and modes of instruction in high school chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 16, 569-574, 1979.
  15. Hofstein, A., V. Mandler, R. Ben-Zvi, & D. Samuel. Teaching objectives in chemistry: teachers and students' priorities. European Journal of Science Education, 2, 61-66, 1980.
  16. Hofstein, A., R. Gluzman, R. Ben-Zvi, & D. Samuel. "A comparative study of chemistry students' perceptions of learning environment in high school and in vocational schools. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 17, 547-552, 1980.
  17. Nae, A. Hofstein, & D. Samuel. The chemical industry in the high school curriculum - a new interdisciplinary course. Journal of Chemical Education, 57, 366-368, 1980.
  18. Hofstein, R. Ben-Zvi, & W.W. Welch. Some aspects of scientific curiosity in secondary school students. Science Education, 65, 229-235, 1981.
  19. Hofstein. An expanded abstract and analysis of the paper: Pringle, R.G. and Morgan, A.G. "The effect of laboratory oriented experiences in SCIS on stability of cognitive style of teachers. Investigations in Science Education, 1982.
  20. G. Giddings, & A. Hofstein. Trends in the assessment of laboratory performance in high school science instruction. The Australian Science Teachers Journal, 26, 57-64, 1980.
  21. V.N. Lunetta, A. Hofstein, & G. Giddings. Evaluating science laboratory skills. The Science Teacher, 48, 22-25, 1981.
  22. V.N. Lunetta, & A. Hofstein. Simulations in science education. Science Education, 65, 243-252, 1982.
  23. Hofstein, A., R.E. Yager, & H.J. Walberg. Using the science classroom learning environment for improving instruction. School Science and Mathematics, 82, 343-350, 1982.
  24. Hofstein, A., & V.N. Lunetta. Laboratory work in science teaching: neglected aspects of research. Review of Educational Research, 52, 201-218, 1982. (cited: 842 times)
  25. Hofstein, A., & N. Nae. Chemical industry a link between science, society and technology. The Science Teacher, May 1981.
  26. N. Nae, A. Hofstein, & D. Samuel. The case for case studies: school chemistry and the chemical industry. Education in Chemistry, 19, 20-21, 1982.
  27. Ganiel, & A. Hofstein. Objective and continuous assessment of student performance in the physical laboratory. Science Education, 66, 581-591, 1982.
  28. R.E. Yager, A. Hofstein, & V.N. Lunetta. Science education attuned to social issues for the 80's. The Science Teacher, 48, 12-14, 1981.
  29. R. Yager, & A. Hofstein. Student views of science and science teachers in the elementary school. The Ohio Journal of Elementary Science, 13, 13-15, 1982.
  30. N. Nae, A. Hofstein, V. Mandler, & D. Samuel. Chemistry in action: How to plan a visit to a chemical industry. Journal of Chemical Education, 59, 582-582, 1982.
  31. Hofstein, A., & R. Yager. Societal Issues as Organizers for Science Education in the 80's. School Science and Mathematics, 82, 539-547, 1982.
  32. Hofstein, A., & W. Welch. The stability of attitudes towards science between junior and senior high school students. Research in Science and Technological Education, 2, 131-138, 1984.
  33. N. Nae, & A. Hofstein Students preferences for case studies. Journal of Chemical Education, 62(3), 1984.
  34. R.E. Yager, & A. Hofstein. Enlarging the boundaries of school science. Curriculum Review, September/October, 1984.
  35. Hofstein, V. & Mandler. Israeli students' concrete and formal thinking ability and their achievement in mathematics and the sciences. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 22, 141-152, 1985.
  36. Eylon, A. Hofstein, N. Maoz, & M. Rishpon. Extracurricular science courses - filling a gap in school science education. Research in Science and Technological Education, 3, 81-89, 1985.
  37. R.E. Yager, & Hofstein, A.. Features of quality curriculum for school science. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 18, 133-146, 1986.
  38. Hofstein, A., Scherz, & R.E. Yager. What students say about science teaching, science teachers and science classes in Israel and the U.S. Science Education, 70, 21-30, 1986.
  39. Hofstein A.,& R.F. Kempa. The motivating strategies in science education: Attempt at an analysis. European Journal of Science Education, 7, 221-229, 1986.
  40. Hofstein, A., & R. Lazarowitz. A comparison of the actual and preferred classroom learning environment in biology and chemistry as perceived by high school students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23, 189-200, 1986.
  41. Hofstein, A., & R. Ben-Zvi. A comparison of the attitude to and interest in science in general and science learning in particular of 8th and 11th grade students in Israel. Studies in Education Evaluation (SEE), 12, 235-236, 1986.
  42. N. Orion, A. Hofstein, & E. Mazor. A field based high school geology course: Igneous and metamorphic terrenes, an Israeli experience. Geology Teaching, 11(1), 16-20, 1986.
  43. R.E. Yager, & A. Hofstein. Defining enlarged boundaries for school science. European Journal of Science Education, 7, 345-352, 1986.
  44. Hopfeld, A. Hofstein, M. Feldman, & D. Samuel. The development and implementation of a teaching unit on the immune system. European Journal of Science Education, 9, 37-42, 1987.
  45. N. Milner, R. Ben-Zvi, & A. Hofstein. Variables that affect students enrollment in science courses. Research in Science and Technological Education, 5(2), 201-208, 1987.
  46. Hofstein, A., G. Aikenhead, K. Riquarts. Discussion over S.T.S. at the 4th IOSTE Symposium. International Journal of Science Education, 10, 357-366. 1989.
  47. Hofstein, A., Maoz, N, & M. Rishpon, . Attitudes towards school science: comparison of participants in extracurricular science activities. School Science and Mathematics, 90, 13-22, 1990.
  48. Hofstein A. Solving problems of introducing industrial themes in chemistry. The Australian Science Teacher Journal. 36, 85-86, 1990.
  49. Hofstein, A., R. Ben-Zvi,& M. Carmeli. Classroom behavior of exemplary and non-exemplary chemistry teachers. Research in Science and Technological Education, 185-193, 1990.
  50. N. Orion, & A. Hofstein,. The measurement of students' attitudes towards scientific field trips. Science Education, 785, 513-523, 1991. (457)
  51. N. Orion & A. Hofstein . Factors influencing learning during scientific field trip in a natural environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 10, 1097-1119, 1994.
  52. Hofstein, A., & Rosenfeld, S., Bridging the gap between formal and informal science learning. Studies in Science Education, 28, 1996, 87-112.
  53. Hofstein, A., Cohen, I. & Lazarowitz, R. The learning environment of high school students in chemistry and biology laboratories. Research in Science and Technological Education 14, 103-114, 1996.
  54. M. Kesner, Hofstein, A. & Ben-Zvi, R. The development and implementation of two industrial chemistry case studies in the Israeli high school chemistry Curriculum. International Journal of Science Education, , 19(5), 565-576, 1997
  55. M. Kesner, Hofstein, A. & Ben-Zvi, R. Students and teachers perceptions of industrial chemistry case studies. International Journal of Science Education 1997, 19(6), 725-738.
  56. N. Orion, Hofstein, A., Giddings, G. & Tamir, P. Development and validation of an instrument for assessing the learning environment of outdoor Science activities. Science Education, 81, 161-171, 1997
  57. Hofstein, A., Mamlok, R. & Carmeli, M. Science teachers as curriculum developers of science and technology for all. Science Education International (ICASE), 8(1), 26-29, 1997.
  58. Hofstein, A., Bybee, R.W. & Lagro, P.L. Linking formal and informal science education through Science Education Standards. Journal of Science Education, International 8,13-37, 1998.
  59. D. Fisher, Harrison, A. Henderson, D. & Hofstein, A. Laboratory learning environment and practical tasks in senior secondary school classes. Research in Science Education, 28, 353-363, 1999.
  60. Hofstein, A., Kesner, M., & Ben-Zvi, R., Students’ perception of an industrial classroom leaning environment. Learning Environments Research. 2, 291-306, 2000.
  61. Hofstein, A., & R. Mamlok., Attaining some of the content standards by using an interdisciplinary approach. The Science Teacher, 68, (2), 46-49, 2001.
  62. Hofstein, A., Levy Nahum, T., & Shore , R Assessment of the Learning environment of inquiry-type laboratories in high school chemistry. Learning Environments Research 4, 193-207, (2001).
  63. Hofstein, A., & R. Mamlok., Attaining some of the content standards by using an interdisciplinary approach. The Science Teacher, 68, (2), 46-49, 2001.
  64. Hofstein, A., Levy Nahum, T., & Shore , R Assessment of the Learning environment of inquiry-type laboratories in high school chemistry. Learning Environments Research 4, 193-207, 2001.
  65. Hofstein, A., Carmi, M., & Ben-Zvi, R. The development of leadership among chemistry teachers in Israel. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1 (1), 39-65. 2003.
  66. Hofstein, A., & Lunetta, V.N. The laboratory in science education: Foundation for the 21st century. Science Education 88(1), 28-54. 2004. (cited 1515 times).
  67. Hofstein, A., Shore, R., & Kipnis, M.). Providing high school chemistry students with opportunities to develop learning skills in an inquiry-type laboratory- a case study. International Journal of Science Education. 26, 47-62. 2004.
  68. Hofstein, A., Shore, R., & Kipnis, M.). Providing high school chemistry students with opportunities to develop learning skills in an inquiry-type laboratory- a case study. International Journal of Science Education. 26, 47-62. 2004.
  69. Hofstein, A., Shore R., & Carmeli, M. The professional development of high school chemistry coordinators. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 15(1), 3-24. 2004.
  70. El-Khalick F., Duschl , R., Lederman, N. G., Mamlok, R., Hofstein, A., Boujaoude, S., Niaz, M., Treagust, D., & Tuan, H.). Inquiry in science education: International perspectives, Science Education, 88, 397-419. 2004.
  71. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Navon, O., Carmeli, M., & Hofstein, A. Teacher research their students’ understanding of electrical conductivity. Australian Journal of Chemical Education, 62, 13-20. 2004. (cited 222 time).
  72. Cohen, D., Ben-Zvi, R., Hofstein, A., & Rahamimof, R. On brain, medicines and drugs: A model for the “Science for All” program, The American Biology Teacher 66(1), 9-19. (2004).
  73. Levi Nahum, T., Hofstein, A., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Bar-Dov, Z, Can final examinations amplify chemistry students’ misconceptions? Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe (CERPIE). Volume 5(3), 301-325, 2004.
  74. Hofstein, A. The laboratory in chemistry education: Thirty years of experience with developments, implementation and evaluation. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe (CERP). 5(3), 2004. (219)
  75. Shwartz, Y., Ben-Zvi, R., & Hofstein A. The importance of involving high school teachers in the process of identifying and defining the operational meaning of chemical literacy. International Journal of science Education. 27(3), 323-344 2005.
  76. Hofstein, A., Navon, O., Kipnis, M., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. Developing students ability to ask more and better questions resulting from inquiry-type chemistry laboratories. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42 (7), 791-806 (2005). (269)
  77. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Ben-Zvi, R., Hofstein, A., Menis, J., & Erduran, S. Learning science through an historical approach: Does it affect attitudes of non-science-oriented students towards science. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3 (3), 485-507 (2005).
  78. Hofstein, A. Chemistry teachers' professional development for the implementation of new content and pedagogical standards. Chemical Education International (IUPAC), 6(1), 2005.
  79. Shwartz, Y., Ben-Zvi-R., & Hofstein, A. Chemical literacy: What does it mean to scientists and school teachers? Journal of Chemical Education, 83 (10), 1557-1561, 2006.
  80. Hofstein, A., & Kesner, M. Industrial chemistry and school chemistry: Making chemistry studies more relevant. International Journal of Science Education. 28 (9), 1017-1039, 2006.
  81. Shwartz, Y., Ben-Zvi, R., & Hofstein, A. The use of a scientific literacy taxonomy for assessing the development of chemical literacy among high-school students. CERP. 7 (4), 203-225, 2006.
  82. Frailich, M., Kesner, M., & Hofstein A. The Influence of Web-Based Chemistry Learning on Students' Perceptions, Attitudes, and Achievement Research in Science and Technological Education. 25 (2), 179-197, 2007.
  83. Mamlok, R., Hofstein, A., & Penick, J, E. Science teachers developing assessment tools for “Science and Technology for All” programs. Journal of Science Teachers Education 18, 427-524, 2007.
  84. Levy Nahum, T., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Kracjik, J., & Hofstein, A. Developing a New Teaching Approach for the Chemical Bonding Concept Aligned with Current Scientific and Pedagogical Knowledge. Science Education 91, 579-603, 2007.
  85. Kipnis, M., & Hofstein A. The inquiry laboratory as a source for development of metacognitive skills, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 6, 601-627, 2008.
  86. Freilich, M., Kesner, M & Hofstein, A. The Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning on the understanding of chemical bonding concepts Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46 (3), 289-310, 2010.
  87. Taitelbaum, D., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Carmeli, M., & Hofstein A. Evidence for teachers' change while participating in a continuous professional development programme and implementing the inquiry approach in the chemistry laboratory. International Journal of Science Education, 30 (5) 593-618. 2008
  88. Harrison, C., Hofstein A., Eylon, B., & Simon, S. Evidence-based professional development of science teachers in two countries. International Journal of Science Education, 30 (5) 577-592. 2008.
  89. Levy Nahum, T., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. A new Bottom-up framwork for teaching chemical bonding. Journal of Chemical Education, 85 (12), 1680-1685, 2008.
  90. Levy Nahum, T., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hofstein, A., & Taber, K., Learning and Teaching the concept of bonding. Studies ion Science Education, 46(2) 179-207, 2010.
  91. Barnea, N., Dori, J ,Y., & Hofstein, A. Development and implementation of inquiry-based and computerized laboratories: Reforming high school chemistry in Israel. CERP, 11, 218-228, (2010).
  92. Dkeidek, I., Mamalok-Naaman, R. & Hofstein, A. Effect of culture on high school students' question-asking ability resulting from an inquiry-oriented chemistry laboratory, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (I-First), (2010).
  93. Hofstein, A.,Eilks, I & Bybee, R. Societal issues and their importance for contemporary science education- A pedagogical Justification and the state-of-the art in Israel, Germany and the USA. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (on line 1st) 2011.
  94. Kind, M P., Kind, V., Hofstein, A., & Wilson, J. Peer Argumentation in the school science laboratory-Exploring effects task features, International Journal of Science Education, (I-first) 2011.
  95. Hofstein, A., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. High school students attitudes towards and interest in learning chemistry, Educacion Quimica, 22(2), 90-102, (2011).
  96. Katchevitch, D., Hofstein, A., & Mamlok-Naaman, R., Argumentation in the chemistry laboratory: Inquiry and confirmatory experiments. Research in Science Education, 43 317-345 (2013).
  97. Katchevitch, D., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hofstein, A., The characteristics of open- ended inquiry-type chemistry experiments that enable argumentative discourse. SISYPHUS Journal of Education, 2 (2) 77-99. (2013).
  98. Stuckey, Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hofstein, A., Eilks, I. The meaning of relevance in science education and its implications for the science curriculum. Studies in Science Education, 49 (1) 1-34, (2013).
  99. Mandler, D., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Blonder, R., Yayon, M., & Hofstein,. Developing and implementation of inquiry-based water quality laboratory experiments for high school students to explore real environmental issues using analytical chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 91 492-496.(2014).
  100. Mandler, D., Blonder, R., Yayon, M., Hofstein, A., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2014). Exploring the environment through analytical chemistry-oriented curricula for high school students. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(4), 492–496.
  101. Stuckey, M., Heering, P., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hofstein, A., & Eilks, I. The philosophical works of Ludwik Fleck and their potential meaning for teaching and learning science. Science & Education, 24, 281-298. (2015).
  102. Blonder, R., Rap, S., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. (2015). Questioning Behavior of Students in the Inquiry Chemistry Laboratory: Differences between Sectors and Genders in the Israeli context. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13(4), 705-732
  103. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Levy Nahum, T., & Hofstein, A. (2015). Teaching and learning the concept of chemical bonding. Educació Química: EduQ, 21, 13-19. ISSN electrònic: 2013-1720.
  104. Markic, S., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hugerat, M., Hofstein, A., Dkeidek, I., Kortam, N., & Eilks, I. (2016). One country, two cultures - A multi-perspective view on Israeli chemistry teachers` beliefs about teaching and learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 131-147.
  105. Markic, S., Eilks, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hugerat, M., Kortam, N., Dkeidek, I., & Hofstein, A. (2016). One country, two cultures—A multi-perspective view on Israeli chemistry teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 131–147.
  106. Basheer, A ., Hugerat, A., Kortam, N., and Hofstein, A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Teachers' Use of Demonstrations for Enhancing Students' Understanding of and Attitudes to Learning the Oxidation-Reduction Concept. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(3):555–570.
  107. Kortam,N., Basheer,A., Hofstein, A., and Hugerat, M. (2018). How Project-Based Learning promotes 7th grade students' motivation and attitudes towards studying biology. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 1(2), 9-17.
  108. Basheer, A , Kortam, N., Zahran, N., Hofestein, A and Hugerat, M. (2018); Misconceptions among Middle School Students Regarding the Conservation of Mass during Combustion. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(7), 3109-3122.
  109. Hugerat, M., Najami, N., Abu-Much, R., Khatib., and Hofstein, (2018). Making the Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study. Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education, 6(2): 36-45 DOI: 10.5923/j.jlce.20180602.04.
  110. Kortam, N., Basheer, A., Hofstein, A., & Hugerat, M. (2018). How Project-Based Learning promotes 7th grade students’ motivation and attitudes towards studying biology. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 1(2), 9–17.
  111. Najami, N. , Hugerat, M. , Khalil, K. and Hofstein, A. (2019) Effectiveness of Teaching Science by Drama. Creative Education, 10, 97-110. doi: 10.4236/ce.2019.101007.
  112. Hofstein, A., Dkeidek, A., Katchevitch, A., Levy Nahum, A., Kipnis, M., Navon, O., Shore, R., Taitelbaum, D., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2019). Research on and Development of Inquiry-type Chemistry Laboratories in Israel. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 59, 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/ijch.201800056
  113. Najami, N., Hugerat, M., Kabya, F. and Hofstein, A. (2020). The Laboratory as a Vehicle for Enhancing Argumentation Among Pre-Service Science Teachers. Science and Education, 29, 377–393.
  114. Asli, S., Safi, Z., Shehadeh-Nasser, A., Hofstein, A., & Hugerat, M. (2023). Learning styles of a story about sustainability: Their effect on the level of questioning of students in primary education. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 22(6), 1011-1024.
  115. Asli, S., Abu-Alhiga, R., Teti, T., Algmal, S., Hofstein, A., Shehadeh-Nasser, A., & Hugerat, M. (2024). How Participation in a Teachers' Eco-Pedagogy Workshop Affects the Promotion of Teachers’ Environmental Education and Organizational Concepts. European Journal of Educational Research, 13(1), 341-352.


Chapters in Books (English)

  1. D. Samuel, A. Hofstein. Educational Technology in the teaching of chemistry in Israel. Proceedings of the IUPAC Symposium on Chemical Education. (ed.) Madrid, Spain, 1975.
  2. Hofstein A. R. Eisenberg. Problems of implementing integrated science curricula at the second level. In: Tamir et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Bat-Sheva Seminar on Curriculum Implementation and its Relationship to Curriculum Development, Israel, 1978.
  3. D. Samuel, A. Hofstein. Chemical education in Israel 1973-1977. In: Waddington D.I. (eds.) I.U.P.A.C., 149-156, 1980.
  4. A. Hofstein, & G. Giddings. Trends in the assessment of laboratory performance in high school science instruction., Technical Report No. 20, Science Education Center. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1980 (ERIC Publication).
  5. Hofstein. Industrial chemistry; as a method to teach the link between science, society technology. in Riquarts K. (ed.). Science and Technology Education and the Quality of Life, Kiel: I.P.N., 1987.
  6. Hofstein A. Practical work and science Education (II). In: Fensham, P. (ed.) Development and Dilemmas in Science Education, London: Falmer Press, 1988.
  7. Hofstein A. The teaching of industrial chemistry - widening the scope of high school chemistry. In: Takeuchi, Y. (ed.) Widening the scope of chemistry, U.K. Blackwell Scientific publication (1987).
  8. Giddings, A. Hofstein, & V.N. Lunetta. Assessment and Evaluation in the Science Laboratory. in: Woolnough B. (ed.). Practical Science, London: Open University Press, 1990.
  9. V.N. Lunetta, A. Hofstein. Simulation and Practical Laboratory Activity. In: Woolnough B. (ed.). Practical Science, London: Open University Press, 1990.
  10. Hofstein, A. & Walberg, H. Effective Instructional Strategies in Science. In: Fraser B. and Walberg H. (Eds.) Improving Science Education. The National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook. 1995.
  11. R. Ben-Zvi, & Hofstein, A. Strategies for Remediating Learning Difficulties in Chemistry. In: Treagust, D., Duit, R. and Fraser B. (Eds.) Improving Teaching and Learning in Science and Mathematics Columbia Teachers College Press. 1996.
  12. Hofstein,A & Kesner, M. Bringing industrial chemistry into the classroom: The Israeli experience. K. Isuyama, Mapletoft M. (Eds.). Synergy: 5 case studies on Education - Industry Partnerships, York chemical Industry Center, 1996.
  13. Hofstein, A., & Even, R., Developing chemistry and Mathematics teacher-leaders in Israel. In Nisbet, C. R., Wallace, J.D., Pugalee, D.k., Miller, A. C., & DiBiase W.J. (Eds.) Developing Teacher Leaders Professional Development in Science and Mathematics. Columbus: Eric Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education. (2001).
  14. Kesner, M., Frailich, M., & Hofstein, A. Implementing the internet learning environment into the chemistry curriculum in high schools in Israel. In: Khine, M,S., & Fisher D. Technology–rich learning environments: A future perspective. (pp. 209-234), Singapore: world Scientific. (2003).
  15. Hofstein, A., Kipnis, M., & Shore, R. Inquiry in the chemistry laboratory. In A Zohar (Ed.) Teaching by the inquiry method Jerusalem: Magnes (in Hebrew), (2006).
  16. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Navon, O., Carmeli, M., & Hofstein, A.Chemistry teachers research their own work two case studies. In: K. M. Boersma, O. de Jong & H. Eijkelhof (Eds.). Research and the quality of Science Education. Germany: Springer. (2005).
  17. Hofstein, A., & Eylon B. A long-term and systemic approach to science curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. In: J. Bennet., J. Holman., R. Millar., & D. Waddington (Eds,). Making a difference: Evaluation as a tool for improving science education (pp.187-201). Munster, Germany: Waxman Verlag. (2005).
  18. Hofstein, A., Mamlok, R. & Rosenberg, O., Varying instructional methods and assessment of students in high school chemistry. In M, Mcmahon., P, Simmons., R, Sommers., D, DeBates & F, Crawley. (EdS.), Assessment in Science: Practical Experience and Education Research, NSTA/NARST, Arlington: NSTA press (2006).
  19. Hofstein, A. Improving the classroom laboratory learning environment by using teachers’ and students’ perceptions. In D. Fisher., and M, S. Kaine (Eds.), Contemporary approaches to research in learning environment worldviews (pp 75-92). Singapore: World Scientific. (2006).
  20. Kipnis, M., & Hofstein, A. Inquiring the inquiry laboratory. In R. Pintó and D. Couso. (Eds,). Contributions from Science Education Research, The Netherlands: Springer (2005).
  21. Lunetta, V, N., Hofstein, A., & Clough, M.P., (2007). Learning and Teaching in the school science laboratory: An analysis of research, theory, and practice. In S. Abell & N. Lederman (EdS), Handbook of Research in Science Education, (pp 393-342) Lawrance Elbaum.
  22. Kipnis, M., & Hofstein, A. (2007) Inquiring the inquiry laboratory in high school. In R, Pinto & D, Couso (EdS, ). Contributions from science education Research, Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
  23. Hofstein, A., & Kind , P, M. (2012). Learning in and from science laboratories, In Fraser, B., Tobin, K., & C. McRobbie, Second International Handbook of Science Education (pp. 189-209), Dordrecht, Netherland, Springer.
  24. Hofstein, A., Kipnis, M., & Abrahams, I (2013).How to learn from the chemistry laboratory. In I, Eilks & A, Hofstein (Eds.). Teaching chemistry: A study book. (pp. 153-182).
  25. Hofstein, A. (2015). The development of high-order learning skills in high school chemistry laboratory: Skills for life. In J Garcia-Martinez., & E Serrano –Toregrosa (EdS); Chemistry Education : Best practices , opportunities, and Trends. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH (pp. 517-535).
  26. Hofstein A, The Role of practical work in science education, In B Akpan & K Taber (Eds), Science Education: An International Course Companion, Sense (in press).
  27. Eilks , I., & Hofstein, A. Curriculum development in science education, In B Akpan & K, Taber (Eds), Science Education: An International Course Companion, Sense (in press).


Edited and Written Books (in English)

  1. P. Tamir, A. Blum, A. Hofstein, N. Sabar. Curriculum Implementation and its Relationship to Curriculum Development in Science. Proceedings of the Bat- Sheva Seminar in Science Education, Jerusalem, Israel Science Teaching Center, 1979.
  2. P. Tamir, A. Hofstein, M. Ben-Peretz. Pre-service and In-service Education of Science Teachers. Proceedings of the 2nd Bat-Sheva Seminar in Science Education, Rehovot, Balaban, 1983.
  3. Eilks, I. & Hofstein, A. (Eds. ). (2013). Teaching chemistry: A study book. Rotterdam: Sense publishers.
  4. Eilks, I., & Hofstein, A. (2015). Relevant chemistry education: From theory to practice. Rotterdam: Sense, Publishers.
  5. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Eilks, I., Bodner, A., & Hofstein, A. (2018). Professional Development of Chemistry Teachers. Cambridge: RSC Publications.
  6. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Eilks, I., Bodner, A., & Hofstein, A. (2018). Professional Development of Chemistry Teachers. Cambridge: RSC Publications.


Invited presentations (plenary) internationally

  1. *Hofstein. A. The teaching of industrial chemistry: Widening the scope of high-school chemistry. ICCE meeting, Tokyo Japan, (1985).
  2. *Hofstein, A. Globalization of Science Education standards. KEDI Seoul, Korea, (1997).
  3. *Hofstein, A. Instructional techniques in science education. Conference on reforms in science and math education, Evora, Prtugal (1998).
  4. *Hofstein, A. The implementation of science for all in Israel. Gordon Conference Oxford University, UK (1998).
  5. *Hofstein, A. Research on the science laboratory: From theory to practice. The 5th international conference on science, mathematics, and technology. Udon Thani, Thailand. (2008).
  6. *Hofstein, A. Teaching and learning in the chemistry laboratory. GDCP Scwabish- Gemund, Germany (2008).
  7. *Hofstein, A. Evidence-based program in six science domains. Regional NSTA meeting UMASS, USA (2008).
  8. *Hofstein, A. The implementation of science for all in Israel. Gordon Conference Oxford University, UK (1998).
  9. *Hofstein A., Learning in and from chemistry laboratories. ICCE Rome, Italy, (2012).
  10. Invited paper in the 2013 Gordon Conference Newport Rod-Island on: Learning in the science laboratory


Book Chapters

  1. Mamlok–Naaman, R., Taitelbaum, D., Carmeli, M., & Hofstein, A. (2006). A Model of Professional Development of Chemistry Teachers. In: I. Eilks and A, Hofstein (Eds.). Towards Research-based Science Teacher Education, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Chemical Education (112-123). Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany.

  2. Dass, P., Hofstein, A., Mamlok R., Dawkins, K. & Penick, J. (2008). Action research as professional development of science teachers. In: I. V. Erikson (Ed). Science Education in the 21st Century (205-240). New York: NOVA Publishers, Inc.

  3. Hofstein, A., Eylon, B., Bagno, E.. Rosenfeld, S., Schwarz, Z., Carmeli M., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (Reviewers). (2008). The Pathway to High Qaulity Science Teaching. Published by Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Editors: Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou, Ellinogermaniki Agogi Prof. Dr. Franz X. Bogner, University of Bayreuth).

  4. Hofstein, A. & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2008). Learning and Teaching in inquiry-type chemistry laboratories. In: B. Ralle and I. Eilks (Eds). Promoting Successful Science Education – The Worth of Science Education Research (47-61). Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany.

  5. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Blonder, R., & Hofstein, A. (2010). Providing chemistry teachers with contemporary scientific activities: A three-stage model. In: I. Eilks and B. Ralle (Eds). Contemporary Science Education: Implications from Science Education Research for Orientation, Strategies and Assessment (123-134). Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany.

  6. Levy Nahum, T., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. (2013). Chemical structure and bonding. In G. Tsaparlis & H. Sevian (Eds.). Concepts of Matter in Science Education (373-390). Springer publishers.

  7. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Blonder, R., Hofstein, A. (2013). Chemistry Teachers Enhance Their Knowledge in Contemporary Scientific Areas. In: Chiu, MH., Tuan, HL., Wu, HK., Lin, JW., Chou, CC. (eds) Chemistry Education and Sustainability in the Global Age. Springer, Dordrecht.

  8. Hugerat, M., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Eilks, I., Hofstein, A. (2015). Professional development of chemistry teachers for relevant chemistry education. Relevant Chemistry Education: From Theory to Practice. 369-386.

  9. Mamlok-Naaman, R., Katchevich, D., & Hofstein, A. (2016). Professional development of science high school teachers in Israel. In: MH Chiu (Ed.). Science Education Research and Practice in Asia- Challenges and Opportunities (491-516).Springer publishers.

  10. Katchevich, D., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. and Hofstein, A (2019). The development of argumentation skills in the chemistry laboratory. In: S. Erduran (Ed.). Argumentation in Chemistry Education: Research, Policy and Practice (173-196). Cambridge: RSC Publications.

  11. Hofstein, A., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2021). The Laboratory in Chemistry Learning and Teaching: 50 Years of Development, Implementation, and Research. In: A. Hofstein, A. Arcavi, B. Eylon and A. Yarden (Eds.). Long-term Research and Development in Science Education (3-28). Leiden / Boston: Brill.

  12. Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. (2021). Models of professional development for high-school chemistry teachers in Israel. In: A. Hofstein, A. Arcavi, B. Eylon and A. Yarden (Eds.). Long-term Research and Development in Science Education (264-289). Leiden / Boston: Brill.

Comment: Over the years many talks were delivered in symposia and paper sessions in meetings such as: NARST, ESERA, ICCE, and AERA.