Spotlight on Science

From Stem Cells to Synthetic Embryos

Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 13:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Noa Novershtern, Department of Molecular Genetics
Lecture location: 
Schmidt Lecture Hall
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Contact Person Phone Number

Spotlight on Science 2022-2023

Posted: 07.11.2022

The Staff Scientists Council is proud to announce the 2022-2023 schedule for the Spotlight on Science series of lectures.

This year will have lectures from:

  • Nov. 30, 2022: Dr. Enrico Segre, Physics Core Facilities
  • Dec. 28, 2022: Dr. Noa Novershtern, Department of Molecular Genetics
  • Jan. 25, 2023: Dr. Lothar Houben, Department of Chemical Research Support
  • Mar. 30, 2022: Dr. Orna Dahan, Department of Molecular Genetics
  • Apr. 19, 2023: Dr. Gabriel Rosenblum, Department of Chemical and Structural Biology
  • May 31, 2023: Dr. Inbal Biton, Department of Veterinary Resources
  • Jun. 28, 2023: Dr. Einat Zalckvar, Department of Molecular Genetics

Details on each lecture will be announced as available.

WAO: Building Up an Astronomical Observatory

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - 12:30
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Enrico Segre, Physics Core Facilities
Lecture location: 
Schmidt Lecture Hall
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number

Challenging the Rules of Symmetry: Can Non-Polar Materials Exhibit Polar Properties?

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 11:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Daivd Ehre (Department of Molecular Chemistry and Material Science)
Lecture location: 
Zoom (see poster for link)
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-4385

Playing with Fire - Pyrotechnology in the Lower Paleolithic Levant

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - 11:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr Iddo Pinkas, Department of Chemical Research Support
Lecture location: 
Schmidt Auditorium + Zoom
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-4385

Travelling The SILC Road: The Non-Coding Path to Nerve Regeneration

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 11:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Rotem Ben-Tov-Perry (Department of Biological Regulation)
Lecture location: 
Zoom (see poster for link)
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-4385

Beyond Weight Watchers: The Tools of the Metabolic Phenotyping Unit

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 11:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Yael Kuperman (Department of Veterinary Resources)
Lecture location: 
Zoom (see poster for link)
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-4385

When water phobia brings order, new nanostructures rise and serve

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - 12:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Haim Weissman, Department of Organic Chemistry
Lecture location: 
Botnar Auditorium, Belfer Building
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-3256

The Surface and the Essence: Quantum Materials under the Microscope

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 12:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Nurit Avraham, Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Lecture location: 
Schmidt Lecture Hall
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-3256

From The Terminator and The Matrix to Westworld --- Will computers be able to develop complex systems on their own?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - 12:00
Lecture presenter: 
Dr. Assaf Marron, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Lecture location: 
Botnar Auditorium, Belfer Building
Contact Person Email
Contact Person Phone Number
(08) 934-3256
