Weizmann world

Honoring Ruth and Uriel Arnon in Tel Aviv

Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Israeli Friends Association held an event at the Tel Aviv Hilton in honor of Dr. Uriel and Prof. Ruth Arnon to mark their contribution to the Arnon Campus for Science Education at the Weizmann Institute, which houses the Schwartz-Reisman Science Education Center.

The keynote speaker, Minister of Education Naftali Bennett (pictured above with the Arnons), acknowledged their generosity for youth excellence in science. Prof. Daniel Zajfman, President of the Weizmann Institute, led a recognition ceremony for the couple and spoke about the example they set as scientists contributing philanthropically to the Weizmann Institute.

Prof. Arnon thanked the audience and described her lifelong passion to science. Israel’s future relies on educating many scientists and engineers, she remarked, adding that it is essential that we encourage the study of mathematics and physics from a young age.