All events, 2009
PKMzeta and the core molecular mechanism of long-term memory storage and erasure
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
PKMzeta and the core molecular mechanism of long-term memory storage and erasure
Prof. Todd Sacktor
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
How long-term memories are stored as physical traces in the brain is a fundamental question in neuroscience. Most molecular work on LTP, a widely studied physiological model of memory, has focused on the early signaling events regulating new protein synthesis that mediates initial LTP induction. But what are the newly synthesized proteins that function in LTP maintenance, how do they sustain synaptic potentiation, and do they store long-term memory? Recent studies have identified a brain-specific, autonomously active, atypical PKC isoform, PKMzeta, that is central to the mechanism maintaining the late phase of LTP. In behavioral experiments, the persistent activity of PKMzeta maintains spatial memories in hippocampus, fear-motivated memories in amygdala, and, in work performed in the Dudai lab, elementary associative memories in neocortex. This is because 1-day to several month-old memories appear to be rapidly erased after local intracranial PKMzeta inhibition. PKMzeta, a persistently active enzyme, is thus the first identified molecular component of the long-term memory trace.
Plasticity in high level visual cortex: insights from development and fMRI-adaptation
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Plasticity in high level visual cortex: insights from development and fMRI-adaptation
Dr. Kalanit Grill-Spector
Dept of Psychology and Neurosciences Institute
Stanford University, CA
The human ventral stream consists of regions in the lateral and ventral aspects of the occipital and temporal lobes and is involved in visual recognition. One robust characteristic of selectivity in the adult human ventral stream is category selectivity. Category selectivity is manifested by both a regional preference to particular object categories, such as faces, places and bodyparts, as well as in specific (and reproducible) distributed response patterns across the ventral stream for different object categories. However, it is not well understood how these representations come about throughout development and how experience modifies these representations and how do. I will describe two sets of experiments in which we addressed these important questions. First, I will describe experiments in which we examined changes in category selectivity throughout development from middle childhood (7-11 years), through adolescence (12-16) into adulthood. Surprisingly, we find that it takes more than a decade for the development of adult-like face and place-selective regions. In contrast, the lateral occipital object-selective region showed an adult-like profile by age 7. Further, recent findings from our research indicate that face-selective regions have a particularly prolonged development as they continue develop through adolescence in correlation with improved face, but not object or scene recognition memory. Development manifests as increases in the size of face-selective regions, increases in face-selectivity as well as increases in the distinctiveness of distributed response patterns to faces compared to nonfaces. Second, I will describe experiments in adults in which we examined the effect of repetition on categorical responses in the ventral stream. Repeating objects decreases responses in the human ventral stream. Repetition in lateral ventral regions manifests as a proportional effects in which responses to repeated objects are a constant fraction of nonrepeating stimuli with no change in selectivity. In contrast in medial ventral temporal cortex, we find differential effects across time scales whereby immediate repetitions produce proportional effects, but long-lagged repetitions sharpen responses, increasing category selectivity. Finally, I will discuss the implications of these results on plasticity in the ventral stream and our theoretical models linking between fMRI measurements and the underlying neural mechanisms.
Ongoing Dynamics and Brain Connectivity: From Intracellular Recordings to Human Neurophysiology
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Ongoing Dynamics and Brain Connectivity: From Intracellular Recordings to Human Neurophysiology
Dr. Amos Arieli
Department of Neurobiology, WIS
What is the temporal precision of cortical activity? It is clear that the wide range of coding schemes occur on different time scales: Millisecond scale characterizes direct sensory events, tens to hundreds of milliseconds scale characterizes attention processes, while different states of alertness can last many seconds. It seems that there is a direct relationship between the time scale and the spatial resolution in cortical activity. The activity involved in a direct sensory process is well defined in small areas; for example an orientation column. On the other hand an attention process involves huge populations and maybe even the whole cortex.
In my talk I will try to bridge the gap between the recordings of single neurons (intracellular and extracellular recordings) and the recordings of large populations of neurons (EEG, LFP,VSD or fMRI) in order to understand the spatio-temporal organization underlying the function of cortical neuronal population and it's relation to brain connectivity.
I will relate to the following topics:
- What is the size of the neuronal population that contributes to the population activity in different cognitive states?
- What is the degree of synchronization within this population?
- What is the relationship between the population activity and the activity of single cortical neurons?
- The dynamic of coherent activity in neuronal assemblies - ongoing & evoked activity
Long-term relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling in networks of cortical neurons
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Long-term relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling in networks of cortical neurons
Dr. Noam Ziv
Dept of Physiology,
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Technion, Haifa
The human brain consists of a vast number of neurons interconnected by specialized communication devices known as synapses. It is widely believed that activity-dependent modifications to synaptic connections - synaptic plasticity - represents a fundamental mechanism for altering network function, giving rise to emergent phenomena commonly referred to as learning and memory. This belief also implies, however, that synapses, when not driven to change their properties by physiologically relevant stimuli, should retain these properties over time. Otherwise, physiologically relevant modifications would be gradually lost amidst spurious changes and spontaneous drift. We refer to the expected default tendency of synapses to hold onto their properties as "synaptic tenacity". We have begun to examine the degree to which synaptic structures are indeed tenacious. To that end we have developed unique, long-term imaging technologies that allow us to record the remodeling of individual synaptic specializations in networks of dissociated cortical neurons over many days and even weeks at temporal resolutions of 10-30 minutes, and at the same time record and manipulate the levels of activity in the same networks. These approaches have allowed us to uncover intriguing relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling. These experiments and the insights they have provided will be described.
Second Nachmansohn Memorial Symposium: Molecular Approaches to the Nervous System
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Computational Model of Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity in V1: Mechanisms Underlying Observations of Voltage Sensitive Dyes
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Computational Model of Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity in V1: Mechanisms Underlying Observations of Voltage Sensitive Dyes
Prof. David McLaughlin
Provost and Professor of Mathematics and Neuroscience
New York University
To investigate the existence and the characteristics of possible cortical operating points of the primary visual cortex, as manifested by the coherent spontaneous ongoing activity revealed by real-time optical imaging based on voltage-sensitive dyes, we studied numerically a very large-scale (_5 _ 105) conductancebased, integrate-and-fire neuronal network model of an _16-mm2 patch of 64 orientation hypercolumns, which incorporates both isotropic local couplings and lateral orientation-specific long-range connections with a slow NMDA component. A dynamic scenario of an intermittent desuppressed state (IDS) is identified in the computational model, which is a dynamic state of (i) high conductance, (ii) strong inhibition, and (iii) large fluctuations that arise from intermittent spiking events that are strongly correlated in time as well as in orientation domains, with the correlation time of the fluctuations controlled by the NMDA decay time scale. Our simulation results demonstrate that the IDS state captures numerically many aspects of experimental observation related to spontaneous ongoing activity, and the specific network mechanism of the IDS may suggest cortical mechanisms and the cortical operating point underlying observed spontaneous activity.In addition, we address the functional significance of the IDS cortical operating points by investigating our model cortex response to the Hikosaka linemotion illusion (LMI) stimulus—a cue of a quickly flashed stationary square followed a few milliseconds later by a stationary bar. As revealed by voltage-sensitive dye imaging, there is an intriguing similarity between the cortical spatiotemporal activity in response to (i) the Hikosaka LMI stimulus and (ii) a small moving square. This similarity is believed to be associated with the preattentive illusory motion perception. Our numerical cortex produces similar spatiotemporal patterns in response to the two stimuli above, which are both in very good agreement with experimental results. The essential network mechanisms underpinning the LMI phenomenon in our model are (i) the spatiotemporal structure of the LMI input as sculpted by the lateral geniculate nucleus, (ii) a priming effect of the long-range NMDA-type cortical coupling, and (iii) the NMDA conductance–voltage correlation manifested in the IDS state. This mechanism in our model cortex, in turn, suggests a physiological underpinning for the LMI-associated patterns in the visual cortex of anaesthetized cat.
Locust swarms and their immunity
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Locust swarms and their immunity
Gabriel Miller
Harvard University
Locusts are arguably the most notorious pests in history, directly affecting the livelihood of 1 in 10 people worldwide. These fascinating insects exhibit dramatic phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental fluctuation, changing from shy and cryptic 'solitarious' forms to brightly-colored and swarming 'gregarious' forms. How do these swarms form? What triggers this phenotypic switch? I will discuss how the experience of locust females influences the phenotype of her offspring, and how the 'gregarizing factor' underlying this maternal effect was isolated, purified, and partially characterized. Finally, I present field and laboratory data suggesting that swarm formation (and this gregarizing factor) affects locust immune function.
Learning in Recurrent Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Learning in Recurrent Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity
Prof. Klaus Pawelzik
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Dept of Neuro-Physics
University of Bremen, Germany
Memory contents are believed to be stored in the efficiency of synapses in recurrent networks of the
brain. In prefrontal cortex it was found that short and long term memory is accompanied with persistent spike
rates [1,2] indicating that reentrant activities in recurrent networks reflect the content of synaptically encoded
memories [3]. It is, however, not clear which mechanisms enable synapses to sequentially accumulate
information from the stream of patterned inputs which under natural conditions enter as perturbations of the
ongoing neuronal activities. For successful incremental learning only novel input should alter specific synaptic
efficacies while previous memories should be preserved as long as network capacity is not exhausted. In other
words, synaptic learning should realise a palimpsest property with erasing the oldest memories first.
Here we demonstrate that synaptic modifications which sensitively depend on /temporal changes /of pre- and
the post-synaptic neural activity can enable such incremental learning in recurrent neuronal
networks. We investigated a realistic rate based model and found that for robust incremental learning in a
setting with sequentially presented input patterns specific adaptation mechanisms of STDP are required that
go beyond the observed synaptic changes for sequences of pre- and post-synaptic spikes [4]. Our predicted
pre- and post-synaptic adaptation of synaptic changes in response to respective rate changes are
experimentally testable and --if confirmed-- would suggest that STDP provides an unsupervised learning
mechanism particularly well suited for incremental memory acquisition by circumventing the stability-plasticity
Molecular mechanisms of neuron-glia interactions: roles in development and disease
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Molecular mechanisms of neuron-glia interactions: roles in development and disease
Prof. Gabriel Corfas
F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center
Harvard Medical School
Why is visual perception multi-stable?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Why is visual perception multi-stable?
Prof. Jochen Braun
Cognitive Biology Group
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Visual experience is an extrapolation of the retinal image on the basis of prior knowledge about the visual environment. Intriguingly, this inferential process frequently fails to reach a definitive conclusion so that visual experience of a stable scene continues to fluctuate between alternative percepts. This multi-stability of visual perception has long been attributed to adaptive processes that curtail the persistence of any dominant percept. However, more and more evidence points to a fundamentally stochastic, fluctuation-driven nature of multi-stable perception.
We have discovered subtle regularities in series of perceptual alternations that allow us to quantify the relative contributions of adaptive and stochastic processes to perceptual reversals. In collaboration with Gustavo Deco, Barcelona, we have used our observations to constrain a generic attractor network model for multi-stable perception (Moreno-Bote et al., 2007). In the context of this model, our measurements imply that multi-stable perception consistently straddles the dividing line between the oscillatory (adaptation dominated) and the bistable (fluctuation-driven) regimes. In other words, visual perception seems to be maintained in a state of criticality.
Excitable networks are known to respond most sensitively and with maximal dynamic range when in a state of criticality. Accordingly, visual perception may be maintained in a critical state in order to maximize sensitivity, with multi-stability as an unavoidable side-effect. Our conclusions throw a surprising new light on many well-known observations and raise several new questions. For example, they imply the existence of hitherto unsuspected homeostatic mechanisms.
All events, 2009
PKMzeta and the core molecular mechanism of long-term memory storage and erasure
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
PKMzeta and the core molecular mechanism of long-term memory storage and erasure
Prof. Todd Sacktor
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
How long-term memories are stored as physical traces in the brain is a fundamental question in neuroscience. Most molecular work on LTP, a widely studied physiological model of memory, has focused on the early signaling events regulating new protein synthesis that mediates initial LTP induction. But what are the newly synthesized proteins that function in LTP maintenance, how do they sustain synaptic potentiation, and do they store long-term memory? Recent studies have identified a brain-specific, autonomously active, atypical PKC isoform, PKMzeta, that is central to the mechanism maintaining the late phase of LTP. In behavioral experiments, the persistent activity of PKMzeta maintains spatial memories in hippocampus, fear-motivated memories in amygdala, and, in work performed in the Dudai lab, elementary associative memories in neocortex. This is because 1-day to several month-old memories appear to be rapidly erased after local intracranial PKMzeta inhibition. PKMzeta, a persistently active enzyme, is thus the first identified molecular component of the long-term memory trace.
Plasticity in high level visual cortex: insights from development and fMRI-adaptation
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Plasticity in high level visual cortex: insights from development and fMRI-adaptation
Dr. Kalanit Grill-Spector
Dept of Psychology and Neurosciences Institute
Stanford University, CA
The human ventral stream consists of regions in the lateral and ventral aspects of the occipital and temporal lobes and is involved in visual recognition. One robust characteristic of selectivity in the adult human ventral stream is category selectivity. Category selectivity is manifested by both a regional preference to particular object categories, such as faces, places and bodyparts, as well as in specific (and reproducible) distributed response patterns across the ventral stream for different object categories. However, it is not well understood how these representations come about throughout development and how experience modifies these representations and how do. I will describe two sets of experiments in which we addressed these important questions. First, I will describe experiments in which we examined changes in category selectivity throughout development from middle childhood (7-11 years), through adolescence (12-16) into adulthood. Surprisingly, we find that it takes more than a decade for the development of adult-like face and place-selective regions. In contrast, the lateral occipital object-selective region showed an adult-like profile by age 7. Further, recent findings from our research indicate that face-selective regions have a particularly prolonged development as they continue develop through adolescence in correlation with improved face, but not object or scene recognition memory. Development manifests as increases in the size of face-selective regions, increases in face-selectivity as well as increases in the distinctiveness of distributed response patterns to faces compared to nonfaces. Second, I will describe experiments in adults in which we examined the effect of repetition on categorical responses in the ventral stream. Repeating objects decreases responses in the human ventral stream. Repetition in lateral ventral regions manifests as a proportional effects in which responses to repeated objects are a constant fraction of nonrepeating stimuli with no change in selectivity. In contrast in medial ventral temporal cortex, we find differential effects across time scales whereby immediate repetitions produce proportional effects, but long-lagged repetitions sharpen responses, increasing category selectivity. Finally, I will discuss the implications of these results on plasticity in the ventral stream and our theoretical models linking between fMRI measurements and the underlying neural mechanisms.
Ongoing Dynamics and Brain Connectivity: From Intracellular Recordings to Human Neurophysiology
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Ongoing Dynamics and Brain Connectivity: From Intracellular Recordings to Human Neurophysiology
Dr. Amos Arieli
Department of Neurobiology, WIS
What is the temporal precision of cortical activity? It is clear that the wide range of coding schemes occur on different time scales: Millisecond scale characterizes direct sensory events, tens to hundreds of milliseconds scale characterizes attention processes, while different states of alertness can last many seconds. It seems that there is a direct relationship between the time scale and the spatial resolution in cortical activity. The activity involved in a direct sensory process is well defined in small areas; for example an orientation column. On the other hand an attention process involves huge populations and maybe even the whole cortex.
In my talk I will try to bridge the gap between the recordings of single neurons (intracellular and extracellular recordings) and the recordings of large populations of neurons (EEG, LFP,VSD or fMRI) in order to understand the spatio-temporal organization underlying the function of cortical neuronal population and it's relation to brain connectivity.
I will relate to the following topics:
- What is the size of the neuronal population that contributes to the population activity in different cognitive states?
- What is the degree of synchronization within this population?
- What is the relationship between the population activity and the activity of single cortical neurons?
- The dynamic of coherent activity in neuronal assemblies - ongoing & evoked activity
Long-term relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling in networks of cortical neurons
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Long-term relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling in networks of cortical neurons
Dr. Noam Ziv
Dept of Physiology,
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
Technion, Haifa
The human brain consists of a vast number of neurons interconnected by specialized communication devices known as synapses. It is widely believed that activity-dependent modifications to synaptic connections - synaptic plasticity - represents a fundamental mechanism for altering network function, giving rise to emergent phenomena commonly referred to as learning and memory. This belief also implies, however, that synapses, when not driven to change their properties by physiologically relevant stimuli, should retain these properties over time. Otherwise, physiologically relevant modifications would be gradually lost amidst spurious changes and spontaneous drift. We refer to the expected default tendency of synapses to hold onto their properties as "synaptic tenacity". We have begun to examine the degree to which synaptic structures are indeed tenacious. To that end we have developed unique, long-term imaging technologies that allow us to record the remodeling of individual synaptic specializations in networks of dissociated cortical neurons over many days and even weeks at temporal resolutions of 10-30 minutes, and at the same time record and manipulate the levels of activity in the same networks. These approaches have allowed us to uncover intriguing relationships between network activity, synaptic tenacity and synaptic remodeling. These experiments and the insights they have provided will be described.
Computational Model of Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity in V1: Mechanisms Underlying Observations of Voltage Sensitive Dyes
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Computational Model of Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity in V1: Mechanisms Underlying Observations of Voltage Sensitive Dyes
Prof. David McLaughlin
Provost and Professor of Mathematics and Neuroscience
New York University
To investigate the existence and the characteristics of possible cortical operating points of the primary visual cortex, as manifested by the coherent spontaneous ongoing activity revealed by real-time optical imaging based on voltage-sensitive dyes, we studied numerically a very large-scale (_5 _ 105) conductancebased, integrate-and-fire neuronal network model of an _16-mm2 patch of 64 orientation hypercolumns, which incorporates both isotropic local couplings and lateral orientation-specific long-range connections with a slow NMDA component. A dynamic scenario of an intermittent desuppressed state (IDS) is identified in the computational model, which is a dynamic state of (i) high conductance, (ii) strong inhibition, and (iii) large fluctuations that arise from intermittent spiking events that are strongly correlated in time as well as in orientation domains, with the correlation time of the fluctuations controlled by the NMDA decay time scale. Our simulation results demonstrate that the IDS state captures numerically many aspects of experimental observation related to spontaneous ongoing activity, and the specific network mechanism of the IDS may suggest cortical mechanisms and the cortical operating point underlying observed spontaneous activity.In addition, we address the functional significance of the IDS cortical operating points by investigating our model cortex response to the Hikosaka linemotion illusion (LMI) stimulus—a cue of a quickly flashed stationary square followed a few milliseconds later by a stationary bar. As revealed by voltage-sensitive dye imaging, there is an intriguing similarity between the cortical spatiotemporal activity in response to (i) the Hikosaka LMI stimulus and (ii) a small moving square. This similarity is believed to be associated with the preattentive illusory motion perception. Our numerical cortex produces similar spatiotemporal patterns in response to the two stimuli above, which are both in very good agreement with experimental results. The essential network mechanisms underpinning the LMI phenomenon in our model are (i) the spatiotemporal structure of the LMI input as sculpted by the lateral geniculate nucleus, (ii) a priming effect of the long-range NMDA-type cortical coupling, and (iii) the NMDA conductance–voltage correlation manifested in the IDS state. This mechanism in our model cortex, in turn, suggests a physiological underpinning for the LMI-associated patterns in the visual cortex of anaesthetized cat.
Locust swarms and their immunity
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Locust swarms and their immunity
Gabriel Miller
Harvard University
Locusts are arguably the most notorious pests in history, directly affecting the livelihood of 1 in 10 people worldwide. These fascinating insects exhibit dramatic phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental fluctuation, changing from shy and cryptic 'solitarious' forms to brightly-colored and swarming 'gregarious' forms. How do these swarms form? What triggers this phenotypic switch? I will discuss how the experience of locust females influences the phenotype of her offspring, and how the 'gregarizing factor' underlying this maternal effect was isolated, purified, and partially characterized. Finally, I present field and laboratory data suggesting that swarm formation (and this gregarizing factor) affects locust immune function.
Learning in Recurrent Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Learning in Recurrent Networks with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity
Prof. Klaus Pawelzik
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Dept of Neuro-Physics
University of Bremen, Germany
Memory contents are believed to be stored in the efficiency of synapses in recurrent networks of the
brain. In prefrontal cortex it was found that short and long term memory is accompanied with persistent spike
rates [1,2] indicating that reentrant activities in recurrent networks reflect the content of synaptically encoded
memories [3]. It is, however, not clear which mechanisms enable synapses to sequentially accumulate
information from the stream of patterned inputs which under natural conditions enter as perturbations of the
ongoing neuronal activities. For successful incremental learning only novel input should alter specific synaptic
efficacies while previous memories should be preserved as long as network capacity is not exhausted. In other
words, synaptic learning should realise a palimpsest property with erasing the oldest memories first.
Here we demonstrate that synaptic modifications which sensitively depend on /temporal changes /of pre- and
the post-synaptic neural activity can enable such incremental learning in recurrent neuronal
networks. We investigated a realistic rate based model and found that for robust incremental learning in a
setting with sequentially presented input patterns specific adaptation mechanisms of STDP are required that
go beyond the observed synaptic changes for sequences of pre- and post-synaptic spikes [4]. Our predicted
pre- and post-synaptic adaptation of synaptic changes in response to respective rate changes are
experimentally testable and --if confirmed-- would suggest that STDP provides an unsupervised learning
mechanism particularly well suited for incremental memory acquisition by circumventing the stability-plasticity
Molecular mechanisms of neuron-glia interactions: roles in development and disease
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Molecular mechanisms of neuron-glia interactions: roles in development and disease
Prof. Gabriel Corfas
F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center
Harvard Medical School
Why is visual perception multi-stable?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Why is visual perception multi-stable?
Prof. Jochen Braun
Cognitive Biology Group
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Visual experience is an extrapolation of the retinal image on the basis of prior knowledge about the visual environment. Intriguingly, this inferential process frequently fails to reach a definitive conclusion so that visual experience of a stable scene continues to fluctuate between alternative percepts. This multi-stability of visual perception has long been attributed to adaptive processes that curtail the persistence of any dominant percept. However, more and more evidence points to a fundamentally stochastic, fluctuation-driven nature of multi-stable perception.
We have discovered subtle regularities in series of perceptual alternations that allow us to quantify the relative contributions of adaptive and stochastic processes to perceptual reversals. In collaboration with Gustavo Deco, Barcelona, we have used our observations to constrain a generic attractor network model for multi-stable perception (Moreno-Bote et al., 2007). In the context of this model, our measurements imply that multi-stable perception consistently straddles the dividing line between the oscillatory (adaptation dominated) and the bistable (fluctuation-driven) regimes. In other words, visual perception seems to be maintained in a state of criticality.
Excitable networks are known to respond most sensitively and with maximal dynamic range when in a state of criticality. Accordingly, visual perception may be maintained in a critical state in order to maximize sensitivity, with multi-stability as an unavoidable side-effect. Our conclusions throw a surprising new light on many well-known observations and raise several new questions. For example, they imply the existence of hitherto unsuspected homeostatic mechanisms.
“Tomorrow is another day": A 24 h persistent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal interneuron circuits
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
“Tomorrow is another day": A 24 h persistent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal interneuron circuits
Dr. Israeli Ran
Dept of Physiology
University of Montreal, Canada
Hippocampal interneurons synchronize the activity of large neuronal ensembles during memory consolidation. Although the latter process is manifested as increases in synaptic efficacy which require new protein synthesis in pyramidal neurons, it is unknown whether such enduring plasticity occurs in interneurons. In the present talk, I will discuss a long-term potentiation (LTP) of transmission at individual interneuron excitatory synapses which persists for at least 24 h, after repetitive activation of type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors [mGluR1-mediated chemical late LTP (cL-LTPmGluR1 )]. cL-LTPmGluR1 involves pre- and postsynaptic expression mechanisms and requires both transcription and translation via phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin and MAPkinase kinase extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase signaling pathways. Moreover, cL-LTPmGluR1 involves translational control at the level of initiation as it is prevented by hippuristanol, an inhibitor of eIF4A, and facilitated in mice lacking the cap-dependent translational repressor, 4E-BP. These results reveal novel mechanisms of long-term synaptic plasticity that are transcription and translation-dependent in inhibitory interneurons, indicating that persistent synaptic modifications in interneuron circuits may contribute to hippocampal-dependent cognitive processes.
All events, 2009
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All events, 2009
Second Nachmansohn Memorial Symposium: Molecular Approaches to the Nervous System
Wednesday, November 25, 2009