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Brain-computer interfaces for basic science
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Brain-computer interfaces for basic science
Prof. Byron Yu
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Abstract: Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) translate neural activity into movements of a computer cursor or robotic limb. BCIs are known for their ability to assist paralyzed patients. A lesser known, but increasingly important, use of BCIs is their ability to further our basic scientific understanding of brain function. In particular, BCIs are providing insights into the neural mechanisms underlying sensorimotor control that are currently difficult to obtain using limb movements. In this talk, I will demonstrate how a BCI can be leveraged to study how the brain learns. Specifically, I will address why learning some tasks is easier than others, as well as how populations of neurons change their activity in concert during learning.
Brief bio: Byron Yu received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley in 2001.
He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2003 and 2007, respectively, from Stanford University. From 2007 to 2009, he was a postdoctoral fellow jointly in Electrical Engineering and Neuroscience at Stanford University and at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London. He then joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University in 2010, where he is a Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, and the Gerard G. Elia Career Development Professor. He is broadly interested in how large populations of neurons process information, from encoding sensory stimuli to driving motor actions.
His group develops and applies novel statistical algorithms and uses brain-computer interfaces to study brain function.
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
Neural representation geometry: a mesoscale approach linking learning to complex behavior
Monday, March 7, 2022
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Neural representation geometry: a mesoscale approach linking learning to complex behavior
Stefano Recanatesi
University of Washington, Seattle
I will demonstrate how neural representation geometry may hold the key to linking animal behavior and learning to circuit mechanisms. We will proceed in three steps. 1) We will start by establishing a connection between the sequential dynamics of complex behavior and geometrical properties of neural representations. 2) We will then link these geometrical properties to underlying circuit components. Specifically, we will uncover connectivity mechanisms that allow the circuit to control the geometry of its representations. 3) Finally, we will investigate how key geometrical structures emerge, de novo, through learning. To answer this, we will analyze the learning of representations in feedforward and recurrent neural networks trained to perform predictive tasks using machine learning techniques. As a result, we will show how both learning mechanisms and behavioral demands shape the geometry of neural representations.
Looking at night vision
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Looking at night vision
Prof. Shabtai Barash
Department of Brain Sciences, WIS
The architecture of the primate visual system is based on the fovea-fixation-saccade system for high-acuity vision. This talk will describe an analogous system in night vision of monkeys. Processing is based not on the fovea but on a ‘scotopic center’. Unlike the fovea, which is fixed in the retina, the scotopic center relocates over a ‘scotopic band’, according to the intensity of the ambient light and, more generally, perceptual uncertainty. The eye movements involved have sensorimotor transformations specific to night vision. The discussion will touch on the evolution of vision, including relevance for humans.
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
Effects of physical exercise and adult neurogenesis on hippocampal neural codes
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Hour: 09:00 - 10:00
Effects of physical exercise and adult neurogenesis on hippocampal neural codes
Yoav Rechavi - PhD Thesis Defense on Zoom
Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Lab
Department of Brain Sciences
ABSTRACT Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy brain, augmenting memory and cognition in both humans and animals. Previous studies have identified multiple distinct molecular and cellular factors that mediate these effects, both within the brain and systemically. However, what remains unknown is how exercise affects the neural coding mechanisms that underlie these cognitive and memory abilities. In my work I addressed this question in the context of spatial cognition, and studied how chronic voluntary exercise affects the quality and the long-term stability of hippocampal place codes. I performed longitudinal imaging of calcium activity in the hippocampal CA1 of mice as they repeatedly explored initially novel environments over weeks, and compared the place codes of mice that voluntarily ran on wheels in their home cage to those of sedentary mice. As previously reported, physical activity enhanced adult neurogenesis rates in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in the running group. I found that running increased the firing rates and the information content that place cells carry about position. In addition, I discovered a surprising relationship between physical activity and long-term neural-code stability: although running mice demonstrated an overall more stable place code than sedentary mice, their place code exhibited a higher degree of representational drift when controlling for code quality level. Using a simulated neural network, I found that the combination of both improved code quality and faster representational drift in runners, but neither of these effects alone, could recapitulate my experimental results. Overall, these results imply a role for physical activity in both improving the spatial code and accelerating representational drift in the hippocampus.
Zoom link-
Meeting ID: 935 8524 1611
Password: 243908
Theory of neural perturbome
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Theory of neural perturbome
Prof. Claudia Clopath
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London, UK
To unravel the functional properties of the brain, we need to
untangle how neurons interact with each other and coordinate in
large-scale recurrent networks. One way to address this question is
to measure the functional influence of individual neurons on each
other by perturbing them in vivo. Application of such single-neuron
perturbations in mouse visual cortex has recently revealed feature-
specific suppression between excitatory neurons, despite the presence
of highly specific excitatory connectivity, which was deemed to
underlie feature-specific amplification. Here, we studied which connectivity
profiles are consistent with these seemingly contradictory
observations, by modeling the effect of single-neuron perturbations
in large-scale neuronal networks. Our numerical simulations and
mathematical analysis revealed that, contrary to the prima facie
assumption, neither inhibition dominance nor broad inhibition
alone were sufficient to explain the experimental findings; instead,
strong and functionally specific excitatory–inhibitory connectivity
was necessary, consistent with recent findings in the primary visual
cortex of rodents. Such networks had a higher capacity to encode
and decode natural images, and this was accompanied by the emergence
of response gain nonlinearities at the population level. Our
study provides a general computational framework to investigate
how single-neuron perturbations are linked to cortical connectivity
and sensory coding and paves the road to map the perturbome of
neuronal networks in future studies.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
To be announced
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
To be announced
Alex Borst
Max Planck
Hippocampal spatial representation during dynamic natural navigation
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Hour: 10:00 - 11:15
Hippocampal spatial representation during dynamic natural navigation
Ayelet Sare l- PhD Thesis Defense
Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences, WIS
Navigation, the ability to reach a desired goal location, is a complex behavior that occurs in complex environments. It requires the animal to know its own location in the environment, but also be attentive to other things in the environment that could influence its route – such as the navigational goal or other alternative goals, landmarks and obstacles along the route, as well as other conspecifics it may encounter. Despite the complexity and richness of real-world navigation, most studies of the neural basis of navigation were done in small empty setups. During my PhD, I focused on how the hippocampus represents navigation in more naturalistic and dynamic scenarios. In my first PhD project I found a vectorial representation of spatial goals in the bat hippocampus, which could support goal-directed navigation. In my second PhD project I found that during dynamic ‘cross-overs’ between two bats, hippocampal neurons switched from representing the bat’s self-position to a conjunctive representation of position × distance to the other bat – an extremely rapid neuronal switch. Taken together, in my PhD I studied the neural basis of dynamic natural navigation by adding more naturalistic aspects of navigation – such as navigation to goals and collision-avoidance behavior – and this allowed me to reveal interesting and surprising new representations in the hippocampus.
Student Seminar on Zoom - PhD Thesis Defense by Maya Amitai
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Student Seminar on Zoom - PhD Thesis Defense by Maya Amitai
Maya Amitai, MD, PhD
Prof. Alon Chen Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences,WIS
Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common childhood psychiatric disorders. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are generally considered first-line treatment for both depression and anxiety in this age group. However, 30%–40% of all patients who receive a sufficient dose and duration of treatment fail to respond. Moreover, SSRI use is frequently associated with adverse events (AEs), including activation symptoms, manic switch and increased suicidal behavior (SBs). These are particularly relevant in pediatric populations because of concerns about the suicide threat of SSRIs, resulting in a "black-box" warning. There are currently no biomarkers that can predict treatment response or AEs. Identification of such biomarkers could help to maximize the benefit-risk ratio for the use of SSRIs and speed the matching of treatment to patient. Given the fact that depression / anxiety risk is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and that both state and trait factors will be important in treatment response prediction, a multidimensional biomarker panel covering several levels of biological information would likely be necessary.
The main objective of this research thesis is to identify biomarkers that will aid in the prediction of response and suicidal and other AEs of SSRI treatment in children and adolescents treated for depression and/or anxiety disorders. We examined the involvement of specific biomarkers (miRNA’s, DNA methylation, single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP's] and metabolites) in the response to SSRIs treatment in children and adolescents and in the differences observed between individuals exhibiting response or non-response/AEs to treatment with SSRIs.
Two hundred and sixty-six children and adolescents with depression and/or anxiety disorders were recruited and treated with fluoxetine. The overall response rate was 55%. Several targets from several biological domains (DNA methylation profile, miRNA’s and metabolites) were identifies as differentially expressed between responders and non-responders at baseline test. Pathway analysis of the predicted targets was carried out to assess their putative biological functions. Interestingly, when combining targets from the four biological domains, the targets were predicted to regulate specific biological pathways associated with immune system pathways and/or developmental pathways.
Dysregulation of complex gene networks in the developing brain is thought to underlie depression with childhood or adolescent onset. Thus, the identified molecules might play critical roles in transcriptional networks related to treatment response and AEs. These transcriptional networks are particularly relevant to the developing human brain and to neurodevelopmental disorders with childhood/adolescent onset, such as depression and anxiety disorders.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 910 9308 5114
Password : 419366
OT+ PVN neurons regulate aggression and dominance hierarchy in wild-derived female mice
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Hour: 12:00 - 13:00
OT+ PVN neurons regulate aggression and dominance hierarchy in wild-derived female mice
Itsik Sofer- Phd Thesis Defense
Prof. Tali Kimchi, Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences, WIS
Aggression and dominance hierarchy are basic social behaviors that are essential for the survival and reproductive success of most mammalian species. Typically, they are displayed whenever conspecifics have to compete for limited resources, such as food, water, territory, or access to mates. As a result, and due to sexual selection, intra-sexual competition is higher in males compared to females as fertile females are a limited resource to males. Thus, males often express a higher level of aggression and are most likely to form a dominance hierarchy in a group. Therefore, most studies of the biological basis of intra-sexual aggression and dominance hierarchy have been focused on males. However, it has long been observed that females also compete with each other and can form dominant hierarchies.
In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of OT+ PVN neurons in the aggression of wild-derived female mice by comparing them to males. Wild-derived mice were chosen for their higher levels of aggression compared to the lab mouse strains, which might have lost these behavioral traits due to artificial selection and socially restricted environment while in captivity.
To manipulate OT+ PVN neurons, we established a wild OT:Cre mouse line by backcrossing wild-derived mice with transgenic lab mice and validated that its phenotype resembles the wild-derived mice. Using these novel wild-backcrossed OT:Cre (Wild-BX) mice, we found that OT+ PVN neurons of females are activated due to agonistic interaction.
Next, we virally ablated, using Casp3, or activated, using DREADD, OT+ PVN neurons in wild-BX males and females, and performed a standard resident-intruder assay (RI) to examine territorial aggression towards same-sex adults and unfamiliar pups. We found that ablation of OT+ PVN neurons in wild-BX females reduces adult and pup-directed aggression and increases sniffing behavior. In contrast, activation of this neuronal population promotes aggressive behavior toward adults and pups and decrees sniffing behavior. In males, similar manipulations did not affect either of these aggressive or sniffing behaviors, except a weak impact on pup-directed aggression.
Moreover, by examining group behavior in a semi-natural environment, we found that ablation of OT+ PVN neurons suppresses dominant hierarchy formation in groups of wild-BX females. In contrast, activation strengthened the hierarchy and increased agonistic behavior in the group. In males, in contrast to the RI, the OT+ PVN ablation delayed the formation of the hierarchy and increased the anxiety in the group, whereas activation weakened the hierarchy and increased pro-social behavior.
These findings suggest that OT PVN neurons have a sexually-dimorphic effect in aggression and dominance hierarchy behaviors, and they emphasize the importance of investigating both sexes in ethologically-relevant animal models and social contexts, in the study of socially relevant neuromodulators.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 966 4892 0836
Password: 248477
Zoom seminar -Diversity of dopamine neurons: multi-agent reinforcement learning
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Hour: 16:00 - 17:00
Zoom seminar -Diversity of dopamine neurons: multi-agent reinforcement learning
Prof. Naoshige Uchida
Center for Brain Science
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Dopamine regulates multiple brain functions including learning, motivation and movement. Furthermore, the striatum, a major target of dopamine neurons, is parceled into multiple subregions that are associated with different types of behavior, such as Pavlovian, goal-directed, and habitual behaviors. An important question in the field is how dopamine regulates these diverse functions. It has been thought that midbrain dopamine neurons broadcast reward prediction error signals to drive reinforcement learning. However, recent studies have found more diverse dopamine signals than originally thought. How can we reconcile these results? In this talk, I will discuss our recent studies characterizing diverse dopamine signals, and how these findings can be understood in a coherent theoretical framework.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
All years
All events, All years
Neural representation geometry: a mesoscale approach linking learning to complex behavior
Monday, March 7, 2022
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Neural representation geometry: a mesoscale approach linking learning to complex behavior
Stefano Recanatesi
University of Washington, Seattle
I will demonstrate how neural representation geometry may hold the key to linking animal behavior and learning to circuit mechanisms. We will proceed in three steps. 1) We will start by establishing a connection between the sequential dynamics of complex behavior and geometrical properties of neural representations. 2) We will then link these geometrical properties to underlying circuit components. Specifically, we will uncover connectivity mechanisms that allow the circuit to control the geometry of its representations. 3) Finally, we will investigate how key geometrical structures emerge, de novo, through learning. To answer this, we will analyze the learning of representations in feedforward and recurrent neural networks trained to perform predictive tasks using machine learning techniques. As a result, we will show how both learning mechanisms and behavioral demands shape the geometry of neural representations.
Looking at night vision
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Looking at night vision
Prof. Shabtai Barash
Department of Brain Sciences, WIS
The architecture of the primate visual system is based on the fovea-fixation-saccade system for high-acuity vision. This talk will describe an analogous system in night vision of monkeys. Processing is based not on the fovea but on a ‘scotopic center’. Unlike the fovea, which is fixed in the retina, the scotopic center relocates over a ‘scotopic band’, according to the intensity of the ambient light and, more generally, perceptual uncertainty. The eye movements involved have sensorimotor transformations specific to night vision. The discussion will touch on the evolution of vision, including relevance for humans.
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
Effects of physical exercise and adult neurogenesis on hippocampal neural codes
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Hour: 09:00 - 10:00
Effects of physical exercise and adult neurogenesis on hippocampal neural codes
Yoav Rechavi - PhD Thesis Defense on Zoom
Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Lab
Department of Brain Sciences
ABSTRACT Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy brain, augmenting memory and cognition in both humans and animals. Previous studies have identified multiple distinct molecular and cellular factors that mediate these effects, both within the brain and systemically. However, what remains unknown is how exercise affects the neural coding mechanisms that underlie these cognitive and memory abilities. In my work I addressed this question in the context of spatial cognition, and studied how chronic voluntary exercise affects the quality and the long-term stability of hippocampal place codes. I performed longitudinal imaging of calcium activity in the hippocampal CA1 of mice as they repeatedly explored initially novel environments over weeks, and compared the place codes of mice that voluntarily ran on wheels in their home cage to those of sedentary mice. As previously reported, physical activity enhanced adult neurogenesis rates in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in the running group. I found that running increased the firing rates and the information content that place cells carry about position. In addition, I discovered a surprising relationship between physical activity and long-term neural-code stability: although running mice demonstrated an overall more stable place code than sedentary mice, their place code exhibited a higher degree of representational drift when controlling for code quality level. Using a simulated neural network, I found that the combination of both improved code quality and faster representational drift in runners, but neither of these effects alone, could recapitulate my experimental results. Overall, these results imply a role for physical activity in both improving the spatial code and accelerating representational drift in the hippocampus.
Zoom link-
Meeting ID: 935 8524 1611
Password: 243908
Theory of neural perturbome
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Theory of neural perturbome
Prof. Claudia Clopath
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London, UK
To unravel the functional properties of the brain, we need to
untangle how neurons interact with each other and coordinate in
large-scale recurrent networks. One way to address this question is
to measure the functional influence of individual neurons on each
other by perturbing them in vivo. Application of such single-neuron
perturbations in mouse visual cortex has recently revealed feature-
specific suppression between excitatory neurons, despite the presence
of highly specific excitatory connectivity, which was deemed to
underlie feature-specific amplification. Here, we studied which connectivity
profiles are consistent with these seemingly contradictory
observations, by modeling the effect of single-neuron perturbations
in large-scale neuronal networks. Our numerical simulations and
mathematical analysis revealed that, contrary to the prima facie
assumption, neither inhibition dominance nor broad inhibition
alone were sufficient to explain the experimental findings; instead,
strong and functionally specific excitatory–inhibitory connectivity
was necessary, consistent with recent findings in the primary visual
cortex of rodents. Such networks had a higher capacity to encode
and decode natural images, and this was accompanied by the emergence
of response gain nonlinearities at the population level. Our
study provides a general computational framework to investigate
how single-neuron perturbations are linked to cortical connectivity
and sensory coding and paves the road to map the perturbome of
neuronal networks in future studies.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
To be announced
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
To be announced
Alex Borst
Max Planck
Hippocampal spatial representation during dynamic natural navigation
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Hour: 10:00 - 11:15
Hippocampal spatial representation during dynamic natural navigation
Ayelet Sare l- PhD Thesis Defense
Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences, WIS
Navigation, the ability to reach a desired goal location, is a complex behavior that occurs in complex environments. It requires the animal to know its own location in the environment, but also be attentive to other things in the environment that could influence its route – such as the navigational goal or other alternative goals, landmarks and obstacles along the route, as well as other conspecifics it may encounter. Despite the complexity and richness of real-world navigation, most studies of the neural basis of navigation were done in small empty setups. During my PhD, I focused on how the hippocampus represents navigation in more naturalistic and dynamic scenarios. In my first PhD project I found a vectorial representation of spatial goals in the bat hippocampus, which could support goal-directed navigation. In my second PhD project I found that during dynamic ‘cross-overs’ between two bats, hippocampal neurons switched from representing the bat’s self-position to a conjunctive representation of position × distance to the other bat – an extremely rapid neuronal switch. Taken together, in my PhD I studied the neural basis of dynamic natural navigation by adding more naturalistic aspects of navigation – such as navigation to goals and collision-avoidance behavior – and this allowed me to reveal interesting and surprising new representations in the hippocampus.
Student Seminar on Zoom - PhD Thesis Defense by Maya Amitai
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Student Seminar on Zoom - PhD Thesis Defense by Maya Amitai
Maya Amitai, MD, PhD
Prof. Alon Chen Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences,WIS
Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common childhood psychiatric disorders. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are generally considered first-line treatment for both depression and anxiety in this age group. However, 30%–40% of all patients who receive a sufficient dose and duration of treatment fail to respond. Moreover, SSRI use is frequently associated with adverse events (AEs), including activation symptoms, manic switch and increased suicidal behavior (SBs). These are particularly relevant in pediatric populations because of concerns about the suicide threat of SSRIs, resulting in a "black-box" warning. There are currently no biomarkers that can predict treatment response or AEs. Identification of such biomarkers could help to maximize the benefit-risk ratio for the use of SSRIs and speed the matching of treatment to patient. Given the fact that depression / anxiety risk is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and that both state and trait factors will be important in treatment response prediction, a multidimensional biomarker panel covering several levels of biological information would likely be necessary.
The main objective of this research thesis is to identify biomarkers that will aid in the prediction of response and suicidal and other AEs of SSRI treatment in children and adolescents treated for depression and/or anxiety disorders. We examined the involvement of specific biomarkers (miRNA’s, DNA methylation, single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP's] and metabolites) in the response to SSRIs treatment in children and adolescents and in the differences observed between individuals exhibiting response or non-response/AEs to treatment with SSRIs.
Two hundred and sixty-six children and adolescents with depression and/or anxiety disorders were recruited and treated with fluoxetine. The overall response rate was 55%. Several targets from several biological domains (DNA methylation profile, miRNA’s and metabolites) were identifies as differentially expressed between responders and non-responders at baseline test. Pathway analysis of the predicted targets was carried out to assess their putative biological functions. Interestingly, when combining targets from the four biological domains, the targets were predicted to regulate specific biological pathways associated with immune system pathways and/or developmental pathways.
Dysregulation of complex gene networks in the developing brain is thought to underlie depression with childhood or adolescent onset. Thus, the identified molecules might play critical roles in transcriptional networks related to treatment response and AEs. These transcriptional networks are particularly relevant to the developing human brain and to neurodevelopmental disorders with childhood/adolescent onset, such as depression and anxiety disorders.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 910 9308 5114
Password : 419366
OT+ PVN neurons regulate aggression and dominance hierarchy in wild-derived female mice
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Hour: 12:00 - 13:00
OT+ PVN neurons regulate aggression and dominance hierarchy in wild-derived female mice
Itsik Sofer- Phd Thesis Defense
Prof. Tali Kimchi, Lab
Dept of Brain Sciences, WIS
Aggression and dominance hierarchy are basic social behaviors that are essential for the survival and reproductive success of most mammalian species. Typically, they are displayed whenever conspecifics have to compete for limited resources, such as food, water, territory, or access to mates. As a result, and due to sexual selection, intra-sexual competition is higher in males compared to females as fertile females are a limited resource to males. Thus, males often express a higher level of aggression and are most likely to form a dominance hierarchy in a group. Therefore, most studies of the biological basis of intra-sexual aggression and dominance hierarchy have been focused on males. However, it has long been observed that females also compete with each other and can form dominant hierarchies.
In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of OT+ PVN neurons in the aggression of wild-derived female mice by comparing them to males. Wild-derived mice were chosen for their higher levels of aggression compared to the lab mouse strains, which might have lost these behavioral traits due to artificial selection and socially restricted environment while in captivity.
To manipulate OT+ PVN neurons, we established a wild OT:Cre mouse line by backcrossing wild-derived mice with transgenic lab mice and validated that its phenotype resembles the wild-derived mice. Using these novel wild-backcrossed OT:Cre (Wild-BX) mice, we found that OT+ PVN neurons of females are activated due to agonistic interaction.
Next, we virally ablated, using Casp3, or activated, using DREADD, OT+ PVN neurons in wild-BX males and females, and performed a standard resident-intruder assay (RI) to examine territorial aggression towards same-sex adults and unfamiliar pups. We found that ablation of OT+ PVN neurons in wild-BX females reduces adult and pup-directed aggression and increases sniffing behavior. In contrast, activation of this neuronal population promotes aggressive behavior toward adults and pups and decrees sniffing behavior. In males, similar manipulations did not affect either of these aggressive or sniffing behaviors, except a weak impact on pup-directed aggression.
Moreover, by examining group behavior in a semi-natural environment, we found that ablation of OT+ PVN neurons suppresses dominant hierarchy formation in groups of wild-BX females. In contrast, activation strengthened the hierarchy and increased agonistic behavior in the group. In males, in contrast to the RI, the OT+ PVN ablation delayed the formation of the hierarchy and increased the anxiety in the group, whereas activation weakened the hierarchy and increased pro-social behavior.
These findings suggest that OT PVN neurons have a sexually-dimorphic effect in aggression and dominance hierarchy behaviors, and they emphasize the importance of investigating both sexes in ethologically-relevant animal models and social contexts, in the study of socially relevant neuromodulators.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 966 4892 0836
Password: 248477
Zoom seminar -Diversity of dopamine neurons: multi-agent reinforcement learning
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Hour: 16:00 - 17:00
Zoom seminar -Diversity of dopamine neurons: multi-agent reinforcement learning
Prof. Naoshige Uchida
Center for Brain Science
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Dopamine regulates multiple brain functions including learning, motivation and movement. Furthermore, the striatum, a major target of dopamine neurons, is parceled into multiple subregions that are associated with different types of behavior, such as Pavlovian, goal-directed, and habitual behaviors. An important question in the field is how dopamine regulates these diverse functions. It has been thought that midbrain dopamine neurons broadcast reward prediction error signals to drive reinforcement learning. However, recent studies have found more diverse dopamine signals than originally thought. How can we reconcile these results? In this talk, I will discuss our recent studies characterizing diverse dopamine signals, and how these findings can be understood in a coherent theoretical framework.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 954 0689 3197
Password: 750421
Circuits for decisions, attention and working memory in the primate visual system
Monday, January 10, 2022
Hour: 14:00 - 16:00
Circuits for decisions, attention and working memory in the primate visual system
Dr. Leor Katz
National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health at Bethesda, MD
Making decisions, attending to certain items, and manipulating information in working memory are fundamental behaviors that rely on specific neural circuitry. Throughout my research I have contributed to understanding such behaviors in human and in nonhuman primates but found that despite tremendous advances in the field, we still lack a mechanistic understanding of what goes wrong in conditions such as dementia or autism. My long-term research goal is to determine the circuits that support cognitive behavior, in health and disease.
In my talk, I present three key contributions I have made towards uncovering neuronal circuits for cognition in the macaque, an animal model whose neural circuitry affords unique insight into human brain function. First, I demonstrate the utility of rigorous psychophysical frameworks in determining the causal contribution of key brain regions to behavior in a perceptual decision-making task. Next, I describe how causal manipulations of brain areas involved in attentional control can be used to identify hitherto unknown areas and reveal new functional circuits in support of selective attention and object recognition. Finally, I show how computational analyses of population data reveal circuits within circuits with distinct roles in supporting working memory.
I end the talk by presenting my future research directions and approach: to leverage my experience studying how we select from external information (from sensory signals) to investigate how we select from internal information (from information stored in visual working memory). By blending theory-driven experiments with large-scale electrophysiological recording and circuit-specific causal manipulations in behaving macaques, I aim to uncover how we select relevant information from working memory, and equally important, how we fail to do so when struck by disorders of executive or memory function.
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