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A fresh old look on Vision

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Michael Herzog
Brain Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

In classic models of vision, vision proceeds in a hierarchical fashion, from low-level analysis (edges and lines) to figural processing (shapes and objects). Low-level processing determines high-level processing. Here, we show that shape processing determines basic visual processing as much as the other way around. For example, we presented a vernier stimulus and asked observers to indicate its offset direction. Performance strongly deteriorated when the vernier was surrounded by a square, in line with most models of vision. Surprisingly, performance improved when more squares were added. This improvement of performance can hardly be explained by classic models of vision, which predict a further deterioration of performance. We propose that shape interactions precede low-level processing in a recurrent fashion. Using high density EEG and trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we show how good Gestalt emerges during recurrent, unconscious processing within 420ms. The outcome of this processing, i.e., the conscious percept, determines, paradoxically, what is usually referred to as early visual processing.

The odor identity puzzle: How odor information can be shared across hemispheres if there are no cortical odor maps?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Rafi Haddad
The Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center Bar-Ilan University

Sensory input reaching the brain from bilateral and offset channels is nonetheless perceived as unified. This unity could be explained by simultaneous projections to both hemispheres, or inter-hemispheric information transfer between sensory cortical maps. Odor input, however, is not topographically organized, nor does it project bilaterally, making olfactory perceptual unity enigmatic. Here we report a circuit that interconnects mirror-symmetric isofunctional output cells between the mouse olfactory bulbs. Connected neurons respond to similar odors from ipsi- and contra-nostrils, whereas unconnected neurons do not respond to odors from the contralateral nostril. This circuit enables sharing of odor information across hemispheres in the absence of a cortical topographical organization, suggesting that olfactory glomerular maps are the equivalent of cortical sensory maps found in other senses.

Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Retinal Degeneration

Sunday, March 10, 2019
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Daniel Palanker
Dept of Ophthalmology and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory Stanford University

Retinal degenerative diseases lead to blindness due to loss of the “image capturing” photoreceptors, while neurons in the “image-processing” inner retinal layers are relatively well preserved. Information can be reintroduced into the visual system using electrical stimulation of the surviving inner retinal neurons. Some electronic retinal prosthetic systems have been already approved for clinical use, but they provide low resolution and involve very difficult implantation procedures. We developed a photovoltaic subretinal prosthesis which converts light into pulsed electric current, stimulating the nearby inner retinal neurons. Visual information is projected onto the retina from video goggles using pulsed nearinfrared (~880nm) light. This design avoids the use of bulky electronics and wiring, thereby greatly reducing the surgical complexity. Optical activation of the photovoltaic pixels allows scaling the implants to thousands of electrodes. In preclinical studies, we found that prosthetic vision with subretinal implants preserves many features of natural vision, including flicker fusion at high frequencies (>20 Hz), adaptation to static images, antagonistic center-surround organization and nonlinear summation of subunits in receptive fields, providing high spatial resolution. Results of the clinical trial with our implants (PRIMA, Pixium Vision) having 100µm pixels, as well as preclinical measurements with 75 and 55µm pixels, confirm that spatial resolution of prosthetic vision can reach the sampling density limit. For a broad acceptance of this technology by patients who lost central vision due to age-related macular degeneration, visual acuity should exceed 20/100, which requires pixels smaller than 25µm. I will describe the fundamental limitations in electro-neural interfaces and 3-dimensional configurations which should enable such a high spatial resolution. Ease of implantation of these wireless arrays, combined with high resolution opens the door to highly functional restoration of sight.

From brain organoids to animal chimera: Novel platforms for studying human brain development and disease

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Hour: 09:00 - 10:00
Wolfson Building for Biological Research
Dr. Abed A. Mansour
Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Due to the immense complexity of the human brain, the study of its development, function, and dysfunction during health and disease has proven to be challenging. The advent of patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells, and subsequently their self-organization into three-dimensional (3D) brain organoids, which mimics the complexity of the brain's architecture and function, offers an unprecedented opportunity to model human brain development and disease in new ways. However, there is still a pressing need to develop new technologies that recapitulate the long-term developmental trajectories and the complex in vivo cellular environment of the brain. To address this need, we have developed a human brain organoid-based approach to generate a chimeric human/animal brain system that facilitates long-term ana! tomical integration, differentiation, and vascularization in vivo. We also demonstrated the development of functional neuronal networks within the brain organoid and synaptic-cross interaction between the organoid axonal projections and the host brain. This approach set the stage for investigating human brain development and mental disorders in vivo, and run therapeutic studies under physiological conditions.

Computational Design Principles of Cognition

Sunday, February 24, 2019
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Wolfson Building for Biological Research
Dr. Yuval Hart
Harvard University

Driven by recent technological advancements, behavior and brain activity can now be measured at an unprecedented resolution and scale. This “big-data” revolution is akin to a similar revolution in biology. In biology, the wealth of data allowed systems-biologists to uncover the underlying design principles that are shared among biological systems. In my studies, I apply design principles from systems-biology to cognitive phenomena. In my talk I will demonstrate this approach in regard to creative search. Using a novel paradigm, I discovered that people’s search exhibits exploration and exploitation durations that were highly correlated along a line between quick-to-discover/quick-to-drop and slow-to-discover/slow-to-drop strategies. To explain this behavior, I focused on the property of scale invariance, which allows sensory systems to adapt to environmental signals spanning orders of magnitude. For example, bacteria search for nutrients, by responding to relative changes in nutrient concentration rather than absolute levels, via a sensory mechanism termed fold change detection (FCD). Scale invariance is prevalent in cognition, yet the specific mechanisms are mostly unknown. I found that an FCD model best describes creative search dynamics and further predicts robustness to variations in meaning perception, in agreement with behavioral data. These findings suggest FCD as a specific mechanism for scale invariant search, connecting sensory processes of cells and cognitive processes in human. I will end with a broader perspective and outline the benefits of the search for computational design principles of cognition.

Regulatory Mechanisms of Myeloid Cells in the Central Nervous System

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Hour: 16:00 - 17:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Hila Ben-Yehuda (PhD Thesis Defense)
Michal Schwartz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Action evaluation, planning and replay

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Nathaniel Daw
Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Dept of Psychology Princeton University

In many tasks, such as mazes or social interactions, effective decision making typically requires enumerating the expected outcomes of candidate actions over a series of subsequent events. Because of the computational complexity of such evaluation, it is believed that human and animal brains use a range of shortcuts to simplify or approximate it. I review behavioral and neural evidence that humans rationally trade off exact and approximate evaluation in such sequential decision making. This research offers a new perspective on healthy behaviors, like habits, and pathological ones, like compulsion, which are both viewed as approximate evaluations that fail to incorporate experiences relevant to a decision and instead rely on inappropriate or out-of-date evaluations. I also present new theoretical and experimental work that aims to address the positive counterpart to such neglect: which particular events are considered, in which circumstances, to support choice. This brings the reach of the framework to many new phenomena, including pre-computation for future choices, nonlocal activity in the hippocampal place system, consolidation during sleep, and a new range of disordered symptoms such as craving, hallucinations, and rumination.

Time-resolved neural activity and plasticity in behaving rodents using high field MRI

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Noam Shemesh
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal

Neuromodulation of dendritic excitability

Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Mickey London
Edmund and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The excitability of the apical tuft of layer 5 pyramidal neurons is thought to play a crucial role in behavioral performance and synaptic plasticity. We show that the excitability of the apical tuft is sensitive to adrenergic neuromodulation. Using two-photon dendritic Ca2+ imaging and in vivo whole-cell and extracellular recordings in awake mice, we show that application of the a2A-adrenoceptor agonist guanfacine increases the probability of dendritic Ca2+ events in the tuft and lowers the threshold for dendritic Ca2+ spikes. We further show that these effects are likely to be mediated by the dendritic current Ih. Modulation of Ih in a realistic compartmental model controlled both the generation and magnitude of dendritic calcium spikes in the apical tuft. These findings suggest that adrenergic neuromodulation may affect cognitive processes such as sensory integration, attention, and working memory by regulating the sensitivity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons to top-down inputs.

Synaptic tenacity: When everything changes, do things really stay the same?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Noam Ziv
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa

Activity-dependent modifications to synaptic connections – synaptic plasticity – is widely believed to represent a fundamental mechanism for altering network function. This belief also implies, however, that synapses, when not driven to change their properties by physiologically relevant stimuli, should retain these properties over time. Otherwise, physiologically relevant modifications would be gradually lost amidst spurious changes and spontaneous drift. We refer to the capacity of synapses to maintain their properties over behaviorally relevant time scales as 'synaptic tenacity'. The seminar will examine the challenges to synaptic tenacity imposed by the short lifetimes of synaptic molecules, their inherent dynamics and the logistics of replenishing remote synapses with these molecules at appropriate amounts and stoichiometries. It will then examine the effects these processes have on the (in)stability of synaptic properties , on synaptic size configurations and distributions and on the scaling of these distributions. Finally, it will compare the magnitudes of synaptic changes driven by these processes to those of changes driven by deterministic, activity-dependent synaptic plasticity processes.


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Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Retinal Degeneration

Sunday, March 10, 2019
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Daniel Palanker
Dept of Ophthalmology and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory Stanford University

Retinal degenerative diseases lead to blindness due to loss of the “image capturing” photoreceptors, while neurons in the “image-processing” inner retinal layers are relatively well preserved. Information can be reintroduced into the visual system using electrical stimulation of the surviving inner retinal neurons. Some electronic retinal prosthetic systems have been already approved for clinical use, but they provide low resolution and involve very difficult implantation procedures. We developed a photovoltaic subretinal prosthesis which converts light into pulsed electric current, stimulating the nearby inner retinal neurons. Visual information is projected onto the retina from video goggles using pulsed nearinfrared (~880nm) light. This design avoids the use of bulky electronics and wiring, thereby greatly reducing the surgical complexity. Optical activation of the photovoltaic pixels allows scaling the implants to thousands of electrodes. In preclinical studies, we found that prosthetic vision with subretinal implants preserves many features of natural vision, including flicker fusion at high frequencies (>20 Hz), adaptation to static images, antagonistic center-surround organization and nonlinear summation of subunits in receptive fields, providing high spatial resolution. Results of the clinical trial with our implants (PRIMA, Pixium Vision) having 100µm pixels, as well as preclinical measurements with 75 and 55µm pixels, confirm that spatial resolution of prosthetic vision can reach the sampling density limit. For a broad acceptance of this technology by patients who lost central vision due to age-related macular degeneration, visual acuity should exceed 20/100, which requires pixels smaller than 25µm. I will describe the fundamental limitations in electro-neural interfaces and 3-dimensional configurations which should enable such a high spatial resolution. Ease of implantation of these wireless arrays, combined with high resolution opens the door to highly functional restoration of sight.

From brain organoids to animal chimera: Novel platforms for studying human brain development and disease

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Hour: 09:00 - 10:00
Wolfson Building for Biological Research
Dr. Abed A. Mansour
Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Due to the immense complexity of the human brain, the study of its development, function, and dysfunction during health and disease has proven to be challenging. The advent of patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells, and subsequently their self-organization into three-dimensional (3D) brain organoids, which mimics the complexity of the brain's architecture and function, offers an unprecedented opportunity to model human brain development and disease in new ways. However, there is still a pressing need to develop new technologies that recapitulate the long-term developmental trajectories and the complex in vivo cellular environment of the brain. To address this need, we have developed a human brain organoid-based approach to generate a chimeric human/animal brain system that facilitates long-term ana! tomical integration, differentiation, and vascularization in vivo. We also demonstrated the development of functional neuronal networks within the brain organoid and synaptic-cross interaction between the organoid axonal projections and the host brain. This approach set the stage for investigating human brain development and mental disorders in vivo, and run therapeutic studies under physiological conditions.

Computational Design Principles of Cognition

Sunday, February 24, 2019
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Wolfson Building for Biological Research
Dr. Yuval Hart
Harvard University

Driven by recent technological advancements, behavior and brain activity can now be measured at an unprecedented resolution and scale. This “big-data” revolution is akin to a similar revolution in biology. In biology, the wealth of data allowed systems-biologists to uncover the underlying design principles that are shared among biological systems. In my studies, I apply design principles from systems-biology to cognitive phenomena. In my talk I will demonstrate this approach in regard to creative search. Using a novel paradigm, I discovered that people’s search exhibits exploration and exploitation durations that were highly correlated along a line between quick-to-discover/quick-to-drop and slow-to-discover/slow-to-drop strategies. To explain this behavior, I focused on the property of scale invariance, which allows sensory systems to adapt to environmental signals spanning orders of magnitude. For example, bacteria search for nutrients, by responding to relative changes in nutrient concentration rather than absolute levels, via a sensory mechanism termed fold change detection (FCD). Scale invariance is prevalent in cognition, yet the specific mechanisms are mostly unknown. I found that an FCD model best describes creative search dynamics and further predicts robustness to variations in meaning perception, in agreement with behavioral data. These findings suggest FCD as a specific mechanism for scale invariant search, connecting sensory processes of cells and cognitive processes in human. I will end with a broader perspective and outline the benefits of the search for computational design principles of cognition.

Regulatory Mechanisms of Myeloid Cells in the Central Nervous System

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Hour: 16:00 - 17:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Hila Ben-Yehuda (PhD Thesis Defense)
Michal Schwartz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Action evaluation, planning and replay

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Nathaniel Daw
Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Dept of Psychology Princeton University

In many tasks, such as mazes or social interactions, effective decision making typically requires enumerating the expected outcomes of candidate actions over a series of subsequent events. Because of the computational complexity of such evaluation, it is believed that human and animal brains use a range of shortcuts to simplify or approximate it. I review behavioral and neural evidence that humans rationally trade off exact and approximate evaluation in such sequential decision making. This research offers a new perspective on healthy behaviors, like habits, and pathological ones, like compulsion, which are both viewed as approximate evaluations that fail to incorporate experiences relevant to a decision and instead rely on inappropriate or out-of-date evaluations. I also present new theoretical and experimental work that aims to address the positive counterpart to such neglect: which particular events are considered, in which circumstances, to support choice. This brings the reach of the framework to many new phenomena, including pre-computation for future choices, nonlocal activity in the hippocampal place system, consolidation during sleep, and a new range of disordered symptoms such as craving, hallucinations, and rumination.

Time-resolved neural activity and plasticity in behaving rodents using high field MRI

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Noam Shemesh
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal

Neuromodulation of dendritic excitability

Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Mickey London
Edmund and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The excitability of the apical tuft of layer 5 pyramidal neurons is thought to play a crucial role in behavioral performance and synaptic plasticity. We show that the excitability of the apical tuft is sensitive to adrenergic neuromodulation. Using two-photon dendritic Ca2+ imaging and in vivo whole-cell and extracellular recordings in awake mice, we show that application of the a2A-adrenoceptor agonist guanfacine increases the probability of dendritic Ca2+ events in the tuft and lowers the threshold for dendritic Ca2+ spikes. We further show that these effects are likely to be mediated by the dendritic current Ih. Modulation of Ih in a realistic compartmental model controlled both the generation and magnitude of dendritic calcium spikes in the apical tuft. These findings suggest that adrenergic neuromodulation may affect cognitive processes such as sensory integration, attention, and working memory by regulating the sensitivity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons to top-down inputs.

Synaptic tenacity: When everything changes, do things really stay the same?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Noam Ziv
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa

Activity-dependent modifications to synaptic connections – synaptic plasticity – is widely believed to represent a fundamental mechanism for altering network function. This belief also implies, however, that synapses, when not driven to change their properties by physiologically relevant stimuli, should retain these properties over time. Otherwise, physiologically relevant modifications would be gradually lost amidst spurious changes and spontaneous drift. We refer to the capacity of synapses to maintain their properties over behaviorally relevant time scales as 'synaptic tenacity'. The seminar will examine the challenges to synaptic tenacity imposed by the short lifetimes of synaptic molecules, their inherent dynamics and the logistics of replenishing remote synapses with these molecules at appropriate amounts and stoichiometries. It will then examine the effects these processes have on the (in)stability of synaptic properties , on synaptic size configurations and distributions and on the scaling of these distributions. Finally, it will compare the magnitudes of synaptic changes driven by these processes to those of changes driven by deterministic, activity-dependent synaptic plasticity processes.

The development of the human ventral visual stream

Sunday, January 13, 2019
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Kalanit Grill-Spector
Dept of Psychology and Neurosciences Institute Stanford University, CA

A neural circuit signaling and limiting fluid intake

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Hour: 14:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Sung-Yon Kim
Dept of Chemistry, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics Seoul National University

Drinking enough water is commonly recommended for health, but drinking too much water is dangerous. Therefore, animals have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to prevent harmful overhydration: for one thing, excess intake of water rapidly makes us feel nauseated and avoid further drinking. How do neural circuits mediate this phenomenon? To shed light on this question, we first identified a genetically defined subpopulation of neurons in the parabrachial nucleus (PB) that is activated by water intake. Using fiber photometry, we show that these neurons are activated by the ingestion of fluids, but not solids, and the responses are time-locked to the onset and offset of drinking. Extensive sets of recording experiments demonstrate that the detection mechanism for fluid intake is likely mechanosensory, and the fluid intake signals originate from all parts of the upper digestive tract. By manipulating the activity of the PB neurons, we establish that these neurons are both sufficient and necessary for limiting fluid intake, possibly by recruiting the projection to the median preoptic area. Together, our results identify 1) a central circuit node that can signal and limit fluid intake, 2) the detection mechanism for fluid intake in the periphery, and 3) the neural pathways by which the fluid intake signals are transmitted to the central nervous system.


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