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Functional stability in a dynamic network – the role of inhibition

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein
Department of Neurobiology – ELSC Hebrew University of Jerusalem

According to the synaptic trace theory of memory, activity-induced changes in the pattern of synaptic connections underlie the storage of information for long periods. In this framework, the stability of memory critically depends on the stability of the underlying synaptic connections. Surprisingly however, the excitatory synaptic connections, which constitute most of the synapses in the cortex, are highly volatile in the living brain, which poses a fundamental challenge to the synaptic trace theory. We show that in the balanced cortex, patterns of neural activity are primarily determined by the inhibitory connectivity, despite the fact that most synapses and neurons are excitatory. Similarly, we show that the inhibitory network is more effective in storing memory patterns than the excitatory one. As a result, network activity is robust to ongoing volatility of excitatory synapses, as long as this volatility does not disrupt the balance between excitation and inhibition. We thus hypothesize that inhibitory connectivity, rather than excitatory, controls the maintenance and loss of information over long periods of time in the volatile cortex.

Learning and sleep-dependent dendritic spine plasticity and maintenance

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Wenbiao Gan
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, Molecular Neurobiology, Dept of Neuroscience and Physiology, New York University

Learning and sleep-dependent dendritic spine plasticity and maintenance

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Naomi Moses,Prof. Wenbiao Gan
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, Molecular Neurobiology, Dept of Neuroscience and Physiology, New York University

Cellular function given parametric variation in the Hodgkin-Huxley model

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Shimon Marom
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa

How is reliable physiological function maintained in cells despite considerable variability in the values of key parameters of multiple interacting processes that govern that function? I will describe a possible approach to the problem, through analysis of the classic Hodgkin-Huxley formulation of membrane action potential. Although the full Hodgkin-Huxley model is very sensitive to fluctuations that independently occur in its many parameters, the outcome is in fact determined by simple combinations of these parameters along two physiological dimensions: Structural and Kinetic (denoted S and K). The impacts of parametric fluctuations on the dynamics of the system — seemingly complex in the high dimensional representation of the Hodgkin-Huxley model — are tractable when examined within the S-K plane. Experimental validation of the resulting phase diagram is offered, using a bio-synthetic system.

The Inspirational Brain: Human Non-Olfactory Cognition is Phase-Locked with Sniffing

Thursday, November 22, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Ofer Perl (PhD Thesis Defense)
Noam Sobel Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Olfactory stimulus acquisition is perfectly synchronized with inhalation, which tunes neuronal ensembles for incoming information. Because olfaction is an ancient sensory system that provided a template for brain evolution, we hypothesized that this link persisted, and therefore sniffs may tune the brain for acquisition of non-olfactory information as well. To test this, we measured nasal airflow and electroencephalography during various non-olfactory cognitive tasks. We observed that participants spontaneously inhale at non-olfactory cognitive task onset, and that such inhalations shift brain functional network architecture. Concentrating on visuospatial perception, we observed that inhalation drove increased task-related brain activity in specific task-related brain regions, and resulted in improved performance accuracy in the visuospatial task. Thus, mental processes with no link to olfaction are nevertheless phase-locked with sniffing, consistent with the notion of an olfaction-based template in the evolution of human brain function.

Development of Memory Systems in the Human Brain

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Noa Ofen
Department of Psychology Institute of Gerontology and Merrill Palmer Institute for Child Development Wayne State University, Detroit

Episodic memory – the ability to encode, maintain and retrieve information – is critical for everyday functioning at all ages, yet little is known about the development of episodic memory systems and their brain substrates. In this talk, I will present data from a series of studies with which we begin to identify how brain development underlies changes in episodic memory throughout childhood and adolescence. Using structural MRI data, I will present evidence demonstrating how brain development sets limits on cognitive developmnet. I will show that individual differences in fine structural measures of the hippocampus, a region known to be critical for episodic memory, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region that shows protracted structural development, partially explain age-related improvement in episodic memory. Using functional neuroimaging methods including functional MRI (fMRI) and electrocorticography (ECoG), I will present our ongoing attempts to characterize the neural correlates of episodic memory development. Evidence from fMRI studies suggest that age differences in episodic memory functioning may primarily relate to age differneces in PFC activation and connectivity patterns. Intracranial evidence further underscores the role of the PFC in memory and reveals that spatiotemporal propagation of frontal activity supports memory formation in children. I will highlight the challenges in investigaitons of brain-behavior relations in pediatric populations and discuss how advances in methodologies provide unique opportunities for moving towards a mechanistic understanding of developmental changes.

Neurophysiology of States of Consciousness: From Mechanistic Principles to Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tools

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Naomi Moses,Prof. Jacobo Diego Sitt
MD, PhD, HDR INSERM CRN Sorbonne Universities, UPMC Univ Paris 06 ICM Research Center Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital Paris

Uncovering the neural mechanisms that allow conscious access to information is a major challenge of neuroscience. An incomplete list of still open questions include, What are the necessary brain computational properties to permit access to a stream of conscious contents? What is the relationship between conscious perception, self-awareness and multisensory processing of bodily signals? How these processes change when the brain transitions to an ‘unconscious’ state (like sleep, anaesthesia or pathological conditions)? Can we externally trigger state-of-consciousness (SOC) transitions by means of stimulation? In this presentation I will present my work focus in these relevant scientific and clinical questions. I will present our latest developments including different pre-clinical and clinical experimental models (brain-injuries and/or anesthesia), neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI or brain/body interactions) and stimulation techniques (tES, auditory/somatosensory/visual stimulation). Overall I will try to demonstrate that the integration of multimodal neural information provides critical information to characterise the state-of-consciousness in physiological and pathological conditions and might help to predict novel optimal therapeutic strategies.

Perception and retinal integration of rod and cone signals in primate

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. William Grimes

Over the course of a natural day-night cycle, mean luminance levels can span ten log units or more. Mammalian retinas effectively encode visual information over this vast range, in part by utilizing exquisitely sensitive rod photoreceptors in dim conditions and multiple color-variant cone photoreceptors in bright conditions. These visual signals, regardless of origin, must pass through a common set of retinal ganglion cells, thereby creating opportunities for signal interactions. Human perceptual experiments conducted under intermediate lighting conditions reveal constructive and destructive interactions between flickering rod and cone stimuli that are thought to originate in the retina. In support of this hypothesis, we find rod-cone flicker interference in On and Off retinal ganglion cells that project! to magnocellular visual pathways in primates. The dependence of this interference on the frequency and phase of the temporal modulation is similar to that observed in perceptual measurements. Recordings from within the retinal circuitry indicate that rod-cone signal interference reflects a linear combination of kinetically-distinct rod and cone signals upstream of the ganglion cell synaptic inputs. Ultimately, using our empirically-derived data as a foundation, we construct a mathematical model that recapitulates known rod-cone interactions and predicts retinal output in response to a broad range of time-varying rod and cone stimuli.

Transmission of Memories Across Generations

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Oded Rechavi
Dept of Neurobiology, Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University

In C.elegans nematodes small RNAs enable transmission of epigenetic responses across multiple generations. The mechanism that allows small RNA inheritance in the germline is being elucidated, and multiple factors, which are needed for this type of epigenetic inheritance per se have been identified. Different environmental conditions, including exposure to viruses, starvation, and heat stress generate heritable small RNA responses. It is still unclear whether endogenous small RNAs, similarly to exogenous small RNAs, can move between cells, and from the soma to the germline (breaching the “Weismann barrier, and allowing inheritance). We are interested in the provocative possibility that heritable small RNA responses can alter the progeny’s behavior, by altering the function of the worm’s nervous system. I the seminar I will discuss our recent findings, ideas, and theories.

Convergence of hunger and thirst in the insular cortex

Sunday, October 28, 2018
Hour: 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Yoav Livneh
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School


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Learning and sleep-dependent dendritic spine plasticity and maintenance

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Naomi Moses,Prof. Wenbiao Gan
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, Molecular Neurobiology, Dept of Neuroscience and Physiology, New York University

Cellular function given parametric variation in the Hodgkin-Huxley model

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Shimon Marom
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa

How is reliable physiological function maintained in cells despite considerable variability in the values of key parameters of multiple interacting processes that govern that function? I will describe a possible approach to the problem, through analysis of the classic Hodgkin-Huxley formulation of membrane action potential. Although the full Hodgkin-Huxley model is very sensitive to fluctuations that independently occur in its many parameters, the outcome is in fact determined by simple combinations of these parameters along two physiological dimensions: Structural and Kinetic (denoted S and K). The impacts of parametric fluctuations on the dynamics of the system — seemingly complex in the high dimensional representation of the Hodgkin-Huxley model — are tractable when examined within the S-K plane. Experimental validation of the resulting phase diagram is offered, using a bio-synthetic system.

The Inspirational Brain: Human Non-Olfactory Cognition is Phase-Locked with Sniffing

Thursday, November 22, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Ofer Perl (PhD Thesis Defense)
Noam Sobel Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Olfactory stimulus acquisition is perfectly synchronized with inhalation, which tunes neuronal ensembles for incoming information. Because olfaction is an ancient sensory system that provided a template for brain evolution, we hypothesized that this link persisted, and therefore sniffs may tune the brain for acquisition of non-olfactory information as well. To test this, we measured nasal airflow and electroencephalography during various non-olfactory cognitive tasks. We observed that participants spontaneously inhale at non-olfactory cognitive task onset, and that such inhalations shift brain functional network architecture. Concentrating on visuospatial perception, we observed that inhalation drove increased task-related brain activity in specific task-related brain regions, and resulted in improved performance accuracy in the visuospatial task. Thus, mental processes with no link to olfaction are nevertheless phase-locked with sniffing, consistent with the notion of an olfaction-based template in the evolution of human brain function.

Development of Memory Systems in the Human Brain

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Noa Ofen
Department of Psychology Institute of Gerontology and Merrill Palmer Institute for Child Development Wayne State University, Detroit

Episodic memory – the ability to encode, maintain and retrieve information – is critical for everyday functioning at all ages, yet little is known about the development of episodic memory systems and their brain substrates. In this talk, I will present data from a series of studies with which we begin to identify how brain development underlies changes in episodic memory throughout childhood and adolescence. Using structural MRI data, I will present evidence demonstrating how brain development sets limits on cognitive developmnet. I will show that individual differences in fine structural measures of the hippocampus, a region known to be critical for episodic memory, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region that shows protracted structural development, partially explain age-related improvement in episodic memory. Using functional neuroimaging methods including functional MRI (fMRI) and electrocorticography (ECoG), I will present our ongoing attempts to characterize the neural correlates of episodic memory development. Evidence from fMRI studies suggest that age differences in episodic memory functioning may primarily relate to age differneces in PFC activation and connectivity patterns. Intracranial evidence further underscores the role of the PFC in memory and reveals that spatiotemporal propagation of frontal activity supports memory formation in children. I will highlight the challenges in investigaitons of brain-behavior relations in pediatric populations and discuss how advances in methodologies provide unique opportunities for moving towards a mechanistic understanding of developmental changes.

Neurophysiology of States of Consciousness: From Mechanistic Principles to Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tools

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Naomi Moses,Prof. Jacobo Diego Sitt
MD, PhD, HDR INSERM CRN Sorbonne Universities, UPMC Univ Paris 06 ICM Research Center Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital Paris

Uncovering the neural mechanisms that allow conscious access to information is a major challenge of neuroscience. An incomplete list of still open questions include, What are the necessary brain computational properties to permit access to a stream of conscious contents? What is the relationship between conscious perception, self-awareness and multisensory processing of bodily signals? How these processes change when the brain transitions to an ‘unconscious’ state (like sleep, anaesthesia or pathological conditions)? Can we externally trigger state-of-consciousness (SOC) transitions by means of stimulation? In this presentation I will present my work focus in these relevant scientific and clinical questions. I will present our latest developments including different pre-clinical and clinical experimental models (brain-injuries and/or anesthesia), neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI or brain/body interactions) and stimulation techniques (tES, auditory/somatosensory/visual stimulation). Overall I will try to demonstrate that the integration of multimodal neural information provides critical information to characterise the state-of-consciousness in physiological and pathological conditions and might help to predict novel optimal therapeutic strategies.

Perception and retinal integration of rod and cone signals in primate

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. William Grimes

Over the course of a natural day-night cycle, mean luminance levels can span ten log units or more. Mammalian retinas effectively encode visual information over this vast range, in part by utilizing exquisitely sensitive rod photoreceptors in dim conditions and multiple color-variant cone photoreceptors in bright conditions. These visual signals, regardless of origin, must pass through a common set of retinal ganglion cells, thereby creating opportunities for signal interactions. Human perceptual experiments conducted under intermediate lighting conditions reveal constructive and destructive interactions between flickering rod and cone stimuli that are thought to originate in the retina. In support of this hypothesis, we find rod-cone flicker interference in On and Off retinal ganglion cells that project! to magnocellular visual pathways in primates. The dependence of this interference on the frequency and phase of the temporal modulation is similar to that observed in perceptual measurements. Recordings from within the retinal circuitry indicate that rod-cone signal interference reflects a linear combination of kinetically-distinct rod and cone signals upstream of the ganglion cell synaptic inputs. Ultimately, using our empirically-derived data as a foundation, we construct a mathematical model that recapitulates known rod-cone interactions and predicts retinal output in response to a broad range of time-varying rod and cone stimuli.

Transmission of Memories Across Generations

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Oded Rechavi
Dept of Neurobiology, Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University

In C.elegans nematodes small RNAs enable transmission of epigenetic responses across multiple generations. The mechanism that allows small RNA inheritance in the germline is being elucidated, and multiple factors, which are needed for this type of epigenetic inheritance per se have been identified. Different environmental conditions, including exposure to viruses, starvation, and heat stress generate heritable small RNA responses. It is still unclear whether endogenous small RNAs, similarly to exogenous small RNAs, can move between cells, and from the soma to the germline (breaching the “Weismann barrier, and allowing inheritance). We are interested in the provocative possibility that heritable small RNA responses can alter the progeny’s behavior, by altering the function of the worm’s nervous system. I the seminar I will discuss our recent findings, ideas, and theories.

Convergence of hunger and thirst in the insular cortex

Sunday, October 28, 2018
Hour: 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Yoav Livneh
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School

Hierarchical dynamics of visual inference

Thursday, October 25, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Jochen Braun
Institute of Biology Otto-von-Guericke Unversity, Magdeburg

Visual input is noisy, variable, and ambiguous. Optimal inference of physical causes is challenging even for a restricted set of causes (e.g., orientations and spatial frequencies). It is well understood (e.g., Veliz-Cuba et al., 2016) that stochastic dynamical systems can approximate optimal inference by continuously accumulating and evaluating visual evidence. I will argue that the dynamics of multi-stable perception is consistent with just such an inference mechanism. Its psychophysically observable characteristics fully constrain a hierarchical dynamics with three levels, the lowest of which may conceivably correspond to cortical columns or clusters of columns. Given suitable inputs, this hierarchical dynamics accumulates and evaluates noisy evidence to make nearly optimal categorical discriminations. Moreover, its dynamical features seem to afford functional benefits in a volatile world, such as balancing stability and sensitivity of inference. References: Cao, Pastukhov, Mattia, Braun (2016) Collective activity of many bistable assemblies reproduces characteristic dynamics of multistable perception. J. Neurosci., 36: 6957-72. Veliz-Cuba, Kilpatrick, Josic (2016) Stochastic models of evidence accumulation in changing environments. SIAM Review, 58: 264-289.

Emotional valence and implicit memory formation under anesthesia: Neural mechanisms in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Naomi Moses,Nir Samuel (PhD Thesis Defense)
Rony Paz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Background: The aim of anaesthesia is to eliminate awareness and prevent memory of the various aversive stimuli of medical procedures. Yet in a portion of cases, patients can recall events that occurred during surgery resulting in risks of adverse psychological outcomes. Fear conditioning offers a robust behavioral model to study this phenomenon, while the abundant evidence implicating the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) circuit in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of these memories offers a natural hypothesis for the neural mechanisms. Objective: We aimed to study the effect of anaesthesia on stimulus valence, acquisition and memory and to identify the correlates in the mPFC-amygdala circuit using a primate model and clinically relevant doses of anesthesia. Materials and methods: Two non-human primates acquired aversive memories by tone-odor classical conditioning under anesthesia with different doses of ketamine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA and midazolam, a GABA agonist. Both agents are in wide clinical use. We simultaneously recorded single neurons in the BLA and mPFC. Analyses focused on behavioral and neural evidence suggesting maintained valence, acquisition and retention of memory. Results: Seventy-six full sessions from two non-human primates entered analysis. We recorded 172 amygdala and 189 dACC neurons respectively. We found evidence of successful aversive conditioning under both anesthetics and in all doses. Under anesthesia, we found behavioral evidence of retention in 46% of sessions matched by a complementary response of 16.2% and 18.7% of amygdala and mPFC neurons respectively. An increased and escalating amygdala and mPFC response during acquisition predicted later retention and correlated the behavioral result. The behavioral and neural representation of aversive valence was sufficient to drive learning and affected conditioning outcome. Conclusion: Our results suggest that under anesthesia, the perception of stimuli and implicit aversive memory formation may be maintained. We show patterns in the amygdala-mPFC circuit that precede and predict this phenomenon and that may serve future monitoring strategies of anesthetized patients. The use of a primate model and therapeutic doses of common anesthetics affecting both GABA and NMDA transmission improves the possible translation of our findings.


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