All events, All years

Convergence of hunger and thirst in the insular cortex

Sunday, October 28, 2018
Hour: 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Yoav Livneh
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School

Hierarchical dynamics of visual inference

Thursday, October 25, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Jochen Braun
Institute of Biology Otto-von-Guericke Unversity, Magdeburg

Visual input is noisy, variable, and ambiguous. Optimal inference of physical causes is challenging even for a restricted set of causes (e.g., orientations and spatial frequencies). It is well understood (e.g., Veliz-Cuba et al., 2016) that stochastic dynamical systems can approximate optimal inference by continuously accumulating and evaluating visual evidence. I will argue that the dynamics of multi-stable perception is consistent with just such an inference mechanism. Its psychophysically observable characteristics fully constrain a hierarchical dynamics with three levels, the lowest of which may conceivably correspond to cortical columns or clusters of columns. Given suitable inputs, this hierarchical dynamics accumulates and evaluates noisy evidence to make nearly optimal categorical discriminations. Moreover, its dynamical features seem to afford functional benefits in a volatile world, such as balancing stability and sensitivity of inference. References: Cao, Pastukhov, Mattia, Braun (2016) Collective activity of many bistable assemblies reproduces characteristic dynamics of multistable perception. J. Neurosci., 36: 6957-72. Veliz-Cuba, Kilpatrick, Josic (2016) Stochastic models of evidence accumulation in changing environments. SIAM Review, 58: 264-289.

Emotional valence and implicit memory formation under anesthesia: Neural mechanisms in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Nir Samuel (PhD Thesis Defense)
Rony Paz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Background: The aim of anaesthesia is to eliminate awareness and prevent memory of the various aversive stimuli of medical procedures. Yet in a portion of cases, patients can recall events that occurred during surgery resulting in risks of adverse psychological outcomes. Fear conditioning offers a robust behavioral model to study this phenomenon, while the abundant evidence implicating the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) circuit in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of these memories offers a natural hypothesis for the neural mechanisms. Objective: We aimed to study the effect of anaesthesia on stimulus valence, acquisition and memory and to identify the correlates in the mPFC-amygdala circuit using a primate model and clinically relevant doses of anesthesia. Materials and methods: Two non-human primates acquired aversive memories by tone-odor classical conditioning under anesthesia with different doses of ketamine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA and midazolam, a GABA agonist. Both agents are in wide clinical use. We simultaneously recorded single neurons in the BLA and mPFC. Analyses focused on behavioral and neural evidence suggesting maintained valence, acquisition and retention of memory. Results: Seventy-six full sessions from two non-human primates entered analysis. We recorded 172 amygdala and 189 dACC neurons respectively. We found evidence of successful aversive conditioning under both anesthetics and in all doses. Under anesthesia, we found behavioral evidence of retention in 46% of sessions matched by a complementary response of 16.2% and 18.7% of amygdala and mPFC neurons respectively. An increased and escalating amygdala and mPFC response during acquisition predicted later retention and correlated the behavioral result. The behavioral and neural representation of aversive valence was sufficient to drive learning and affected conditioning outcome. Conclusion: Our results suggest that under anesthesia, the perception of stimuli and implicit aversive memory formation may be maintained. We show patterns in the amygdala-mPFC circuit that precede and predict this phenomenon and that may serve future monitoring strategies of anesthetized patients. The use of a primate model and therapeutic doses of common anesthetics affecting both GABA and NMDA transmission improves the possible translation of our findings.

Emotional valence and implicit memory formation under anesthesia: Neural mechanisms in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Naomi Moses,Nir Samuel (PhD Thesis Defense)
Rony Paz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Background: The aim of anaesthesia is to eliminate awareness and prevent memory of the various aversive stimuli of medical procedures. Yet in a portion of cases, patients can recall events that occurred during surgery resulting in risks of adverse psychological outcomes. Fear conditioning offers a robust behavioral model to study this phenomenon, while the abundant evidence implicating the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) circuit in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of these memories offers a natural hypothesis for the neural mechanisms. Objective: We aimed to study the effect of anaesthesia on stimulus valence, acquisition and memory and to identify the correlates in the mPFC-amygdala circuit using a primate model and clinically relevant doses of anesthesia. Materials and methods: Two non-human primates acquired aversive memories by tone-odor classical conditioning under anesthesia with different doses of ketamine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA and midazolam, a GABA agonist. Both agents are in wide clinical use. We simultaneously recorded single neurons in the BLA and mPFC. Analyses focused on behavioral and neural evidence suggesting maintained valence, acquisition and retention of memory. Results: Seventy-six full sessions from two non-human primates entered analysis. We recorded 172 amygdala and 189 dACC neurons respectively. We found evidence of successful aversive conditioning under both anesthetics and in all doses. Under anesthesia, we found behavioral evidence of retention in 46% of sessions matched by a complementary response of 16.2% and 18.7% of amygdala and mPFC neurons respectively. An increased and escalating amygdala and mPFC response during acquisition predicted later retention and correlated the behavioral result. The behavioral and neural representation of aversive valence was sufficient to drive learning and affected conditioning outcome. Conclusion: Our results suggest that under anesthesia, the perception of stimuli and implicit aversive memory formation may be maintained. We show patterns in the amygdala-mPFC circuit that precede and predict this phenomenon and that may serve future monitoring strategies of anesthetized patients. The use of a primate model and therapeutic doses of common anesthetics affecting both GABA and NMDA transmission improves the possible translation of our findings.

Synapsins regulate alpha-synuclein function

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Daniel Gitler
Dept of Physiology and Cell Biology/Faculty of Health Sciences and Zlotowksi Center for Neuroscience Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

The normal function of alpha-synuclein, a protein involved in Parkinson's Disease and other synucleinopathies, remains elusive. Though recent studies suggest that alpha-synuclein is a physiological attenuator of synaptic vesicle recycling, mechanisms remain unclear. Our data show that synapsin – a cytosolic protein with established roles in synaptic vesicle mobilization and clustering – is required for alpha-synuclein function. Furthermore, we show that the two proteins interact in a reversible manner in the synapse and that in the absence of synapsins, the localization of alpha-synuclein to synapses is deficient. Our data suggest a model where alpha-synuclein and synapsin cooperate in clustering SVs and attenuating recycling.

Information processing at hippocampal synapses

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Naomi Moses,Prof. J. Simon Wiegert
Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg (ZMNH) University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Synapses change their strength in response to specific activity patterns. This functional plasticity is assumed to be the brain’s primary mechanism for information storage. We combine optogenetic and chemogenetic control of synapses in rat hippocampal slice cultures with calcium and glutamate imaging of their spines and boutons. This approach enables us to perform all-optical quantal analysis of synaptic transmission, to induce long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), or both forms of plasticity in sequence, to chronically manipulate activity and to follow the fate of individual synapses for 7 days. We ask how plasticity and activity are integrated at Schaffer collateral synapses over time. Our findings suggest that activity-dependent changes in the transmission strength of individual synapses are transient, but have long-lasting consequences for synaptic lifetime.

Serotonin and Autism Therapeutics: Insights from Human Mutations and Mouse Models

Sunday, October 14, 2018
Hour: 10:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Randy Blakely
Director, Florida Atlantic University New Brain Institute, Florida

Signs of serotonergic dysfunction appeared more than 50 years ago with findings of hyperserotonemia in a subset of subjects with ASD, work replicated in multiple studies across the years, and accompanied by supportive data in human and animal studies. Owing to the early elaboration of serotonergic neurons in the mammalian CNS, and genetic evidence for male-specific linkage to ASD overlying the SERT gene locus, we screened multiplex ASD families for evidence of penetrant coding variants in the serotonin transporter, SERT, reporting these in 2005 and evidence that the most common of these, SERT Ala56, demonstrates alterations in the three core domains of the disorder when introduced into the mouse genome, in 2012. More recently, we have identified signaling pathways that lead to aberrant hyperactivity of SERT Ala56 in vitro and in vivo, leading to a novel therapeutic approach, involving manipulation of p38 MAPK. The talk will review the history of the work and next steps in understanding the serotonergic contribution to ASD features arising from other mutations and environmental perturbations.

"What is it like to be a bat?" - A pathway to the answer from the Integrated Information Theory

Sunday, October 7, 2018
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Dr. Naotsugu Tsuchiya
School of Psychological Sciences, Monash Institute of Cognitive & Clinical Neuroscience Monash University, Australia

What does it feel like to be a bat? Is conscious experience of echolocation closer to that of vision or audition? Or, echolocation is non-conscious processing and it doesn't feel anything? This famous question of bats' experience, posed by a philosopher Thomas Nagel in 1974, clarifies the difficult nature of the mind-body problem. Why a particular sense, such as vision, has to feel like vision, but not like audition, is puzzling. This is especially so given that any conscious experience is supported by neuronal activity. Activity of a single neuron appears fairly uniform across modalities, and even similar to those for non-conscious processing. Without any explanation on why a particular sense has to feel as the way it does, researchers even cannot approach the question of the bats' experience. Is there any theory that gives us a hope for such explanation? Currently, probably none, except for one. Integrated Information Theory (IIT), proposed by Tononi in 2004 has a potential to offer a plausible explanation. IIT essentially claims that any system that is composed of causally interacting mechanisms can have conscious experience. And precisely how the system feels like is determined by the way the mechanisms influence each other in a holistic way. In this talk, I will give a brief explanation of the essence of IIT and provide initial empirical partial tests of the theory, proposing a potential scientific pathway to approach bats' conscious experience. If IIT, or its improved or related versions, is validated enough, it will gain credibility to accept its prediction on rough nature of bats' experience. If we can gain a sophisticated insight as to whether bats' experience is closer to vision or audition, it is already a tremendously big step in consciousness science, which is just a first yet critical one, possibly a similar level of the breakthrough in cosmology in precisely estimating the age of the universe. References: 0) talk slide: 1) Andrew M. Haun, Masafumi Oizumi, Christopher K. Kovach, Hiroto Kawasaki, Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew A. Howard, Ralph Adolphs, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, (2017, accepted) “Conscious perception as integrated information patterns in human electrocorticography” eNeuro link 2) Tsuchiya “"What is it like to be a bat?" - a pathway to the answer from the Integrated Information Theory ” Philosophy Compass (2017) link 3) Oizumi M, Tsuchiya N, Amari S, “Unified framework for quantifying causality and integrated information in a dynamical system” (2016) PNAS link

Dynamics of social representations in the prefrontal cortex and their alterations in mouse models of autism

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dana Rubi Levy (PhD Thesis Defense)
Ofer Yizhar Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays an important role in regulating social functions in mammals, and impairments in this region have been linked with social dysfunction in psychiatric disorders. Yet little is known of how the PFC encodes social information and of how social representations may be altered in such disorders. Here, we show that neurons in the medial PFC (mPFC) of freely behaving mice preferentially respond to socially-relevant sensory cues. Population activity patterns in the mPFC differed considerably between social and nonsocial stimuli and underwent experience-dependent refinement. In Cntnap2 knockout mice, a genetic model of autism, both the categorization of sensory stimuli and the refinement of social representations were impaired. Noise levels in spontaneous population activity were higher in Cntnap2 mice, and correlated strongly with the degree to which social representations were disrupted. Our findings elucidate the encoding of social sensory cues in the mPFC, and provide an important link between altered prefrontal dynamics and autism-associated social dysfunction.

Learning probabilistic representations in randomly connected neural circuits

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Hour: 10:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Ori Maoz (PhD Thesis Defense)
Elad Schneidman Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The brain represents and reasons probabilistically about complex stimuli and motor actions using a noisy, spike-based neural code. A key building block for such neural computations, as well as the basis for supervised and unsupervised learning, is the ability to estimate the surprise or likelihood of incoming high-dimensional neural activity patterns. Despite progress in statistical modeling of neural responses and deep learning, current approaches either do not scale to large neural populations or cannot be implemented using biologically realistic mechanisms. Inspired by the sparse and random connectivity of real neuronal circuits, we present a new model for neural codes that accurately estimates the likelihood of individual spiking patterns from the joint activities of actual populations of cortical neurons. The model has a straightforward, scalable, efficiently learnable, and realistic neural implementation as either a randomly connected neural circuit or as single neuron with a random dendritic tree. In the corresponding implementation, a neuron can take advantage of random connectivity leading to it in order to autonomously learn the respond with the surprise of its input patterns based on the previous observed patterns. Importantly, it can be achieved using a local learning rule that utilizes noise intrinsic to neural circuits. Slower, structural changes in random connectivity, consistent with rewiring and pruning processes occurring on developmental time scales, can further improve the efficiency and sparseness of the resulting neural representations. Our results merge insights from neuroanatomy, machine learning, and theoretical neuroscience to suggest random sparse connectivity as a key design principle for neuronal computation.


All events, All years

Emotional valence and implicit memory formation under anesthesia: Neural mechanisms in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Nir Samuel (PhD Thesis Defense)
Rony Paz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Background: The aim of anaesthesia is to eliminate awareness and prevent memory of the various aversive stimuli of medical procedures. Yet in a portion of cases, patients can recall events that occurred during surgery resulting in risks of adverse psychological outcomes. Fear conditioning offers a robust behavioral model to study this phenomenon, while the abundant evidence implicating the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) circuit in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of these memories offers a natural hypothesis for the neural mechanisms. Objective: We aimed to study the effect of anaesthesia on stimulus valence, acquisition and memory and to identify the correlates in the mPFC-amygdala circuit using a primate model and clinically relevant doses of anesthesia. Materials and methods: Two non-human primates acquired aversive memories by tone-odor classical conditioning under anesthesia with different doses of ketamine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA and midazolam, a GABA agonist. Both agents are in wide clinical use. We simultaneously recorded single neurons in the BLA and mPFC. Analyses focused on behavioral and neural evidence suggesting maintained valence, acquisition and retention of memory. Results: Seventy-six full sessions from two non-human primates entered analysis. We recorded 172 amygdala and 189 dACC neurons respectively. We found evidence of successful aversive conditioning under both anesthetics and in all doses. Under anesthesia, we found behavioral evidence of retention in 46% of sessions matched by a complementary response of 16.2% and 18.7% of amygdala and mPFC neurons respectively. An increased and escalating amygdala and mPFC response during acquisition predicted later retention and correlated the behavioral result. The behavioral and neural representation of aversive valence was sufficient to drive learning and affected conditioning outcome. Conclusion: Our results suggest that under anesthesia, the perception of stimuli and implicit aversive memory formation may be maintained. We show patterns in the amygdala-mPFC circuit that precede and predict this phenomenon and that may serve future monitoring strategies of anesthetized patients. The use of a primate model and therapeutic doses of common anesthetics affecting both GABA and NMDA transmission improves the possible translation of our findings.

Emotional valence and implicit memory formation under anesthesia: Neural mechanisms in the amygdala and pre-frontal cortex

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Naomi Moses,Nir Samuel (PhD Thesis Defense)
Rony Paz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Background: The aim of anaesthesia is to eliminate awareness and prevent memory of the various aversive stimuli of medical procedures. Yet in a portion of cases, patients can recall events that occurred during surgery resulting in risks of adverse psychological outcomes. Fear conditioning offers a robust behavioral model to study this phenomenon, while the abundant evidence implicating the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) circuit in acquisition, consolidation and retrieval of these memories offers a natural hypothesis for the neural mechanisms. Objective: We aimed to study the effect of anaesthesia on stimulus valence, acquisition and memory and to identify the correlates in the mPFC-amygdala circuit using a primate model and clinically relevant doses of anesthesia. Materials and methods: Two non-human primates acquired aversive memories by tone-odor classical conditioning under anesthesia with different doses of ketamine, a non-competitive antagonist of NMDA and midazolam, a GABA agonist. Both agents are in wide clinical use. We simultaneously recorded single neurons in the BLA and mPFC. Analyses focused on behavioral and neural evidence suggesting maintained valence, acquisition and retention of memory. Results: Seventy-six full sessions from two non-human primates entered analysis. We recorded 172 amygdala and 189 dACC neurons respectively. We found evidence of successful aversive conditioning under both anesthetics and in all doses. Under anesthesia, we found behavioral evidence of retention in 46% of sessions matched by a complementary response of 16.2% and 18.7% of amygdala and mPFC neurons respectively. An increased and escalating amygdala and mPFC response during acquisition predicted later retention and correlated the behavioral result. The behavioral and neural representation of aversive valence was sufficient to drive learning and affected conditioning outcome. Conclusion: Our results suggest that under anesthesia, the perception of stimuli and implicit aversive memory formation may be maintained. We show patterns in the amygdala-mPFC circuit that precede and predict this phenomenon and that may serve future monitoring strategies of anesthetized patients. The use of a primate model and therapeutic doses of common anesthetics affecting both GABA and NMDA transmission improves the possible translation of our findings.

Synapsins regulate alpha-synuclein function

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Daniel Gitler
Dept of Physiology and Cell Biology/Faculty of Health Sciences and Zlotowksi Center for Neuroscience Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

The normal function of alpha-synuclein, a protein involved in Parkinson's Disease and other synucleinopathies, remains elusive. Though recent studies suggest that alpha-synuclein is a physiological attenuator of synaptic vesicle recycling, mechanisms remain unclear. Our data show that synapsin – a cytosolic protein with established roles in synaptic vesicle mobilization and clustering – is required for alpha-synuclein function. Furthermore, we show that the two proteins interact in a reversible manner in the synapse and that in the absence of synapsins, the localization of alpha-synuclein to synapses is deficient. Our data suggest a model where alpha-synuclein and synapsin cooperate in clustering SVs and attenuating recycling.

Information processing at hippocampal synapses

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Naomi Moses,Prof. J. Simon Wiegert
Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg (ZMNH) University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Synapses change their strength in response to specific activity patterns. This functional plasticity is assumed to be the brain’s primary mechanism for information storage. We combine optogenetic and chemogenetic control of synapses in rat hippocampal slice cultures with calcium and glutamate imaging of their spines and boutons. This approach enables us to perform all-optical quantal analysis of synaptic transmission, to induce long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), or both forms of plasticity in sequence, to chronically manipulate activity and to follow the fate of individual synapses for 7 days. We ask how plasticity and activity are integrated at Schaffer collateral synapses over time. Our findings suggest that activity-dependent changes in the transmission strength of individual synapses are transient, but have long-lasting consequences for synaptic lifetime.

Serotonin and Autism Therapeutics: Insights from Human Mutations and Mouse Models

Sunday, October 14, 2018
Hour: 10:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Randy Blakely
Director, Florida Atlantic University New Brain Institute, Florida

Signs of serotonergic dysfunction appeared more than 50 years ago with findings of hyperserotonemia in a subset of subjects with ASD, work replicated in multiple studies across the years, and accompanied by supportive data in human and animal studies. Owing to the early elaboration of serotonergic neurons in the mammalian CNS, and genetic evidence for male-specific linkage to ASD overlying the SERT gene locus, we screened multiplex ASD families for evidence of penetrant coding variants in the serotonin transporter, SERT, reporting these in 2005 and evidence that the most common of these, SERT Ala56, demonstrates alterations in the three core domains of the disorder when introduced into the mouse genome, in 2012. More recently, we have identified signaling pathways that lead to aberrant hyperactivity of SERT Ala56 in vitro and in vivo, leading to a novel therapeutic approach, involving manipulation of p38 MAPK. The talk will review the history of the work and next steps in understanding the serotonergic contribution to ASD features arising from other mutations and environmental perturbations.

"What is it like to be a bat?" - A pathway to the answer from the Integrated Information Theory

Sunday, October 7, 2018
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Dr. Naotsugu Tsuchiya
School of Psychological Sciences, Monash Institute of Cognitive & Clinical Neuroscience Monash University, Australia

What does it feel like to be a bat? Is conscious experience of echolocation closer to that of vision or audition? Or, echolocation is non-conscious processing and it doesn't feel anything? This famous question of bats' experience, posed by a philosopher Thomas Nagel in 1974, clarifies the difficult nature of the mind-body problem. Why a particular sense, such as vision, has to feel like vision, but not like audition, is puzzling. This is especially so given that any conscious experience is supported by neuronal activity. Activity of a single neuron appears fairly uniform across modalities, and even similar to those for non-conscious processing. Without any explanation on why a particular sense has to feel as the way it does, researchers even cannot approach the question of the bats' experience. Is there any theory that gives us a hope for such explanation? Currently, probably none, except for one. Integrated Information Theory (IIT), proposed by Tononi in 2004 has a potential to offer a plausible explanation. IIT essentially claims that any system that is composed of causally interacting mechanisms can have conscious experience. And precisely how the system feels like is determined by the way the mechanisms influence each other in a holistic way. In this talk, I will give a brief explanation of the essence of IIT and provide initial empirical partial tests of the theory, proposing a potential scientific pathway to approach bats' conscious experience. If IIT, or its improved or related versions, is validated enough, it will gain credibility to accept its prediction on rough nature of bats' experience. If we can gain a sophisticated insight as to whether bats' experience is closer to vision or audition, it is already a tremendously big step in consciousness science, which is just a first yet critical one, possibly a similar level of the breakthrough in cosmology in precisely estimating the age of the universe. References: 0) talk slide: 1) Andrew M. Haun, Masafumi Oizumi, Christopher K. Kovach, Hiroto Kawasaki, Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew A. Howard, Ralph Adolphs, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, (2017, accepted) “Conscious perception as integrated information patterns in human electrocorticography” eNeuro link 2) Tsuchiya “"What is it like to be a bat?" - a pathway to the answer from the Integrated Information Theory ” Philosophy Compass (2017) link 3) Oizumi M, Tsuchiya N, Amari S, “Unified framework for quantifying causality and integrated information in a dynamical system” (2016) PNAS link

Dynamics of social representations in the prefrontal cortex and their alterations in mouse models of autism

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dana Rubi Levy (PhD Thesis Defense)
Ofer Yizhar Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays an important role in regulating social functions in mammals, and impairments in this region have been linked with social dysfunction in psychiatric disorders. Yet little is known of how the PFC encodes social information and of how social representations may be altered in such disorders. Here, we show that neurons in the medial PFC (mPFC) of freely behaving mice preferentially respond to socially-relevant sensory cues. Population activity patterns in the mPFC differed considerably between social and nonsocial stimuli and underwent experience-dependent refinement. In Cntnap2 knockout mice, a genetic model of autism, both the categorization of sensory stimuli and the refinement of social representations were impaired. Noise levels in spontaneous population activity were higher in Cntnap2 mice, and correlated strongly with the degree to which social representations were disrupted. Our findings elucidate the encoding of social sensory cues in the mPFC, and provide an important link between altered prefrontal dynamics and autism-associated social dysfunction.

Learning probabilistic representations in randomly connected neural circuits

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Hour: 10:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Ori Maoz (PhD Thesis Defense)
Elad Schneidman Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The brain represents and reasons probabilistically about complex stimuli and motor actions using a noisy, spike-based neural code. A key building block for such neural computations, as well as the basis for supervised and unsupervised learning, is the ability to estimate the surprise or likelihood of incoming high-dimensional neural activity patterns. Despite progress in statistical modeling of neural responses and deep learning, current approaches either do not scale to large neural populations or cannot be implemented using biologically realistic mechanisms. Inspired by the sparse and random connectivity of real neuronal circuits, we present a new model for neural codes that accurately estimates the likelihood of individual spiking patterns from the joint activities of actual populations of cortical neurons. The model has a straightforward, scalable, efficiently learnable, and realistic neural implementation as either a randomly connected neural circuit or as single neuron with a random dendritic tree. In the corresponding implementation, a neuron can take advantage of random connectivity leading to it in order to autonomously learn the respond with the surprise of its input patterns based on the previous observed patterns. Importantly, it can be achieved using a local learning rule that utilizes noise intrinsic to neural circuits. Slower, structural changes in random connectivity, consistent with rewiring and pruning processes occurring on developmental time scales, can further improve the efficiency and sparseness of the resulting neural representations. Our results merge insights from neuroanatomy, machine learning, and theoretical neuroscience to suggest random sparse connectivity as a key design principle for neuronal computation.

Catecholamines in the hippocampal formation

Monday, August 13, 2018
Hour: 10:00 - 11:15
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Sima Verbitsky (PhD Thesis Defense)
Menahem Segal Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Monoaminergic (noradrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic) modulation of hippocampal activity is assumed to play a major role in neuronal plasticity, learning and memory. Understanding the locus of action of these neuromodulators at the cellular level will expand our knowledge of their nature and allow us to identify issues related to their dysfunction. In the present work I study the effects of norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) on spontaneous and evoked activity in patch-clamped neurons of hippocampal slices. Both DA and NE induced a significant decrease in the amplitude of the evoked PSCs recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurons in response to stimulation of the Schaffer collaterals, accompanied by a small decrease in the cell input resistance, and a small hyperpolarization. While decreasing the evoked PSCs, NE promoted an overall increase in spontaneous synaptic activity. Pharmacological assessment of these results indicated an α1 adrenergic receptor involvement in both the decrease of the amplitude of evoked PSCs as well as the increase in spontaneous activity. Surprisingly, the effect of NE on evoked PSCs was partially antagonized by D1 dopaminergic receptor antagonist SCH23390, which suggests that NE activates dopamine receptors. The effect of DA on evoked PSCs was blocked by α1 adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin, which suggests that DA, in turn, is activating adrenergic receptors. Noradrenergic system is highly affected by stress; in particular, the differences between NE effects in dorsal and ventral hippocampus (DH and VH, respectively) have been shown to change in stressed animals. In this work I used two types of stress protocols – Prenatal Stress (PS) and Acute Stress (AS) – to study the effect of stress on monoamine responses in slices of DH and VH. In non-stressed rats, NE effect on the evoked PSCs is larger in DH than in VH. PS and AS rats increased NE effect in VH, thus abolishing the difference between DH and VH. Pharmacological data suggests that these differences result from differential efficiencies of α1 and D1 receptors between DH and VH of both control and PS rats. Acute stress reversed the difference between PS and control rats; in the AS slices the PSC reduction was significantly different between DH and VH of PS rats, and not in control rats. I conclude that stress increases the NE modulation in VH, but not in DH, thus increasing the role of emotional processing associated with the VH.

Regulation of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier as a gateway for leukocyte trafficking in physiology and pathology

Sunday, August 12, 2018
Hour: 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Alexander Kertser (PhD Thesis Defense)
Michal Schwartz Lab, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS


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