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Olfactory information processing: timing, sequences, geometry and relevance
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Olfactory information processing: timing, sequences, geometry and relevance
Prof. Dmitry Rinberg
Dept of Neuroscience and Physiology
Neuroscience Institute NYU
A paradigm shift in GPCR recruitment and activity: GPCR Voltage Dependence Controls Neuronal Plasticity and Behavior
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
A paradigm shift in GPCR recruitment and activity: GPCR Voltage Dependence Controls Neuronal Plasticity and Behavior
Prof. Moshe Parnas
Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Tel Aviv University
: G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a paramount role in diverse brain functions. Twenty years ago, GPCR activity was shown to be regulated by membrane potential in vitro, but whether the voltage dependence of GPCRs contributes to neuronal coding and behavioral output under physiological conditions in vivo has never been demonstrated. We show in two different processes that muscarinic GPCR mediated neuromodulation in vivo is voltage dependent. First, we show that muscarinic type A receptors (mAChR-A) mediated neuronal potentiation is voltage dependent. This potentiation voltage dependency is abolished in mutant flies expressing a voltage independent receptor. Most important, muscarinic receptor voltage independence caused a strong behavioral effect of increased odor habituation. Second, we show that muscarinic type B receptors (mAChR-B) voltage dependency is required for both efficient and accurate learning and memory. Normally, to prevent non-specific olfactory learning and memory, mAChR-B activity suppress both signals that are required for plasticity. Behavior experiments demonstrate that mAChR-B knockdown impairs olfactory learning by inducing undesired changes to the valence of an odor that was not associated with the reinforcer. On the other hand, mAChR-B voltage dependence prevents mAChR-B to interfere with plasticity in neurons that are required for the learning and memory process. Indeed, generating flies with a voltage independent mAChR-B resulted in impaired learning. Thus, we provide the very first demonstrations of physiological roles for the voltage dependency of GPCRs by demonstrating crucial involvement of GPCR voltage dependence in neuronal plasticity and behavior. As such, our findings create a paradigm shift in our thinking on GPCR recruitment and activity. Together, we suggest that GPCR voltage dependency plays a role in many diverse neuronal functions including learning and memory and may serve as a target for novel drug development.
Light refreshments before the seminar.
Context-Dependent Dynamic Coordination of Head and Eye Movements During Visual Orienting
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Context-Dependent Dynamic Coordination of Head and Eye Movements During Visual Orienting
Ofer Karp-PhD Defense seminar
Dept of Brain Sciences
Advisor: Prof. Ehud Ahissar
The orienting response, described by Pavlov as the “what is it?” reflex, aims to describe an individual's reaction to unexpected stimuli in their environment. Many experimental results show that in such an event, the quickest motor response is of a saccadic eye movement, and if the head is free to move, a head-shift follows the eye to meet the event. Studying orienting in different tasks and contexts have uncovered several variations in head-eye coordination, including modulations of the number of saccades during a single orienting motion and modulations of the relative timing between head and eye movements.
In this presentation, I will present my attempt at understanding and modeling the brain-environment loops underlying the visual orienting response. For this aim I have designed and constructed a virtual reality (VR) setting that allows head and eye real-time tracking during visual tasks in different contexts. I will show that, with head-free viewing, the classic eye-leading, fast saccadic gaze-shift response is typical for cases of external visual stimuli. In contrast, multi-saccadic, head-leading gaze-shifts are typical for cases in which the subject orients towards an internal reference position, with no external visual que, regardless of the angle. I demonstrate that the kinematics of the first saccadic eye movement is different between the two conditions, suggesting different motor control mechanisms. My results suggest that the context of orienting, whether it is exogenous (targeting an external stimulus) or endogenous (targeting an internal reference point) affects the balance between the two mechanisms. A comparison of the orienting responses towards visual versus auditory stimuli suggests different modalities (such as auditory and proprioceptive) are treated as endogenous by the visual control system. Based on these results, I suggest a competitive multiple-closed-loop dynamic model of gaze orienting. Simulations of the model show it can replicate the empirical kinematics and statistics.
My results suggest that the traditional view of the mechanism underlying gaze orienting response should be revisited to take into account the source of the response as well as the subjective context of orienting. I propose that the closed-loop model for orienting presented here can address this aspect. If accepted, this model can facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of several oculomotor impairments.
Id: 98466393859
passcode: 059130
Dissecting the role of peripheral immunity in Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis and disease course
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Hour: 11:30 - 12:30
Dissecting the role of peripheral immunity in Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis and disease course
Tommaso Croese PhD Defense
Advisor: Prof. Michal Schwartz
Dept of Brain Sciences WIS
Recent research has increasingly focused on the intricate interactions between the brain and the immune system, a critical line of inquiry for understanding neurological disorders like Alzheimer's Disease (AD). AD, once defined primarily by amyloid-β and tau aggregations, is now being explored for its complex interplay with immune processes, offering a deeper understanding of its development.
This study delves into the dynamic relationship between the brain and the immune system, utilizing human samples from individuals predisposed to AD and various preclinical models. Our findings reveal that both environmental and genetic risk factors for AD significantly influence immune phenotypes and functions, which in turn impact disease progression.
Further, we discovered that disrupting brain-spleen communication alters myeloid cell fate and cognitive performance in 5xFAD mice. These insights demonstrate the profound and reciprocal influence between the brain and the immune system. They underscore the importance of these interactions in understanding not only AD but also a wider array of neurological conditions, suggesting that this interplay is crucial for comprehending the complexities of such diseases.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 542 032 2495
Password: 862769
Experience-dependent genetic and synaptic regulation of stability and plasticity in cortical circuits
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Hour: 11:00 - 12:15
The David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies
Experience-dependent genetic and synaptic regulation of stability and plasticity in cortical circuits
Dahlia Kushinsky-Student Seminar PhD Thesis Defense
Advisor-Dr. Ivo Spiegel
Neural circuits in the brain must be plastic enough to allow an animal to adapt to and learn from new experiences yet they must also remain functionally stable such that previously learned skills and information are retained. Thus, fundamental questions in neuroscience concern the molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms that balance the plasticity and stability of neural circuits. During my studies, I investigated these mechanisms in three studies that focused on sensory- and behavioral state-dependent changes in transcription and GABAergic inhibition in the visual cortex of adult mice. In my Ph.D. defense, I will elaborate on the novel molecular-cellular mechanisms that I discovered in these studies and discuss their role in conveying both plasticity and stability to visual processing and perception.
Understanding spontaneous neuronal activity with neurophotonics
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Understanding spontaneous neuronal activity with neurophotonics
Prof. Anna Devor
Chief Editor of Neurophotonics SPIE
Associate Director, Neurophotonics Center, Boston University
The last decade has seen a rapid advance of neurophotonic technologies, in large part thanks to the BRAIN Initiative as well as other large-scale neuroscience projects in the US and around the world. We now have a large array of diverse experimental and computational tools to study the brain across species, scales, levels of description, in animals and humans. Notably, the lion’s share of these technologies falls under the general umbrella of neurophotonics. This lecture will focus on several microscopic neurophotonic technologies in the context of understanding spontaneous neuronal and neurovascular activity in the mouse cerebral cortex.
Among these tools is optically transparent Windansee electrode arrays that can be combined with optical imaging. Combining Windansee recordings with two-photon imaging and biophysical modeling, we show that spontaneous inputs to layer 1 were coded by a selective, sparse sub-population of local neurons. This is in contrast with earlier studies in the same system where each instance of a sensory input activated a different subset of neurons indicating redundancy in coding. Because selective coding by a few “oracle” neurons is nonredundant, we are tempted to speculate that the health of internally generated brain activity may be more vulnerable to damage or disease compared to that in response to external stimuli.
Light refreshments before the seminar
Germ-cell migration and fate maintenance in zebrafish
Monday, July 17, 2023
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Germ-cell migration and fate maintenance in zebrafish
Prof. Erez Raz
Institute of Cell Biology
University of Munster
Dendritic voltage imaging, excitability rules, and plasticity
Monday, July 10, 2023
Hour: 12:45 - 13:45
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dendritic voltage imaging, excitability rules, and plasticity
Prof. Adam E. Cohen
Depts of Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Physics
Harvard University
Membrane voltage in dendrites plays a key role in mediating synaptic integration and activity-dependent plasticity; but dendritic voltages have been difficult to measure. We developed molecular, optical, and computational tools for simultaneous optogenetic perturbations and voltage mapping in dendrites of neurons in acute slices and in awake mice. These experiments revealed relations between dendritic ion channel biophysics and rules of synaptic integration and plasticity. I will also describe tools for mapping large-scale network dynamics with millisecond time resolution, and for mapping brain-wide patterns of plasticity.
Toward “reading” and “writing” neural population codes in the primate cortex
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Toward “reading” and “writing” neural population codes in the primate cortex
Prof. Eyal Seidemann
Depts. of Psychology and Neuroscience University of Texas at Austin.
: A central goal of sensory neuroscience is to understand the nature of the neural code in sensory cortex to the point where we could “read” the code – i.e., account for a subject’s perceptual capabilities using solely the relevant cortical signals, and “write” the code – i.e., substitute sensory stimuli with direct cortical stimulation that is perceptually equivalent. Distributed representations and topography are two key properties of primate sensory cortex. For example, in primary visual cortex (V1), a localized stimulus activates millions of V1 neurons that are distributed over multiple mm2, and neurons that are similarly tuned are clustered together at the sub-mm scale and form several overlaid topographic maps. The distributed and topographic nature of V1’s representation raises the possibility that in some visual tasks, the neural code in V1 operates at the topographic scale rather than at the scale of single neurons. If this were the case, then the fundamental unit of information would be clusters of similarly tuned neurons (e.g., orientation columns), and to account for the subjects’ performance, it would be necessary and sufficient to consider the summed activity of the thousands of neurons within each cluster. A long-term goal of my lab is to test the topographic population code hypothesis. In this presentation, I will describe our progress toward developing a bi-directional, read-write, optical-genetic toolbox for directly testing this hypothesis in behaving macaques.
Chromatin 3D distribution in live muscle nuclei: impacts on epigenetic activation/repression of chromatin
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Chromatin 3D distribution in live muscle nuclei: impacts on epigenetic activation/repression of chromatin
Prof. Talila Volk
Dept of Molecular Genetics, WIS
All years
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Olfactory information processing: timing, sequences, geometry and relevance
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Olfactory information processing: timing, sequences, geometry and relevance
Prof. Dmitry Rinberg
Dept of Neuroscience and Physiology
Neuroscience Institute NYU
A paradigm shift in GPCR recruitment and activity: GPCR Voltage Dependence Controls Neuronal Plasticity and Behavior
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
A paradigm shift in GPCR recruitment and activity: GPCR Voltage Dependence Controls Neuronal Plasticity and Behavior
Prof. Moshe Parnas
Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Tel Aviv University
: G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a paramount role in diverse brain functions. Twenty years ago, GPCR activity was shown to be regulated by membrane potential in vitro, but whether the voltage dependence of GPCRs contributes to neuronal coding and behavioral output under physiological conditions in vivo has never been demonstrated. We show in two different processes that muscarinic GPCR mediated neuromodulation in vivo is voltage dependent. First, we show that muscarinic type A receptors (mAChR-A) mediated neuronal potentiation is voltage dependent. This potentiation voltage dependency is abolished in mutant flies expressing a voltage independent receptor. Most important, muscarinic receptor voltage independence caused a strong behavioral effect of increased odor habituation. Second, we show that muscarinic type B receptors (mAChR-B) voltage dependency is required for both efficient and accurate learning and memory. Normally, to prevent non-specific olfactory learning and memory, mAChR-B activity suppress both signals that are required for plasticity. Behavior experiments demonstrate that mAChR-B knockdown impairs olfactory learning by inducing undesired changes to the valence of an odor that was not associated with the reinforcer. On the other hand, mAChR-B voltage dependence prevents mAChR-B to interfere with plasticity in neurons that are required for the learning and memory process. Indeed, generating flies with a voltage independent mAChR-B resulted in impaired learning. Thus, we provide the very first demonstrations of physiological roles for the voltage dependency of GPCRs by demonstrating crucial involvement of GPCR voltage dependence in neuronal plasticity and behavior. As such, our findings create a paradigm shift in our thinking on GPCR recruitment and activity. Together, we suggest that GPCR voltage dependency plays a role in many diverse neuronal functions including learning and memory and may serve as a target for novel drug development.
Light refreshments before the seminar.
Context-Dependent Dynamic Coordination of Head and Eye Movements During Visual Orienting
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Hour: 14:00 - 15:00
Context-Dependent Dynamic Coordination of Head and Eye Movements During Visual Orienting
Ofer Karp-PhD Defense seminar
Dept of Brain Sciences
Advisor: Prof. Ehud Ahissar
The orienting response, described by Pavlov as the “what is it?” reflex, aims to describe an individual's reaction to unexpected stimuli in their environment. Many experimental results show that in such an event, the quickest motor response is of a saccadic eye movement, and if the head is free to move, a head-shift follows the eye to meet the event. Studying orienting in different tasks and contexts have uncovered several variations in head-eye coordination, including modulations of the number of saccades during a single orienting motion and modulations of the relative timing between head and eye movements.
In this presentation, I will present my attempt at understanding and modeling the brain-environment loops underlying the visual orienting response. For this aim I have designed and constructed a virtual reality (VR) setting that allows head and eye real-time tracking during visual tasks in different contexts. I will show that, with head-free viewing, the classic eye-leading, fast saccadic gaze-shift response is typical for cases of external visual stimuli. In contrast, multi-saccadic, head-leading gaze-shifts are typical for cases in which the subject orients towards an internal reference position, with no external visual que, regardless of the angle. I demonstrate that the kinematics of the first saccadic eye movement is different between the two conditions, suggesting different motor control mechanisms. My results suggest that the context of orienting, whether it is exogenous (targeting an external stimulus) or endogenous (targeting an internal reference point) affects the balance between the two mechanisms. A comparison of the orienting responses towards visual versus auditory stimuli suggests different modalities (such as auditory and proprioceptive) are treated as endogenous by the visual control system. Based on these results, I suggest a competitive multiple-closed-loop dynamic model of gaze orienting. Simulations of the model show it can replicate the empirical kinematics and statistics.
My results suggest that the traditional view of the mechanism underlying gaze orienting response should be revisited to take into account the source of the response as well as the subjective context of orienting. I propose that the closed-loop model for orienting presented here can address this aspect. If accepted, this model can facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of several oculomotor impairments.
Id: 98466393859
passcode: 059130
Dissecting the role of peripheral immunity in Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis and disease course
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Hour: 11:30 - 12:30
Dissecting the role of peripheral immunity in Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis and disease course
Tommaso Croese PhD Defense
Advisor: Prof. Michal Schwartz
Dept of Brain Sciences WIS
Recent research has increasingly focused on the intricate interactions between the brain and the immune system, a critical line of inquiry for understanding neurological disorders like Alzheimer's Disease (AD). AD, once defined primarily by amyloid-β and tau aggregations, is now being explored for its complex interplay with immune processes, offering a deeper understanding of its development.
This study delves into the dynamic relationship between the brain and the immune system, utilizing human samples from individuals predisposed to AD and various preclinical models. Our findings reveal that both environmental and genetic risk factors for AD significantly influence immune phenotypes and functions, which in turn impact disease progression.
Further, we discovered that disrupting brain-spleen communication alters myeloid cell fate and cognitive performance in 5xFAD mice. These insights demonstrate the profound and reciprocal influence between the brain and the immune system. They underscore the importance of these interactions in understanding not only AD but also a wider array of neurological conditions, suggesting that this interplay is crucial for comprehending the complexities of such diseases.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 542 032 2495
Password: 862769
Experience-dependent genetic and synaptic regulation of stability and plasticity in cortical circuits
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Hour: 11:00 - 12:15
The David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies
Experience-dependent genetic and synaptic regulation of stability and plasticity in cortical circuits
Dahlia Kushinsky-Student Seminar PhD Thesis Defense
Advisor-Dr. Ivo Spiegel
Neural circuits in the brain must be plastic enough to allow an animal to adapt to and learn from new experiences yet they must also remain functionally stable such that previously learned skills and information are retained. Thus, fundamental questions in neuroscience concern the molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms that balance the plasticity and stability of neural circuits. During my studies, I investigated these mechanisms in three studies that focused on sensory- and behavioral state-dependent changes in transcription and GABAergic inhibition in the visual cortex of adult mice. In my Ph.D. defense, I will elaborate on the novel molecular-cellular mechanisms that I discovered in these studies and discuss their role in conveying both plasticity and stability to visual processing and perception.
Understanding spontaneous neuronal activity with neurophotonics
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Understanding spontaneous neuronal activity with neurophotonics
Prof. Anna Devor
Chief Editor of Neurophotonics SPIE
Associate Director, Neurophotonics Center, Boston University
The last decade has seen a rapid advance of neurophotonic technologies, in large part thanks to the BRAIN Initiative as well as other large-scale neuroscience projects in the US and around the world. We now have a large array of diverse experimental and computational tools to study the brain across species, scales, levels of description, in animals and humans. Notably, the lion’s share of these technologies falls under the general umbrella of neurophotonics. This lecture will focus on several microscopic neurophotonic technologies in the context of understanding spontaneous neuronal and neurovascular activity in the mouse cerebral cortex.
Among these tools is optically transparent Windansee electrode arrays that can be combined with optical imaging. Combining Windansee recordings with two-photon imaging and biophysical modeling, we show that spontaneous inputs to layer 1 were coded by a selective, sparse sub-population of local neurons. This is in contrast with earlier studies in the same system where each instance of a sensory input activated a different subset of neurons indicating redundancy in coding. Because selective coding by a few “oracle” neurons is nonredundant, we are tempted to speculate that the health of internally generated brain activity may be more vulnerable to damage or disease compared to that in response to external stimuli.
Light refreshments before the seminar
Germ-cell migration and fate maintenance in zebrafish
Monday, July 17, 2023
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Germ-cell migration and fate maintenance in zebrafish
Prof. Erez Raz
Institute of Cell Biology
University of Munster
Dendritic voltage imaging, excitability rules, and plasticity
Monday, July 10, 2023
Hour: 12:45 - 13:45
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dendritic voltage imaging, excitability rules, and plasticity
Prof. Adam E. Cohen
Depts of Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Physics
Harvard University
Membrane voltage in dendrites plays a key role in mediating synaptic integration and activity-dependent plasticity; but dendritic voltages have been difficult to measure. We developed molecular, optical, and computational tools for simultaneous optogenetic perturbations and voltage mapping in dendrites of neurons in acute slices and in awake mice. These experiments revealed relations between dendritic ion channel biophysics and rules of synaptic integration and plasticity. I will also describe tools for mapping large-scale network dynamics with millisecond time resolution, and for mapping brain-wide patterns of plasticity.
Toward “reading” and “writing” neural population codes in the primate cortex
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hour: 12:30 - 13:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Toward “reading” and “writing” neural population codes in the primate cortex
Prof. Eyal Seidemann
Depts. of Psychology and Neuroscience University of Texas at Austin.
: A central goal of sensory neuroscience is to understand the nature of the neural code in sensory cortex to the point where we could “read” the code – i.e., account for a subject’s perceptual capabilities using solely the relevant cortical signals, and “write” the code – i.e., substitute sensory stimuli with direct cortical stimulation that is perceptually equivalent. Distributed representations and topography are two key properties of primate sensory cortex. For example, in primary visual cortex (V1), a localized stimulus activates millions of V1 neurons that are distributed over multiple mm2, and neurons that are similarly tuned are clustered together at the sub-mm scale and form several overlaid topographic maps. The distributed and topographic nature of V1’s representation raises the possibility that in some visual tasks, the neural code in V1 operates at the topographic scale rather than at the scale of single neurons. If this were the case, then the fundamental unit of information would be clusters of similarly tuned neurons (e.g., orientation columns), and to account for the subjects’ performance, it would be necessary and sufficient to consider the summed activity of the thousands of neurons within each cluster. A long-term goal of my lab is to test the topographic population code hypothesis. In this presentation, I will describe our progress toward developing a bi-directional, read-write, optical-genetic toolbox for directly testing this hypothesis in behaving macaques.
Chromatin 3D distribution in live muscle nuclei: impacts on epigenetic activation/repression of chromatin
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Chromatin 3D distribution in live muscle nuclei: impacts on epigenetic activation/repression of chromatin
Prof. Talila Volk
Dept of Molecular Genetics, WIS
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