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Quantitative MRI: new measurements reveal structure-function relationships in the living human brain

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Aviv Mezer
Dept of Psychology, Stanford University

Understanding human brain structure and function organization in health, disease and development is one of the great challenges for neuroscience. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most valuable technique for noninvasive in vivo imaging of human brain. However, the use of MRI is currently limited, due to the lack of theory that links the specific biological structures to the measured signal. In my presentation I will describe a new quantitative MRI (qMRI) method that directly measures two biophysical properties of the human brain tissue: the macromolecular tissue volume and the macromolecular physico-chemical environment. I will discuss how such quantities can be used for 1) individualize diagnostic applications and 2) mapping structure-function relations in cognitive processes such as reading.

Neural circuits for motor exploration and learning

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Jesse Goldberg
Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Cornell University

Most human motor behaviors, such as speech or a piano concerto, are not innately programmed but are learned through a gradual process of trial and error. Learning requires exploration and the evaluation of subsequent performance. How are these processes implemented in the brain, and how do they go awry in disease? Songbirds provide a powerful model system to address these questions. Before they develop mature songs, young songbirds ‘babble’—producing highly variable vocalizations that underlie a process of trial-and-error. To investigate the neural mechanisms underlying exploration during learning, I recorded and manipulated neural activity in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and motor cortex-like nuclei in singing juvenile birds. Though the thalamus is traditionally considered a relay between the basal ganglia and cortex, I found that the thalamus, and not its inputs from the BG, was required for vocal variability during babbling. Meanwhile, the BG were required for song learning over time. Currently, my lab is pursuing three specific aims to study precisely how the BG support song learning. First, we are combining neural recordings with acoustic biofeedback to understand how neurons encode how ‘good’ (or ‘bad’) the song sounds. Second, we are developing optogenetic techniques to manipulate the activity of specific neuron subtypes in freely moving, singing birds. Finally, we are developing novel technologies to massively expand the number of neurons we can record simultaneously in singing birds. Basal ganglia circuits in songbirds and humans are very similar, and our overarching goal is to discover basic functions in a tractable model system that may ultimately provide insights into BG diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and dystonia.


Sunday, January 27, 2013
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Rava da Silveira
École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

While single-cell activity may be well correlated with simple aspects of sensory stumuli, rich stimuli or subtly differing stimuli require concomitant coding by several neurons in a population. It is then natural to ask whether the nature of the coding is ‘orchestral’ in that it relies upon correlation and physiological diversity among cells. Positive correlations in the activity of neurons are widely observed in the brain and previous studies stipulate that these are at best marginally favorable, if not detrimental, to the fidelity of population codes, compared to independent codes. Here, we put forth a scenario in which positive correlations can enhance coding performance by astronomical factors. Specifically, the probability of discrimination error can be suppressed by many orders of magnitude. Likewise, the number of stimuli encoded—the capacity—can be enhanced by similarly large factors. These effects do not necessitate unrealistic correlation values and can occur for populations with as little as a few tens of neurons. The scenario relies upon ‘lock-in’ patterns of activity with which correlation relegates the noise in irrelevant modes. We further demonstrate that, quite generically, coding fidelity is enhanced by physiological heterogeneity. Finally, we formulate heuristic arguments as to the plausibility of ‘lock-in’ patterns and possible experimental tests of the theoretical proposal.

Multisensory processes guide 3-D spatial navigation in echolocating bats

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Cynthia Moss
University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Echolocating bats exhibit an extraordinary array of solutions to the challenges of maneuvering in cluttered environments, pursuing evasive prey, taking food from water surfaces, and landing on the ceiling or walls of confined spaces. Moreover, they are equipped with a biological sonar system that permits spatial navigation and target tracking in complete darkness. By actively controlling the directional aim, timing, frequency content, and duration of echolocation signals to “illuminate” the environment, the bat directly influences the acoustic input available to its sonar imaging system. Detailed analyses of the bat’s sonar behavior suggests that the animal’s actions play into a rich 3-D representation of the environment, which then guides motor commands for subsequent call production, head aim and flight control in an adaptive feedback system. Somatosensory signaling of airflow along the wing membrane also contributes to the exquisite flight control of bats. Recent research reveals that microscopically small hairs embedded in the bat wing play a functional role in sensing air flow, which is important to it to carry out rapid and agile aerial maneuvers. Neurons in bat primary somatosensory cortex (S1) respond to directional stimulation of the wing hairs with low-speed air flow, and this response is diminished after removal of the hairs. The directional preference of cortical S1 neurons indicates that the hairs respond strongest to reverse airflow, and might therefore act as stall detectors. Further, depilation of different functional regions of the wing membrane alters flight behavior in obstacle avoidance tasks by reducing aerial maneuverability, as indicated by decreased turning angles. Collectively, these findings suggest that bat aerial navigation engages multisensory processes that guide a suite of adaptive motor behaviors.

History and News in the Human Visual Cortex

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Rafi Malach
Department of Neurobiology, WIS

In the search for unifying principles of human visual cortex function- it will be proposed that human cortical dynamics can be viewed as shifting between two modes. The first is the well-studied active-mode, informing about visual "News"- i.e. the current perceptual state of the observer. These signals are characterized by fast "ignitions" of highly selective neuronal activity. The second, still poorly understood resting- mode is characterized by slow and wide-spread spontaneous fluctuations. It will be hypothesized that these signals inform about the "History"-i.e. the accumulated statistics of prior cortical activations. Examples of these two modes will be shown- derived from single neurons, local field potentials and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Preliminary evidence supporting their functional significance will be presented.

Does the orbitofrontal cortex signal value?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Hour: 12:45
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Geoffrey Schoenbaum
Cellular Neurobiology Branch Chief, NIDA, NIH

The orbitofrontal cortex is strongly implicated in good (or at least normal) “decision-making”. Key to good decision-making is knowing the general value or "utility" of available options. Over the past decade, highly influential work has reported that the neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex signal this quantity. Yet the orbitofrontal cortex is typically not necessary for apparent value-based behaviors unless those behaviors require value predictions to be derived from access to complex models of the task, and the neural correlates cited above only part of a much richer representation linking the characteristics of specific outcomes (sensory, timing, unique value) that are expected and the events associated with obtaining them. In this workshop, I will review these data to argue that this aspect of encoding in the orbitofrontal cortex is actually what is critical in explaining the role of this area in both behavior and learning, and that any contribution of this area to economic decision-making stems from its unique role in allowing value to be derived (both within and without) from these environmental models.

Cellular and Circuit Changes Underlying Cortical Learning and Pathology

Monday, January 7, 2013
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Amos Gdalyahu
Dept of Neurobiolgy, School of Medicine, UCLA

Sensory perception is shaped by past learning, and is mediated by neuronal circuits in the sensory cortex. However, what are the changes in these neuronal circuits following learning have remained unknown. To reveal the circuit changes, I developed a new associative fear-learning procedure, and using in vivo 2-photon microscopy measured the circuit responses to the associated stimulus following learning. I discovered that associative learning reduces the percentage of neurons responding to the associated stimulus, while the neurons that still respond increase their response strength. These changes are specific to associative learning because non-associative training triggers a very different set of circuit changes. Therefore, associative learning shapes circuit responses in the sensory cortex for more efficient processing of the conditional stimulus, and for higher signal to noise ratio. The research in my laboratory will continue to address fundamental questions at the levels of cortical neurons, circuits, and behavior. Specifically, how cortical circuits store new information, what are the cortical pathologies in mouse models of autism, and - in the long-term - what are the mechanisms of learning flexible behavior.

Neurophenomenology and the aesthetics of space flight

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Shaun Gallagher
Dept of Philosophy, University of Memphis

Introduction: Shaun Gallagher is a philosopher whose interests include embodied and social cognition, perception and agency. His research focuses on phenomenology, philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and hermeneutics, especially the topics of embodied cognition and intersubjectivity. He holds the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in Philosophy at the University of Memphis. He’s the author of several books, including How the Body Shapes the Mind, Hermeneutics and Education, The Inordinance of Time, and most recently Brainstorming (2008), and (with Dan Zahavi), The Phenomenological Mind (2008). He is editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Self (2011).

Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance alters stress responses in a sexually dimorphic manner

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. David Crews
Integrative Biology Section, University of Texas, Austin TX

Ancestral environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance and influence all aspects of the life history of descendants. What happens in the life of descendant is also important, and it is well established that proximate life events such as chronic stress during adolescence modify elements of the adult phenotype, including physiological, neural, and behavioral traits. We use a systems biology approach to investigate in rats to explore this interaction of the ancestral modifications carried transgenerationally in the germ line and the proximate modifications involving chronic restraint stress during adolescence. We find that a single exposure to a common-use fungicide (vinclozolin) three generations removed alters the physiology, behavior, metabolic activity, and transcriptome in discrete brain nuclei in descendant males, causing them to respond differently to chronic restraint stress. This alteration of baseline brain maturation promotes a change in neural genomic activity that correlates with changes in physiology and behavior, revealing the interaction of genetics, environment, and epigenetic transgenerational inheritance in the shaping of the adult phenotype. Further, in many of these traits females differ fundamentally from males, indicating that such effects are not general but sex-specific in how descendants of these progenitor individuals perceive and respond to a common challenges (e.g., chronic restraint stress) experienced during their own life history.

Neural Mechanisms Underlying Selective Attention at a Cocktail Party

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Elana Zion Golumbic
Columbia University Medical Center, New York

Our ability to selectively attend to a particular conversation amidst competing input streams (e.g. other speakers) epitomized by the ‘Cocktail Party’ problem, is remarkable. How this demanding perceptual feat is achieved from a neural systems perspective remains unclear and controversial. In this talk I will present data from both invasive and non-invasive electrophysiological recordings in humans, investigating the manner in which selective attention governs the brain’s representation of attended and ignored speech streams using a simulated ‘Cocktail Party’ Paradigm. Results indicate that brain activity dynamically tracks speech streams using both low frequency phase and high frequency amplitude fluctuations, and that optimal encoding likely combines the two. In and near low level auditory cortices, attention ‘modulates’ the representation by enhancing cortical tracking of attended speech streams, but ignored speech remains represented. In higher order regions, the representation appears to become more ‘selective’. Furthermore, when to-be-ignored input has a predictable rhythmic structure, there is even evidence for active suppression of responses to these stimuli, making attention more effective. Viewing the facial movements of the speaker movements of a speech further enhances the selectivity of the neural response. Together, these findings are a testament to the proactive and flexible nature of the neural system which dynamically shapes its internal activity according to environmental and contextual demands.


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Neurophenomenology and the aesthetics of space flight

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Shaun Gallagher
Dept of Philosophy, University of Memphis

Introduction: Shaun Gallagher is a philosopher whose interests include embodied and social cognition, perception and agency. His research focuses on phenomenology, philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and hermeneutics, especially the topics of embodied cognition and intersubjectivity. He holds the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in Philosophy at the University of Memphis. He’s the author of several books, including How the Body Shapes the Mind, Hermeneutics and Education, The Inordinance of Time, and most recently Brainstorming (2008), and (with Dan Zahavi), The Phenomenological Mind (2008). He is editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Self (2011).

Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance alters stress responses in a sexually dimorphic manner

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. David Crews
Integrative Biology Section, University of Texas, Austin TX

Ancestral environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance and influence all aspects of the life history of descendants. What happens in the life of descendant is also important, and it is well established that proximate life events such as chronic stress during adolescence modify elements of the adult phenotype, including physiological, neural, and behavioral traits. We use a systems biology approach to investigate in rats to explore this interaction of the ancestral modifications carried transgenerationally in the germ line and the proximate modifications involving chronic restraint stress during adolescence. We find that a single exposure to a common-use fungicide (vinclozolin) three generations removed alters the physiology, behavior, metabolic activity, and transcriptome in discrete brain nuclei in descendant males, causing them to respond differently to chronic restraint stress. This alteration of baseline brain maturation promotes a change in neural genomic activity that correlates with changes in physiology and behavior, revealing the interaction of genetics, environment, and epigenetic transgenerational inheritance in the shaping of the adult phenotype. Further, in many of these traits females differ fundamentally from males, indicating that such effects are not general but sex-specific in how descendants of these progenitor individuals perceive and respond to a common challenges (e.g., chronic restraint stress) experienced during their own life history.

Neural Mechanisms Underlying Selective Attention at a Cocktail Party

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Elana Zion Golumbic
Columbia University Medical Center, New York

Our ability to selectively attend to a particular conversation amidst competing input streams (e.g. other speakers) epitomized by the ‘Cocktail Party’ problem, is remarkable. How this demanding perceptual feat is achieved from a neural systems perspective remains unclear and controversial. In this talk I will present data from both invasive and non-invasive electrophysiological recordings in humans, investigating the manner in which selective attention governs the brain’s representation of attended and ignored speech streams using a simulated ‘Cocktail Party’ Paradigm. Results indicate that brain activity dynamically tracks speech streams using both low frequency phase and high frequency amplitude fluctuations, and that optimal encoding likely combines the two. In and near low level auditory cortices, attention ‘modulates’ the representation by enhancing cortical tracking of attended speech streams, but ignored speech remains represented. In higher order regions, the representation appears to become more ‘selective’. Furthermore, when to-be-ignored input has a predictable rhythmic structure, there is even evidence for active suppression of responses to these stimuli, making attention more effective. Viewing the facial movements of the speaker movements of a speech further enhances the selectivity of the neural response. Together, these findings are a testament to the proactive and flexible nature of the neural system which dynamically shapes its internal activity according to environmental and contextual demands.

Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal neural ensemble representations of space

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Yaniv Ziv
Dept of Biology, Stanford University, CA

Hippocampal place cells are considered basic substrates of spatial memory, but the degree to which their ensemble representations of space are stable over long time periods has remained unmeasured. By using an integrated, miniature microscope, and micro-endoscope probes, we performed Ca2+-imaging in behaving mice as they repeatedly explored a familiar environment. This approach allowed us to track the place fields of thousands of CA1 hippocampal neurons over weeks. Spatial coding was highly dynamic, for on each day the neural representation of this environment involved a unique subset of neurons. A minority of the cells (~15–25%) overlapped between any two of these subsets and retained the same place fields. Although this overlap was also dynamic it sufficed to preserve a stable and accurate ensemble representation of space across weeks. These findings raise several important questions: What are the biological mechanisms that drive the turnover in the place cell membership of each day’s coding ensemble? What is the functional relevance of these dynamics to hippocampal memory? Overall, this work reveals a dynamic time-dependent facet of the hippocampal representation of space, and introduces a novel approach for investigating, in a behaving animal, how coding in large neuronal populations changes over long periods of time and as function of experience.

Sensory Selectivity in Random Cortical Circuits

Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Haim Sompolinsky
The Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Recent experiments indicate that primary auditory and visual cortex in rodents exhibit '"Salt and Pepper" architecture, consisting of highly selective neurons without columnar structure. Likewise, there is no apparent functional structure in the pattern of projections from the olfactory bulb to piriform cortex. In my talk I will address the questions: Can sharp stimulus selectivity be maintained in a cortical circuit with random connections? What are the computational ramifications of random cortical projections? How moderate tuning of cortical connectivity can be incorporated on top of largely random architecture? I will describe recent theoretical work that addresses these questions and will discuss their applications to sensory processing in rodent visual and olfactory cortices. I will also discuss relation between these results and recent developments in Machine Learning.

Of whiskers and blood: how mild sensory stimulation completely protects the cortex from an impending ischemic stroke

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Ron Frostig
Dept of Neurobiology and Behavior University of California Irvine, CA

Stroke is a leading cause of death and long-term disability. In this talk, I will describe how a mild sensory stimulation (e.g., single whisker, tone) delivered to a rodent model of ischemic stroke (permanent occlusion of a major artery supplying blood to the cortex) can completely protect the cortex from an impending stroke. The mechanism underlying this surprising protection was revealed to be a new type of activity-dependent neurovascular plasticity. These findings will be presented in the context of our new understanding regarding the very large spread of evoked activity in sensory cortex supported by an underlying network of extremely long-range horizontal projections.

The legacy of Vivian Teichberg:Scavenging of excess brain glutamate to minimize neurological damage

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. David Mirelman,WIS

Numerous clinical and preclinical investigators have reported that in several important medical indications such as in (i) ischemic stroke, (ii) traumatic brain injuries (TBI), (iii) acute migraine cases, (iv) glioblastoma brain tumors and (v) epileptic attacks, there is a rapid accumulation in the brain of excess glutamate molecules which are excitotoxic and this leads to significant neurological damage and motoric incapacitations in patients. Vivian Teichberg introduced a method for scavenging of excess brain glutamate which consists of the intravenous administration of a recombinant preparation of the enzyme, Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT). This causes a rapid decrease in blood glutamate levels and creates a gradient which leads to the efflux of the excess brain glutamate into the blood stream and reduces neurological damage. The main advantage of the Brain Glutamate Scavenging technology, over other drug treatments that are currently being developed, is that the augmentation of GOT activity occurs in the blood circulation and therefore, doesn’t affect normal brain neurophysiology, whereas the pharmacological inhibition of the activities of glutamate receptors or transport systems occurs in the brain, and could be followed by serious side effects in the central nervous system.

Orbitofrontal cortex as a cognitive map of task space

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dr. Yael Niv
Department of Psychology, Princeton University

Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has long been known to play an important role in decision making. However, the exact nature of that role has remained elusive. The OFC does not seem necessary for almost anything---animals and humans can learn, unlearn and reverse previous learning even without an OFC, albeit more slowly than their healthy counterparts. What role, then, can the OFC be playing such that its absence would cause subtle but broadly permeating deficits? We propose a new unifying theory of OFC function. Specifically, we hypothesize that OFC encodes a map of the states of the current task and their inter-relations, which provides a state space for reinforcement learning elsewhere in the brain. I will first use a simple perceptual judgement task to demonstrate that state spaces, a critical ingredient in any reinforcement learning algorithm, are learned from data. I will then use our hypothesis that the OFC encodes the learned state space to explain recent experimental findings in an odor-guided choice task (Takahashi et al, Nature Neuroscience 2012) as well as classic findings in reversal learning and extinction. Finally, I will lay out a number of testable experimental predictions that can distinguish our theory from other accounts of OFC function.

Multiple decision systems in the human brain

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Nathaniel Daw
Center for Neural Science, New York University

The spiking of dopamine neurons in animals, and apparently analogous BOLD signals at dopaminergic targets in humans, appear to report predictions of future reward. Prominent computational theories of these responses suggest that they both support and reflect trial-and-error learning about which actions have been successful, based on simple associations with past rewards. This is essentially a neural implementation of Thorndike's (1911) behaviorist principle that reinforced behaviors should be repeated. However, it has long been known that organisms are not condemned merely to repeat previously successful actions, but instead that even rodents' decisions can under some circumstances reflect other sorts of knowledge about task structure and contingencies. The neural and computational bases for these additional effects, and their interaction with the putative reinforcement systems in the basal ganglia, are poorly understood. Such interactions are of considerable practical importance because, for instance, disorders of compulsion in humans, such as substance abuse, are thought to arise from runaway reinforcement processes unfettered by more deliberative influences. I first discuss how such extra-reinforcement effects – e.g., planning novel routes based on cognitive maps, or incorporating "counterfactual" feedback about foregone actions – can be incorporated in the framework of existing computational theories, via algorithms for “model-based reinforcement learning." Rather than learning about actions' past successes directly, such algorithms learn a representation of the task structure, and can use it to evaluate candidate actions via mental simulation of their consequences. This computational characterization allows reasoning about (and explaining empirical data concerning) under which circumstances the brain might efficiently adopt either this strategy or the reinforcement one. It also allows quantifying and dissociating either strategy's effects on decision making and associated neural signaling. Next, I discuss human fMRI experiments characterizing these influences in learning tasks. By fitting computational models to decision behavior and BOLD signals, we demonstrate that neither choices nor (putatively dopamine-related) BOLD signals in striatum can be explained by past reinforcement alone, but instead that both reflect additional learning and reasoning about task structure and contingencies. That such influences are prominent even at the level of striatum challenges current models of the computations there and suggest that the system is a common target for many different sorts of learning. Additional experiments examine individual variation in the tendency to employ either system; the patterns of both spontaneous and experimentally induced variation suggest that the dominance of model-based decision influence over simpler reinforcement systems employs cognitive control mechanisms that have previously been studied in other areas of cognitive neuroscience. Finally, I report results showing that patients with several disorders involving compulsion show abnormally reinforcement-bound choices on our tasks, supporting a link between these neurocomputational learning mechanisms and pathological habits.

What can parasitoid wasps teach us about decision making in the brain of insects?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Frederic Libersat
Life Sciences Dept, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva

Much like humans, animals may choose to initiate behavior based on their "internal state" rather than as a response to external stimuli alone. The neuronal underpinnings responsible for generating this ‘internal state’, however, remain elusive. The parasitoid jewel wasp hunts cockroaches to serve as a live food supply for its offspring. The wasp stings the cockroach in the head and delivers a neurotoxic venom cocktail directly inside the prey’s cerebral ganglia to apparently ‘hijack its free will’. Although not paralyzed, the stung cockroach becomes a living yet docile ‘zombie’ incapable of self-initiating walking or escape running. We demonstrate that the venom selectively depresses the cockroach’s motivation or ‘drive’ to initiate and maintain walking-related behaviors, rather than inducing an overall decrease in arousal or a ‘sleep-like’ state. Such a decrease in the drive for walking can be attributed to a decrease in neuronal activity in a small region of the cockroach cerebral nervous system, the sub-esophageal ganglion (SEG). Specifically, we have used behavioral, neuro-pharmacological and electrophysiological methods to show that artificial focal injection of crude milked venom or procaine into the SEG of non-stung cockroaches decreases spontaneous and evoked walking, as seen with naturally-stung cockroaches. Moreover, spontaneous and evoked neuronal spiking activity in the SEG, recorded with an extracellular bipolar microelectrode, is markedly decreased in stung cockroaches as compared with non-stung controls. By injecting a venom cocktail directly into the SEG, the parasitoid Jewel Wasp selectively manipulates the cockroach’s motivation to initiate walking without interfering with other non-related behaviors.


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