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Perceptual bias induced by optical stimulation in the macaque frontal eye field
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Perceptual bias induced by optical stimulation in the macaque frontal eye field
Dr. Shay Ohayon
Computation and Neural Systems CALTECH
We studied differences between optical and electrical micro-stimulation (MS) in the macaque frontal eye field (FEF) using single unit recordings, behavioral essay and fMRI. The frontal eye field serves as ideal test bed since it has been thoroughly characterized with electrical stimulation and because a behavioral effect (i.e. saccade) is easily induced by electrical MS. Three different constructs (AAV5-hSyn-eNpHR3.0, AAV5-hSyn-ChR2, AAV5-CAG-Arch) were injected to three FEF sites in two monkeys and robust firing rate modulations were observed upon light delivery. Although activity modulation was observed as far as 2mm away from the optical stimulation site, no significant voxel activation was found during combined fMRI and optical stimulation. High current electrical MS reliably induced saccades. Low current electrical MS combined with optical stimulation increased the probability of eliciting a saccade, suggesting optical stimulation may be similar to a low current electrical MS, known to induce an attentional bias. To test the possible effects of optical stimulation on attention monkeys were trained on a delayed memory saccade task. We observed significant changes in performance during optical stimulation trials, such as an increase in incorrect and missed trials, suggesting monkeys failed to perceive the instructed cue signal in the periphery.
Brain-to-brain coupling:a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Brain-to-brain coupling:a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world
Prof. Uri Hasson
Dept of Psychology,
Princeton University
Cognition materializes in an interpersonal space. The emergence of complex behaviors requires the coordination of actions among individuals according to a shared set of rules. Despite the central role of other individuals in shaping our minds, experiments typically isolate human or animal subjects from their natural environment by placing them in a sealed quiet room where interactions occur solely with a computer screen. In everyday life, however, we spend most of our time interacting with other individuals. In the talk I will argue in favor of a shift from a single-brain to a multi-brain frame of reference. I will present a series of studies aimed at characterizing the brain-to-brain coupling during real life social interaction. The data suggest that in many cases the neural processes in one brain are coupled to the neural processes in another brain via the transmission of a signal through the environment. The brain-to-brain neural coupling exposes a shared neural substrate that exhibits temporally aligned response patterns across communicators. The recording of the neural responses from two brains opens a new window into the neural basis of interpersonal communication, and may be used to assess verbal and non-verbal forms of interaction in both human and other model systems.
New solutions to the "solved" problem of how sodium channels control cortical neuronal excitability
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
New solutions to the "solved" problem of how sodium channels control cortical neuronal excitability
Prof. Mike Gutnick
Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
60 years ago, Hodgkin and Huxley published their seminal papers which described the kinetics of voltage-gated ionic currents in the squid giant axon and used these measurements to produce the fundamental model of action potential generation. Their findings have become the basis for our understanding of neuronal excitability and information processing and are central to computational models of neuronal function. However, it turns out that the precise activation and inactivation characteristics of voltage-gated sodium channels in the CNS can vary widely, not only depending on the brain region, cell type and molecular subunit, but also as a function of the location of channels within the neuron and their relationship to the local membrane cytoskeleton. These differences in current properties can have a profound functional impact. I will discuss our data on transient and persistent sodium currents in the various compartments of the cortical pyramidal neuron, collected in brain slices using whole-cell current and on-cell single channel recordings and imaging of sodium-sensitive fluorescent dyes.
Parallel, non-convergent, interactions between separate cortical loci underlie perceptual unity: implications for a new view of object recognition
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Parallel, non-convergent, interactions between separate cortical loci underlie perceptual unity: implications for a new view of object recognition
Prof. Moshe Gur
Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Technion, Haifa
Any physical device, including computers, when comparing A to B, must send the information to point C. Explanations of brain processing take such a convergence for granted thus generating models relying on increasingly converging hierarchical streams. Such models, however, consistently fail to explain many perceptual phenomena. To see whether the brain, at times, can compare (integrate, process) events that take place at different loci without sending the information to a common target, I performed experiments in three modalities, somato-sensory, auditory, and visual, where 2 different loci at the primary cortex were stimulated. Subjects were able to integrate inputs in time and space affecting small separate cortical loci. The ability to correlate activity between loci was independent of cortical distance up to 2-4 cm. Given the organization of sensory cortex where localized responses in primary cortex do not interact while convergence in downstream areas results in loss of individual stimulus identity and in decreasing selectivity to elementary stimuli, those results cannot be explained by conventional convergence models. We must thus assume a non-converging mechanism whereby two (or more) activated cortical loci can be integrated without sending information via axons into another downstream integrating site. Once we allow for such a non-converging mechanism, many perceptual phenomena can be viewed differently. Object recognition and representation is such a phenomenon that, I suggest, does not result from hierarchical convergence of cells with ever-increasing feature selectivity but rather from parallel interactions between various visual and non-visual areas. If my hypothesis of the brain ability to relate activity taking place at separate loci without using convergence-by-wires is correct, it implies that the brain can use heretofore unconsidered (unknown?) parallel processing and that conventional models, including computer programs, would not be able to capture many brain processes.
Bird's Brain? Possible relations between behavior and brain plasticity
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Bird's Brain? Possible relations between behavior and brain plasticity
Prof. Anat Barnea
Dept of Natural and Life Sciences
The Open University of Israel
Neurogenesis (birth of new neurons) occurs in many vertebrates, including humans. Most of the new neurons die before reaching destination. Those which survive migrate to various brain regions, replace older ones and connect to existing circuits. Evidence suggests that this replacement is related to acquisition of new information. Therefore, neuronal replacement is seen as a form of brain plasticity that enables organisms to adjust to environmental changes. However, direct evidence of a causal link between replacement and learning remains elusive.
I will review a few of our studies which tried to uncover conditions that influence new neuronal recruitment and survival, and how these phenomena relate to the life of birds. The hypothesis is that an increase in new neuron recruitment is associated with expected or actual increase in memory load, particularly in brain regions that process and perhaps store this new information. Moreover, since new neuronal recruitment is part of a turnover process, we assume that the same conditions that favor the survival of some neurons induce the death of others.
I will offer a frame and rational for comparing neuronal replacement in the adult avian brain, and try to uncover the pressures, rules, and mechanisms that govern its constant rejuvenation. I will discuss a variety of behaviors and environmental conditions (especially birds' migration, and if time permits - parent-offspring recognition) and their effect on new neuronal recruitment in relevant regions in the avian brain. I will describe various approaches and techniques which we used in those studies (behavioral, anatomical, cellular and hormonal), and will emphasize the significance of studying behavior and brain function under natural or naturalistic conditions.
From discrete elements to a perceived contour in the primary visual cortex
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
From discrete elements to a perceived contour in the primary visual cortex
Dr. Hamutal Slovin
Gonda Brain Research Center
Bar Ilan University
The neuronal mechanisms underlying perceptual grouping of discrete, similarly oriented elements are not well understood. To investigate this, we imaged population responses in V1 of monkeys trained on a contour detection task. Mapping neuronal populations processing contour/background elements in V1 enabled studying the role of two encoding mechanisms: strength of population response and synchronization. Response maps early in time showed activation patches corresponding to the contour/background individual elements. An early increased synchronization between the contour elements, accompanied by decreased synchronization between the background elements, suggested that contour integration is initiated with synchronization changes. However only response modulation at later times, defined by increased activity in the contour elements, along with suppressed activity in the background elements, enabled to visualize in single trials, a salient continuous contour segregated from a noisy background. Finally, the late modulation was correlated with psychophysical performance of contour saliency, further supporting its role in contour perception. In the second part of this talk we will demonstrate the effects of microsaccades on perceptual mechanisms in V1.
Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Dr. Mickey London
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A major objective of neuroscience is to understand the neural code, namely how the patterns of neuronal signals (e.g. action potentials, membrane potential, calcium concentrations) “represent” physical objects, commands for actions, or psychological phenomena. An successful neural coding scheme has to be robust to noise (i.e. random neuronal activity). We have recently shown that using a small perturbation, an introduction of one “extra”-spike to the activity of a single neuron in the cortex, and studying the consequence of that perturbation we can obtain bounds on the level of noise in the cortex. Theoretical analysis of the data indicates that intrinsic, stimulus-independent variations in membrane potential of cortical neurons are on the order of 2.2–4.5 mV—variations that are pure noise, and so carry no information at all. Such level of noise places severe limitations on the plausibility of neural code based on precise spike timing. Using recent advances in optogentics we can extend the approach of introducing a precisely controlled perturbation. We explore how these perturbations affect the dynamics of activity in the cortex as well as theirs effect on animal performance on a task, to gain further bounds and insights on the neural code.
Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Dr. Mickey London
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A major objective of neuroscience is to understand the neural code, namely how the patterns of neuronal signals (e.g. action potentials, membrane potential, calcium concentrations) “represent” physical objects, commands for actions, or psychological phenomena. An successful neural coding scheme has to be robust to noise (i.e. random neuronal activity). We have recently shown that using a small perturbation, an introduction of one “extra”-spike to the activity of a single neuron in the cortex, and studying the consequence of that perturbation we can obtain bounds on the level of noise in the cortex. Theoretical analysis of the data indicates that intrinsic, stimulus-independent variations in membrane potential of cortical neurons are on the order of 2.2–4.5 mV—variations that are pure noise, and so carry no information at all. Such level of noise places severe limitations on the plausibility of neural code based on precise spike timing. Using recent advances in optogentics we can extend the approach of introducing a precisely controlled perturbation. We explore how these perturbations affect the dynamics of activity in the cortex as well as theirs effect on animal performance on a task, to gain further bounds and insights on the neural code.
From Sound to Meaning –Dynamic Transformations in Auditory Signal-Processing
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
From Sound to Meaning –Dynamic Transformations in Auditory Signal-Processing
Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Center for Auditory and Acoustic Research
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
How do we make sense of sensory inputs? One important clue may be the central role of selective and predictive attention, by focusing limited resources on behaviorally relevant sensory channels and modulating information flow at multiple stages, to improve perception.Our approach is to study the effect of attention on information processing at the single neuron level in the primary auditory cortex (A1) of animals trained on multiple auditory tasks that require selective attention to task-specific salient spectral frequency or temporal cues. Our results demonstrate that when animals actively attend to a task, their auditory cortical neurons can rapidly change their spectrotemporal filter characteristics to improve the animal’s performance. Thus, cortical sensory filters are not fixed, but are highly adaptive, and show dynamic, task-specific transformations during auditory behavior. To study the broader neural circuits involved in attention, we have initiated research on several other components in the network, including secondary auditory cortical areas, nucleus basalis, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain area known to play a key role in attention and decision-making. In contrast to A1, PFC responses are largely independent of the acoustic properties of sound, and encode an abstract, categorical representation of sound meaning. Recent studies show that electrical stimulation of PFC can elicit receptive field transformations in A1 neurons very similar to the attentional effects observed during behavior. Our working model suggests a top-down instructive role for PFC, and emphasizes the importance of interactions between multiple brain areas during selective attention that lead to matched auditory cortical filters for attended acoustic stimuli, creating a dynamic, evolving neural representation of task-salient sounds and thus optimizing perception on a moment-to-moment basis.
Comparing Apples and Oranges: the search for a common subjective value representation in the brain
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Comparing Apples and Oranges: the search for a common subjective value representation in the brain
Dr. Dino Levy
Center for Neural Science,
New York University, NY
The ability of human subjects to choose between disparate kinds of rewards suggests that the neural circuits for valuing different reward types must converge. Economic theory suggests that these convergence points represent the subjective values (SVs) of different reward types on a common scale for comparison. I will describe two studies related to this theory. First, to directly examine this theory and to map the neural circuits for reward valuation, we had food and water deprived subjects make risky choices for money, food and water both in and out of a brain scanner. In the second study we sought to determine whether the risk preferences of these same rewards change as a function of internal state.
We found that risk preferences across reward types were highly correlated. We also found that partially distinct neural networks represent the SV of monetary and food rewards and that these distinct networks showed specific convergence points. In addition, we show that subjects tend to converge to a similar, weakly risk-averse attitude when deprived.
These results may suggest that partially distinct valuation networks for different reward types converge on a unified valuation network, which enables a direct comparison between different reward types and hence guides valuation and choice. When healthy humans are sated they show heterogeneity of risk preferences, but when deprived a convergence point appears to emerge. It is as if evolution pressure, when resources are scarce, drives humans to a similar level of risk aversion but allows heterogeneity when resources are plentiful.
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Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Creating a nuisance to probe the neural code
Dr. Mickey London
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A major objective of neuroscience is to understand the neural code, namely how the patterns of neuronal signals (e.g. action potentials, membrane potential, calcium concentrations) “represent” physical objects, commands for actions, or psychological phenomena. An successful neural coding scheme has to be robust to noise (i.e. random neuronal activity). We have recently shown that using a small perturbation, an introduction of one “extra”-spike to the activity of a single neuron in the cortex, and studying the consequence of that perturbation we can obtain bounds on the level of noise in the cortex. Theoretical analysis of the data indicates that intrinsic, stimulus-independent variations in membrane potential of cortical neurons are on the order of 2.2–4.5 mV—variations that are pure noise, and so carry no information at all. Such level of noise places severe limitations on the plausibility of neural code based on precise spike timing. Using recent advances in optogentics we can extend the approach of introducing a precisely controlled perturbation. We explore how these perturbations affect the dynamics of activity in the cortex as well as theirs effect on animal performance on a task, to gain further bounds and insights on the neural code.
From Sound to Meaning –Dynamic Transformations in Auditory Signal-Processing
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
From Sound to Meaning –Dynamic Transformations in Auditory Signal-Processing
Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Center for Auditory and Acoustic Research
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
How do we make sense of sensory inputs? One important clue may be the central role of selective and predictive attention, by focusing limited resources on behaviorally relevant sensory channels and modulating information flow at multiple stages, to improve perception.Our approach is to study the effect of attention on information processing at the single neuron level in the primary auditory cortex (A1) of animals trained on multiple auditory tasks that require selective attention to task-specific salient spectral frequency or temporal cues. Our results demonstrate that when animals actively attend to a task, their auditory cortical neurons can rapidly change their spectrotemporal filter characteristics to improve the animal’s performance. Thus, cortical sensory filters are not fixed, but are highly adaptive, and show dynamic, task-specific transformations during auditory behavior. To study the broader neural circuits involved in attention, we have initiated research on several other components in the network, including secondary auditory cortical areas, nucleus basalis, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain area known to play a key role in attention and decision-making. In contrast to A1, PFC responses are largely independent of the acoustic properties of sound, and encode an abstract, categorical representation of sound meaning. Recent studies show that electrical stimulation of PFC can elicit receptive field transformations in A1 neurons very similar to the attentional effects observed during behavior. Our working model suggests a top-down instructive role for PFC, and emphasizes the importance of interactions between multiple brain areas during selective attention that lead to matched auditory cortical filters for attended acoustic stimuli, creating a dynamic, evolving neural representation of task-salient sounds and thus optimizing perception on a moment-to-moment basis.
Comparing Apples and Oranges: the search for a common subjective value representation in the brain
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Comparing Apples and Oranges: the search for a common subjective value representation in the brain
Dr. Dino Levy
Center for Neural Science,
New York University, NY
The ability of human subjects to choose between disparate kinds of rewards suggests that the neural circuits for valuing different reward types must converge. Economic theory suggests that these convergence points represent the subjective values (SVs) of different reward types on a common scale for comparison. I will describe two studies related to this theory. First, to directly examine this theory and to map the neural circuits for reward valuation, we had food and water deprived subjects make risky choices for money, food and water both in and out of a brain scanner. In the second study we sought to determine whether the risk preferences of these same rewards change as a function of internal state.
We found that risk preferences across reward types were highly correlated. We also found that partially distinct neural networks represent the SV of monetary and food rewards and that these distinct networks showed specific convergence points. In addition, we show that subjects tend to converge to a similar, weakly risk-averse attitude when deprived.
These results may suggest that partially distinct valuation networks for different reward types converge on a unified valuation network, which enables a direct comparison between different reward types and hence guides valuation and choice. When healthy humans are sated they show heterogeneity of risk preferences, but when deprived a convergence point appears to emerge. It is as if evolution pressure, when resources are scarce, drives humans to a similar level of risk aversion but allows heterogeneity when resources are plentiful.
Neuronal Avalanches in the Resting MEG of the Human Brain
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Neuronal Avalanches in the Resting MEG of the Human Brain
Dr. Oren Shriki
National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland
A major goal in systems neuroscience is to characterize normal cortical dynamics. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that ongoing cortical dynamics are characterized by cascades of activity across many spatial scales, termed neuronal avalanches. Avalanche dynamics are identified by¬ two measures (1) a power law in the size distribution of activity cascades, with an exponent of -3/2 and (2) a branching parameter of 1, which reflects a balance in the propagation of cortical activity at the border of premature termination and potential exponential blow up. Here we analyzed resting state brain activity recorded using MEG from more than 100 healthy human subjects. We identified discrete events in the MEG signal and segmented them into cascades, using multiple timescales. Cascade-size distributions were found to obey power laws. At the timescale where the branching parameter was close to the critical value of 1, the power law exponent was -3/2, in line with expectations for neuronal avalanches. This behavior was robust to scaling of the number of sensors and to coarse-graining the sensor resolution. As controls, phase-shuffled data with the same power spectrum or empty-scanner data did not exhibit neuronal avalanches. These results indicate that normal resting cortical dynamics are well described by a critical branching process. Both theory and experiments suggest that cortical networks with such critical, scale-free dynamics optimize various types of information processing. Neuronal avalanches could thus provide a biomarker for disorders in information processing, paving the way for novel quantification of normal and pathological cortical states.
Imaging voltage with microbial rhodopsins
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Hour: 13:00
The David Lopatie Conference Centre
Imaging voltage with microbial rhodopsins
Prof. Adam Cohen
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Harvard University
In the wild, microbial rhodopsin proteins convert solar energy into a transmembrane voltage, which provides energy for their host. We engineered microbial rhodopsins to run backward: to convert membrane potential into a readily detectable optical signal. When expressed in a neuron or a cardiac myocyte, these voltage-indicating proteins convert electrical action potentials into visible flashes of fluorescence, allowing us to make movies of electrical activity in cells. Upon expression of the voltage indicator in E. coli, we discovered that bacteria generate electrical spikes too. These voltage-indicating proteins are a new class of environmentally sensitive fluorescent proteins that emit in the near infrared, are highly photostable, and have no homology to GFP or to any other fluorescent indicator.
J. Kralj, D. R. Hochbaum, A. D. Douglass, A. E. Cohen, “Electrical spiking in Escherichia coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein,” Science, 333, 345-348 (2011)
J. Kralj*, A. D. Douglass*, D. R. Hochbaum*, D. Maclaurin, A. E.
Cohen, “Optical recording of action potentials in mammalian neurons using a microbial rhodopsin," Nature Methods, 9, 90-95 (2012)
STDP learning rules and plasticity in a small olfactory system
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
STDP learning rules and plasticity in a small olfactory system
Prof. Gilles Laurent
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
This second talk will focus on olfactory circuits in the context of learning. I will present first a couple of non-associative phenomena, both linking plasticity and synchrony. I will then describe more recent work connecting STDP and reward signals, indicating that STDP rules are labile and influenced by the context in which they are being used.
If time allows, I will present the outlines of the new work that we started at MPI Brain Research, on computation in an ancient cortex.
Odor representation in a small olfactory system
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Hour: 14:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Odor representation in a small olfactory system
Prof. Gilles Laurent
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
Exploiting the relative simplicity of insect brains, we have tried to describe and understand some of the rules, formats, mechanisms and logic of olfactory coding. This talk will focus on the formats of those representations, on circuit dynamics, on sparseness, and on the relation between representations of simple odors and mixtures.
The Itching Line. Selective Silencing of Primary Afferents Reveals Two Distinct Itch-Specific Sensory Lines
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
The Itching Line. Selective Silencing of Primary Afferents Reveals Two Distinct Itch-Specific Sensory Lines
Dr. Alexander Binshtok
Dept. of Medical Neurobiology Institute for Medical Research Israel Canada
and Center for Research on Pain, Hebrew University Medical School Jerusalem
Histamine-dependent and histamine-independent itch are detected and transduced in primary sensory neurons through distinct molecular signaling mechanisms. It remains unclear, however, whether pruritogens activate these mechanisms within the same or different afferents and if these afferents are dispensable for pain. To address this, we have selectively blocked histamine-dependent and -independent primary afferent fibers in vivo using targeted delivery of the membrane-impermeant sodium-channel blocker, QX-314. Silencing histamine-sensitive pruriceptors abolished subsequent histamine-evoked scratching but not that produced by the histamine-independent pruritogens chloroquine and SLIGRL-NH2, and vice versa. We conclude that distinct fibers mediate the two itches. Moreover, we also demonstrate that targeted blockade of itch does not reduce pain-associated behavior, implying that pruriceptors are a labeled line only for itch.
The hippocampal-prefrontal circuit in psychiatric disease models
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
The hippocampal-prefrontal circuit in psychiatric disease models
Prof. Joshua Gordon
Dept of Psychiatry,
Columbia University
and The New York State Psychiatric Institute
The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, two brain regions frequently implicated in psychiatric illness, must cooperate to regulate both cognitive and emotional behaviors. We and others have shown that these two brain regions synchronize their activity during behavior. I will discuss the dynamics of this synchrony during working memory and anxiety, how it shapes neuronal responses in the prefrontal cortex, and how it is altered by genetic manipulations of relevance to psychiatric disease.
Consciousness: An Evolutionary Approach
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Consciousness: An Evolutionary Approach
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