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The involvement of Microtubules in Neuronal Polarity and Migration Regulation: Implications for Brain Development and Disease
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
The involvement of Microtubules in Neuronal Polarity and Migration Regulation: Implications for Brain Development and Disease
Prof. Orly Reiner
Dept of Molecular Genetics, WIS
The main interest of our lab is the process of neuronal migration that occurs during embryonic brain development. In the developing brain neurons are born in one position and have to migrate to their final destination by active cell migration. This is a very dynamic process that is regulated via the concerted action of multiple gene products. In humans this process occurs over the period of several months.
Aberrant neuronal migration may result in devastating consequences, such as severe brain malformation, mental retardation, epileptic seizures and early death. We have concentrated on one severe form of brain malformation, known as lissencephaly, which means "smooth brain". Abnormal neuronal migration has been also associated with mental retardation, Schizophrenia and autism. Our studies have demonstrated that regulation of microtubule dynamics through microtubule associated proteins, microtubule dependent motors and tubulin subunits plays a pivot role in regulation of neuronal migration in the developing brain. An overview of previous and ongoing studies will be presented.
Decision related activity and top-down modulations in primate V1
Monday, June 13, 2011
Hour: 14:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Decision related activity and top-down modulations in primate V1
Prof. Eyal Seidemann
Center for Perceptual Systems University of Texas at Austin
What are the sources of trial-to-trial variability in neural responses in early sensory cortical areas and how does this variability affect perceptual decisions? In this talk I will describe results from two studies that aim to address these questions. In the first study, we examined co-variations between behavioral choices of monkeys performing a threshold visual detection task and neural population responses recorded simultaneously from their V1. We found that fluctuations in V1 responses to the same visual stimulus are correlated with fluctuations in perceptual decisions. Our results provide insight regarding the decoding mechanisms that mediate behavior based on V1 responses and suggest that most choice-related variability is already present in V1. Top-down modulations from higher visual cortical areas are one potential source for these decision related signals in V1. The goal of the second study was to characterize two forms of top-down effects in V1: modulations by spatial uncertainty and by stimulus relevance. We found that V1 responses are unaffected by spatial uncertainty, suggesting that target sensitivity is not a limited resource that can be improved by focal attention in V1. Conversely, V1 responses were significantly modulated by stimulus relevance. These modulations are likely to contribute to spatial gating of task-irrelevant information. However, the spatial and temporal characteristics of this top-down signal suggest that it is not a major source of choice-related variability in V1. Our results are therefore consistent with a predominantly bottom-up source of decision related activity in V1.
Audio-visual objects
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Audio-visual objects
Prof. Michael Kubovy
Psychology Dept
University of Virginia
In this talk I offer a theory of cross-modal objects. To begin, I will discuss two kinds of linkages between vision and audition. The first is a duality. The the visual system detects and identifies surfaces; the auditory system detects and identifies sources. Surfaces are illuminated by sources of light; sound is reflected off surfaces. However, the visual system discounts sources and the auditory system discounts surfaces. These and similar considerations lead to the Theory of Indispensable Attributes that states the conditions for the formation of gestalts in the two modalities. The second linkage involves the formation of audiovisual objects, integrated cross-modal experiences. I describe research that reveals the role of cross-modal causality in the formation of such objects. These experiments use the canonical example of a causal link between vision and audition: a visible impact that causes a percussive sound.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Inna Slutsky
Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Tel Aviv University
It is widely believed that memories are encoded and stored in the pattern and strength of synaptic connections. Individual synapses, the elementary units of information transfer, encode and store new information in response to the environmental changes through structural and functional reorganization. The key mechanisms that normally maintain plasticity of synapses and initiate synapse loss in neurodegenerative diseases remain elusive. To target this question, we developed an integrative approach to correlate structure and function at the level of single synapses in hippocampal circuits. Utilizing FRET spectroscopy, optical imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology we explore the casual relationship between the pattern of ongoing neuronal activity, structural rearrangements within the synaptic signaling complexes and plasticity of single synapses and whole networks. Our results suggest that ongoing background synaptic activity critically determines the number and plasticity of synapses in hippocampal circuits.
Facial interactions in mammals
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Facial interactions in mammals
Prof. Michael Brecht
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Humboldt University Berlin
In the talk I will briefly remind the audience about the behavioral neuroscience of facial interactions in primates. I will then provide behavioral evidence for facial communication in rodents. Finally I will summarize our advances on the neurobiology of facial interactions in these animals.
Cellular and microcircuit analysis of spatial representations in the cortico-hippocampal system
Monday, May 16, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Cellular and microcircuit analysis of spatial representations in the cortico-hippocampal system
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience,Prof. Michael Brecht
Extracellular recordings have elucidated spatial neural representations without identifying underlying microcircuits. We labeled neurons juxtacellularly in medial entorhinal cortex of freely-moving rats with a novel friction-based pipette-stabilization system. In a linear maze novel to the animals, spatial firing of superficial layer neurons was reminiscent of grid cell activity. Layer 2 stellate cells showed stronger theta-modulation than layer 3 neurons and both fired during the ascending phase of field potential theta. Deep layer neurons showed little or no activity. Layer 2 stellate cells resided in hundreds of small patches. At the dorso-medial border of medial entorhinal cortex we identified larger patches, which contained polarized head-direction selective neurons firing during the descending theta-phase. Three axon systems interconnected the patches: centrifugal axons from superficial cells to single large patches; centripetal axons from large patch cells to single small patches, and circumcurrent axons interconnecting large patches. Our microcircuit analysis during behavior reveals modularity of entorhinal processing. If time permits I will complement these findings from entorhinal cortex with data from hippocampal whole-cell recordings in awake behaving animals.
Predictive Sparse Coding:A Dynamical Circuit Model of Early Sensory Processing
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Predictive Sparse Coding:A Dynamical Circuit Model of Early Sensory Processing
Prof. Dmitri Chklovskii
Janelia Farm, HHMI, USA
In early sensory systems, such as retina and olfactory bulb in vertebrates or optic and antennal lobes in invertebrates, information about the world converges from a large number of receptors onto a much smaller number of projection neurons. Such bottleneck in the communication channel to the higher brain areas (Attneave, 1954, Barlow & Levick, 1976) can be overcome for sensory stimuli containing correlations by the predictive coding strategy (Srinivasan et al, 1982). In case of the retina, instantaneous subtraction of the least squares prediction compresses information and results in center-surround biphasic receptive fields. However, explaining variation of receptive fields with SNR (Srinivasan et al, 1982, Van Hateren, 1992, Atick & Redlich, 1990) would require circuit re-wiring which is unlikely on short time scales. Here we develop the predictive coding idea by proposing that a non-linear recurrent neuronal circuit can implement predictive coding adaptively: stimuli of different SNR result in different inhibitory surrounds. We solve the transient dynamics of this circuit in response to a step-like stimulus and demonstrate that it communicates a residual of the regularization path to higher brain areas. Thus, we are able to map a non-trivial computation on a concrete neuronal circuit and provide a theoretical framework to understand neural coding for many physiological experiments.
Flip sides of the same brain: Words and faces are both mediated by universal computational principles
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Flip sides of the same brain: Words and faces are both mediated by universal computational principles
Prof. Marlene Behrmann
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Psychology/Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
A key issue that continues to generate controversy concerns the nature of the psychological, computational and neural mechanisms that support the visual recognition of objects such as faces and words. While some researchers claim that visual recognition is accomplished by category-specific modules dedicated to processing distinct object classes, other researchers have argued for a more distributed system with only partially specialized cortical regions. Considerable evidence from both functional neuroimaging and neuropsychology would seem to favor the modular view, and yet close examination of those data reveal rather graded patterns of specialization that support a more distributed account. This talk presents theoretical and empirical data that explore a theoretical middle ground in which the functional specialization of brain regions arises from general principles and constraints on neural representation and learning that operate throughout cortex but that nonetheless have distinct implications for different classes of stimuli such as faces and words.
Microcircuit Dynamics in the Striatum
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Microcircuit Dynamics in the Striatum
Gilad Silberberg
Assistant Professor,
Dept of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Motor behaviour requires the meaningful integration of a multitude of sensory information. The basal ganglia are essential for such sensory-motor processing and underlie motor planning, performance, and learning. The striatum is the input layer of the basal ganglia, acting as a “hub” that receives glutamatergic and dopaminergic inputs from different brain regions. The intrastriatal microcircuit is a predominantly inhibitory GABAergic network comprised of a majority of projection neurons (medium spiny neurons, MSNs) and a minority of interneurons. In order to understand the operation of striatum it is essential to have a good description of the dynamic properties of the striatal microcicuitry and how it affects the activity striatal projection neurons. We use patch-clamp recordings in slice and in vivo combined with fluorescent microscopy and optogenetics to reveal the striatal microcircuit properties underlying sensorimotor processing
Mechanisms of axonal degeneration in health and disease
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Mechanisms of axonal degeneration in health and disease
Prof. Avraham Yaron
Dept of Biological Chemistry, WIS
In the developing peripheral nervous system, many neurons die shortly after their axons have reached their target fields. This neuronal elimination serves as a mean to achieve a precise match between the number of neurons and the target innervation requirements. In addition, this process ensures that misguided axons, which do not reach their appropriate targets, will be eliminated. The regulation of this process is based on the limited production of various neurotrophic factors, insufficient to sustain the entire neuronal population. Since this loss usually occurs after the axons have already fully extended, some kind of axonal disintegration must escort the death of the cell body.
The talk will describe our efforts to uncover the mechanisms of axonal elimination during this process, and their relevance to axonal degeneration in pathological condition
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Mechanisms of axonal degeneration in health and disease
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Mechanisms of axonal degeneration in health and disease
Prof. Avraham Yaron
Dept of Biological Chemistry, WIS
In the developing peripheral nervous system, many neurons die shortly after their axons have reached their target fields. This neuronal elimination serves as a mean to achieve a precise match between the number of neurons and the target innervation requirements. In addition, this process ensures that misguided axons, which do not reach their appropriate targets, will be eliminated. The regulation of this process is based on the limited production of various neurotrophic factors, insufficient to sustain the entire neuronal population. Since this loss usually occurs after the axons have already fully extended, some kind of axonal disintegration must escort the death of the cell body.
The talk will describe our efforts to uncover the mechanisms of axonal elimination during this process, and their relevance to axonal degeneration in pathological condition
Brain Sciences Open Day
Monday, April 11, 2011
Hour: 09:30 - 14:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Brain Sciences Open Day
Conscious Perception in USN
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Conscious Perception in USN
Dr. Nachum Soroker
Dept of Neurological Rehabilitation, Loewenstein Hospital, Raanana,
and Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel Aviv University
Patients with right hemisphere damage often exhibit a symptom complex where contra-lesional objects and events fail to induce an appropriate behavioral reaction. The most puzzling aspect of this syndrome - termed unilateral spatial neglect (USN) - is the failure of salient left-sided stimuli to attract attention and generate conscious perception. This phenomenon, which is often multi-modal, may happen in cases where the sensory pathways and the primary cortical areas are completely intact. Following a short description of the clinical manifestations, underlying anatomy and recovery patterns of USN, I will present data gathered in a series of studies done in our hospital, which aimed to clarify the nature of processing received by stimuli on the neglected side, and the effect of some theory-motivated manipulations aimed to ameliorate the impaired processing.
Dynamics of cortical activity
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hour: 14:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Dynamics of cortical activity
Prof. David A. McCormick
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Do all Japanese paintings look the same? Styles and Schools in Japanese Art
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hour: 14:00 - 18:00
Dolfi and Lola Ebner Auditorium
Do all Japanese paintings look the same? Styles and Schools in Japanese Art
Prof. Itamar Procaccia
Department of Chemical Physics, WIS
Engineered neuronal networks
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Engineered neuronal networks
Prof. Elisha Moses
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, WIS
Neuronal cultures grown from hippocampal neurons exhibit a distinct all-or-none burst firing pattern. We introduce quantitative tools to investigate the properties of the network which lead to this kind of behavior, and identify the distribution of input connections as the dominant factor governing the behavior of the network. We show that one-dimensional networks display a significantly simpler behavior, and use this observation to design some computational neuronal circuits.
Mechanisms of Associative Learning in Young and Aging Brain
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hour: 15:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Mechanisms of Associative Learning in Young and Aging Brain
Prof. John Disterhoft
Dept of Physiology
Northwestern University Chicago, IL
The neuronal alterations which occur in important neuron populations in young adult animals and changes in those processes which occur during aging and cause age-related learning deficits are beginning to be understood with cellular to systems level analyses. We have studied these processes with hippocampus-dependent trace eyeblink conditioning tasks. Calcium and calcium-activated potassium currents, that help control intrinsic neuronal excitability and are altered during learning and in aging, have been extensively studied. In vivo recording studies of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons during and after associative eyeblink conditioning demonstrate functional alterations during learning and aging. We have examined mechanisms underlying these alterations in firing rate by examining CA1 neurons in brain slices. These current and voltage clamp studies of alterations in the calcium-activated potassium currents that increase neuronal excitability during associative learning in young animals and age-associated changes in these currents that occur in learning-impaired aging animals will be described. Behavioral pharmacological studies have demonstrated that age-associated behavioral changes can be reversed by compounds targeting neuronal excitability. Intracellular signaling pathways and alterations in calcium currents that may lead to these changes in intrinsic excitability during learning are being explored.
Lazy Neurons for Good Shape or Filling in the Gaps...The Mind's Way
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Lazy Neurons for Good Shape or Filling in the Gaps...The Mind's Way
Dr. Ohad Ben-Shahar
Dept of Computer Science
Ben Gurion University
The phenomenon of visual curve completion, where the visual system completes the missing part (e.g., due to occlusion) between two contour fragments, is a major problem in perceptual organization research, both behaviorally and computationally. Previous computational approaches for the shape of percetually completed curves typically follow an axiomatic approach via formal descriptions of desired, image-based perceptual properties (e.g, minimum total curvature, roundedness, etc...). Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to determine such desired properties psychophysically and indeed there is no consensus in the literature for what they should be. Instead, in this paper we suggest to exploit the fact that curve completion occurs in early vision in order to formalize the problem in a space that abstracts the primary visual cortex (For the technically inclined, this space is called the unit tangent bundle associated with R2). We show that a single basic principle of “minimum energy consumption” in this space not only results in a rigorous, non axiomatic, computational theory, but also makes excellent predictions and explanations for recent perceptual findings in the literature
Distinct layers or a continuum? A morphological and functional analysis of pyramidal cells in the supragranular layers of rat barrel cortex
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hour: 14:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Distinct layers or a continuum? A morphological and functional analysis of pyramidal cells in the supragranular layers of rat barrel cortex
Prof. Jochen Staiger
Dept of Neuroanatomy
University of Göttingen
Pyramidal neurons in supragranular layers II and III of rodent sensory cortices are a main target of ascending sensory information conveyed by columnar projections of layer IV as well as contextual information from neighboring columns or higher cortical areas. However, layer II is not separable from layer III on cytoarchitectonic grounds. We therefore investigated to which extent pyramidal neurons in the supragranular layers differ in their input-output connectivity. We obtained detailed spatial maps of layer-specific intracortical functional input connectivity for electrophysiologically and morphologically identified supragranular pyramidal neurons by combining local photolysis of caged glutamate with whole-cell patch-clamp recordings using biocytin-containing pipettes in rat barrel cortex in vitro. The main source of excitatory inputs onto all supragranular pyramidal cells was layer IV of the same column. This translaminar excitatory source was even more prominent than local and transcolumnar excitatory inputs from within the supragranular layers, both in density and strength. Additionally, many pyramidal neurons received a prominent excitatory layer Va input, often originating from beyond the “home” column. Among those pyramidal neurons we detected a significantly higher fraction of cells located in a putative layer II than in TZ or putative layer III. Our results indicate a strong but differential information transmission from layer IV as well as layer Va, both important cortical entry points for parallel streams of sensory information, toward the supragranular layers. Within supragranular layers, information processing in pyramidal neurons can be "fine tuned" through local and transcolumnar excitatory networks. Finally this integrated information is forwarded with a prominent transcolumnar component by putative layer II pyramidal cells but with an intracolumnar preponderance, including significant layer IV-backprojections, by putative layer III pyramidal neurons
Neural correlates of behavior in the rodent striatum
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Neural correlates of behavior in the rodent striatum
Dr. Dana Cohen
Gonda Brain Research Center
Bar-Ilan University
The striatum consists of GABAergic projection neurons and various types of interneurons. Despite their relative scarcity, these interneurons play a key role in information processing in the striatum. We use multielectrode arrays to record the activity of striatal projection neurons and interneurons in behaving rodents. By comparing their responses we test the ability of the striatum to encode behaviorally relevant information such as movement and context.
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