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Topographic mapping of a hierarchy of temporal receptive windows using natural stimuli
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hour: 12:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Topographic mapping of a hierarchy of temporal receptive windows using natural stimuli
Prof. Uri Hasson
Dept of Psychology,
Princeton University
Space and time are two fundamental properties of our physical and psychological realms. While much is known about the integration of information across space within the visual system, little is known about the integration of information over time. Using two complementary methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), I will present evidences that the brain uses similar strategies for integrating information over space and over time. It is well established that neurons along visual cortical pathways have increasingly large spatial receptive fields. This is a basic organizing principle of the visual system: neurons in higher-level visual areas receive input from low level neurons with smaller receptive fields and thereby accumulate information over space. Drawing an analogy with the spatial receptive field (SRF), we defined the temporal receptive window (TRW) of a neuron as the length of time prior to a response during which sensory information may affect that response. As with SRFs, the topographical organization of the TRWs is distributed and hierarchical. The accumulation of information over time is distributed in the sense that each brain area has the capacity to accumulate information over time. The processing is hierarchical because the capacity of each TRW increases from early sensory areas to higher order perceptual and cognitive areas. Early sensory cortices such as the primary auditory or visual cortex have relatively short TRWs (up to hundreds of milliseconds), while the TRWs in higher order areas can accumulate information over many minutes.
Multimodal interactions in primary auditory cortex: Laminar dependence & modulation by general anesthetics
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Multimodal interactions in primary auditory cortex: Laminar dependence & modulation by general anesthetics
Prof. Matthew I. Banks
University of Wisconsin, USA
Current theories of the neural basis of sensory awareness suggest that neocortex is constantly comparing expected with observed sensory information. This comparison arises through the integration of ascending inputs from the sensory periphery and descending cortical inputs from the same or other sensory modalities. The importance of this integrative process for awareness is suggested by its selective loss upon anesthetic-induced hypnosis and during slow-wave sleep, but how this integration and its disruption by anesthetics occur within a cortical column is unclear. Using electrophysiological and imaging techniques in rodents in vivo and in brain slices, we show that extrastriate visual cortex provides descending input to primary auditory cortex that modulates responses to auditory stimuli, and that the integration of these information streams is disrupted by general anesthetics.
A Neural Mechanism for Reasoning and Believing
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hour: 15:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
A Neural Mechanism for Reasoning and Believing
Prof. Michael Shadlen
Physiology and Biophysics Dept
University of Washington
Spatial Memory, Healthy Cognition and Successful Aging
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hour: 12:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Spatial Memory, Healthy Cognition and Successful Aging
Prof. Veronique Bohbot
Faculty of Medicine
McGill University, Quebec, Canada
Young healthy participants spontaneously use different strategies in a virtual radial maze, an adaptation of a task typically used with rodents. We have previously shown using fMRI that people who use spatial memory strategies have increased activity in the hippocampus whereas response strategies are associated with activity in the caudate nucleus. In addition, we used Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM) to identify brain regions co-varying with the navigational strategies individuals used. Results showed that spatial learners have significantly more grey matter in the hippocampus and less grey matter in the caudate nucleus than response learners. The relationship between spatial memory strategies and grey matter of the hippocampus was replicated with healthy older adults. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between spatial memory strategies and the MoCA, which is a test sensitive to mild cognitive impairment. Since low grey matter in the hippocampus is a risk factor for cognitive deficits in normal aging and for Alzheimer’s disease, our results suggest that using spatial memory in our everyday lives may protect against degeneration of the hippocampus and associated cognitive deficits These results have important implications for intervention programs aimed at healthy and successful aging.
Visual Inference by Composition
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Visual Inference by Composition
Prof. Michal Irani,Prof. Michal Irani
Dept of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, WIS
In this talk I will show how complex visual tasks can be performed by exploiting redundancy in visual data. Comparing and integrating data recurrences allows to make inferences about complex scenes, without any prior examples or prior training.
I will demonstrate the power of this approach to several visual inference problems (as time permits). These include:
1. Detecting complex objects and actions (often based only on a rough hand-sketch of what we are looking for).
2. Summarizing visual data (images and video).
3. Super-resolution (from a single image).
4. Prediction of missing visual information.
5. Detecting the "irregular" and "unexpected".
6. "Segmentation by Composition".
The Optimism Bias: A tour of the positively irrational brain
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
The Optimism Bias: A tour of the positively irrational brain
Dr. Tali Sharot
University College London
New Developments in the Genetics of Eating Disorders
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
New Developments in the Genetics of Eating Disorders
Allan Kaplan
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
The eating disorders anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are serious psychiatric disorders characterized by disturbed eating behavior and characteristic psychopathology, and in the case of AN, very low weight. The mortality of AN is the highest of any psychiatric disorder. The etiology of AN and BN are multidetermined; there are factors biologically, psychologically and socioculturallly that predispose an individual to an eating disorder. Biologically, genes contribute significantly to the risk for eating disorders. Studies have shown that the risk of anorexia nervosa in first degree relatives if one parent has AN is between 8-10%.compraed to the general population risk of 1%. The concordance rate for MZ twins in AN is close to 70%. Approximately 70% of the variance in AN is attributable to genetic effects whereas about 30% is attributable to unique environmental effects. For BN, approximately 60% of the variance in BN is attributable to genetic effects whereas about 40% is attributable to unique environmental effects. Eating disorders do not map on to one chromosome Instead there are dimensions that are genetic, such as risk of obesity, anxiety, and temperament such as perfectionism and obssessionality that are inherited and place an individual at risk for an eating disorder
Gender is also a genetic risk factor for an eating disorder. Being female is a risk factor for an eating disorder, not just because females are more sensitive to cultural pressure than males. Females are more commonly affected by eating disorders because female brains are much more sensitive to dietary manipulation than male brains related to the effects of estrogen and progesterone on serotonin metabolism. Tryptophan depletion does not significantly affect levels of brain serotonin in males but dramatically reduces levels of serotonin produced in females’ brains. Dieting, especially restricting carbohydrates lowers the level of blood tryptophan available to cross the blood brain and be available to be synthesized to serotonin. Patients are at risk for an eating disorder will reduce the levels of serotonin produced in their brains by dieting and restricting carbohydrates, leading to changes in satiety and mood and increasing the likelihood of an eating disorder developing . There are those who believe that binge eating develops in response to a hyposerotonergic state in an attempt to restore tryptophan available for brain serotonin synthesis
I have been involved in several large multi site genetic studies of eating disorders over the past 15 years. In a linkage analysis of affected relative AN pairs, when only restricting anorexics were included in the analyses, a significant signal was found on the long arm of chromosome 1. Candidate genes that have been found in that area of chromosome 1 include the serotonin 1D receptor gene, the opiod delta gene, and the dopamine D2 receptor gene. In a linkage analyses on a sample of affected relative pairs with BN, a significant signal was found on chromosome 10 when the sample included only subjects who vomited. I am currently involved in a whole genome wide association study ( GWAS) of 4000 AN cases and 4000 female controls which will hopefully elucidate which specific genes contribute to the risk for AN.
Future genetic studies we are involved in will focus on why patients with AN are able to drop their weight to dangerously low levels, whereas patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) with similar psychopathology and dysfunctional eating behaviors are protected from extreme weight loss and do not develop AN. So far, research on genes that are important for appetite and weight regulation, such as the leptin receptor (LEPR), ghrelin (GHRL), melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), has yielded conflicting findings in AN and BN, while related genes with potential in the same genetic systems have not been sufficiently studied. Considering that AN in adults tends to follow a chronic course and currently does not have any evidence-based treatments, determining the role of genetic factors in the vulnerability to achieve low weight in AN patients could be an important first step toward improved treatment.
On Informational Principles of Embodied Cognition
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
On Informational Principles of Embodied Cognition
Dr. Daniel Polani
School of Computer Science,
University of Hertfordshire, UK
For many decades, Artificial Intelligence adopted a platonic view that intelligent behaviour is produced in the "brain" only and any body is only an incidental translator between thought and action. In the last two decades, in view of the successes of the subsumption architecture and embodied robotics, this perspective has changed to acknowledge the central importance of the body and the perception-action loop as whole in helping an organisms' brain to carry out useful ("intelligent") behaviours. A central keyword for this phenomenon is, of course, "environmental/morphological computation" (Paul 2006; Pfeifer and Bongard 2007).
The question arises, how/why exactly does this work? What are the principles that make environmental computation work so successfully and how can the contribution that the body provides to cognition be characterized objectively?
In the last years, Information Theory has been identified as providing a natural language to characterize cognitive processing, cognitive invariants as well as the contribution of the embodiment to the cognitive process. The talk will review some highlights of the current state-of-the-art in the field and provide some - sometimes quite surprising - illustrations of the power of the informational view of cognition.
Visual Inference Amid Fixational Eye Movements
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Visual Inference Amid Fixational Eye Movements
Dr. Yoram Burak
Center for Brain Science,
Harvard University
Our visual system is capable of inferring the structure of 2-d images at a resolution comparable (or, in some tasks, greatly exceeding) the receptive field size of individual retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Our capability to do so becomes all the more surprising once we consider that, while performing such tasks, the image projected on the retina is in constant jitter due to eye and head motion. For example, the motion between two subsequent discharges of a foveal RGC typically exceeds the receptive field size, so the two subsequent spikes report on different regions of the visual scene. This suggests that, to achieve high-acuity perception, the brain must take the image jitter into account. I will discuss two theoretical investigations of this theme.
I will first ask how the visual system might infer the structure of images drawn from a large, relatively unconstrained ensemble. Due to the combinatorially large number of possible images, it is impossible for the brain to act as an ideal observer that performs optimal Bayesian inference based on the retinal spikes. However, I will propose an approximate scheme derived from such an approach, which is based on a factorial representation of the multi-dimensional probability distribution, similar to a mean-field approximation. The decoding scheme that emerges from this approximation suggests a neural implementation that involves two neural populations, one that represents an estimate for the position of the eye, and another that represents an estimate of the stabilized image. I will discuss the performance of this decoding strategy under simplified assumptions on retinal coding. I will also compare it to other schemes, and discuss possible implications for neural visual processing in the foveal region.
In the second part of the talk I will focus on the Vernier task, in which human subjects achieve hyper-acuity, greatly exceeding the receptive field size of a single RGC. The optimal decoder for this task can be formalized and analyzed mathematically in detail. I will show that a linear, perceptron-type decoder cannot achieve hyper-acuity. On the other hand a quadratic decoder, which is sensitive to coincident spiking in pairs of neurons, constitutes an effective and structurally simple solution to the problem. Furthermore, the performance achieved by such a decoder is close to the limit imposed by the ideal Bayesian decoder. Therefore, spike coincidence detectors in the early visual system may facilitate hyper-acuity vision in the presence of fixational eye-motion.
Connectivity and activity of C. elegans locomotion
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Connectivity and activity of C. elegans locomotion
Dr. Gal Haspel
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
I study the neuronal basis of locomotion in the nematode C elegans. With only 302 neurons in its nervous system, 75 of which are locomotion motorneurons, C. elegans offers a tractable network to study locomotion. In this talk I will describe my research, which uses a neuroethological approach to study both the behavior and the underlying connectivity and activity of neurons and muscle cells.
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Anesthesia: a window to the neuronal activity underlying consciousness
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Anesthesia: a window to the neuronal activity underlying consciousness
Dr. Aeyal Raz
Dept of Anesthesia
Rabin Medical Center
The neural mechanisms underlying consciousness have been one of the most intriguing yet elusive questions facing science. We will discuss how the activity of the neuronal population changes during loss of consciousness following administration of general anesthesia drugs.
We measured the changes of Sub-thalamic nucleus neurons activity during administration of propofol (GABAA agonists) and Remifentanil (opiate agonist). This was done during implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in humans. Administration of both Propofol and remifentanil leads to a similar reduction of STN multi-unit neuronal spiking activity. Remifentanil seems to interfere with the oscillatory pattern of STN activity whereas propofol does not.
In order to broaden our understanding of the effect of anesthetic drugs, we performed extra-cellular recordings of neuronal activity from the cortex and globus pallidus of vervet monkeys using multiple electrodes. The recordings were performed during sedation with Ketamine (NMDA antagonist). Our results demonstrate the appearance of synchronous oscillatory activity of the LFP at slow (<1 Hz) delta (3-4Hz) and gamma (35-50Hz) in the motor cortex and globus pallidus following ketamine injection and loss of consciousness. These oscillations are synchronized between regions as well, and are correlated to the spiking activity of neurons in these regions.
We propose that loss of consciousness following anesthesia is due to the appearance of synchronized oscillatory activity in different regions of the brain, preventing the normal processing and passage of information.
Acquired alternative splicing changes in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Acquired alternative splicing changes in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Safra Center of Neuroscience
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Multiple lines of evidence link numerous diseases to inherited errors in alternative splicing, the process connecting different exon and intron sequences to diversify gene expression. We explore potential involvement of acquired alternative splicing changes in non-familial Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases (AD, PD), where synaptic functioning fails and cholinergic or dopaminergic neurons die prematurely. Using whole genome microarrays, we found massive decline in exon exclusion events in the AD entorhinal cortex. In brain-injected mice, blocking exon exclusion caused learning and memory impairments and destruction of cholinergic neurons caused AD-like changes in exon exclusion. Suggesting physiological relevance, blocking exon exclusion in primary neuronal cells was preventable by cholinergic stimulation and caused dendritic and synapse loss. In comparison, blood leukocytes from advanced PD patients showed different alternative splicing changes. These were largely reversed by deep brain stimulation (DBS), which reduces motor symptoms, and were reversed again after disconnecting the stimulus. Measured modifications correlated with neurological treatment efficacy and classified controls from advanced PD patients and pre- from post-surgery patients. In an independent patient cohort, a "molecular signature" (6 out of the modified transcripts) further classified controls from patients with early PD or other neurological diseases. Our findings demonstrate functionally relevant disease-specific alternative splicing changes in the AD brain and PD leukocytes; highlight acquired alternative splicing changes as causally involved in different neurodegenerative diseases and identify new targets for intervention in DBS-treatable neurological diseases.
Visualizing Circuits in the Visual System
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Visualizing Circuits in the Visual System
Prof. Josh Sanes
Center for Brain Science
Harvard University
Formation of neural circuits requires that axons recognize appropriate cells, and even appropriate parts of cells, upon which to synapse. In the retina, amacrine and bipolar cells form synapses on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). The visual features to which different RGC subtypes respond depend on what input they receive, prime determinants of which are the IPL sublaminae in which their dendrites make synapses. We have therefore sought molecules that mark RGC subtyoes and mediate lamina-specific connectivity. Candidates include members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, such as Sidekicks, Dscams and JAMs, and members of the cadherin superfamily, such as Class II and protocadherins. I will discuss our progress toward identifying and testing such candidates. I will also discuss methods for tracing connections of retinal neurons in wild-type and mutant mice, so that we can assess the consequences of perturbing target recognition systems.
Cortical blood flow: Every (subsurface) vessel counts
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hour: 11:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Cortical blood flow: Every (subsurface) vessel counts
Prof. David Kleinfeld
Dept of Physics
University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA
Neuronal processing has a high energetic cost, all of which is supplied through brain vasculature. What are the design rules for this system? How is flow controlled by neuronal activity? How do neurons respond to failures in the vasculature? Theses questions will be addressed at the level of necortex in rat and mouse. An essential aspect of this work is the use of nonlinear optical tools to measure and perturb vasodynamics and automate the large-scale mapping of brain angioarchitecture.
The neurobiology of seizures and depression
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
The neurobiology of seizures and depression
Dr. Oscar G. Morales
Associate Director, Psychiatric Neurotherapeutics Program (PNP)
Harvard Medical School
Altered Function of the Prefrontal Cortex Following Extended Access to Self-Administered Cocaine
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hour: 13:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Altered Function of the Prefrontal Cortex Following Extended Access to Self-Administered Cocaine
Dr. Osnat Ben-Shahar
Dept of Psychology
University of California Santa Barbara
One main alteration in neural function observed in human cocaine addicts is reduced function in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). However, whether altered function of the mPFC precede, or result from, excessive self-administration of cocaine, and the exact neurochemical changes it consists of, is still unknown. To answer these questions, one needs an appropriate animal model of addiction. As, it is well established that differences in the route of, and control over, cocaine-administration, or in the frequency and size of the daily-dose of cocaine, result in significant differences in cocaine-induced neurochemical effects; then if we are to better understand the neuroadaptations that underlie the development of addiction in humans, we should employ animal models that mimic as closely as possible the human situation. Hence, my lab utilize an animal model that employs intravenous self-administration of cocaine, under conditions (based on Ahmed & Koob, 1998) that distinguish the effects of brief versus extended daily access to cocaine upon both behavior and neural substrates. This permits the investigation of neuroadaptations associated with the transition from the drug-naïve state to controlled drug-use, versus the further adaptations associated with the transition from controlled to compulsive drug-use. Using this model, we measured basal, as well as cocaine-induced, release of glutamate and dopamine within the mPFC during and after various levels of exposure to cocaine. The differences we found between controlled and compulsive drug-states, will be discussed in this talk.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Hans-Christian Pape
Institute for Physiology I
Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster, Germany
Fear is a crucial adaptive component of the behavioral repertoire that is generated in relation to stimuli which threaten to perturb homeostasis. Fear-relevant associations are learned and consolidated as part of long term memory. After learning, fear responses are modulated through processes termed safety learning and extinction. Perturbation of these mechanisms can lead to disproportional anxiety states and anxiety disorders. Recent years have seen considerable progress in identifying relevant brain areas – such as the amygdala, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex - and neurophysiological principles. Key mechanisms, involving rhythmic oscillations of neuronal subpopulations and neuromodulatory influences, will be discussed
Individual differences in the expression and control of conditioned fear
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Individual differences in the expression and control of conditioned fear
Catherine Hartley
Doctoral Student, New York University
In order to function adaptively in a complex environment, individuals must both react to environmental threats and modify their reactions as circumstances change. A large body of work employing Pavlovian conditioning paradigms has generated a detailed neuroscientific understanding of how fear responses are acquired. More recent research has begun to probe the various means by which learned fear can be diminished. The vast majority of this research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie typical responding in an idealized “average” individual. A robust model of fear learning must also account for the substantial variability in fear reactivity and regulation that exists between individuals. The experiments presented here explore neurobiological and experiential factors that are associated with individual variation in the expression and regulation of conditioned fear using psychophysiology, neuroimaging, and behavioral genetics.
Faces, Attention, and the Temporal Lobe
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hour: 11:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Faces, Attention, and the Temporal Lobe
Prof. Winrich Freiwald
The Rockefeller University, New York
Understanding the neural mechanisms of visual object recognition is a difficult task in part, because for any given object it is not clear, which exact part of the brain to study. Yet evolution has presented us with a unique model system to decipher these mechanisms. The temporal lobes of macaque monkeys contain neural machinery to support face recognition consisting of six discrete patches of face-selective cortex. The two main organizing features of this system – concentration of cells encoding the same complex object category into modules and spatial separation of modules – make it possible to break down the process of face recognition into its components. In my talk I will present anatomical results supporting the notion that the distributed face patches really are part of an integrated face-processing machine, and electrophysiological results showing that each patch subserves a distinct computational function. In the second part of my talk I will turn to something completely different, attention. Using fMRI in macaque monkeys, we found a network of areas to be modulated by attention in motion-discrimination task, included a hitherto unsuspected region within inferotemporal cortex, PITd. We then targeted PITd for electrophysiological recordings and electrical microstimulation in different tasks to learn about its role in sensory information processing and spatial attention. I will discuss the somewhat radical conclusion we arrived at, namely that PITd may constitute a region for attentional control.
Embraining the mind: On cerebral localization and the nature of culture
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Embraining the mind: On cerebral localization and the nature of culture
Dr. Sky Gross
Dept of Sociology and Anthropology
Tel Aviv University
Are we our brains?
This question has troubled Western society for centuries, and still does today. Philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists - as much as the lay public - battle with the question of whether our personality, sense of self and states of mind can truly be explained through a scientific study of the brain, and whether one can at least correlate these with brain activity and structure. With the recent hyperbolic advances made in neuroscience, these questions arise in the form of intensive and broad debates on whether one may be able, at some point in the future, to fully account for what we cherish more than all, our sense that we are more than a lump of flesh.
This "more" however, does not belong to the realm of science: in the laboratory, one must deal with observable and operalizationable phenomena – everything core subjectivity ('qualia'- e.g. the experience of pain, of seeing the color red) is not. How can neuroscience approach the mind without losing its brain? How well has it done thus far, and what may we expect in the future?
This talk will suggest one – among many – approaches to this quandary, by looking at the history and current practices of brain localization. By introducing the mind-body conundrum into the study of this enterprise, we will consider the extent to which localization and classification of brain/mind functions serve as a way to materialize what is/was believed to be beyond 'matter'. The following debate will allow a discussion of an issue that concerns us all.
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