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Optogenetic deconstruction of the neuronal circuits underlying dynamic retrieval strategies for long-term memories

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Inbal Goshen
Dept of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA

Cognitive function and emotional homeostasis, and the aspiration to decipher their neuronal basis have stood at the heart of neuroscience since its inception. The complexity of the circuits underlying these processes is immense, and new techniques are necessary to provide novel efficient ways to make a significant progress in brain research. Optogenetic tools enable temporally and spatially precise in-vivo activation or inactivation of genetically defined cell populations, thus enabling deconstruction of systems that were not available for research. An example for that is my work re-examining the role of the hippocampus in remote memory. The prevailing theory suggests that the process of remote memory consolidation requires early involvement of the hippocampus, followed by the neocortex. In the course of this process, an influence of hippocampus on neocortex may enable the hippocampus to facilitate the remote cortical storage of memory, rather than stably store the memory itself. Indeed, contextual fear memories in rodents are completely unaffected by hippocampal lesions or pharmacological inhibition on the remote timescale of weeks after training, but do depend on the hippocampus over the recent timescale of days after training. However, in exploring the contribution of defined cell types to remote memory using optogenetic methods (which are orders of magnitude faster in onset and offset than earlier methods), we found that even weeks after contextual conditioning, the contextual fear memory recall could be abolished by optogenetic inhibition of excitatory neurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus- at times when all earlier studies had found no detectable influence of hippocampus. We also optogenetically confirmed the remote-timescale importance of anterior cingulate cortex. In exploring mechanisms, we found that loss of hippocampal involvement at remote timepoints depended on the timescale of hippocampal inhibition, since 1) we replicated earlier pharmacological work using longer-lasting drug-mediated inhibition of hippocampus (revealing the recent, but not remote, effects on memory); and 2) extending optogenetic inhibition of hippocampus to match typical pharmacological timescales converted the remote hippocampus-dependence to remote hippocampus-independence. These findings uncover a remarkable dynamism in the mammalian memory retrieval process, in which underlying neural circuitry adaptively shifts the default structures involved in memory—normally depending upon the hippocampus even at remote timepoints, but flexibly moving to alternate mechanisms when the hippocampus is offline on the timescale of minutes. This new model is further supported by the finding that contextual memory was instantaneously suppressed by CA1 inhibition even in the midst of a single freely-moving behavioral session, after the memory was already retrieved. Our findings have broad implications for the interpretation of drug or lesion data in other systems, and may open an exciting therapeutic avenue for PTSD patients, in which a pathology-inducing contextual memory could be stopped as it appears without permanently affecting other memories.

Anesthesia: a window to the neuronal activity underlying consciousness

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Aeyal Raz
Dept of Anesthesia Rabin Medical Center

The neural mechanisms underlying consciousness have been one of the most intriguing yet elusive questions facing science. We will discuss how the activity of the neuronal population changes during loss of consciousness following administration of general anesthesia drugs. We measured the changes of Sub-thalamic nucleus neurons activity during administration of propofol (GABAA agonists) and Remifentanil (opiate agonist). This was done during implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes for the treatment of Parkinson&#8217;s disease in humans. Administration of both Propofol and remifentanil leads to a similar reduction of STN multi-unit neuronal spiking activity. Remifentanil seems to interfere with the oscillatory pattern of STN activity whereas propofol does not. In order to broaden our understanding of the effect of anesthetic drugs, we performed extra-cellular recordings of neuronal activity from the cortex and globus pallidus of vervet monkeys using multiple electrodes. The recordings were performed during sedation with Ketamine (NMDA antagonist). Our results demonstrate the appearance of synchronous oscillatory activity of the LFP at slow (<1 Hz) delta (3-4Hz) and gamma (35-50Hz) in the motor cortex and globus pallidus following ketamine injection and loss of consciousness. These oscillations are synchronized between regions as well, and are correlated to the spiking activity of neurons in these regions. We propose that loss of consciousness following anesthesia is due to the appearance of synchronized oscillatory activity in different regions of the brain, preventing the normal processing and passage of information.

Acquired alternative splicing changes in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Safra Center of Neuroscience The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Multiple lines of evidence link numerous diseases to inherited errors in alternative splicing, the process connecting different exon and intron sequences to diversify gene expression. We explore potential involvement of acquired alternative splicing changes in non-familial Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases (AD, PD), where synaptic functioning fails and cholinergic or dopaminergic neurons die prematurely. Using whole genome microarrays, we found massive decline in exon exclusion events in the AD entorhinal cortex. In brain-injected mice, blocking exon exclusion caused learning and memory impairments and destruction of cholinergic neurons caused AD-like changes in exon exclusion. Suggesting physiological relevance, blocking exon exclusion in primary neuronal cells was preventable by cholinergic stimulation and caused dendritic and synapse loss. In comparison, blood leukocytes from advanced PD patients showed different alternative splicing changes. These were largely reversed by deep brain stimulation (DBS), which reduces motor symptoms, and were reversed again after disconnecting the stimulus. Measured modifications correlated with neurological treatment efficacy and classified controls from advanced PD patients and pre- from post-surgery patients. In an independent patient cohort, a "molecular signature" (6 out of the modified transcripts) further classified controls from patients with early PD or other neurological diseases. Our findings demonstrate functionally relevant disease-specific alternative splicing changes in the AD brain and PD leukocytes; highlight acquired alternative splicing changes as causally involved in different neurodegenerative diseases and identify new targets for intervention in DBS-treatable neurological diseases.

Visualizing Circuits in the Visual System

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Josh Sanes
Center for Brain Science Harvard University

Formation of neural circuits requires that axons recognize appropriate cells, and even appropriate parts of cells, upon which to synapse. In the retina, amacrine and bipolar cells form synapses on retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). The visual features to which different RGC subtypes respond depend on what input they receive, prime determinants of which are the IPL sublaminae in which their dendrites make synapses. We have therefore sought molecules that mark RGC subtyoes and mediate lamina-specific connectivity. Candidates include members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, such as Sidekicks, Dscams and JAMs, and members of the cadherin superfamily, such as Class II and protocadherins. I will discuss our progress toward identifying and testing such candidates. I will also discuss methods for tracing connections of retinal neurons in wild-type and mutant mice, so that we can assess the consequences of perturbing target recognition systems.

Cortical blood flow: Every (subsurface) vessel counts

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hour: 11:00
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. David Kleinfeld
Dept of Physics University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA

Neuronal processing has a high energetic cost, all of which is supplied through brain vasculature. What are the design rules for this system? How is flow controlled by neuronal activity? How do neurons respond to failures in the vasculature? Theses questions will be addressed at the level of necortex in rat and mouse. An essential aspect of this work is the use of nonlinear optical tools to measure and perturb vasodynamics and automate the large-scale mapping of brain angioarchitecture.

The neurobiology of seizures and depression

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Oscar G. Morales
Associate Director, Psychiatric Neurotherapeutics Program (PNP) Harvard Medical School

Altered Function of the Prefrontal Cortex Following Extended Access to Self-Administered Cocaine

Monday, November 8, 2010
Hour: 13:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Dr. Osnat Ben-Shahar
Dept of Psychology University of California Santa Barbara

One main alteration in neural function observed in human cocaine addicts is reduced function in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). However, whether altered function of the mPFC precede, or result from, excessive self-administration of cocaine, and the exact neurochemical changes it consists of, is still unknown. To answer these questions, one needs an appropriate animal model of addiction. As, it is well established that differences in the route of, and control over, cocaine-administration, or in the frequency and size of the daily-dose of cocaine, result in significant differences in cocaine-induced neurochemical effects; then if we are to better understand the neuroadaptations that underlie the development of addiction in humans, we should employ animal models that mimic as closely as possible the human situation. Hence, my lab utilize an animal model that employs intravenous self-administration of cocaine, under conditions (based on Ahmed & Koob, 1998) that distinguish the effects of brief versus extended daily access to cocaine upon both behavior and neural substrates. This permits the investigation of neuroadaptations associated with the transition from the drug-na&iuml;ve state to controlled drug-use, versus the further adaptations associated with the transition from controlled to compulsive drug-use. Using this model, we measured basal, as well as cocaine-induced, release of glutamate and dopamine within the mPFC during and after various levels of exposure to cocaine. The differences we found between controlled and compulsive drug-states, will be discussed in this talk.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Hans-Christian Pape
Institute for Physiology I Westf&auml;lische Wilhelms University M&uuml;nster, Germany

Fear is a crucial adaptive component of the behavioral repertoire that is generated in relation to stimuli which threaten to perturb homeostasis. Fear-relevant associations are learned and consolidated as part of long term memory. After learning, fear responses are modulated through processes termed safety learning and extinction. Perturbation of these mechanisms can lead to disproportional anxiety states and anxiety disorders. Recent years have seen considerable progress in identifying relevant brain areas &#8211; such as the amygdala, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex - and neurophysiological principles. Key mechanisms, involving rhythmic oscillations of neuronal subpopulations and neuromodulatory influences, will be discussed

Individual differences in the expression and control of conditioned fear

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Catherine Hartley
Doctoral Student, New York University

In order to function adaptively in a complex environment, individuals must both react to environmental threats and modify their reactions as circumstances change. A large body of work employing Pavlovian conditioning paradigms has generated a detailed neuroscientific understanding of how fear responses are acquired. More recent research has begun to probe the various means by which learned fear can be diminished. The vast majority of this research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie typical responding in an idealized &#8220;average&#8221; individual. A robust model of fear learning must also account for the substantial variability in fear reactivity and regulation that exists between individuals. The experiments presented here explore neurobiological and experiential factors that are associated with individual variation in the expression and regulation of conditioned fear using psychophysiology, neuroimaging, and behavioral genetics.

Faces, Attention, and the Temporal Lobe

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hour: 11:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Winrich Freiwald
The Rockefeller University, New York

Understanding the neural mechanisms of visual object recognition is a difficult task in part, because for any given object it is not clear, which exact part of the brain to study. Yet evolution has presented us with a unique model system to decipher these mechanisms. The temporal lobes of macaque monkeys contain neural machinery to support face recognition consisting of six discrete patches of face-selective cortex. The two main organizing features of this system &#8211; concentration of cells encoding the same complex object category into modules and spatial separation of modules &#8211; make it possible to break down the process of face recognition into its components. In my talk I will present anatomical results supporting the notion that the distributed face patches really are part of an integrated face-processing machine, and electrophysiological results showing that each patch subserves a distinct computational function. In the second part of my talk I will turn to something completely different, attention. Using fMRI in macaque monkeys, we found a network of areas to be modulated by attention in motion-discrimination task, included a hitherto unsuspected region within inferotemporal cortex, PITd. We then targeted PITd for electrophysiological recordings and electrical microstimulation in different tasks to learn about its role in sensory information processing and spatial attention. I will discuss the somewhat radical conclusion we arrived at, namely that PITd may constitute a region for attentional control.


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Neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis Translation of Experimental Therapy Results into Clinical Studies

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hour: 14:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Mathias Baehr
Head, Dept of Neurology University of Gottingen Medical School, Germany

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) in brown Norway rats mimicks neurodegenerative aspects of multiple sclerosis (MS). In this model, optic neuritis leads to acute axonal lesions and consecutive apoptotic cell death of RGCs, whose axons form the optic nerve. The intracellular mechanisms of RGC apoptosis resemble those described after surgical transection of the optic nerve. These mechanisms involve shifts in the expression of Bcl-2 family members, mitogen-activated protein kinases , and the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt pathway. Current research on neurodegenerative aspects in EAE or MS is focused on developing treatment strategies that inhibit degeneration of axons as well as protection of the neuronal cell body from apoptotic cell death. The concept of achieving neuroprotective effects by successful treatment of inflammation and autoimmunity was supported by studies showing a close association of axonal damage and inflammation. However, trials evaluating anti-inflammatory therapies in MS patients have shown that elimination of the inflammatory component of the disease does not necessarily stop progression of brain and spinal cord atrophy. Methylprednisolone, the standard treatment of autoimmune optic neuritis, accelerates visual recovery, but it does not influence the final visual outcome. In MOG-induced optic neuritis, even detrimental effects of anti-inflammatory treatment with methylprednisolone on the survival of RGCs were observed. On the other hand, blocking apoptosis signals in neurons without simultaneously treating inflammation-induced axon degeneration does not lead to functionally relevant results: Although application of Epo as well as CNTF increases survival rates of RGCs during MOG-induced optic neuritis, visual acuity in these animals remains poor due to severe and ongoing degeneration of optic nerve axon fibers. These observations led to a hypothesis that can easily be transferred to the situation in MS: Due to the much larger proportion of white matter in the human brain, preventing apoptosis of neuronal cell bodies alone might not find its expression in clinical scores and neurological function. Therefore, neuroprotective approaches in combination with the established disease-modifying therapies might be more promising. Simultaneous application of methylprednisolone and Epo or Minocycline in MOG-induced optic neuritis resulted in a functional, electrophysiological improvement of optic nerves and RGCs as well as in increased neuronal and axonal survival The lecture will outline the transfer of these experimental approaches into a clinical trial and discuss other new neuroprotective and regenerative strategies.

Habituation and adaptation in the barn owl

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Yoram Gutfreund
Dept of Physiology and Biophysics Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa

Habituation is the most basic form of learning yet very little is known about the underlying mechanisms. In our lab, we use the pupil dilation reflex of the barn owl as a model system to study habituation. In barn owls the pupils dilate in response to an unexpected stimulus. This response habituates dramatically if the stimulus is repeated. The advantage of using the PDR is that it can be measured non-invasively in immobilized and even anaesthetized barn owls. This allows for an easy combination of physiological experiments with behavioral experiments. In my talk I will describe recent experiments addressing the effects of microstimulation in the optic tectum on the PDR and will show that neural responses in the optic tectum are correlated with the habituation of the PDR. These findings link the optic tectum with habituation processes.

Stress related disorders induces neuroadaptations in the Nucleus-Accumbens spontaneous activity and in Hippocampaly evoked Accumbens activity

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hour: 13:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Yaron Penn
Zangen Group, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

Stress related dissorders are likely to result from atypical processing and integration of information by several serieses of neural networks. These dissorders have been associated with neuroadaptations found at molecular and cellular levels within reward-related brain regions. The nucleus accumbens (NAcc) is a central component of the reward system. Convergence of glutamatergic innervations from limbic and cortical structures under intense dopaminergic modulations, places the NAcc as the major site for integration of emotional salience, contextual constraints and executive/motor plans. In the current study we found the medial shell of the NAcc to exhibit life-experience dependant adaptations. In animals exposed to chronic mild stress (CMS), there was an increase in spontaneous patterned network activity, synaptic potentiation of vSub innervations and increased GluR1 levels in the NAcc shell. In contrast, the ability to sustain time-locked, hippocampally evoked, network response was strongly reduced. That and more, we found evidence for short- and long- term plasticity in the vSub-NAcc pathway of CMS animals, but not in their control counterparts. Over all, we argue that stressful life-experience is associated with in-vivo, long-term functional adaptations in the reward system. The individual animal&#8217;s life experience history was found to leave its mark on the NAcc network activity, properties and response. Taken together with the life-experience dependent plasticity results, these adaptations are suggested to reflect part of the adverse functional mechanism which guide behavioral deficits in stress related dissorders.

What one can learn about the barrel cortex without touching a whisker

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Michael Okun
Lampl Group, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The presentation will cover the projects in the lab of Dr. Ilan Lampl in which I took part during the last several years. Specifically, I intend to speak about the following topics: (i) existence of repeating motifs in subthreshold neuronal activity in the cortex, and its relationship to the synfire chain model; (ii) balance of excitation and inhibition in the cortex; and (iii) understanding spike-LFP relationships using intracellular recordings. I will also briefly describe some of our ongoing and future research projects.

Olfactory Information Processing in Awake Mouse: Smell the Time

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Dmitry Rinberg
Janelia Farm Research Campus Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The envious brain: to the neural basis of social inequity

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Simone Shamay-Tsoory
Dept. of Psychology University of Haifa

A large corpus of evidence concerning social comparison processes indicates that relative material payoffs affect people&#8217;s well-being and behavior. Envy and schadenfreude are emotions related to social comparison. Envy is a negative reaction in the face of another person&#8217;s good fortune while schadenfreude, is the joy about the misfortune of another. We suggested that the neural network which mediates envy and schadenfreude involves the 'mentalizing network' and the reward/punishment systems. To examine our model we conducted a lesion study, an fMRI study and a study involving administration of oxytocin. The results confirm our model and shwo differential patterns of activation in the reward and mentalizing networks in envy and schadenfreude. These studies support the role of the metalizing system (particularly the medial prefrontal cortex) in these emotions. The pattern of activation in the ventral striatum suggests that winning money can seem like a loss when another person wins a larger amount. Likewise, losing money can seem like a gain when another person loses more. Finally, we demonstrate that the oxytocinergic system modulates the feeling of envy and schadenfruede. Specifically, intranasal administration of oxytocin increases ratings of envy and schadenfreude in competitive situations, suggesting that this hormone has a general role in negative as well as positive social behaviors. Although it has been well established that humans are motivated to seek rewards and avoid punishments, our studies demonstrate that humans are as sensitive to social comparisons, that even a loss can induce joy when it is compared to another's greater loss. These processes seem to be mediated by the reward system and the oxytocinegic system

Understanding neuronal circuits in the mammalian olfactory bulb

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Dinu Florin Albeanu
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Abstract: In many regions of the brain, neurons form an ordered representation of the outside world. For example, the 'homunculus' of the somatosensory cortex is a point-to-point topographic map of the body surface onto the brain surface. The spatially organized convergence of sensory inputs often leads to similar response properties in target neurons that are in close vicinity. Whether their individual information content is redundant or independent depends on the circuit architecture (the interplay between common input, lateral signals and feedback from other brain areas) and the computational goals of the network. In the mammalian olfactory bulb (OB), sensory neurons expressing the same type of olfactory receptor (~10,000) converge in tight focus, forming clusters of synapses called glomeruli (~2,000). From each glomerulus, a few dozen mitral cells (principal output neurons of the OB) carry the output further to the cortex. The mitral cells, typically have only one primary dendrite that projects to a single glomerulus, but can sample inputs on their primary and secondary dendrites from functionally diverse glomeruli via several types of interneurons. Thus, a few dozen mitral cells share input from the same parent glomerulus, but may have different inhibitory surrounds. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss the topographic layout of glomeruli on the bulb - the olfactory map. How precise is this map within and across two species: mouse and rat? How does its structure relate to odor processing? Do glomeruli that are responsive to structurally similar odor molecules have a tendency to lie next to each other? In other words, is there a chemotopic map? In the second part of the talk, I will focus on probing the odor response properties of mitral cells using extracellular recordings and an optogenetic strategy to ask whether the OB is more than a relay station. Do mitral cells receiving common input from the same parent glomerulus carry redundant information about odors to cortex? I will conclude by describing novel strategies that allow monitoring the input-output transfer function of the OB via multi-photon microscopy imaging of bulb neurons activity in the same animal, in different states of the circuit. Link for further information:

Recording from human neurons in vivo: electro-olfactograms

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hour: 10:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Hadas Lapid
Sobel Group, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

The olfactory epithelium offers a rare opportunity to record sensory activity directly from olfactory receptor neurons in awake behaving humans. A potential method to probe this neural sheet is by recording a local field potential (LFP) known as the Electro-Olfactogram (EOlfG). Although this method is considered a standard tool in anesthetized animals, it has gained only little attention in humans mostly due to the technical barriers in targeting this tissue. We first validated EOlfGs as a tool for quantification of the evoked olfactory response. Specifically, we found that EOlfGs were concentration dependent and odorant specific. We then turned to ask how specific odorant qualities are reflected in the EOlfG. Initial findings suggested that EOlfG area under the curve was correlated with an aspect of physicochemical odorant structure that we refer to as "molecular compactness". In summary, we find EOlfGs a promising tool for elucidating the link between an olfactory stimulus, its evoked neuronal response, and its percept.

Molecular Neurobiology of Social Bonding: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hour: 13:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Larry Young
Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta GA

Social relationships are at the core of every healthy society and the quality of early social attachments contributes to emotional and social development. I will discuss the neurobiological mechanisms underlying social attachment and bonding, as well as the impact of early life social experience on later life social relationships. The highly social and monogamous prairie vole is an ideal animal model for investigating the biological mechanisms of social attachment and bonding. Studies in voles have revealed that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin promote social bonding. Furthermore, variation in the oxytocin and vasopressin systems contributes to diversity in social behavior both across species and within populations. I will discuss the genetic mechanisms giving rise to diversity in social organization in voles. Finally I will discuss parallels between these studies in voles and recent studies in humans which suggest that these mechanisms are highly conserved from rodent to man. These observations have important implications for psychiatric disorders characterized by disruptions in social behavior, including autism.

Binding elements to a whole, problem and solution

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Moshe Abeles
Bar-Ilan University

Firing rates of neurons cannot explain how we compose complex mental representations from more primitive elements. If spike time matters compositionality can easily be explained. This can easily be achieved by synfire chains. We provide indirect evidence that monkey scribbling is generated by synfire chains. Furthermore, we show by simulations that synfire chains in two distinct areas with a few random connections may learn to resonate with each other. We also show how many representations of mental elements may reside in the same small area, when practically all neurons participate in all the presentations, and yet what is represented can be identified in a few ms. In simulations, the global activity may oscillate in the gamma range without any oscillatory activity of individual neurons. When the activity of synfire chains in the two regions are bound the oscillations synchronize. We illustrate such processes in MEG recordings.


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