- Resolving Cellular Specific Microarchitectures Using Double Pulsed Field Gradient Weighted, Relaxation-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Establishing Two-Dimensional Heteronuclear NMR Correlations By Offset-Sensitive Recoupling
- Homonuclear decoupling of 1H dipolar interactions in solids using heteronuclear recoupling
- Insights into the Structure and Dynamics of the N-terminal Fragment of the Huntingtin Protein
- The Potential of Ultrafast 2D NMR in Kinetic Studies of Protein Fold
- Non-Cartesian Sampling: The Acquistion of 2D NMR J-Spectra in a Single Scan (1993-1994)
- Multidimensional Solids NMR: Correlating Isotropic and Anisotropic Interactions (1993-1995)
- High-Resolution NMR of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids: MQMAS (1995-present)
- Distance Measurements in Solids: The DEAR NMR Experiment (1995-1998)
- Separate Local Field NMR under Moderately Fast MAS: Observations and Applications to Dynamics, Spectral Editing (1998-2003)
- 14N Overtone Spectroscopy: Principles and the Overtone Rotary Recoupling (ORR) Technique (1999-present)