The mechanisms in which nature creates complex and diverse biominerals with different shapes, optical reflectivity, and mechanical and chemical properties is a fascinating field of study.
The crystallization pathways are rapid yet controlled and can be utilized for biomimicry.
In our lab, we have studied the calcium carbonate crystallization mechanism. This simple chemical compound forms an extraordinarily rich array of different solid substances, such as corals, shells, and pearls. Calcium carbonate crystallization can proceed via a solid amorphous precursor (Amorphous Calcium Carbonate - ACC) that is provided on demand and crystallizes to create the structure and morphology of organisms.
To date, the crystallization mechanism of calcium carbonate is yet unclear.
Using our low-frequency Raman with controlled environmental humidity and temperature, we can have non-damaging in-situ measurements to follow the changes in the intermolecular interactions and shed light on the crystallization process.

Aragonite crystal