Chapter 16: Design of Femtosecond Pulse Sequences to Control Reactions
Since the invention of the laser in I960, the chemist's dream has been to take advantage of the unique properties of laser light - enormous intensities, precise frequency tunability and perhaps most, importantly, phase coherence - to carry out photochemical reactions selectively and efficiently. Two approaches for achieving this control are described here:
Optimal Control Theory and Multiple Pathway Interference.
Optimal Control Theory and Multiple Pathway Interference.
- Optimal control of the wavefunction for a three level /\ system
- Optimal control of the density matrix for a three level /\ system with dissipation
- Power Spectrum Of One- and Two- Photon Processes
- Fourier transform relationship between the frequency-sculpted spectrum and the temporal pulse sequence, and its effect on the two-photon power spectrum
- Lie Algebra generated by input Hamiltonians {H0,1}LA