Nirit Dudovich's Lab

for Attosecond Science


Our group studies basic phenomena in strong field light-matter interactions, focusing on the generation and measurement of attosecond processes. We develop new approaches to observe these phenomena and manipulate their evolution in time and space.

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Latest Publications

Attosecond transient interferometry

Kneller O., Mor C., Klimkin N. D., Yaffe N., Krüger M., Azoury D., Uzan-Narovlansky A. J., Federman Y., Rajak D., Bruner B. D., Smirnova O., Patchkovskii S., Mairesse Y., Ivanov M. & Dudovich N. (2024) Nature Photonics.

Attosecond Interferometry

Krüger M. & Dudovich N. (2024) Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics . Ueda K.(eds.). p. 45-71

Laser-Induced Electron Diffraction in Chiral Molecules

Rajak D., Beauvarlet S., Kneller O., Comby A., Cireasa R., Descamps D., Fabre B., Gorfinkiel J. D., Higuet J., Petit S., Rozen S., Ruf H., Thiré N., Blanchet V., Dudovich N., Pons B. & Mairesse Y. (2024) Physical Review X. 14, 1, 011015.
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