Our first trapped nitrogen molecular ions! Can you spot them? Scroll down to check yourself.
Fantastic work, Idan!
Nitrogen molecular ions do not scatter photons in our system, so they appear as "holes" in the ion crystal.
Two new "lab members": a frequency comb and a cold Rb clock. Both will be major players in our "time-and-frequency center".
Our paper, "Coherent dynamics of a nuclear-spin-isomer superposition", is now available on arXiv!
Congratulations Tamar for this excellent theory paper!
AMOS retreat in the sea of Galilee.
Group day out - great food and company and some mild activity. Many Tx to Tamar (idea) and Idan (organization)!
Our paper on dark-matter searches using correlation spectroscopy of I2+ molecule and Ca+ clock is now officially published on PRD!. Many thanks to Eric, Abhishek, and Gilad for the fruitful collaboration.
A peep to the new lab:
Few days later:
Israel Physics Society (IPS) meeting. Our yearly physics get together.
Celebrating the opening of our new lab together with our good neighbors from Dr. Osip Schwartz's group.
Our theory paper on detecting dark matter (nuclear-coupled ultralight dark matter, specifically) by correlation spectroscopy of the iodine molecular ion (I2+) with an optical atomic clock (e.g., Ca+ or Ba+) is now on the arXiv! Many thanks to our collaborators in the high-energy physics department - Eric Madge-Pimentel and Gilad Perez.
Mai has now officially started his PhD in our group. Congratulations, and good luck!
On this dark day, Israel suffered an unprecedented attack by Hamas terrorists. 1000’s of innocent people, including infants, children, and senior citizens, from all religions, were brutally murdered, and 100’s of civilians were kidnapped. We mourn the dead and pray for our loved ones to come back home safe: bring them home now.
The 7th European Conference on Trapped Ions. Schloss Bückeburg, Germany. The event for ion trappers.
Jonas ("How we trap ions") and Tamar ("Nuclear-Spin-Isomer superpositions) summarizing their projects. Great work and talks!
We are now officially an ion-trapping group!
In <5 months, Jonas, Orr, and Idan built us this beautiful ion trap. Amazing work, and remember - once you trap ions, there is no going back.
Group day out - farewell from Katarina and a warm welcome to Tom and Tamar.
Many Tx to Idan for the organization and Rukmini for the graphic design - it was perfect!
Katarina is celebrating her excellent presentation summarizing her work in our group as part of the Kupcinet-Getz program. You did it!
Giacomo, Jonas, and Emily joined our group for a few weeks as part of the ISSI program. Thanks for upgrading our ion-trap demonstrator (stroboscopic imaging). We hope you had a great time; we did!
Celebrating our latest recruit - Rukmini, with Israeli cuisine. Best of luck!
Ca atoms arrived at our lab!
What happens in the retreat, stays in the retreat...
Congratulations, Idan, Itammar, and Ziv, for winning the "Art in Science Competition"!
A warm welcome to our two new recruits - Orr and Jonas. Best of luck in building us an ion trap!
Celebrating Idan's MSc! Congratulations Idan!
New lasers and new (temporary) lab. Getting ready for ion trapping!
Visiting Yuval's labs in the Technion. Tx Yuval for the great hospitality!
Our cross-institutional-grant proposal for a national network of clocks has been accepted!
Each participating institute will host a time-and-frequency center for improving local experiments.
The centers will be connected to a national network allowing cross-institutional collaborations.
Many thanks to the groups of Yuval, Gadi, Liron, Ron, and Roee, who participate in this collaboration.
Constructions of the new lab just started!
Celebrating the end of summer and Dror's and Omer's successful summer projects
Idan got our first ions signal in the TOF-MS just in time for the Hebrew new year celebrations! Perfect timing.
If it looks like a qubit, swims like a qubit, and quacks like a qubit, then it probably is a qubit! Omer implemented a qubit that lives in the OPX's FPGA. The "classical" qubit realization keeps track of the wavefunction state and mimics a "real" qubit signal (photons). The photons are then physically connected to our control system (the same OPX...) for us to measure.
Two new kids on the block! Welcome to Dror Einav and Omer Hamdi, and good luck with your summer projects!
Just got our molecular-ionization laser system installed. Thanks to Jurgen from LiopTEC and Yossi from the Physics core facilities department for setting up the system.
Taking our molecular-beam machine for a walk - moving from temp-lab 1 to temp-lab 2.
We got our Quantum Machines control system, OPX+, installed in our lab (the shiny box above the optical table). Big Tx to Yoav and Michal from QM for an insightful day.
We got our new (temporary) bigger home. Big Tx to Ofer, Eilon, Guy, Ezra, Rosty, Ami, and Hila for all the help and support! BTW, the optical table is older than most of the people in this picture.
In four months, we were able to pack our lab completely. Soon we will move to our new (still temporary) bigger home.
Starting to build the molecular-beam machine!
Big Tx to Ziv Landau and Itammar Steinberg for improving our electric ion-trap demonstrator during their "experimental-project" course and for making many beautiful pictures and movies!
Ion-trap "mechanical analog": balancing balls on a rotating saddle. Huge Tx to Yael Lebel and Danielle Gov for making this beautiful demonstrator during their "experimental-project" course!
Our first trapped molecular ions (Lycopodium powder)! Big Tx to Meir and Yuri from the department electric workshop for building this beautiful ion-trap demonstrator!
Finally, we entered the (temporary) lab. Small but cozy!
Joint viewing of the Eurpoean Conference of Trapped Ions (ECTI) and molecular-ions round table at Weizmann Lopatie conference center together with Yuval Shagam's group and Roee Ozeri's group
Idan Hocner joined our lab! Good luck Idan!