- Towards High Fidelity Single Ion Qubit Gate, Yehonatan Dallal, MSc Thesis (2009)
- High Fidelity Ion Qubit State Detection, Anna Keselman, MSc Thesis (2010)
- Trapped-Ions and Free Photons, Nitzan Akerman, PhD Thesis (2012)
- Characterization of a CO2 Dipole Trap of 87Rb as Part of an Ultra-cold Atom-Ion Interaction Experiment, Elad Kronstien, MSc Thesis (2012)
- Ion-Ion and Ion-Photon Entanglement in Trapped Ions System, Yinnon Glickman, PhD thesis (2012)
- A Single-ion Prespective on the Environment, Shlomi Kotler, PhD thesis (2013)
- Spectral noise analysis of a narrow line-width laser using a single trapped ion, Ravid Shaniv, MSc theis (2015)
- Cell death as a critical phenomenon and the non-monotonic patterns of death in yeast under heat shock, Roy Patael Yohai, MSc thesis (2015)
- Individual addressing and Imaging of ion in a Paul trap, Tom Manovitz, MSc thesis (2016)
- Dynamics of a single ground-state cooled and trapped ion colliding with ultracold atoms: A micromotion tale, Ziv Meir, PhD thesis (2016)
- Robust entanglement of trapped ion qubits, Yotam Shapira, MSc thesis (2018)
- Energy distribution dynamics of a trapped ion immersed in a cold cloud of atoms, Meirav Pinkas, MSc thesis (2018)
- Transfer of phase stability across the optical spectrum using an optical frequency comb, Lee Peleg, MSc thesis (2018)
- Observation of optomechanical strain in a cold atomic cloud, Noam Matzliah, PhD thesis (2018)
- Quantum control of inelastic processes in atom-ion systems, Tomas Sikorsky, PhD thesis (2018)
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Interactions in Quantumm Degenerate Bose and Fermi Gasses, Hagai Edri, PhD Thesis (2019)
- Quantum Information Methods For Precision Measurements With Trapped Ions, Ravid Shaniv, PhD Thesis (2019)
- Trapping and cooling of Ytterbium ions towards optical atomic clock, Jonatan Piasetzky, MSc Thesis (2019)
- Quantum feedback on trapped ions, Lior Gazit, MSc Thesis (2020)