Our group combines nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics and quantum optics to study basic interactions of light and matter.
Our experimental demonstration of discrete solitons started an intense worldwide effort in nonlinear properties of periodic systems and photonic lattices. The analogy between photons in periodic optical systems and electrons in condense matter makes this systems ideal for observing quantum wave phenomena such as Bloch oscillations, Anderson localizations etc, while nonlinearities enables to explore interactions in such systems. The propagation of single photons in these structure are example of Quantum Random Walks.
We also study quantum coherent control by shaped femtosecond pulses. We have demonstrated the power of quantum control on two-photon absorption and Raman interactions in atomic and molecular systems. In nonlinear microscopy, we pioneered new techniques such as third-harmonic generation microscopy and temporal-focusing microscopy. We combined coherent control ideas with femtosecond pulse shaping to develop the technique of single-pulse CARS spectroscopy.
Our interest in microscopy let us to study the interaction of light with complex media, and techniques to mitigate random scattering. Using wavefront shaping and nonlinear optical principles, the group has demonstrated various techniques related to imaging through scattering lasers.
Finally, we also conduct a vigorous program in quantum optics, translating some of the concepts of ultrafast coherent control into nonclassical light, for example, for shaping of single photons, the generation of nonclassical light such as high-NOON states and the study of quantum enhanced microscopy.