Eyal Cornfeld (Classiq Technologies)
Xiaoyu Wang (Postdoc, UFL)
Laimei Nie (Assistant Professor, Purdue University)
Mark Fischer (Senior Research Assistant, University of Zurich)
Mykola Maksymenko (RND director, SoftServe)
Kusum Dhochak (Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Palakkad)
PhD students
Ori Grossman (Researcher, QuantumArt)
Anna Keselman (joint with Ady Stern; Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Technion)
Yoni Schattner (Researcher, Amazon AWS)
Yochai Werman (Software Engineer, Google)
MSc students
Assaf Voliovitch (joint with Yuval Ored; Data Scientist, Market Beyond)
Tsuf Lichtman (joint with Ady Stern)
Yonathan Efroni (Researcher, Meta)
Inbar Serossi (joint with Yuval Oreg; PhD student, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute)