Decades of intense theoretical research established the near threshold bound few-body
complexes as a universal paradigm in quantum mechanical systems exhibiting low-energy
collisional resonances. Fine tuning of collisional properties is highlighted in breaking the
continuous scale invariance of the two-body system when the third particle is injected in
the game. The famous Efimov effect underlies the three-body correlations in this limit and
provides a beautiful example of discrete scale invariance in nature.
The aim of this symposium is to meet different communities that are at the forefront of the
few-body physics related research and to initiate a fruitful cross-platform dialog.
The topics of the symposium are focused on (but not limited to):
- Coherent manipulation of few-body states in ultracold atoms
- Ultracold systems at unitarity, few- to many-body transition
- Weakly bound He clusters and their coherent manipulation
- Collisional resonances in atom-ion mixtures and simple molecules
- New experimental platforms
- New challenges in few-body theory
Organizing committee
- Roee Ozeri
Weizmann Institute of Science - Lev Khaykovich
Bar-Ilan University - Reinhard Dörner
Goethe-Universität - Maksim Kunitski
Goethe-Universität - Tobias Schaetz
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität -
- The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
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Irit Veksler