Selective arm-usage of pre-miR-1307 dysregulates angiogenesis and affects breast cancer aggressiveness
Sumer O. E., Schelzig K., Jung J., Li X., Moros J., Schwarzmüller L., Sen E., Karolus S., Wörner A., de Melo Costa V. R., Nataraj N. B., Vlachavas E. I., Gerhäuser C., Müller-Decker K., Helm D., Yarden Y., Michels B. E. & Körner C.
BMC Biology
Single-molecule systems for the detection and monitoring of plasma-circulating nucleosomes and oncoproteins in diffuse midline glioma
Erez N., Furth N., Fedyuk V., Wadden J., Aittaleb R., Adam T., Schwark K., Niculcea M., Miclea M., Mody R., Franson A., Parmar H. A., Ibrahim M., Lau B., Eze A., Nourmohammadi N., Fried I., Nazarian J., Ron G., Venneti S., Koschmann C. & Shema E.
Cell Reports Medicine
MTCH2 controls energy demand and expenditure to fuel anabolism during adipogenesis
Chourasia S., Petucci C., Shoffler C., Abbasian D., Wang H., Han X., Sivan E., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Sharp A., Rotkopf R., Dassa B., Regev L., Zaltsman Y. & Gross A.
EMBO Journal
Oncogenic IDH1mut drives robust loss of histone acetylation and increases chromatin heterogeneity
Furth N., Cohen N., Spitzer A., Salame T. M., Dassa B., Mehlman T., Brandis A., Moussaieff A., Friedmann-Morvinski D., Castro M. G., Fortin J., Suvà M. L., Tirosh I., Erez A., Ron G. & Shema E.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS
Early and delayed STAT1-dependent responses drive local trained immunity of macrophages in the spleen
Solomon A., Bossel Ben-Moshe N., Hoffman D., Trzebanski S., Yehezkel D., Vainman L., Netea M. G. & Avraham R.
Noninvasive Real-Time Glucose Monitoring Is in the Near Future
Hirsch I. B., Tirosh A. & Navon A.
Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics
Visualization, Fate Mapping, Ablation, and Mutagenesis of Microglia in the Mouse Brain
Kim J. S. & Jung S.
, Microglia
, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Potential
Mitochondrial structural alterations in fibromyalgia: a pilot electron microscopy study
Israel L., Furer V., Levin-Zaidman S., Dezorella N., Brontvein O., Ablin J. N. & Gross A.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
Recycled melanoma-secreted melanosomes regulate tumor-associated macrophage diversification
Parikh R., Parikh S., Berzin D., Vaknine H., Ovadia S., Likonen D., Greenberger S., Scope A., Elgavish S., Nevo Y., Plaschkes I., Nizri E., Kobiler O., Maliah A., Zaremba L., Mohan V., Sagi I., Ashery-Padan R., Carmi Y., Luxenburg C., Hoheisel J. D., Khaled M., Levesque M. P. & Levy C.
EMBO Journal
Competitive fungal commensalism mitigates candidiasis pathology
Sekeresova Kralova J., Donic C., Dassa B., Livyatan I., Jansen P. M., Ben-Dor S., Fidel L., Trzebanski S., Narunsky-Haziza L., Asraf O., Brenner O., Dafni H., Jona G., Boura-Halfon S., Stettner N., Segal E., Brunke S., Pilpel Y., Straussman R., Zeevi D., Bacher P., Hube B., Shlezinger N. & Jung S.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Longitudinal single-cell data informs deterministic modelling of inflammatory bowel disease
Kilian C., Ulrich H., Zouboulis V. A., Sprezyna P., Schreiber J., Landsberger T., Büttner M., Biton M., Villablanca E. J., Huber S. & Adlung L.
npj Systems Biology and Applications
SNX10 regulates osteoclastogenic cell fusion and osteoclast size in mice
Barnea-Zohar M., Stein M., Reuven N., Winograd-Katz S., Lee S., Addadi Y., Arman E., Tuckermann J., Geiger B. & Elson A.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Protocol for comparing ribosomal levels in single bacterial cells at different growth stages using rRNA-FISH
Ciolli Mattioli C. & Avraham R.
STAR Protocols
ASS1 metabolically contributes to the nuclear and cytosolic p53-mediated DNA damage response
Lim L. Q. J., Adler L., Hajaj E., Soria L. R., Perry R. B. T., Darzi N., Brody R., Furth N., Lichtenstein M., Bab-Dinitz E., Porat Z., Melman T., Brandis A., Aylon Y., Ben-Dor S., Orr I., Pri-Or A., Seger R., Shaul Y., Ruppin E., Oren M., Perez M., Meier J., Brunetti-Pierri N., Shema E., Ulitsky I., Erez A., Malitsky S. & Itkin M.
Nature metabolism
Endolysosomal dysfunction in radial glia progenitor cells leads to defective cerebral angiogenesis and compromised blood-brain barrier integrity
Bassi I., Grunspan M., Hen G., Ravichandran K. A., Moshe N., Gutierrez-Miranda L., Safriel S. R., Kostina D., Shen A., Ruiz de Almodovar C. & Yaniv K.
Nature Communications
Turbinate-homing IgA-secreting cells originate in the nasal lymphoid tissues
Liu J., Stoler-Barak L., Hezroni-Bravyi H., Biram A., Lebon S., Davidzohn N., Kedmi M., Chemla M., Pilzer D., Cohen M., Brenner O., Biton M. & Shulman Z.
Dual targeting of histone deacetylases and myc as potential treatment strategy for h3- k27m pediatric gliomas
Algranati D., Oren R., Dassa B., Fellus-Alyagor L., Plotnikov A., Barr H., Harmelin A., London N., Ron G., Furth N. & Shema E.
Liver X receptor unlinks intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis
Das S., Parigi S. M., Luo X., Fransson J., Kern B. C., Okhovat A., Diaz O. E., Sorini C., Czarnewski P., Webb A. T., Morales R. A., Lebon S., Monasterio G., Castillo F., Tripathi K. P., He N., Pelczar P., Schaltenberg N., De la Fuente M., López-Köstner F., Nylén S., Larsen H. L., Kuiper R., Antonson P., Hermoso M. A., Huber S., Biton M., Scharaw S., Gustafsson J. Å., Katajisto P. & Villablanca E. J.
Neurodevelopmental Disorder Caused by Deletion of CHASERR, a lncRNA Gene.
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New England Journal of Medicine
Not just GliaDissecting brain macrophages in the mouse
Frumer G. R., Shin S. H., Jung S. & Kim J. S.
Glatiramer acetate for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: From first-generation therapy to elucidation of immunomodulation and repair
Aharoni R., Milo R. & Arnon R.
Pharmacological Reviews
A BID-MTCH2 love story: Energizing mitochondria until apoptosis do them part?
Gross A.
Bioenergetics Communications
The differential regulation of placenta trophoblast bisphosphoglycerate mutase in fetal growth restriction: preclinical study in mice and observational histological study of human placenta
Stroganov S., Harris T., Alyagor L., Ben Moyal L., Plitman Mayo R., Golani O., Hirsch D., Ben-Dor S., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Kovo M., Biron-Shental T., Dekel N. & Neeman M.
A bispecific antibody targeting EGFR and AXL delays resistance to osimertinib
Simoni-Nieves A., Lindzen M., Giri S., Gupta N., Chatterjee R., Selvadurai B. R., Van Daele M., Love D., Haga Y., Romaniello D., Salame T. M., Zerbib M., Oren R., Tsutsumi Y., Lauriola M., Marrocco I. & Yarden Y.
Cell Reports Medicine
Boycotting academics in Israel is counterproductive
Shamay-Tsoory S., Maroun M., Abu-Akel A., Avraham R. & Atzil S.
Computational optimization of antibody humanness and stability by systematic energy-based ranking
Tennenhouse A., Khmelnitsky L., Khalaila R., Yeshaya N., Noronha A., Lindzen M., Makowski E. K., Zaretsky I., Sirkis Y. F., Galon-Wolfenson Y., Tessier P. M., Abramson J., Yarden Y., Fass D. & Fleishman S. J.
Nature Biomedical Engineering
Draft genome of Kazachstania heterogenica var. weizmannii, a commensal fungus of the mouse digestive tract
Sekeresova K. J., Lena F., Catalina D., Shifra B. & Steffen J.
Microbiology Resource Announcements
The emerging family of RORγt+ antigen-presenting cells
Abramson J., Dobeš J., Lyu M. & Sonnenberg G. F.
Nature Reviews Immunology
Proteolytic Vesicles Derived from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium-Infected Macrophages: Enhancing MMP-9-Mediated Invasion and EV Accumulation
Nudelman A., Shenoy A., Allouche-Arnon H., Fisler M., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Dayan L., Abou Karam P., Porat Z., Solomonov I., Regev-Rudzki N., Bar-Shir A. & Sagi I.
Cancer Hallmarks: Piecing the Puzzle Together
Alcolea M. P., Alonso-Curbelo D., Ambrogio C., Bullman S., Correia A. L., Ernst A., Halbrook C. J., Kelly G. L., Lund A. W., Quail D. F., Ruscetti M., Shema E., Stromnes I. M. & Tam W. L.
Cancer Discovery
Translatome Profiling of Tissue-Resident Macrophages Using the RiboTag Approach
Kim J. S., Haimon Z., Boura-Halfon S. & Jung S.
, Tissue-Resident Macrophages
, Methods and Protocols
Single-Molecule Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) for RNA Detection in Bacteria
Ciolli Mattioli C. & Avraham R.
, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
, Methods and Protocols
The challenges of investigating RNA function
Yang L., Ulitsky I., Gilbert W. V., Yi C., Ule J. & Caudron-Herger M.
Molecular Cell
Systematic analysis of the target recognition and repression by the Pumilio proteins
Farberov S. & Ulitsky I.
Nucleic Acids Research
Tuft cells and fibroblasts promote thymus regeneration through ILC2-mediated type 2 immune response
Nevo S., Frenkel N., Kadouri N., Gome T., Rosenthal N., Givony T., Avin A., Peligero Cruz C., Kedmi M., Lindzen M., Ben Dor S., Damari G., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Keren-Shaul H., Yarden Y., Munitz A., Leshkowitz D., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J.
Science Immunology
Integrated Metabolomics and Proteomics of Symptomatic and Early Presymptomatic States of Colitis
Shimshoni E., Solomonov I., Sagi I. & Ghini V.
Journal of Proteome Research
Targeting Tumor-Associated Sialic Acids Using Chimeric Switch Receptors Based on Siglec-9 Enhances the Antitumor Efficacy of Engineered T Cells
Eisenberg V., Hoogi S., Katzman E., Haim N. B., Zur-Toledano R., Radman M., Reboh Y., Zadok O., Kamer I., Bar J., Sagi I., Hendel A. & Cohen C. J.
Cancer Immunology Research
Molecular mechanisms underlying the modulation of T-cell proliferation and cytotoxicity by immobilized CCL21 and ICAM1
Yado S., Dassa B., Zoabi R., Reich-Zeliger S., Friedman N. & Geiger B.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
Repurposing of glatiramer acetate to treat cardiac ischemia in rodent models
Aviel G., Elkahal J., Umansky K. B., Bueno-Levy H., Petrover Z., Kotlovski Y., Lendengolts D., Kain D., Shalit T., Zhang L., Miyara S., Kramer M. P., Merbl Y., Kozlovski S., Alon R., Aharoni R., Arnon R., Mishali D., Katz U., Nachman D., Asleh R., Amir O., Tzahor E. & Sarig R.
Nature Cardiovascular Research
Challenges in Modeling and Unmodeling Complex Reactive Systems: Interaction Networks, Reaction to Emergent Effects, Reactive Rule Composition, and Multiple Time Scales
Marron A., Cohen I. R., Frankel G., Harel D. & Szekely S.
, Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - 11th International Conference, MODELSWARD 2023, Revised Selected Papers
Segmented filamentous bacteria-induced epithelial MHCII regulates cognate CD4+ IELs and epithelial turnover
Brabec T., Schwarzer M., Kováčová K., Dobešová M., Schierová D., Březina J., Pacáková I., Šrůtková D., Ben-Nun O., Goldfarb Y., Šplíchalová I., Kolář M., Abramson J., Filipp D. & Dobeš J.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Lung cell transplantation for pulmonary fibrosis
Milman Krentsis I., Zheng Y., Rosen C., Shin S. Y., Blagdon C., Shoshan E., Qi Y., Wang J., Yadav S. K., Bachar Lustig E., Shetzen E., Dickey B. F., Karmouty-Quintana H. & Reisner Y.
Science advances
Generation of Non-Alloreactive Antiviral Central Memory CD8 Human Veto T Cells for Cell Therapy
Bachar-Lustig E., Lask A., Eidelstein Y., Or-Geva N., Gidron-Budovsky R., Nathansohn-Levy B., Eyrich M., Liu W. H., Dang G., Miranda K. C., Ramirez A., Kaur I., Rezvani K., Shpall E., Champlin R. E., Nagler A., Shimoni A., Barnees-Kagan S. & Reisner Y.
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
EZH2 inhibition enhances T cell immunotherapies by inducing lymphoma immunogenicity and improving T cell function
Isshiki Y., Chen X., Teater M., Karagiannidis I., Nam H., Cai W., Meydan C., Xia M., Shen H., Gutierrez J., Easwar Kumar V., Carrasco S. E., Ouseph M. M., Yamshon S., Martin P., Griess O., Shema E., Porazzi P., Ruella M., Brentjens R. J., Inghirami G., Zappasodi R., Chadburn A., Melnick A. M. & Béguelin W.
Cancer Cell
A non-symmetrical p97 conformation initiates a multistep recruitment of Ufd1/Npl4
Arie M., Matzov D., Karmona R., Szenkier N., Stanhill A. & Navon A.
Classical monocyte ontogeny dictates their functions and fates as tissue macrophages
Trzebanski S., Kim J., Larossi N., Raanan A., Kancheva D., Bastos J., Haddad M., Solomon A., Sivan E., Aizik D., Kralova J. S., Gross-Vered M., Boura-Halfon S., Lapidot T., Alon R., Movahedi K. & Jung S.
The links are still missing: Revisiting the role of RNA as a guide for chromatin-associated proteins
Nielsen M. & Ulitksy I.
Molecular Cell
Convergent evolution of monocyte differentiation in adult skin instructs Langerhans cell identity
Appios A., Davies J., Sirvent S., Henderson S., Trzebanski S., Schroth J., Law M. L., Carvalho I. B., Pinto M. M., Carvalho C., Kan H. Y. H., Lovlekar S., Major C., Vallejo A., Hall N. J., Ardern-Jones M., Liu Z., Ginhoux F., Henson S. M., Gentek R., Emmerson E., Jung S., Polak M. E. & Bennett C. L.
Science immunology
Special Issue: MAPK Signaling Cascades in Human Health and Diseases
Seger R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Protein Electronic Energy Transport Levels Derived from High-Sensitivity Near-UV and Constant Final State Yield Photoemission Spectroscopy
Fereiro J. A., Tomita M., Bendikov T., Bera S., Pecht I., Sheves M., Cahen D. & Ishii H.
Small Methods
Control of endothelial cell function and arteriogenesis by MEG3:EZH2 epigenetic regulation of integrin expression
Dunn-Davies H., Dudnakova T., Nogara A., Rodor J., Thomas A. C., Parish E., Gautier P., Meynert A., Ulitsky I., Madeddu P., Caporali A., Baker A., Tollervey D. & Mitić T.
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids
Tackling Tissue Macrophage Heterogeneity by SplitCre Transgenesis
Boura-Halfon S., Haffner-Krausz R., Ben-Dor S., Kim J. S. & Jung S.
, Tissue-Resident Macrophages
, Methods and Protocols
Contrast enhanced photoacoustic detection of fibrillar collagen in the near infrared region-I
Solomonov I., Locatelli I., Tortorella S., Unni M., Aharoni S. L., Alchera E., Locatelli E., Maturi M., Venegoni C., Lucianò R., Salonia A., Corti A., Curnis F., Grasso V., Malamal G., Jose J., Comes Franchini M., Sagi I. & Alfano M.
Nanoscale Advances
Multi-parametric atlas of the pre-metastatic liver for prediction of metastatic outcome in early-stage pancreatic cancer
Bojmar L., Zambirinis C. P., Hernandez J. M., Chakraborty J., Shaashua L., Kim J., Johnson K. E., Hanna S., Askan G., Burman J., Ravichandran H., Zheng J., Jolissaint J. S., Srouji R., Song Y., Choubey A., Kim H. S., Cioffi M., van Beek E., Sigel C., Jessurun J., Velasco Riestra P., Blomstrand H., Jönsson C., Jönsson A., Lauritzen P., Buehring W., Ararso Y., Hernandez D., Vinagolu-Baur J. P., Friedman M., Glidden C., Firmenich L., Lieberman G., Mejia D. L., Nasar N., Mutvei A. P., Paul D. M., Bram Y., Costa-Silva B., Basturk O., Boudreau N., Zhang H., Matei I. R., Hoshino A., Kelsen D., Sagi I., Scherz A., Scherz-Shouval R., Yarden Y., Oren M., Egeblad M., Lewis J. S., Keshari K., Grandgenett P. M., Hollingsworth M. A., Rajasekhar V. K., Healey J. H., Björnsson B., Simeone D. M., Tuveson D. A., Iacobuzio-Donahue C. A., Bromberg J., Vincent C. T., OReilly E. M., DeMatteo R. P., Balachandran V. P., DAngelica M. I., Kingham T. P., Allen P. J., Simpson A. L., Elemento O., Sandström P., Schwartz R. E., Jarnagin W. R. & Lyden D.
Nature Medicine
Phosphorylation of PP2Ac by PKC is a key regulatory step in the PP2A-switch-dependent AKT dephosphorylation that leads to apoptosis
Nadel G., Yao Z., Hacohen-Lev-Ran A., Wainstein E., Maik-Rachline G., Ziv T., Naor Z., Admon A. & Seger R.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Dasatinib induces endothelial dysfunction leading to impaired recovery from ischaemia
Gover-Proaktor A., Leshem-Lev D., Winograd-Katz S., Partouche S., Samara A., Shapira S., Nardi-Agmon I., Harari E., Younis A., Najjar A., Kornowski R., Geiger B., Raanani P., Leader A. & Granot G.
British Journal of Haematology
Mirror-Image Random Nonstandard Peptides Integrated Discovery (MI-RaPID) Technology Yields Highly Stable and Selective Macrocyclic Peptide Inhibitors for Matrix Metallopeptidase 7
Ghareeb H., Yi Li C., Shenoy A., Rotenberg N., Shifman J. M., Katoh T., Sagi I., Suga H. & Metanis N.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
Nuclear pore protein POM121 regulates subcellular localization and transcriptional activity of PPARγ
Yu Y., Farooq M. S., Eberhart Meessen S., Jiang Y., Kato D., Zhan T., Weiss C., Seger R., Kang W., Zhang X., Yu J., Ebert M. P. & Burgermeister E.
Cell Death and Disease
Structural features within the NORAD long noncoding RNA underlie efficient repression of Pumilio activity
Farberov S., Ziv O., Lau J. Y., Ben-Tov Perry R., Lubelsky Y., Miska E., Kudla G. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Myotubularin-related-protein-7 inhibits mutant (G12V) K-RAS by direct interaction
Weidner P., Saar D., Söhn M., Schroeder T., Yu Y., Zöllner F. G., Ponelies N., Zhou X., Zwicky A., Rohrbacher F. N., Pattabiraman V. R., Tanriver M., Bauer A., Ahmed H., Ametamey S. M., Riffel P., Seger R., Bode J. W., Wade R. C., Ebert M. P., Kragelund B. B. & Burgermeister E.
Cancer Letters
Electron transport through two interacting channels in Azurin-based solid-state junctions
Li P., Bera S., Kumar-Saxena S., Pecht I., Sheves M., Cahen D. & Selzer Y.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
A high-throughput zebrafish screen identifies novel candidate treatments for Kaposiform Lymphangiomatosis (KLA)
Bassi I., Jabali A., Farag N., Egozi S., Moshe N., Leichner G. S., Geva P., Levin L., Barzilai A., Avivi C., Long J., Otterstrom J. J., Paran Y., Barr H., Yaniv K. & Greenberger S.
MTCH2 cooperates with MFN2 and lysophosphatidic acid synthesis to sustain mitochondrial fusion
Goldman A., Mullokandov M., Zaltsman Y., Regev L., Levin-Zaidman S. & Gross A.
EMBO Reports
Targeting SRSF2 mutations in leukemia with RKI-1447: A strategy to impair cellular division and nuclear structure
Su M., Fleischer T., Grosheva I., Horev M. B., Olszewska M., Mattioli C. C., Barr H., Plotnikov A., Carvalho S., Moskovich Y., Minden M. D., Chapal-Ilani N., Wainstein A., Papapetrou E. P., Dezorella N., Cheng T., Kaushansky N., Geiger B. & Shlush L. I.
Enhancing uterine receptivity for embryo implantation through controlled collagenase intervention
Zehorai E., Gross Lev T., Shimshoni E., Hadas R., Adir I., Golani O., Molodij G., Eitan R., Kadler K. E., Kollet O., Neeman M., Dekel N., Solomonov I. & Sagi I.
Life Science Alliance
The MAPK Signaling Cascades
Maik-Rachline G., Wexler S. & Seger R.
, Encyclopedia of Cell Biology
Cell Adhesion to the Extracellular Matrix
Geiger B., Livne A. & Grosheva I.
, Encyclopedia of Cell Biology
PRC2-independent actions of H3.3K27M in embryonic stem cell differentiation
Cohen L. R. Z., Kaffe B., Deri E., Leibson C., Nissim-Rafinia M., Maman M., Harpaz N., Ron G., Shema E. & Meshorer E.
Nucleic Acids Research
Chiral growth of adherent filopodia
Li W., Chung W. L., Kozlov M. M., Medalia O., Geiger B. & Bershadsky A. D.
Biophysical Journal
Evolution is driven by natural autoencoding: reframing species, interaction codes, cooperation and sexual reproduction
Cohen I. R. & Marron A.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Polyclonal lymphoid expansion drives paraneoplastic autoimmunity in neuroblastoma
Rosenberg M. I., Greenstein E., Buchkovich M., Peres A., Santoni-Rugiu E., Yang L., Mikl M., Vaksman Z., Gibbs D. L., Reshef D., Salovin A., Irwin M. S., Naranjo A., Ulitsky I., de Alarcon P. A., Matthay K. K., Weigman V., Yaari G., Panzer J. A., Friedman N. & Maris J. M.
Cell Reports
Clonal heterogeneity in ER+ breast cancer reveals the proteasome and PKC as potential therapeutic targets
Beumers L., Vlachavas E. I., Borgoni S., Schwarzmüller L., Penso-Dolfin L., Michels B. E., Sofyali E., Burmester S., Heiss D., Wilhelm H., Yarden Y., Helm D., Will R., Goncalves A. & Wiemann S.
NPJ Breast Cancer
Paired single-cell host profiling with multiplex-tagged bacterial mutants reveals intracellular virulence-immune networks
Heyman O., Yehezkel D., Ciolli Mattioli C., Blumberger N., Rosenberg G., Solomon A., Hoffman D., Bossel Ben-Moshe N. & Avraham R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Biofilm formation on human immune cells is a multicellular predation strategy of Vibrio cholerae
Vidakovic L., Mikhaleva S., Jeckel H., Nisnevich V., Strenger K., Neuhaus K., Raveendran K., Ben-Moshe N. B., Aznaourova M., Nosho K., Drescher A., Schmeck B., Schulte L. N., Persat A., Avraham R. & Drescher K.
Stain-Free Sperm Analysis and Selection for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Complying with WHO Strict Normal Criteria
Michailov Y., Nemerovsky L., Ghetler Y., Finkelstein M., Schonberger O., Wiser A., Raziel A., Saar-Ryss B., Ben-Ami I., Kaplanski O., Miller N., Haikin Herzberger E., Mashiach Friedler Y., Levitas-Djerbi T., Amsalem E., Umanski N., Tamadaev V., Ovadia Y. S., Peretz A., Sacks G., Dekel N., Zaken O. & Levi M.
High-energy demand and nutrient exhaustion in MTCH2 knockout cells
Chourasia S., Petucci C., Wang H., Han X., Sivan E., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Rotkopf R., Regev L., Zaltsman Y. & Gross A.
Quantification of Invadopodia Formation and Matrix Degradation Activity
Venghateri J. B. & Geiger B.
, Methods in Molecular Biology
Silc1 long noncoding RNA is an immediate-early gene promoting efficient memory formation
Ben-Tov Perry R., Tsoory M., Tolmasov M. & Ulitsky I.
Cell Reports
Bacterial lifestyle switch in response to algal metabolites
Barak-Gavish N., Dassa B., Kuhlisch C., Nussbaum I., Brandis A., Rosenberg G., Avraham R. & Vardi A.
Protein Orientation Defines Rectification of Electronic Current via Solid-State Junction of Entire Photosystem1 Complex
Fereiro J. A., Bendikov T., Herrmann A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Author Correction: Breast cancer plasticity is restricted by a LATS1-NCOR1 repressive axis (doi 10.1038/s41467-022-34863-9 , 28 Nov, 2022)
Aylon Y., Furth N., Mallel G., Friedlander G., Nataraj N. B., Dong M., Hassin O., Zoabi R., Cohen B., Drendel V., Salame T. M., Mukherjee S., Harpaz N., Johnson R., Aulitzky W. E., Yarden Y., Shema E. & Oren M.
Nature Communications
Inflammatory signals from fatty bone marrow support DNMT3A driven clonal hematopoiesis
Zioni N., Bercovich A. A., Chapal-Ilani N., Bacharach T., Rappoport N., Solomon A., Avraham R., Kopitman E., Porat Z., Sacma M., Hartmut G., Scheller M., Muller-Tidow C., Lipka D., Shlush E., Minden M., Kaushansky N. & Shlush L. I.
Nature Communications
Distinct spatiotemporal features of microglia and monocyte-derived macrophages in glioma
Banerjee K., Ratzabi A., Caspit I. M., Ganon O., Blinder P., Jung S. & Stein R.
European Journal of Immunology
L858R emerges as a potential biomarker predicting response of lung cancer models to anti-EGFR antibodies: Comparison of osimertinib vs. cetuximab
Marrocco I., Giri S., Simoni-Nieves A., Gupta N., Rudnitsky A., Haga Y., Romaniello D., Sekar A., Zerbib M., Oren R., Lindzen M., Fard D., Tsutsumi Y., Lauriola M., Tamagnone L. & Yarden Y.
Cell Reports Medicine
Allosteric activation of vinculin by talin
Franz F., Tapia-Rojo R., Winograd-Katz S., Boujemaa-Paterski R., Li W., Unger T., Albeck S., Aponte-Santamaria C., Garcia-Manyes S., Medalia O., Geiger B. & Gräter F.
Nature Communications
A partial form of AIRE deficiency underlies a mild form of autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1
Oftedal B. E., Berger A. H., Bruserud Ø., Goldfarb Y., Sulen A., Breivik L., Hellesen A., Ben-Dor S., Haffner-Krausz R., Knappskog P. M., Johansson S., Wolff A. S., Bratland E., Abramson J. & Husebye E. S.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Vaccinations in pregnancy against TORCH pathogens
Beharier O. & Neeman M.
Molecular Therapy
Retention of ERK in the cytoplasm mediates the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells
Hacohen Lev-Ran A. & Seger R.
Stem Cell Reports
Redefining metalloproteases specificity through network proteolysis
Kollet O., Das A., Karamanos N., auf dem Keller U. & Sagi I.
Trends in Molecular Medicine
JNK Cascade-Induced ApoptosisA Unique Role in GqPCR Signaling
Nadel G., Maik-Rachline G. & Seger R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Long non-coding RNAs: definitions, functions, challenges and recommendations
Mattick J. S., Amaral P. P., Carninci P., Carpenter S., Chang H. Y., Chen L., Chen R., Dean C., Dinger M. E., Fitzgerald K. A., Gingeras T. R., Guttman M., Hirose T., Huarte M., Johnson R., Kanduri C., Kapranov P., Lawrence J. B., Lee J. T., Mendell J. T., Mercer T. R., Moore K. J., Nakagawa S., Rinn J. L., Spector D. L., Ulitsky I., Wan Y., Wilusz J. E. & Wu M.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Noncoding snoRNA host genes are a distinct subclass of long noncoding RNAs
Monziani A. & Ulitsky I.
Trends in Genetics
Complex regulation of Eomes levels mediated through distinct functional features of the Meteor long non-coding RNA locus
Gil N., Perry R. B., Mukamel Z., Tuck A., Bühler M. & Ulitsky I.
Cell Reports
CENTRE: a gradient boosting algorithm for Cell-type-specific ENhancer-Target pREdiction
Rapakoulia T., Lopez De Vargas S. R., Omgba P. A., Laupert V., Ulitsky I. & Vingron M.
Leveraging polygenic enrichments of gene features to predict genes underlying complex traits and diseases
Weeks E. M., Ulirsch J. C., Cheng N. Y., Trippe B. L., Fine R. S., Miao J., Patwardhan T. A., Kanai M., Nasser J., Fulco C. P., Tashman K. C., Aguet F., Li T., Ordovas-Montanes J., Smillie C. S., Biton M., Shalek A. K., Ananthakrishnan A. N., Xavier R. J., Regev A., Gupta R. M., Lage K., Ardlie K. G., Hirschhorn J. N., Lander E. S., Engreitz J. M. & Finucane H. K.
Nature Genetics
Glycation-driven matrix crosslinking in cirrhosis
Kollet O. & Sagi I.
Nature Biomedical Engineering
Timing and regulation of hematopoietic stem cell colonization of the human fetal bone marrow by endothelial and CAR stromal cells during pregnancy
Lapidot T.
Blood Science
Multiplexed, single-molecule, epigenetic analysis of plasma-isolated nucleosomes for cancer diagnostics
Fedyuk V., Erez N., Furth N., Beresh O., Andreishcheva E. N., Shinde A., Jones D., Bar Zakai B., Mavor Y., Peretz T., Hubert A., Cohen J., Salah A., Temper M., Grinshpun A., Maoz M., Zick A., Ron G. & Shema E.
Nature Biotechnology
miR-4734 conditionally suppresses ER stress-associated proinflammatory responses
Michael D., Feldmesser E., Gonen C., Furth N., Maman A., Heyman O., Argoetti A., Tofield A., Baichman-Kass A., Ben-Dov A., Benbenisti D., Hen N., Rotkopf R., Ganci F., Blandino G., Ulitsky I. & Oren M.
FEBS Letters
Longitudinal in vivo imaging of perineuronal nets
Benbenishty A., Peled-Hajaj S., Krishnaswamy V. R., Har-Gil H., Havusha-Laufer S., Ruggiero A., Slutsky I., Blinder P. & Sagi I.
Tissue-specific macrophage immunometabolism
Ben-Arosh H. & Avraham R.
Current Opinion in Immunology
Resistance of Lung Cancer to EGFR-Specific Kinase Inhibitors: Activation of Bypass Pathways and Endogenous Mutators
Marrocco I. & Yarden Y.
LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways
Kshirsagar A., Doroshev S. M., Gorelik A., Olender T., Sapir T., Tsuboi D., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Argoetti A., Mandel-Gutfreund Y., Cohen S. R., Hanna J. H., Ulitsky I., Kaibuchi K. & Reiner O.
Nature Communications
The role of RNF149 in the pre-emptive quality control substrate ubiquitination
Legesse A., Kaushansky N., Braunstein I., Saad H., Lederkremer G., Navon A. & Stanhill A.
Communications Biology
Regulation of nucleo-cytosolic 26S proteasome translocation by aromatic amino acids via mTOR is essential for cell survival under stress
Livneh I., Cohen-Kaplan V., Fabre B., Abramovitch I., Lulu C., Nataraj N. B., Lazar I., Ziv T., Yarden Y., Zohar Y., Gottlieb E. & Ciechanover A.
Molecular Cell
GATA6-AS1 Regulates Intestinal Epithelial Mitochondrial Functions, and its Reduced Expression is Linked to Intestinal Inflammation and Less Favourable Disease Course in Ulcerative Colitis
Sosnovski K. E., Braun T., Amir A., Moshel D., BenShoshan M., VanDussen K. L., Levhar N., Abbas-Egbariya H., Beider K., Ben-Yishay R., Asad Ali S., Moore S. R., Kugathasan S., Abramovich I., Saar E. G., Weiss B., Barshack I., Gottlieb E., Geiger T., Ben-Horin S., Ulitsky I., Hyams J. S., Denson L. A. & Haberman Y.
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
Folylpolyglutamate synthetase mRNA G-quadruplexes regulate its cell protrusion localization and enhance a cancer cell invasive phenotype upon folate repletion
Stark M., Levin M., Ulitsky I. & Assaraf Y. G.
BMC Biology
Autoimmune amelogenesis imperfecta in patients with APS-1 and coeliac disease
Gruper Y., Wolff A. S. B., Glanz L., Spoutil F., Marthinussen M. C., Osickova A., Herzig Y., Goldfarb Y., Aranaz-Novaliches G., Dobeš J., Kadouri N., Ben-Nun O., Binyamin A., Lavi B., Givony T., Khalaila R., Gome T., Wald T., Mrazkova B., Sochen C., Besnard M., Ben-Dor S., Feldmesser E., Orlova E. M., Hegedűs C., Lampé I., Papp T., Felszeghy S., Sedlacek R., Davidovich E., Tal N., Shouval D. S., Shamir R., Guillonneau C., Szondy Z., Lundin K. E. A., Osicka R., Prochazka J., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J.
Deciphering the involvement of the Hippo pathway co-regulators, YAP/TAZ in invadopodia formation and matrix degradation
Venghateri J. B., Dassa B., Morgenstern D., Shreberk-Shaked M., Oren M. & Geiger B.
Cell Death and Disease
Methyl-CpG binding domain 2 (Mbd2) is an epigenetic regulator of autism-risk genes and cognition
Lax E., Do Carmo S., Enuka Y., Sapozhnikov D. M., Welikovitch L. A., Mahmood N., Rabbani S. A., Wang L., Britt J. P., Hancock W. W., Yarden Y. & Szyf M.
Translational Psychiatry
Untangling Cellular Host-Pathogen Encounters at Infection Bottlenecks
Avraham R.
Infection and Immunity
The ERK Signaling Cascade Inhibits Gonadotropin-Stimulated Steroidogenesis
Seger R., Hanoch T., Rosenberg R., Dantes A., Merz W. E., Strauss J. F. & Amsterdam A.
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Mucosal transcriptomics highlight lncRNAs implicated in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease
Braun T., Sosnovski K. E., Amir A., BenShoshan M., VanDussen K. L., Karns R., Levhar N., Abbas-Egbariya H., Hadar R., Efroni G., Castel D., Avivi C., Rosen M. J., Grifiths A. M., Walters T. D., Mack D. R., Boyle B. M., Ali S. A., Moore S. R., Schirmer M., Xavier R. J., Kugathasan S., Jegga A. G., Weiss B., Mayer C., Barshack I., Ben-Horin S., Ulitsky I., Beucher A., Ferrer J., Hyams J. S., Denson L. A. & Haberman Y.
JCI Insight
Near-Temperature-Independent Electron Transport Well beyond Expected Quantum Tunneling Range via Bacteriorhodopsin Multilayers
Bera S., Fereiro J. A., Saxena S. K., Chryssikos D., Majhi K., Bendikov T., Sepunaru L., Ehre D., Tornow M., Pecht I., Vilan A., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
ICAMs are dispensable for influenza clearance and anti-viral humoral and cellular immunity
Kozlovski S., Regev O., Sapoznikov A., Kizner M., Achdout H., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Elkahal J., Addadi Y., Castanheira F. V. E. S., Feigelson S. W., Kubes P., Erez N., Garbi N. & Alon R.
Frontiers in Immunology
Massively parallel identification of mRNA localization elements in primary cortical neurons
Mendonsa S., von Kügelgen N., Dantsuji S., Ron M., Breimann L., Baranovskii A., Lödige I., Kirchner M., Fischer M., Zerna N., Bujanic L., Mertins P., Ulitsky I. & Chekulaeva M.
Nature Neuroscience
Thymic mimetic cells function beyond self-tolerance
Givony T., Leshkowitz D., Del Castillo D., Nevo S., Kadouri N., Dassa B., Gruper Y., Khalaila R., Ben-Nun O., Gome T., Dobeš J., Ben-Dor S., Kedmi M., Keren-Shaul H., Heffner-Krausz R., Porat Z., Golani O., Addadi Y., Brenner O., Lo D. D., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J.
Correction of T-Cell Repertoire and Autoimmune Diabetes in NOD Mice by Non-myeloablative T-Cell Depleted Allogeneic HSCT
Sidlik Muskatel R., Nathansohn-Levi B., Reich-Zeliger S., Mark M., Stoler-Barak L., Rosen C., Milman-Krentsis I., Bachar Lustig E., Pete Gale R., Friedman N. & Reisner Y.
Stem Cells Translational Medicine
TAZ facilitates breast tumor growth by promoting an immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment
Gershoni A., Hassin O., Nataraj N. B., Baruch S., Avioz-Seligman A., Pirona A. C., Fellus-Alyagor L., Meir Salame T., Mukherjee S., Mallel G., Yarden Y., Aylon Y. & Oren M.
Molecular Oncology
Dendritic cell ICAM-1 strengthens synapses with CD8 T cells but is not required for their early differentiation
Sapoznikov A., Kozlovski S., Levi N., Feigelson S. W., Regev O., Davidzohn N., Ben-Dor S., Haffner-Krausz R., Feldmesser E., Wigoda N., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Biton M. & Alon R.
Cell Reports
A single-molecule liquid biopsy for cancer diagnosis
Shema E.
Nature Reviews Cancer
Boosting maternal and neonatal antiSARS-CoV-2 humoral immunity using a third mRNA vaccine dose
Cahen-Peretz A., Tsaitlin-Mor L., Kam H. A., Frenkel R., Kabessa M., Cohen S. M., Lipschuetz M., Oiknine-Djian E., Lianski S., Goldman-Wohl D., Walfisch A., Kovo M., Neeman M., Wolf D. G., Yagel S. & Beharier O.
JCI Insight
Biotin Binding Hardly Affects Electron Transport Efficiency across Streptavidin Solid-State Junctions
Bera S., Govinda S., Fereiro J. A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Early Infiltration of Innate Immune Cells to the Liver Depletes HNF4α and Promotes Extrahepatic Carcinogenesis
Goldman O., Adler L. N., Hajaj E., Croese T., Darzi N., Galai S., Tishler H., Ariav Y., Lavie D., Fellus-Alyagor L., Oren R., Kuznetsov Y., David E., Jaschek R., Stossel C., Singer O., Malitsky S., Barak R., Seger R., Erez N., Amit I., Tanay A., Saada A., Golan T., Rubinek T., Sang Lee J., Ben-Shachar S., Wolf I. & Erez A.
Cancer Discovery
Perivascular cells induce microglial phagocytic states and synaptic engulfment via SPP1 in mouse models of Alzheimers disease
De Schepper S., Ge J. Z., Crowley G., Ferreira L. S. S., Garceau D., Toomey C. E., Sokolova D., Rueda-Carrasco J., Shin S. H., Kim J., Childs T., Lashley T., Burden J. J., Sasner M., Frigerio C. S., Jung S. & Hong S.
Nature Neuroscience
Multisite assessment of reproducibility in high-content cell migration imaging data
Hu J., Serra-Picamal X., Bakker G. J., Van Troys M., Winograd-Katz S., Ege N., Gong X., Didan Y., Grosheva I., Polansky O., Bakkali K., Van Hamme E., van Erp M., Vullings M., Weiss F., Clucas J., Dowbaj A. M., Sahai E., Ampe C., Geiger B., Friedl P., Bottai M. & Strömblad S.
Molecular Systems Biology
Lactatea new player in G-CSF-induced mobilization of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells
Ordonez-Moreno L. A., Haddad M., Chakrabarti P., Khatib-Massalha E., Fruchtman H., Boura-Halfon S., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Lapidot T. & Kollet O.
Preparation and evaluation of oocytes for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (6th edition)
Granot I. & Dekel N.
, Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques
, Volume 1: Laboratory Perspectives, Sixth Edition
Trapping all ERBB ligands decreases pancreatic lesions in a murine model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Hedegger K., Blutke A., Hommel T., Auer K. E., Nataraj N. B., Lindzen M., Yarden Y. & Dahlhoff M.
Molecular Oncology
The Actin Network Interfacing Diverse Integrin-Mediated Adhesions
Geiger B., Boujemaa-Paterski R., Winograd-Katz S. E., Balan Venghateri J., Chung W. L. & Medalia O.
Post-translational modifications reshape the antigenic landscape of the MHC I immunopeptidome in tumors
Kacen A., Javitt A., Kramer M. P., Morgenstern D., Tsaban T., Shmueli M. D., Teo G. C., Leprevost F. d. V., Barnea E., Yu F., Admon A., Eisenbach L., Samuels Y., Schueler-Furman O., Levin Y., Nesvizhskii A. & Merbl Y.
Nature Biotechnology
Amyloid Precursor Protein and Tau Peptides Linked Together Ameliorate Loss of Cognition in an Alzheimers Disease Animal Model
Maron R., Vinik Y., Tsoory M., Wilchek M. & Arnon R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Modulating the proliferative and cytotoxic properties of patient-derived TIL by a synthetic immune niche of immobilized CCL21 and ICAM1
Yunger S., Geiger B., Friedman N., Besser M. J. & Adutler-Lieber S.
Frontiers in Oncology
Physiological stress drives the emergence of a Salmonella subpopulation through ribosomal RNA regulation
Ciolli Mattioli C., Eisner K., Rosenbaum A., Wang M., Amir A., Golding I. & Avraham R.
Current Biology
Unique features of transcription termination and initiation at closely spaced tandem human genes
Nissani N. & Ulitsky I.
Molecular Systems Biology
Cap-independent translation and a precisely located RNA sequence enable SARS-CoV-2 to control host translation and escape anti-viral response
Slobodin B., Sehrawat U., Lev A., Hayat D., Zuckerman B., Fraticelli D., Ogran A., Ben-Shmuel A., Bar-David E., Levy H., Ulitsky I. & Dikstein R.
Nucleic Acids Research
ICAM-1 on Breast Cancer Cells Suppresses Lung Metastasis but Is Dispensable for Tumor Growth and Killing by Cytotoxic T Cells
Regev O., Kizner M., Roncato F., Dadiani M., Saini M., Castro-Giner F., Yajuk O., Kozlovski S., Levi N., Addadi Y., Golani O., Ben-Dor S., Granot Z., Aceto N. & Alon R.
Frontiers in Immunology
AKTs do not translocate to the nucleus upon stimulation but AKT3 can constitutively signal from the nuclear envelope
Wainstein E., Maik-Rachline G., Blenis J. & Seger R.
Cell Reports
Integrin αIIbβ3 Activation and Clustering in Minimal Synthetic Cells
Benk L. T., Benk A. S., Lira R. B., Cavalcanti-Adam E. A., Dimova R., Lipowsky R., Geiger B. & Spatz J. P.
Advanced NanoBiomed Research
Tumor-reactive antibodies evolve from non-binding and autoreactive precursors
Mazor R. D., Nathan N., Gilboa A., Stoler-Barak L., Moss L., Solomonov I., Hanuna A., Divinsky Y., Shmueli M. D., Hezroni H., Zaretsky I., Mor M., Golani O., Sabah G., Jakobson-Setton A., Yanichkin N., Feinmesser M., Tsoref D., Salman L., Yeoshoua E., Peretz E., Erlich I., Mendelson Cohen N., Gershoni J. M., Freund N., Merbl Y., Yaari G., Eitan R., Sagi I. & Shulman Z.
Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads
Paolicelli R. C., Sierra A., Stevens B., Tremblay M., Aguzzi A., Ajami B., Amit I., Audinat E., Bechmann I., Bennett M., Bennett F., Bessis A., Biber K., Bilbo S., Blurton-Jones M., Boddeke E., Brites D., Brône B., Brown G. C., Butovsky O., Carson M. J., Castellano B., Colonna M., Cowley S. A., Cunningham C., Davalos D., De Jager P. L., de Strooper B., Denes A., Eggen B. J., Eyo U., Galea E., Garel S., Ginhoux F., Glass C. K., Gokce O., Gomez-Nicola D., González B., Gordon S., Graeber M. B., Greenhalgh A. D., Gressens P., Greter M., Gutmann D. H., Haass C., Heneka M. T., Heppner F. L., Hong S., Hume D. A., Jung S., Kettenmann H., Kipnis J., Koyama R., Lemke G., Lynch M., Majewska A., Malcangio M., Malm T., Mancuso R., Masuda T., Matteoli M., McColl B. W., Miron V. E., Molofsky A. V., Monje M., Mracsko E., Nadjar A., Neher J. J., Neniskyte U., Neumann H., Noda M., Peng B., Peri F., Perry V. H., Popovich P. G., Pridans C., Priller J., Prinz M., Ragozzino D., Ransohoff R. M., Salter M. W., Schaefer A., Schafer D. P., Schwartz M., Simons M., Smith C. J., Streit W. J., Tay T. L., Tsai L., Verkhratsky A., von Bernhardi R., Wake H., Wittamer V., Wolf S. A., Wu L. & Wyss-Coray T.
ERK1b, a 46-kDa ERK isoform that is differentially regulated by MEK
Yung Y., Yao Z., Hanoch T. & Seger R.
Cell Biology International
A new function for the serine protease HtrA2 in controlling radiation-induced senescence in cancer cells
Hammer L., Levin-Salomon V., Yaeli-Slonim N., Weiss M., Dekel-Bird N. P., Olender T., Porat Z., Winograd-Katz S., Savidor A., Levin Y., Bialik S., Geiger B. & Kimchi A.
Molecular Oncology
A research and training center model The Weizmann Institute of Science
Pecht I.
Turkish Journal of Biochemistry
Nucleoporin-93 reveals a common feature of aggressive breast cancers: robust nucleocytoplasmic transport of transcription factors
Belugali Nataraj N., Noronha A., Lee J. S., Ghosh S., Mohan Raju H. R., Sekar A., Zuckerman B., Lindzen M., Tarcitano E., Srivastava S., Selitrennik M., Livneh I., Drago-Garcia D., Rueda O. M., Caldas C., Lev S., Geiger T., Ciechanover A., Ulitsky I., Seger R., Ruppin E. & Yarden Y.
Cell Reports
Tongue immune compartment analysis reveals spatial macrophage heterogeneity
Lyras E. M., Zimmermann K., Wagner L. K., Dorr D., Klose C. S., Fischer C., Jung S., Yona S., Hovav A., Stenzel W., Dommerich S., Conrad T., Leutz A. & Mildner A.
Breast cancer plasticity is restricted by a LATS1-NCOR1 repressive axis
Aylon Y., Furth N., Mallel G., Friedlander G., Nataraj N. B., Dong M., Hassin O., Zoabi R., Cohen B., Drendel V., Salame T. M., Mukherjee S., Harpaz N., Johnson R., Aulitzky W. E., Yarden Y., Shema E. & Oren M.
Nature Communications
Immunometabolic crosstalk during bacterial infection
Rosenberg G., Riquelme S., Prince A. & Avraham R.
Nature Microbiology
Reduced synaptic activity and dysregulated extracellular matrix pathways in midbrain neurons from Parkinsons disease patients
Stern S., Lau S., Manole A., Rosh I., Percia M. M., Ben Ezer R., Shokhirev M. N., Qiu F., Schafer S., Mansour A. A., Mangan K. P., Stern T., Ofer P., Stern Y., Mendes A. P. D., Djamus J., Moore L. R., Nayak R., Aicher A., Havusha-Laufer S., Rhee A., Wong T. L., Nguyen T., Linker S. B., Winner B., Freitas B. C., Jones E., Sagi I., Bardy C., Brice A., Winkler J., Marchetto M. C. & Gage F. H.
NPJ Parkinson's Disease
Cognate microgliaT cell interactions shape the functional regulatory T cell pool in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis pathology
Haimon Z., Frumer G. R., Kim J., Trzebanski S., Haffner-Krausz R., Ben-Dor S., Porat Z., Muschaweckh A., Chappell-Maor L., Boura-Halfon S., Korn T. & Jung S.
Nature Immunology
Extrathymic expression of Aire controls the induction of effective TH17 cell-mediated immune response to Candida albicans
Dobeš J., Ben-Nun O., Binyamin A., Stoler-Barak L., Oftedal B. E., Goldfarb Y., Kadouri N., Gruper Y., Givony T., Zalayat I., Kováčová K., Böhmová H., Valter E., Shulman Z., Filipp D., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J.
Nature Immunology
Role of Helical Structure in MBP Immunodominant Peptides for Efficient IgM Antibody Recognition in Multiple Sclerosis
Staśkiewicz A., Quagliata M., Real-Fernandez F., Nuti F., Lanzillo R., Brescia-Morra V., Rusche H., Jewginski M., Carotenuto A., Brancaccio D., Aharoni R., Arnon R., Rovero P., Latajka R. & Papini A. M.
Frontiers in Chemistry
GqPCR-stimulated dephosphorylation of AKT is induced by an IGBP1-mediated PP2A switch
Nadel G., Yao Z., Wainstein E., Cohen I., Ben-Ami I., Schajnovitz A., Maik-Rachline G., Naor Z., Horwitz B. A. & Seger R.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Generation of specialized blood vessels via lymphatic transdifferentiation
Das R. N., Tevet Y., Safriel S., Han Y., Moshe N., Lambiase G., Bassi I., Nicenboim J., Brückner M., Hirsch D., Eilam-Altstadter R., Herzog W., Avraham R., Poss K. D. & Yaniv K.
Transcriptome and chromatin alterations in social fear indicate association of MEG3 with successful extinction of fear
Royer M., Pai B., Menon R., Bludau A., Gryksa K., Perry R. B., Ulitsky I., Meister G. & Neumann I. D.
Molecular Psychiatry
Dissecting Human Blood Immune Cells Response to Intracellular Infection Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing
Hen-Avivi S. & Avraham R.
, Methods in Molecular Biology
Electron transport via tyrosine-doped oligo-alanine peptide junctions: role of charges and hydrogen bonding
Guo C., Gavrilov Y., Gupta S., Bendikov T., Levy Y., Vilan A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
LGR5 expressing skin fibroblasts define a major cellular hub perturbed in scleroderma
Gur C., Wang S., Sheban F., Zada M., Li B., Kharouf F., Peleg H., Aamar S., Yalin A., Kirschenbaum D., Braun-Moscovici Y., Jaitin D. A., Meir-Salame T., Hagai E., Kragesteen B. K., Avni B., Grisariu S., Bornstein C., Shlomi-Loubaton S., David E., Shreberk-Hassidim R., Molho-Pessach V., Amar D., Tzur T., Kuint R., Gross M., Barboy O., Moshe A., Fellus-Alyagor L., Hirsch D., Addadi Y., Erenfeld S., Biton M., Tzemach T., Elazary A., Naparstek Y., Tzemach R., Weiner A., Giladi A., Balbir-Gurman A. & Amit I.
Applying imaging flow cytometry and immunofluorescence in studying the dynamic Golgi structure in cultured cells
Wortzel I., Porat Z., Seger R. & Maik-Rachline G.
STAR Protocols
Polyclonal antibody-induced downregulation of HER1/EGFR and HER2 surpasses the effect of combinations of specific registered antibodies
Bergado-Báez G., Gonzalez Suarez N., García L. C., Pérez-Martínez D., Hernández-Fernández D. R., Fundora-Barrios T., Rodríguez-Álvarez A., Díaz-Ordaz G. D., Lindzen M., Yarden Y. & Sánchez-Ramírez B.
Frontiers in Oncology
H3-K27M-mutant nucleosomes interact with MLL1 to shape the glioma epigenetic landscape
Furth N., Algranati D., Dassa B., Beresh O., Fedyuk V., Morris N., Kasper L. H., Jones D., Monje M., Baker S. J. & Shema E.
Cell Reports
The acetyltransferase KAT7 is required for thymic epithelial cell expansion, expression of AIRE target genes, and thymic tolerance
Heinlein M., Gandolfo L. C., Zhao K., Teh C. E., Nguyen N., Baell J. B., Goldfarb Y., Abramson J., Wichmann J., Voss A. K., Strasser A., Smyth G. K., Thomas T. & Gray D. H. D.
Science Immunology
Substoichiometric action of long noncoding RNAs
Unfried J. P. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Cell Biology
It's all in the combination: decoding the epigenome for cancer research and diagnostics
Furth N. & Shema E.
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development
Single-cell epigenetic analysis reveals principles of chromatin states in H3.3-K27M gliomas
Harpaz N., Mittelman T., Beresh O., Griess O., Furth N., Salame T., Oren R., Fellus-Alyagor L., Harmelin A., Alexandrescu S., Marques J. G., Filbin M. G., Ron G. & Shema E.
Molecular Cell
Intracellular peptides as drug prototypes
Gewehr M. C., Navon A. & Ferro E. S.
, Peptide and Peptidomimetic Therapeutics
, From Bench to Bedside
OCT4 activates a Suv39h1-repressive antisense lncRNA to couple histone H3 Lysine 9 methylation to pluripotency
Bernard L. D., Dubois A., Heurtier V., Fischer V., Gonzalez I., Chervova A., Tachtsidi A., Gil N., Owens N., Bates L. E., Vandormael-Pournin S., Silva J. C. R., Ulitsky I., Cohen-Tannoudji M. & Navarro P.
Nucleic Acids Research
On the development of a neoantigen vaccine for the prevention of Lynch Syndrome
Solomon A., Alteber Z., Bassan D., Sharbi-Yunger A., Esbit S., Tzehoval E. & Eisenbach L.
International Journal of Cancer
5isomiR-183-5p|+2 elicits tumor suppressor activity in a negative feedback loop with E2F1
Li X., Michels B. E., Tosun O. E., Jung J., Kappes J., Ibing S., Nataraj N. B., Sahay S., Schneider M., Wörner A., Becki C., Ishaque N., Feuerbach L., Heßling B., Helm D., Will R., Yarden Y., Müller-Decker K., Wiemann S. & Körner C.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research
Cross-talk between mutant p53 and p62/SQSTM1 augments cancer cell migration by promoting the degradation of cell adhesion proteins
Mukherjee S., Maddalena M., Lü Y., Martinez S., Nataraj N. B., Noronha A., Sinha S., Teng K., Cohen-Kaplan V., Ziv T., Arandkar S., Hassin O., Chatterjee R., Pirona A., Shreberk-Shaked M., Gershoni A., Aylon Y., Elazar Z., Yarden Y., Schramek D. & Oren M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Nuclear localization of Meg3-ex10 in mice lateral septum after social fear extinction
Royer M., Pai B., Menon R., Bludau A., Gryksa K., Perry R. B. T., Ulitsky I., Meister G. & Neumann I. D.
Molecular Psychiatry
Post-Gastrulation Synthetic Embryos Generated Ex Utero from Mouse Naïve ESCs
Tarazi S., Aguilera Castrejon A., Joubran C., Ghanem N., Ashouokhi S., Roncato F., Wildschutz E., Haddad M., Oldak B., Gomez-Cesar E., Livnat N., Viukov S., Lukshtanov D., Naveh Tassa S., Rose M., Issaq - Hanna S., Raanan C., Brenner O. J., Kedmi M., Keren-Shaul H., Lapidot T., Maza I., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (.
Enteric glial cells favor accumulation of anti-inflammatory macrophages during the resolution of muscularis inflammation
Stakenborg M., Abdurahiman S., De Simone V., Goverse G., Stakenborg N., van Baarle L., Wu Q., Pirottin D., Kim J., Chappell-Maor L., Pintelon I., Thys S., Pollenus E., Boon L., Van den Steen P., Hao M., Van Ginderachter J. A., Boeckxstaens G. E., Timmermans J., Jung S., Marichal T., Ibiza S. & Matteoli G.
Mucosal Immunology
SUMOylation of linker histone H1 drives chromatin condensation and restriction of embryonic cell fate identity
Sheban D., Shani T., Maor R., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Mor N., Oldak B., Shmueli M. D., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Bayerl J., Hebert J., Viukov S., Chen G., Kacen A., Krupalnik V., Chugaeva V., Tarazi S., Rodríguez-delaRosa A., Zerbib M., Ulman A., Masarwi S., Kupervaser M., Levin Y., Shema E., David Y., Novershtern N., Hanna J. H. & Merbl Y.
Molecular Cell
Boosting maternal and neonatal humoral immunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection using a single mRNA vaccine dose
Nevo L., Cahen-Peretz A., Vorontsov O., Frenkel R., Kabessa M., Cohen S. M., Hamrani A., Oiknine-Djian E., Lipschuetz M., Goldman-Wohl D., Walfisch A., Kovo M., Neeman M., Yagel S., Wolf D. G. & Beharier O.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Prof. Michael Sela (1924-2022) Obituary
Arnon R., Mozes E., Jung S. & Pecht I.
European Journal of Immunology
Discovering functional motifs in long noncoding RNAs
Ross C. J. & Ulitsky I.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA
Real-time single-molecule sequencing of nucleosomal DNA and combinatory histone modifications detection with zero-mode waveguides
Zheng P., Wanunu M. & Shema E.
Biophysical Journal
Bacterial infection disrupts established germinal center reactions through monocyte recruitment and impaired metabolic adaptation
Biram A., Liu J., Hezroni-Bravyi H., Davidzohn N., Schmiedel D., Khatib-Massalha E., Haddad M., Grenov C. A., Lebon S., Salame T. M., Dezorella N., Hoffman D., Abou Karam P., Biton M., Lapidot T., Bemark M., Avraham R., Jung S. & Shulman Z.
The magnitude of LFA-1/ICAM-1 forces fine-tune TCR-triggered T cell activation
Ma V. P., Hu Y., Kellner A. V., Brockman J. M., Velusamy A., Blanchard A. T., Evavold B. D., Alon R. & Salaita K.
Science Advances
Different hotspot p53 mutants exert distinct phenotypes and predict outcome of colorectal cancer patients
Hassin O., Nataraj N. B., Shreberk-Shaked M., Aylon Y., Yaeger R., Fontemaggi G., Mukherjee S., Maddalena M., Avioz A., Iancu O., Mallel G., Gershoni A., Grosheva I., Feldmesser E., Ben-Dor S., Golani O., Hendel A., Blandino G., Kelsen D., Yarden Y. & Oren M.
Nature Communications
Context-specific effects of sequence elements on subcellular localization of linear and circular RNAs
Ron M. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Communications
Fyn and argonaute 2 participate in maternal-mRNA degradation during mouse oocyte maturation
Gindi N., Grossman H., Bar-Joseph H., Miller I., Nemerovsky L., Hadas R., Nevo N., Galiani D., Dekel N. & Shalgi R.
Cell Cycle
AXL and Error-Prone DNA Replication Confer Drug Resistance and Offer Strategies to Treat EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer
Noronha A., Belugali Nataraj N., Sang Lee J., Zhitomirsky B., Oren Y., Oster S., Lindzen M., Mukherjee S., Will R., Ghosh S., Simoni-Nieves A., Verma A., Chatterjee R., Borgoni S., Robinson W., Sinha S., Brandis A., Kerr D. L., Wu W., Sekar A., Giri S., Chung Y., Drago-Garcia D., Danysh B. P., Lauriola M., Fiorentino M., Ardizzoni A., Oren M., Blakely C. M., Ezike J., Wiemann S., Parida L., Bivona T. G., Aqeilan R. I., Brugge J. S., Regev A., Getz G., Ruppin E. & Yarden Y.
Cancer Discovery
Clinical outcome of planned oocyte cryopreservation at advanced age
Tsafrir A., Ben-Ami I., Eldar-Geva T., Gal M., Dekel N., Levi H., Schonberger O., Srebnik N., Weintraub A., Goldberg D. & Hyman J.
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Blockade of the protease ADAM17 ameliorates experimental pancreatitis
Saad M. I., Weng T., Lundy J., Gearing L. J., West A. C., Harpur C. M., Alanazi M., Hodges C., Croagh D., Kumar B., Sagi I., Rose-John S. & Jenkins B. J.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
A network of mixed actin polarity in the leading edge of spreading cells
Chung W. L., Eibauer M., Li W., Boujemaa-Paterski R., Geiger B. & Medalia O.
Communications Biology
Pulse Radiolysis Studies of Temperature Dependent Electron Transfers among Redox Centers in ba3-Cytochrome c Oxidase from Thermus thermophilus: Comparison of A- and B-Type Enzymes
Farver O., Wherland S., Antholine W. E., Gemmen G. J., Chen Y., Pecht I. & Fee J. A.
SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody Levels in Women with IBD Vaccinated during Pregnancy
Avni Biron I., Maayan Y., Mishael T., Hadar E., Neeman M., Plitman Mayo R., Sela H. Y., Yagel S., Goldenberg R., Ben Yaacov A., Grisaru Granovsky S., Ollech J. E., Edelman-Klapper H., Rabinowitz K. M., Pauker M. H., Yanai H., Goren S., Cohen D., Dotan I. & Bar-Gil Shitrit A.
Lung Regeneration by Transplantation of Allogeneic Lung Progenitors Using a Safer Conditioning Regimen and Clinical-grade Reagents
Krentsis I. M., Orgad R., Zheng Y., Lustig E. B., Rosen C., Shezen E., Yadav S., Levi B. N., Assayag M., Berkman N., Quintana H. K., Shoshan E., Blagdon C. & Reisner Y.
Stem Cells Translational Medicine
Transcriptional regulation of the thymus master regulator Foxn1
Kadouri N., Giladi T., Katz S., Hey J., Ben-Dor S., Damari G., Dassa B., Dobes J., Dieter W., Bähr M., Paulsen M., Haffner-Krausz R., Mall M. A., Plass C., Kafka Y. & Abramson J.
Science Immunology
Mouse Modeling Dissecting MacrophageBreast Cancer Communication Uncovered Roles of PYK2 in Macrophage Recruitment and Breast Tumorigenesis
Muller A., Kohler U. A., Trzebanski S., Vinik Y., Mohan Raju H. R., Girault J., Ben-Chetrit N., Maraver A., Jung S. & Lev S.
Advanced Science
Germline genetic biomarkers to stratify patients for personalized radiation treatment
Deichaite I., Hopper A., Krockenberger L., Sears T. J., Sutton L., Ray X., Sharabi A., Navon A., Sanghvi P., Carter H. & Moiseenko V.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Matrix Metalloproteinases Expression Is Associated with SARS-CoV-2-Induced Lung Pathology and Extracellular-Matrix Remodeling in K18-hACE2 Mice
Gutman H., Aftalion M., Melamed S., Politi B., Nevo R., Havusha-Laufer S., Achdout H., Gur D., Israely T., Dachir S., Mamroud E., Sagi I. & Vagima Y.
Titration of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) - Induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model
Aharoni R., Globerman R., Eilam R., Brenner O. & Arnon R.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Peptidomic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with intracranial saccular aneurysms
Sakaya G. R., Parada C. A., Eichler R. A., Yamaki V. N., Navon A., Heimann A. S., Figueiredo E. G. & Ferro E. S.
Journal of Proteomics
Prediction of Ovarian Follicular Dominance by MRI Phenotyping of Hormonally Induced Vascular Remodeling
Fellus-Alyagor L., Biton I. E., Dafni H., Bochner F., Rotkopf R., Dekel N. & Neeman M.
Frontiers in Medicine
TP53 missense mutations in PDAC are associated with enhanced fibrosis and an immunosuppressive microenvironment
Maddalena M., Mallel G., Nataraj N. B., Shreberk-Shaked M., Hassin O., Mukherjee S., Arandkar S., Rotkopf R., Kapsack A., Lambiase G., Pellegrino B., Ben-Isaac E., Golani O., Addadi Y., Hajaj E., Eilam R., Straussman R., Yarden Y., Lotem M. & Oren M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Mechanistic dissection of dominant AIRE mutations in mouse models reveals AIRE autoregulation
Goldfarb Y., Givony T., Dobeš J., Kadouri N., Zalayat I., Peligero-Cruz C., Damari G., Dassa B., Ben-Dor S., Gruper Y., Oftedal B. E., Bratland E., Erichsen M. M., Berger A., Avin A., Nevo S., Haljasorg U., Kuperman Y., Ulman A., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Atasoy U., Leshkowitz D., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Kynurenic acid- a key metabolite protecting the heart from an ischemic damage
Entin-Meer M., Bigelman E. B., Pasmanik-Chor M. P. C., Dassa B. D., Gross A. G., Itkin M. I., Malitsky S. M., Dorot O. D., Pichinuk E. P., Dezorell N. M. & Keren G. K.
European Heart Journal
Spatially organized multicellular immune hubs in human colorectal cancer
Pelka K., Hofree M., Chen J. H., Sarkizova S., Pirl J. D., Jorgji V., Bejnood A., Dionne D., Ge W. H., Xu K. H., Chao S. X., Zollinger D. R., Lieb D. J., Reeves J. W., Fuhrman C. A., Hoang M. L., Delorey T., Nguyen L. T., Waldman J., Wakiro I., Klapholz M., Cohen O., Albers J., Smillie C. S., Cuoco M. S., Wu J., Su M., Yeung J., Vijaykumar B., Magnuson A. M., Asinovski N., Moll T., Goder-Reiser M. N., Applebaum A. S., Brais L. K., DelloStritto L. K., Denning S. L., Phillips S. T., Hill E. K., Meehan J. K., Frederick D. T., Sharova T., Kanodia A., Todres E. Z., Jané-Valbuena J., Biton M., Izar B., Lambden C. D., Clancy T. E., Bleday R., Melnitchouk N., Irani J., Kunitake H., Berger D. L., Srivastava A., Hornick J. L., Ogino S., Rotem A., Vigneau S., Johnson B. E., Corcoran R. B., Sharpe A. H., Kuchroo V. K., Ng K., Giannakis M., Nieman L. T., Boland G. M., Aguirre A. J., Anderson A. C., Rozenblatt-Rosen O., Regev A. & Hacohen N.
Breast cancer is marked by specific, Public T-cell receptor CDR3 regions shared by mice and humans
Gordin M., Philip H., Zilberberg A., Gidoni M., Margalit R., Clouser C., Adams K., Vigneault F., Cohen I. R., Yaari G. & Efroni S.
PLoS Computational Biology
Identification and characterization of key long non-coding RNAs in the mouse cochlea
Koffler-Brill T., Taiber S., Anaya A., Bordeynik-Cohen M., Rosen E., Kolla L., Messika-Gold N., Elkon R., Kelley M. W., Ulitsky I. & Avraham K. B.
RNA Biology
Zebrafish mutants provide insights into apolipoprotein B functions during embryonic development and pathological conditions
Templehof H., Moshe N., Avraham-Davidi I. & Yaniv K.
JCI Insight
Identification of Components of the Hippo Pathway in Hydra and Potential Role of YAP in Cell Division and Differentiation
Unni M., Reddy P. C., Pal M., Sagi I. & Galande S.
Frontiers in Genetics
Alternative splicing of the inhibitory immune checkpoint receptor SLAMF6 generates a dominant positive form, boosting T-cell effector functions
Hajaj E., Zisman E., Tzaban S., Merims S., Cohen J., Klein S., Frankenburg S., Sade-Feldman M., Tabach Y., Yizhak K., Navon A., Stepensky P., Hacohen N., Peretz T., Veillette A., Karni R., Eisenberg G. & Lotem M.
Cancer Immunology Research
Highly conserved and cis-acting lncRNAs produced from paralogous regions in the center of HOXA and HOXB clusters in the endoderm lineage
Degani N., Lubelsky Y., Perry R. B., Ainbinder E. & Ulitsky I.
PLoS Genetics
Diffusion is directional: Innovative diffusion tensor imaging to improve prostate cancer detection
Shenhar C., Degani H., Ber Y., Baniel J., Tamir S., Benjaminov O., Rosen P., Furman-Haran E. & Margel D.
The prospects of tumor chemosensitivity testing at the single-cell level
Yang C., Yang C., Yarden Y., To K. K. & Fu L.
Drug Resistance Updates
Distinct extracellularmatrix remodeling events precede symptoms of inflammation
Shimshoni E., Adir I., Afik R., Solomonov I., Shenoy A., Adler M., Puricelli L., Sabino F., Savickas S., Mouhadeb O., Gluck N., Fishman S., Werner L., Salame T., Shouval D. S., Varol C., auf dem Keller U., Podestà A., Geiger T., Milani P., Alon U. & Sagi I.
Matrix Biology
Upfront admixing antibodies and EGFR inhibitors preempts sequential treatments in lung cancer models
Marrocco I., Romaniello D., Vaknin I., DragoGarcia D., Oren R., Uribe M. L., Belugali Nataraj N., Ghosh S., Eilam R., Salame T., Lindzen M. & Yarden Y.
EMBO Molecular Medicine
Coordinated regulation of WNT/β-catenin, c-Met, and integrin signalling pathways by miR-193b controls triple negative breast cancer metastatic traits
Giacomelli C., Jung J., Wachter A., Ibing S., Will R., Uhlmann S., Mannsperger H., Sahin Ö., Yarden Y., Beißbarth T., Korf U., Körner C. & Wiemann S.
BMC Cancer
β2 Integrin Signaling Cascade in Neutrophils: More Than a Single Function
Bouti P., Webbers S. D., Fagerholm S. C., Alon R., Moser M., Matlung H. L. & Kuijpers T. W.
Frontiers in Immunology
Proteomic patterns associated with response to breast cancer neoadjuvant treatment
Shenoy A., Belugali Nataraj N., Perry G., Loayza Puch F., Nagel R., Marin I., Balint N., Bossel N., Pavlovsky A., Barshack I., Kaufman B., Agami R., Yarden Y., Dadiani M. & Geiger T.
Molecular Systems Biology
Reduced lamin a/c does not facilitate cancer cell transendothelial migration but compromises lung metastasis
Roncato F., Regev O., Feigelson S. W., Yadav S. K., Kaczmarczyk L., Levi N., Drago-Garcia D., Ovadia S., Kizner M., Addadi Y., Sabino J. C., Ovadya Y., de Almeida S. F., Feldmesser E., Gerlitz G. & Alon R.
Local Mutations Can Serve as a Game Changer for Global Protein Solvent Interaction
Adams E. M., Pezzotti S., Ahlers J., Rüttermann M., Levin M., Goldenzweig A., Peleg Y., Fleishman S. J., Sagi I. & Havenith M.
Differential dynamics of early stages of platelet adhesion and spreading on collagen IV and fibrinogen-coated surfaces [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]
Horev M. B., Zabary Y., Zarka R., Sorrentino S., Medalia O., Zaritsky A. & Geiger B.
MIR503HG Loss Promotes Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Vascular Disease
Monteiro J. P., Rodor J., Caudrillier A., Scanlon J. P., Spiroski A., Dudnakova T., Pflüger-Müller B., Shmakova A., von Kriegsheim A., Deng L., Taylor R. S., Wilson-Kanamori J. R., Chen S., Stewart K., Thomson A., Mitić T., McClure J. D., Iyinikkel J., Hadoke P. W., Denby L., Bradshaw A. C., Caruso P., Morrell N. W., Kovacic J. C., Ulitsky I., Henderson N. C., Caporali A., Leisegang M. S., Brandes R. P. & Baker A. H.
Circulation Research
Inhibition of ADAM17 impairs endothelial cell necroptosis and blocks metastasis
Bolik J., Krause F., Stevanovic M., Gandraß M., Thomsen I., Schacht S., Rieser E., Müller M., Schumacher N., Fritsch J., Wichert R., Galun E., Bergmann J., Röder C., Schafmayer C., Egberts J., Becker-Pauly C., Saftig P., Lucius R., Schneider-Brachert W., Barikbin R., Adam D., Voss M., Hitzl W., Krüger A., Strilic B., Sagi I., Walczak H., Rose-John S. & Schmidt-Arras D.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
A Prediction Model to Prioritize Individuals for a SARS-CoV-2 Test Built from National Symptom Surveys
Shoer S., Karady T., Keshet A., Shilo S., Rossman H., Gavrieli A., Meir T., Lavon A., Kolobkov D., Kalka I., Godneva A., Cohen O., Kariv A., Hoch O., Zer-Aviv M., Castel N., Sudre C., Zohar A. E., Irony A., Spector T., Geiger B., Hizi D., Shalev V., Balicer R. & Segal E.
The key roles of cancer stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles
Su C., Zhang J., Yarden Y. & Fu L.
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
TNF-α Regulated Endometrial Stroma Secretome Promotes Trophoblast Invasion
You Y., Stelzl P., Joseph D. N., Aldo P. B., Maxwell A. J., Dekel N., Liao A., Whirledge S. & Mor G.
Frontiers in Immunology
Egfr in cancer: Signaling mechanisms, drugs and acquired resistance
Uribe M. L., Marrocco I. & Yarden Y.
Inefficient splicing curbs noncoding RNA transcription
Gil N. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Conformation-specific inhibitory anti-mmp-7 monoclonal antibody sensitizes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to chemotherapeutic cell kill
Mohan V., Gaffney J. P., Solomonov I., Levin M., Klepfish M., Akbareian S., Grünwald B., Dym O., Eisenstein M., Yu K. H., Kelsen D. P., Krüger A., Edwards D. R. & Sagi I.
Efficient maternal to neonatal transfer of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Beharier O., Plitman Mayo R., Raz T., Nahum Sacks K., Schreiber L., Suissa-Cohen Y., Chen R., Gomez-Tolub R., Hadar E., Gabbay-Benziv R., Jaffe Moshkovich Y., Biron-Shental T., Shechter-Maor G., Farladansky-Gershnabel S., Yitzhak Sela H., Benyamini-Raischer H., Sela N. D., Goldman-Wohl D., Shulman Z., Many A., Barr H., Yagel S., Neeman M. & Kovo M.
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Mitotic HOOK3 phosphorylation by ERK1c drives microtubule-dependent Golgi destabilization and fragmentation
Wortzel I., Maik-Rachline G., Yadav S. S., Hanoch T. & Seger R.
The GUL-1 Protein Binds Multiple RNAs Involved in Cell Wall Remodeling and Affects the MAK-1 Pathway in Neurospora crassa
Herold I., Zolti A., Garduño-Rosales M., Wang Z., López-Giráldez F., Mouriño-Pérez R. R., Townsend J. P., Ulitsky I. & Yarden O.
Frontiers in Fungal Biology
Cell-cell interaction | Focal adhesions and related integrin contacts
Zamir E., Geiger B. & Schaffer J. E.
, Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
, Third Edition
Uncovering deeply conserved motif combinations in rapidly evolving noncoding sequences
Ross C. J., Rom A., Spinrad A., Gelbard-Solodkin D., Degani N. & Ulitsky I.
Genome Biology
Roles for growth factors and mutations in metastatic dissemination
Nataraj N. B., Marrocco I. & Yarden Y.
Biochemical Society Transactions
Enhanced thrombin/PAR1 activity promotes G-CSF- and AMD3100-induced mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells via NO upregulation
Nevo N., Ordonez-moreno L., Gur-cohen S., Avemaria F., Bhattacharya S., Khatib-massalha E., Bertagna M., Haddad M., Chakrabarti P., Ruf W., Lapidot T. & Kollet O.
Specialized transendothelial dendritic cells mediate thymic T-cell selection against blood-borne macromolecules
Vollmann E. H., Rattay K., Barreiro O., Thiriot A., Fuhlbrigge R. A., Vrbanac V., Kim K., Jung S., Tager A. M. & von Andrian U. H.
Nature Communications
Avidity optimization of a MAGE-A1-specific TCR with somatic hypermutation
Bassan D., Gozlan Y. M., Sharbi-Yunger A., Tzehoval E., Greenstein E., Bitan L., Friedman N. & Eisenbach L.
European Journal of Immunology
Dietary suppression of MHC class II expression in intestinal epithelial cells enhances intestinal tumorigenesis
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Cell Stem Cell
An SNX10-dependent mechanism downregulates fusion between mature osteoclasts
Barnea Zohar M., Winograd-Katz S., Shalev M., Arman E., Reuven N., Roth L., Golani O., Stein M., Thalji F., Kanaan M., Tuckermann J., Geiger B. & Elson A.
Journal of Cell Science
LFA-1 in T cell priming, differentiation, and effector functions
Gérard A., Cope A. P., Kemper C., Alon R. & Köchl R.
Trends in Immunology
ACK1 is dispensable for development, skin tumor formation, and breast cancer cell proliferation
Brandao R., Kwa M. Q., Yarden Y. & Brakebusch C.
FEBS Open Bio
Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopic Analysis of BiasInduced Structural Changes in a SolidState Protein Junction
Fereiro J. A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Multi-parametric characterization of drug effects on cells [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Paran Y., Liron Y., Batsir S., Mabjeesh N., Geiger B. & Kam Z.
Host succinate is an activation signal for Salmonella virulence during intracellular infection
Rosenberg G., Yehezkel D., Hoffman D., Ciolli Mattioli C., Fremder M., Ben-Arosh H., Vainman L., Nissani N., Hen-Avivi S., Brenner S., Itkin M., Malitsky S., Ohana E., Ben-Moshe N. B. & Avraham R.
The evolutionarily conserved long non-coding RNA LINC00261 drives neuroendocrine prostate cancer proliferation and metastasis via distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic mechanisms
Mather R. L., Parolia A., Carson S. E., Venalainen E., Roig-Carles D., Jaber M., Chu S., Alborelli I., Wu R., Lin D., Nabavi N., Jachetti E., Colombo M. P., Xue H., Pucci P., Ci X., Hawkes C., Li Y., Pandha H., Ulitsky I., Marconett C., Quagliata L., Jiang W., Romero I., Wang Y. & Crea F.
Molecular Oncology
Natural and cryptic peptides dominate the immunopeptidome of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors
Marcu A., Schlosser A., Keupp A., Trautwein N., Johann P., Wölfl M., Lager J., Monoranu C. M., Walz J. S., Henkel L. M., Krauß J., Ebinger M., Schuhmann M., Thomale U. W., Pietsch T., Klinker E., Schlegel P. G., Oyen F., Reisner Y., Rammensee H. G. & Eyrich M.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
Multi-parametric characterization of drug effects on cells
Kam Z., Paran Y., Liron Y., Batsir S., Mabjeesh N. & Geiger B.
Unified platform for genetic and serological detection of COVID-19 with single-molecule technology
Furth N., Shilo S., Cohen N., Erez N., Fedyuk V., Schrager A. M., Weinberger A., Dror A. A., Zigron A., Shehadeh M., Sela E., Srouji S., Amit S., Levy I., Segal E., Dahan R., Jones D., Douek D. C. & Shema E.
Therapy based on functional RNA elements: Fragments of long noncoding RNAs show potential in treating a metabolic disorder in mice
Perry R. B. & Ulitsky I.
Sorting Nexin 10 as a Key Regulator of Membrane Trafficking in Bone-Resorbing Osteoclasts: Lessons Learned From Osteopetrosis
Elson A., Stein M., Rabie G., Barnea-Zohar M., Winograd-Katz S., Reuven N., Shalev M., Sekeres J., Kanaan M., Tuckermann J. & Geiger B.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Alternative Splicing of MAPKs in the Regulation of Signaling Specificity
Maik-Rachline G., Wortzel I. & Seger R.
CCR7 signalosomes are preassembled on tips of lymphocyte microvilli in proximity to LFA-1
Ghosh S., Feigelson S. W., Montresor A., Shimoni E., Roncato F., Legler D. F., Laudanna C., Haran G. & Alon R.
Biophysical Journal
High-resolution mapping of function and protein binding in an RNA nuclear enrichment sequence
Lubelsky Y., Zuckerman B. & Ulitsky I.
EMBO Journal
Host-dependent phenotypic resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Haga Y., Marrocco I., Noronha A., Uribe M. L., Nataraj N. B., Sekar A., Drago-Garcia D., Borgoni S., Lindzen M., Giri S., Wiemann S., Tsutsumi Y. & Yarden Y.
Cancer Research
Aberrant transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of SPAG5, a YAP-TAZ-TEAD downstream effector, fuels breast cancer cell proliferation
Canu V., Donzelli S., Sacconi A., Lo Sardo F., Pulito C., Bossel N., Di Benedetto A., Muti P., Botti C., Domany E., Bicciato S., Strano S., Yarden Y. & Blandino G.
Cell Death and Differentiation
VEGFC/FLT4-induced cell-cycle arrest mediates sprouting and differentiation of venous and lymphatic endothelial cells
Jerafi-Vider A., Bassi I., Moshe N., Tevet Y., Hen G., Splittstoesser D., Shin M., Lawson N. D. & Yaniv K.
Cell Reports
Leukocyte trafficking to the lungs and beyond: lessons from influenza for COVID-19
Alon R., Sportiello M., Kozlovski S., Kumar A., Reilly E. C., Zarbock A., Garbi N. & Topham D. J.
Nature Reviews Immunology
A non-classical monocyte-derived macrophage subset provides a splenic replication niche for intracellular Salmonella
Hoffman D., Tevet Y., Trzebanski S., Rosenberg G., Vainman L., Solomon A., Hen-Avivi S., Ben-Moshe N. B. & Avraham R.
Temperature Dependence of Charge and Spin Transfer in Azurin
Sang Y., Mishra S., Tassinari F., Karuppannan S. K., Carmieli R., Teo R. D., Migliore A., Beratan D. N., Gray H. B., Pecht I., Fransson J., Waldeck D. H. & Naaman R.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
α-Synuclein plasma membrane localization correlates with cellular phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate levels.
Jacob R. S., Eichmann C., Dema A., Mercadante D. & Selenko P.
Differential cellular responses to adhesive interactions with galectin-8 and fibronectin coated substrates
Li W., Sancho A., Chung W., Vinik Y., Groll J., Zick Y., Medalia O., Bershadsky A. D. & Geiger B.
Journal of Cell Science
Engineered variants of the Ras effector protein RASSF5 (NORE1A) promote anti-cancer activities in lung adenocarcinoma
Singh A., Erijman A., Noronha A., Kumar H., Peleg Y., Yarden Y. & Shifman J. M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
What Can We Learn from Protein-Based Electron Transport Junctions?
Cahen D., Pecht I. & Sheves M.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
SARS-CoV-2 uses a multipronged strategy to impede host protein synthesis
Finkel Y., Gluck A., Nachshon A., Winkler R., Fisher T., Rozman B., Mizrahi O., Lubelsky Y., Zuckerman B., Slobodin B., Yahalom-Ronen Y., Tamir H., Ulitsky I., Israely T., Paran N., Schwartz M. & Stern-Ginossar N.
Live imaging of chromatin distribution reveals novel principles of nuclear architecture and chromatin compartmentalization
Amiad-Pavlov D., Lorber D., Bajpai G., Reuveny A., Roncato F., Alon R., Safran S. & Volk T.
Science Advances
Nonuniformity in Periodontal Ligament: Mechanics and Matrix Composition
Connizzo B. K., Sun L., Lacin N., Gendelman A., Solomonov I., Sagi I., Grodzinsky A. J. & Naveh G. R.
Journal of Dental Research
Microtubule destabilization is a critical checkpoint of chemotaxis and transendothelial migration in melanoma cells but not in T cells
Roncato F., Regev O., Yadav S. K. & Alon R.
Cell Adhesion and Migration
Beyond cells: The extracellular circulating 20S proteasomes
Dwivedi V., Yaniv K. & Sharon M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
P32-specific CAR T cells with dual antitumor and antiangiogenic therapeutic potential in gliomas
Rousso-Noori L., Mastandrea I., Talmor S., Waks T., Globerson Levin A., Haugas M., Teesalu T., Alvarez-Vallina L., Eshhar Z. & Friedmann-Morvinski D.
Nature Communications
SCIRT lncRNA Restrains Tumorigenesis by Opposing Transcriptional Programs of Tumor-Initiating Cells
Zagorac S., de Giorgio A., Dabrowska A., Kalisz M., Casas-Vila N., Cathcart P., Yiu A., Ottaviani S., Degani N., Lombardo Y., Tweedie A., Nissan T., Vance K. W., Ulitsky I., Stebbing J. & Castellano L.
Cancer Research
Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Discrimination of Fetoplacental Metabolism in Normal and L-NAME-Induced Preeclamptic Mice
Markovic S., Roussel T., Neeman M. & Frydman L.
Hemopressin as a breakthrough for the cannabinoid field
Heimann A. S., Dale C. S., Guimarães F. S., Reis R. A., Navon A., Shmuelov M. A., Rioli V., Gomes I., Devi L. L. & Ferro E. S.
β2-Integrin Adhesion Regulates Dendritic Cell Epigenetic and Transcriptional Landscapes to Restrict Dendritic Cell Maturation and Tumor Rejection
Guenther C., Faisal I., Fusciello M., Sokolova M., Harjunpää H., Ilander M., Tallberg R., Vartiainen M. K., Alon R., Gonzalez-Granado J., Cerullo V. & Fagerholm S. C.
Cancer Immunology Research
PD-L1 recruits phospholipase C and enhances tumorigenicity of lung tumors harboring mutant forms of EGFR
Ghosh S., Nataraj N. B., Noronha A., Patkar S., Sekar A., Mukherjee S., Winograd-Katz S., Kramarski L., Verma A., Lindzen M., Garcia D. D., Green J., Eisenberg G., Gil-Henn H., Basu A., Lender Y., Weiss S., Oren M., Lotem M., Geiger B., Ruppin E. & Yarden Y.
Cell Reports
TSHZ2 is an EGF-regulated tumor suppressor that binds to the cytokinesis regulator PRC1 and inhibits metastasis
Uribe M. L., Dahlhoff M., Batra R. N., Nataraj N. B., Haga Y., Drago-Garcia D., Marrocco I., Sekar A., Ghosh S., Vaknin I., Lebon S., Kramarski L., Tsutsumi Y., Choi I., Rueda O. M., Caldas C. & Yarden Y.
Science Signaling
Intratumoral heterogeneity in cancer progression and response to immunotherapy
Vitale I., Shema E., Loi S. & Galluzzi L.
Nature Medicine
Targeting autocrine amphiregulin robustly and reproducibly inhibits ovarian cancer in a syngeneic model: roles for wildtype p53
Lindzen M., Ghosh S., Noronha A., Drago D., Nataraj N. B., Leitner O., Carvalho S., Zmora E., Sapoznik S., Shany K. B., Levanon K., Aderka D., Ramírez B. S., Dahlhoff M., McNeish I. & Yarden Y.
A Binary Cre Transgenic Approach Dissects Microglia and CNS Border-Associated Macrophages
Kim J., Kolesnikov M., Peled-Hajaj S., Scheyltjens I., Xia Y., Trzebanski S., Haimon Z., Shemer A., Lubart A., Van Hove H., Chappell-Maor L., Boura-Halfon S., Movahedi K., Blinder P. & Jung S.
Novel transcript discovery expands the repertoire of pathologically-associated, long non-coding rnas in vascular smooth muscle cells
Bennett M., Ulitsky I., Alloza I., Vandenbroeck K., Miscianinov V., Mahmoud A. D., Ballantyne M., Rodor J. & Baker A. H.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Neuroprotective Effect of Glatiramer Acetate on Neurofilament Light Chain Leakage and Glutamate Excess in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Aharoni R., Eilam R., Lerner S., Shavit-Stein E., Dori A., Chapman J. & Arnon R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Systematic detection of m6A-modified transcripts at single-molecule and single-cell resolution
Kim K. L., van Galen P., Hovestadt V., Rahme G. J., Andreishcheva E. N., Shinde A., Gaskell E., Jones D. R., Shema E. & Bernstein B. E.
Cell Reports Methods
The doctor prescribed a fat-free diet for stem cell mobilization
Kollet O., Khatib-Massalha E. & Lapidot T.
Bimodal magnetic resonance and optical imaging of extracellular matrix remodelling by orthotopic ovarian tumours
Bochner F., Fellus-Alyagor L., Ketter D., Golani O., Biton I. & Neeman M.
British Journal of Cancer
Talin-activated vinculin interacts with branched actin networks to initiate bundles
Boujemaa-Paterski R., Martins B., Eibauer M., Beales C. T., Geiger B. & Medalia O.
Integrated metabolomics and proteomics of symptomatic and early pre-symptomatic states of colitis
Shimshoni E., Ghini V., Solomonov I., Luchinat C., Sagi I. & Turano P.
Astrocytic phagocytosis is a compensatory mechanism for microglial dysfunction
Konishi H., Okamoto T., Hara Y., Komine O., Tamada H., Maeda M., Osako F., Kobayashi M., Nishiyama A., Kataoka Y., Takai T., Udagawa N., Jung S., Ozato K., Tamura T., Tsuda M., Yamanaka K., Ogi T., Sato K. & Kiyama H.
The EMBO Journal
Plasticity of Monocyte Development and Monocyte Fates
Trzebanski S. & Jung S.
Immunology Letters
Myotubularin-related protein 7 activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma
Weidner P., Soehn M., Schroeder T., Helm L., Hauber V., Gutting T., Betge J., Roecken C., Rohrbacher F. N., Pattabiraman V. R., Bode J. W., Seger R., Saar D., Nunes-Alves A., Wade R. C., Ebert M. P. A. & Burgermeister E.
ERBB2 drives YAP activation and EMT-like processes during cardiac regeneration
Aharonov A., Shakked A., Umansky K. B., Savidor A., Genzelinakh A., Kain D., Lendengolts D., Revach O. Y., Morikawa Y., Dong J., Levin Y., Geiger B., Martin J. F. & Tzahor E.
Nature Cell Biology
Peptide Interference with APP and Tau Association: Relevance to Alzheimer's Disease Amelioration
Maron R., Armony G., Tsoory M., Wilchek M., Frenkel D. & Arnon R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Nucleic acid fragmentation on the millisecond timescale using a conventional X-ray rotating anode source: Application to protein-DNA footprinting
Henn A., Halfon J., Kela I., Orion I. & Sagi I.
Nucleic Acids Research
Direct stimulation of ERBB2 highlights a novel cytostatic signaling pathway driven by the receptor-Thr(701) phosphorylation
Gaviraghi M., Rabellino A., Andolfo A., Brand M., Brombin C., Bagnato P., De Feudis G., Raimondi A., Locatelli A., Tosoni D., Mazza D., Gianni L., Tonon G., Yarden Y., Tacchetti C. & Daniele T.
Scientific Reports
Functional annotation of human long noncoding RNAs via molecular phenotyping
Ramilowski J. A., Yip C. W., Agrawal S., Chang J., Ciani Y., Kulakovskiy I. V., Mendez M., Ooi J. L. C., Ouyang J. F., Parkinson N., Petri A., Roos L., Severin J., Yasuzawa K., Abugessaisa I., Akalin A., Antonov I. V., Arner E., Bonetti A., Bono H., Borsari B., Brombacher F., Cameron C. J. F., Cannistraci C. V., Cardenas R., Cardon M., Chang H., Dostie J., Ducoli L., Favorov A., Fort A., Garrido D., Gil N., Gimenez J., Guler R., Handoko L., Harshbarger J., Hasegawa A., Hasegawa Y., Hashimoto K., Hayatsu N., Heutink P., Hirose T., Imada E. L., Itoh M., Kaczkowski B., Kanhere A., Kawabata E., Kawaji H., Kawashima T., Kelly S. T., Kojima M., Kondo N., Koseki H., Kouno T., Kratz A., Kurowska-Stolarska M., Kwon A. T. J., Leek J., Lennartsson A., Lizio M., Lopez-Redondo F., Luginbuhl J., Maeda S., Makeev V. J., Marchionni L., Medvedeva Y. A., Minoda A., Mueller F., Munoz-Aguirre M., Murata M., Nishiyori H., Nitta K. R., Noguchi S., Noro Y., Nurtdinov R., Okazaki Y., Orlando V., Paquette D., Parr C. J. C., Rackham O. J. L., Rizzu P., Martinez D. F. S., Sandelin A., Sanjana P., Semple C. A. M., Shibayama Y., Sivaraman D. M., Suzuki T., Szumowski S. C., Tagami M., Taylor M. S., Terao C., Thodberg M., Thongjuea S., Tripathi V., Ulitsky I., Verardo R., Vorontsov I. E., Yamamoto C., Young R. S., Baillie J. K., Forrest A. R. R., Guigo R., Hoffman M. M., Hon C. C., Kasukawa T., Kauppinen S., Kere J., Lenhard B., Schneider C., Suzuki H., Yagi K., Hoon M. J. L. d., Shin J. W. & Carninci P.
Genome Research
Protein Binding and Orientation Matter: Bias-Induced Conductance Switching in a Mutated Azurin Junction
Fereiro J. A., Bendikov T., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
The Taste Receptor TAS1R3 Regulates Small Intestinal Tuft Cell Homeostasis
Howitt M. R., Cao Y. G., Gologorsky M. B., Li J. A., Haber A. L., Biton M., Lang J., Michaud M., Regev A. & Garrett W. S.
Discovering New Progenitor Cell Populations through Lineage Tracing and In Vivo Imaging
Das R. N. & Yaniv K.
A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection
Targeting HER3, a Catalytically Defective Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, Prevents Resistance of Lung Cancer to a Third-Generation EGFR Kinase Inhibitor
Romaniello D., Marrocco I., Nataraj N. B., Ferrer I., Drago-Garcia D., Vaknin I., Oren R., Lindzen M., Ghosh S., Kreitman M., Kittel J. C., Gaborit N., Baez G. B., Sanchez B., Eilam R., Pikarsky E., Paz-Ares L. & Yarden Y.
Thimet oligopeptidase biochemical and biological significances: Past, present, and future directions
Ferro E. S., Gewehr M. C. & Navon A.
Interleukin 10 Restores Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Alterations in Synaptic Plasticity Probed by Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation
Lenz M., Eichler A., Kruse P., Strehl A., Rodriguez-Rozada S., Goren I., Yogev N., Frank S., Waisman A., Deller T., Jung S., Maggio N. & Vlachos A.
Frontiers in Immunology
Multi-lineage Lung Regeneration by Stem Cell Transplantation across Major Genetic Barriers
Hillel-Karniel C., Rosen C., Milman-Krentsis I., Orgad R., Bachar-Lustig E., Shezen E. & Reisner Y.
Cell Reports
Mitochondrial carrier homolog 2 is necessary for AML survival
Khan D. H., Mullokandov M., Wu Y., Voisin V., Gronda M. V., Hurren R., Wang X., MacLean N., Jeyaraju D. V., Jitkova Y., Xu G. W., Laister R. C., Seneviratne A., Blatman Z., Ketala T., Bader G. D., Marhon S. A., Carvalho D. D. D., Minden M. D., Gross A. & Schimmer A. D.
Modeling biological and genetic diversity in upper tract urothelial carcinoma with patient derived xenografts
Kim K., Hu W., Audenet F., Almassi N., Hanrahan A. J., Murray K., Bagrodia A., Wong N., Clinton T. N., Dason S., Mohan V., Jebiwott S., Nagar K., Gao J., Penson A., Hughes C., Gordon B., Chen Z., Dong Y., Watson P. A., Alvim R., Elzein A., Gao S. P., Cocco E., Santin A. D., Ostrovnaya I., Hsieh J. J., Sagi I., Pietzak E. J., Hakimi A. A., Rosenberg J. E., Iyer G., Vargas H. A., Scaltriti M., Al-Ahmadie H., Solit D. B. & Coleman J. A.
Nature Communications
Lactate released by inflammatory bone marrow neutrophils induces their mobilization via endothelial GPR81 signaling
Khatib-Massalha E., Bhattacharya S., Massalha H., Biram A., Golan K., Kollet O., Kumari A., Avemaria F., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Gur-Cohen S., Itkin T., Brandenburger I., Spiegel A., Shulman Z., Gerhart-Hines Z., Itzkovitz S., Gunzer M., Offermanns S., Alon R., Ariel A. & Lapidot T.
Nature Communications
An NMR-Based Biosensor to Measure Stereospecific Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase Activities in Vitro and in Vivo
Sánchez-López C., Labadie N., Lombardo V. A., Biglione F. A., Manta B., Jacob R. S., Gladyshev V. N., Abdelilah-Seyfried S., Selenko P. & Binolfi A.
Chemistry - A European Journal
Time-resolved profiling reveals ATF3 as a novel mediator of endocrine resistance in breast cancer
Borgoni S., Sofyalı E., Soleimani M., Wilhelm H., Müller-Decker K., Will R., Noronha A., Beumers L., Verschure P. J., Yarden Y., Magnani L., van Kampen A. H., Moerland P. D. & Wiemann S.
Formation and Growth of Cardiac Lymphatics during Embryonic Development, Heart Regeneration, and Disease
Gancz D., Perlmoter G. & Yaniv K.
A Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology Collection
Effect of IV Administration of a Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent on Breast Diffusion-Tensor Imaging
Scaranelo A. M., Degani H., Grobgeld D., Talbot N., Bodolai K. & Furman-Haran E.
American Journal of Roentgenology
Quantitative Proteomics Identifies TCF1 as a Negative Regulator of Foxp3 Expression in Conventional T Cells
Delacher M., Barra M. M., Herzig Y., Eichelbaum K., Rafiee M., Richards D. M., Traeger U., Hofer A., Kazakov A., Braband K. L., Gonzalez M., Woehrl L., Schambeck K., Imbusch C. D., Abramson J., Krijgsveld J. & Feuerer M.
A framework for identifying regional outbreak and spread of COVID-19 from one-minute population-wide surveys
Rossman H., Keshet A., Shilo S., Gavrieli A., Bauman T., Cohen O., Shelly E., Balicer R., Geiger B., Dor Y. & Segal E.
Nature Medicine
Emerging roles of ECM remodeling processes in cancer
Mohan V., Das A. & Sagi I.
Seminars in Cancer Biology
Cardiac remodeling secondary to chronic volume overload is attenuated by a novel MMP9/2 blocking antibody
Cohen L., Sagi I., Bigelman E., Solomonov I., Aloshin A., Ben-Shoshan J., Rozenbaum Z., Keren G. & Entin-Meer M.
Differential dynamics of early stages of platelet adhesion and spreading on collagen IV- and fibrinogen-coated surfaces
Geiger B., Horev M. B., Zabary Y., Zarka R., Sorrentino S., Medalia O. & Zaritsky A.
The evolution of universal adaptations of life is driven by universal properties of matter: energy, entropy, and interaction
Cohen I. R. & Marron A.
Solid-State Electron Transport via the Protein Azurin is Temperature-Independent Down to 4 K
Kayser B., Fereiro J. A., Bhattacharyya R., Cohen S. R., Vilan A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Cxcl10(+) monocytes define a pathogenic subset in the central nervous system during autoimmune neuroinflammation
Giladi A., Wagner L. K., Li H., Doerr D., Medaglia C., Paul F., Shemer A., Jung S., Yona S., Mack M., Leutz A., Amit I. & Mildner A.
Nature Immunology
The biomarkers of hyperprogressive disease in PD-1/PD-L1 blockage therapy
Wang X., Wang F., Zhong M., Yarden Y. & Fu L.
Molecular Cancer
Interleukin-10 Prevents Pathological Microglia Hyperactivation following Peripheral Endotoxin Challenge
Shemer A., Scheyltjens I., Frumer G. R., Kim J., Grozovski J., Ayanaw S., Dassa B., Van Hove H., Chappell-Maor L., Boura-Halfon S., Leshkowitz D., Mueller W., Maggio N., Movahedi K. & Jung S.
Coherent Electron Transport across a 3 nm Bioelectronic Junction Made of Multi-Heme Proteins
Futera Z., Ide I., Kayser B., Garg K., Jiang X., Van Wonderen J. H., Butt J. N., Ishii H., Pecht I., Sheves M., Cahen D. & Blumberger J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
The ECM path of senescence in aging: components and modifiers
Levi N., Papismadov N., Solomonov I., Sagi I. & Krizhanovsky V.
The FEBS journal
Influenza virus infection augments susceptibility to respiratory Yersinia pestis exposure and impacts the efficacy of antiplague antibiotic treatments
Vagima Y., Gur D., Erez N., Achdout H., Aftalion M., Levy Y., Zauberman A., Tidhar A., Gutman H., Lazar S., Israely T., Paran N., Melamed S., Brosh-Nissimov T., Chitlaru T., Sagi I. & Mamroud E.
Scientific Reports
Transcription Dynamics Regulate Poly(A) Tails and Expression of the RNA Degradation Machinery to Balance mRNA Levels
Slobodin B., Bahat A., Sehrawat U., Becker-Herman S., Zuckerman B., Weiss A. N., Han R., Elkon R., Agami R., Ulitsky I., Shachar I. & Dikstein R.
Molecular Cell
NanoBioMaterials: Advanced Research Outlines New Horizons for Basic and Applied Science
Sagi I. & Schroeder A.
Israel Journal of Chemistry
Enhanced collagen deposition in the duodenum of patients with hyaline fibromatosis syndrome and protein losing enteropathy
van Rijn J. M., Werner L., Aydemir Y., Spronck J. M., Pode-Shakked B., van Hoesel M., Shimshoni E., Polak-Charcon S., Talmi L., Eren M., Weiss B., Houwen R. H., Barshack I., Somech R., Nieuwenhuis E. E., Sagi I., Raas-Rothschild A., Middendorp S. & Shouval D. S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Regulation of gene expression by cis-acting long non-coding RNAs
Gil N. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Reviews Genetics
DNA vaccine encoding heat shock protein 90 protects from murine lupus
Liu A., Shi F., Cohen I. R., Castaldo G., Matarese G., Quintana F. J. & La Cava A.
Arthritis Research & Therapy
Regulation of neuronal commitment in mouse embryonic stem cells by the Reno1/Bahcc1 locus
Hezroni H., Perry R. B., Gil N., Degani N. & Ulitsky I.
EMBO Reports
IL18 signaling promotes homing of mature Tregs into the thymus
Peligero-Cruz C., Givony T., Sebe-Pedros A., Dobes J., Kadouri N., Nevo S., Roncato F., Alon R., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J.
Graft-versus-host disease of the CNS is mediated by TNF upregulation in microglia
Mathew N. R., Vinnakota J. M., Apostolova P., Erny D., Hamarsheh S., Andrieux G., Kim J., Hanke K., Goldmann T., Chappell-Maor L., El-Khawanky N., Ihorst G., Schmidt D., Duyster J., Finke J., Blank T., Boerries M., Blazar B. R., Jung S., Prinz M. & Zeiser R.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Intravital imaging of vascular anomalies and extracellular matrix remodeling in orthotopic pancreatic tumors
Bochner F., Mohan V., Zinger A., Golani O., Schroeder A., Sagi I. & Neeman M.
International Journal of Cancer
Thymic epithelial cell heterogeneity: TEC by TEC
Kadouri N., Nevo S., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J.
Nature Reviews Immunology
High-Throughput Screen Identifies Host and Microbiota Regulators of Intestinal Barrier Function
Grosheva I., Zheng D., Levy M., Polansky O., Lichtenstein A., Golani O., Dori-Bachash M., Moresi C., Shapiro H., Del Mare-Roumani S., Valdes-Mas R., He Y., Karbi H., Chen M., Harmelin A., Straussman R., Yissachar N., Elinav E. & Geiger B.
Newly Identified Regulators of Ovarian Folliculogenesis and Ovulation
Gershon E. & Dekel N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
A MAFG-lncRNA axis links systemic nutrient abundance to hepatic glucose metabolism
Pradas-Juni M., Hansmeier N. R., Link J. C., Schmidt E., Larsen B. D., Klemm P., Meola N., Topel H., Loureiro R., Dhaouadi I., Kiefer C. A., Schwarzer R., Khani S., Oliverio M., Awazawa M., Frommolt P., Heeren J., Scheja L., Heine M., Dieterich C., Buening H., Yang L., Cao H., De Jesus D. F., Kulkarni R. N., Zevnik B., Troeder S. E., Knippschild U., Edwards P. A., Lee R. G., Yamamoto M., Ulitsky I., Fernandez-Rebollo E., Vallim T. Q. d. A. & Kornfeld J.
Nature Communications
Regenerative potential of prostate luminal cells revealed by single-cell analysis
Karthaus W. R., Hofree M., Choi D., Linton E. L., Turkekul M., Bejnood A., Carver B., Gopalan A., Abida W., Laudone V., Biton M., Chaudhary O., Xu T., Masilionis I., Manova K., Mazutis L., Pe'er D., Regev A. & Sawyers C. L.
MuSK EAMG: Immunological Characterization and Suppression by Induction of Oral Tolerance
Reuveni D., Aricha R., Souroujon M. C. & Fuchs S.
Frontiers in Immunology
Forefront: MiR-34a-Knockout Mice with Wild Type Hematopoietic Cells, Retain Persistent Fibrosis Following Lung Injury
Bulvik R., Biton M., Berkman N., Breuer R. & Wallach-Dayan S. B.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Differential tissue stiffness of body column facilitates locomotion of Hydra on solid substrates
Naik S., Unni M., Sinha D., Rajput S. S., Reddy P. C., Kartvelishvily E., Solomonov I., Sagi I., Chatterji A., Patil S. & Galande S.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Different inhibitors of Aβ42-induced toxicity have distinct metal-ion dependency
Mason A. J., Hurst I., Malik R., Siddique I., Solomonov I., Sagi I., Klärner F., Schrader T. & Bitan G.
ACS Chemical Neuroscience
Gene Architecture and Sequence Composition Underpin Selective Dependency of Nuclear Export of Long RNAs on NXF1 and the TREX Complex
Zuckerman B., Ron M., Mikl M., Segal E. & Ulitsky I.
Molecular Cell
Hyaluronan control of the primary vascular barrier during early mouse pregnancy is mediated by uterine NK cells
Hadas R., Gershon E., Cohen A., Atrakchi O., Lazar S., Golani O., Dassa B., Elbaz M., Cohen G., Eilam R., Dekel N. & Neeman M.
JCI Insight
C-src is activated by the egf receptor in a pathway that mediates jnk and erk activation by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in cos7 cells
Kraus S., Benard O., Naor Z. & Seger R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Glatiramer acetate increases T- and B -regulatory cells and decreases granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
Aharoni R., Eilam R., Schottlender N., Radomir L., Leistner-Segal S., Feferman T., Hirsch D., Sela M. & Arnon R.
Journal of Neuroimmunology
Polyglutamine-Related Aggregates Can Serve as a Potent Antigen Source for Cross-Presentation by Dendritic Cells
Tabachnick-Cherny S., Pinto S., Berko D., Curato C., Wolf Y., Porat Z., Karmona R., Tirosh B., Jung S. & Navon A.
Journal of Immunology
Notch inhibition overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in EGFR-driven lung adenocarcinoma
Mur E. B., Bernardo S., Papon L., Mancini M., Fabbrizio E., Goussard M., Ferrer I., Giry A., Quantin X., Pujol J., Calvayrac O., Moll H. P., Glasson Y., Pirot N., Turtoi A., Canamero M., Wong K., Yarden Y., Casanova E., Soria J., Colinge J., Siebel C. W., Mazieres J., Favre G., Paz-Ares L. & Maraver A.
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Treatment of Multiple Myeloma Using Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells with Dual Specificity
Levin A. G., Slobodkin M. R., Waks T., Horn G., Ninio-Many L., Unger N. D., Ohayon Y., Suliman S., Cohen Y., Tartakovsky B., Naparstek E., Avivi I. & Eshhar Z.
Cancer Immunology Research
Diffusion and perfusion MRI of normal, preeclamptic and growth-restricted mice models reveal clear fetoplacental differences
Bao Q., Hadas R., Markovic S., Neeman M. & Frydman L.
Scientific Reports
Regulation of hematopoietic stem cell function by nitric oxide signaling
Lapidot T. & Kollet O.
Blood Science
Roles for receptor tyrosine kinases in tumor progression and implications for cancer treatment
Ghosh S., Marrocco I. & Yarden Y.
, Advances in Cancer Research
Novel multimodal molecular imaging of Vitamin H (Biotin) transporter activity in the murine placenta
Ben Eliezer N., Lysenko M., Biton I. E., Golani O., Bartels J. L., Fernandez S. R., Aweda T. A., Clanton N. A., Beacham R., Lapi S. E., Garbow J. R. & Neeman M.
Scientific Reports
Novel Hexb-based tools for studying microglia in the CNS
Masuda T., Amann L., Sankowski R., Staszewski O., Lenz M., D Errico P., Snaidero N., Costa Jordão M. J., Böttcher C., Kierdorf K., Jung S., Priller J., Misgeld T., Vlachos A., Luehmann M. M., Knobeloch K. & Prinz M.
Nature Immunology
Solid-State Protein Junctions: Cross-Laboratory Study Shows Preservation of Mechanism at Varying Electronic Coupling
Mukhopadhyay S., Karuppannan S. K., Guo C., Fereiro J. A., Bergren A., Mukundan V., Qiu X., Ocampo O. E. C., Chen X., Chiechi R. C., McCreery R., Pecht I., Sheves M., Pasula R. R., Lim S., Nijhuis C. A., Vilan A. & Cahen D.
Defining murine monocyte differentiation into colonic and ileal macrophages
Gross-Vered M., Trzebanski S., Shemer A., Bernshtein B., Curato C., Stelzer G., Salame T., David E., Boura-Halfon S., Chappell-Maor L., Leshkowitz D. & Jung S.
Intravital visualization of interactions of murine Peyer's patch-resident dendritic cells with M cells
Kolesnikov M., Curato C., Zupancic E., Florindo H., Shakhar G. & Jung S.
European Journal of Immunology
Cellular Origins of the Lymphatic Endothelium: Implications for Cancer Lymphangiogenesis: Implications for Cancer Lymphangiogenesis
Gutierrez-Miranda L. & Yaniv K.
Frontiers in Physiology
Bone marrow dendritic cells support the survival of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in a CD84 dependent manner
Barak A. F., Lewinsky H., Perpinial M., Huber V., Radomir L., Kramer M. P., Sever L., Wolf Y., Shapiro M., Herishanu Y., Jung S., Becker-Herman S. & Shachar I.
Google maps for tissues: Multiscale imaging of biological systems and disease
Niendorf T., Frydman L., Neeman M. & Seeliger E.
Acta Physiologica
Megadalton-sized Dityrosine Aggregates of α-Synuclein Retain High Degrees of Structural Disorder and Internal Dynamics
Verzini S., Shah M., Theillet F., Belsom A., Bieschke J., Wanker E. E., Rappsilber J., Binolfi A. & Selenko P.
Journal of Molecular Biology
Bone marrow regeneration requires mitochondrial transfer from donor Cx43-expressing hematopoietic progenitors to stroma
Golan K., Singh A. K., Kollet O., Bertagna M., Althoff M. J., Khatib-Massalha E., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Wellendorf A. M., Massalha H., Levin-Zaidman S., Dadosh T., Bohan B., V Gawali M., Dasgupta B., Lapidot T. & Cancelas J. A.
LOXL2 Inhibition Paves the Way for Macrophage-Mediated Collagen Degradation in Liver Fibrosis
Klepfish M., Gross T., Vugman M., Afratis N. A., Havusha-Laufer S., Brazowski E., Solomonov I., Varol C. & Sagi I.
Frontiers in Immunology
ERM-Dependent Assembly of T Cell Receptor Signaling and Co-stimulatory Molecules on Microvilli prior to Activation
Ghosh S., Di Bartolo V., Tubul L., Shimoni E., Kartvelishvily E., Dadosh T., Feigelson S. W., Alon R., Alcover A. & Haran G.
Cell Reports
A guide to naming human non-coding RNA genes
Seal R. L., Chen L., Griffiths-Jones S., Lowe T. M., Mathews M. B., O'Reilly D., Pierce A. J., Stadler P. F., Ulitsky I., Wolin S. L. & Bruford E. A.
EMBO Journal
Extracellular Vesicle and Particle Biomarkers Define Multiple Human Cancers
Hoshino A., Kim H. S., Bojmar L., Gyan K. E., Cioffi M., Hernandez J., Zambirinis C. P., Rodrigues G., Molina H., Heissel S., Mark M. T., Steiner L., Benito-Martin A., Lucotti S., Di Giannatale A., Offer K., Nakajima M., Williams C., Nogués L., Pelissier Vatter F. A., Hashimoto A., Davies A. E., Freitas D., Kenific C. M., Ararso Y., Buehring W., Lauritzen P., Ogitani Y., Sugiura K., Takahashi N., Alečković M., Bailey K. A., Jolissant J. S., Wang H., Harris A., Schaeffer L. M., García-Santos G., Posner Z., Balachandran V. P., Khakoo Y., Raju G. P., Scherz A., Sagi I., Scherz-Shouval R., Yarden Y., Oren M., Malladi M., Petriccione M., De Braganca K. C., Donzelli M., Fischer C., Vitolano S., Wright G. P., Ganshaw L., Marrano M., Ahmed A., DeStefano J., Danzer E., Roehrl M. H. A., Lacayo N. J., Vincent T. C., Weiser M. R., Brady M. S., Meyers P. A., Wexler L. H., Ambati S. R., Chou A. J., Slotkin E. K., Modak S., Roberts S. S., Basu E. M., Diolaiti D., Krantz B. A., Cardoso F., Simpson A. L., Berger M., Rudin C. M., Simeone D. M., Jain M., Ghajar C. M., Batra S. K., Stanger B. Z., Bui J., Brown K. A., Rajasekhar V. K., Healey J. H., de Sousa M., Kramer K., Sheth S., Baisch J., Pascual V., Heaton T. E., La Quaglia M. P., Pisapia D. J., Schwartz R., Zhang H., Liu Y., Shukla A., Blavier L., DeClerck Y. A., LaBarge M., Bissell M. J., Caffrey T. C., Grandgenett P. M., Hollingsworth M. A., Bromberg J., Costa-Silva B., Peinado H., Kang Y., Garcia B. A., O'Reilly E. M., Kelsen D., Trippett T. M., Jones D. R., Matei I. R., Jarnagin W. R. & Lyden D.
Immune Computation and COVID-19 Mortality: A Rationale for IVIg
Cohen I. R., Efroni S. & Atlan H.
Critical Reviews in Immunology
DNA Vaccination With Hsp70 Protects Against Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in (NZB x NZW)F1 Mice
Liu A., Ferretti C., Shi F., Cohen I. R., Quintana F. J. & La Cava A.
Arthritis & Rheumatology
Nuclear P38: Roles in Physiological and Pathological Processes and Regulation of Nuclear Translocation
Maik-Rachline G., Lifshits L. & Seger R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Less is more: reducing the number of administered chimeric antigen receptor T cells in a mouse model using a mathematically guided approach
Globerson Levin A., Kronik N., Shiloach T., Waks T., Eshhar Z. & Vainstein V.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy
Targeting purine synthesis in ASS1-expressing tumors enhances the response to immune checkpoint inhibitors
Keshet R., Lee J. S., Adler L., Iraqi M., Ariav Y., Lim L. Q. J., Lerner S., Rabinovich S., Oren R., Katzir R., Tishler H. W., Stettner N., Goldman O., Landesman H., Galai S., Kuperman Y., Kuznetsov Y., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Koehler S. E., Zhao Y., Talsania K., Shen T., Peled N., Ulitsky I., Porgador A., Ruppin E. & Erez A.
Nature Cancer
Perpheral blood cell mitochondrial dysfunction in myelodysplastic syndrome can be improved by a combination of coenzyme Q10 and carnitine: Blood cell mitochondrial dysfunction in myelodysplastic syndrome
Filanovsky K., Haran M., Mirkin V., Braester A., Shevetz O., Stanevsky A., Sigler E., Votinov E., Zalzman-Amir Y., Berrebi A., Gross A. & Shvidel L.
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
Calcium-mediated interactions regulate the subcellular localization of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs)
Chuderland D., Marmor G., Shainskaya A. & Seger R.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
TLR2 Dimerization Blockade Allows Generation of Homeostatic Intestinal Macrophages under Acute Colitis Challenge
Gross-Vered M., Shmuel-Galia L., Zarmi B., Humphries F., Thaiss C., Salame T., David E., Chappell-Maor L., Fitzgerald K. A., Shai Y. & Jung S.
Journal of Immunology
Massive osteopetrosis caused by non-functional osteoclasts in R51Q SNX10 mutant mice
Stein M., Barnea-Zohar M., Shalev M., Arman E., Brenner O. J., Winograd-Katz S., Gerstung J., Thalji F., Kanaan M., Elinav H., Stepensky P., Geiger B., Tuckermann J. & Elson A.
BACH family members regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by modulating VEGFC expression
Cohen B., Tempelhof H., Raz T., Oren R., Nicenboim J., Bochner F., Even R., Jelinski A., Eilam R., Ben-Dor S., Adaddi Y., Golani O., Lazar S., Yaniv K. & Neeman M.
Life Science Alliance
Biomechanical regulation of focal adhesion and invadopodia formation
Revach O. Y., Grosheva I. & Geiger B.
Journal of Cell Science
Cooperativity between stromal cytokines drives the invasive migration of human breast cancer cells
Elisha Y., Sagi Y., Klein G., Straussman R. & Geiger B.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Author Correction: Combined inhibition of MEK and nuclear ERK translocation has synergistic antitumor activity in melanoma cells (Scientific Reports, (2017), 7, 1, (16345), 10.1038/s41598-017-16558-0)
Arafeh R., Flores K., Keren-Paz A., Maik-Rachline G., Gutkind N., Rosenberg S., Seger R. & Samuels Y.
Scientific Reports
A universal anti-cancer vaccine: Chimeric invariant chain potentiates the inhibition of melanoma progression and the improvement of survival
Sharbi-Yunger A., Grees M., Cafri G., Bassan D., Eichmuller S. B., Tzehoval E., Utikal J., Umansky V. & Eisenbach L.
International Journal of Cancer
Comparative analysis of CreER transgenic mice for the study of brain macrophages: A case study
Chappell-Maor L., Kolesnikov M., Kim J., Shemer A., Haimon Z., Grozovski J., Boura-Halfon S., Masuda T., Prinz M. & Jung S.
European Journal of Immunology
Predictive models of subcellular localization of long RNAs
Zuckerman B. & Ulitsky I.
Inhibition of a pancreatic cancer model by cooperative pairs of clinically approved and experimental antibodies
Maron R., Schechter B., Nataraj N. B., Ghosh S., Romaniello D., Marrocco I., Noronha A., Carvalho S., Yarden Y. & Sela M.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Deterministic Somatic Cell Reprogramming Involves Continuous Transcriptional Changes Governed by Myc and Epigenetic-Driven Modules
Zviran A., Mor N., Rais Y., Gingold H., Peles S., Chomsky E., Viukov S., Buenrostro J. D., Scognamiglio R., Weinberger L., Manor Y. S., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Hezroni H., Jaitin D. A., Larastiaso D., Gilad S., Benjamin S., Gafni O., Mousa A., Ayyash M., Sheban D., Bayerl J., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Massarwa R., Maza I., Hanna S., Stelzer Y., Ulitsky I., Greenleaf W. J., Tanay A., Trumpp A., Amit I., Pilpel Y., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H.
Cell Stem Cell
Novel Approaches for Extracellular Matrix Targeting in Disease Treatment
Afratis N. A. & Sagi I.
, The Extracellular Matrix
Quo Vadis Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy?
Selenko P.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
AhR controls redox homeostasis and shapes the tumor microenvironment in BRCA1-associated breast cancer
Kubli S. P., Bassi C., Roux C., Wakeham A., Gobl C., Zhou W., Jafari S. M., Snow B., Jones L., Palomero L., Thu K. L., Cassetta L., Soong D., Berger T., Ramachandran P., Baniasadi S. P., Duncan G., Lindzen M., Yarden Y., Herranz C., Lazaro C., Chu M. F., Haight J., Tinto P., Silvester J., Cescon D. W., Petit A., Pettersson S., Pollard J. W., Mak T. W., Pujana M. A., Cappello P. & Gorrini C.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms contribute to lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and regeneration
Gancz D., Raftrey B. C., Perlmoter G., Marin-Juez R., Semo J., Matsuoka R. L., Karra R., Raviv H., Moshe N., Addadi Y., Golani O., Poss K. D., Red-Horse K., Stainier D. Y. R. & Yaniv K.
PAR1 Expression Predicts Clinical G-CSF CD34+ HSPC Mobilization and Repopulation Potential in Transplanted Patients
Nevo N., Zuckerman T., Gur-Cohen S., Kollet O., Avemaria F., Shpall E. J., Mendt M. C., Nagler A., Brenner B., Ben-Arush M. & Lapidot T.
The Mitochondrial Transacylase, Tafazzin, Regulates for AML Stemness by Modulating Intracellular Levels of Phospholipids
Seneviratne A. K., Xu M., Henao J. J. A., Fajardo V. A., Hao Z., Voisin V., Xu G. W., Hurren R., Kim S., MacLean N., Wang X., Gronda M., Jeyaraju D., Jitkova Y., Ketela T., Mullokandov M., Sharon D., Thomas G., Chouinard-Watkins R., Hawley J. R., Schafer C., Yau H. L., Khuchua Z., Arnan A., Al-awar R., Gross A., Claypoo S. M., Bazinet R., Lupien M., Chan S., De Carvalho D. D., Minden M. D., Bader G. D., Stark K. D., LeBlanc P. & Schimmer A. D.
Cell Stem Cell
Chemokine-triggered microtubule polymerization promotes neutrophil chemotaxis and invasion but not transendothelial migration
Yadav S. K., Stojkov D., Feigelson S. W., Roncato F., Simon H., Yousefi S. & Alon R.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology
The Nuclear Translocation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases: Molecular Mechanisms and Use as Novel Therapeutic Target
Flores K., Yadav S. S., Katz A. A. & Seger R.
Meprin β induces activities of A disintegrin and metalloproteinases 9, 10, and 17 by specific prodomain cleavage
Wichert R., Scharfenberg F., Colmorgen C., Koudelka T., Schwarz J., Wetzel S., Potempa B., Potempa J., Bartsch J. W., Sagi I., Tholey A., Saftig P., Rose-John S. & Becker-Pauly C.
FASEB Journal
Persistent Chemiluminescent Glow of Phenoxy-dioxetane Luminophore Enables Unique CRET-Based Detection of Proteases
Hananya N., Press O., Das A., Scomparin A., Satchi-Fainaro R., Sagi I. & Shabat D.
Chemistry-A European Journal
Sample Preparation of Extracellular Matrix of Murine Colons for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Shimshoni E. & Sagi I.
, Collagen
Transient p53-Mediated Regenerative Senescence in the Injured Heart
Sarig R., Rimmer R., Bassat E., Zhang L., Umansky K. B., Lendengolts D., Perlmoter G., Yaniv K. & Tzahor E.
Single-cell and single-molecule epigenomics to uncover genome regulation at unprecedented resolution
Shema E., Bernstein B. E. & Buenrostro J. D.
Nature Genetics
Early disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier in a ricin-induced ARDS mouse model: neutrophil-dependent and -independent impairment of junction proteins
Sapoznikov A., Gal Y., Falach R., Sagi I., Ehrlich S., Lerer E., Makovitzki A., Aloshin A., Kronman C. & Sabo T.
American Journal Of Physiology-Lung Cellular And Molecular Physiology
Molecular pathways of senescence regulate placental structure and function
Gal H., Lysenko M., Stroganov S., Vadai E., Youssef S. A., Tzadikevitch-Geffen K., Rotkopf R., Biron-Shental T., de Bruin A., Neeman M. & Krizhanovsky V.
EMBO Journal
Ketone Body Signaling Mediates Intestinal Stem Cell Homeostasis and Adaptation to Diet
Cheng C., Biton M., Haber A. L., Gunduz N., Eng G., Gaynor L. T., Tripathi S., Calibasi-Koca G., Rickelt S., Butty V. L., Moreno-Serrano M., Iqbal A. M., Bauer-Rowe K. E., Imada S., Ulutas M. S., Mylonas C., Whary M. T., Levine S. S., Basbinar Y., Hynes R. O., Mino-Kenudson M., Deshpande V., Boyer L. A., Fox J. G., Terranova C., Rai K., Piwnica-Worms H., Mihaylova M. M., Regev A. & Yilmaz O. H.
The Human-Specific and Smooth Muscle Cell-Enriched LncRNA SMILR Promotes Proliferation by Regulating Mitotic CENPF mRNA and Drives Cell-Cycle Progression Which Can Be Targeted to Limit Vascular Remodeling
Mahmoud A. D., Ballantyne M. D., Miscianinov V., Pinel K., Hung J., Scanlon J. P., Iyinikkel J., Kaczynski J., Tavares A. S., Bradshaw A. C., Mills N. L., Newby D. E., Caporali A., Gould G. W., George S. J., Ulitsky I., Sluimer J. C., Rodor J. & Baker A. H.
Circulation Research
In-cell identification and measurement of RNA-protein interactions
Graindorge A., Pinheiro I., Nawrocka A., Mallory A. C., Tsvetkov P., Gil N., Carolis C., Buchholz F., Ulitsky I., Heard E., Taipale M. & Shkumatava A.
Nature Communications
Intra- and Inter-cellular Rewiring of the Human Colon during Ulcerative Colitis
Smillie C. S., Biton M., Ordovas-Montanes J., Sullivan K. M., Burgin G., Graham D. B., Herbst R. H., Rogel N., Slyper M., Waldman J., Sud M., Andrews E., Velonias G., Haber A. L., Jagadeesh K., Vickovic S., Yao J., Stevens C., Dionne D., Nguyen L. T., Villani A., Hofree M., Creasey E. A., Huang H., Rozenblatt-Rosen O., Garber J. J., Khalili H., Desch A. N., Daly M. J., Ananthakrishnan A. N., Shalek A. K., Xavier R. J. & Regev A.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Distinct Roles for Tissue Transglutaminase and Factor XIII in Maternal Angiogenesis during Early Mouse Pregnancy
Cohen G., Hadas R., Stefania R., Pagoto A., Ben-Dor S., Kohen F., Longo D., Elbaz M., Dekel N., Gershon E., Aime S. & Neeman M.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
Obesity and dysregulated central and peripheral macrophage-neuron cross-talk
Boura-Halfon S., Pecht T., Jung S. & Rudich A.
European Journal of Immunology
Long noncoding RNAs in development and regeneration of the neural lineage
Hezroni H., Perry R. B. T. & Ulitsky I.
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Next-generation CD8 memory veto T cells directed against memory antigens
Or-Geva N., Gidron-Budovsky R., Sidlik-Muskatel R., Singh A. K. & Reisner Y.
Rbpj expression in regulatory T cells is critical for restraining T(H)2 responses
Delacher M., Schmidl C., Herzig Y., Breloer M., Hartmann W., Brunk F., Kaegebein D., Traeger U., Hofer A., Bittner S., Weichenhan D., Imbusch C. D., Hotz-Wagenblatt A., Hielscher T., Breiling A., Federico G., Groene H., Schmid R. M., Rehli M., Abramson J. & Feuerer M.
Nature Communications
The ADAM17 Protease Promotes Tobacco Smoke Carcinogen-induced Lung Tumourigenesis
Saad M. I., McLeod L., Yu L., Ebi H., Ruwanpura S., Sagi I., Rose-John S. & Jenkins B. J.
Glatiramer Acetate: from Bench to Bed and Back
Arnon R. & Aharoni R.
Israel Medical Association Journal
Cross-Talk between Receptor Tyrosine Kinases AXL and ERBB3 Regulates Invadopodia Formation in Melanoma Cells
Revach O., Sandler O., Samuels Y. & Geiger B.
Cancer Research
Hybridization-based capture of pathogen mRNA enables paired host-pathogen transcriptional analysis
Betin V., Penaranda C., Bandyopadhyay N., Yang R., Abitua A., Bhattacharyya R. P., Fan A., Avraham R., Livny J., Shoresh N. & Hung D. T.
Scientific Reports
Electroporated recombinant proteins as tools for in vivo functional complementation, imaging and chemical biology
Alex A., Piano V., Polley S., Stuiver M., Voss S., Ciossani G., Overlack K., Voss B., Wohlgemuth S., Petrovic A., Wu Y., Selenko P., Musacchio A. & Maffini S.
Daily light and darkness onset and circadian rhythms metabolically synchronize hematopoietic stem cell differentiation and maintenance: The role of bone marrow norepinephrine, tumor necrosis factor, and melatonin cycles
Golan K., Kollet O., Markus R. P. & Lapidot T.
Experimental Hematology
The circRNA-microRNA code: emerging implications for cancer diagnosis and treatment
Verduci L., Strano S., Yarden Y. & Blandino G.
Molecular Oncology
Optimizing T-cell receptor avidity with somatic hypermutation
Bassan D., Gozlan Y. M., Sharbi-Yunger A., Tzehoval E. & Eisenbach L.
International Journal of Cancer
Cancer immunotherapy: The dawn of antibody cocktails
Marrocco I., Romaniello D. & Yarden Y.
, Human Monoclonal Antibodies
, Methods and Protocols
Predicting bacterial infection outcomes using single cell RNA-sequencing analysis of human immune cells
Ben-Moshe N. B., Hen-Avivi S., Levitin N., Yehezkel D., Oosting M., Joosten L. A. B., Netea M. G. & Avraham R.
Nature Communications
Immunization with mannosylated nanovaccines and inhibition of the immune-suppressing microenvironment sensitizes melanoma to immune checkpoint modulators
Conniot J., Scomparin A., Peres C., Yeini E., Pozzi S., Matos A., Kleiner R., Moura L. I. F., Zupancic E., Viana A. S., Doron H., Gois P. M. P., Erez N., Jung S., Satchi-Fainaro R. & Florindo H. F.
Nature Nanotechnology
DC Respond to Cognate T Cell Interaction in the Antigen-Challenged Lymph Node
Curato C., Bernshtein B., Zupancic E., Dufner A., Jaitin D., Giladi A., David E., Chappell-Maor L., Leshkowitz D., Knobeloch K., Amit I., Florindo H. F. & Jung S.
Frontiers in Immunology
Tuft cells: From the mucosa to the thymus
Nevo S., Kadouri N. & Abramson J.
Immunology Letters
ADAM17 selectively activates the IL-6 trans-signaling/ERK MAPK axis in KRAS-addicted lung cancer
Saad M. I., Alhayyani S., McLeod L., Yu L., Alanazi M., Deswaerte V., Tang K., Jarde T., Smith J. A., Prodanovic Z., Tate M. D., Balic J. J., Watkins D. N., Cain J. E., Bozinovski S., Algar E., Kohmoto T., Ebi H., Ferlin W., Garbers C., Ruwanpura S., Sagi I., Rose-John S. & Jenkins B. J.
EMBO Molecular Medicine
Cross-Species Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Divergence of the Primate Microglia Program
Geirsdottir L., David E., Keren-Shaul H., Weiner A., Bohlen S. C., Neuber J., Balic A., Giladi A., Sheban F., Dutertre C., Pfeifle C., Peri F., Raffo-Romero A., Vizioli J., Matiasek K., Scheiwe C., Meckel S., Maetz-Rensing K., van der Meer F., Thormodsson F. R., Stadelmann C., Zilkha N., Kimchi T., Ginhoux F., Ulitsky I., Erny D., Amit I. & Prinz M.
Intercellular pathways from the vasculature to the forming bone in the zebrafish larval caudal fin: Possible role in bone formation
Akiva A., Nelkenbaum O., Schertel A., Yaniv K., Weiner S. & Addadi L.
Journal of Structural Biology
Nuclear ERK translocation is mediated by protein kinase CK2 and accelerated by autophosphorylation
Plotnikov A., Chuderland D., Karamansha Y., Livnah O. & Seger R.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
Microglial SIRP alpha regulates the emergence of CD11c(+) microglia and demyelination damage in white matter
Sato-Hashimoto M., Nozu T., Toriba R., Horikoshi A., Akaike M., Kawamoto K., Hirose A., Hayashi Y., Nagai H., Shimizu W., Saiki A., Ishikawa T., Elhanbly R., Kotani T., Murata Y., Saito Y., Naruse M., Shibasaki K., Oldenborg P., Jung S., Matozaki T., Fukazawa Y. & Ohnishi H.
The Immune System Computes the State of the Body: Crowd Wisdom, Machine Learning, and Immune Cell Reference Repertoires Help Manage Inflammation
Cohen I. R. & Efroni S.
Frontiers in Immunology
Regulation of CHD2 expression by the Chaserr long noncoding RNA gene is essential for viability
Rom A., Melamed L., Gil N., Goldrich M. J., Kadir R., Golan M., Biton I., Perry R. B. & Ulitsky I.
Nature Communications
Alternative 3 UTRs direct localization of functionally diverse protein isoforms in neuronal compartments
Mattioli C. C., Rom A., Franke V., Imami K., Arrey G., Terne M., Woehler A., Akalin A., Ulitsky I. & Chekulaeva M.
Nucleic Acids Research
Microglia Biology: One Century of Evolving Concepts
Prinz M., Jung S. & Priller J.
Nuclear ERK: Mechanism of Translocation, Substrates, and Role in Cancer
Maik-Rachline G., Hacohen A. & Seger R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
IL-23-producing IL-10Rα-deficient gut macrophages elicit an IL-22-driven proinflammatory epithelial cell response
Bernshtein B., Curato C., Ioannou M., Thaiss C. A., Gross-Vered M., Kolesnikov M., Wang Q., David E., Chappell-Maor L., Harmelin A., Elinav E., Thakker P., Papayannopoulos V. & Jung S.
Science immunology
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) therapy lowers the incidence of Alzheimer's disease in bladder cancer patients
Gofrit O. N., Klein B. Y., Cohen I. R., Ben-Hur T., Greenblatt C. L. & Bercovier H.
UVB-Induced Tumor Heterogeneity Diminishes Immune Response in Melanoma
Wolf Y., Bartok O., Patkar S., Eli G. B., Cohen S., Litchfield K., Levy R., Jiménez-Sánchez A., Trabish S., Lee J. S., Karathia H., Barnea E., Day C., Cinnamon E., Stein I., Solomon A., Bitton L., Pérez-Guijarro E., Dubovik T., Shen-Orr S. S., Miller M. L., Merlino G., Levin Y., Pikarsky E., Eisenbach L., Admon A., Swanton C., Ruppin E. & Samuels Y.
A conversation with Igor Ulitsky
Ulitsky I.
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Cognitive impairment in an animal model of multiple sclerosis and its amelioration by glatiramer acetate
Aharoni R., Schottlender N., Bar-Lev D. D., Eilam R., Sela M., Tsoory M. & Arnon R.
Scientific Reports
Avraham Ben-Nun-Pioneer, fighter, friend: Obituary
Cohen I. R. & Wekerle H.
European Journal of Immunology
Exosomes as a storehouse of tissue remodeling proteases and mediators of cancer progression
Das A., Mohan V., Krishnaswamy V. R., Solomonov I. & Sagi I.
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
A Solid-State Protein Junction Serves as a Bias-Induced Current Switch
Fereiro J. A., Kayser B., Romero-Muniz C., Vilan A., Dolgikh D. A., Chertkova R., Cuevas J. C., Zotti L. A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
MMP9 modulates the metastatic cascade and immune landscape for breast cancer anti-metastatic therapy
Owyong M., Chou J., van den Bijgaart R. J., Kong N., Efe G., Maynard C., Talmi-Frank D., Solomonov I., Koopman C., Hadler-Olsen E., Headley M., Lin C., Wang C., Sagi I., Werb Z. & Plaks V.
Life Science Alliance
Endothelial function and dysfunction in the cardiovascular system: the long non-coding road
Monteiro J. P., Bennett M., Rodor J., Caudrillier A., Ulitsky I. & Baker A. H.
Cardiovascular Research
Toward safer haploidnetical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Sidlik-Muskatel R. & Reisner Y.
Bone Marrow Transplantation
ETS Proteins Bind with Glucocorticoid Receptors: Relevance for Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma
Srivastava S., Nataraj N. B., Sekar A., Ghosh S., Bornstein C., Drago-Garcia D., Roth L., Romaniello D., Marrocco I., David E., Gilad Y., Lauriola M., Rotkopf R., Kimchi A., Haga Y., Tsutsumi Y., Mirabeau O., Surdez D., Zinovyev A., Delattre O., Kovar H., Amit I. & Yarden Y.
Cell Reports
High cGMP and low PDE3A activity are associated with oocyte meiotic incompetence
Gershon E., Maimon I., Galiani D., Elbaz M., Karasenti S. & Dekel N.
Cell Cycle
Immunological tolerance-t cells
Goldfarb Y., Peligero-Cruz C. & Abramson J.
, The Autoimmune Diseases
Dynamic Aspects of the Immunoglobulin Structure
Nezlin R.
Immunological Investigations
Demystifying the extracellular matrix and its proteolytic remodeling in the brain: structural and functional insights
Krishnaswamy V. R., Benbenishty A., Blinder P. & Sagi I.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Distinct Tissue-Specific Roles for the Disease-Associated Autophagy Genes ATG16L2 and ATG16L1
Khor B., Conway K. L., Omar A. S., Biton M., Haber A. L., Rogel N., Baxt L. A., Begun J., Kuballa P., Gagnon J. D., Lassen K. G., Regev A. & Xavier R. J.
Journal of Immunology
Beta-like importins mediate the nuclear translocation of MAPKs
Zehorai E. & Seger R.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging
Aime S., Alberich A., Almen A., Arthurs O., Barthel H., Clément O., Crean M., de Souza N., Demuth F., Dewey M., Dousset V., Frangi A., Garos C., Golay X., Gordebeke P., Günther M., Hahn H., Hierath M., Hoeschen C. & Neeman M.
Insights into Imaging
Differential Modulation of Platelet Adhesion and Spreading by Adhesive Ligand Density
Zarka R., Horev M. B., Volberg T., Neubauer S., Kessler H., Spatz J. P. & Geiger B.
Nano Letters
Veto cells for safer nonmyeloablative haploidentical HSCT and CAR T cell therapy
Reisner Y. & Or-Geva N.
Seminars in Hematology
Orientation of Oligopeptides in Self-Assembled Monolayers Inferred from Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy
Schweitzer-Stenner R., Pecht I. & Guo C.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Mitochondrial plasticity in cell fate regulation
Bahat A. & Gross A.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
The EXPANDER Integrated Platform for Transcriptome Analysis
Hait T. A., Maron-Katz A., Sagir D., Amar D., Ulitsky I., Linhart C., Tanay A., Sharan R., Shiloh Y., Elkon R. & Shamir R.
Journal of Molecular Biology
Can immunization with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) protect against Alzheimer's disease?
Gofrit O. N., Bercovier H., Klein B. Y., Cohen I. R., Ben-Hur T. & Greenblatt C. L.
Medical Hypotheses
Acid-Induced Downregulation of ASS1 Contributes to the Maintenance of Intracellular pH in Cancer
Silberman A., Goldman O., Assayag O. B., Jacob A., Rabinovich S., Adler L., Lee J. S., Keshet R., Sarver A., Frug J., Stettner N., Galai S., Persi E., Halpern K. B., Zaltsman-Amir Y., Pode-Shakked B., Eilam R., Anikster Y., Nagamani S. C. S., Ulitsky I., Ruppin E. & Erez A.
Cancer Research
Stable contacts of naive CD4 T cells with migratory dendritic cells are ICAM-1-dependent but dispensable for proliferation in vivo
Kozlovski S., Atrakchi O., Feigelson S. W., Shulman Z. & Alon R.
Cell Adhesion & Migration