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Professor Michael Sela The W. Garfield Weston Professor of Immunology |
List of Publications (last 3 years):
Scientific Articles
- The oncogenic ErbB-2/ErbB-3 heterodimer is a surrogate receptor of the epidermal growth factor and betacellulin. R. Pinkas-Kramarski, A.E.G. Lenferink, S.S. Bacus, L. Lyass, M.L.M. van de Poll, L.N. Klapper, E. Tzahar, M. Sela, E. J.J. van Zoelen and Y. Yarden, Oncogene 16, 1249 (1998).
- Single amino acid analogs of a myasthenogenic peptide modulate specific T cell responses and prevent the induction of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. Y. Katz-Levy, M. Dayan, I. Wirguin, M. Fridkin, M. Sela and E. Mozes, J. Neuroimmunology 85, 78 (1998).
- Differential endocytic routing of homo- and hetero- dimeric ErbB tyrosine kinases confers signaling superiority to receptor heterodimers. A. E.G. Lenferink, R. Pinkas-Kramarski, M. L.M. van de Poll, M.J.H. van Vugt, L. N. Klapper, E. Tzahar, H. Waterman, M. Sela, E. J.J. van Zoelen and Y. Yarden, EMBO Journal 17, 3385 (1998).
- Bystander suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by T-cell lines and clones of the Th2 type induced by copolymer 1. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon, J. Neuroimmunology 91, 135 (1998).
- Altered peptide ligands act as partial agonists by inhibiting phospholipase C activity but not tyrosine phosphorylation induced by myasthenogenic T cell epitopes. A. Faber-Elmann, M. Paas-Rozner, M. Sela and E. Mozes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 95, 14320 (1998).
- Copolymer 1 acts against the immunodominant epitope 82-100 of myelin basic protein by T cell receptor antagonism in addition to the MHC blocking R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 96, 634 (1999).
- Binding motifs of copolymer 1 to multiple sclerosis - and rheumatoid arthritis- associated HLA-DR molecules.
M. Fridkis-Hareli, J.M. Neveu, R.A. Robinson, W.S. Lane, L. Gauthier, K.W. Wucherpfennig, M. Sela and J. L. Strominger, J.Immunol. 162, 4697 (1999).- Binding of random copolymers of three amino acids to class II MHC molecules. M. Fridkis-Hareli, R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon, M. Sela and J.L. Strominger, International Immunology, 11, 635 (1999).
- Immunomodulation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by oral admini- stration of copolymer 1. D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, U.S. 96, 3842 (1999).
- The ErbB-2/HER 2 oncoprotein of human carcinomas may function solely as a shared co-receptor for multiple stroma-derived growth factors. L.N. Klapper, S. Glathe, N.E. Hynes, G.C. Andrews, M. Sela and M. Yarden, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 96, 4995 (1999).
- Immunomodulation of myasthenia gravis associated autoimmune responses by an altered peptide-ligand: mechanisms of action. M. Paas-Rozner, A. Faber-Elmann, M. Sela and E. Mozes, Satellite Meet. on Myasthenia Gravis, November 1998, Mysore, India, "MG Workshop Proceedings," P. Christadoss, ed., Narosa Publ. House, 2000, p. 182.
- An altered peptide ligand inhibits the activities of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and phospholipase C, and inhibits T cell interactions with VCAM-1, induced in vivo by a myasthenogenic T cell epitope. A. Faber-Elmann, V. Grabovsky, M. Dayan, M. Sela, R. Alon and E. Mozes, FASEB J. 15, 187 (2001).
- Inhibition of tumor growth by polyethylene glycol derivatives of anti-ErbB2 antibodies. E. Hurwitz, L.N. Klapper, M. Wilchek, Y. Yarden and M. Sela, Cancer Immunol. Immunotherapy 49, 226 (2000).
- c-Cbl is a suppressor of the Neu oncogene. G. Levkowitz, S. Oved, L.N. Klapper, S. Lair, M. Sela and Y. Yarden, J. Biol. Chem. 275, 35532 (2000).
- Cytokine profile and T cell adhesiveness to endothelial selections: In vivo induction by a myasthenogenic T cell epitope and immunomodulation by a dual altered peptide ligand. A. Faber-Elmann, V. Grabovsky, M. Dayan, M. Sela, R. Alon and E. Mozes, Intl. Immunol.
- Oral administration of a dual analog of two myasthenogenic T cell epitopes down regulates experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice. M. Paas-Rozner, M. Dayan, Y. Paas, J.-P. Changeux, I. Wirguin, M. Sela and E. Mozes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 97, 2168 (2000).
- Humoral and cellular immune responses to Copolymer 1 in multiple sclerosis patients treated with Copaxone. T. Brenner, R. Arnon, M. Sela, O . Abramsky, Z. Meiner, R. Riven-Kreitman, N. Tarcik and D. Teitelbaum. J. Neuroimmunology 115, 152 (2001).
- T-Cell immunity to Copolymer-1 confers neuroprotection on the damaged optic nerve: possible therapy for optic neuropathies. J. Kipnis, E. Yoles, Z. Porat, F. Mor, M. Sela, I.R. Cohen and M. Schwartz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 97, 7446 (2000).
- Tumor-inhibitory antibodies to HER2/ErbB-2 may act by recruiting c-Cbl and enhancing ubiquitination of HER2. L.N. Klapper, H. Waterman, M. Sela and Y. Yarden, Cancer Research 60, 3384 (2000).
- An altered peptide ligand immunomodulates specific myasthenogenic T cell responses via immunosuppressive cytokines. M. Paas-Rozner, M. Sela and . Mozes, J. Neuroimmunology.
- Specific Th2 cells accumulate in the central nervous system of mice protected against EAE by copolymer 1. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, O. Leitner, A. Meshorer, M. Sela and R. Arnon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 97, 11472 (2000).
- Specific inhibition of the reaction between a tumor-inhibitory antibody and the ErbB-2 receptor by a mimotope derived from a phage display library. N. Vaisman, A. Nissim, L.N. Klapper, B. Tirosh, Y. Yarden and M. Sela, Immunology Letters 75, 61 (2000).
- Copolymer 1 inhibits manifestations of graft rejection. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Transplantation.
Review Articles, Books, Lectures
- Probing into the realm of proteins and immunity. M. Sela, Protein Science, 7, 1653 (1998).
- Cop 1 from the laboratory to FDA. D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon, Israel J. Med. Sci. 33, 280 (1997).
- The concept of specific immune treatment against autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, Intern. Rev. Immunol. 18, 201 (1999).
- Development of copolymer 1 (Copaxone) as a specific drug against multiple sclerosis. D. Teitelbaum, R. Aharoni, M. Fridkis-Hareli, R. Arnon and M. Sela, in "The Decade of Autoimmunity," Y. Shoenfeld, ed. p. 191 (1999), Elsevier Science, publ.
- The involvement of myasthenogenic T cell epitopes and their analogs in the clinical manifestations and treatment of myasthenia gravis. E. Mozes and M. Sela, in "The Decade of Autoimmunity," Y. Shoenfeld, ed., p. 245 (1999), Elsevier Science, publ.
- Poly-a-amino acids - from a better understanding of immune phenomena to a drug a against multiple sclerosis. M. Sela, Acta Polymerica 49, 523 (1998).
- AFIRST, 14 ans de cooperation. M. Sela, Daguesh No. 33, p. 1 (1998).
- In praise of Irun Cohen. M. Sela
- AFIRST, quatorze ans de cooperation. M. Sela, La Jaune et la Rouge, No. 537, p. 49, 1998.
- Structural components responsible for peptide antigenicity. M. Sela, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 83, 63 (2000).
- Empty now.
- Biochemical and clinical implications of the ErbB/HER signaling network of growth factor receptors. L.N. Klapper, M.H. Kirschbaum, M. Sela and Y. Yarden, Adv. Cancer Research (Eds. G.F. Van de Wonde and G. Klein) 77, 25 (2000).
- The concept of specificity in peptide vaccines for infectious, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. M. Sela and R. Arnon, in "Science at the Turn of the Millenium," ed. E. Keinan,
- Specific vaccines against autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, Compt. rend. Acad. Sci., Serie III, 322, 933 (1999).
- Help for the aged and the disabled- the case of multiple sclerosis. The Carta of Human Duties M. Sela, Proc. Intl. Forum, June 20, 1998, San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy, p. 143 (1999).
- Assistenza per gli anziani e i disabili - il caso della sclerosi multiple. M. Sela, La Carta dei Doveri Umani, Proc. Intl. Forum, June 20, 1998. San Vito al Tagliamento, Italia, p. 33 (1999).
- The chemistry of the Copaxone Drug. R. Arnon and M. Sela, Chemicals in Israel, I, 16 (1999).
- The concept of specificity in treating autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, Intl. J. Immunorehabilitation, 2, 12 (2000).
- Cancer immunotherapy directed at growth factor receptors: the ErbB/HER network as a prototype. M. Sela, B. Schechter and Y. Yarden, in "Targeted therapy for cancer", K.N. Syrigos and K.J. Harrington, eds.
- Glatiramer acetate (copolymer 1) in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. M. Sela and D. Teitelbaum, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy.
Abstracts, Book Reviews, Etc.
- Synthetic peptide vaccines in autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, Abstr. Meet. on "Active Immunization for Autoimmune and Infectious Diseases", Annecy, May 1997, p. 47.
- The concept of specific immune treatment against autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, Abstr. 1st Intl. Symp. on Molecular Medicine, October 1998, Hersonissos, Crete, INtl. J. Molecular Medicine 2, Suppl. 1, p. 57, 1998
- Induction of Th2 suppressor T cells by daily subcutaneous injections of copolymer 1 (Copaxone). R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum M. Sela and R. Arnon, Abstr. Fifth Congr. Intl. Soc. Neuroimmunology, Montreal, Canada, August 1998, J. Neuroimmunol. Special Issue, p. 86.
- Immunomodulation of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by oral adminstration of Copolymer 1 (Copaxone). D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Abstr. Fifth Congr. Intl. Soc. Neuroimmunology, Montreal, Canada, August 1998, Neuroimmunol., Special Issue, p. 85.
- Altered peptide ligands act as partial agonists by inhibiting phospholipase C activity but not tyrosine phosphorylation induced by two myasthenogenic T cell epitopes. A. Faber-Elmann, M. Paas-Rozner, M. Sela and E. Mozes, Abstr. IXth Intl. Congr. Neuromuscular Diseases, Adelaide (Australia), Sept. 1998.
- The ErbB-2/HER2 oncogene: understanding its significance by using therapeutic tools. L.N. Klapper, N. Vaisman, E. Hurwitz, R. Pinkas-Kramarski, E. Tzahar, Y. Yarden and M. Sela, Abstr. 2nd Congr. FISEB, Eilat, December 1998. p. 188.
- Immunological changes associated with Copaxone (glatiramer-acetate) therapy in multiple sclerosis. R. Riven-Kreitman, R. Aharoni, D. Teitelabum, T. Brenner, S. Shapiro, N. Lahat, A. Miller, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Meeting on "Use of Imaging and Other Monitoring "Measurements in Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Strategies", Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 1998.
- Immunomodulation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by oral administration of copolymer 1. D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Abstr. 2nd Congr. FISEB, Eilat, December 1998,p. 110.
- Copolymer 1 acts against the immunodominant epitope 82-100 of myelin basic protein by T cell receptor antagonism in addition to MHC blocking. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, R. Arnon and M. Sela, Abstr. 2nd Cong. FISEB, Eilat, December 1998, p. 215.
- From synthetic antigens to specific vaccines against autoimmune diseases. M. Sela, J. Autoimmunity, Supplement, Abstr. 2nd Intl. Congress on Autoimmunity, March 1999, p. 6.
- The crucial role of amino acids and their polymers in our understanding of immunological phenomena, and the different roles that D-amino acids are playing. M. Sela, 6th Intl. Congr. Amino Acids, Bonn, August 1999, Amino Acids, 17, 128 (1999)
- Specific TH2 cells are present in the central nervous system of mice protected against EAE by Copolymer 1. R. Aharoni, D.Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon. Cong. Europ. Neurol. Soc. Jerusalem, June 2000, J. Neurology, p III/58.
- Isolation and characterization of copolymer 1 specific TH2 cells from CNS of mice protected against EAE. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela an d R. Arnon, Immunology, 2000, Seattle.
- A dual analog of two myasthenogenic peptides ameliorates clinical experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice. M. Paas-Rozner, M. Dayan, I. Wirguin, M. Sela and E. Mozes, Cong. Israel Immunol. Soc.
- Specific TH2 cells are present in the central nervous system of mice protected against EAE by Copolymer 1. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon, Abstr. Eur. Fed. Neurol. Societies, Denmark, November 2000.
- Vaccination with a safe MBP-crossreactive peptide as a possible treatment for CNS injuries. J. Kipnis, E. Yoles, M. Sela, I.R. Cohen and M. Schwartz, Abstr. Congr. Neurosciences, New Orleans, January 2001.
- Legacy of Louis Pasteur for Immunology in the 21st Century. Symposium on "New Challenges for Research in Biology. "Pasteurian Missions for the 21st Century", Arc-et-Senans 12-14 Sept. 2000, p. 7.
- Copolymer 1 specific T-cells from the CNS and the periphery of mice protected against EAE exhibit Th2 profile when activated by CNS antigen presenting cells. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon, World Cong. Neurology, London, June 2001.
- A dual altered peptide ligand (APL) down regulates myasthenogenic autoimmune associated responses via immunomodulation of cytokines. N. Rozner-Paas, M. Dayan, M. Sela and E. Mozes, Abstr. 30th Cong. Israel Assoc. Immunol., p. 44 (2001).
- Copolymer 1 specific T-cells from the CNS and the periphery exhibit Th2 profile when activated by CNS antigen presenting cells. R. Aharoni, D. Teitelbaum, M. Sela and R. Arnon, Congr. Europ. Neurol. Soc. Paris, April 2001, J. Neurology, P304, II, 87.
- Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Through Ingestion or Inhalation of Copolymer 1.
R. Arnon, M. Sela, D. Teitelbaum, A. Gilbert, M. Linenberg, R. Riven-Kreitmann.
U.S. Patent No. 6, 214, 791 (2001).