Dr. David Gokhman | Molecular Genetics Field Genetics, evolution, computational biology Research Focus Human evolution and disease Dr. David Gokhman Molecular Genetics
Prof. Ziv Reich | Biomolecular Sciences Field Evolution, Microbial Communities, Biophysics, Population Diversity and Dynamics, Drought resistance in plants, the plant microbiome Research Focus Our studies proceed along three major lines: (1) Microbial population dynamics under stress, (2) Understanding drought resistance and engineering drought-resistant nutritious plants (3) The plant microbiome and its dynamics Prof. Ziv Reich Biomolecular Sciences
Dr. Ofer Shoshani | Biomolecular Sciences Field Cancer genome evolution Research Focus Chromosome Catastrophes in Cancer Dr. Ofer Shoshani Biomolecular Sciences
Prof. Naama Barkai | Molecular Genetics Field Systems Biology Research Focus Biological circuits: design, function and evolution • Regulatory genome: transcription, replication and the chromatin as a communication platform • Developmental patterning: morphogen gradients, scaling, robustness Prof. Naama Barkai Molecular Genetics