Prof. Avraham Yaron | Biomolecular Sciences Field Molecular neuroscience Research Focus Neural circuit development and plasticity. Prof. Avraham Yaron Biomolecular Sciences
Prof. Ziv Reich | Biomolecular Sciences Field Evolution, Microbial Communities, Biophysics, Population Diversity and Dynamics, Drought resistance in plants, the plant microbiome Research Focus Our studies proceed along three major lines: (1) Microbial population dynamics under stress, (2) Understanding drought resistance and engineering drought-resistant nutritious plants (3) The plant microbiome and its dynamics Prof. Ziv Reich Biomolecular Sciences
Prof. Ronen Alon | Immunology and Regenerative Biology Field Immunology and vascular biology Research Focus Mechanisms of leukocyte migration across distinct blood vessels during infections using genetically manipulated immune competent mice and state of the art imaging approaches. Imaging cancer cell crossing of blood vessels during metastatic processes. Prof. Ronen Alon Immunology and Regenerative Biology
Prof. Gil Levkowitz | Molecular Cell Biology Field Development and function of the hypothalamus Research Focus We study morphogenesis, cell biology and function of hypothalamic neurons, which regulate appetite, stress and social behavior Prof. Gil Levkowitz Molecular Cell Biology
Prof. Oren Schuldiner | Molecular Cell Biology Field Developmental Neuroscience Research Focus Mechanisms of axon growth, destruction and refinement during developmental neuronal remodeling Prof. Oren Schuldiner Molecular Cell Biology
Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Neurobiology Research Focus The synaptic basis for sexual dimorphism in the nervous system Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa Brain Sciences
Dr. Moshe Biton | Immunology and Regenerative Biology Field Gut Tissue Dynamics Research Focus Understanding epithelial, stem and immune cell interactions in the gut Dr. Moshe Biton Immunology and Regenerative Biology
Prof. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna | Molecular Genetics Field Pluripotent stem cell biology, Regeneration, Ex Utero artificial & synthetic embryogenesis Research Focus We study the molecular foundations and applied potential of mammalian pluripotent stem cells in early organ development, germ cell formation and whole synthetic embryo generation ex utero Prof. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna Molecular Genetics
Prof. Jeffrey Gerst | Molecular Genetics Field Intracellular and Intercellular RNA trafficking Research Focus Intracellular and intercellular trafficking of mRNA and its role in protein localization and cell physiology Prof. Jeffrey Gerst Molecular Genetics
Prof. Yardena Samuels | Molecular Cell Biology Field Cancer immunׯ-genomics Research Focus An integrative approach for the exploration of melanoma genetic and immunological interactions Prof. Yardena Samuels Molecular Cell Biology