Dr. Ivo Spiegel | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Systems Neuroscience Research Focus Genomic & state-dependent regulation of neural circuit plasticity Dr. Ivo Spiegel Brain Sciences
Prof. Elior Peles | Molecular Cell Biology Field Cellular and molecular neurobiology - Myelin and glial cell biology Research Focus Combine molecular biology, biochemical and advanced microscopy techniques to study myelinating glial cells Prof. Elior Peles Molecular Cell Biology
Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki | Biomolecular Sciences Field Infectious Disease, Microbiology, Malaria, Parasite, Immunology, Cell-cell communication, Signaling, Host-Pathogen interaction Research Focus Studying cell-cell communication mechanisms of malaria parasites within a population and with their hosts Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki Biomolecular Sciences